Almeno 24 paesi dell'Ue hanno problemi di carenza di insegnanti: ecco perché

  • 3 settimane fa
Nella maggior parte degli Stati membri dell'Ue, all'inizio di ogni anno scolastico, gran parte dei posti vacanti nel settore dell'insegnamento non sono coperti, spesso a causa dei bassi salari, dell'elevato carico di lavoro e dell'invecchiamento della popolazione docente


00:00Most EU member states are struggling with teacher shortages.
00:05Out of 27 EU countries, only two, Croatia and Cyprus, did not report a scarcity of education staff.
00:14Sweden, Germany and Italy have been reported as three of the worst affected EU countries.
00:21Most countries face teacher shortages specifically in STEM subjects
00:26and qualified personnel in early childhood education and care.
00:31But why has this job become so unattractive?
00:35Low pay, job insecurity, commuting distances and high workload are some of the answers.
00:42I started when I was 22 and I ended my career when I was 29.
00:47I was commuting three hours back and forth to go to the school every day because I'm living in the countryside.
00:57An aging teacher population adds further pressure to the education system,
01:02with a wave of retirement expected in the next few years.
01:07In Portugal, a study shows that between 4,700 and 4,800 teachers are going to retire.
01:16The highest number in the millennium.
01:20While the European Commission has promoted teacher mobility and rewarded innovative teaching practices with a prize,
01:27an EU-level solution might be difficult to implement due to different educational institutional rules.
01:35Quindi, molti EU paesi hanno cercato di attractare i ritirati in professione
01:41e hanno riempito i banchi con i professori sui contratti temporari come una fissata band-aid.
