1974 Confessions Of A Window Cleaner HOT TEEN AND MILF MOVIE

  • 2 days ago
1974 Confessions Of A Window Cleaner HOT TEEN AND MILF MOVIE
00:00:00Hi, I'm Timmy Lee. This is my first day cleaning windows. Ever thought about window cleaners?
00:00:12They spend their days looking into hundreds of little boxes, many of which have got people
00:00:16in. All sorts of people. That's me. What about that physique, eh? Bit Steve McQueen, isn't
00:00:25it? Yes, no wonder the birds go crazy for me. Favourite gear is a white nylon t-shirt,
00:00:31because when you wet it, you can press it up against the window. And it'll give them
00:00:36a little smile. Well, nice for the old ones. Makes a sort of remembrance day. Still, you
00:00:44can't expect to go potty on your first day, can you?
00:00:46Oops! Lost me balance. And me bucket.
00:00:59Some of the things you see are quite an education.
00:01:30But all this was nothing to what I saw in a shop down the high street.
00:01:41It all started with a little bit of window un-dressing.
00:01:51I've heard of your work getting on top of you, but not you getting on top of your work.
00:02:00What a diabolical way to start a new career. Flat on me back, staring up bloke's trouser
00:02:16legs. And along comes this bird. And if it hadn't been for her, I might have jacked it
00:02:22in right away. Because she awoke in me deep-rooted feelings of sensitivity and delicacy I never
00:02:28knew I had. Never knew I could say. In fact, one look at Elizabeth, and I fell like a pair
00:02:34of lead knickers. She was the type of girl you say, please may I, before you give her
00:02:40one. A card, I mean. Because Sid did promise me a piece of the action with any new customers.
00:02:48When her mind is a piece of her action.
00:02:51What are you trying to do? Ruin me? One broken window, one bucketed traffic warden threatening
00:02:58to sue, and now you tell me you lost your squeegee?
00:03:02Must have dropped it under the crowd.
00:03:04And that's another thing. I pay you to clean windows. If you want to lie on the floor and
00:03:08look up skirts, you do it in your own time, right?
00:03:11I told you it was shop. They were having it off in a window.
00:03:14So? Were you a sex hang-up or something?
00:03:17No, but I thought she had three legs.
00:03:20Look, Sid, boy, in our business, you've got to be immune from shocks, especially from
00:03:27birds. Three-legged or one-legged, as long as they are satisfied customers.
00:03:34They bring in new ones.
00:03:37Hey, I met a real knockout this morning. Fabulous face, fantastic body.
00:03:42Legs right up to her armpits.
00:03:44What about her windows?
00:03:45Her windows? Oh, yeah, I gave her a card.
00:03:48It's no good just shatting up dolly birds. You've got to grease the old bags, too.
00:03:54It's not...
00:03:55Oh, rackle Welsh pulling you onto her dumpling, you know.
00:04:02Christ, what else did you do?
00:04:06Hello. As we were passing, I just thought I'd stop and see if you were all right.
00:04:10Those thoughts can sometimes have delayed effects.
00:04:12Oh, yes.
00:04:14Oh, I mean, no. Thank you. I'm all right. Thank you.
00:04:17Fine. I'll have to get back on the troll now. Good night.
00:04:23What's all that?
00:04:24It was her.
00:04:27The burner told you.
00:04:28Have you gone stark raving bonkers trying to chat a female fuzz?
00:04:32I didn't know she was.
00:04:34But I don't care, Sid. I always cheer knockout.
00:04:36Oh, yeah, you picked the right word, boy.
00:04:38What I wouldn't do for her.
00:04:40Well, I'm more worried about what you wouldn't do for my customers.
00:04:44What do you mean, eh?
00:04:45I mean, I've got to be sure if some bird offers to squeeze out your chamois,
00:04:51you don't go retracting your old ladder.
00:04:56Christ, anyone think there's a bloody virgin?
00:04:58I do. And so does Rosie.
00:05:01What does she know, eh?
00:05:03Sisters always know.
00:05:06Don't know what you're on about.
00:05:08Responsibilities. That's what I'm on about.
00:05:11You've taken over some of mine.
00:05:17I'm in with Rosie pregnant. I feel it's only proper.
00:05:19I should cut it out for a while.
00:05:21Window cleaning?
00:05:23Clean it, you berk.
00:05:24Servicing. Keeping the customers happy.
00:05:26Oh, well, anything I can do, Sid.
00:05:28Yeah, well, that's what worries me.
00:05:30Can you do?
00:05:32Oh, come off it, Sid.
00:05:33Never mind, come off it.
00:05:35Have you ever been on it?
00:05:36Course I have.
00:05:37Yeah, well, I don't reckon you could dip your tassel in a fire bucket without instructions.
00:05:41Oh, very funny, Sid.
00:05:43I don't know.
00:05:45After the events, you and me are going out.
00:05:48What for?
00:05:49To get a professional opinion.
00:05:53Mind you, I didn't like to admit it, but Sid was right.
00:05:56My sex life holds about as much sensation as a concrete contraceptive.
00:06:00In fact, I could describe myself as the walking answer to contraception.
00:06:04I don't do it.
00:06:06With me, it's more a case of good kiss, good feel and good night.
00:06:10Not like Sid.
00:06:12I mean, he really deserved the Queen's Award for industry.
00:06:22Oh, God, I don't know why your old man works in the lost property office.
00:06:25Might just as well move the old lot here.
00:06:27Oh, well, Dad's working on it.
00:06:28I wouldn't mind if he makes something worthwhile.
00:06:30That you, boys?
00:06:31Oh, yes, Mum.
00:06:33How did it all go, dear?
00:06:34Oh, fine, Mum.
00:06:36You could say it was a great day in the history of British window cleaning.
00:06:39Oh, that's nice.
00:06:40And Rosie could hardly wait for you to get back.
00:06:43Oh, that's nice, too.
00:06:44Yeah, she's been dreaming about that chocolate fudge all day.
00:06:49Oh, Sidney, you didn't forget it.
00:06:52She told you she got a craving for chocolate fudge.
00:06:55Yeah, well, I know. I'm sorry, I forgot.
00:06:57Hey, love.
00:06:59Ah, and how is little Earth's mother tonight, eh?
00:07:03She's starving.
00:07:05He forgot it.
00:07:07You didn't?
00:07:08Yeah, but I'm sorry, love.
00:07:09It slipped my mind.
00:07:10I'll go after dinner.
00:07:11Denise hasn't stopped it.
00:07:12One little thing.
00:07:13I asked you to do one little thing.
00:07:17I'm sorry, Rosie.
00:07:18Look, look, it's not the end of the world.
00:07:20I'll go and get it now.
00:07:21I don't want it now.
00:07:22Laura, I won't go and get it now.
00:07:24Oh, Rosie, all I want to do is make you happy.
00:07:28Then piss off.
00:07:31Ah, yes.
00:07:33Well, I think I'll have a wash before the thieving magpie gets home.
00:07:36Timmy, I won't have you talking like that.
00:07:38Your father never takes anything that anyone wants.
00:07:41Not even us, Laura.
00:07:51It's time I forked the potatoes.
00:07:54Rosie, love, I said I was sorry.
00:07:57What with Timmy and everything. I had a lot on my mind today.
00:08:00Oh, I bet.
00:08:01And not only on your mind.
00:08:03I can't be like that.
00:08:04Well, my friends get around too, you know.
00:08:06They see a lot of your ladder, but not so much of you.
00:08:10Rosie, sometimes I've got to be sociable.
00:08:13You don't think I like drinking all them cups of tea, do you?
00:08:15It's part of building up the business, Rosie.
00:08:19I'm doing it all for you, love.
00:08:24Oh, all right.
00:08:25I'll forgive you.
00:08:26Ah, let's go.
00:08:29But watch it.
00:08:30Because, Sidney Nugget, one extra marital and I'll cut it off.
00:08:41Don't answer it.
00:08:43They've probably come about the telly.
00:08:44What, ain't it working?
00:08:46Dad won't pay the installments because he can't get colour.
00:08:48I keep telling him, it's a black and white set.
00:08:51Oh, it is, Dad.
00:08:52So what's the matter with his key?
00:08:54He's got his arms full.
00:08:57Oh, God.
00:08:58More colourful crap.
00:09:11Harpoon it yourself, did you?
00:09:13Oh, bloody hell.
00:09:23Oh, God.
00:09:28What's left on the Pullman Express?
00:09:30Looked nice over the fire, wasn't it?
00:09:32Looked better on it.
00:09:33A little worse for your opinion.
00:09:35Now, don't you two start.
00:09:37Now, hang on a minute.
00:09:38I've got some rights here.
00:09:39It's a regular rent payer.
00:09:41It doesn't even pay our window cleaner.
00:09:43Oh, give over, Dad.
00:09:44Sid's told you why he doesn't do our window.
00:09:46Right, it's bad to bring your work home.
00:09:49It only causes trouble.
00:09:51You can't clean your own like a psychiatrist
00:09:53never treats his own family.
00:09:55Oh, I don't interfere in your business.
00:09:56Now, don't try and tell me what to do with my moose.
00:09:59Oh, come on, Dad.
00:10:01I was only kidding.
00:10:02Yeah, I think he's great.
00:10:04Oh, yeah?
00:10:06We'll call him Clarence.
00:10:09Good evening, Clarence.
00:10:10And what do you think of Dad?
00:10:13I think he's a stupid old git.
00:10:17You think he's a stupid old git?
00:10:18That's funny.
00:10:19Yeah, well, I still think you're nothing but a no-good sponger.
00:10:24Now, now.
00:10:25Your Dad didn't mean it.
00:10:27Say you're sorry, Dad.
00:10:29All right.
00:10:30I'm sorry.
00:10:32He said he's sorry, Rosie.
00:10:34It's not him.
00:10:36Well, I said I was sorry.
00:10:38It's not you.
00:10:39Oh, what is it, dear?
00:10:41That bloody thing's leering at me.
00:10:44Hey, don't do that.
00:10:45You'll break his antlers.
00:10:49Yeah, but what's this professional opinion bit?
00:10:52You're not taking me to the doctor, are you?
00:10:55Lil's not a doctor, but she's certainly a specialist.
00:10:58Who's Lil?
00:10:59My very obliging, second-removed cousin, Lily Lamore.
00:11:03The biggest sensation since natural gas.
00:11:06He's decent.
00:11:07He's been pussycats, though.
00:11:10No, no, he doesn't look great, eh?
00:11:12But trust me.
00:11:14Hi, Lil.
00:11:15And to what do we owe this royal visit?
00:11:18I need help, Lil.
00:11:20Have you worn it out?
00:11:21No, not me.
00:11:23This is for the family.
00:11:24I'd like you to meet my brother-in-law, Timmy.
00:11:26Hi, Timmy.
00:11:28Baby dolls, please.
00:11:29Baby dolls.
00:11:30Oh, what's the problem?
00:11:31Well, there's been a slight gap in Timmy's education.
00:11:34Yes, but I don't want to fill it in here.
00:11:36You're not bent, are you?
00:11:37Of course I'm not bent.
00:11:39Between you and me, he's took our blue bowtie to it.
00:11:41Has he now?
00:11:42He said.
00:11:43Well, drink up and tell Lil all about it.
00:11:46Oh, Lil.
00:11:47Lil, you're a doll.
00:11:50And you're a bastard.
00:11:51Sid, where are you going?
00:11:53Sid, where are you going?
00:11:55To get some chocolate fudge.
00:12:05You've left me.
00:12:07I'm sorry.
00:12:09You got overexcited.
00:12:12Yes, that's what it was.
00:12:14We're not doing too well, are we?
00:12:22Would it help if I wore the lifetrainers gear?
00:12:26No, I don't know what's come over me.
00:12:29Well, it isn't me.
00:12:31Now that's better.
00:12:57That was terrific, Lil.
00:12:58That's absolutely terrific.
00:13:00I'm glad to me, but there's something you ought to know. Yes, I mean, I don't want you go through love with a fetish
00:13:08What do you mean? You've just had my suspender belt
00:13:30Another night of mad, passionate failure. All that and the fetish bit. I mean, imagine having to say to a bird, sorry love, I can only get it together if you wear gumboots and a gas mask. Oh, and also, would you mind terribly if I had a feather up my ass?
00:13:50I never thought of myself as being unnatural. Bloody unlucky, yes, but not unnatural. Timothy gets terribly confused when it comes to sex.
00:13:59Here's a list of today's jobs. I'm starting you off with another chance. Not with Lil. You won't be seeing Lil again, not if she sees you first. Mrs. Jacqueline Brown. No, 47 Ninjas. Right, Bluebeard. She's a bit of a nympho. And if you fail there, you may as well buy a bacon slice and join the Vienna Boys Choir.
00:14:30Come on, son, get it off. Here, gumboots.
00:14:44Sit. Morning, Jackie. You're early. Yeah, sorry, love, had to rearrange the schedule. At least you get done before the rain.
00:14:59Oh, I'm breaking in some new help. Since when did you need help? Well, you know, I think so. You've got to expand. And is this the expansion? Yeah, my new mate, Timmy. Nice to meet you, Timmy. Me too. He hasn't had much experience yet, but I'm sort of letting him feel his way around with a few understanding customers. You are always thoughtful, Sid. Yeah. Well, I'll leave him to get on with it then. Won't I be seeing you again?
00:15:23Oh, sure. I'll be in and out. Now, then. Good job now, Timmy. All right. Right. You won't be needing that inside. The rooms are quite small. Oh, yes, of course. Sorry, madam.
00:15:51Oh, it's so humid today. Aren't you hot? Yes, you are. You're sweating. Yes, I am a bit, yes. How about a cold drink? Some tea or coffee? Oh, I'm easy. I wouldn't have thought so. Oh, well, a Coke would be fine, yes. One Coke coming up.
00:16:22Yes, well, I think I'd better get started. What's the rush? You aiming to be the fastest window cleaner in the West? No, I just thought... Look, just sit down and have your drink first. All right.
00:16:38I hope you're not in such a hurry about everything. I won't join you. I have to watch my figure. Oh, must have fancy a company. Oh, I see you're another Sid. Oh, no, not quite, no. Are you married?
00:17:05Oh, you're joking. You? Mm-hmm. He's abroad with the services. Oh, what's he in? Anything that moves. No, I'm being unkind. He's in the Navy, so you can't blame him. Or us.
00:17:20Quick, the window. There's one over the sink. Don't worry, we'll soon clear out.
00:17:40Oh, I'm sorry. I'm afraid I've made a mess. No, you see, I've upset the...
00:18:10Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
00:18:41Well, Jackie had certainly taught me how to come clean.
00:18:45Now I know what they mean by the ultimate detergent.
00:18:48Talk about soft hands and forever blowing bubbles.
00:18:51Taught me something else, too.
00:18:53It's just like learning to ride a bike.
00:18:55Once you find you can stay up, there's no problem.
00:18:59In fact, right there and then, I could have won the Tour de France. Ladder and all.
00:19:11Oh, hello.
00:19:13Oh, hi.
00:19:14Hard at it?
00:19:15Yeah, on and off, yes.
00:19:16You'd better pull over.
00:19:17Oh, right.
00:19:20Sorry, mate.
00:19:25Oh, God.
00:19:29What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?
00:19:31Complete accident, sir.
00:19:32Yes, well, I want your name and address.
00:19:34Oh, fair enough, yes.
00:19:35Uh, I clean them, too.
00:19:37Uh, I clean them, too.
00:19:39Please, you must move out of the road.
00:19:41Oh, right.
00:19:43Are you all right, sir?
00:19:44No, thanks to him.
00:19:49Sorry about that.
00:19:51I'm afraid I shall have to take a few particulars.
00:19:56Timmy what?
00:19:57Lee. And yours?
00:19:59Oh, I mean, I can't go through life calling you WPC 49, can I?
00:20:04Radlet. Elizabeth Radlet.
00:20:07Scratch Lane, 63.
00:20:09Uh, will you come to the movies tonight?
00:20:13Are you trying to bribe me?
00:20:18Then I accept.
00:20:26What a day.
00:20:27With this kind of luck, I could even sell return tickets to kamikaze pilots.
00:20:31I could hardly wait for my next client.
00:20:33Miss Prendergast.
00:20:34A new customer, so sit there to take it easy.
00:20:42Oh, thank you.
00:20:43It's a mattress that makes it so heavy.
00:20:45It'd be even heavier if we were on it.
00:20:47Now I can finish my housework before I go out.
00:20:49I'm afraid my daily's gone off with a hernia.
00:20:52Ah, well, my auntie went off with a little alien.
00:20:56Ah, no, I've dropped my leather.
00:20:59Do you know who you remind me of?
00:21:01Humphrey Bogart.
00:21:02You've taken a mickey.
00:21:04No, it's your body.
00:21:06You haven't seen my body.
00:21:08I mean the way you walk.
00:21:18You mean the way he held Lauren Bacall into have, and to have not.
00:21:23If you want anything, whistle.
00:21:29You can fill your bucket in there.
00:21:31Ah, yes ma'am.
00:21:38You a movie fan then?
00:21:40I see all the old stuff on the telly.
00:21:42Well, I do as much as possible when I'm not teaching.
00:21:44Oh, get away. What do you teach?
00:21:47Oh, wish I was in your class.
00:21:49You don't have to be, Captain.
00:21:51I wouldn't say it unless I really meant it.
00:21:53In fact, you remind me a bit of Marilyn Monroe.
00:21:56In these glasses? Now you're taking the mickey.
00:21:59No, really, in that film where she was short-sighted.
00:22:01How to Marry a Millionaire.
00:22:05I find you very attractive, Miss Pendergast.
00:22:08And I want to kiss you.
00:22:10Dustin Hoffman in The Graduate.
00:22:12It was Mrs. Robinson.
00:22:19I don't know how to put this.
00:22:21I mean, I'm rather shy and I hardly know you.
00:22:23Don't worry, love. I'm way ahead of you.
00:22:26Would you see if you can fix the flush in the bathroom?
00:22:30The flush?
00:22:31I'd hate you to think I was taking advantage,
00:22:33but sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.
00:22:40Have a go.
00:22:41Meanwhile, if you don't mind, I'll go and get ready.
00:22:46Well, this was a puzzler and no mistake.
00:22:49Get ready for what?
00:22:52I'd feel such a burp bursting in starkers
00:22:54only to find her dressed to go shopping.
00:22:57It's getting confused again.
00:23:00Birds are funny things, you know.
00:23:02One minute they give you the no-no-you-mustn't bit,
00:23:05then suddenly it's yes-yes-you-certainly-must, you randy bugger.
00:23:17Should be all right now.
00:23:22Erm, to adjust the ball cock.
00:23:24I wish I was clever with my hands.
00:23:30Bet you could be if you tried.
00:23:33No, no, he mustn't. He's wicked.
00:23:35Oh, it's not what Laremba Call said.
00:23:58The leather.
00:24:05They let me off early.
00:24:10Ah, you're sitting in.
00:24:12And don't worry about the payment.
00:24:14We'll send an account.
00:24:16Extraordinary way to clean windows.
00:24:18Oh, he'll come back and do the rest later.
00:24:20No, I mean he was cleaning them with a pair of knickers.
00:24:37How's that?
00:24:38Bloody marvellous.
00:24:39Bloody horrible.
00:24:41Just hope it doesn't affect the baby, that's all.
00:24:44Just hope it doesn't affect the baby, that's all.
00:24:47Evening all.
00:24:52Didn't forget this time, did I?
00:24:54Oh, you are good to me.
00:24:56But I said pineapple.
00:24:59Never mind. It's a thought that counts.
00:25:01Rosie, you distinctly said...
00:25:03It's not in the tender.
00:25:04Yes, it is.
00:25:06Oh, God.
00:25:08You know what you can do, don't you?
00:25:10Say, can I ask you a big favour?
00:25:11It depends. Here, add a coat of lint.
00:25:13Oh, you would have been proud of me, Sid.
00:25:16Can I borrow the minivan tonight, Russell?
00:25:18Very special date.
00:25:20Not with one of my customers.
00:25:22Of course not.
00:25:23Because that would be highly unethical.
00:25:25Our window cleaner's struck off.
00:25:27You see, she's off duty tonight and I thought if I could pick her up...
00:25:30Off duty? You mean Fanny the Fuzz?
00:25:33Her name is Elizabeth.
00:25:35I don't care if it's Sherlock Holmes, you can't bring her back here.
00:25:39Why not? She's a nice girl.
00:25:41Nice girl? She's a copper.
00:25:42I still don't see why I can't bring her back.
00:25:44Because most of this lot's probably on the list.
00:25:46That's why.
00:25:48Now what are we fighting about?
00:25:50Timmy's got himself involved with the law.
00:25:52Timmy? What have you done?
00:25:53Nothing, Mum.
00:25:54Just because I've got a date with a girl that happens to be a policewoman.
00:25:59Oh, she's a smashing bird, Mum.
00:26:01Intelligent, well-spoken.
00:26:03Oh, yeah, she's passed all her cross-examinations.
00:26:05Well, you can all relax, because I'm not bringing her back.
00:26:08Oh, I think that's wise, dear.
00:26:10We don't want to refurnish.
00:26:13Oh, and I won't be in for grub.
00:26:15Oh, right.
00:26:17Take your bucket, then.
00:26:19You shouldn't be in here.
00:26:22What's this?
00:26:24Well, from memory, I'd say they were a pair of knickers.
00:26:29They're for his collection.
00:26:31Didn't you know your son's the demon knicker-knicker of Scrags Lane?
00:26:34Why don't you belt up?
00:26:36It's not true.
00:26:38Of course it's not.
00:26:39It's having you on.
00:26:41All right.
00:26:42If you're all so interested, uh, bought them.
00:26:45You bought knickers?
00:26:47He's dead kinky, too.
00:26:49Go on, drop your trousers.
00:26:51Show them what you're wearing.
00:26:52I bought them for a girlfriend.
00:26:54Look, is it a crime to be fat with a pair of knickers, eh?
00:26:56Not if you're a window cleaner.
00:26:58And what is that supposed to mean?
00:27:00Well, if the cup fits.
00:27:08It's coming!
00:27:32Sorry, I was, uh, trying to look for the, um...
00:28:25Sorry, just dropped a bit of popcorn.
00:28:27You won't find it up there.
00:28:29Behave yourself.
00:28:32It's my turn.
00:28:33It's my turn.
00:28:45It's his.
00:28:46It's his.
00:28:47I'm gonna have to put you in handcuffs I don't know you can't win can you you make a pass
00:29:09what's wrong you don't make a pass you've insulted them who's them you wouldn't mind
00:29:15a thing I didn't fancy you would you no and I'm glad you do it's just that there's a proper time
00:29:20and a proper place yeah but what happens when you got the time I can't afford the place Timmy
00:29:25it's not a question of money it's just getting to know each other that's what I was trying to do
00:29:30you're sweet but you're impossible that's what Sid says impossible I mean and you're too good for
00:29:38that sort of job what's wrong with cleaning windows well nothing but you should be doing
00:29:44something a little more a little more rewarding such as well you'd make a good policeman if you
00:29:55thought about it seriously what's so funny what the family I told him I was gonna be a copper
00:30:04they go berserk nothing it's alright for some I suppose if you're the officious type or something
00:30:10oh thanks a lot
00:30:12oh what I didn't mean you
00:30:14at least time I went home now anyway
00:30:20you don't have to drive me I can get a cab
00:30:22of course I'll drive you
00:30:24Liz Liz
00:30:26excuse me ma'am one pound please
00:30:28Liz Liz wait a minute
00:30:30excuse me ma'am pick it up please
00:30:34without service
00:30:36thank you
00:30:54I've enjoyed it Timmy really I have
00:30:56trust me to put my big flat foot in it
00:30:58oh what
00:31:00I didn't mean your kind
00:31:02I know what you meant
00:31:04I'd come in for a good nighter
00:31:06would I
00:31:08oh yes
00:31:18how many of you live here
00:31:20just me and my parents
00:31:22early to bed as they
00:31:24no they're out of one of daddy's dinners
00:31:26what's your dad do then
00:31:28he's an inspector
00:31:30income tax
00:31:34well when's he mind me being here
00:31:36well why should he
00:31:38any more than your parents would object to me
00:31:40so you see
00:31:42Timmy if ever you did decide to change jobs
00:31:44I might be able to help
00:31:52Timmy I'm talking to you
00:32:18I must say I'm extremely glad to be back
00:32:20oh it wasn't so bad dear
00:32:22it's alright don't panic
00:32:24are you in Elizabeth
00:32:26yes mummy
00:32:28oh I didn't know you had company
00:32:30oh mummy this is Timmy
00:32:32oh hello
00:32:34pleased to meet you
00:32:36how long has that van been outside
00:32:38oh it's mine sir
00:32:40oh is it yes sir
00:32:42well the tyres are worn it really shouldn't be on the road at all
00:32:44I'm sorry sir
00:32:46have you been in a fight
00:32:48no sir
00:32:50why is your mouth bleeding
00:32:52how was the dinner daddy
00:32:54oh absolutely dreadful
00:32:56chief constable's got verbal diarrhoea
00:32:58I need a brandy
00:33:00oh no thanks
00:33:02I have to be going
00:33:04Timmy just dropped me off in the movies
00:33:06how nice
00:33:08I take it you're conversant with the tyre test
00:33:10tyre test
00:33:12yes you put a coin in the tread
00:33:14and if it falls out the tyre's illegal
00:33:16oh I'll do that sir
00:33:18and I should put some Dettol on your mouth Fabio
00:33:20oh yes I'll do that too sir
00:33:22good night ma'am
00:33:26oh yes well good night
00:33:28very nice
00:33:30he's lying of course
00:33:34you can't get all that blood around your mouth
00:33:36unless you've been in a fight
00:33:38it wasn't blood John
00:33:40it was lipstick
00:33:44oh Christ is he one of those
00:33:48I take it you're also conversant
00:33:50with the cost of four bloody tyres
00:33:52only you could screw your way
00:33:54into a fuzz nest
00:33:56I don't know about wrong
00:33:58well you better pull your finger out son
00:34:00and get some new tyres to pay for this lot
00:34:02and I don't mean Scotland Yard
00:34:04the Old Bailey or MI5
00:34:08what Sid didn't know was
00:34:10that the only thing I'd screwed out of Elizabeth
00:34:12was another date
00:34:14as for the job well
00:34:16it was a relief to find that some people only expected a window cleaner
00:34:18to clean windows
00:34:56although there was never a dull moment and mostly it was a good healthy outdoor life there were times when i thought that
00:35:18look you're wasting your time i don't have any money
00:35:20oh are you looking like that brenda who needs money
00:35:26Oh, yes, and what do you think you're going to do you Brenda you well, you've got another thing coming
00:35:34Marshmallows, oh no Brenda, you know how I feel about you. Oh, yes, but you're clammy hands now look
00:35:40I'm warning you. Come on bread
00:35:43Right you ask for this
00:35:45How would you like to meet my husband?
00:35:54What is it what all right you can come out now come out
00:36:22You mean he wasn't your husband he was the landlord that's the way he likes his
00:36:33IG Maddy said wipe your feet
00:36:36Newspapers on the carpet and you even have to wash your hands before you touch the soap
00:36:40In fact Sid said better be safe. Don't touch anything and certainly not mrs
00:36:46Villiers the roll man owned this block of flats we serviced
00:37:02Hello window cleaner, please windows
00:37:24Well, I think I'd like to start at the top
00:37:51Mean it's a two-way
00:37:53please a
00:37:55Two-way mirror, you know one way you look in and the other way you look out. Oh, I'm sorry my English
00:38:01Ah, well say you and me were having it
00:38:05They're not say that. No suppose you were lying there starkers and
00:38:11I'll start the windows. Okay
00:38:23Very good
00:38:25Also, she said to cover books Oh
00:38:28Did a wall blast for this job mrs. Villiers like everything very clean
00:38:32Hey, cheers kinky. Look at this body discipline. Let's whip some things in it. No is yoga. She is big yoga
00:38:43Naked yoga
00:38:46Naked yoga is better with free body. You mean you do this, of course
00:38:51the toehold Lotus posture
00:38:54She must be on hinges to do that after parties is not difficult. You sit I show
00:39:00Sid sit Oh sit
00:39:05First you do so so come me
00:39:22Now so
00:39:40You try again try again, I can't move I got rigor mortis because you are not yet circulating
00:39:47Look, I think I should go and circulate those windows. Ah, but first we must unclamp you mrs
00:39:52Villiers will not like if you fall off the ladder. Yeah. Well, the idea doesn't grab me much Isla. So
00:40:01This is for circulating your head you having me on even you can't do that without clothes, of course Oh
00:40:22So it's good it's releasing all tension you speak for yourself
00:40:27Makes blood to the head. It's the best cure. Come on. Oh, what's it? I had a little bit of zip chopper. Yes
00:40:34Okay, you do it
00:40:36Don't blame me if this gets bigger than both of us
00:40:39Maybe this is easy for you
00:40:50Could put me just lie on the bed and meditate
00:40:55Like so
00:40:57And I hold your legs up. Oh, come on. Yes fine. Thank you. Yes. Well, I'd rather be sport than do myself an injury
00:41:12I will not second a carpet very quiet balance
00:41:17Concentrate I count three and I let go one two, how dare you?
00:41:28Get off my bed at once and you get out. Oh, yes, ma'am. Sorry, ma'am. I was
00:41:34She was helping me my tensions out
00:41:41I'll speak to you later Ingrid. Yes, madam. You've got the latter. I said get out
00:41:47But my ladder you don't get out of this house. I should call the police out of this house. Yes
00:41:53Put a clean cover on my bed immediately
00:42:04Come back here
00:42:05No matter no bucket. No shoes and socks and you tell me it's because you've got crap
00:42:11What are you some sort of congenial idiot or something?
00:42:15It was this naked yoga bit see you realize old man Billy's will probably cancel our whole office contract
00:42:21I'm sure if you went around and apologized
00:42:23Was I standing on the air off that is naked. I was wearing me sure I don't care if you was wearing a front suit
00:42:30No, I mean apologize for me since I mean when it comes to charms that no one's more experienced than you
00:42:37Yeah, well, I suppose if you look at it that way
00:42:44Need my bloody head exam and come on
00:43:05No, what are you standing there for come on?
00:43:25Mrs. Phyllis I've come around here in person to apologize for the inexcusable behavior of my young brother-in-law here
00:43:33Basically, he's a good boy
00:43:35kind to animals and his parents
00:43:38But emotionally he's a shade retarded
00:43:41However, I feel sure that someone of your warmth your intuitive grasp of this situation facing young people today
00:43:49well, I have no difficulty in
00:43:51deciding that this was just a
00:43:57Have you finished mr. Noggin? I have indeed mrs. Phyllis
00:44:02And what have you got to say? Oh, I agree. Oh
00:44:07Oh, I mean, I mean I'll do anything to make up for it
00:44:11Then the incident is closed and you may proceed with the windows
00:44:16Thank You mr. Noggin, thank you mrs. Phyllis
00:44:21No leave those things out there you can come in and fix up a light bulb for me first a light bulb
00:44:25Oh, yes, of course and wipe your feet
00:44:28Then come into the house
00:44:36There's a broken one down in the cellar, right
00:44:46Coal cellar lights up there on the left-hand wall
00:45:02Must say never thought of you in a gold cellar
00:45:05And how did you think of me? Well, you like everything so clean, don't you?
00:45:09I'll tell
00:45:17You have a firm young body. Oh
00:45:21No, the tops come off
00:45:34Saw it it sort of came off in my hands
00:45:38You're just a dirty little boy, aren't you? Oh, don't worry. It's only cold
00:45:43Let me put it on for you stay where you are
00:45:46You're filthy. Oh
00:45:49Vince off
00:45:50I'm not gonna walk through my house like that. Oh, of course not. I'll take my shoes off and take your clothes off
00:45:59Every stitch. Oh
00:46:01Then we'll give you a bath. Oh
00:46:04No, wait a minute. All I need to tap. I'm gonna go I hope you're not gonna cause me more trouble
00:46:10No, of course not. All I'm saying is if we put newspapers on the carpet, surely are you refusing to take a bath?
00:46:15Yes, I'm not. No, I'll take one when I get home
00:46:18Very well
00:46:20If you're going to behave like a child
00:46:23You just have to treat you like one. Oh, what are you doing? I'm undressing you
00:46:47Bring the presents from the mystical shores of a distant land. Are you smashed again? Oh Rosie
00:46:53That's not nice when he's remembered your pineapple. Thanks, mom. Send me back yet. He's up having a bath
00:46:59Oh, yeah, give us a kiss then
00:47:05It's not good what is it from the mystical shores of a distant land?
00:47:10What's all this then Oh what the gear we gonna party or something? No, it's just nice to dress up now and then
00:47:18Wait a minute
00:47:21What is it Wednesday by
00:47:29It's been that I see oh dear the window cleaner that's ooh, so that's why you're all puffed up
00:47:36I don't know what you're on about
00:47:38There's nothing wrong with window cleaners. You keep telling me. All right, all right
00:47:44But I know that Randy bastard that does this street
00:47:48Really Sydney if you're inferring that I oh
00:47:52Happy dad with another armful
00:47:56It's not that it's the law. Oh my god. Now, what?
00:48:01Tony Timmy's bluebird
00:48:17Saw yes away. Sorry to call unannounced. It's Timmy. He's having a bath
00:48:22I can't ask you in the place just been fumigated
00:48:25Fumigated. Yeah, the plague of flying ants
00:48:27How awful can I give a message? Well, we had a date tonight as you can see I've had to go on duty
00:48:33Okay, I'll tell I'll see him tomorrow lucky
00:48:36You don't know me dear used to clean your school windows
00:48:40It's a matter of fact. I do remember but I didn't think you did. Well, it didn't do just now
00:48:45It's the way you said how awful
00:48:48How awful?
00:48:49Still haven't changed much since school. Have I?
00:48:53Well, good luck with the flying ants, yeah
00:49:05Got a message for you
00:49:09You've got blackwater fever or something. Look look, have you ever been interfered with in a coal cellar? It's okay, but mrs. Phineas I
00:49:19Don't think it's funny
00:49:25Messy tonight's dates tomorrow. Your coffee liquors is on duty
00:49:31Just as well. Give me time to get the coal out your wife
00:50:55Never mind about that
00:50:58Found you I don't think he was
00:51:01So gave me a message tomorrow's fine. Where should we go? Do you like spaghetti? Yeah, I'll cook you some
00:51:08Your face the family's dining out in the country
00:51:15Don't care this I just don't care. I just got to kiss
00:51:22Timmy control yourself
00:51:25To all units disturbance outside discotheque 23 King Street
00:51:30Repeat discotheque 23 King Street
00:51:3349 proceeding to King Street
00:51:37Spaghetti belong near to a place parents in cowsville. Cool. What turn up?
00:51:44All next day. I kept thinking of the evening to come
00:51:47At last you were showing signs of succumbing to my irresistible magnetism
00:51:52I'm a face with my suave debonair charm. What chance did you stay?
00:52:10Who is it? Oh, it's not its window cleaning. Good morning
00:52:21Hello, I'm sorry, it's me again. What I need my ladder
00:52:37Hello me again, could you press the knob for me again?
00:52:54No, it's not Sid, I'm Timmy his brother in law to identify myself can't be too careful these days can you
00:53:05Where can I get me water Oh
00:53:42Gold sorry about that. I'll get another one
00:54:04Know it's none of my business, but if there's anything I can do don't touch me. Okay. Okay. I just thought I might help
00:54:10How could you help?
00:54:12well, I
00:54:14Don't know what it is. Do I?
00:54:15Have you ever been in love?
00:54:18It's that all I thought was something serious
00:54:20Serious, I've given four years of my life to Ronnie. I've made a home cooked clean scrubbed
00:54:26You're all for what? So some bleached bitch. Of course, it's serious
00:54:32Well, I wouldn't get in an uproar girl. I mean these things happen
00:54:36Bastard, yeah with probably a touch of the old for your itch. I think he's shaken up a bit bit of his own medicine
00:54:42What do you mean? Well, Ronnie's made you jealous right you return the compliment
00:54:48Do you really think it would work? It's worth a try nothing to lose. Oh, yeah
00:54:59It's Ronnie Oh when I better go home with the windows
00:55:07I'm going to take your advice good for you
00:55:18Oh, hey, it's terrific
00:55:31Mum look I've run into a slight problem. Do you know I can find Sid's
00:55:38What's he doing in hospital
00:55:45Hey listen to hey how long before you say dada we've decided not to tell him who you are until he's stronger
00:55:53Full of work today out man. He's got my eyes, you know, as long as it's only your eyes. He's all right
00:56:12Congratulations, you two said nine pounds eight ounces. Ah
00:56:16It's nice of you to come to me
00:56:18Well, he's for you. Oh, look Sidney. Well, they're lovely. Yeah
00:56:23What's my dad? Oh
00:56:27Banked on a wall given to the nurse Sydney. She put them in water. She liked it for a minute
00:56:32Please eyes me great. That's just like Sid. I hope not. That's not our baby. Oh
00:56:38Oh, well, it's back to the old treadmill love
00:56:42Timo can wait for a while. Mom's coming in after lunch. I'll see you later then sober. Oh, she's full of quips today
00:56:47Hey, hey, and for God's sake don't let him hold the baby. It's odds on he'll drop him
00:57:00Was me fantastic. I
00:57:02Mean, I just thought of you as a great big lump
00:57:06Charming no, no
00:57:08Don't know what I meant is I never thought about the baby being inside
00:57:13It's amazing
00:57:15Wait until you have one of your own
00:57:31That was fantastic
00:57:33Well, oh joking feel like Rosie did
00:57:37Well, so long as it's only the spaghetti. I don't want you making medical history
00:57:42Do you know something this?
00:57:44What I think you're the most smashing bird I've ever met I don't exactly find you repulsive either
00:57:52When you're not trying to emulate Sid, oh, it's all right once you get to know him I do know him what
00:57:58Met him when I was at school
00:58:00You never told me I didn't mean was that important
00:58:04Did you know I didn't we've answered him. I went out with him once
00:58:10But he lost three fours out of three
00:58:13To how glad I am this
00:58:27Do you like television
00:58:30Television there's a great Charlie snow garden concert on. Oh, that's nice
00:58:36Unfortunately set down here's broken. Do you mind going upstairs?
00:58:39Upstairs yes, well mom and dad have got a set at the bottom of their bed
00:58:44Charlie snow Charlie snow got that terrific
00:58:48Only if you like his music then love it, especially when it's upstairs
00:59:38Can't concentrate
01:00:41Hello, hello, mommy. No. I just watching the telly yes, oh
01:00:48For you, so I mean she'll be staying the night
01:00:53Course it's not the first time I've been alone is it okay? You too?
01:00:59Their cars broken down
01:01:06It's too bad now to me that doesn't mean all this I want you more than ever
01:01:13And it was wrong of me to let you go this far
01:01:16Why this?
01:01:18Because I don't want to be just another easy man
01:01:21You're not an easy way. I mean I don't want to sound old-fashioned to me, but I have to be able to live with myself
01:01:29Want to feel that when I finally get married well
01:01:32Why don't we?
01:01:34Married to a copper when did this happen a few days ago?
01:01:40Do now you don't take him no my not we're gonna. Take it. How's she gonna? Take it living in your attic?
01:01:45Where's another thing till we find a flat? Oh man says we can stay there what in the police station?
01:01:52No in their house I
01:01:56Think I'm going to lose my little baby boy
01:01:59Turn it out mom. He's not going to war no, but it's the next best thing. Oh, well. Thank you and goodbye Sydney nugget
01:02:06Oh come on. I was only kidding. It's a good idea
01:02:09Give him a sense of responsibility. I think every man should have a wife
01:02:13preferably his own
01:02:15Is it going to be a church wedding? Yeah, but it's alright. They're taking care of everything
01:02:21Can't wait to see dad in the great supper
01:02:23Hey, you're right. I should have to watch out for one of them
01:03:07Trying to get a bunch of performing seals on the road
01:03:12Boys be mad not nice it mom
01:03:15Think I'm gonna cry
01:03:18So am I if I don't get you lost out of that rose oh come on love stop crying you lose your eyelashes
01:03:24Just get in there and relax girl relax
01:03:27Now with the old dad dad yeah
01:03:32Not a bad fit is it?
01:03:34Christ you look like the cover of Butch Mayo get in the car go on
01:03:39Wait a minute. I've got to get me out Jimmy
01:03:43Hey, I better do that as well
01:03:48You've got everything but the bleeding one get in the car
01:04:13Hi dad yeah quick one for the road. Oh charge it I get me to smoke
01:04:21Butterflies in the old town the same thing son. I didn't want a bloody great bet
01:04:28Right oh
01:04:30Yes in the first baby
01:04:33Don't rush it
01:04:34Well, it's no forget the day you were born
01:04:37He's got a Forks night now. No how do you know?
01:04:41It's my birthday. Oh
01:04:45Remember walking over the hospital all the rockets and fireworks are going on remember wondering what you're gonna be like
01:04:51You know what you're gonna do I?
01:04:54Thought about marriage then put me neither
01:04:57Dad what the bloody hell are you doing?
01:05:01Toast to the bride I thought you was going for a peanut piss up here go on
01:05:05They're waiting for you downstairs. You're coming with me
01:05:11God now I want to go hey wait for us in a minute
01:05:26Friend how about that for a nice piece of grommet? Hey?
01:05:31See food Charlie's at all yeah wonder if she wants a lift at Bristol her brittle don't need no lifting mate
01:05:37Oh, I'll use that with it
01:05:40You know I often wonder why some of them bother to wear anything at all these days. I'm glad they don't mate
01:05:46You wouldn't
01:06:39I'm glad you're all right afraid. I mean an accident well. We had stopped because dad nearly had one lovely day for it
01:06:46Better still if we've got the groom. He's right behind since bringing him
01:07:02Can't understand it. He's such a dependable boy. He says he's going to do something
01:07:07He always does it a little more than say he's going to do something. He's going to get married
01:07:14Here they come about bleeding time to what bloody is
01:07:30Was open he was here, but you were bringing it
01:07:36Come far away
01:08:06He's probably just lost his way dear here he comes
01:08:15I'm afraid that's the next wedding, but we haven't finished this one yet. I feel well over your time sir
01:08:21Call a sliders down one because well, I might just squeeze you in at four o'clock
01:08:26If you think I'm sitting here until four o'clock no no no of course
01:08:30Besides my men have to go on duty later on
01:08:33There are lots of criminals abroad you know not only abroad
01:08:37It's so unlike Timmy is it oh, yes. I mean. I'm sure it hasn't a load
01:08:43Love Adam tell me how many girls is he engaged to?
01:08:48Okay, why don't we go back to the reception or what mr.. Knows where that is
01:08:52No, no look you think reporting it to the engineers isn't gonna get me married is it?
01:09:07No joy bloody reception hall phones out of order
01:09:12120 including the phone um
01:09:15How far is it to London
01:09:25We still haven't served the wine sir now look
01:09:28I really don't think we should open the champagne until we've had the wedding
01:09:31All right
01:09:32I'm over here for the beer anyway
01:09:34And I'm only here sir because your son is supposed to marry my daughter. Yeah, I'll worry. It'll be
01:09:40That's of course he's been arrested what would he be arrested for
01:09:43I don't know your mob don't always give a reason to do like my mob as you call a fence
01:09:49That's all right. It's just a figure of speech. Oh, I've got I've got a lot of respect for the police
01:09:53Thank you. Yes anybody ever call some bastards. I always denied
01:09:56Well, I'm sure the Commissioner will be most happy to know about that now if you'll excuse me. I'd like a word with my wife
01:10:04Well your health
01:10:06down the hatch
01:10:08Our John dear I was just telling me if Timothy had been involved in an accident the piece would be the first to hear about oh
01:10:14Yes, certainly certainly is my mob
01:10:17I've already checked the hospitals mind you it could have lost his memory or his nerve. Oh, no. He's plenty of nerve
01:10:25Well, you have to cleaning windows Timmy's like Sydney. He'll go up anything
01:10:33There we are ladies
01:10:38Do you remember when you was an hour late for our wedding?
01:10:41Do I I broke the zip on me trousers?
01:10:45Yes, well one hours a little different to three hours. Oh
01:10:49This baby's feeding time. I've got to take these back right now. Come on. You can do it in style in the rolls. Oh, I
01:10:58Want to say all revoir cuz I'll see you again later
01:11:07Why don't you go and have a little chat with aunt Maisie
01:11:10She's in quite good form for a change. I have nothing to say to aunt Maisie
01:11:14Yes, I don't like to see you sitting here all by yourself. Daddy. Do stop fussing. I'm okay
01:11:22Well Johnny
01:11:25Who gave up drink for the sake of his wife and kidneys
01:11:42Brought you some grub you get sloshed when you get sloshed. Yeah, but you will still get up with something. Hey
01:11:49Papa anything else I feel such a twit in this wedding dress. You look gorgeous
01:11:54Still are the bloody altar me. Yeah. Well, maybe it's the best
01:12:00What does that mean? Oh, I don't ask anything to me was ready for my
01:12:04So you told him to run for his life me Christ. No, I was all for it
01:12:09Okay, I had my doubts to begin with and I began to live it
01:12:14Why you're a very attractive woman Liz I
01:12:17Wasn't married. I've been sent to myself
01:12:20And you really are a smooth bastard, aren't you? What does that you can't even talk to a jilted bride without trying to pull it
01:12:27Any commiserating I don't want commiseration
01:12:31So when I get out of this bloody place and it's bloody outfit
01:12:35So what's stopping you?
01:12:37Well, they plan aside. I've got my banner side over now. I
01:12:41Can't leave just like that. Now. Why not? I'll come straight back here and tell them
01:12:46You had an attack of the vapors
01:13:28Even get seasick looking at boats
01:13:31Talk about get me to the church on time. I'll probably turn up and throw up
01:13:37Church, huh? I didn't even make the reception
01:13:47I've also calling the house. I might got a roll man and a coin up me tread
01:13:52That's for me feet, but I've worn them off they felt like the end of me legs turned up
01:14:05House looks even darker than me matrimonial future
01:14:09They were either all asleep or inspector Radcliffe was lurking behind the door with his truncheon in his hand
01:14:27Terrific wedding night everyone in bed, but the groom
01:14:31And up there was me piece of natural bliss question was how could Romeo get to Juliet without his bleeding ladder?
01:15:01I said, I'm gonna have to put you in handcuffs
01:16:18No, I'd feelings enter. Yeah, of course not Sid probably saved me from a fate worse than death anyway
01:16:23Yeah, well, I won't be up any ladders for a while not to worry said got it all fixed up
01:16:27I've got a new boy starting tomorrow
01:16:31And remember
01:16:33In our business, you've got to be immune from shocks, especially from birds as long as they're satisfied customers
01:16:39They bring in a new ones, right?
01:16:52If you ever want your windows clean I live on a houseboat fair enough I might even do your portal for nothing
01:17:01This is your
