Love is Blind UK S01 E11 (2024)

  • 2 days ago


00:00:00Demi, do you take Ollie to be your husband, to love him, comfort him, honour and protect
00:00:15him and forsaking all others, be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?
00:00:30I love you. But I do not...
00:00:52Because I've learned to love myself in a whole different light during this journey
00:01:10and actually that's testament to you, Ollie. And I know you do love me and I know you care
00:01:15about me and I know you appreciate me but I know what I want from a husband and I don't
00:01:21think we're quite there, obviously. But it's not, I do not, I'm going to walk away from
00:01:27you forever, so I do not, for now. Because honestly, the time we've spent, I feel like
00:01:33you've seen me. And I love you for that. I love you.
00:01:51I'm sorry. I said no to marrying Ollie today and it did
00:02:12break my heart.
00:02:22Okay cool, perfect. Yeah, it's a weird one. I don't think anyone can really look down
00:02:37on somebody for not being 100% certain they want to marry someone they've only known for
00:02:39a matter of weeks. But look at what you have, look at the amazing relationship you have,
00:02:43look at the amazing chemistry you have, look at the banter you have, look at the physical
00:02:46attraction you have for one another. Why would you not want to get married at this stage?
00:02:50I hope I can speak for both of us when I say we're both so grateful for all of you being
00:02:54here. We are still celebrating our love and our friendship, so we're so glad to have all
00:02:57of you here with us. The journey hasn't changed, just a slight diversion.
00:03:03It's not the outcome that would have been traditionally the desired outcome, of course.
00:03:08But everything that we've had up until now has been nothing short of incredible and,
00:03:13you know, it's not a race. We'll get there at our own pace.
00:03:16Are you sure? Yeah, I'm good.
00:03:19Yeah? You alright?
00:03:20Yeah, I'm good. Yeah, I got you, yeah?
00:03:25Yeah, I got you too.
00:03:27Ollie knows I love him and I feel like he'll understand my reasoning because that's the
00:03:30man he is. He's very understanding, he's an empath and, you know, it's not the end of
00:03:35our journey. I do love him.
00:03:37How are you feeling, honestly, bro?
00:03:40Honestly? Yeah.
00:03:45Sad but happy? Yeah.
00:03:47Yeah, I could tell on your face.
00:03:49What I wouldn't have wanted, right, is for us to get married. Yeah.
00:03:52And if for whatever reason it doesn't work out and then we have a horrible divorce and
00:03:57then we can't remain friends or we can't repair it, where this chapter's closed but the story's
00:04:02not over, that's the only way I can summarise it.
00:04:04It's been a tough day and it is sad and I'm emotional and it has been one hell of a journey
00:04:08but I found true love with someone so I'm happy and in doing that I've learned a lot
00:04:12about myself and become a better person and I owe so much of that to Demi, I couldn't
00:04:16have done that without her so I can't be anything but happy, thankful, grateful and excited
00:04:20for what's next to come. This is not the end of Demi and Ollie, not by a long shot.
00:04:25It's a surreal moment because there is sadness but there's so much positive to take from
00:04:32today as well. I'm just looking at this whole experiment in such a positive light and I'm
00:04:38just grateful.
00:04:43That's it, that's all I can say.
00:04:54Today's my wedding day, the biggest day of my life.
00:05:17I'm certain on our connection, I'm certain on our love but marriage is the biggest commitment
00:05:25you can make to somebody. Jasmine is so kind but at the same time she's not afraid to stand
00:05:32by her values, she's not afraid to put me in her place if she needs to. For me, she's
00:05:36the perfect girl in the world.
00:05:39The nerves are definitely creeping in. This is the biggest day of my life. I didn't think
00:05:47I'd be fortunate enough to be in this position. The reason why I love Bobby is he's got that
00:05:53quiet confidence about him. He does have a sensitive side, he's got a vulnerable side
00:05:57but he's not scared to show that.
00:06:00I ideally would want to raise children in a household where our foundation is on 100.
00:06:07Yeah, for sure.
00:06:08Because at the end of the day, they're going to learn our dynamics.
00:06:11Mine and yours you mean?
00:06:15I've been really looking to find that person that I want to spend the rest of my life with.
00:06:18Wow, you are spot on.
00:06:20So I'm just over the moon that I met Jasmine.
00:06:23This moment right now is by far the best moment of my life. I can definitely see myself being
00:06:30with you forever.
00:06:31Bobby really reassures me, he makes me feel safe. My relationships in the past have always
00:06:35felt anxious.
00:06:36Sounds like you've been with some of the wrong ones. You're not in that position anymore.
00:06:41This is one of the only relationships that I've been in where I feel like he does truly
00:06:46love me. Yeah, and he's, you know, just backing me 100%.
00:06:52I know exactly how I feel. I am so ready to get married. And I guess at this point, I'm
00:06:56just hoping that Jasmine feels the same way.
00:06:59Right, bro, how's it going?
00:07:01Right, man?
00:07:02Yeah, man.
00:07:03I'm good, man. How are you?
00:07:04Good to see you.
00:07:05Looking good, man.
00:07:07All good.
00:07:08Good to see you, boys. Welcome to my home for the day.
00:07:11Nice place.
00:07:12The place is, it's all going to happen.
00:07:14You boys are looking a little bit more nervous than me.
00:07:19It's a massive day for all of us. And our loved ones in the past that have passed away,
00:07:25I'm sure they'll be as happy as we are.
00:07:27You know, Danny and Kim, obviously, they will be here in spirit.
00:07:31You know, so I've got my beads in memory.
00:07:33It's a love...
00:07:34I'm glad you got yours. I know you got yours.
00:07:36And even though they can't be here in person, I know they're going to be here in spirit.
00:07:40I wouldn't have it any other way.
00:07:42I am quite sentimental.
00:07:44My cousin Danny and Kim, two people that played a very important role in my life,
00:07:48especially Danny growing up. He's been like a brother to me since I was a kid.
00:07:51Taught me so much.
00:07:53The fact that he can't be here is heartbreaking for everybody here.
00:07:57Danny always used to say, everything happens for a reason, you know?
00:08:01Yeah, man.
00:08:02I do believe everything happens for a reason. I do believe I'm being guided now.
00:08:12Hi, Kim.
00:08:13Look at you.
00:08:14You girls look amazing.
00:08:16Are you excited?
00:08:18I am.
00:08:19How are you?
00:08:20I'm doing good.
00:08:21How are you girls?
00:08:23Thanks for coming.
00:08:24Ready for the big day, Jess?
00:08:26No, I felt calm, and now you guys have come in here, I feel a bit...
00:08:29It's getting real.
00:08:31It's getting very real.
00:08:33Have you got the, like, pre-wedding jitters?
00:08:36Because I know you were quite stressed yesterday.
00:08:38The conversation with my mum definitely threw a spanner in the works.
00:08:41She has, you know, kind of planted her seeds of doubt.
00:08:44Having a conversation with my mum yesterday really hurt me.
00:08:47I'm feeling very overwhelmed.
00:08:49I've been crying, like, non-stop.
00:08:51I thought my mum was kind of past her scepticism in regards to Bobby.
00:08:57Um, I guess that's not really the case.
00:09:00Of course she's got her concerns.
00:09:03But I had hoped mum would be like,
00:09:05oh, he's amazing for you, you know, you're great together.
00:09:08Um, obviously now I know deep inside, like, she's not feeling that.
00:09:11She thinks I like Bobby more than he likes me.
00:09:15And then she has concerns in regards to his job at the moment.
00:09:19She thinks that he can't provide for his family.
00:09:22And she's my mum.
00:09:24So, of course, I'm going to take what she says into consideration.
00:09:27As someone who's done nothing but follow her lead,
00:09:29whatever she's wanted, I've done.
00:09:32I feel overwhelmed.
00:09:34Ultimately, it's my decision.
00:09:35So I just need to, I guess, take control of my emotions
00:09:38and not let that affect me.
00:09:40But, you know, it's easier said than done.
00:09:42She's planted a lot of doubt.
00:09:45DOOR OPENS
00:09:50All right.
00:09:51Wow, look at you.
00:09:52Nice to see you here.
00:09:53You look amazing.
00:09:54All right.
00:09:56Good to see you.
00:09:57How you doing?
00:09:59All right.
00:10:00Oh, now you look stunning.
00:10:01Make yourself at home.
00:10:02Get comfortable.
00:10:03You've got a waistcoat on as well.
00:10:04Oh, I have, yeah.
00:10:05I need to do it up, actually.
00:10:06Wrong button, wrong button.
00:10:08What would I do without you here?
00:10:09How are you feeling?
00:10:10Yeah, OK, yeah.
00:10:11A little bit excited and a little bit nervous.
00:10:14Because I'm allowed, like, walking down the aisle,
00:10:16but the happy nerves, so... Yeah.
00:10:18So far, so good.
00:10:19One thing that I did realise, you know,
00:10:21especially me going through this whole experiment,
00:10:23I thought I understood myself very well,
00:10:25but I realised a lot about myself, especially emotionally.
00:10:28And one thing I am really thankful for is you
00:10:31and just everything you've done for me.
00:10:34I know it hasn't always been easy.
00:10:36You know, we've gone through a lot of stress.
00:10:39Oh, God, yeah.
00:10:40A fair share of difficulties and hardships.
00:10:43But I just really want to thank you from the bottom of my heart,
00:10:46because I feel like the man that I am today,
00:10:48really, I have you and I have Nan to thank for that.
00:10:53Don't make me cry, cos, you know...
00:10:55Don't you make up my mind.
00:10:56..don't know if mascara is waterproof or not.
00:10:58Be happy, that's the main thing.
00:11:00That's all we ever want, is for you to be happy.
00:11:03You've done us proud, all of us.
00:11:05Appreciate that.
00:11:07You know, I love you both from the bottom of my heart.
00:11:09I love you too.
00:11:10And I just appreciate you both.
00:11:12I'm really close to my mum.
00:11:13I have been since I was a little kid.
00:11:15I owe her a lot.
00:11:16She is the most important person in my life.
00:11:18I just feel really fortunate, really blessed,
00:11:20the way that you've welcomed Jasmine into the family, you know.
00:11:24I can't wait for her to be my daughter-in-law.
00:11:26Hopefully now she says yes.
00:11:28I'm sure she will.
00:11:29She'd be mad not to, wouldn't she?
00:11:31Get some Prosecco down you and go smash it.
00:11:48Oh, my God!
00:11:52What do you think?
00:11:53Yes, love it. It's so you.
00:11:55Oh, my God!
00:11:56It's beautiful.
00:11:57It's nice, no?
00:11:59I feel good.
00:12:05It's beautiful!
00:12:06Mother of God!
00:12:09You look great.
00:12:10You do.
00:12:11Of course.
00:12:12You look so good.
00:12:13I don't want you to overdo me.
00:12:17Are you ready?
00:12:20Bless you.
00:12:22Don't cry.
00:12:26It's overwhelming.
00:12:27It's an overwhelming situation.
00:12:30Oh, my God.
00:12:39This is the biggest moment of my life.
00:12:41I can't wait to finally read through my vows
00:12:44and let her know what she means to me.
00:12:46And, of course, I can't wait to make her my wife.
00:12:49Six months ago, even six weeks ago,
00:12:51I could have never imagined that this day would come.
00:12:54The thought of seeing Jasmine walking down the aisle
00:12:57in her dress, ready to make herself my wife,
00:13:00that gives me goosebumps.
00:13:03Falling in love with Bobby
00:13:06Falling in love with Bobby has made me realise
00:13:09I wasn't in love before.
00:13:11Nothing even compares to the amount of love that I have for him.
00:13:16My mum speaking to me and addressing her concerns,
00:13:20they have put doubts in my head, 100%.
00:13:23This is the biggest decision of my life.
00:13:29I'm very certain in terms of what I want and how I feel.
00:13:33So, for me, this is exactly what I want.
00:13:36Jasmine is the woman that I want to spend the rest of my life with.
00:13:39There's nobody or nothing that could get in the way of that.
00:13:49I'm nervous. Of course.
00:14:00Good luck.
00:14:07Happy, happy, happy.
00:14:08Yeah, I'm very happy for you.
00:14:16May God bless you.
00:14:23It is now time to invite Jasmine to come and join us.
00:14:27Please stand.
00:14:33I'm searching now for something,
00:14:36finding my way.
00:14:42Hoping that tomorrow is better than today.
00:14:50Cause all we gotta do is be fearless.
00:14:57All we gotta do is be fearless.
00:15:02She's gorgeous.
00:15:07You look stunning.
00:15:09It's so good to see you.
00:15:10I'm shaking.
00:15:12You'll be good. Don't worry.
00:15:14You've got this.
00:15:18Please be seated.
00:15:19Please be seated.
00:15:23Today is a celebration of love, of commitment, of friendship and of family.
00:15:30Bobby and Jasmine, your wedding day is just one day in time.
00:15:34Yet, the promises you make to each other today will last a lifetime.
00:15:41Bobby and Jasmine would now like to say some words that they have written for each other.
00:15:47People say that love takes work, but loving you is the easiest thing that I've ever done.
00:15:53I fell in love with your soul and I knew that I wanted to make you my wife.
00:15:58Because you're everything I've ever searched for in a woman.
00:16:01You're not afraid to speak your mind and stand by your values,
00:16:04but as fiery and as outspoken as you are, and you can be,
00:16:08you have the kindest, most gentle heart that I've ever come across.
00:16:11And I do believe in fate and I'm certain that destiny has brought the two of us together.
00:16:17I promise to treat you like the queen that you are.
00:16:19I promise to love you, to protect you and to stand in the storm and shelter you from any harm that ever comes your way.
00:16:26You deserve nothing short of extraordinary and I'm committed to spending the rest of my life
00:16:30trying to make you the happiest woman in the world.
00:16:33You understand me, you accept me for who I am and we just have that special kind of love.
00:16:38A kind of love that only comes around once in a lifetime.
00:16:51Jasmine, you're up next.
00:16:57Bobby, I've always wanted to be married but deep down,
00:17:01I almost convinced myself that it might not be for me.
00:17:09I look back at our time in the pods and one feeling I could take from each conversation with you
00:17:14is a feeling of contentment and safety.
00:17:19I always thought I would never be the one to deserve a love like this,
00:17:22but you came into my life and made me believe that there is someone who can love me for who I truly am.
00:17:28Your ability to be vulnerable in the way we communicate with one another,
00:17:32openly, without getting into heated debates,
00:17:36has proved me that love shouldn't be combative.
00:17:40Love is accepting and love should be kind.
00:17:43And that's what I realised with you.
00:17:51Your commitment to self-growth and prioritising us in terms of growing together as a unit
00:17:56has honestly made me fall deeper in love.
00:17:59I thank you for being the most amazing man I have ever met.
00:18:06Bobby and Jasmine, the two of you chose to get engaged and spend the rest of your lives together
00:18:12based on a deep emotional connection.
00:18:16You fell in love with each other based on who you are on the inside
00:18:20and decided to get married sight unseen.
00:18:24Now it's time to decide if love is blind.
00:18:36Bobby, do you promise to keep Jasmine as your wife?
00:18:42Support her through life's tough moments,
00:18:46laugh with her, be proud of her,
00:18:49go on adventures with her, grow old with her
00:18:53and find new reasons to love her every day?
00:18:59I do.
00:19:01I do.
00:19:08And Jasmine,
00:19:12do you promise to keep Bobby as your husband?
00:19:17Support him through life's tough moments,
00:19:20laugh with him,
00:19:23be proud of him,
00:19:25go on adventures with him,
00:19:27grow old with him
00:19:31and find new reasons to love him every day?
00:19:52I do.
00:19:57I do.
00:20:01Please place the rings on each other's ring finger.
00:20:10I'm definitely not giving this up.
00:20:16I am delighted to declare you
00:20:20husband and wife.
00:20:23You may kiss the bride.
00:20:32I love you.
00:20:33I love you, too.
00:20:36Yes, ma'am.
00:20:47Mr. and Mrs. Johnson.
00:20:49I respect my mum.
00:20:51I respect her opinion.
00:20:53As much as I love her,
00:20:54ultimately, it's my decision to make.
00:20:56And I'm really happy.
00:21:00I'm going to take the best care of your daughter.
00:21:02I promise.
00:21:03I love you.
00:21:04I love you, too.
00:21:06There were worries,
00:21:08but they look so happy together.
00:21:12My God.
00:21:13I can't stop crying.
00:21:15This has been a very special night.
00:21:18This has been the best day of our lives by far.
00:21:22To have all of our family, all of our friends here
00:21:24to witness it is incredible.
00:21:26So I appreciate all of you.
00:21:34She finally found the love of her life.
00:21:39And I really wish them
00:21:41a marriage that would last forever.
00:21:49Yeah, wifey for life, is it?
00:21:52I'll be happy for the next 10 years.
00:21:54And if I'm not...
00:21:55What are we going to do after the 10 years?
00:21:56No, because after menopause and stuff like that,
00:21:58you know, it gets a bit tricky.
00:21:59So, yeah.
00:22:00So you need to support me with that.
00:22:02For the next 10 years, we're good.
00:22:03Okay, I can take that.
00:22:19It's my wedding day,
00:22:21and I am feeling like...
00:22:24I'm still confused.
00:22:32I'm in two minds about today.
00:22:34My heart 2,000% says yes.
00:22:37My head keeps saying,
00:22:39there's still so much you haven't worked through together.
00:22:44Oh, wow.
00:22:45This is beautiful.
00:22:48I love the venue.
00:22:49But these are all frills, you know?
00:22:51The reality is, this is marriage, you know?
00:22:53This is marriage, and I know that it's a big decision.
00:23:06Big day today.
00:23:07I'm feeling different waves of emotions.
00:23:10I'm going to be riding those waves, I think,
00:23:12until the moment I see Nick,
00:23:14where it just kind of all settles.
00:23:15That's the effect that she has on me.
00:23:17These are nice.
00:23:19I remember day one in the pods,
00:23:21and Nicole stood out head and shoulders with anybody else.
00:23:25My name's Nicole. What's yours?
00:23:27Nice. My name is Benaiah.
00:23:29Ooh, very interesting name. Are you Hawaiian?
00:23:32No, but I can be.
00:23:35I remember feeling like, okay, this person's special.
00:23:39Let's see where it goes.
00:23:40I'm someone who's quite conscious of, like,
00:23:43mind, body, and spirit.
00:23:45That is something that I think about a hell of a lot.
00:23:48When I first spoke to Ben, energy was like,
00:23:50yeah, this is a good person I'd want to be around.
00:23:53But then I didn't recognize it as this is the one
00:23:57because of what I thought love was meant to feel like.
00:24:00Do you feel like you could see potentially proposing to anyone?
00:24:04Difficult for me to give these assurances.
00:24:06I'm not at that stage.
00:24:07Maybe I just wasn't ready to receive what he was giving,
00:24:10which was that honesty.
00:24:11I think you deserve someone special in your life,
00:24:14and I just hope, I'm hoping I'm that person.
00:24:16Hence, I took a route not in line with what I knew was true.
00:24:21I'm so sorry. Sam, like, actually has, like, my heart.
00:24:27I think what Sam represented was the need for validation.
00:24:32Nicole, will you marry me?
00:24:34Yes. Yes.
00:24:36And Sam gave me that validation.
00:24:38But it wasn't true. It wasn't real.
00:24:40I made a mistake.
00:24:41There's no one else I'd want to spend my life with than Benaiah.
00:24:44I've lost you once. I don't want to lose you again.
00:24:47I need you to stand up.
00:24:48I'm glad I fought for my love of Nicole.
00:24:51If it is true love, it is worth fighting for.
00:24:54Nicole, will you marry me?
00:25:00The way it's all played out has been this rollercoaster
00:25:03and not the route we would have wanted,
00:25:05but it was the right route, and the challenges have made us stronger.
00:25:09And the relationship's blossomed,
00:25:12and it's now at this crescendo
00:25:14where I hope it can finally bloom into that beautiful flower.
00:25:26Oh, this is going to set me off.
00:25:30My mum and sister can't be here today, which is a real shame,
00:25:33but my granddad is very ill in Germany at the minute,
00:25:36and they need to be with him.
00:25:38Seeing that letter kind of blindsided me,
00:25:40got me more emotional than I thought.
00:25:42They've met Nicole, and they gave their blessing,
00:25:44and it's great to have their support.
00:25:46It's little things like that that just makes me realise in my heart,
00:25:49yes, it's the right thing.
00:25:58Baby! Hello!
00:26:01My girl!
00:26:04How are you?
00:26:06I'm good, thank you. You OK?
00:26:08You look so happy, Nicole!
00:26:10Yeah, I do! Thank you, thank you.
00:26:12Is it a yes, then? No, no!
00:26:15No, you know what it's like?
00:26:17My heart wants it to be a yes,
00:26:19but have we been through enough for us to know
00:26:22that we can stand the test of time?
00:26:26After my divorce, it means a lot for me to find love,
00:26:30and I'm glad that I've found it, but I know that there's a risk.
00:26:34We don't know what the future brings,
00:26:36and we may not like that future, you know?
00:26:38He said that in this circumstance, because it's so unique,
00:26:42the risk of the D word is higher.
00:26:45And when he said that, that freaked me out.
00:26:48Why aren't you even talking about the D word at all?
00:26:50It triggered me because I realised that actually the divorce
00:26:53led me to have maybe some level of abandonment concerns.
00:26:57Yes, we know that divorce, these things happen,
00:27:00but I don't want us to even be thinking about that.
00:27:03I want us to know that we want to get through anything.
00:27:06Another concern is that he's had this nomadic lifestyle.
00:27:09What if one day he's just like,
00:27:11you know what, I miss that life, you know?
00:27:14Yeah, I mean, it's tough, to be honest.
00:27:16There are certain answers you're not going to have
00:27:18until you're actually there.
00:27:19Yeah, so I don't know what we're doing.
00:27:22Honestly, I don't know what we're doing. Yeah.
00:27:28Well, this is a terrible venue.
00:27:30Oh, I know, couldn't have picked a worse spot, huh?
00:27:32It's very low-key, for sure, discreet.
00:27:35So, how was your evening yesterday?
00:27:37I mean, I slept probably about an hour and a half. Really?
00:27:39That was it. How has it been living together?
00:27:41I've loved it. Have you?
00:27:43It's because you've got somewhere to stay, mate.
00:27:45Yeah! I'm not homeless!
00:27:48I think the way we left it was almost undecided, in a way.
00:27:52I didn't want to be in a position coming into today
00:27:54where we didn't know what each other was going to say,
00:27:56and that's kind of what we got. Yeah.
00:27:58We take it so seriously, this commitment.
00:28:00So there is an element of the unknown still,
00:28:02there's, like, uncharted territory.
00:28:04I think you'll know by when you're up there.
00:28:06I know what I'm going to say. You know? I think so.
00:28:10I know what that means.
00:28:12In life, I've always followed my heart,
00:28:14and if I've always followed my heart,
00:28:16and that's been, like, my compass, in a way,
00:28:19then I shouldn't really change course now.
00:28:22Even if that means there's a potential scenario
00:28:25where Nicole says, I do not,
00:28:27I can walk away without having any regrets.
00:28:30Right, well, good luck today, then. Cheers, boys.
00:28:32We're here for it. Thanks a lot for being here.
00:28:34You don't need luck, mate. You're going to be great.
00:28:36Yes. Thanks for being here for the sport.
00:28:38Love you both, man. Cheers. Love you too.
00:28:40I've been single for ten years,
00:28:42and I will only go into a relationship with somebody
00:28:44if I truly think they're the right person.
00:28:46How I am around Nicole, how our relationship is together,
00:28:49and how we work as a team,
00:28:51I sometimes think, how have I operated in life without that?
00:28:55Ready to go, boys. Ready? You look really nice, mate.
00:28:57Cheers, guys. So do you two.
00:29:00Group hug. Group hug.
00:29:06My love!
00:29:08You look gorgeous!
00:29:10You look beautiful!
00:29:12Oh, look at you!
00:29:15Gorgeous. You're a bride!
00:29:18Being in the dress, I think it brings it to focus
00:29:22that this is what this has been about.
00:29:24I really want to say yes.
00:29:26I'm ready through hell and high water to love him, you know?
00:29:32It's just, I'm afraid, will he throw in the towel
00:29:35if things get a bit hard? I just don't know.
00:29:38I don't know.
00:29:40I swear, Nicole, when he sees you walking down that aisle,
00:29:43he's going to be so blown away.
00:29:45Hello! Hello!
00:29:48You look stunning! Hello!
00:29:51Hello, you look gorgeous!
00:29:53You look so beautiful. Thank you so much.
00:29:56My mum is walking me down the aisle.
00:29:59My dad would love to be here,
00:30:01but due to work projects, he's not able to attend.
00:30:05My mum represents her and my dad.
00:30:08We all support you. Thank you.
00:30:10And Ben, and that's whether you say yes or whether you say no,
00:30:14we support you 100% every step of the way.
00:30:17Thank you, girls, honestly, for being there for me.
00:30:20Thank you. Cheers, Nicole and Minaya. Cheers.
00:30:23I'd take a bullet for you, baby
00:30:32I'd do anything
00:30:35Even if it was crazy
00:30:38So pretty.
00:30:41Throughout this whole experience, we have taken many leaps of faith
00:30:46and it's led us to this moment.
00:30:49How are you feeling? Terrified.
00:30:51Good luck. Cheers, mate. Thank you.
00:30:53It's one final leap of faith and I'm hoping that she jumps.
00:30:57I'd take a bullet for you, baby
00:31:04Oh, I'd do anything
00:31:09Even if it was crazy
00:31:16Mark your heels.
00:31:20I know Ben Niall is a nice guy and you've chosen him
00:31:25and I wish you guys all the best.
00:31:28Love you too. Thank you.
00:31:35Please stand for the bride.
00:31:57I love you.
00:32:00Wish you all the best. Thank you very much. Thank you.
00:32:03You look incredible. Thank you.
00:32:05You too.
00:32:07Friends and family, please be seated. Thank you.
00:32:18This is a very significant moment in Benia and Nicole's lives
00:32:22as they decide to embark on the beautiful journey
00:32:25to becoming a married couple.
00:32:27Are there any thoughts that you would like to share
00:32:29about how you fell in love with one another?
00:32:36I wake up every day, you know, with gratitude and appreciation
00:32:40that I found you in the most unconventional way.
00:32:44You immediately grab my attention with your positive energy,
00:32:48your sweet, kind, caring nature and your infectious laugh.
00:32:53You accept me for who I am, flaws included,
00:32:56which shows me you have an unconditional love.
00:32:59We've been constantly challenged throughout,
00:33:02but rough seas make for good sailors
00:33:06and in those moments of tough times, our relationship has blossomed.
00:33:11The moments when we can laugh and be silly together
00:33:14show me that I found the perfect person.
00:33:16I'm in love with you.
00:33:21When I came to this experiment, although I was hopeful to find someone,
00:33:25never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I would meet someone
00:33:29who literally spoke to my heart the way you did.
00:33:32From our first hello, I felt like you were my kindred spirit.
00:33:37You understand me and see me in ways
00:33:40that I've never quite felt seen before
00:33:43and I feel with you, life could really be an adventure.
00:33:47Benaiah and Nicole, you fell in love based on who you are on the inside
00:33:53by getting to know each other's character, beliefs and values.
00:33:58You chose to get engaged and spend the rest of your lives together
00:34:03based on a deep emotional connection.
00:34:08Now is the time to decide if love is blind.
00:34:13Do you, Benaiah, promise to spend your life with Nicole,
00:34:17meeting each new joy and sorrow together,
00:34:21to be a true and faithful partner
00:34:24and to support Nicole in all of life's circumstances
00:34:28as you face them together?
00:34:33I do.
00:34:35I do.
00:34:37I do.
00:34:40I do. Of course I do.
00:34:53Do you, Nicole, promise to spend your life with Benaiah,
00:34:58meeting each new joy and sorrow together,
00:35:02continuing to deepen your understanding of him,
00:35:07treating him with kindness and compassion
00:35:11and welcoming each new chapter of life together
00:35:15with a spirit of curiosity and patience?
00:35:22I don't know what's going to happen.
00:35:33I do.
00:35:35You are the first thing I would find.
00:35:42You are the first thing I would find.
00:35:45You now come to the ring exchange.
00:35:50I'll give you it all.
00:35:53Oh, there's nothing that I haven't told you.
00:36:01Benaiah and Nicole,
00:36:03this day is the start of a new life for you together,
00:36:06an adventure to embark upon.
00:36:08It is my great pleasure to declare
00:36:11that you are now husband and wife.
00:36:26Ladies and gentlemen,
00:36:28please be upstanding for Mr and Mrs Grunewald Brydie.
00:36:41I love you. I love you so much.
00:36:43Thank you so much. You've been amazing, Dave. I love you.
00:36:47Husband and wife.
00:36:49Mr and Mrs Grunewald Brydie.
00:36:51I guess. I'll learn that soon.
00:36:55You are the first thing...
00:36:59Feels brilliant. Feels so right.
00:37:02Feels 100% the right decision. Yeah.
00:37:04Everything's at peace in my heart. Me too, me too.
00:37:06Full of love, full of happiness.
00:37:13Nights are open wide
00:37:20The future is ours tonight
00:37:23I'm excited to see Kat.
00:37:25I've not seen her for a while.
00:37:27She's going to be in a wedding dress, so it's going to be emotional.
00:37:31Might shed a tear or two.
00:37:35So be the future with me
00:37:42Be the one that makes me see
00:37:47I'm nervous. You know, we've come from the pods
00:37:50and it's all led up to this one moment.
00:37:52Like, it's magical.
00:37:57We've been on such a journey
00:37:59and I'm ready to commit myself to Freddie.
00:38:01Dreams will come true tonight
00:38:04If we can share the future
00:38:08You and me, you and me
00:38:11You and me, you and me
00:38:13You give me the future
00:38:17You and me
00:38:24To Kat, I know today you're going to be feeling nervous
00:38:28but know that we're together
00:38:30and as long as we have that, we can get through anything.
00:38:33I got you a little sentimental gift to match your ring.
00:38:37See you soon, beautiful. Love, Freddie.
00:38:43Oh my God, stop!
00:38:47You can't not love Freddie.
00:38:53Oh my God!
00:39:01I've got butterflies in my stomach.
00:39:03If that doesn't say a lot, like, I don't know what does.
00:39:07My middle name's Mary.
00:39:09Is it? Yeah.
00:39:11It's named after my gran.
00:39:13Yeah, it's named after my gran.
00:39:15My nana was called Mary.
00:39:17Stop, I'm going to cry.
00:39:19Isn't that crazy? What was your grandad called?
00:39:23No. Do you know what my grandad was called?
00:39:29I've got goosebumps.
00:39:31I formed a connection with Kat quite early on in the pods.
00:39:34We share the same values, we share the same interests.
00:39:37I knew that what we had was real.
00:39:39I've got nothing else on my mind, it's just you.
00:39:43And I do feel like you're the person I was destined to be with.
00:39:47It's crazy to think I've come this far.
00:39:50I dreamed that I'd find you, Kat.
00:39:53It's written in the stars.
00:39:55Will you marry me?
00:40:01It's you.
00:40:09I can't believe it, I'm shaking.
00:40:11I've never loved anyone like I've loved Freddie.
00:40:14But, obviously, we've been through so many intense situations, you know.
00:40:21If we were to get married,
00:40:23like, would you be offended if I was to get something in place
00:40:27to say that my assets would be going to, say, my sister,
00:40:30if I was to pass away?
00:40:33We do have our differences,
00:40:35but I know that I have found somebody that I love and loves me back.
00:40:38This is possibly the biggest decision of my life.
00:40:41One minute I'm feeling scared, the next I'm feeling happy.
00:40:44Yeah, it's weird.
00:40:47I'm a pro at funerals, but maybe not so much at weddings.
00:40:53We have both been emotionally challenged.
00:40:57But we've been there for each other through thick and thin.
00:41:00We've communicated.
00:41:02And I just love him.
00:41:04I know that this guy is meant to be my future.
00:41:12Oh, you're back.
00:41:14How are you?
00:41:15It's good to see you.
00:41:17Hi, Carrie.
00:41:19Oh, great to see you.
00:41:21Yeah, I'm good.
00:41:22Take a seat.
00:41:23Lovely room.
00:41:24Have you seen this?
00:41:25Oh, my gosh.
00:41:26Oh, it's what he wrote.
00:41:28And look what he got me.
00:41:29Oh, OK.
00:41:30Like, genuinely.
00:41:31Honestly, I had no idea.
00:41:34It's so cute.
00:41:36I can't believe the earrings literally match the ring.
00:41:39Yeah, lovely.
00:41:40Oh, yeah.
00:41:41Boy did good.
00:41:42Yeah, boy's done good.
00:41:44Seeing that, that's given me reassurance.
00:41:47Like, that is so important.
00:41:49Yeah, because that's, like, your biggest thing.
00:41:52I've been let down in life.
00:41:54My birth mum gave me up.
00:41:57She kind of rejected me.
00:41:59I think it emotionally damages you growing up, you know?
00:42:03You always have maybe that fear of rejection.
00:42:05So my expectations for reassurance is massive.
00:42:08I need him to just be 100% sure.
00:42:10I don't want him having doubts.
00:42:12You know, this shit's serious.
00:42:15What has made you fall in love with him?
00:42:17I was talking to Freddie in the pods from day one.
00:42:20The warmth that you felt between that wall.
00:42:23Even with my adoption, he's been amazing.
00:42:26It's just mad, like, you just know
00:42:28when you've got a connection with someone.
00:42:30It does help that he's, like, created by Jesus himself.
00:42:33Like, his body is carved by God.
00:42:37Let's just manifest Freddie into saying yes.
00:42:40I think the fact that he's bought you earrings to wear today...
00:42:44I feel like, why would you write a letter
00:42:46to get someone really hyped up for a situation?
00:42:49Stop! Don't, because I can't get my hopes up.
00:42:55We're very excited out with Jack.
00:42:57Are you excited? Are you my best man?
00:42:59Yeah. Yeah? Are you my best man, yeah?
00:43:04Good lad, good lad.
00:43:06It does feel a bit surreal.
00:43:08There is, like, complete mixed emotions from me.
00:43:11I'm, like, happy and anxious and stuff as well,
00:43:14so God knows how you're feeling.
00:43:16It's going to be a beautiful day, I think.
00:43:18It's a celebration of what we've achieved.
00:43:20Yeah. Finding each other. Yeah.
00:43:22You know, without this experiment, we wouldn't have...
00:43:24I never would have met a cat. No, exactly.
00:43:27And, potentially, we've got each other for the rest of our lives, so...
00:43:34I want to tell you something, and I don't really want it to influence
00:43:37anything or change your mind or anything like that.
00:43:39I just want you to take it on board, and me as your sister,
00:43:42I just want to tell you...
00:43:44..I do worry that you are on different pages.
00:43:48She's a lovely girl.
00:43:50I don't know, she's just different to you.
00:43:54I do love Catherine, but there are some differences.
00:43:57I'd rather just chill at home and watch a bit of telly.
00:44:01She's more into going out and, you know, more, she calls it,
00:44:04bougie things, and I think she's tried to play that down.
00:44:08What I worry about is she's trying to portray herself
00:44:10as what she thinks I want in a girl, and that concerns me.
00:44:15There is, like, a big knot in my stomach.
00:44:17I think that's why I feel a lot of anxiety around today.
00:44:21All in all, you know, we do get on well.
00:44:24We have got a really strong connection,
00:44:26and I know that we can grow together and become stronger.
00:44:31There is a lot to consider, but just stay true to yourself,
00:44:35and whatever your decision is, we 100% support it.
00:44:40We love Freddie very much, don't we?
00:44:42Do you love me? Do you love me? Yeah?
00:44:47Ultimately, we just want you both to be happy.
00:44:50We expect.
00:44:55I've been waiting
00:44:59I've been waiting
00:45:02For you
00:45:04We're turning back now.
00:45:07We hope so, too.
00:45:10I think we all do.
00:45:14Hi! Hi!
00:45:16Oh, good timing! You look lovely.
00:45:18Aw, thank you so much. Do you?
00:45:20You look gorgeous, darling. You look amazing!
00:45:22Oh, you look beautiful.
00:45:24Oh, you look amazing. You look stunning.
00:45:26Oh, my God, that's gorgeous.
00:45:30Hi, you look gorgeous, darling.
00:45:32I'm so excited to see Freddie.
00:45:34Being in this dress and thinking that he may say yes,
00:45:37it makes me feel amazing.
00:45:39This is everything I've wanted.
00:45:41I can't believe he got me these earrings.
00:45:44Let me get your glasses, will you?
00:45:46Let me get your glasses, will you?
00:45:48Oh, they look good.
00:45:50Oh, that's perfect.
00:45:52He just needs to say yes now.
00:45:54Oh, they look gorgeous.
00:45:56Here's to that.
00:45:58To Freddie saying yes!
00:46:00You're bloody better!
00:46:02You look absolutely gorgeous.
00:46:04Thank you. To you both.
00:46:06Going from a child,
00:46:08seeing you growing up,
00:46:10to this stunning young lady,
00:46:12it's amazing. It really is.
00:46:16Don't cry. I can't help it, it's you.
00:46:20I just want to get married now.
00:46:22Are you ready? Oh, yeah.
00:46:24I'm ready now.
00:46:34It feels real now.
00:46:36Let's have a look at that.
00:46:40My friends and family want what's best for me.
00:46:43I value my sister's opinion
00:46:45more than anybody's.
00:46:47But then again, I've met this beautiful girl
00:46:49that I've got an amazing connection with,
00:46:51and she's here for me.
00:46:57I'd say I'm confident in my decision.
00:46:59I just hope that emotions don't get the better of me
00:47:01and I crumble.
00:47:03I crumble.
00:47:15You're very smart, are you?
00:47:17Very smart, are you?
00:47:21Don't cry.
00:47:25I'm here.
00:47:33I'm here.
00:47:39Oh, gosh.
00:47:53Are you done?
00:48:01I'm excited to see Freddie.
00:48:05It's going to be such a fun celebration.
00:48:07You know, like, we've done it.
00:48:09We have come this far,
00:48:11and now we can go and tackle the world together.
00:48:15I got the garter on,
00:48:17and I'm ready.
00:48:19Good luck.
00:48:23I'm just with you today.
00:48:25I hope everything goes well
00:48:27and your wishes have come true.
00:48:31Are you ready?
00:48:37Please be upstanding for your bride.
00:49:01I hope you're OK.
00:49:07I hope you're OK.
00:49:09You look very beautiful.
00:49:17Friends and family,
00:49:19it is an absolute joy
00:49:21to have you all here
00:49:23as we gather to share this magical day
00:49:25with Catherine and Freddie.
00:49:29Your journey to love,
00:49:31as unconventional as others might see it,
00:49:33has led us to this point.
00:49:37It's been the joining of two hearts,
00:49:39two minds,
00:49:41two souls,
00:49:43and the promise of two futures
00:49:45being shared as one.
00:49:47Are there any thoughts
00:49:49that you would like to share
00:49:51with one another at this time?
00:49:57from the moment
00:49:59I heard your voice,
00:50:01I knew this was going to be special.
00:50:03Words will never describe
00:50:05how lucky I am,
00:50:07and someone was definitely looking over me
00:50:09that day I walked into the pods.
00:50:11From this moment onwards,
00:50:13I'm never letting go,
00:50:15and I cannot wait
00:50:17to start my life with you
00:50:19and hold your hand every step of the way.
00:50:21I love you, Freddie,
00:50:23and thank you for being you,
00:50:25because that's why we're here today.
00:50:29Beautiful words.
00:50:33Catherine, my love for you was formed
00:50:35without seeing you.
00:50:37We connected through our inner qualities, personalities,
00:50:39and the way we made each other feel.
00:50:41It's a testament to you and the power
00:50:43and intellectual connection that we share.
00:50:45Appearances can sometimes
00:50:47be misleading,
00:50:49but forming a love blind allowed me
00:50:51to truly appreciate the essence of you.
00:50:53It allowed me to focus on your words,
00:50:55thoughts, actions, and it allowed us
00:50:57to create a deep bond that goes beyond
00:51:01We shared our most inner thoughts,
00:51:03feelings, and dreams.
00:51:05We've had conversations that I've never had
00:51:07with anyone else. I believe in fate,
00:51:09and I believe that we were destined to be stood here
00:51:11in this very moment.
00:51:13Thank you. That was good.
00:51:19Freddie and Catherine,
00:51:21you fell in love with each other
00:51:23based on who you were on the inside
00:51:25and decided to get married
00:51:27sight unseen.
00:51:31Now is the time to decide
00:51:33if love is blind.
00:51:41Catherine, take Freddie
00:51:43to be your husband and
00:51:45partner for life. Do you promise
00:51:47to be open and honest
00:51:49and to love him for the rest of your lives
00:51:57I do.
00:52:09do you take Catherine to be your wife
00:52:11and partner for life?
00:52:13Do you promise to be open and honest
00:52:15and love her
00:52:17for the rest of your lives together?
00:52:31I love you, Cat.
00:52:39But at the time,
00:52:41it might not be right for us.
00:52:49I can't believe you just
00:52:51did that.
00:52:53This isn't a goodbye.
00:52:55It's not a rejection of the love that we share.
00:52:57Part of me wanted to say
00:52:59yes and embark on this journey with you.
00:53:01But as I look into your eyes,
00:53:03I know that I'm
00:53:05faced with a truth that we both have to acknowledge.
00:53:07That there's still mountains
00:53:09left for us to climb and lessons for us to learn
00:53:11before fully embracing a lifelong commitment.
00:53:15And I do love you, Cat.
00:53:17But I just need to be honest
00:53:19to both of us.
00:53:21Come here.
00:53:23Don't go.
00:53:25Hear me.
00:53:27Just hear me.
00:53:29You've heard me.
00:53:33Feel me.
00:53:35I'm right here.
00:53:37Don't hurt me.
00:53:43Going all the way.
00:53:45What you want instead.
00:53:47It hurts anyway.
00:53:53It's a lot of the same times, man.
00:53:59I'm so happy
00:54:01you've got that tissue.
00:54:03I know.
00:54:05Just be proud of yourself.
00:54:07You did the right thing.
00:54:09You were honest to yourself.
00:54:17I just want to be on my own.
00:54:19Can I just be on my own, please?
00:54:21I'll leave you.
00:54:27I feel numb.
00:54:29I just feel really unwanted.
00:54:33I don't know.
00:54:39Thank you, darling.
00:54:43Are you all right, darling?
00:54:53I didn't want it to be that way.
00:54:57Your words were beautiful, Freddie.
00:54:59Your words were beautiful.
00:55:01You've just been true and honest
00:55:03to yourself and her, right?
00:55:05You went to do it with the wrong decision for you.
00:55:07That's what you feel.
00:55:11It's just difficult because
00:55:13I don't want to hurt anybody.
00:55:15Especially Kat.
00:55:17Listening to my sister,
00:55:19to be honest, it was something that I felt anyway.
00:55:21Despite Kat saying that
00:55:23she doesn't like this
00:55:25sort of materialistic lifestyle, I do think
00:55:27there is an aspect of that about her
00:55:29and I think the only way I can
00:55:31work out whether that's true or not is with time.
00:55:35That was her biggest fear.
00:55:39Yeah, she doesn't deal with rejection very well.
00:55:45I know it's hard.
00:55:47It's all right, darling.
00:55:51It's just so unfair.
00:55:59I'm so sorry.
00:56:01It's OK.
00:56:03I don't know what to do.
00:56:07I just feel
00:56:09so embarrassed.
00:56:11You don't need to feel embarrassed at all.
00:56:13Everyone's upset for you.
00:56:15Like, I don't think anyone thought
00:56:17this was going to happen.
00:56:21Did you take your earrings off?
00:56:23Yeah, I took my earrings out
00:56:25and I took the ring off.
00:56:27I just feel so stupid.
00:56:31Part of me thought it was going to stay here.
00:56:41Hiya. All right?
00:56:43Take a seat.
00:56:47I understand it's difficult.
00:56:49You don't want to see your little girl upset.
00:56:51And equally, I don't either.
00:56:53I don't want you to think for any minute
00:56:55that this decision has been made
00:56:57because I don't love her,
00:56:59cos that's not the case.
00:57:01So what's your future with her now?
00:57:03I'm hoping that we're still going to
00:57:05be sure we're alive together,
00:57:07we're still going to live together
00:57:09and make it work.
00:57:11I want her in my life and I'm hoping,
00:57:13you know, the things that we do need to work on
00:57:15are things we can, you know, overcome
00:57:17and that'll make her stronger.
00:57:21I appreciate you being honest.
00:57:23It's just hard.
00:57:25I know it's hard. I know.
00:57:27Of course. Yeah. Yeah.
00:57:29Yeah. Yeah.
00:57:31Thank you. Look after yourself.
00:57:33Yeah. Yeah.
00:57:35You all right? Yeah, you take care.
00:57:37OK. All right?
00:57:39Yeah, thank you. OK. All right.
00:57:41Thank you. Take care.
00:57:45OK? Yeah.
00:57:49That took out some of his parts.
00:57:51It did.
00:57:53I just have to see how she deals with it.
00:57:59I think you can still
00:58:01stay together and give it a shot.
00:58:03He said he's, like,
00:58:05in love with you. He's not in love with me.
00:58:07Well, he loves me, but he's not in love.
00:58:11I don't know what's to come.
00:58:17You all right?
00:58:19I do.
00:58:31Sorry, Kat.
00:58:35You understand my reasonings,
00:58:37don't you?
00:58:39I understand it's
00:58:41going to be hard, but I'm here,
00:58:43your family's here, you've got so much
00:58:45love around you.
00:58:47I just don't know
00:58:49how to pick myself up.
00:58:51You know, I was ready to
00:58:53commit to you. I never want
00:58:55to walk down the aisle again. Like, I just
00:58:57don't want to.
00:58:59Do you trust what we have?
00:59:01I do trust.
00:59:03And it's just going to take a lot
00:59:05for me to bounce back. Yeah, I understand.
00:59:07And I'm here to work
00:59:09through this together.
00:59:13I'll be fine. I've gone
00:59:15through shit in my life.
00:59:21I love you, Kat.
00:59:45I love you.
00:59:49It was far harder saying
00:59:51no to Maria and the altar than I'd ever
00:59:53envisaged. It was so clear
00:59:55to everyone in that room how
00:59:57strong our connection was.
00:59:59But ultimately,
01:00:01our conflicting values would
01:00:03continuously crop up throughout our relationship.
01:00:05Good things
01:00:07don't come to those who wait.
01:00:11They come to an end.
01:00:13It does make me sad.
01:00:15But whatever's
01:00:17happened, I'm forever grateful to this
01:00:19experience. I feel like if we hadn't
01:00:21come up against those difference in values,
01:00:23it probably would have been a yes.
01:00:25I don't care
01:00:27for what you're telling me.
01:00:29Yeah, I know things aren't
01:00:31what they used to be.
01:00:33It's not the perfect outcome
01:00:35on paper, but
01:00:37I've had an amazing experience.
01:00:39This experiment has taught me so much and it's
01:00:41led me to an amazing person, so
01:00:43if I'm supposed to be sad about that, then
01:00:45I'm sorry. I'm not gonna be.
01:00:47Good things don't come to those
01:00:49who wait.
01:00:51I'm so grateful for everything that I've
01:00:53experienced during this experiment.
01:00:55I'm not walking out of here with a husband,
01:00:57but do I think that we could have
01:00:59a future together? Yeah.
01:01:01Watch this space.
01:01:09I said yes because
01:01:11I found the person I want to spend
01:01:13my life with.
01:01:15Obviously, it's nice to hear he still wants to be with me,
01:01:17but actions speak louder than words
01:01:19right now.
01:01:21I love him, but I don't know.
01:01:31I am
01:01:33sad that I'm not leaving this husband and wife.
01:01:35I'll be very honest.
01:01:37When she said I do, it was still a big part
01:01:39of me just thinking,
01:01:41do we just go with this? But I do
01:01:43believe there's things we need to overcome,
01:01:45discussions we need to have and things we need to
01:01:47work through before making that big step of marriage.
01:01:51you know, one day we can be in a position where
01:01:53we both say I do.
01:02:09Yeah, it's been a journey.
01:02:11Coming away from the
01:02:13pods, being absolutely heartbroken
01:02:15to finish married,
01:02:17husband and wife,
01:02:19feels very, very good.
01:02:21A toast to my
01:02:23beautiful wife. We're excited about
01:02:25the future and that you're going to be a big
01:02:27part of that too.
01:02:33Love you.
01:02:43This is my husband.
01:02:45This is my wife.
01:02:47It feels quite natural actually, doesn't it?
01:02:49It does.
01:02:53I'm just so grateful for the whole experiment
01:02:55because it works.
01:02:57We got to know each other on a level
01:02:59that I don't know if I've ever
01:03:01had a connection in my life the same way.
01:03:03I'm one very lucky man
01:03:05and I'm going to feel that luck
01:03:07every single day, waking up next to you.
01:03:09Cheers to love is blind.
01:03:11To love is blind.
01:03:15Love is
01:03:17bloody blind, it is.
01:03:19Like, let's be real here.
01:03:21I fell in love basing it purely
01:03:23on the conversations that we were
01:03:29This is a forever type of love.
01:03:31This is a
01:03:33until we're grey type of love.
01:03:35This experiment has been
01:03:37very intense, it's been
01:03:39very emotional, it's been incredible
01:03:41but it's only the beginning of our journey.
01:03:45Give me a kiss.
01:03:55You got the body of a dancer.
01:03:57You got the body of a dancer.
01:03:59You got the body of a dancer.
01:04:01You got the body
01:04:03of a dancer.
01:04:05You got the body of a dancer.
01:04:07You got the body of a dancer.
01:04:09You got the body of a dancer.
01:04:11You got the body of a dancer.