THE SNOOP SISTERS Ep. 4 - "The Devil Made Me Do It!" (1974) Helen Hayes, Mildred Natwick

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Co-Starring Lou Antonio, Bert Convy. The sisters investigate a group of Satanists who they believe are responsible for a man's death. Guest Stars Cyril Ritchard, Joan Blondell, Barbara Baxley, Greg Morris, George Maharis, Alice Cooper.

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00:00:00You are looking at one of the oldest symbols of one of the oldest arts in the world, witchcraft.
00:00:08I eat my thing.
00:00:14This coven ain't fooling around.
00:00:16And whatever they want from you, they're willing to kill for.
00:00:23Miss Snoop?
00:00:25Miss Ernesta Snoop?
00:00:28You're a disciple?
00:00:30No, I'm a witch.
00:00:58Tonight, Helen Hayes and Mildred Natwick star as the Snoop sisters.
00:01:28Ski special from Sun Valley, now disembarking at gate 13.
00:01:47Ernesta's plane is on time.
00:01:49A whole week in Sun Valley just to do research on a skiing book.
00:01:52Writers really know how to live.
00:01:54Too hope she hasn't done anything foolish.
00:01:56Like what?
00:01:58Now let's see, gate 10, flight 8, gate 10, flight 8.
00:02:01Or is it the other way around?
00:02:03Don't worry, I'll just ask somebody.
00:02:04Never mind, we found it.
00:02:11People pay for that?
00:02:13Well, it seems like a very short trip.
00:02:16Oh, David, I can't tell you how much I enjoyed the flight.
00:02:19Oh, me too, but I'm afraid I really wore your ear off.
00:02:22Oh, nonsense.
00:02:23I got more information about skiing from you than in a whole week at the lodge.
00:02:28Oh, there's my sister, Gee.
00:02:30Oh, come, I want you to meet her.
00:02:32I'd love to.
00:02:35Oh, you look marvelous.
00:02:42What's that on the mountain slopes, huh?
00:02:44No, Barney, champagne at 30,000 feet.
00:02:47I want you to meet...
00:02:49Oh, that's odd.
00:02:51Oh, come on.
00:02:52Oh, you see, you look so rested.
00:02:54Are you ready for work?
00:03:00My luggage.
00:03:03Good thing you were only gone a week.
00:03:14There's the red one, that's the first one.
00:03:16And then you've got to get the blue one right after that.
00:03:19Oh, boy, am I lucky.
00:03:21Come on.
00:03:22Hey, mister!
00:03:23I thought you were supposed to be getting my bags.
00:03:29He's dead!
00:03:33The murder weapon was definitely a knife of some kind.
00:03:37Simply awful.
00:03:38Yeah, one minute just sitting next to a guy in an airplane,
00:03:41and the next minute he's sliding down a bag he'd shoot wrapped in a garment bag.
00:03:46And, uh, there was no identification.
00:03:49No wallet.
00:03:53And the beard he was wearing, it was false.
00:03:55Pasted on.
00:03:57Could he have had any facial disfigurements to hide?
00:03:59Anything like that?
00:04:00No, none.
00:04:01Leaving the obvious.
00:04:02Very obvious.
00:04:03For whatever reason, he was a man who didn't want to be recognized.
00:04:06Whoever he is.
00:04:08You're saying that David DeWere is a false name.
00:04:10Pretty good bet.
00:04:11We're running a full check, of course,
00:04:13but, uh, so far we've heard from a couple of sources.
00:04:15Social Security, DMV, uh, credit files.
00:04:18All negative.
00:04:20Anner, Nesta.
00:04:22On the plane,
00:04:24what did you two talk about?
00:04:26Skiing, mostly.
00:04:27He was very knowledgeable on the subject.
00:04:30And did he seem, uh, worried about anything?
00:04:33There was a moment.
00:04:35Uh, yes.
00:04:36Oh, I'd been so upset I forgot about it until now.
00:04:38Still don't know if it means anything.
00:04:40Well, try me.
00:04:41Anything will help.
00:04:42An updraft caught our plane.
00:04:43Oh, you know the airline should do something about that.
00:04:45It spilled all our wine, made a terrible mess.
00:04:48Uh, the stewardess was at the rear of the plane,
00:04:50and David went back to Fetcher.
00:04:52And when he returned, he was very pale,
00:04:55looked quite disturbed.
00:04:57I remember I asked him if he was all right.
00:04:59What did he say?
00:05:00Oh, he said he was fine, but...
00:05:03You didn't believe him?
00:05:04Well, it came awfully hard.
00:05:07Well, I can think of one possible reason.
00:05:09He'd seen someone, someone he feared.
00:05:11Turned out he had a pretty good reason.
00:05:14Well, try not to think about it.
00:05:16Go home, get a good night's rest.
00:05:18We should know a lot more about it tomorrow
00:05:20after we get the fingerprint check.
00:05:21Stephen, you will phone us when you find out anything new, won't you?
00:05:24Of course.
00:05:25Oh, he was such a nice young man, so gentle.
00:05:28You'd think he couldn't possibly have anatomy in the world.
00:05:39Need some help?
00:05:40Needs some company.
00:05:43Upsetting day.
00:05:45I thought a little tiddly might go well.
00:05:47I do like your style.
00:05:51Did I hear the phone ring?
00:05:54It was Stephen.
00:05:55He asked me to tell you that more of his sources had reported in.
00:05:59Afraid David Deware is a false name.
00:06:02I see.
00:06:10What a perfectly marvelous piece.
00:06:14You didn't mention buying jewelry, dear.
00:06:16I didn't buy any.
00:06:18I've never seen you wear this.
00:06:22I never saw that before.
00:06:24Never? Really?
00:06:26Most unusual locket I've ever seen.
00:06:31Not quite correct, dear.
00:06:33Amulet would be the word.
00:06:36Look at those markings.
00:06:38That's what they need.
00:06:42You are looking at one of the oldest symbols
00:06:45of one of the oldest arts in the world.
00:06:48The black art.
00:06:56Never mind, Barney. I'll answer it.
00:06:59What are you baking?
00:07:00I don't know.
00:07:01This dough has a life of its own.
00:07:05I'll get it.
00:07:14Miss Snoop?
00:07:16Miss Ernesta Snoop?
00:07:19I'm Ernesta Snoop, yes.
00:07:21My name is Robert. I'm David's brother.
00:07:29I'm sorry to be disturbing you.
00:07:32Not at all.
00:07:33Do come in.
00:07:35I just didn't know where to go or who to talk to.
00:07:37You see, I was supposed to meet David at the airport,
00:07:40and I was delayed by the time I got there
00:07:42and found out what had happened to him.
00:07:44Oh, do sit down.
00:07:46It must have been horrible for you.
00:07:48And you.
00:07:49They told me at the airline
00:07:51that you were my brother's seat companion.
00:07:53Yes, I was.
00:07:54Can I offer you anything? A drink?
00:07:56No, no, thank you very much,
00:07:57but if it isn't too painful for you to discuss,
00:07:59I'd like to ask you...
00:08:02Good evening.
00:08:03This is my sister Gwendolyn.
00:08:06Gee, dear.
00:08:07This is David's brother, Robert Deware.
00:08:11How do you do?
00:08:13Delighted, Mr. Deware.
00:08:16And I'm so terribly sorry about what happened.
00:08:21Sit down, gee.
00:08:23You were going to ask me a question.
00:08:26Oh, yes.
00:08:27Well, you see, I had spoken to David
00:08:30and I knew that he was, uh,
00:08:32worried about returning to New York.
00:08:34Well, actually, uh, afraid would be more accurate.
00:08:37Afraid of what?
00:08:38He didn't say.
00:08:39I mean, he didn't express it in so many words,
00:08:42but he seemed, uh, terrified
00:08:44that something was going to happen,
00:08:46and he insisted that I meet him at the airport
00:08:49so that he could give me the locket.
00:08:51The locket?
00:08:53There's no real monetary value attached to it.
00:08:55It's really a family heirloom,
00:08:57kind of old-fashioned, ornate.
00:09:00You see, our family is very close,
00:09:02very tightly knit, and I live in Vermont,
00:09:05so naturally David and I saw very little of each other,
00:09:08but it did seem important to him that I have the locket.
00:09:13In view of his fear and what finally happened,
00:09:17I thought that perhaps he might have given it to you
00:09:22to hold for me.
00:09:24I wish I could say yes to that, Mr. DeWere,
00:09:28but he gave me nothing.
00:09:36I see.
00:09:40Well, uh, thank you very much.
00:09:43I'm sorry if I've disturbed you.
00:09:45Good night.
00:09:46Good night.
00:09:47Good night.
00:09:48Good night, Mr. DeWere.
00:09:51Oh, uh, you're going back to Vermont now?
00:09:54Yes, in a few days.
00:09:56But, uh, why do you ask?
00:09:59David and I talked about so many things on the plane,
00:10:03I thought if I could recall anything
00:10:05that would be of use to you.
00:10:07Oh, I see. Well, thank you very much.
00:10:09I'm staying at a little apartment on East 63rd Street and 973.
00:10:14Well, thank you very much.
00:10:16Sorry to have disturbed you.
00:10:19Good night.
00:10:22973 East 63rd Street.
00:10:25That puts him right in the middle of the East River.
00:10:29Very bright of you, dear, to dangle the name DeWere.
00:10:34You certainly grabbed at it.
00:10:36Who do you suppose he really is?
00:10:39And why is the locket so important?
00:10:42Hello, this is a recorded answering device.
00:10:45Please leave your name, phone number,
00:10:47and any message after you hear the sound of the beep.
00:10:51I got nothing. Absolutely nothing at all.
00:10:54Of course, I can't be positive that they have it,
00:10:56but they must because everything points to it.
00:10:59There's no more that I can do because they know me.
00:11:01So it's up to you now.
00:11:03Just follow orders.
00:11:05Use any means necessary.
00:11:18I just thought I'd get myself a munchie.
00:11:21Can I get you something?
00:11:23Hot chocolate? Good.
00:11:25All right.
00:11:48Absolutely fascinating.
00:11:50If you say so, dear.
00:11:52Witchcraft isn't exactly my favorite subject.
00:12:48Did you hear that noise, dear?
00:12:50Oh, it's just that tree branch brushing against the house.
00:12:53That's all.
00:13:20Now that's a munchie.
00:13:42What now?
00:13:48They're identical.
00:13:52This amulet is the symbol of authority
00:13:55of a particular coven that existed in mid-Europe
00:13:58in the 14th and 15th centuries.
00:14:01A particularly mysterious coven.
00:14:04Mysterious how?
00:14:06It doesn't say. That's all it says.
00:14:10I wish we had more on the subject.
00:14:12Hmm. Research is clearly indicated.
00:14:15Who are you?
00:14:17What do you want?
00:14:24What's going on?
00:14:28What is it? No!
00:14:35Barney, are you all right?
00:14:37Barney, speak. Speak to us.
00:14:39Are you all right?
00:14:41As compared to what?
00:14:43Thank goodness.
00:14:47Oh, that's going to be a terrible bump.
00:14:49Barney, who was he?
00:14:51I don't know.
00:14:53But he was scary.
00:14:55His eyes, he stared like he was seeing right through you.
00:14:59Biggest, blackest eyes I ever saw.
00:15:01It was like...
00:15:03Like agates?
00:15:07No, olives.
00:15:09Big, black, scary olives.
00:15:11I never saw anything like that.
00:15:13Barney, you'd better get into bed.
00:15:15We'll bring you a cold compress and some sleeping pills.
00:15:18And munchies. Don't forget the munchies.
00:15:21You go on downstairs.
00:15:23We'll be right on down.
00:15:25Thank you. I'll be all right, ladies. Thank you.
00:15:28Oh, that bump. Really.
00:15:30We must tell Stephen about this first thing in the morning.
00:15:33Yeah, I'm going to see that that door is properly locked.
00:15:37We seem to have more and more to tell him.
00:15:41That's a tarot card, isn't it?
00:15:43Yes. Another symbol of witchcraft.
00:15:54Stephen, dear, all I want to know is that you'll wait there for us.
00:15:58Of course. But you're being very mysterious.
00:16:00Practical is the word.
00:16:02There's a lot to discuss, and I'd just as soon be gone.
00:16:05Yes, and I'd just as soon Barney didn't know the details just yet.
00:16:09Details? What details?
00:16:11See you, Stephen.
00:16:13What details? What?
00:16:15Come on. Are you holding out on me?
00:16:17Oh, Barney, it's just that...
00:16:20Well, I found that in my flight bag.
00:16:22Now, there's no use worrying about it
00:16:24till we find out what it is and how it got there, is there?
00:16:27Jewelry, huh?
00:16:29Of a sort.
00:16:31Weird, Megan. Sorry.
00:16:35Miss G, you got an envelope?
00:16:52Using my ladies to smuggle dope.
00:16:55Dope? What?
00:16:57Are you certain? No, of course not.
00:16:59But, I mean, what else could it be?
00:17:05Barney, what are you doing?
00:17:07I don't know, but all the cops on TV do this.
00:17:13Couldn't be dope. It tastes good.
00:17:15Barney, don't eat up all the evidence.
00:17:19Are we ready?
00:17:38The fingerprint check makes it official.
00:17:40There is no David Deware.
00:17:42Right name is David Anders.
00:17:44Clean sheet. No criminal record.
00:17:46And, of course, David Anders had no brother.
00:17:49No family at all.
00:17:51Only a business partner, one Karen Kainsley.
00:17:54They run a small magic shop in the village.
00:17:56Well, now, I would think the good doctor has finished checking Barney.
00:17:59So, loves, home you go.
00:18:01Thank you, Stephen.
00:18:04Now, come on in, George. We'll get to the Anders case.
00:18:06Right, Stephen. Ladies.
00:18:08Sometimes our nephew's manners are a...
00:18:11We're his aunts. These are my aunts, Ernesta and Gee.
00:18:14This is Lieutenant George Tate.
00:18:16The lieutenant is the department expert on Satanism, the occult, devil worship, you name it.
00:18:21Pleased to meet you.
00:18:23Oh, incidentally, our doctor tells me that Barney is doing fine. He's just rested.
00:18:26Thank you. Good.
00:18:33Did the laboratory come up with anything new on the white powder, lieutenant?
00:18:37You might as well tell them, George.
00:18:39It's the only way I'm going to get my office back.
00:18:41They're still working on it.
00:18:43Yes, but we can make an educated guess.
00:18:45It's a drug called misanthrope.
00:18:47Yes, it's one of the oldest known drugs.
00:18:49And it's always associated in some form or another with devil worship.
00:18:55Associated in what way?
00:18:57Well, you see, the drug has some peculiar powers.
00:19:00A small dose can induce a weakening of the will, a hypnotic state.
00:19:04A larger dose brings death.
00:19:07Then you've dealt with it before.
00:19:11Well, tell me, how much do you know about covens?
00:19:16Small groups of people devoted to some form of devil worship.
00:19:20Good start. Add this.
00:19:22There's no way of even estimating how many covens exist.
00:19:26Some of them will tell you that they're religious, that they're nonviolent.
00:19:30And last year, we had two homicides definitely traced to covens.
00:19:34Mm-hmm. And two months ago, we had a killing
00:19:37that was definitely devil worship-oriented.
00:19:39It was a man by the name of Delman Santel.
00:19:42Now, there were traces of the drug, misanthrope, found in his bloodstream.
00:19:46Yeah, and I drew a big, fat zero in the case.
00:19:48Couldn't make a dent.
00:19:50Clever people.
00:19:52Well, now you ladies are as expert as we are.
00:19:55Oh, may I have a look at the amulet?
00:20:01Oh, for heaven's sake, I thought you had it.
00:20:03We were so excited, we must have left it on the table.
00:20:06Well, I'll pick it up later.
00:20:09And why don't you go by the doctor's office and pick up Barney?
00:20:13Do you get the feeling that he's trying to get rid of us?
00:20:16Mm-hmm. Right on the money, ladies.
00:20:19Please. And as I've said so many times before,
00:20:22and you have ignored so many times before,
00:20:24please go home and, uh, stay out of the case.
00:20:28Thank you, Lieutenant. My pleasure.
00:20:30Bye, Lieutenant. Goodbye.
00:20:32Bye-bye. Bye-bye.
00:20:37Those are two nice ladies.
00:20:47Do you know anything about Satanism?
00:20:50A little.
00:20:52Too bad David didn't keep it at a little.
00:20:55But he was so into it.
00:20:57Where were the rituals held?
00:20:59I don't know. He never said.
00:21:02Do you know which coven it was?
00:21:04No. All I know is, once he became involved with it,
00:21:09it began to take him over completely.
00:21:12Then, one night, he came to my apartment.
00:21:17I have never seen a man so scared.
00:21:20Finally, he confessed that he had seen a murder.
00:21:23Had it something to do with the coven?
00:21:26Yes. That's why he was so frightened.
00:21:28He stayed only a little while, and then he left.
00:21:31Did you ever see him again?
00:21:33No. But four nights ago,
00:21:36he called me from Sun Valley.
00:21:40He said he'd had to run away from New York
00:21:43because he had a piece of evidence
00:21:45that could tie the murderer to the murder.
00:21:48He was going to break with the coven
00:21:50and give the evidence to the police.
00:21:52Well, of course, I'm sure.
00:21:54That's why they killed him.
00:21:56Does this tarot card mean anything to you?
00:21:59Well, we sell them, but only the novelty kind.
00:22:02That one looks very real.
00:22:04It would take an expert to read that one.
00:22:07Do you know of such an expert?
00:22:09David mentioned someone once.
00:22:12A man by the name of Morlock.
00:22:16128 Maynard Lane.
00:22:30You ladies actually going in there?
00:22:32We have no choice, Barney. It's all we have.
00:22:36You can stay in the car if you'd like.
00:22:39The lieutenant would have my head.
00:22:48We're going in.
00:22:50We're going in.
00:22:52We're going in.
00:22:54We're going in.
00:22:57Let me lead.
00:22:59All right. Gladly.
00:23:14Only fools ascend a stair
00:23:17when Morlock isn't even there.
00:23:19Down here.
00:23:25Do you want the fresh air to kill me?
00:23:28Morlock cannot wait all day.
00:23:31Come inside and say your say.
00:23:33Mr. Morlock.
00:23:35This way.
00:23:37Mr. Morlock.
00:23:39Honorable. Honorable Morlock.
00:23:41Oh, I'm sorry. Our name is...
00:23:43No time for amenities.
00:23:45And names are just obscenities.
00:23:50What do you want?
00:23:52Tell me while the cauldron steams
00:23:55and brews a batch of Satan's dreams.
00:23:58Not bad, eh?
00:24:00I thought that up on my way to work here.
00:24:02Very rhythmic.
00:24:04You're not from the Better Business Bureau?
00:24:06No. We're...
00:24:08Sneaky lot. Always around here examining my price list.
00:24:11I ask you, is that fair or is it not?
00:24:16Frogskin, $1.50.
00:24:19Wolves' ears, $20.
00:24:21It seems very reasonable.
00:24:23Wolves' ears seem a little high to me.
00:24:25Sure? And you think the wolves like it?
00:24:27Mr. Morlock...
00:24:29I mean, Honorable Morlock,
00:24:31we want to ask you about...
00:24:33Stupid machine!
00:24:39Local stuff, built-in obsolescence!
00:24:43I tell you,
00:24:45the whole witchcraft business is shot to heaven.
00:24:48Sorry about that, Lucifer.
00:24:52Not like in the old days.
00:24:54Real nice business then.
00:24:56Simple. A couple of skulls, a few crosses,
00:24:59a herb or two, and you're doing fine.
00:25:02Henry Ford had the right idea.
00:25:05One color, one shape.
00:25:07The Model T, black, period.
00:25:10Different now, huh?
00:25:12Different? You ought to carry an inventory like Sears Roebuck.
00:25:16One cubbon wants green skulls,
00:25:18the one on 89th Street likes them red,
00:25:21and twice the size.
00:25:23And then there's the material shortages.
00:25:25I tell you, the government is to blame.
00:25:27Everything I use, everything,
00:25:29mostly frog's bone.
00:25:31And I'll tell you something, it's the government's fault.
00:25:34They should have seen it coming.
00:25:36You want to know the truth?
00:25:38I think it's a plot.
00:25:40The frog company's cornered the market.
00:25:42They're holding back, want to get rich.
00:25:44Honorable Morlock,
00:25:46we were told that you could interpret this tarot card.
00:25:49Will you please? It's most important.
00:25:52Leopard's fang and eagle's nook.
00:25:55Satan, get me off the hook.
00:25:57This is the real thing.
00:25:59I have to research it.
00:26:01Come back tomorrow.
00:26:03But it'll cost you money, ladies.
00:26:05I should say 50 would cover it.
00:26:10And you too, young man.
00:26:12I'll whip up a little owl brain and targo leaf.
00:26:15It'll do wonders for your bad back.
00:26:17My bad back? How'd you know I had a bad back?
00:26:20Lucifer, give me strength.
00:26:22Do you think you're playing with kids?
00:26:24Because I'm a pro!
00:26:26That's how I know.
00:26:35Oh, ladies.
00:26:37Hello, lieutenant. Good evening.
00:26:39Oh, lieutenant. Tate, how do you do?
00:26:42Is Stephen about?
00:26:44No, I'm sorry. This is his night off.
00:26:46Oh, dear. Well, I'll see you later.
00:26:48Good night.
00:26:50Good night.
00:26:52Good night.
00:26:54Good night.
00:26:56Good night.
00:26:58Good night.
00:27:00Good night.
00:27:02Good night.
00:27:05Had a little trouble patching up?
00:27:08Oh, not at all.
00:27:12Maybe you should have been here for him,
00:27:14and prepare him for his night off.
00:27:17Oh, we had hoped to see him.
00:27:19Maybe I can help.
00:27:21We wanted to find out if there'd been any progress
00:27:24in the solving of David's murder.
00:27:25No, nothing yet.
00:27:27Guess these things ve take time.
00:27:30We wish you every bit of luck with it.
00:27:33Uh, by the way, while we're here,
00:27:36we had, uh, thought of paying you a visit.
00:27:39Oh, really? Why?
00:27:41Well, Ernesta is researching a new book,
00:27:43and we had thought you might be able to help us.
00:27:46Well, I'd be honored. Another whodunit?
00:27:48Well, no, this one's a howdunit.
00:27:50The reader will know who from the very first chapter.
00:27:53Well, let me in on the ground floor.
00:27:57The devil.
00:27:59I thought you ladies were off for this case.
00:28:02This has nothing to do with the case, Lieutenant.
00:28:05Oh, no, we're just using it as a frame of reference.
00:28:10Now I know why Steve has so much trouble with you two.
00:28:14All right. You sit here.
00:28:18And you sit here.
00:28:21Now sit over here.
00:28:25Well, first off,
00:28:27if it's your theory that David and Santel
00:28:30were murdered by a particular coven,
00:28:32why is it so difficult to locate?
00:28:34Well, they have a history of secrecy
00:28:36dating back to the 15th century.
00:28:38Their founder, a high priest,
00:28:40the late, infamous Baron Von Bellicos, who...
00:28:42Von Bellicos. What an extraordinary name.
00:28:44Yes, it is.
00:28:46Anyway, Von Bellicos claimed to be the son of Satan,
00:28:48and he maintained his power
00:28:50for the possession of a very unusual amulet.
00:28:52An amulet? Our amulet?
00:28:54That's right.
00:28:56According to the Baron, it was a gift from Satan,
00:28:58and hidden inside of the amulet was a poison
00:29:00which was used to kill all members of the coven
00:29:02that were deemed to be traitors by the high priest.
00:29:04But David was killed by a knife,
00:29:06not by poison.
00:29:08And he was a member of the coven.
00:29:10Yes, he was, but he quit.
00:29:12So that made him an outsider.
00:29:14You see, any enemy of the coven on the outside
00:29:16was always killed by a jeweled ornamental dagger,
00:29:18which, like the amulet,
00:29:20was said to be a gift from Satan.
00:29:22Then there is an identifiable weapon,
00:29:24if it can be located.
00:29:26If it can.
00:29:28That's a big if, ladies.
00:29:30You see, so far, we haven't even been able to locate the coven.
00:29:32Oh, dear.
00:29:34Well, thank you for your time, Lieutenant.
00:29:36Oh, yes, thank you. My pleasure.
00:29:38And give our love to Stephen.
00:29:40I'll be glad.
00:29:42And it might be just as well not to mention the research.
00:29:44I understand.
00:29:46Good night.
00:29:48Good night.
00:29:56That's it for tonight, isn't it, ladies?
00:29:58Yes, Barty.
00:30:00What shall we have before we go to bed?
00:30:02I don't know. Hot milk, maybe?
00:30:08My, visitors.
00:30:10Very impolite visitors.
00:30:12Oh, dear.
00:30:16What are you doing?
00:30:18Oh, nothing.
00:30:20Oh, dear.
00:30:22Oh, dear.
00:30:24What are you doing?
00:30:26The amulet.
00:30:28I can't seem to recall putting it down or where.
00:30:30I can't remember which of us handled it last.
00:30:32It doesn't matter, really.
00:30:34The visitor probably has it by now.
00:30:36Wait a minute.
00:30:38Wait a minute.
00:30:40I remember when I was pouring
00:30:42the powder out of the amulet,
00:30:44I reached into my pocket,
00:30:46and there it is.
00:30:48Now I remember.
00:30:50Oh, Barty.
00:30:54You stay here.
00:31:20Honourable Morlock here.
00:31:22Oh, yes, of course, Miss Snoop.
00:31:26Yes, the tarot card.
00:31:28I've been working on it.
00:31:30Come over as soon as you like.
00:31:32I'll have it ready by then.
00:31:34Thank you, Miss Snoop.
00:31:52There, don't be frightened.
00:31:58Goat's blood and witch's hair.
00:32:00Who's there?
00:32:02Honourable Morlock,
00:32:04it's Gee and Ernesta Snoop.
00:32:06Good evening, ladies.
00:32:08Come in.
00:32:10You too, young man.
00:32:12Oh, you have a very interesting place.
00:32:14And such an unusual door chime.
00:32:16It sounds just like
00:32:18a door chime.
00:32:20It sounds just like...
00:32:22I don't quite know what.
00:32:24A screaming raven.
00:32:26Exactly, that's it.
00:32:28His name is Craven.
00:32:30Ugly, isn't he?
00:32:32Why, that's remarkable.
00:32:34How did you ever teach him to scream
00:32:36when the chime is pulled?
00:32:38It's quite simple.
00:32:40You see the string here?
00:32:42It's attached to the puller outside.
00:32:44It goes right along the wall here
00:32:46to Craven's leg.
00:32:48When you pull,
00:32:50he screams.
00:32:52Oh, my.
00:32:54Mr. Morlock,
00:32:56you were going to tell us
00:32:58about the tarot card we brought this afternoon.
00:33:00Yes, of course, of course.
00:33:02But after that I must fly.
00:33:04I'm rather late for an important gathering already.
00:33:06A secret meeting of your coven,
00:33:08no doubt?
00:33:10No, a poker game over on 49th Street.
00:33:12They got me for 13.80 last week.
00:33:15Now, this tarot
00:33:17is from a very rare deck.
00:33:19It dates back
00:33:21to a particularly nasty coven
00:33:23of mid-European gypsies
00:33:25around the 16th century.
00:33:27Or is it the 15th?
00:33:29Do you know what this particular card stands for?
00:33:31It is L'Hermite,
00:33:33the hermit,
00:33:35hidden knowledge.
00:33:37I take it you
00:33:39found this,
00:33:41came upon it idly,
00:33:43came upon it idly?
00:33:45Uh, no. As a matter of fact,
00:33:47it was left in our home.
00:33:49Your home?
00:33:51Something wrong?
00:33:53Oh, my poor dear ladies,
00:33:55you don't know what this means?
00:33:57It means that you apparently have something
00:33:59that this coven wants
00:34:01and wants very badly.
00:34:03Still, it might have been worse.
00:34:05You could have received
00:34:07a second card.
00:34:13I'm afraid so.
00:34:15Don't tell me it was
00:34:17le diable,
00:34:19the devil.
00:34:25The hole.
00:34:29It wasn't put there by a...
00:34:31a crossbow,
00:34:33was it?
00:34:35Yes. How did you know?
00:34:37May the devil have mercy on you.
00:34:43Blow out the candles before you leave.
00:34:55Mr. Moorlach?
00:34:57Mr. Moorlach?
00:34:59Please wait!
00:35:01Honorable Moorlach!
00:35:05Stop! Stop!
00:35:09Witch's brew and turtle stew!
00:35:11May the devil skewer you!
00:35:13Are you late for your poker game?
00:35:15I'm always late.
00:35:17They expect me to ride in on a broom,
00:35:19but I've got to depend on taxis like anyone else.
00:35:21We'd be delighted to drive you.
00:35:23Oh, thank you.
00:35:25Yeah, we would have been,
00:35:27but look at that.
00:35:29Your Honor, suppose you could do me
00:35:31a small favor and maybe work
00:35:33I don't fix flats.
00:35:35Honorable Moorlach,
00:35:37what is the significance
00:35:39of a tarot card
00:35:41being shot with a crossbow?
00:35:43Well, the crossbow, don't you know,
00:35:45symbolizes the messenger of death.
00:35:47So you see, this coven is not fooling around.
00:35:49Whatever they want from you,
00:35:51they're willing to kill for.
00:35:53But then don't you see
00:35:55that's why it's so important
00:35:57that we find out how to contact them?
00:35:59Contact? You must be mad.
00:36:01Maybe we can give them what they want.
00:36:03Have you got a pencil and paper?
00:36:05Oh, yeah.
00:36:07To locate it,
00:36:09I want the answers to two riddles
00:36:11from two different witches.
00:36:13One trains mediums,
00:36:15and Lucifer alone knows
00:36:17who and what the other one does.
00:36:19But be careful.
00:36:21If either of them suspects who you are
00:36:23or why you want these answers,
00:36:25we'll all be in deep trouble.
00:36:27Taxi! Taxi!
00:36:29Great Haunt Master,
00:36:31protect me from disaster.
00:36:33And upon mine enemy's heads,
00:36:35let their fall plaster.
00:36:37Upon mine enemy's heads,
00:36:39let their fall plaster?
00:36:41What do you expect
00:36:43for the spur of the moment?
00:36:59Don't forget
00:37:01the riddle you're to ask.
00:37:03Oh, I won't.
00:37:05Do hope Madam Mimi is nice, witch.
00:37:07I'll be back
00:37:09in half an hour.
00:37:11If you're not standing out here waiting,
00:37:13I'm gonna come in and get you.
00:37:15Don't worry. I'll be here.
00:37:17Good luck.
00:37:29Madam Mimi?
00:37:51Madam Mimi?
00:37:59Madam Mimi?
00:38:01Who is it?
00:38:03Uh, Madam Gwendolyn.
00:38:05Sit down, please.
00:38:07Oh, thank you.
00:38:09Not on me.
00:38:11Not on me.
00:38:13I just haven't got it on me.
00:38:15Oh, uh,
00:38:17do you happen to have change of $5?
00:38:19No, I'm afraid I don't.
00:38:21Herman, you're gonna have
00:38:23to trust me till tomorrow.
00:38:25Herman just sold this to me.
00:38:27It's very reasonable
00:38:29and self-polishing.
00:38:31There's only one problem.
00:38:33It's made of plastic
00:38:35and you can't look very far
00:38:37into the future.
00:38:39Oh, uh,
00:38:41excuse me, but who are you?
00:38:43Madam Gwendolyn.
00:38:45How'd you get in touch with me?
00:38:47I was referred.
00:38:49By whom?
00:38:51George Tyler.
00:38:55is dead.
00:38:57Oh, of course.
00:38:59You can't trust the living.
00:39:01I contacted him.
00:39:03You were his first choice.
00:39:05If you know George,
00:39:07you're not a novice medium.
00:39:09Oh, no, I used to be a medium.
00:39:11Well, not a full medium,
00:39:13more of a semi-medium.
00:39:15A medium-medium, you might say.
00:39:17Have you ever worked in New York?
00:39:19No, no, Chicago.
00:39:21You were one of the mediums in Chicago.
00:39:23No, Chicago, uh, not Chicago.
00:39:25I would never work in Chicago.
00:39:27Now, would you tell me...
00:39:29Excuse me, Madam Mimi,
00:39:31but I just remembered a terribly important question
00:39:33I forgot to ask Smokey.
00:39:35Well, come on in.
00:39:37I was halfway across town
00:39:39and I suddenly realized
00:39:41it was a terribly important thing
00:39:43I wanted to ask Smokey.
00:39:45Oh, well, uh, Madam Gwendolyn here
00:39:47will, uh, will give you the answers.
00:39:49Well, um,
00:39:51please sit down.
00:39:53Uh, uh,
00:39:55may I
00:39:57borrow your ball?
00:39:59Oh, it's light.
00:40:01One could easily make
00:40:03house calls.
00:40:24Are you there, Smokey?
00:40:26Speak to me,
00:40:28Smokey. Speak to me.
00:40:30Smokey is a dog.
00:40:32Bark to me, Smokey.
00:40:34Bark to me.
00:40:36I hear him. I've made contact.
00:40:38Oh, ask him if he got the pearl
00:40:40collar and leash that I gave
00:40:42Madam Mimi to give him.
00:40:44Smokey, did you get the pearl
00:40:46collar and leash from Madam Mimi?
00:40:52Good dog.
00:40:54Yes, he got them.
00:40:56Is he happy with them?
00:40:58Smokey, are you
00:41:00happy with them?
00:41:04He's very happy.
00:41:06He's very happy.
00:41:08Is that all?
00:41:12Well, uh,
00:41:16for now, yes.
00:41:18You see,
00:41:20he wanted to hurry back to
00:41:22show his pearl collar to his
00:41:24happy little friends.
00:41:26How beautiful. Thank you,
00:41:28Madam Gwendolyn. How lovely.
00:41:30You're welcome, dear.
00:41:34it's over five years
00:41:36since I've sat on this side of the ball.
00:41:38Well, that's not bad,
00:41:40Gwendolyn. Not good, but not bad.
00:41:42A few dozen lessons,
00:41:44and you should be right on top again.
00:41:48Yes, you'll be able to hear actual voices
00:41:50as I do. Voices?
00:41:52Imagine that.
00:41:54Classes are Thursday night at ten.
00:41:56Oh, marvelous.
00:41:58Well, maybe then I could
00:42:00even speak
00:42:02to him. Him?
00:42:04Baron Von Bellicose.
00:42:06The Baron?
00:42:08What do you want to talk to him for?
00:42:10I must ask him a question
00:42:12for my poor beleaguered aunt.
00:42:16Yes, she's very low.
00:42:18It's her last request.
00:42:20Maybe you could ask him for me.
00:42:22My poor aunt and I
00:42:24would be so eternally grateful.
00:42:26Well, that's heavy, Gwendolyn.
00:42:28Very heavy, but
00:42:30well, let's see what Madam Mimi
00:42:32can do.
00:42:34I will concentrate.
00:42:36We're going down.
00:42:38Way down.
00:42:40All the way down.
00:42:47Do you hear me?
00:42:49Baron Von Bellicose,
00:42:51do you hear me?
00:42:53He hears me.
00:42:55Speak, Gwendolyn.
00:42:57Oh, Baron.
00:42:59Oh, great.
00:43:01Gwendolyn, that's my gig.
00:43:03Oh, well,
00:43:05ask him, if you please,
00:43:07could he answer this?
00:43:09If the longitude
00:43:11is west and the latitude is east,
00:43:13where do the faithful go
00:43:15to celebrate the beast?
00:43:17Oh, Baron,
00:43:19did you hear the riddle?
00:43:21He heard it. What does he say?
00:43:23He says, to celebrate the beast,
00:43:25go neither west nor east.
00:43:27Find the center south
00:43:29by five
00:43:31and you shall find the feast.
00:43:33Thank you,
00:43:35Madam Mimi.
00:43:45I understand you seek an audience
00:43:47with me. As you know, I'm a witch
00:43:49and witches don't answer questions
00:43:51except to disciples and other witches
00:43:53which you quite obviously aren't.
00:43:55Oh, but I am.
00:43:57You're a disciple?
00:43:59No, I'm a witch.
00:44:01Then you can cast spells, of course.
00:44:03No, that's my problem.
00:44:07I'm an underpowered witch.
00:44:11I used to have all the power I could use.
00:44:13Power to spare, you might say.
00:44:15And then, for no reason at all,
00:44:17I just suddenly lost it.
00:44:19For instance, if I tried to cast a spell,
00:44:21I could feel it
00:44:23start out
00:44:25and then it would just
00:44:27seem to lose power
00:44:29and drop.
00:44:31Mimi, that must be frustrating.
00:44:33Oh, it's terrible. It's really miserable.
00:44:35I've tried everything.
00:44:37Nothing works.
00:44:39I began to feel that the good old days
00:44:41were gone forever.
00:44:43Then last night, I had a
00:44:45visitation. Interesting.
00:44:47Go on. Lucifer's own voice
00:44:49told me that
00:44:51if I could find the answer to a riddle,
00:44:53I would find my power again.
00:44:55A riddle?
00:44:57I've never been much on riddles myself.
00:44:59No, they do seem rather dated,
00:45:01don't they?
00:45:03But he did say that a powerful young witch
00:45:05would find the answer.
00:45:07And also he said that soon after that,
00:45:09the powerful young witch would become
00:45:11a powerful young warlock.
00:45:13A warlock?
00:45:15What's the riddle?
00:45:17If the longitude is south and the latitude is north,
00:45:19where do disciples
00:45:21meet to send the faithful
00:45:25You're sure
00:45:27he said warlock.
00:45:35To send the
00:45:37faithful forth, go neither
00:45:39south nor north.
00:45:41From the center, set 11.
00:45:43Follow the road, 6.
00:45:47Isn't that marvelous?
00:45:49I don't know. I think all those
00:45:51riddles are crazy.
00:45:53Yes, Barney. We know.
00:45:55He's a warlock. I'm not so sure I trust him.
00:45:59What's the matter?
00:46:01Are you all right, dear?
00:46:04It's Karen.
00:46:26It's Karen. Karen.
00:46:28From the magic shop.
00:46:34They're from the same deck,
00:46:36all right, Steve. And if I'm not mistaken,
00:46:38this death card is identical to the one that was found
00:46:40on the forehead of Delman Santel.
00:46:42What I want to know is why you didn't tell me
00:46:44about the two cards you received earlier.
00:46:46We didn't want to worry you.
00:46:48And you had so much on your mind already.
00:46:50We're all through, Lieutenant.
00:46:52Anything so far?
00:46:54Lots of prints. We'll make comparisons tomorrow
00:46:56before we know anything for sure.
00:46:58Good night, ladies.
00:47:00George, I think it might be a good idea
00:47:02to go now, Steve. This is what they were after.
00:47:04The amulet.
00:47:06I don't think you ladies will be bothered anymore.
00:47:08Good night.
00:47:10Now, I want you to stop whatever it is you've been doing.
00:47:12No more midnight research,
00:47:14no more self-styled investigations.
00:47:16Is that clear?
00:47:18Yes, Stephen.
00:47:20I trust it's doubly clear to you.
00:47:22Triply clear, Lieutenant.
00:47:24All right. Good night, ladies.
00:47:26Good night, dear.
00:47:32I shouldn't be driving you to Morlock's.
00:47:34You know that.
00:47:36But, Barney, he's finally home.
00:47:38Finally is the word. It's some poker game.
00:47:40Last night, all day today.
00:47:42And now that he's home,
00:47:44let's hope he can locate the coven
00:47:46from the answers we got to those riddles.
00:47:48Yeah, I know, I know.
00:47:50I also know what the Lieutenant said,
00:47:52and so do you.
00:47:54He said no more research, no more investigation, right?
00:47:56Not quite, Barney.
00:47:58He said no more midnight research
00:48:00and no more self-styled investigation.
00:48:02As you can see, Barney,
00:48:04this isn't self-styled investigation at all.
00:48:06Ernest and I are styling it together.
00:48:08And as for midnight research,
00:48:10well, it's only half past eight.
00:48:12I've got to hand it to you two ladies.
00:48:14I've seen some good con men in my day,
00:48:16but you're right in there with the best of them.
00:48:20If the longitude is west
00:48:22and the latitude is east,
00:48:26where do the faithful go
00:48:28to celebrate the beast?
00:48:30To celebrate the beast,
00:48:32go neither west nor east.
00:48:34Find the center south by five
00:48:36and you will find the feast.
00:48:38Center south by five.
00:48:42Center south by five.
00:48:44Yes, yes.
00:48:46Now, if the longitude
00:48:48is south
00:48:50and the latitude is north,
00:48:52where do disciples meet
00:48:54to send the faithful forth?
00:48:56To send the faithful forth,
00:48:58go neither south nor north.
00:49:00From the center, set 11.
00:49:02Follow the road 6.7.
00:49:04Set 11.
00:49:12You've located it?
00:49:14I think I've located it.
00:49:16There's only one way to know for sure.
00:49:20Oh, great vile master.
00:49:22Some answers come slow
00:49:24and some come faster.
00:49:26Oh, brother.
00:49:28You callow, shallow youth.
00:49:30You crummy kid.
00:49:32You've screwed the whole thing up.
00:49:34Please, Honorable.
00:49:36Oh, surely, the...
00:49:38Silence! I'm not through yet.
00:49:40You fool.
00:49:42You nitwit.
00:49:44Don't you know that I could turn you into a rock,
00:49:46a frog, or anything I wanted
00:49:48for what you just did?
00:49:50Honorable Morlock, I don't think...
00:49:52Honorable Morlock!
00:49:54If you don't know and believe
00:49:56in Satan's powers,
00:49:58just look at old Craven here.
00:50:00You know that he was once
00:50:02an up-and-coming young executive
00:50:04at Standard Oil, New Jersey?
00:50:06Oh, come, Honorable.
00:50:08You're not telling us
00:50:10that you changed a human being
00:50:12into that raven?
00:50:14No. A friend of mine up in the Bronx did.
00:50:16You may not know it to look at him,
00:50:18but he here used to drive a sports car
00:50:20and earn more than $20,000 a year.
00:50:22Oh, Honorable.
00:50:24That's it, that's it.
00:50:26We are leaving pronto,
00:50:28which means right now, as of this moment.
00:50:30Come on, let's go.
00:50:32Wait a minute, Barney.
00:50:34Please, Honorable.
00:50:36It's very important.
00:50:38Just tell us where the coven is located.
00:50:40Go north on Old Post Road
00:50:42to Stuyvesant.
00:50:44Turn left and proceed
00:50:4627 miles.
00:50:48Thank you, Honorable.
00:50:52Now, if we could only find out
00:50:54where the dagger is located,
00:50:56dear, we can't expect the Honorable Morlock
00:50:58to know everything, can we?
00:51:00Ah, but I do know
00:51:02everything, more or less.
00:51:04You see, like the amulet,
00:51:06the dagger is considered sacred
00:51:08and were not used for satanic purposes.
00:51:10It must be in its place
00:51:12of worship.
00:51:14By the devil's decree,
00:51:16in a golden box,
00:51:18tarnished, of course,
00:51:20and must be warm to the touch.
00:51:22Warm? What on earth for?
00:51:24Well, obviously, dear lady,
00:51:26Satan won't go along
00:51:28with anything chilly.
00:51:30How is it kept warm?
00:51:34Find burning candles
00:51:36under golden box
00:51:38and you find,
00:51:40you find the dagger.
00:51:42Most exhausting work,
00:51:44dear ladies.
00:51:46I think perhaps
00:51:48another 50 might restore
00:51:50my strength beautifully.
00:51:52Don't you?
00:52:06Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
00:52:08Of course, dear.
00:52:10The venerable Morlock
00:52:12knew the location of the coven all along.
00:52:14And ran us around the block, so to speak.
00:52:16Undoubtedly, after making phone calls
00:52:18to the prince and Madame Mimi.
00:52:20Of course.
00:52:22Really. Fee-splitting among the witches.
00:52:24Quite. But no choice.
00:52:26We had to pretend to believe.
00:52:30Or we never would have learned
00:52:32the location of the coven.
00:52:36You want to see me, lieutenant?
00:52:39I want to have another look
00:52:41at the physical evidence
00:52:43on the amulet and coven.
00:52:45All of it?
00:52:47All of it.
00:52:55Here we are.
00:52:57Exactly 6.7 miles.
00:52:59There it is.
00:53:01Look, up there.
00:53:03What good's it gonna do
00:53:05to find a dagger?
00:53:07Well, there's a process
00:53:09called the benzidine test
00:53:11that can isolate even the most minute
00:53:13trace of blood on a knife.
00:53:15Which would be sufficient
00:53:17to identify it as a murder weapon.
00:53:25Here it is, lieutenant.
00:53:37Let's go.
00:53:53You see? No one's home.
00:53:55We're perfectly safe.
00:53:57I don't like it. It's too quiet.
00:53:59Barney, you've been staying up late
00:54:01watching old movies again, haven't you?
00:54:03How'd you know that?
00:54:05There's no such thing.
00:54:07They always say that just before
00:54:09something terrible happens.
00:54:11Nothing terrible's going to happen.
00:54:13Yeah, they say that, too.
00:54:196.14 standard.
00:54:21Hold this, please.
00:54:23Just shine it right there.
00:54:31What's that noise?
00:54:33You've been carrying around
00:54:35something all night. What is it?
00:54:37Well, if you've got to know,
00:54:39I went out and got a little protection.
00:54:41What kind of protection?
00:54:43Anybody that worships the devil.
00:54:45Just show them one of these crosses.
00:54:47They just can't take it.
00:54:49Everybody knows that.
00:54:51Yes, Barney.
00:54:53Yes, Barney.
00:54:55Wait a minute.
00:55:19I'll check back there.
00:55:21Stay here.
00:55:39Let's look over there.
00:55:41Stay close together.
00:55:52No hair.
00:56:03That's the same sign
00:56:05as on the amulet.
00:56:07Might be the signature of the coven.
00:56:15Let's look in here.
00:56:33That must be where the high priest sits.
00:56:39Look over there. Is that a goat's head?
00:56:41You're right.
00:56:43No more lock was wrong. Let's go home.
00:56:45Nonsense, Barney.
00:56:47It must be on the second floor.
00:56:49Don't go up there. Do we have to go up there?
00:56:51Well, you can wait here if you'd rather.
00:56:53Here. I'll lead the way. I've got a flashlight.
00:57:03It's a spooky house, isn't it?
00:57:05Don't remind me.
00:57:07Who do you want to live here?
00:57:25Check this closet.
00:57:33Nothing here.
00:57:35I can't understand it.
00:57:37We've checked every room, haven't we?
00:57:39Maybe Moorlach was wrong.
00:57:41I told you he was wrong.
00:57:43Now, ladies, you've got to listen to me.
00:57:45I may not always be right.
00:57:47I may not always even be sane.
00:57:49But right now, I am the voice of sanity.
00:57:51And the voice of sanity says...
00:57:57Barney, where are you?
00:58:01Where are you?
00:58:03Barney, say something!
00:58:23Barney, say something, please!
00:58:27Get me out of here!
00:58:31What happened?
00:58:33Barney, what's the last thing you remember
00:58:35before you disappeared?
00:58:39I remember I was saying
00:58:41I am the voice of sanity.
00:58:43No, not what you said. What you did.
00:58:47Let me see. I was talking.
00:58:49I leaned up against the wall.
00:58:51Suddenly something moved, and here I was.
00:58:53I mean, here I am.
00:58:55Ladies, get me out of here!
00:58:59Oh, Barney!
00:59:01Oh, my. Barney!
00:59:03You're a genius.
00:59:05If I was a genius, I'd be home in bed.
00:59:09Just like Morlock said.
00:59:11We got to get out of here.
00:59:13I mean, this place could be possessed by you-know-who.
00:59:15Not that I got anything against you-know-who.
00:59:17Live and let live. That's my motto.
00:59:21Would you like to carry it, dear?
00:59:23Oh, I thought you would.
00:59:27Don't look at me.
00:59:29Well, we'll trade off.
00:59:31Oh, excellent idea.
00:59:33Oh, my. It's heavy.
00:59:35And warm.
00:59:37We better try to get out of here.
00:59:39Look, maybe there's a secret button
00:59:41or a hidden panel
00:59:43or maybe even a...
00:59:45Like I said,
00:59:47maybe even a...
00:59:51Go ahead.
01:00:03What's wrong?
01:00:05They're here.
01:00:07Maybe we could creep past them.
01:00:09Good thinking.
01:00:11Let's see where they are.
01:00:13Can't you feel that they're coming?
01:00:15It's been such a trying time.
01:00:17It's been such a time to come.
01:00:23Can't you feel that they're coming?
01:00:27Can't you feel that they're coming?
01:00:29Can't you feel that they're coming?
01:00:33Oh, no.
01:00:43Ladies, I tell you,
01:00:45our geese are cooked.
01:00:47We can't go down there.
01:00:49We can't even hide in the closet up here
01:00:51because they may want to come up.
01:00:53That's it. That's what, dear.
01:00:55That closet down the hall is full of gowns,
01:00:57just like the ones they're wearing.
01:01:01What do you mean, perfect?
01:01:05Ladies, you can't mean...
01:01:07or you couldn't mean that.
01:01:09Barney, Gee's right.
01:01:11Disguising ourselves as members of the Coven
01:01:13is the only hope we have of escape.
01:01:31Otuo, it's me.
01:01:33Yeah, something's wrong.
01:01:35This amulet's a phony.
01:01:37I'm positive it's a duplicate, a copy.
01:01:39Now, you get hold of property,
01:01:41find out who else had access to that envelope.
01:01:47How do I look?
01:01:49Terrific. You look just like Ernesta Snoop
01:01:51in a black gown.
01:01:53Wait a minute.
01:01:55Over there.
01:01:57Go on.
01:02:03I hate to think
01:02:05what'll happen when they find that box empty.
01:02:07They'll search this house from top to bottom.
01:02:09We're stuck at the top in these lousy closets.
01:02:11I hate to think
01:02:13what'll happen when they find that box empty.
01:02:15They'll search this house from top to bottom.
01:02:17We're stuck at the top in these lousy closets.
01:02:45This isn't a closet.
01:02:47I think it's an elevator.
01:02:55I think you're right, dear.
01:03:01Yeah, go ahead.
01:03:03Lieutenant Tate.
01:03:05And who else?
01:03:07Just Tate.
01:03:09You sure?
01:03:13All right.
01:03:17Come on, ladies.
01:03:19This way. Come on.
01:03:21Oh, you're on the wrong floor.
01:03:23This is the basement.
01:03:25The sacred room's on the first.
01:03:27Come, we'll go back up.
01:03:29We'll show you the way.
01:03:31We'll take you up in the elevator again.
01:03:35What is it doing?
01:03:37You must be new.
01:03:39Yes, we are.
01:03:43The high priest didn't say anything
01:03:45about any new members tonight.
01:03:47New to this coven, I mean.
01:03:49Ah, another coven.
01:03:53We're part of the coven exchange program.
01:04:03the ceremony has begun.
01:04:14You picked a good night.
01:04:16We did?
01:04:18Oh, didn't you know?
01:04:20This is the ceremony
01:04:22of the great rite.
01:04:24Oh, evil spirit,
01:04:26bless us...
01:04:28This is one great rite you'll never forget.
01:04:30I'm sure we won't.
01:04:32...hold a special meeting
01:04:34in your honor
01:04:36to commemorate the return
01:04:38of the secret
01:04:44high priest,
01:04:46the master of
01:04:48evil is present
01:04:50with us tonight.
01:04:52Bring the
01:04:54sacred amulet
01:04:56that we
01:04:58may share once again
01:05:28Jack, get me the I.D. night report,
01:05:54Dark some night
01:05:56and shining moon
01:06:00the south and west
01:06:02and north
01:06:04earth and water
01:06:06air and fire
01:06:08pond and pentacle
01:06:10and sword, work ye
01:06:12unto my desire
01:06:14hearken ye unto my
01:06:32What is this great rite?
01:06:34Could be a human sacrifice.
01:06:50yeah, hello, this is
01:06:52Jim Rogers.
01:06:54I'm a new member
01:06:56and I was supposed to come to the meeting
01:06:58tonight with George Tate
01:07:00and I wondered if you could tell me where it was.
01:07:02I missed him.
01:07:04Oh, I see, yeah.
01:07:06Well, no, that's all right.
01:07:08Thank you very much.
01:07:12hello, my name is Jim Rodgers.
01:07:14I'm a new member and...
01:07:38All aboard!
01:07:39All aboard, all aboard!
01:07:42They'll look at us!
01:07:44We're gone!
01:07:46Oh, thank you, my pal!
01:07:48All aboard!
01:07:49All aboard!
01:07:50All aboard!
01:08:08Excuse me. I think you dropped this.
01:08:13An imposter. A Christian.
01:08:16There's nothing sacred anymore.
01:08:23Just what the devil ordered.
01:08:25A human sacrifice. Grab him.
01:08:28Get back!
01:08:30Get back!
01:08:32It's a gun. A gun disguised as a cross.
01:08:36A gun. You should be so lucky.
01:08:39This isn't a gun. It's a cross.
01:08:41A cross.
01:08:43A cross?
01:08:45He's crazy.
01:08:48Barney, run!
01:08:54Get up! They're getting away. Get up.
01:08:58After them. Don't let them escape.
01:09:01Stop them. No telling who they are.
01:09:06Don't let them get away.
01:09:10Call the police.
01:09:14Put your hands up.
01:09:16Are you all right? Yes, thanks to you.
01:09:35You're a little out of uniform, George.
01:09:39Where's Barney?
01:09:41Just went to fight a hill away, Lieutenant.
01:09:43Good work, Phillips.
01:09:45Lieutenant, will you tell him who I am?
01:09:47He's a troublemaker and an agitator.
01:09:49Do you want me to book him too?
01:09:51No, it's all right. I'll take care of him.
01:09:53Along with a couple of other ringleaders I know.
01:09:57Barney? Huh?
01:10:03I'm sorry.
01:10:05Barney? Huh?
01:10:11So Tate switched the fake amulet for the real one.
01:10:14I suppose he thought no one but a member of the Coven could tell the difference.
01:10:17How did you know, Stephen?
01:10:19Well, I noticed a flaw on the base of the amulet.
01:10:23But the fake had no flaw, no imperfections at all.
01:10:26Oh, and you remember that Delman Santel I told you about?
01:10:30The fellow who died of the misanthropoisoning?
01:10:33Well, it turns out he used to be a high priest...
01:10:36until Tate decided he wanted the job.
01:10:38My, no wonder you had such trouble solving Santel's murder.
01:10:42To say nothing of poor David's and Karen's.
01:10:45You know, I still can't figure out why you had to kill Karen.
01:10:48Oh, Tate cleared that up.
01:10:50You see, Karen tipped off the Coven that David was on the plane.
01:10:54So Tate didn't want her to be able to testify, huh?
01:10:57You got it. So why was she left here?
01:10:59Oh, as a warning. The ladies were getting too close.
01:11:03Well, I think I better run.
01:11:05Wait a minute, Lieutenant.
01:11:07I want to see if I've learned any of this witchcraft business.
01:11:10Everybody put their hands on their table.
01:11:12I've got to get back to the office.
01:11:16Go ahead. Put your hands on the table.
01:11:18Are you serious?
01:11:20I want to see if I have any of that psychic phenom.
01:11:23Close your eyes. Close your eyes, all right?
01:11:26Okay, here we go.
01:11:28Two, four, six, eight.
01:11:30Come on, table, levitate.
01:11:34I'm burning!
01:11:38It's a great wizard.
01:11:40That's very good for me.
01:11:42Okay, Lieutenant, I'll show you out now.
01:11:44No, you can't leave us like that.
01:11:46I better show the Lieutenant to the door.
01:11:48Listen, this is the only chance I've ever had to put you ladies on.
01:11:52Look, knives.
01:11:54They act like derricks.
01:11:56Little joke, little joke.
01:11:58Guilty. Guilty.
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