• 2 days ago


00:00:00["Rollin' for You"]
00:00:30["Rollin' for You"]
00:00:32I'm an insect of liberal arts that doesn't know fractions.
00:00:48You're in arts.
00:00:50Why did you skip math class?
00:01:07I'm an insect of liberal arts that doesn't know conjugation.
00:01:10Did you re-try Spanish?
00:01:13You don't even know how to write?
00:01:15If they find out, don't tell me.
00:01:30["Rollin' for You"]
00:01:49Let's see.
00:01:51If I do this, it looks like we both have it up.
00:01:54And that way, we're turning.
00:02:00["Rollin' for You"]
00:02:17That crazy bitch.
00:02:22Do you know that crazy bitch?
00:02:26She's my mom's daughter.
00:02:31She's not my real mother.
00:02:33She only takes care of me.
00:02:35I'm in a foster home.
00:02:39That's a relief.
00:02:42So that crazy bitch isn't your real sister?
00:03:00["Rollin' for You"]
00:03:31They are, but not in blood.
00:03:34That girl has been very distracted.
00:03:36She doesn't pay attention and spends her time talking to everyone.
00:03:39What are you going to do?
00:03:41Doesn't she spend her time writing?
00:03:43Even at home, all she does is write.
00:03:46Someone from a poor family like her should be studying more.
00:03:50How is she going to make money?
00:03:52Maybe in ten years, she'll become a good writer.
00:03:56I'm sure her books will be a success.
00:04:00Oh, girl.
00:04:02Don't be ridiculous, please.
00:04:04Do you think anyone can write?
00:04:06Don't tell me you've never been told that the big guys start late.
00:04:11Start late?
00:04:12Who are you comparing her to?
00:04:14Are you crazy like her?
00:04:15What I'm saying is that you never know.
00:04:17Yes, Nam Jae-hyun will grow up to be a famous author.
00:04:20Or maybe a dangerous serial killer.
00:04:24Is that a threat?
00:04:26Just congratulate her and cheer her on.
00:04:28If she's successful, it'll be because of you.
00:04:30And if she fails, she'll be the one to pay for it.
00:04:32Yes, the soul can feel pressured.
00:04:35But if it doesn't, it has nothing to lose.
00:04:40Song Hye-jung.
00:04:51Don't tell me that the crazy girl from that day...
00:04:55That college student was Song Hye-jung?
00:05:01You never know how people will end up.
00:05:03To think that she could be working with all of us.
00:05:06Well, yes.
00:05:11Hey, are you still writing?
00:05:18Yes, still.
00:05:21Send me what you're writing.
00:05:25Did I say something wrong?
00:05:27My company is working on a collection of new books for children.
00:05:32That's why I said that.
00:05:33No, it's not that.
00:05:38Yes, it's just that what I do...
00:05:42They're no longer stories for little children.
00:05:47Ah, for adults.
00:05:50I think I saw an article about that new genre.
00:05:53And there's also a great variety of horror, action, fables.
00:05:57What genre do you like?
00:06:06How can I tell you?
00:06:47And they relax a little.
00:06:50Stories that make you feel very good inside and out.
00:06:58Stories that sprout and reach the heart.
00:07:07I'm already curious.
00:07:10If you really don't mind, could you let me read one?
00:07:16Who is it?
00:07:18I mean, it's my boss.
00:07:20Oh, well, if you want, answer.
00:07:26She wants to see me right now.
00:07:28Right now? Is that idiot crazy?
00:07:34Come on, John.
00:07:36You're not a murderer, are you?
00:07:42I believe you.
00:07:54Next time, you and I should meet somewhere else.
00:07:59It was a pleasure to see you today, Nam and John.
00:08:17Wow, Elijah and John work together!
00:08:30He should be at the hotel by now. Why isn't he answering?
00:08:34Where are you?
00:08:38Hey, that hurts!
00:08:40It only hurts if you don't stay still.
00:08:42Oh, not anymore.
00:08:44It hurts a lot when you nail it.
00:08:46Come on, let me go.
00:08:48It's the last one, it's the last one.
00:08:51There's only this one left, and that's it.
00:08:59I'm sure your head hurts.
00:09:02I was carrying almost a kilo of steel.
00:09:05Do you want to go take a shower?
00:09:09You go first, because I'm late.
00:09:13Ah, okay.
00:09:24What's wrong?
00:09:26You've never been to a hotel before?
00:09:34Is this your first time?
00:09:36It's almost like a motel.
00:09:38And I'm sure you've been to a motel.
00:09:39When I was in the service, I went sometimes with my unit.
00:09:43You went with your unit?
00:09:45Some don't have anywhere to go on vacation.
00:09:48Ah, and tell me, were you only going to sleep?
00:09:52You never went to a motel for any other reason?
00:09:55What do you want to know?
00:09:57It's just that I have to be responsible.
00:10:01As someone who has been in this world longer,
00:10:04maybe I should give a lesson to a newbie.
00:10:15Wasn't that enough?
00:10:20The kiss.
00:10:23And now, the groom can kiss the bride.
00:10:28I told you to take that off.
00:10:29I told you to take that off.
00:10:31Well, now I invite you to applaud while the grooms kiss.
00:10:35And the happy couple, keep kissing during the applause.
00:10:39Well, guests, everyone give them a round of applause.
00:10:48Now, the grooms kiss.
00:11:00But it was a kiss on the cheek.
00:11:03I'm sure they didn't do it because we didn't applaud loudly.
00:11:06Everyone, applaud loudly.
00:11:08Now, the groom kisses his beloved bride.
00:11:30No, wait, ma'am.
00:11:35I'm sorry, but I have to go home. My son is going to visit me.
00:11:39Ma'am, don't get up. Wait a minute, please.
00:11:42Calm down.
00:11:45I'm sorry, but we're done with the photos.
00:11:48I'm leaving. I have to go.
00:11:49I have to go.
00:11:57Enough? But, let's see.
00:12:00A football game is not entertaining unless both score many goals.
00:12:07And both have fun.
00:12:19I didn't come to a hotel, but it's not my first time in other things.
00:12:49Why don't you close your eyes?
00:13:14Why have you never kissed with your eyes open?
00:13:16When a woman closes her eyes, you know what to do.
00:13:24Go take a shower. We have a lot to do.
00:13:28Like what?
00:13:30The only thing a couple does on their wedding night.
00:13:33Count all their money.
00:13:36You're good at counting, aren't you?
00:13:47I almost had a heart attack.
00:13:50I'm so glad you made it, Hei Yong.
00:13:53Basically, you almost reached Buddha level.
00:13:57I wasn't a slave to my cardinal desire.
00:14:07Why should I count all my money?
00:14:10I'm not a slave to my cardinal desire.
00:14:15Why should I contain myself?
00:14:18He said while his gaze slowly passed through his body.
00:14:22I can't contain myself when your body is in front of mine.
00:14:25Then his lips curved.
00:14:28Her name is Jung Bora.
00:14:30And she's well known in online novels.
00:14:33The famous drama that happens to President Kim
00:14:36was based on one of his romantic novels.
00:14:38And the sequel had no less than 100 million views.
00:14:43I read an interview they did with her
00:14:45and it seems that this time it's decided.
00:14:47If they find her, she's willing to do anything.
00:14:50Apparently, her goal is to write a story
00:14:52that readers can't even recommend to a close friend.
00:14:58And to think that there's a person who writes with that goal.
00:15:02Tell me, does it make sense?
00:15:04No, it doesn't make sense at all.
00:15:05What they were doing here should take a break.
00:15:08Hey, what are you talking about?
00:15:11Ah, he didn't hear me.
00:15:13The protagonist of this novel is Ha-Joon.
00:15:18That's why I was even more offended.
00:15:20Because that's when I remembered you.
00:15:24Let's see, he makes me read a novel with an explicit sex scene
00:15:28and then he tells me that he remembered me.
00:15:31It's not true, secretary.
00:15:33Don't say it that way.
00:15:35You make it sound very strange.
00:15:37I'm just saying that you should have a good excuse.
00:15:40If you don't want to face a criminal charge.
00:15:43You don't understand that I don't.
00:15:45I swear I've never had a single thought about you
00:15:47that requires you to sue me in any way.
00:15:49Yes, but what do you think?
00:15:51Doesn't the culprit decide it?
00:15:53The number of cases like this of sexual harassment
00:15:55at work are severely condemned by society.
00:15:58It was mom.
00:16:01Mom was there.
00:16:06Reading those things.
00:16:14It was mom!
00:16:36So she went to the hospital because she was shocked
00:16:39to see that her mom was reading this?
00:16:41It wasn't because of that.
00:16:44It was because I was a hater.
00:16:48As you know, I come from a poor family with a heart.
00:16:52But I am a good person.
00:16:54I have a chicken heart.
00:16:57While I was writing, I suffered a mental breakdown.
00:17:00I don't know how all those people can blame me.
00:17:07What could she have written to make it so bad?
00:17:10Even so, the one who reads this is her mother.
00:17:13Why did she decide to attack the author?
00:17:17Would you do it?
00:17:21Stop reading that novel.
00:17:23Don't read those graphic and explicit sex details.
00:17:25Would you dare?
00:17:27Would you have the courage to do it?
00:17:28Would you have the courage to do it?
00:17:36From now on,
00:17:38I will only dedicate myself
00:17:41to destroying her.
00:18:04If you're tired, go to sleep.
00:18:06I'll finish counting the money.
00:18:08And I don't trust you with my money.
00:18:12How could she marry a man I don't trust?
00:18:16Do you think this is a matter of trust?
00:18:19I'll marry someone I trust.
00:18:20Hey, why don't you trust me?
00:18:23I'm the only one who can open the safe in the store.
00:18:30You're suspicious.
00:18:32It's like you're hiding something.
00:18:38What could I be hiding?
00:18:40If we talk about something personal,
00:18:42you change the subject or you shut up.
00:18:44I don't trust you.
00:18:46I don't trust you.
00:18:47If we talk about something personal,
00:18:49you change the subject or you shut up.
00:18:51For example,
00:18:53who is that person in Canada?
00:18:55Or how was your grandmother with you?
00:18:57Apart from your name, age and appearance,
00:18:59I don't know anything about you or your life.
00:19:07And I don't want to insist that you tell me everything.
00:19:09I just say that to trust,
00:19:11both parties have to know about the life of the other.
00:19:18When I was young,
00:19:22much younger,
00:19:25my grandmother's daughter moved to Canada when she got married.
00:19:29For her, her beauty was a curse.
00:19:34If she's your grandmother's daughter,
00:19:36is she your aunt?
00:19:39Or not?
00:19:43Or is she your mother?
00:19:48And why?
00:19:50My grandmother
00:19:53wanted it that way.
00:19:56That family does not know my existence
00:19:59and if I go to see her,
00:20:01I would get her in trouble.
00:20:04For the good of my grandmother,
00:20:07I have to live alone.
00:20:10They say that
00:20:12love flows downstream.
00:20:13But my grandmother's affection only reached my mother.
00:20:16Like her grandson,
00:20:18I am a generation away.
00:20:33Why do you do that?
00:20:35Because I thought you were going to cry, but no.
00:20:37And why was I going to cry when I saw you?
00:20:39Because I thought you were going to cry,
00:20:41but no.
00:20:43I was going to cry like a child.
00:20:45You will always be a child
00:20:47when you talk about your mother.
00:20:52Well, thank you for telling me.
00:20:55It shouldn't have been easy to share it.
00:20:59I just wanted to show you
00:21:01that I wasn't going to steal your money.
00:21:14I warn you,
00:21:16if you take this clothes off me too,
00:21:18I'm going to get angry.
00:21:42Miss John,
00:21:44I think an imbecile is lowering
00:21:46his rating on purpose
00:21:48by posting negative comments.
00:21:50I know you are not affected by haters,
00:21:52but lowering the rating is only temporary,
00:21:54so please don't mind.
00:21:56Oh, why does he work at this time?
00:21:58He should be asleep by now.
00:22:00I don't care about that at all.
00:22:02Don't worry and rest.
00:22:08When a comment is ignored,
00:22:09it is much better to read it before.
00:22:29Great writers
00:22:31are twisting in their graves now.
00:22:34You are the twisted hate.
00:22:35You are the twisted hate.
00:22:38You are just wasting your time
00:22:40writing something so uninspiring
00:22:42and of bad taste.
00:23:05I'm sorry.
00:23:36I'm already at the airport.
00:23:40I deposited it as soon as I arrived.
00:23:42Oh, don't worry unnecessarily.
00:23:45Do you think I would lose all that money?
00:23:50Oh, by the way,
00:23:52Hee-uk came with me.
00:23:54Did he accompany you there?
00:23:56Yes, Anu-Jay's wife
00:23:58saw us getting on the airport bus.
00:24:00Why is she so meddlesome?
00:24:02I don't know.
00:24:03Why is she so meddlesome?
00:24:05It must be my karma.
00:24:07Are you ready?
00:24:09We already have the tickets.
00:24:11Where are we going?
00:24:12Guess where we're going.
00:24:13Who knows where we're going?
00:24:15Do you know?
00:24:16Do you want a gift?
00:24:17What would you like?
00:24:18Do you want a toy?
00:24:19A toy?
00:24:20A stuffed one.
00:24:22Yes, well,
00:24:23I'll call you when I get there, okay?
00:24:31All set.
00:24:34You're finally free.
00:24:36You can go now.
00:24:40What's wrong?
00:24:42Do you want to go to our honeymoon?
00:24:46I thought
00:24:48I was going to take her mother on a trip.
00:24:51I'm not that close to her.
00:24:53And I don't like her either.
00:24:56You're not close
00:24:58and you don't like her mother?
00:25:01But she did everything at the wedding
00:25:03just for her own good
00:25:05and because she loves her.
00:25:07Of course I love her.
00:25:12you can love someone you don't like
00:25:14and not love someone who does like you.
00:25:21you're still resentful with her
00:25:23because she can't remember her anymore.
00:25:26That's because she's sick.
00:25:27That's because she's sick.
00:25:28My mom was always like that.
00:25:34There were so many things she was worried about
00:25:37that she never remembered me.
00:25:39She forgot me.
00:25:41But in the end, I forgave her.
00:25:45Because I'm her daughter.
00:25:54Speaking of which, I almost forgot.
00:25:57Here it is.
00:25:59This is your share.
00:26:01It was in exchange for taking care of my daughter.
00:26:03All work must be rewarded.
00:26:05This is your share.
00:26:08Just as you came here,
00:26:10I will keep my word to take care of your daughter.
00:26:13I don't want it.
00:26:15It's just a little more than the minimum wage.
00:26:18It's enough for you to go to Canada.
00:26:21Who said I want to go there?
00:26:23I got married so they wouldn't insist on going to Canada.
00:26:25You didn't want to because maybe it would convince you.
00:26:29See you later.
00:26:34Enjoy your vacation.
00:26:46For your grandmother,
00:26:48her daughter was more important than her grandson.
00:26:50But for me, you are more important.
00:26:52My husband will always be the most important.
00:26:55I recommend you go wherever you want to go.
00:26:58Meet whoever you want to meet.
00:27:00And live your life however you want.
00:27:07Why do you still
00:27:11call me husband?
00:27:13Because we are still
00:27:25I love you.
00:27:56I love you too.
00:28:03I love you too.
00:28:19What is this?
00:28:26Congratulations on your marriage, Miss Sun Hye Jung.
00:28:33This world would be better if you didn't lose anything for being single.
00:28:40if this wedding was real and you were marrying the person you love.
00:28:55I love you.
00:29:26Even if you chose this to be happy,
00:29:30even if it's fake,
00:29:32if this was useful for you to be successful,
00:29:34I think it's enough justification.
00:29:41I hope all your choices
00:29:43bring you a lot of luck.
00:29:45From your fake and temporary husband
00:29:47who wishes you
00:29:49true happiness.
00:29:55I love you.
00:30:12That was
00:30:14the last time
00:30:16I saw Kim Hee Wook.
00:30:25New creative and innovative business ideas
00:30:28to take us to the top of the Internet.
00:30:35I'm in!
00:30:39Hello, congratulations.
00:30:41You've been doing well since you got married.
00:30:43It was nothing.
00:30:44Don't congratulate me.
00:30:45You don't have to pretend to be humble with us.
00:30:47You won with justice.
00:30:48That's true.
00:30:50But I'm not happy.
00:30:52I'm not happy.
00:30:53You don't have to pretend to be humble with us.
00:30:54You won with justice.
00:30:55That's true.
00:30:56It was a very competitive contest.
00:30:57And it was pretty tough.
00:30:58Of course.
00:31:00And what are you doing here?
00:31:01Just getting in the way.
00:31:03Here comes the winner.
00:31:06Hey, you should be a little humble.
00:31:08Or you're going to make the world hate you.
00:31:10Yes, I'm a little humble.
00:31:12But I still beat them.
00:31:18You're never going to change.
00:31:19Directors are directors.
00:31:20The rehearsal is over.
00:31:21I'm going.
00:31:23Come and applaud us.
00:31:24Among colleagues we have to support each other.
00:31:26Of course.
00:31:27The winners of the first and second places deserve the honors.
00:31:31See you later.
00:31:32I'm not going.
00:31:33I'm green with envy.
00:31:35Well, excuse me.
00:31:36See you later.
00:31:44Win the second place with the proposal you stole from me.
00:31:47Did you like it?
00:31:48Do you dance to your heart's content?
00:31:50Hey, Mr. Hayoka.
00:31:51Don't talk to me like that at work.
00:31:57Why compete with my past self
00:31:59when today's is even better?
00:32:20Well, it's done.
00:32:22The production of the audio drama
00:32:23The President's Menu will begin.
00:32:29And from now on,
00:32:30I trust my script in your capable hands.
00:32:33I warn you.
00:32:34I'm going to ask you all kinds of questions.
00:32:36And I promise I'll try to make the script
00:32:38as faithful as possible to the novel.
00:32:40But unfortunately, as you already know,
00:32:42it's only going to be an audio series.
00:32:44What a pity.
00:32:45I know.
00:32:46I know that some of you
00:32:47Oh, I know.
00:32:48I know that some changes in the story
00:32:50are inevitable due to the medium, but
00:32:52it's not limited to the original material.
00:32:54It's better to consider it a compass
00:32:56to orient yourself in that direction.
00:32:59That's why I'm a fan of Miss John.
00:33:01I'm going to write a script that you'll love.
00:33:04I know.
00:33:06It looks like we started with the right foot.
00:33:08What do you think
00:33:09if we're going to eat to celebrate?
00:33:12I didn't think we were going to go out
00:33:13and the truth is that I have something else.
00:33:16But I can cancel.
00:33:17Oh, no, don't worry.
00:33:19It shows that she came dressed to have an appointment.
00:33:21Besides, I also have to go.
00:33:23Editor, for the other one?
00:33:25Sure, I assure you.
00:33:27So, are we done?
00:33:30Thank you for your time.
00:33:31See you later.
00:33:33Thank you both.
00:33:34Sorry, Miss John.
00:33:37Give me a minute.
00:33:39Oh, well, I'll go ahead.
00:33:42Goodbye and be careful.
00:33:47It's about the person who was bothering you.
00:33:49This afternoon,
00:33:50he will receive the complaint we sent.
00:33:55Tell the lawyer
00:33:56that I will not forgive him
00:33:57nor will I reach an agreement.
00:33:59With pleasure.
00:34:01It was probably difficult.
00:34:04It's nothing.
00:34:16I'm a fool for having trusted him.
00:34:23Good morning, Mr.
00:34:26What brings you here?
00:34:27What brings you here, you idiot?
00:34:29No, dad.
00:34:31But what did I do?
00:34:32No, dad.
00:34:34Does the president have something in the afternoon?
00:34:37He will go to the award ceremony
00:34:38of the contest organized by the company.
00:34:40Cancel it.
00:34:43I have a family.
00:34:45Dad, no.
00:34:47What do you want?
00:34:48I want everyone to have an explanation.
00:34:51Govern yourself.
00:34:55Help me.
00:34:58At this moment,
00:34:59I did not ask for your help.
00:35:10An announcement for the employees.
00:35:12The award ceremony
00:35:14of the contest of ideas
00:35:15will begin shortly.
00:35:17We hope that everyone
00:35:18can join us at the event.
00:35:21An announcement for the employees.
00:35:25the lighting here is fantastic.
00:35:27In a while,
00:35:28when you receive your award,
00:35:29you will see what pictures I take of you.
00:35:36If you wanted to be inconsiderate,
00:35:37you would have become a waiter.
00:35:40Drinking, betting,
00:35:41and a lot of nonsense.
00:35:42Many things that are forgotten more easily.
00:35:45That's what you should do.
00:35:46But no.
00:35:47I asked you for a new business strategy
00:35:49and all you do is risk us.
00:35:52I should have been like you.
00:35:54Just go and commit adultery.
00:35:55You're a bastard!
00:35:56Why do you talk to your father like that?
00:35:59Your father only had sex.
00:36:03Adultery sounds very elegant,
00:36:04don't you think?
00:36:05I didn't do it without love either.
00:36:08It was something beautiful
00:36:09and also very romantic.
00:36:10Although in the end it ended badly.
00:36:12And look,
00:36:13I didn't have a problem again.
00:36:14No, it's just that you didn't have it.
00:36:16You hid it.
00:36:17Because I'm a great strategist.
00:36:19And you,
00:36:20solve this.
00:36:21Either a lawsuit or an agreement.
00:36:23This should not appear in the news
00:36:24before the case closes
00:36:25for no reason.
00:36:26From today on,
00:36:27you are neither Bucky O's son
00:36:29nor Colby's president.
00:36:31Is that clear?
00:36:34How stupid.
00:36:48Forgive me, please, Mom.
00:36:56End this once and for all.
00:36:59As Bucky O's son.
00:37:01I'm sorry.
00:37:19What's wrong?
00:37:20You're late.
00:37:31I'm tired of listening to you.
00:37:44I'm sorry to inform everyone
00:37:45who took the time
00:37:46of their busy day
00:37:47to come to the ceremony,
00:37:48as well as the proud winners.
00:37:51Due to a sudden change
00:37:52in his agenda,
00:37:53the president
00:37:54will not be able to attend
00:37:55the award ceremony.
00:37:58we will make this award ceremony
00:37:59very short.
00:38:00What? Why?
00:38:01The president
00:38:02is not going to come to the ceremony?
00:38:06That piece of glass
00:38:07only has meaning
00:38:08because the president
00:38:09is the one who gives it.
00:38:10If they're going to be so short,
00:38:11why did they make us come?
00:38:15Do you think it's an omen?
00:38:17Your whole group
00:38:18started with the left foot.
00:38:30Te, te, te, te
00:38:32I'm going to sue you
00:38:35I'm not going to forgive you
00:38:40I'm going to sue your hate
00:38:43There will be no forgiveness
00:38:44Atumba, tumba, tumba, tumba
00:38:46I'm going to sue you
00:38:48Is he still here?
00:38:50Hello, miss!
00:38:52Is it the producer, Jun?
00:38:58Why is Miss Mingy
00:38:59leaving with the producer?
00:39:06I was dressed for a date.
00:39:09Congratulations to director Anuye
00:39:11for winning second place
00:39:13in the contest!
00:39:26With all that shouting
00:39:27they're going to think
00:39:28that he's the winner.
00:39:32He looked like the winner
00:39:33when they gave away the prizes.
00:39:36His wife looked so good
00:39:37rewarding her husband.
00:39:41Do you like it?
00:39:42Yes, I like it.
00:39:43You eat too.
00:39:46It's such a beautiful scene.
00:39:48Isn't it?
00:39:49Ay, it was beautiful to see that on such a dark day.
00:39:52Eat, don't stop eating.
00:39:54Let your hands be faster than your mouth.
00:39:57Girl, no matter what they say, you are the star, okay?
00:40:02It's okay, with drama or without it, in the company you know who won.
00:40:08She is not the only one with a husband.
00:40:10You also have an adorable husband.
00:40:12Girl, tell your husband to come.
00:40:17If I'm honest, 80% of your victory.
00:40:21Of course it's yours.
00:40:23But 20% is your husband's.
00:40:25Did he help you to contest?
00:40:27Your spouse was the one who gave you the support you needed.
00:40:31To be just like them.
00:40:32Oh, cuddle, cuddle, cuddle, with love, love.
00:40:34Tell him to come.
00:40:38Ah, it's that...
00:40:41He is in Canada.
00:40:43What? Canada?
00:40:44Yes, Canada.
00:40:46He had to go for a few days.
00:40:48My in-laws needed him.
00:40:52Oh, it's true.
00:40:53You said they lived in Canada.
00:40:55Well, what a shame.
00:40:57I wish I had celebrated with him.
00:40:59Director, tell us the truth.
00:41:01You want to see your handsome husband again, right?
00:41:07You think I want to steal my subordinate's husband?
00:41:10Well, you're absolutely right.
00:41:13But throw a party when he comes back.
00:41:15You don't need to.
00:41:16Oh, it worked, right?
00:41:17Yes, it should be one.
00:41:19Of course.
00:41:21Anyway, you're going to be the leader soon.
00:41:24Head of a group of professionals.
00:41:26Congratulations, Director, for winning first place!
00:41:48You again?
00:41:50Oh, it's true.
00:41:51He doesn't work here anymore.
00:41:53I'm sorry.
00:41:54I've been here for months.
00:41:56The last cashier left because he bothered you, right?
00:42:01Of course not.
00:42:03I'm sorry.
00:42:04I'm sorry.
00:42:05I'm sorry.
00:42:06I'm sorry.
00:42:07I'm sorry.
00:42:08I'm sorry.
00:42:09I'm sorry.
00:42:10I'm sorry.
00:42:12I called you and you never answered.
00:42:14Well, I bought you a gift that I thought you'd like.
00:42:19You were the one who called?
00:42:21Who are you?
00:42:22I work here.
00:42:24Where is Kim Hyuk?
00:42:25The night shift cashier.
00:42:27I think that boy already quit.
00:42:29And that's why I was hired.
00:42:30What do you mean he quit?
00:42:34How could he?
00:42:36Well, thank you.
00:42:41Song Hye Jong?
00:42:44Yes, my name is Song Hye Jong.
00:42:46Hyuk left you a message for me.
00:42:50It's just that...
00:42:53There's a package for you.
00:43:12I wasn't even in love with him.
00:43:21And it's clear to me that the boss of this store...
00:43:25cares a lot about appearance.
00:43:28Or is it because of the neighborhood?
00:43:41Let's see.
00:44:02Do you want to buy cigarettes?
00:44:07Song Hill 6CM, the strongest one.
00:44:12I like this.
00:44:14A cashier that doesn't bother me.
00:44:16Song Hill 6CM, Song Hill.
00:44:21To the left, a little lower.
00:44:23To the left, a little lower.
00:44:25No, now to the right.
00:44:26Oh, to the right?
00:44:28I found them.
00:44:31Lung cancer or stroke.
00:44:41Lung cancer or stroke.
00:46:05What a bad cat.
00:46:31I've never seen that naughty cat.
00:46:33And neither has that bad cat.
00:46:35I've never seen that bad cat.
00:46:37And neither has that cat.
00:46:39And neither has that naughty cat.
00:46:40And neither has that bad cat.
00:46:41And why don't you kick her out?
00:46:43Weren't you going to take care of her for a week?
00:46:45To kick her out, I have to find her first.
00:46:47I don't know where she hid.
00:46:49I can't find her, no matter how much I look.
00:46:51She eats, poops, loses her hair, and breaks things while I'm gone.
00:46:55She's not a girl.
00:46:57She's a swindler.
00:46:59Try not to feed her.
00:47:01If she's hungry, she'll show up or leave.
00:47:09Where's the boy from the store?
00:47:11Haven't you found him yet?
00:47:14What's wrong with that idiot?
00:47:16We had a great breakfast at the hotel.
00:47:18And then we said goodbye calmly.
00:47:20Why did he disappear?
00:47:22And he never answers me.
00:47:25She only howls at me when I talk about Hyuk.
00:47:27Does she understand?
00:47:31Tell me the truth.
00:47:33Are you okay?
00:47:35I'm fine.
00:47:37Tell me the truth.
00:47:39Did you have sex?
00:47:41I already told you no.
00:47:43That doesn't make sense.
00:47:45One person only leaves another after spending the night.
00:47:48And she leaves because she doesn't want to commit.
00:47:50Let's see.
00:47:52Can you imagine what happened?
00:47:54Why is he the one who ignores me?
00:47:56There are men who have never slept with me.
00:47:58But none of them refused to come back.
00:48:01The men who never slept with you?
00:48:03And who chose to leave?
00:48:04They never explained to you?
00:48:05What a fool.
00:48:17Do you see something?
00:48:20I look like a rich girl.
00:48:23First go buy good taste.
00:48:26Do you really think that's how luxury brands dress?
00:48:29Rather, you have to let the brands buy you and use you.
00:48:31You look very bad.
00:48:32Where are you going like this?
00:48:37Turn around.
00:48:41But one question.
00:48:43Do you know what the producer is doing?
00:48:47Well, right now...
00:48:48Sending messages to some woman.
00:48:55Why do you keep sending messages to your boyfriend from 10 years ago?
00:48:58Better go see him.
00:49:00Go talk to him in person.
00:49:02And you let me rest on my couch.
00:49:07I better go.
00:49:30Sir, we're here.
00:49:46You can't hide it.
00:49:47My innate class.
00:49:48I speak with dignity.
00:49:49He looks like a trash.
00:49:50Perfect to look like a hater.
00:49:52He has the look of a loser and unemployed.
00:49:58Do I really have to go that far?
00:50:00Did you forget what your father told you?
00:50:02If this ends up in the papers,
00:50:03he won't be your son or the president anymore.
00:50:11You have to stop thinking about that.
00:50:13Today, just focus on one thing.
00:50:15President Ki-un.
00:50:16President Bo-Ki-un.
00:50:19Secretary, I...
00:50:21Beg for mercy.
00:50:22Tell him he did it out of envy.
00:50:23Get on your knees and think about your future.
00:50:29So, your sincere reflection and apology.
00:50:31Why don't we practice it?
00:50:37You do know why you're here, right?
00:50:39Forgive me.
00:50:40Why do you write hate messages?
00:50:42You have nothing to do!
00:50:45Forgive me, please.
00:50:46And why don't you lower your head?
00:50:48Weren't you regretting it?
00:50:50Put him in jail, please!
00:50:52I beg you!
00:50:55Very good.
00:50:57When it's all over, call me, okay?
00:51:01What? You're not staying?
00:51:03I'm leaving.
00:51:12Cocoa Page.
00:51:13Written by Joan Borat.
00:51:14The President's Menu.
00:51:16103 comments in total.
00:51:1751 of them malicious and defamatory.
00:51:23Your nickname is Lock You?
00:51:27Because your last name is Bok.
00:51:30Yes, that's right.
00:51:32I should spread luck and not hate.
00:51:35Okay, confirm the comments you wrote.
00:51:38Read them aloud.
00:51:40Who, me?
00:51:41Or do I do it and get my mouth dirty?
00:51:43You wrote them.
00:51:51The protagonist leaves her desk during the day.
00:51:55And she has a date with her ardent lover while she's working.
00:51:59She's full of greed and instead of diligence...
00:52:05...luxury invades her.
00:52:08It's a clear reflection of the author.
00:52:10By any chance, have you thought about how the victim might feel after reading that?
00:52:14Here, slander is punished more than defamation.
00:52:16She could end up in jail.
00:52:18In jail?
00:52:21In jail?
00:52:24Yes, the other one.
00:52:29If I had a share in that company, the first thing I would do...
00:52:32...would be to celebrate a meeting and destroy that President.
00:52:51I'm done, where are you?
00:52:55Why are you up there?
00:52:58You had to be here as soon as I left.
00:53:00You always do whatever you want.
00:53:02Leave what you're doing and come get me.
00:53:04You're disgusting.
00:53:06I'm going to destroy you.
00:53:13Don't be late.
00:53:15Don't be late!
00:53:16Don't be late!
00:53:20I'm so sorry.
00:53:21What a shame, it's okay.
00:53:27You dropped your phone.
00:53:31Miss John Bora.
00:53:32That person has already been questioned by the police.
00:53:36Don't tell me it's John Bora.
00:54:10Maybe he went to Canada to see his mom.
00:54:14And if he lives there, he probably has a new phone.
00:54:29Yes, who is this?
00:54:32Oh, it's you.
00:54:35What's this number?
00:54:38No, no, you stay there.
00:54:40Yes, I'm coming for you.
00:54:51I think he told me he was here.
00:54:54He's still not coming out?
00:54:55Yes, president.
00:54:56I'm already outside.
00:55:05President Bob?
00:55:18Are you the president of Culpe Education?
00:55:29I'm Pocky.
00:55:31Don't tell me you were robbed!
00:55:35No, it wasn't that.
00:55:36But, you are...
00:55:41Good morning.
00:55:42Good morning.
00:55:43I'm the director of the Culpe Education 1 team.
00:55:45I'm He Jong.
00:55:46Pleasure to meet you.
00:55:48Of course, the winner of the contest, right?
00:55:52I was disappointed that the award ceremony was shortened.
00:55:55And you couldn't be there.
00:55:57I was a little sad.
00:55:59Yes, I'm very sorry.
00:56:00It's just that something personal came up.
00:56:04I'm very proud to have found talents like you, Director Son.
00:56:08And more through this competition.
00:56:10Director Son, I have great expectations of you and your new proposal.
00:56:14Do the impossible to lead the new group.
00:56:20I will become the new engine that drives us.
00:56:22And I will take it right to the top, sir.
00:57:03Your hater left it at the station.
00:57:11You should have told me what happened to you.
00:57:13Why did you go there alone?
00:57:17I didn't want to worry you about that.
00:57:19Didn't you think about it?
00:57:20Why did you run away? Tell me.
00:57:22He already knows he was wrong.
00:57:24You come dressed like a rich woman.
00:57:26Why didn't you kick him and then you paid the hospital?
00:57:30If I'm honest, I didn't think that would happen.
00:57:34But when I faced him, I was very scared.
00:57:38Did he look intimidating or threatening?
00:57:43No, he looked very normal.
00:57:46He asked someone who had fallen if he was okay.
00:57:50He returned his cell phone.
00:57:54And then he went to the station and left it.
00:57:58He was a very normal person.
00:58:01But normal people are the ones who enter the internet and release their hatred.
00:58:07That was what scared me the most.
00:58:38Kim Hyuk?
00:58:59Can you put the table in the middle?
00:59:02Sir, can you put the tray in the corner?
00:59:09Wait a little longer.
00:59:12Yes, thank you very much.
00:59:14Team leader, Son Hyuk.
00:59:30Don't tell me it's Jung Bora.
00:59:50Well, since I'm done, I'm leaving for today, sir.
00:59:54How dare you be rude to the president?
00:59:57No, sir.
00:59:58I'm not rude.
00:59:59I take my day off and that's it.
01:00:02So why did you come?
01:00:03I wanted to be courteous with you.
01:00:05Let you know that I'm going with a friend.
01:00:09Do you have friends, secretary?
01:00:12School friend.
01:00:13And she's a writer.
01:00:17Do you want to come with me?
01:00:19I'm the president.
01:00:20If I go with you, you'll probably feel uncomfortable.
01:00:23Go now.
01:00:25Good luck.
01:00:36And when does our newbie arrive?
01:00:38Oh, don't tell me you're already tired.
01:00:41My body is not the same as before.
01:00:43The new ones are being trained.
01:00:45They will arrive soon.
01:00:46Do you want to have a coffee?
01:00:47I'm going for them.
01:00:48Leave it.
01:00:49I want to go.
01:00:50I'm done fixing.
01:00:52I know you like ice cream.
01:00:55What are you going to want?
01:00:56For me, vanilla ice cream.
01:00:59I'll remember.
01:01:00Thank you very much.
01:01:06Good morning.
01:01:08Good afternoon.
01:01:09That secretary can't have what I don't have.
01:01:12A friend?
01:01:20Hey John, guess where I am.
01:01:24I'm going to eat with John.
01:01:28Enjoy your date.
01:01:36I'm going to eat with John.
01:01:44I'm going to eat with John.
01:01:46Are you ready?
01:02:07Good morning.
01:02:08An ice cream, an ice cream with vanilla ice cream and also an American ice cream.
01:02:13And three croissants, please.
01:02:15With pleasure.
01:02:16May I have your card?
01:02:19Let's go.
01:02:36Excuse me.
01:02:37I'm going to pass.
01:02:47Thank you very much.
01:02:49New employees, everyone gathers here.
01:03:48Where is your mouth?
01:03:49Do not know how I miss you, Ma'am.
01:04:04It's hard to imagine that I, who was clumsy, will become your man
01:04:16I want to be more honest and show you myself
01:04:24I don't know, but can I have a little more courage from you?
