Celebs Go Dating S13E09 (2024)

  • 2 days ago
Celebs Go Dating S13E09 (2024)


00:02Tom, you have a second penis
00:04Chris delves deep
00:06Found out that she's never vajazzled
00:08Tristan gets a peep
00:10You would have done that if you could shake up my ass
00:14And Helen has a weep
00:16I was really lonely
00:18I needed someone to be there for me
00:20As our celebs
00:22You look like you've shit your pants
00:24Vanilla, just like I am in the picture
00:34Yeah you
00:36Welcome to Celebs Go Dating
00:38It's the start of another hectic day at the agency
00:40With Paul away
00:42Tom, Tara and Anna will have their hands full
00:44Well clearly Tom already has
00:46It's a plastic dick
00:50You have a second penis
00:52That reminds me of Paul
00:54I think P-Dog is more garden hose than water pistol Dr T
00:56Look at that
00:58Wait, so you can squirt whenever you want
01:00I can squirt whenever I want
01:02Look, look what a powerful jet it is
01:04I know that's the only problem
01:06It does sort of hemorrhage from the balls a bit
01:08Yeah we've all been there
01:10It's a prostate thing apparently
01:12Open wide Tom
01:14Absolutely not
01:16Only from the real ones, not the fake ones
01:18Accept no imitations Dr T
01:20I like it
01:22I know you like
01:24Your lips are moving
01:26Time for Tom to put his plastic friend away
01:28As it's time for our first Celeb
01:30Rocking the red sock left in the wash
01:32With a wedding dress look
01:34It's Corey's super milf Helen
01:36Helen darling
01:38I know you like it
01:40Your lips are moving
01:42Baby don't you know I'm done
01:44Oh is it a stiff knob
01:46He's been waiting nine episodes to say that
01:48Oh my goodness
01:50I wore this for you
01:54You look like truly scrumptious and chitty
01:56Oh thank you to make it
01:58Chitty, is that a compliment
02:00Oh you're exquisite
02:02And it's two for the price of one
02:04As our next Celeb has taken a break
02:06From decorating his spare room
02:08It's Love Islander Chris
02:10Thomas it's Christopher
02:12Hello Chris my love
02:14Come on in
02:22Oh come in
02:28Oh look your poppers popped
02:30Oh no it popped
02:32Careful Chris Tom's already got a stiff knob
02:34Oh dear
02:36You're addressing me with your eyes already Tom
02:38I know isn't it amazing
02:40Oh yes you know what I can't actually get up to this dress
02:42Are you okay
02:46Oh this is a long one isn't it
02:48Do you know if you hug somebody for twenty seconds
02:50Or longer it improves trust
02:52Does it
02:54Twenty seconds for trust
02:56Twenty minutes for a restraining order
02:58Has she seen your Jolly Roger
03:00I missed that episode of Love Island
03:02Oh right his toes
03:04Yeah I've got a Jolly Roger on but this is all Peter Pan
03:06Oh my god this is so cool I love it
03:08This is Peter Pan stuff
03:10That is really cool
03:12Proof right there Helen is a formidable actress
03:18Yes she is a vision in pink
03:22They're ready for you upstairs my love
03:24They're ready for me perfect
03:26Well it was lovely to see you darling
03:28Yeah nice to see you babe
03:30She really is good it's like she's genuinely interested
03:34Last time we saw Helen she was on a date with Dan the Dill
03:36When they realised they had a lot in common
03:38I've got two little boys
03:40So planning kids parties or
03:42I know and tricky isn't it
03:44I was stressing over party bags
03:46I'm very impressed you did party bags
03:48Very hands on
03:50But despite this Helen did make a hasty exit
03:52Darling I've
03:54I've got to go back for my kids
03:58I've got to make the school run in the morning
04:00Classic use of the school run excuse
04:02Thank you darling
04:04Yeah you too
04:06See you later
04:08Thank you
04:10We're curious to know
04:12Was he a Dill
04:14And were you feeling him
04:16He was extremely sweet
04:18Really lovely guy but it was just friend vibes
04:20I just I think sometimes
04:22Am I right in saying this
04:24Sometimes you just either have it
04:26You have that click you have that energy or you just don't
04:28A definite Dill Finn
04:30Dad I'd like to friend zone
04:32I really did listen to
04:36You Tara and Anna and I went there as Helen
04:38I you know
04:40Asked him questions I have never asked the other guys
04:42I've been on dates with I tried but it just wasn't
04:44There I feel like if I go on a date with someone I've got to
04:46Want to kiss them
04:48It's got to be a bit of a bit of a fizz
04:50Fizz in the fanny
04:52Seriously what's got into
04:54Anna today
04:56Sometimes you have the connection
04:58But it's not the right time and right place
05:00And sometimes you don't have the connection
05:02Even though it's the right time and place
05:04So it's just kind of yeah everything has to fall
05:06Into place doesn't it does it does yeah
05:08Today's chat with Helen
05:10Is going to be centered around
05:12What's been going on in her past relationships
05:14So that she can really figure out
05:16And tell us what she wants moving
05:18Forwards finding love
05:20Finding connections is one of the most
05:22Challenging things
05:24In the world but what
05:26About relationships since
05:28You split up with your
05:30Ex can we
05:32Get a little bit deep
05:34Into that
05:36Scott and I broke up and I just had
05:38Zero interest in men at all
05:40And I think it got to about nine months
05:42And I was thinking
05:44Wow you know like I'm actually
05:46Really lonely
05:48Now and I kind of really
05:50Missed you know just like you know
05:52A man's touch so yeah
05:54I ended up
05:56In a situation ship with a guy called
05:58David Hasselhoff
06:00Duchovny Attenborough
06:02We actually did a reality show together
06:04That rules out Attenborough got to be the Hoff
06:06Is this
06:08Sussane reality show David
06:10This is David Hay yeah
06:12Oh yeah that makes more sense the Hoff would have been
06:14Funnier though correct me if I'm wrong but this was
06:16When you were on I'm a celebrity
06:18Yeah and David Hay was on
06:20I'm a celebrity at the same time and I didn't know that
06:22Did you know him prior to that
06:24No we were in the jungle together so it was the jungle
06:26That you met David Hay and I remember the first time
06:28I saw him I was just like wow who's that
06:32On that boxing
06:34Bombshell let's head across town for yet
06:36More unbelievable revelations
06:38About what colour shirt Tristan is going to wear
06:40On his next date
06:42Is that it seriously
06:44Right I feel like it's the 50 shades of beige
06:46Kind of day vanilla
06:48Just like I am in the bedroom
06:50Nothing wrong with that baby
06:52Creamy and dependable
06:54Are these shoes what do you reckon
06:56Are they even a
06:58Is that even a thing
07:00Yeah if you're really rich
07:02Like what used to wear to school
07:04Yeah I'd probably swerve the blazer tie and pencil case though
07:06Third date
07:08That's a big one today's all about having a good time
07:10And releasing
07:12The freak the inner freak
07:14He says with a iron and a tank top on
07:18Last time out at the agency Tristan faced his feedback
07:22He comes across really well a true
07:24Gentleman it would be nice
07:26To see more of his playful side
07:28Basically be a bit less
07:30Boring Tristan
07:32I'm in a bit of an interesting situation now
07:34Three dates with Georgia
07:36Three really nice dates but like is this something
07:38That we're both like really enjoying we want to explore more
07:40Deeply you know there's definitely sexual chemistry
07:42We're definitely very flirty but
07:44It's that next step it's like is
07:46She going to be kind of in my inner circle
07:48Let's leave your anus out of this
07:50We do flirt incredibly well together
07:52But like do I see it going
07:54The distance do I see her as girlfriend material
07:56I don't know
07:58I feel like by the end of today I would have figured that one out
08:02While Tristan finishes his ironing
08:04Can we please get back to hearing about Helen
08:06And I'm her celeb cat mate David Hay
08:08No offence Tristan but come on this is for the juice
08:10Spill the tea
08:12It was quite
08:14Quite something
08:16It's really hard for me to talk about actually sometimes
08:18We've got time
08:20But he had a girlfriend
08:22And he had an open relationship
08:26I didn't mean to
08:28Fall in love with him
08:30But I did
08:34We did have this like amazing connection
08:36Together we were like
08:38Fire together
08:42It was weird I think
08:44He does love his girlfriend
08:46And I think he loved me as well
08:50It just brings me to a part of my life
08:52Where it's just quite dark really
08:54So on that
08:56Because I remember at the time
08:58And it was reported that it was a throttle
09:02And that's something that it sounds like it wasn't
09:04Everybody each to their own
09:06But you know I was in love with the man
09:08I wouldn't have enjoyed
09:10Watching the man that I was in love with
09:12Have sex with another woman
09:14That's not for me
09:16Did you ever have any communication
09:18With his girlfriend
09:20Yes I did
09:22I felt very very very guilty
09:24And I didn't feel
09:26Nice about it
09:28At all
09:30It just makes me feel really bad
09:32And really upsets me
09:34Because I'm not
09:36My nice girl
09:38I don't mean to hurt other people
09:40And I felt really really bad about it
09:42And I felt really guilty about it
09:44But I was just really lonely
09:46And I found it really hard
09:48I found it really difficult
09:50That like
09:52Because obviously if you sleep with someone for quite a long time
09:54You do fall in love with them
09:56And I was just lonely and it just happened
09:58And I do feel really fucking guilty
10:00About it
10:02You didn't do anything wrong Helen
10:04But I feel
10:06But that's not nice on another girl
10:08And I should have known better
10:10But just to be clear
10:12She was okay with it
10:16I've seen people that come from the monogamy world
10:18Partnering up with people that are non-monogamous
10:20And then realize
10:22Ooh this is not for me
10:24It's actually very common
10:26It is not catastrophic in any way
10:28What he wants is valid
10:30But what you want is also valid
10:32But it's just not compatible is it
10:36Helen is clearly upset with the relationship
10:38That she had with David Hay
10:40But at least she learned some lessons
10:42And boundaries from this relationship
10:44But you tried
10:46There is no failure in any of this
10:48In fact now you can say
10:50I have got experience
10:52At being in a different style of relationship
10:54It didn't work for me
10:56And guess what the beauty in that Helen
10:58Is you have the clarity
11:00That monogamy is really important to you
11:02What's mahogany got to do with it
11:04Were they banging on a table or something
11:06Oh monogamy got it
11:08Yeah Lou keeps talking to me about that
11:14Welcome back to Celebs Go Day
11:16In where at the agency
11:18Tom and Love Island love machine Chris
11:20Are piling on the advice together
11:22Did they say that hemorrhoid cream
11:24Is really good for your skin
11:26It's good for everything
11:28It like gives you a bit of a face lift
11:30Yeah nice little glow
11:32Yeah it doesn't seem to stop you talking shit though
11:34Anyway upstairs Corey Cougar Helen
11:36Has been opening up to the agent
11:38About her experience with an open relationship
11:40That does sound yeah
11:42So multi-layered emotionally
11:44It brings me back to such a time as well
11:46Where I was not in a good place like at all
11:48And I
11:50When me and
11:52When me and Scott split up
11:54I needed someone
11:56To be there for me
11:58I get the sense that Helen is holding on
12:00To some residual pain
12:02From her long term relationship
12:04I feel we need to bring this up
12:06And help her get it out her system
12:08And process it
12:10Because until we do that
12:12It's going to really hinder her ability to move on
12:14You're still angry with Scott aren't you
12:16I'm really angry with Scott
12:18I know you are
12:20He's angry with him but it's really hard
12:22Because I know he's angry with me
12:24But I do love him
12:26And I know he loves me
12:28I think we both really fucking hurt
12:30I asked him in January
12:32If he'd get back together with me
12:34And he said no
12:36And he said that he'd always loved me
12:38And he said that he'd always loved me
12:40But no and then
12:42It got to a point
12:44I just felt so sad
12:46Sorry I feel like
12:48This has been quite
12:50Quite a session
12:52Do you know what Helen this is so important
12:54Because the whole point of this dating agency
12:56Is to give you time
12:58And space to re-evaluate
13:00Your love life
13:02A huge part of that
13:04Is processing a lot of the hurt
13:08And the unfinished business
13:10You have to heal from your dating history
13:12From the past
13:14Then get better with dating skills
13:16So we really appreciate you actually
13:18Being very vulnerable
13:20So never apologise for crying
13:22Thank you
13:24The Celebrity Dating Agency is so much more
13:26Than just putting our celebrities on dates
13:28It's about helping them to work on themselves
13:30And heal and grow
13:32From the inside out
13:34Thank you
13:36Thank you
13:38Thank you so much
13:40Bye H-Bomb
13:44She's been through so much
13:46Heartbreak after heartbreak
13:48So much rejection and confusion
13:50I mean no wonder she doesn't know her arse
13:52From her elbow
13:54And that's why she missed out on a role in Holby City
13:56I don't know about you I am fired up
13:58In a good way
14:00Me too Anna let's fucking go
14:02Sorry too much coffee
14:06Anyway let's check in with the Baron of Beige himself
14:10Who's arriving for his date with Georgia
14:12Big third date
14:14It's a special one
14:16Today's about dropping the guards
14:18And seeing if we can have some silly fun together
14:20What are the rules on nudity at the bowls club
14:22Is that allowed
14:24Pretty sure that outfit isn't
14:26Third date now I actually can't believe it
14:28But yeah I'm looking forward to it
14:30Obviously we've been for drinks twice now
14:32So I'm excited to see his fun side
14:36Oh no
14:42You look unbelievable
14:44We've got matching
14:46I'm good
14:48By god she's getting hotter and hotter every single time I see her
14:50And somehow she's wearing less and less clothes each time I see her
14:52I'm very competitive
14:54Are you
14:56If I lose then I'll be pissed off
14:58Do like a forfeit or something
15:00What should it be
15:02The loser has to do a body shot off the winner
15:04Okay deal
15:06I also want you to do it off me so by all means
15:08I think we just go
15:10Can I show you how it's done
15:12Do I do it underarm
15:14Whatever you do
15:18She's got your number Trissie boy
15:20That was good
15:22That actually was quite good
15:24Right let's get this date going
15:26Win win win
15:28Whack on the music
15:30There's no bowls music
15:32Come on
15:34It's coming home
15:36That was so close
15:38I feel like it's not fair because you've got long arms
15:44Annoyingly you were actually really good
15:46Here we go
15:48That was good
15:50I'm currently winning
15:52I think it's pretty obvious that there's definitely a sexual connection
15:54Between Georgia and I however
15:56As the agent said we've got to go a little bit deeper
15:58And I need to release my silly side
16:00How's the arse look
16:02Fucking sensational
16:04I've been squatting quite a lot recently
16:06I'm trying
16:08I've got your arse in my face
16:10Here we go
16:12Imagine if that was my best shot
16:14I kind of wanted you to hit me
16:16I feel like this is such a posh boy sport
16:18You think that's what we do
16:20We get our whites on
16:22Yacht mandem
16:24And then macho up at the polo
16:26Blood for reals
16:28It's coming home
16:30Look at it
16:32That is actually
16:34You won
16:36You have to drink alcohol off my body
16:38I can't wait
16:40No you're doing a shot off me
16:42I feel like you should
16:44You're going to get rid of the kids first
16:46I'm actually unsure how you're going to do a shot off
16:48You have to do it off me
16:50I'd go belly button or bum hole
16:52But that's just me
16:58Back at the agency
17:00Chris is having a debrief about his dating of the double daisies
17:02With Anna and Dr T
17:04Come on in
17:06That was a call
17:08That was a secret knock
17:10The agent sent Chris on dates
17:12With Daisy 1 and Daisy 2
17:14With the mission to try and find some depth
17:16So naturally he spent both dates
17:18Making dick jokes
17:20And avoiding any personal questions
17:22I've only got 1.5 testicles
17:26But he did show signs of growth
17:28I don't know
17:30If there will be a second date
17:32Which didn't last long
17:34Weird that I still want a kiss
17:36Well this should be good
17:38So first one
17:40It was Daisy Ray
17:42It was fun
17:44Took your advice and went deep
17:48Found out that she's never bejazzled
17:50So you could say that's deep
17:52Yeah about as deep as a paddling pool with a puncher
17:54I didn't talk about her vagina
17:56I just asked her if she'd ever bejazzled
17:58And I have bejazzled
18:00That's an important question isn't it
18:02Yeah it's key
18:04It's key to find out about someone
18:08Ok so let's see what Daisy Ray thought about the date
18:10He didn't open up
18:12Even when I tried asking him questions
18:16I'm not going to open up to someone on a first date
18:18If I don't feel comfortable to do that
18:20Like is there going to be a first date
18:22Where I open up
18:26But it depends on whether the person
18:28That I'm sat across from
18:30Has made me feel comfortable enough to do that
18:32And she didn't
18:34Yeah just stick to testicles then
18:36That'll work
18:38So you weren't feeling it with Daisy Ray
18:40Not really
18:42You were on a second date
18:44With another Daisy
18:46How was that date
18:48I felt like she couldn't really roll with it
18:50As much as I'd want from somebody
18:52Who I'd end up in a relationship with
18:54Do you know what I mean
18:56Let's take a look at her feedback
18:58So real Chris is a good match
19:00But the Chris that talks about what would you do if you had a penis for a day
19:02Doesn't match with me
19:04Great question
19:06He doesn't want to be real
19:08It's weird getting told by people that don't know me
19:10In your opinion
19:12What did Chris do wrong on your date
19:14Chat about dicks
19:16Did I
19:18You're only doing that to avoid serious conversations
19:20I get that people don't want to open up
19:22Don't divert it as much
19:28There's no way that I'm
19:30Chatting the intimate details
19:32Of my last relationship
19:34With a girl that I've just met
19:36Do you know how much it taught me to say it in here
19:38To you guys in a place that I feel comfortable
19:40How did you respond
19:42I asked her if she had a dick for the day
19:44What would she do with it
19:48Chris is totally entitled
19:50To not talk about certain topics
19:52That he just doesn't want to
19:54But his way of dealing with that
19:56Is to mask it with humour
19:58And it has the tendency for his date to think
20:00That he's just not taking it or them seriously
20:02The last thing she's saying
20:04When we were sitting down
20:06He didn't want to see me again
20:08But then when we were walking out
20:10He said that actually he still wanted to kiss me
20:12He gave me mixed signals
20:14That is a bit mixed, yeah
20:16I'll admit
20:18That's unfair, that's what it is
20:20Yeah, you led her on
20:22You were like, oh, just kidding
20:24Not good enough for another date
20:26And then later on you're like
20:28Oh, but I'd still like to kiss you
20:30I think it's very unfair for the girl
20:36I feel like you're making this
20:38Very complicated for yourself
20:40When someone asks about
20:42What was your last relationship like
20:44Why dwell on it and then say
20:46Dick jokes versus
20:48You know what, it was hard for me
20:50Accept, admit, it was hard for me
20:52Let's talk about something else
20:54Can we talk about something else
20:56I've got a couple of dick jokes
20:58If anyone's interested
21:00No? Okay, fair enough
21:04Anyway, across town
21:06Ella is feeling a bit conflicted
21:08As she gets ready for her next date
21:10I am in a really good place with Rhys
21:12And I do want to carry on dating Rhys
21:14I'm not surprised
21:16Ella and Rhys have been having it
21:18I mean hitting it off
21:20Since their first date
21:22See you later
21:24Oh God, I'm so horny
21:26But the agents think
21:28It might be time for Ella to spread her wings a bit
21:30This should be a blonde date
21:32I think so
21:34No, that's the one thing
21:36I don't want to do that
21:38Given that you've said you don't want to do that
21:40Oh shit
21:42That's even better
21:44I came here for a reason today
21:46And I don't just want to settle
21:48Without seeing what else is out there
21:50Doesn't mean I have to kiss
21:52Or do anything
21:54With said man later on
21:56Rhys has set the bar high
21:58Because he started so low
22:00I'm sure he'll be delighted to hear that
22:02But now I'm really comfortable with Rhys
22:04But I don't want to just stay comfortable
22:06And flatline
22:08Because I feel quite safe with him
22:10But then I'm like, no, Ella, you can't just settle
22:12You can't just stop
22:14You also need to see what else is out there
22:16In case there is somebody that's better than Rhys
22:20Because I don't know what he looks like
22:22Or anything about him
22:24Do I go and pray that he's going to be tall
22:26Or do I go sensible
22:28In case he's short
22:30Or maybe one of each, just to be safe
22:32Maybe I should put in zero effort
22:34So actually maybe I'll wear the big heels
22:36Because if he is short
22:40That will maybe intimidate him a little bit
22:42I'm hoping he's a knob
22:44But then if he is really nice
22:46I wish I'd maybe put a bit more effort in
22:48I reckon just keep talking about it for ages
22:50And then have a nap
22:52You know, my nipples will be out if I wear this one
22:54My crotch will be out if I wear this one
22:56And everything will be out if I wear this one
22:58So I'm not leaving much to the imagination
23:02If you've got it, flaunt it, Ella
23:04Or in my case, if you haven't got it
23:06Let it hang limply in the wind
23:10Back at the agency
23:12Chris is still in with the agents
23:14Talking about his double dating Dick DeBarcle
23:16I mean, it's not great feedback
23:18No, it's not good
23:20No, it's not
23:22I mean
23:24For me
23:26Talking about that stuff
23:28It's sharing personal stuff about my life
23:30It's quite vulnerable, right
23:32And I've been in positions in the past
23:34Where I've been vulnerable with people
23:36And it's been thrown back in my face
23:38When I let myself like someone
23:42It becomes very unfun for me
23:46It's just pure anxiety
23:50And in that very statement
23:52That is
23:54Indicative to the feedback
23:56Your defence mechanism comes out
23:58On dates because you're scared
24:00Of rejection
24:02That's where it comes from
24:04You're scared of being vulnerable because
24:06I've been there before
24:08And it's been used against me
24:10Or thrown back in my face
24:12Of course people will fall in love with you
24:14For you
24:16But that's the problem
24:18It's being an act
24:20And that's what we're trying to break through
24:22I get that they're trying to help
24:24But I can't be someone that I'm not on a date
24:26So if somebody wants to talk about something deep
24:28I will do a dick swerve
24:30Because it's my favourite way to swerve something
24:32You are great
24:36As you are
24:38We are just really, really hoping
24:40That you show
24:42The ladies that we put you on dates with
24:44How great you are
24:46Because the dick jokes
24:48Will only go so far
24:50Unless you're doing the VO for a celebrity dating agency
24:52Then in which case
24:54They're a four and a half inch godsend
24:56We love you, we support you, we want the best for you
24:58That's all you need to know
25:00He's having feedback mate
25:02Bring it in
25:04See you at brunch
25:06Thanks, this was spiritual
25:08It was something
25:10Bye, thank you
25:12I feel drained
25:14That sinks in a little bit for him
25:16It's got to because until he accepts
25:18That he has to take
25:20Another fateful risk
25:22He won't find anyone
25:26Well put
25:28Chin up Chris and remember
25:30Drop the dick jokes and own the emosh
25:40Welcome back to Celebs Go Dating
25:42Chelsea's Tristan is on his third date
25:44With Georgia
25:46This is what people do on Friday nights
25:50This is your world
25:52Hey guys
25:54Good to see you again
25:56Not sure they give a shit mate
25:58Was that fun?
26:00I feel like I was pretty shit though
26:02My first time ever
26:04I think you have me on here
26:06I feel like you've been doing this for years
26:08We need to do this shot don't we
26:10This is going to be strong
26:12This is a new thing
26:14How am I going to do it
26:16Hang on let me get my lime ready
26:18It's probably going to be gold
26:20I hope he hasn't got an outie
26:22Get it on me girl
26:24Are you ready
26:26Anyone watching
26:28This is fucking soft
26:30I hope he de-fluffed
26:32You don't want that in your teeth
26:34You missed a little bit
26:36I've got a little kiss mark
26:38This is not nice
26:40No it's lovely keep going
26:42How has he not got a boner
26:44I feel like it's Christmas and my birthday
26:46Aren't you glad you won
26:50Right we're going to play a game
26:52Would you rather have
26:54Penis for a nose but you get to keep your vagina
26:56Or no vagina
26:58And no penis for your nose
27:02It's like he's been getting dating tips from Chris
27:04How big's my penis
27:06It's incredibly large
27:08It's literally scraping the floor
27:10He uses it to play croquet
27:12I would rather
27:14Who says we don't tackle tough issues on this show
27:18While those two do whatever it is that was
27:20Our Jamilia is getting ready for a blind date
27:24The last blind date that I went on
27:26I married him
27:28Didn't work out well because I'm on celebs go dating
27:30Second time lucky Jamitron
27:32Dr Tara has given me some homework
27:34That I'm really nervous about
27:36If I do like him
27:38I have to flirt with him
27:40But if I don't like this guy
27:42I'm going to tell him to his face
27:44That I don't feel a spark
27:46Are you sure because your head looks like it's on fire
27:48That's going to be so difficult for me
27:50I'm not someone who's flirtatious
27:52And I haven't kissed many people
27:54I haven't slept with many people
27:56And it's not because I'm a prude
27:58Or anything like that
28:00I'm just selective
28:02And I'm not going to give that kind of energy
28:04To just anyone
28:06I'm exactly the same just less attractive
28:08And well not very selective
28:10I don't know what's worse
28:12Doing the flirting or the rejection
28:14Genuinely both things
28:16Scared the life out of me
28:18Both things are just like so against my whole being
28:20So I'm just like
28:22I feel sick
28:26Well Jams no one said this date in Malarkey
28:28Was going to be easy
28:31I can't lie I'm really nervous
28:33More nervous about this date
28:35Than any date I've been on
28:37Well brace yourself Ella
28:39Because here he is
28:41It's Jordan
28:43I'm feeling nervous but excited
28:45I've never been on a blind date before
28:47So it's a new experience for me
28:49So I do really like Reece
28:51So the bar is set quite high
28:53So I'm definitely not doing any kissing tonight
28:55Unless he's really fat
28:57She's definitely going to snog him isn't she
28:59Alright time to go find him
29:01Oh my god hi
29:03Can I get a drink please
29:05Can I get a
29:07Prosecco please
29:09Thank you
29:11I'm shitting my pants
29:13I'm going on a date but it's a blind date
29:15Are you the man
29:17Oh no
29:19Jesus fuck I put my foot in it already
29:21Sorry I'm very sorry
29:23It's like she's never been out before
29:25Your date is sat behind you there he is one head four shoulders
29:27Oh he's there
29:29Has she forgotten her clothes
29:31Oh shit
29:33Bare with us Jordan mate
29:35She's just pulling her tights out of her arse
29:37Oh my god fuck fuck fuck
29:39Ok I look fit yeah
29:413 2 1 oh my god
29:47Hi nice to meet you
29:49Hi I'm Ella
29:51Nice to meet you
29:53Your name's Jordan
29:55I did check whether they were like ok for hay fever
29:57Oh I do get hay fever
29:59That is so sweet
30:01No one's ever done that
30:03God your teeth
30:05Your name's Jordan
30:07My god he's tall
30:09He's handsome and he's brought me flowers
30:11So now I'm thinking like why am I even nervous
30:13Anyway this looks like it could be promising
30:15Ok well I'm Ella
30:17I know you probably know who I am
30:19But I thought I'd be modest
30:21I've not really looked up anything
30:23It's alright mate we're not going to check your search history
30:25Calm down
30:27Try to keep it sort of very vague what I know about you
30:29Oh god
30:31So what do you know about me
30:33Very little
30:35Oh I basically did
30:37Obviously a show called Married at First Sight
30:39And it went tits up
30:41Never watched that
30:43Fair enough not for everyone
30:45I watched a snippet
30:47Obviously your whole reveal and everything
30:49Oh so you saw the video where I tell everyone
30:51Oh so you have watched it
30:55I didn't know you'd had a transition or anything
30:59Is this the first time you've ever met someone who
31:01Yeah not really but it doesn't
31:03It's never really bothered me what people
31:05want to be or who they are
31:07And it's not something that would make you want to jump into the River Thames
31:09I think that might be a bit extreme
31:11Not at all
31:13It doesn't change my view or look at you at all
31:15I mean he seems sweet
31:17He's definitely very nervous
31:19Kind of reminds me of my first date with Rhys
31:21So let's just see where this could go
31:27While Ella gets her hopes up
31:29Over with Tristan and Georgia
31:31Things are winding down
31:33And Tristan only has one thing on his mind
31:35And it's not his balls
31:37Would you go on a fourth date with me
31:39Do you want me to go on a fourth date with you
31:41That wasn't the question
31:43Don't answer the question
31:45Yeah I would like to
31:47I feel like I need to
31:49Be certain that I am ready to pursue
31:51Things with Georgia and not just dive in
31:53Two feet in the deep end
31:55Without being certain on how I stand
31:57How are you feeling about this whole thing
31:59Yeah I'm enjoying getting to know you
32:01I feel like you're a good guy
32:03Definitely a connection there
32:05I'll be really honest with you because I feel like
32:07I've spoken to the agency, I've spoken to some of my mates as well
32:09And it's like I am very much enjoying
32:11Spending time with you
32:15I don't want to go on a date with someone else
32:21Honest? Obviously I wouldn't like it
32:23You know it's not a nice feeling
32:25Knowing you're going to get to know another girl
32:29Where's your head up with things
32:31No I'm not like I want to actively go out and kind of
32:33Date other people
32:35Oh I thought that was exactly what you just said you wanted
32:37But at the same time I think
32:39I do want to lead into this
32:41Like experience at the agency
32:45Sex fan it is
32:47While you go and do whatever you need to do
32:49Date other girls
32:51This is the way it has to be
32:53So you're telling me that you don't want to rip my clothes off right now
32:55And get incredibly inappropriate
32:57Oh I do yeah
32:59But I'm not going to
33:01You can have one last kiss and that's it
33:03That's it
33:05I have to walk off into the sunset
33:07Go on your other dates
33:09All the other dates I've been on I've thought of you
33:15Bloody hell
33:17These two have snogged more in three dates
33:19Than me and my wife have well ever
33:21We can get banned from this bowls club
33:23I know
33:25Let's go
33:27I had a really good third date with Tristan
33:29I feel like I saw more of his playful side which was nice
33:31I'm a bit unsure
33:33Whether I'll have the fourth date or not
33:35I feel like if I had a strong connection with someone
33:37I wouldn't feel the need to date other people
33:39I'll pull up with it for the moment
33:43Paul and Anna would be happy with me
33:45I feel like I did my homework
33:47I had a bit of fun
33:49I feel like I'm between a rock and a hard place here
33:51I do want to see Georgia again for sure
33:53I definitely want that fourth date
33:55But at the same time I do want to keep my options open
33:57Ah the old have your cake and eat it approach
33:59Yeah that always ends well
34:01As Tristan and Georgia go their separate ways
34:03Across London Jamila is heading to her blind date
34:05I am so excited about my blind date
34:07I'm really looking forward to it
34:09Yeah I feel like there's nothing to be nervous about
34:11Because I don't know what I'm getting
34:13So yeah let's go
34:15But what she doesn't know is
34:17Her date is a right old prankster
34:19And is pretending to work at the shop
34:21Top Bands brother
34:23Love on my mind
34:25Blurring the lines yeah
34:29Welcome to my chocolate
34:31How are you doing
34:33I'm really well thank you
34:35Okay amazing
34:37That's him what a joker
34:39So how can I help
34:41What would you like to have today
34:43What would I like to have
34:45Oh I can have some
34:47Judging from that look I think you can lick it off his nips if you want Jams
34:49Yeah we got some tasters around over here
34:51Oh amazing
34:53Let me surprise you with one of them if you like
34:55His acting isn't great but Jamila ain't clocking nothing here
34:57And I'm having another surprise
34:59Right come on mate spill the beans
35:01Another surprise
35:03I've got a date with you today
35:05Oh it's good to see you
35:07What's your name
35:09I'm Cyrus
35:11Bit odd but I kind of like the guy
35:13So he's my date
35:15To say I'm shocked
35:17Is an understatement
35:19But he seems quite nice
35:21Let's see how it goes
35:23Hi guys welcome to your
35:25Chocolate making experience
35:27Fantastic I'm really excited
35:29Yeah me too
35:31First of all you're going to make the ganache
35:33If one of you could just give that a whisk
35:35Do you know that I got to the final on
35:39Did you
35:41Oh yeah who won that by the way
35:43It wasn't Jamila it was the go compare man
35:45That's very well done
35:47Have you watched Masterchef
35:51Final five
35:53Bit of a chef
35:55Yeah she didn't offer to cook for you mate
35:57Do you cook
36:01What do you cook
36:03Only Persian food
36:05I'm a good cook
36:07Okay so both into cooking good start
36:09So next
36:11You're going to fill the
36:13What we call truffles for you
36:15I'm going to watch you first
36:17You need a bit
36:25I mean I'm glad they're taking this seriously
36:27But they do still have to like talk
36:29You know this is going on telly
36:31Well I think I'm actually going to get a job here
36:33So yeah well done
36:35Good luck
36:39So the conversation's not really flowing
36:41I think he's more into the chocolate than me
36:49Yeah I think that's spread enough mate
36:51Yeah I'll just um
36:53This is what I would do anyway
36:57You do that
37:01See how good I am
37:03Yep you're as good at spreading chocolate
37:05As you are shit at dating
37:07Amazing amazing
37:09Mate there is an international pop star
37:11Licking chocolate off her fingers next to you
37:13Doesn't give a shit does he
37:15Absolute nutter
37:17I'm not feeling the vibes there's no flirting
37:19There's no conversation
37:21It's so awkward
37:23There's lots of chocolate though which is nice
37:25Good news on the chocolate though eh
37:39Welcome back to Celebs Go Dating
37:41Where Married at First Sight's Ella
37:43Has been pleasantly surprised on her first ever
37:45Blind date with Jordan
37:49What's the worst thing you've done Ella
37:51I went to Ibiza for the first time
37:53And I loved it so much that when I came back
37:55I literally phoned in sick
37:57Because I wanted to go back
37:59So I went back out on my own and just partied
38:01With random strangers for another week
38:03I did the same at Peppa Pig World
38:05Fucking loved Miss Rabbit's helicopter ride
38:09No I've never really, I've done a lads holiday
38:11About two years ago just a little one in Benidorm
38:13Oi oi here we go lads lads lads
38:15Yeah it wasn't really much of a lads holiday
38:17It was just the two of us really so
38:19But lads lads then
38:21I mean this isn't the craziest story
38:25I'm not one to give up
38:27So I'm going to hold on in there and I mean he's handsome
38:29Thank God
38:31Have you got a six pack?
38:33At the moment probably not so much
38:35So what like a two pack?
38:37Give me a few more weeks and I will because I'm doing a cut
38:39You're one of these that paints themselves as orange
38:41And goes to body building shows
38:43It's called Men's Physique
38:47This show
38:49Who photoshopped that?
38:51Can I have their number?
38:53Your face is
38:57Completely different to the colour of your body
38:59Yeah you got Jamelia's date Cyrus
39:01To spread it on apparently
39:03Yeah they only tend to do your body
39:05You've really stained like what
39:07Oh yeah I was stupid enough to wear white
39:09And I touched it with the tan
39:11And then it looked like a shampoo
39:13You look like you shit your pants
39:15This body building shit is
39:17Not for me okay
39:19I mean fake tan
39:21In this relationship should only be
39:23Worn by me
39:25I really fucked up with that
39:27On stage
39:29The darker the tan the better your physique looks on stage
39:31I quite like the
39:33Diptych Marmite look myself to be honest
39:39Across town there's even more brown sticky stuff
39:41Chocolate behave yourselves
39:43As Jamelia tries to rescue her date with Cyrus
39:45Over some cocoa
39:49Tell me about life
39:51Tell me about your life
39:53My life?
39:55Bloody hell Cyrus barely a question all day
39:57Then you ask her to sum up her entire life
39:59You take the piss
40:01How old are you?
40:03Well we all feel ten years older
40:05Than we did when this date started
40:09I don't want to get into it
40:11I'm 39
40:13You're 39 okay
40:15I'm turning 40
40:17He doesn't sound sure
40:19Okay why are you so hesitant
40:21To tell me
40:23Because he's actually 63
40:25No I'm not
40:27I'm older than you
40:29I'm younger than both of you
40:31Christ this is painful
40:33So when you wake up in the morning
40:35What do you do?
40:37I look at the wife give her a wink
40:39But this morning
40:41I went for a swim
40:43It was amazing
40:45I wake up at like 5
40:47Oh you're early birthing
40:49I was talking about it
40:51How many hours do you sleep normally
40:53Because I only sleep 6 hours
40:57I think I'm the same
40:59You? 6 hours?
41:01Maybe 5
41:03At least Jamelia knows who to call
41:05If she's struggling to get her 5 hours
41:09Across town hopefully Ella
41:11Has managed to get over her slight ick
41:13With bodybuilder Jordan
41:15What's the craziest thing that
41:17You've gone through
41:19The craziest thing was probably
41:21My mum had cancer when I was younger
41:23So that was a bit of a shit one
41:25Sorry to hear that mate but I'm not sure that's what she was going for
41:27I've never had a dad
41:31Have you ever been arrested?
41:33Interesting next choice of question there
41:35Years ago when I was drink driving
41:37Did you go to prison?
41:39Not quite
41:41If you went to prison I feel like you'd be okay
41:43Because you're really big and bulky
41:45I'm not a fighter though
41:47I'd stay off the fake town there mate
41:49Don't want to be hanging about in those shells
41:51This date has taken a turn for the worse
41:53I like funny but he is not it
41:57That's it get the shots in that'll help surely
41:59When was the last time you drank tequila?
42:03The last time I did this
42:05Was on my first date
42:07With Reeves
42:09Or it could just make it more awkward
42:11And how did that go?
42:13You don't want to know mate
42:17Nice driving impression
42:19We were kissing
42:21And then
42:23I didn't have
42:25Sex sense
42:27And I have been checked
42:29So I've not got any STIs
42:31Thank you
42:33That's great to know on the first date
42:35I don't know if he's being sarcastic or not
42:37Maybe to lighten things up you know
42:39Maybe talk about dead pets
42:41Something a bit more fun like that
42:45Back with Jamelia
42:47She's not having the best of times
42:49Either with her date Cyrus
42:51How do you think the date's going?
42:53Like a Liz Trust mini budget
42:55Fucking terrible
42:57So far so good
42:59I'd hate to see his bad dates
43:01The date is going nowhere
43:03It's time to rip the plaster off
43:05Dr Tara's told me that I need to dump him
43:07If I don't like him
43:09So here goes
43:11I've had such a good day today
43:13No you haven't
43:15Thank you so much
43:17It's been really fun
43:19For me as well
43:21I really appreciate it
43:23I can make chocolate
43:25It's been so fun
43:27It really hasn't
43:29But yeah I just didn't feel
43:31That romantic spark
43:33Of course
43:35Thank you so much
43:37Thank you
43:39It's lovely to meet you
43:41Take care
43:43Thank you
43:45I had a great time
43:47With Jamelia as a colleague
43:49When we were making chocolate
43:51But the way that it ended up
43:53It was a bit unexpected
43:57I am who I am
43:59And it is what it is
44:01I feel like this is the beginning
44:03Of a whirlwind romance
44:09That wasn't
44:11That wasn't it
44:13I don't know what I'm looking for
44:15But I tell you that wasn't it
44:17We just weren't connecting on any level
44:19Apart from the sleep hands don't forget
44:21It was truly refreshing
44:23To be honest
44:25This is how I feel
44:27And I did feel quite empowered
44:29And I hope it's a skill
44:31That I will be able to carry on
44:33Into my future dates
44:35Let's hope for all our sakes
44:37Your next date's got a bit better
44:41As Jamelia heads home
44:43Let's see if Ella and Jordan
44:45Can end their evening with a bang
44:47Would you like another date or not?
44:49I'm not a betting man
44:51But I'd bet my entire career
44:53There is a guy
44:55That I've gone on a few dates with
44:59If I had to choose between
45:01Him and you
45:03I would probably say him
45:05Yeah of course
45:07He's not messing about is he?
45:09Sling you at love I'm off down B&Q
45:11To varnish me tits
45:15I have never been on a blind date before
45:17And after that
45:19I definitely won't be going on a blind date
45:21Ever again
45:23He's quite reserved and quiet
45:25I think
45:27Oh I feel so bad
45:29He's lovely but he's just not
45:31For me
45:33I found Ella easy to talk to
45:35What I liked least about
45:37Ella was the fact that she brought up the other dates
45:39It felt like it was more of a competition than a date
45:41At least she was honest with me
45:43Which I respect
45:45I hate to admit it
45:47But I actually was
45:49And I was really wanting to be sat opposite me
45:53I think this is a good thing
45:55But I'm now slightly scared
45:57Because I'm like god I actually really do like Rhi
45:59Oh Ella loves Rhi's
46:03Tomorrow night
46:05Skip breakfast
46:07Cancel lunch
46:09The brunch is back
46:11With a host of brand new hotties
46:15We want you to do some fast flirting
46:17Oh no
46:21We'll finish it there
46:25Where was your face
46:27How was your last date
46:29He got buzzed
46:31And Helen loves in a flangrenade
46:33My feelings have just got stronger
46:35And things have just got more intense
46:37You lied to us
46:47As our celebs
46:51Speed dating
46:53Say what
