Someone Is Watching (2000) Full Movie | Stefanie Powers | Margot Kidder I Stewart Bick

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A woman and her young son experience frightening and mysterious events in their home, only to discover that the son of the contractor who built the home is a psycho killer.

Director: Douglas Jackson
Writers: Charles Klausmeyer, Mark Kinsey Stephenson
Starring: Stefanie Powers, Margot Kidder, Stewart Bick, Martin Neufeld

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Someone Is Watching - Full Movie
Stewart Bick
Martin Neufeld
Charles Klausmeyer
Mark Kinsey Stephenson
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margot kidder movies
00:00:37Excuse me, everybody.
00:00:39The time has come.
00:00:46Anna's finally succumbed to my pleading,
00:00:48and we're gonna get married.
00:00:49We're officially engaged.
00:03:19Hey, guys, let's move it out of here.
00:03:22Hi, Mr. Cully.
00:03:24Mr. Jensen.
00:03:28This is Space Captain.
00:03:30Okay, I'm back.
00:03:32Oh, man, Summerland ain't a big alien!
00:03:37Ha, ha, you can't catch me!
00:03:39Well, there's some monster action going on out here.
00:03:42Just a little.
00:03:46Hey, guys.
00:03:48Just a little.
00:03:50I, uh, I got you three sets of keys.
00:03:52Okay, you should keep one in the kitchen,
00:03:54one in your bedroom, and one maybe with a neighbor you feel comfortable with.
00:03:57Aye, aye, Captain.
00:03:59Hey, that's not funny.
00:04:02I, uh, I called my painter, by the way.
00:04:04He's gonna be here at 9.30 tomorrow morning with some paint slushes,
00:04:07because, hey, this place is dull.
00:04:10I'd like to live in the house for a while before I change the color.
00:04:14Oh, okay, I'll cancel him. Do what you want.
00:04:17Oh, I, uh, I made reservations at, uh, La Luna for dinner.
00:04:22Yeah, 8 o'clock. You guys need a break, you know?
00:04:24I need to stay home tonight, Charles.
00:04:27I'd like to get settled.
00:04:29Okay, fine. Then we'll, uh, we'll order in.
00:04:32Listen, Charles, I'm tired.
00:04:36It's Cory's first day at school tomorrow.
00:04:39Why don't we just do this another time?
00:04:44So, we're back to that, are we?
00:04:46Charles, don't do that.
00:04:50The same argument.
00:04:52We're not dating anymore. We're just friends.
00:04:54Oh, yeah, that's right. I forgot the anymore part.
00:04:56You know, this is really convenient for you.
00:04:58You get me to help you find this place to move you in,
00:05:00and then, poof, it's back to the friendship thing.
00:05:02I didn't ask you to help us.
00:05:04You just went ahead and did it on your own.
00:05:07Well, howdy, little partner. How you doing?
00:05:10I'm the local welcome wagon.
00:05:17Hi, I'm Sally Beckert.
00:05:19I live down the street.
00:05:21I thought I'd come over and make you feel welcome to the neighborhood.
00:05:23How do you do? My name is Michelle Dupre.
00:05:25I'm Michelle. And you're?
00:05:28Charles Jensen. I'm Michelle's friend.
00:05:31Nice to meet you.
00:05:33I made you all some chocolate chip cookies.
00:05:35She doesn't eat chocolate.
00:05:37Thank you very much. That was very nice of you.
00:05:39You know what? I'm out of here. Bye.
00:05:41Hey, take a cookie.
00:05:43Yeah, thanks. I will. It'll be my dinner.
00:05:46Charles. Charles!
00:05:49Cory, stay on the porch.
00:05:51Charles, wait up!
00:06:02Can I share something with you?
00:06:07There is something...
00:06:10There is something very wrong
00:06:13with the yin and the yang in this room.
00:06:16The couch...
00:06:19The couch is at an odd angle.
00:06:22Listen, are you familiar
00:06:25with the Eight Life Aspirations in the Pacwa?
00:06:30When's the next hockey game?
00:06:32Not for a couple of weeks, buddy.
00:06:34You said you were gonna bring me a team shirt.
00:06:36Number 36.
00:06:38I will. The next time I see you, okay?
00:06:40Hey, look, why don't you take this,
00:06:43but don't tell your mother I gave it to you, okay?
00:06:45See you, buddy.
00:06:47It is this totally fabulous book on Feng Shui.
00:06:50I'm gonna bring it by later this week, okay?
00:06:52Great. Bye. Bye, kiddo. Thank you.
00:06:54Mom, Charles said he was gonna bring me a team shirt.
00:06:57Great. Oh, isn't that nice?
00:07:03Mr. Cully!
00:07:05I forgot to ask you.
00:07:07I need another phone jack upstairs for my modem.
00:07:10Is it all right if I call the telephone company?
00:07:12No, no, no. I'll have my son Bobby handle it.
00:07:14He does odd jobs.
00:07:16Great. Thanks. That's very kind of you.
00:07:19Welcome to the neighborhood, Ms. Dupree.
00:07:22We've been looking for the right tenant for a long time.
00:07:25Sure glad we found you.
00:07:27Thanks. Corey, come on.
00:08:16Mommy! Mommy!
00:08:21What is it?
00:08:23There's something in my closet.
00:08:25Oh, well, maybe it's Mr. Astro.
00:08:28No, Mr. Astro went to Pluto with Calico Jim.
00:08:32Well, honey, this is a different house,
00:08:35and it makes noises we're not used to.
00:08:38Can I stay with you for a few minutes?
00:08:41Sure. Come on.
00:08:45Oh, that's good.
00:08:59Hey, what are you doing up here?
00:09:01Setting up my playroom.
00:09:03Honey, you can do that after school.
00:09:05Come on. You don't want to be late your first day.
00:09:07Hurry, hurry.
00:09:10Okay, we're here, sweetie.
00:09:13I don't want to go. I don't know anybody.
00:09:16Well, you're not going to meet anybody by staying here, are you?
00:09:19Come on, old grumpy grumps.
00:09:23Come on, sweetie. Come on.
00:09:25Come on, sweetie.
00:09:46I was different.
00:09:47Look, you're going to like this.
00:09:48It'll be fun.
00:09:56Well, look.
00:10:02Cory, we're going to be eating soon,
00:10:04so don't forget to wash up.
00:10:10You're kind of popular here.
00:10:11I think a lot of people want to hang out.
00:10:14Kind of popular here. I'd pick them up, but we're here before.
00:10:17Oh, come on in. Thanks.
00:10:20Thanks a lot.
00:10:23No card.
00:10:25God, I'm jealous. You've been here a week.
00:10:27You already got a secret admirer.
00:10:29I've been here six months, haven't had any action at all.
00:10:32I think I know what it's about.
00:10:34Oh, here's this book I was telling you about, Feng Shui.
00:10:38And then I brought you this other little goodie.
00:10:40You didn't have to do all this.
00:10:42No, I just wanted to.
00:10:47Look at that.
00:10:50Did you paint this?
00:10:52I paint angels all the time.
00:10:54I love the little bastards.
00:10:56That's terrific. Have you ever shown?
00:10:58No, I'm not ready yet, I don't think.
00:11:00Well, I don't know what to say.
00:11:02Thank you very much.
00:11:03You're welcome.
00:11:04Do you want to stay for dinner?
00:11:05That is the best offer I've had all week.
00:11:07Great. Glass of wine.
00:11:09Oh, my God.
00:11:10God, am I glad you're here.
00:11:12I finally got someone to talk to.
00:11:14You know, I have been here for six months and nobody has said squat to me?
00:11:20Thank you.
00:11:21They're all too busy with their careers.
00:11:25What business are you in?
00:11:27I'm a medical researcher.
00:11:29I'm on a year's sabbatical to write my book.
00:11:32DNA, that's my specialty.
00:11:36DNA? You mean like cloning DNA?
00:11:42Excuse me.
00:11:46Hello? Who is this?
00:11:50That's the third time today.
00:11:52Well, why don't you do what I do and get that star 69 thing, you know that?
00:11:56Then you can call him right back.
00:11:58That's a good idea.
00:12:00You bet.
00:12:04I will get it this time.
00:12:09All right, you scum-sucking swamp bag full of pus.
00:12:13Excuse me. This is Charles.
00:12:15Oh, hi, Charles.
00:12:17Is Michelle there?
00:12:23Who's that?
00:12:24That was Sally. You met her.
00:12:26The one with the cookies?
00:12:28Look, I don't feel right about this afternoon. Can we talk?
00:12:32I said I cared about you.
00:12:34I know you did.
00:12:35I need you to commit to me.
00:12:37I don't think I'm prepared to do that.
00:12:39Why not? We're more than just friends.
00:12:41If you can't handle this, then maybe we shouldn't see each other anymore.
00:12:46Oh, cut the crap.
00:12:47Charles, I'm not going to listen to this. I'm going to hang up.
00:12:49Michelle, we're too adult. Can't we just have a conversation?
00:12:51I'm hanging up, Charles.
00:12:57Oh, would you watch the sauce out?
00:13:01I don't like it here. I want to go home.
00:13:04But this is our home, honey.
00:13:06I don't like it when you fight with Charles.
00:13:10You know something? Neither do I.
00:13:14Come here.
00:13:18Do you know who the very best man in my life is?
00:13:27I think his name begins with a C.
00:13:29Who could that be?
00:13:32Come on, smile.
00:13:33Oh, look at that smile. Look at that.
00:13:36Oh, that was great. Thanks a lot.
00:13:39Listen, let me know what you think about that book, okay?
00:13:42Oh, thanks for everything, Sally.
00:14:42Dive, dive.
00:14:58Good looking boy.
00:14:59Thank you.
00:15:00Aren't they great at that age? So innocent.
00:15:03Hey, what is he, about six?
00:15:05Good guess, yes.
00:15:06Which one is yours?
00:15:07The one in the red dress.
00:15:09Oh, she's adorable.
00:15:12Yeah, and he's got her mother's eyes.
00:15:16Oh, too bad things have to change.
00:15:19Why can't they stay like this?
00:15:21Hey, Ma. Here, catch.
00:15:26Erica, come to Daddy.
00:15:29That was great, Daddy.
00:15:37Cory, come on, let's go.
00:15:42The vaccine then induces an immune response that recognizes both the tumor DNA
00:15:47and the non-toxic fragment of the tetanus toxin DNA.
00:16:28911, what is your emergency?
00:16:58I have been getting a few hang-ups on the phone.
00:17:01Since when?
00:17:03A couple last week, three today.
00:17:08Any idea who it could be?
00:17:12What about smokers? Do you know someone who smokes a lot?
00:17:17Charles Jensen, an old boyfriend of mine.
00:17:21He can be pretty annoying at times, but I can't imagine he'd do something like this.
00:17:28Is there anyone else you can think of?
00:17:31Well, there was an incident where we used to live.
00:17:34A man broke into the apartment. I confronted him, but he got away.
00:17:39You confronted him?
00:17:41My father gave me a gun. It didn't do much good.
00:17:47Did they ever find him?
00:17:54So what do we do now?
00:17:56Well, these guys are hard to catch, but they usually keep their distance.
00:18:01We'll beef up the patrol in the neighborhood.
00:18:03If he sees our cars around here, he'll think twice about bothering you again.
00:18:07What if he doesn't?
00:18:10This is my direct line. Call me anytime.
00:18:16Hey, if I have to, I'll bring my sleeping bag and camp out in the backyard.
00:18:21One way or another, we'll take care of this guy.
00:18:23Thank you.
00:18:26Good night.
00:18:57Thanks, Michelle.
00:18:59I had a detective at my door today, basically asking me if I was a pervert.
00:19:03Is that what you really think of me, after all I've done for you?
00:19:06I'm really disappointed in you. Really disappointed.
00:19:26I'm sorry.
00:19:56Detective Carvelli.
00:19:59Did you pray?
00:20:00He's back. He's just been outside my door.
00:20:02All right. I'll be right there.
00:20:04Please hurry.
00:20:19What's going on, Mr. Culley?
00:20:21I know you're upset.
00:20:22You're damn right I am.
00:20:24I just saw a man looking in my window, and then he went into your back door.
00:20:27It's my son. He's not well.
00:20:30You better tell that to the police.
00:20:32No, I beg you. Don't get the police involved. Just send him away.
00:20:36What do you expect me to do?
00:20:38Let me take care of it.
00:20:40He won't come near you again, I promise.
00:20:44Please. He's the only family I've got. Don't let them take him away.
00:20:51It ends today. I promise.
00:20:53Are you all right, Mr. Cray?
00:20:55Yes, thank you. I'm fine.
00:20:57This is my landlord, Mr. Culley. He lives next door.
00:21:00I was taking the trash out from where I'm back.
00:21:03I guess I gave Michelle here a fright.
00:21:05Is that what happened?
00:21:07It was dark. I only got a glimpse of him.
00:21:11Honest mistake.
00:21:14I didn't mean to scare anybody.
00:21:20Sorry to get you out here for nothing.
00:21:22It's okay. You did the right thing.
00:21:25I'm glad it was a false alarm.
00:21:27Me too.
00:21:29My offer still stands.
00:21:31The sleeping bag.
00:21:37You stupid idiot.
00:21:39She had been here two weeks and already the shit's hit the fan.
00:21:42Now you've got the goddamn cops on your ass.
00:21:44I didn't mean to.
00:21:46I didn't mean to.
00:21:48No. No.
00:21:50You don't ever mean to.
00:21:52But you're always fucking up.
00:21:55Everything went smoothly.
00:21:57Then you got sloppy.
00:21:59You went over there and put your big, stupid, ugly face into her window.
00:22:04She's so beautiful.
00:22:07I know she's beautiful.
00:22:09But you're going to scare her away.
00:22:14If you don't mean it, I'm going to fuck up.
00:22:17I ain't going to do it no more.
00:22:21Because you're crying, you pathetic little puke rug.
00:22:24Give you something to cry about.
00:22:26Now say it.
00:22:28I'm going to fuck up.
00:22:33Your mother paid me never to send you away again.
00:22:36But I never should have listened to her.
00:22:40I should have sent you back to that hospital with the rest of the fuck-ups.
00:22:46You stay away from her.
00:22:48If I catch you anywhere near her,
00:22:50if I see you doing anything that I don't tell you what to do,
00:22:54then you're out of here.
00:24:10Mr. Culley residence.
00:24:12Please leave a message at the tone.
00:24:14Mr. Culley, this is Michelle Dupre from next door.
00:24:17I think I saw your son outside my house again.
00:24:20And if I did, this time I am going to talk to the police.
00:24:23Hello? Hello?
00:24:25Mr. Culley, I think I saw your son.
00:24:27He's dead. My son's dead.
00:24:30He just hung himself.
00:24:32Oh, my God.
00:24:39Oh, my God.
00:25:09Oh, my God.
00:25:39Oh, my God.
00:25:54Mom! Mom! Mom!
00:25:56There's someone in my closet.
00:26:12You see? No boogeyman.
00:26:14It wasn't the boogeyman.
00:26:16It was a man.
00:26:18Did you see him?
00:26:20No, but he talked to me.
00:26:22What did he say?
00:26:24I don't know. I was sleeping.
00:26:26Oh, I see.
00:26:28I'm sorry.
00:26:30I'm sorry.
00:26:32I'm sorry.
00:26:34I'm sorry.
00:26:36I'm sorry.
00:26:38You're not sleeping.
00:26:41Well, maybe it was a dream.
00:26:48Do you think you could fall asleep again if I tucked you in really tight?
00:26:56Here we go.
00:26:59Now, you sleep tight.
00:27:02And I'm gonna leave the light on.
00:27:06Good night, Mom.
00:27:07I love you.
00:27:13I told you she wouldn't believe you.
00:27:28Come on, sleepyhead. Get up. Seven o'clock.
00:27:36295, the airport is now active.
00:27:43Mommy! Come see this!
00:27:46What is it, honey?
00:27:51Oh, what a shame.
00:27:59Okay, let me get this straight.
00:28:01Mr. Peeping Tom turns out to be the landlord's son.
00:28:04And he lives next door, right?
00:28:07And he hung himself.
00:28:08That's right. And I missed the whole thing.
00:28:11I gotta get a beeper.
00:28:13Sorry about what happened to your painting.
00:28:15And this happened after all the excitement last night?
00:28:18I guess so. I didn't hear anything.
00:28:21So, psychotic next-door neighbor commits suicide,
00:28:24and then my little angel takes a shot right through the heart.
00:28:27This is getting kind of spooky, isn't it?
00:28:30I'm trying not to think about it that way.
00:28:35Thanks so much for babysitting. I won't be long.
00:28:38Don't worry about it.
00:28:40Hey! Where's my favorite little rugrat?
00:29:35Can you just hang on to these for a second? I'll be right back.
00:29:41What a surprise.
00:29:43Oh, hi.
00:29:47I thought you guys had your own firing range.
00:29:50Well, you know, sometimes we like to mingle with civilians.
00:29:54I heard what happened next door to you.
00:29:58Yeah, it was tragic, wasn't it?
00:30:01Yes, it was.
00:30:03No more trouble with the peeping tom, then?
00:30:05No. No.
00:30:07I think you must have scared him off.
00:30:09Let's hope it's for good.
00:30:13Would you care for a few pointers?
00:30:17Yeah, sure.
00:30:23I'm gonna line yourself up. Can you hear me?
00:30:28All right, now.
00:30:30All right, now.
00:30:32Okay, we're just gonna adjust your grip here.
00:30:34So put your left thumb over your right like that.
00:30:40Bend your knees a little.
00:30:42Okay, now.
00:30:44Focus on the center of the target.
00:30:49Take a deep breath.
00:30:52You exhale.
00:30:54And before you breathe in again, that's when you pull the trigger.
00:30:57All right? Okay.
00:31:08All right, that's okay. Just try again. Breathe again.
00:31:14You can't do it, can you?
00:31:21Can't pull the trigger.
00:31:39Do you want to talk about it, Ms. Dupre?
00:31:44My name's Michelle.
00:31:46You want to talk about it, Michelle?
00:31:52Why don't you step into my office?
00:31:59Oh, where do I begin?
00:32:04At the beginning.
00:32:11Before we moved here, we lived in Highland Town.
00:32:15It was about 3 o'clock in the morning.
00:32:18I heard a noise. It woke me up.
00:32:23I got my gun out of the closet and went into the living room.
00:32:28I got my gun out of the closet and went into the living room.
00:32:49You can't do it, can you, bitch?
00:32:59I couldn't do it.
00:33:02And he knew I couldn't do it.
00:33:06It's not an easy thing to point a gun at another person and shoot.
00:33:11I just felt so violated.
00:33:15I couldn't stay in that house. I had to move.
00:33:19I understand.
00:33:24Thank you for listening.
00:33:29I haven't been able to talk about it with anybody for a long time.
00:33:35Hey, I was just thinking.
00:33:40You don't by any chance eat dinner, do you?
00:33:49How about Saturday night? Eight o'clock?
00:33:55Eight o'clock.
00:33:57Corey, is Sally here yet?
00:34:01What are you eating? Where'd you get that?
00:34:03The man in the closet. He doesn't scare me anymore.
00:34:06Oh, I think I'll take that. Thank you.
00:34:15Michelle was right.
00:34:21Hi, I'm Drew.
00:34:23Hi, Michelle's upstairs, primping.
00:34:25I'm the babysitter, but you can call me Sally.
00:34:28Nice to meet you, Sally.
00:34:31Oh, hi.
00:34:33Sorry I'm running a little late.
00:34:35It's okay.
00:34:36Corey, this is Detective Carvelli.
00:34:38Hi there, Corey.
00:34:39So where's your uniform?
00:34:41Well, detectives don't wear uniforms, Corey.
00:34:44But I used to wear one all the time.
00:34:46Do you have a picture?
00:34:48Sally, could I see you in the kitchen?
00:34:51Don't go away.
00:34:57Do you have any pictures? Where's your leash?
00:35:00In the closet with the rest of my toys.
00:35:02No chocolates for Corey.
00:35:04Okay, only bugs and berries.
00:35:06And he's got to be in bed by nine.
00:35:09It's Saturday night.
00:35:10Okay, ten.
00:35:12And listen, if you hear him talking to somebody upstairs, he has an imaginary friend.
00:35:16Is he single?
00:35:18Funny. Very good. Very good.
00:35:20You're an angel.
00:36:01You were in a band?
00:36:03Yeah, I was a keyboard player for a group called Stonefish.
00:36:07We were this happening thing.
00:36:09Being of Stonefish.
00:36:11That's lovely.
00:36:12Yeah. Thank you.
00:36:15So what happened to your band?
00:36:17Crashed and burned.
00:36:19Sort of like my marriage.
00:36:21Well, I'm sure you know how that is.
00:36:23Actually, I've never been married.
00:36:26Oh, I'm sorry. I just assumed because of...
00:36:29Corey? He's adopted.
00:36:34Well, he's one lucky kid.
00:36:35Oh, no. I'm the lucky one.
00:36:39He has a terrific imagination. He's going to be the next Ray Bradbury.
00:36:43To imagination.
00:36:54I'm not much of a dancer.
00:36:58Just go easy on me, okay?
00:37:00I'll try.
00:37:42I got to stab you with this.
00:37:46You scared me.
00:37:47I scared you?
00:37:49Oh, I didn't mean to scare you, honey.
00:37:51What are you doing?
00:37:53You were supposed to be in bed.
00:37:56Playing with BJ.
00:37:58Playing with BJ.
00:38:04Howdy, Mr. BJ. Ooh.
00:38:08That's not BJ.
00:38:10Well, where is he?
00:38:15What's he doing in there?
00:38:17He never comes out.
00:38:21Watch this.
00:38:23Hey, Mr. BJ.
00:38:25Look, there's no need to be shy, you know, around sweet old Sally, huh?
00:38:29I'll get him.
00:38:39Good night.
00:38:40Thank you very much. Good night.
00:38:42Ooh, I haven't danced like that since...
00:38:44Uh-oh. Better not go there.
00:38:47I guess we better get you out more often.
00:38:55Can I go back and play now?
00:38:59No, you can't, because you have to go to sleep.
00:39:05What's that?
00:39:07Probably BJ.
00:39:09He wants me to come back and play.
00:39:11I'll bring some cookies.
00:39:13No, no, no, honey, you stay here.
00:39:14Anyway, if BJ wants some cookies, you can come and get them.
00:39:29What's going on?
00:39:31There's someone in the house.
00:39:34He's okay.
00:39:36Stay here.
00:39:37I'm Detective Carvalho. What's going on?
00:39:39All right, you go around back.
00:39:45Stay here.
00:40:10Do one of you have his rights?
00:40:15You guys don't believe me, do you?
00:40:18Sally, we searched the house and came up empty.
00:40:21The back door was deadbolted.
00:40:23You didn't see anyone come out front.
00:40:25Nobody was here.
00:40:27Something was upstairs, and it wasn't that damn robot.
00:40:31It was BJ.
00:40:35That's his imaginary friend.
00:40:39Cory, was your friend here tonight?
00:40:42Yes, we played castles and knights.
00:40:45Well, what does he look like?
00:40:48I don't know.
00:40:53Baby, you go upstairs, and you brush your teeth,
00:40:57and I'll come and tuck you in.
00:41:00Night, kiddo.
00:41:02Good night.
00:41:04Well, I guess I better let you two get some rest.
00:41:15Oh, um, I'll be in Philadelphia for a couple of days.
00:41:19I have to go to a conference on administrative procedures.
00:41:22Lucky me.
00:41:24Can I call you when I get back?
00:41:27I'd like that.
00:41:29Good night.
00:41:30Good night.
00:41:41You know what I think?
00:41:44I think you've got a ghost.
00:41:46Oh, Sally.
00:41:48Well, how else can you explain what I heard?
00:41:50I mean, maybe it's the ghost of that psycho who lives next door.
00:41:54What did Joe say when you told him that that was the guy who was watching you?
00:41:58Actually, I didn't tell him.
00:42:01Poor Mr. Cully.
00:42:03He's been through enough.
00:42:05And anyway, Bobby's dead and gone.
00:42:07We did.
00:42:08But I doubt that he's gone.
00:42:10Listen, I've got an idea.
00:42:12I know this really great psychic.
00:42:15I don't know about that, Sally.
00:42:17Well, don't knock it if you haven't tried it.
00:42:20I know about this stuff.
00:42:31Hey, hey, hey.
00:42:32Where's my kiss?
00:42:35How'd you like to go back to Playland this weekend?
00:42:38No, I want to stay at home.
00:42:44Pick you up later.
00:42:57Hey, kiddo.
00:42:59What are you doing here?
00:43:00Well, I didn't think your mom wanted me to come by the house.
00:43:03You know me, I'm a man of my word, so here it is.
00:43:07Number 36.
00:43:12What's the matter?
00:43:13I thought you couldn't wait to get that.
00:43:15I gotta go.
00:43:23Just humor and all, Broadwell.
00:43:25You keep an open mind.
00:43:26Rebecca has this incredible gift.
00:43:30What'd she say?
00:43:32She wants to know why you dream of knives.
00:43:38There is death in this house.
00:43:39Did someone die here?
00:43:41Nothing I know of.
00:43:43My landlord's son committed suicide next door.
00:43:50The spirit has not moved on.
00:43:52It's him.
00:43:53I knew it, I knew it.
00:43:56Are you certain that no one has died here?
00:43:58It could have already happened, or it's going to happen.
00:44:00She sees someone falling down these stairs.
00:44:02She sees me falling down the stairs?
00:44:06She doesn't know.
00:44:26There's a lot of energy in this house.
00:44:30She sees something, but she's not quite sure what it is.
00:44:36A leaf.
00:44:38You mean like on a tree?
00:44:42It's not just one leaf, it's many leaves.
00:44:45Dark brown leaves.
00:44:56There is a presence in this house.
00:44:58It wants to get your attention.
00:45:00It seeks releasement.
00:45:01You must listen or it will not move on.
00:45:03Slow down, Rebecca.
00:45:07There's a man in your life.
00:45:09J, the letter J.
00:45:12Yes, J.
00:45:14Be careful.
00:45:16He's not what he appears to be.
00:45:19He is...
00:45:24That was fucking weird.
00:45:27I don't know, Sally.
00:45:29You don't know?
00:45:31What do you mean you don't know?
00:45:32You were as freaked out as I was in there.
00:45:34Somebody I don't know comes into my house and tells me I'm going to fall down the stairs.
00:45:37What am I supposed to think?
00:45:38That is not what she said.
00:45:40She said it could have happened already.
00:45:45All right.
00:45:47There's one way of finding out.
00:45:49I'm going to call my landlord.
00:45:55Cully residence.
00:45:56Please leave a message at the tone.
00:45:58It's an answering machine.
00:46:00Mr. Cully, I'm sorry to disturb you.
00:46:04This is Michelle Dupre.
00:46:06There's something I have to ask you about.
00:46:09Did anything happen here before I moved in?
00:46:12An accident of some sort?
00:46:14I really need to know.
00:46:15Would you call me?
00:46:17And once again, I'm so sorry about your son.
00:46:20If there's anything I can do, please don't hesitate to call.
00:46:25Thank you.
00:46:28What about the J?
00:46:30The evil man in your life?
00:46:32Well, who could that be?
00:46:34Oh, don't be silly.
00:46:36Well, you got any other J's in your life that I don't know about?
00:46:40Charles Jensen.
00:46:42Oh, there must be a dozen J's.
00:46:44Okay, we got to make a list.
00:46:51Mr. Dupre, this is Mr. Walters, Cory's principal.
00:46:54Oh, hello, Mr. Walters. How are you?
00:46:57Fine, thank you.
00:46:58Is anything wrong with Cory?
00:46:59Well, I'm not sure.
00:47:01Cory's teacher brought these to my attention.
00:47:04I think you should take a look at them.
00:47:09He did these when he first came here.
00:47:18Now, these were done in the last few days.
00:47:22The children were told to draw anything they liked.
00:47:30As you can see, Cory's contains some very troubling images.
00:47:40What is this?
00:47:42It's just a picture.
00:47:45Why did you draw this?
00:47:47It's from a story.
00:47:49What story?
00:47:51The Princess and the Knight.
00:47:54I don't know that story. How does it go?
00:47:57Once there was this knight, and he went to this kingdom across the way,
00:48:01and he wanted to marry the princess.
00:48:04She was beautiful, and she was going to say yes.
00:48:08This made the knight very happy.
00:48:10But then there was this wizard who casted a spell on the princess
00:48:14that made her want to marry the baron.
00:48:17Yes. This made the knight very sad.
00:48:21So what happened?
00:48:23She fell down the stairs and got what she deserved.
00:48:28Who told you that, Cory?
00:48:32Oh, honey, B.J. is not real.
00:48:36That's not what he said.
00:48:38He said that if I believed he was real, he'd be real.
00:48:41And he said that someday you'll get to be real, too.
00:48:51Aren't you going to help me in the kitchen?
00:48:53No, I want to go play.
00:49:34I don't believe you.
00:49:36Michelle, wait.
00:49:42It's Robert Cully.
00:49:44A courier delivered a gift while you were away.
00:49:47I left it in your house.
00:49:49Hope you don't mind.
00:49:51In answer to your question, I don't know where you got such an idea,
00:49:54but no, nothing ever happened in your house.
00:50:12Whoa, whoa, this is me.
00:50:14Charles, what are you doing here?
00:50:17Well, I knocked on the front door, but nobody answered, so I came around back.
00:50:22Can we talk?
00:50:24We could have talked on the telephone.
00:50:26You hung up.
00:50:30I know, I'm sorry.
00:50:32I was nervous.
00:50:34I really just wanted to leave a message.
00:50:36I didn't have the right words then.
00:50:42Michelle, I know you're going through a lot of stuff,
00:50:46and you're not ready for a relationship right now.
00:50:50And I can live with that.
00:50:53And I think we can be friends.
00:50:56I don't know.
00:51:00What's the problem now?
00:51:02The calls, the gifts.
00:51:04What's the harm in giving the kid a sweatshirt?
00:51:07What are you talking about?
00:51:09Didn't Cory tell you I gave him a hockey sweatshirt?
00:51:12And I don't know what you told him about me, but it wasn't very friendly.
00:51:16When did you see Cory?
00:51:18Today at school.
00:51:20You went to Cory's school without asking me?
00:51:24Yeah, what's the big deal?
00:51:26The big deal is that you never ask me, you just do.
00:51:31Look at this.
00:51:33Why did you send this to me?
00:51:36I've never seen that.
00:51:38Charles, who else would have?
00:51:41I'm sure I have no idea.
00:51:47This isn't going anywhere. I think you've got to leave.
00:51:50Oh, so now you're just dismissing me, huh?
00:51:53And what are you going to do if I refuse, huh?
00:51:56Are you going to call your cop boyfriend, huh?
00:51:58Are you spying on me?
00:52:00Or maybe you're just going to use this as another traumatic experience
00:52:03so you can fuck him for a while and then be friends with him, huh?
00:52:08Fine, fuck you.
00:52:24Son of a bitch!
00:52:39Can I help you?
00:52:41Yeah, Mr. Cully, my car was just spray painted.
00:52:44You didn't happen to see who did it, did you?
00:52:46Yeah, I did. Why don't you come in and wait while I call the police?
00:52:49Oh, that's great, thanks.
00:53:09Rebecca, see something.
00:53:11It's not just one leaf, it's many leaves.
00:53:14Dark brown leaves.
00:54:39Everett asked me to marry him today and I accepted
00:54:42under the most beautiful snow-capped mountains you've ever seen.
00:54:46I can't wait until our wedding day to be with him forever
00:54:49and to leave this place.
00:54:52I love him so much and I thank God he's in my life.
00:55:00Every day it's something else, something different.
00:55:03And each thing is stranger than before.
00:55:06Sometimes I lie in bed and feel like I'm being watched.
00:55:09I can almost hear the breathing inside the room.
00:55:13When I turn the light on, no one's there.
00:55:16Everett teases me, says it's the wind in my imagination.
00:55:22The noises in the house continue, but I don't bother searching anymore.
00:55:26I always come up empty.
00:55:29I feel like I'm going crazy, but I know it's there.
00:55:33I feel like I'm going crazy, but I know it's this house.
00:55:51Everett suggested we throw a Halloween party,
00:55:54wear frightening costumes and scare away any ghosts that might be here.
00:55:58He says he's gonna dress up as a beast,
00:56:01so I've decided to be his princess.
00:56:07We'll announce our engagement at the party.
00:56:20Everett suggested we throw a Halloween party.
00:56:31Everett suggested we throw a Halloween party.
00:57:59Oh, Corey.
00:58:02What are you doing down here, baby?
00:58:04I didn't get up, so I decided to make myself breakfast.
00:58:10Oh, I'm so sorry, baby.
00:58:14Oh, thank you so much for taking Corey to school.
00:58:17No problem. I got him there in time for his gym.
00:58:20Are you feeling any better, huh?
00:58:24If I didn't know any better, I'd say I had a hangover,
00:58:27but all I had to drink was a cup of tea.
00:58:31Oh, all I remember is taking a bath,
00:58:34and then I had the most bizarre dream.
00:58:40I was at a costume party here with Anne Grayson.
00:58:44Who is Anne Grayson?
00:58:47Oh, she used to live here.
00:58:49I found her diary hidden in the bookshelves in my office.
00:58:53Thank you very much to your psychic friend.
00:58:56I knew it.
00:58:58And look at this.
00:59:00Let me see.
00:59:02I must have dropped it in the bath because it's all...
00:59:05Oh, what a shame.
00:59:08Look at that picture.
00:59:11Is that her?
00:59:15Oh, my God, she could be your sister.
00:59:17See what she has around her neck?
00:59:21Someone sent me this the other day.
00:59:26Give me chills, this.
00:59:28Read what it says on the inside.
00:59:32Here, okay.
00:59:34Forever in love.
00:59:38I don't know who Anne Grayson is or where she is now
00:59:41or why she left her diary behind,
00:59:43but I'm certainly going to find out.
01:00:18Hey, where are you going?
01:00:20To play with B.J.
01:00:27DOOR OPENS
01:00:39I'll only be a couple of hours. Is that all right?
01:00:42No, I'm going to leave the kid here and go on a cruise.
01:00:45Of course it's all right.
01:00:47Listen, I was going to take him to the mall for dinner. Is that okay?
01:00:50Great. Thanks, Sally. You're the best.
01:00:57Mr. Lilly, thank you for seeing me.
01:01:00My name is Michelle Dupre.
01:01:02I live in the house that Anne lived in.
01:01:06Strange things are happening in that house.
01:01:09I have a suggestion for you.
01:01:13Mr. Lilly, do you recognize this?
01:01:17Someone sent this to me.
01:01:19I'm trying to find out who and why.
01:01:22Show me the inside.
01:01:27Where did you get that?
01:01:29Sit down, please.
01:01:34I was hoping you could help me find that out.
01:01:38Anne was wearing that the night she was murdered.
01:01:42The only person who could have sent that to you is the killer.
01:01:48But I am not that person.
01:01:51Maybe I could help you prove that.
01:01:54Maybe I could help you prove that.
01:01:57Tell me what happened that night.
01:02:08It was such a great evening for me and Anne.
01:02:12The party.
01:02:14Announcing our engagement.
01:02:17The last of our guests were just leaving.
01:02:20I told Anne I'd be upstairs in a few minutes.
01:02:30I'd had a lot to drink that night, but not enough to knock me out.
01:02:34Next thing I knew, I woke up.
01:02:36And she was there beside me.
01:02:39Covered in blood.
01:02:42And there were policemen yelling and pointing guns.
01:02:46My fingerprints were all over the murder weapon.
01:02:49The autopsy showed another man's semen in Anne.
01:02:54So they claimed that I got her cheating and killed her.
01:02:58Do you think she could have been raped?
01:03:00Yes, absolutely.
01:03:02But I can't prove it.
01:03:04The autopsy showed no signs of rape.
01:03:08And the doors in the house were all locked from the inside.
01:03:11So they claimed that we were alone the time she died.
01:03:15They didn't even bother looking for the other man.
01:03:20Who called the police?
01:03:23Well, the guy next door.
01:03:25Said he heard us arguing.
01:03:28Mr. Culley?
01:03:30No. Not his son.
01:03:33Did you know that Bobby committed suicide?
01:03:37Doesn't surprise me.
01:03:40Robert was weird.
01:03:43But B.J. was a real nutcase.
01:03:49Yeah, B.J. Bobby Jr.
01:03:52My son has an imaginary friend called B.J.
01:03:57Maybe he isn't imaginary.
01:04:17Yeah, it's the night!
01:04:25When will he be back?
01:04:27We expect Detective Carbelli back within the hour.
01:04:30Well, maybe you can help me.
01:04:32How can I find out about a neighbor of mine who committed suicide?
01:04:36I could transfer you to the police station.
01:04:39No, I can't.
01:04:42How can I find out about a neighbor of mine who committed suicide?
01:04:45I could transfer you to public affairs, ma'am.
01:04:47But if you've been dealing with Detective Carbelli,
01:04:49I suggest the best thing to do is wait for him.
01:04:52All right, but would you please tell him to call me at home as soon as he comes in?
01:04:56It's very important.
01:04:58Yes, ma'am. I'll make sure he gets the message.
01:05:01Cory, you ready to go?
01:05:11Are you hiding on me, huh?
01:05:18I'm gonna getcha!
01:05:21Damn robot!
01:05:27Oh, my God!
01:05:30What the...
01:05:38Oh, my God.
01:06:01Oh, my God.
01:06:54Those guys redid the whole place.
01:07:00Breaking and entering.
01:07:13Leaving so soon.
01:07:18You always make a habit of walking into other people's houses uninvited.
01:07:26You have very bad manners.
01:07:39Hey, BJ.
01:07:43Shh, shh, shh. Hey, buddy, buddy.
01:07:45There's a big rat out there, and I gotta catch it.
01:07:47So you go downstairs. Come on.
01:07:49But you promised to play with me.
01:07:51Yeah, I know I did.
01:07:53Now go downstairs, and I'll be there in a sec.
01:07:55Okay? Come on. Go, go.
01:07:57Come on. Go, go.
01:08:09It's your lucky day, lady.
01:08:11I'm letting you go.
01:08:13Just don't let me find you snooping in here again.
01:08:16Now you be a good girl and let yourself out before I change my mind.
01:08:27Come on.
01:08:57Come on.
01:09:30Bleh! Bleh!
01:09:33Chew, chew, chew, chew.
01:10:24Who's the big one?
01:10:26Big, fat, ugly one, and I killed it.
01:10:29Hey, okay, hey, you want to play?
01:10:33Hey, Cory.
01:10:36Hey, Cory.
01:10:37What's wrong, buddy?
01:10:39I want to go home.
01:10:41Oh, Cory, you are home.
01:10:43No, with my mommy.
01:10:45Oh, that's all right, buddy.
01:10:46Your mommy will be here soon,
01:10:48and I'll take care of both of you.
01:10:50Hey, hey, hey, take it easy.
01:10:52Look, it'll be all right, okay?
01:10:53We're a family now.
01:10:55Look, you said you wanted a daddy, huh?
01:10:58Here I am.
01:10:59You're not my daddy.
01:11:00Hey, hey, I'm your daddy.
01:11:02I said I'm your daddy, you understand?
01:11:03You're gonna listen to me.
01:11:05Now, you stop it because I'm not gonna raise an old crybaby.
01:11:07I mean it.
01:11:08If you don't stop crying,
01:11:09I will really give you something to cry about.
01:11:17Hey, put me down.
01:11:19I want to go home.
01:11:20Will you just be quiet?
01:11:22Leave me alone.
01:11:24I want to save my body.
01:11:27Hey, let me out.
01:12:04Michelle, hi, it's Joe.
01:12:05I just got back. I got your message.
01:12:06Joe, I need you to check something out for me.
01:12:10Sure, what is it?
01:12:11The suicide next door.
01:12:13Can you confirm who died?
01:12:15What's this all about?
01:12:17Just do this, please.
01:12:19Okay, just give me a sec.
01:12:25What was his name again?
01:12:28Robert Cully.
01:12:37Okay, I found him.
01:12:39How old was he?
01:12:41He was here 31, so...
01:12:43Bobby was about 31.
01:12:45No, he was born in 31,
01:12:47so that would make him, what, uh, 68?
01:12:52Oh, my God.
01:12:54He's alive.
01:12:58What did you say?
01:12:59Bobby Cully, Jr.
01:13:01He was the man who was stalking me.
01:13:04I thought he was dead, so I didn't tell you, but...
01:13:07What are you talking about?
01:13:08He was the peeping Tom?
01:13:10Yes, and I think he killed someone.
01:13:13Killed someone?
01:13:14I'll tell you all about it when you get here.
01:13:16Just hurry, please.
01:13:17All right, I'm on my way.
01:13:18Do me a favor, don't do anything until I get there.
01:13:20I won't.
01:13:37Let me out! I want to see my mommy!
01:13:40Let me out!
01:13:53You don't stop that, all right?
01:13:54Because you'll never see your mommy again.
01:13:55You understand?
01:13:58You don't stop that, all right?
01:13:59Because you'll never see your mommy again.
01:14:00You understand?
01:14:27Let me out!
01:15:34Oh, God.
01:15:48Welcome home.
01:15:54You killed me.
01:15:55You killed me.
01:16:01He was a real loser.
01:16:03I couldn't let him come between us.
01:16:05Where's my son?
01:16:06I swear to God, if you laid a finger on him, I'll kill you.
01:16:10Our son is just fine.
01:16:12He's playing with his new toys.
01:16:14In fact, we were waiting for you to come home.
01:16:17Listen, Bobby, or BJ, or whoever the hell you are,
01:16:23I want my son, and I want him now.
01:16:26Tough day at the office, sweetheart.
01:16:28You should be well-rested after last night.
01:16:32I put a little something in your tea to help you relax,
01:16:36since this is such a special day for us.
01:16:41You are so adorable when you sleep.
01:16:45You know, your skin is so soft.
01:16:49Oh, don't worry, my princess.
01:16:54I wouldn't dream of consummating the relationship
01:16:56before our marriage.
01:16:58Just tell me where my son is, or I'll shoot.
01:17:04Remember that guy in Highland Town?
01:17:08You couldn't shoot him.
01:17:10Why would you shoot me?
01:17:15I'm warning you.
01:17:16Where's Cory?
01:17:20Oh, he's just...
01:17:30That's better.
01:17:39You do what you want to me, but let Cory go.
01:17:45Come on.
01:17:47Come on.
01:18:18So you've found my little secret.
01:18:21You're clever, aren't you?
01:18:23But you better be careful, though.
01:18:38Two old friends reunited.
01:19:00Oh, my God.
01:19:04You're not going anywhere. Get down here!
01:19:06Get down here!
01:19:08Come here.
01:19:10Come here!
01:19:58Oh, God.
01:20:24Incredible, isn't it?
01:20:41I know what you're thinking.
01:20:45You wish you'd shot me, don't you?
01:20:52You're right.
01:21:10No bullets.
01:21:11I took them out.
01:21:15I'm wicked, I know.
01:21:20Oh, I love you so much.
01:21:25You're my princess.
01:21:27You shouldn't be alone.
01:21:29I'm gonna save you from this life
01:21:32so that we can be together forever.
01:21:39Just let...
01:21:41Let Cory go, please.
01:21:45Why would I let our son go?
01:21:50Every day I've been looking at you,
01:21:54looking at the way you get out of bed in the morning,
01:21:59the way you brush your hair,
01:22:03the way you get dressed.
01:22:10I called just to hear the sound of your voice,
01:22:16the way you take a breath.
01:22:20My father watched you, too.
01:22:25He said I couldn't have you, but I showed him.
01:22:31I will cherish and protect you
01:22:35and make you so happy.
01:22:38I promise, my sweet.
01:22:43It's all right. I understand.
01:22:47I have a surprise for you.
01:22:50I'm gonna draw you a bath,
01:22:52and then I'll bring you to our bed
01:22:55so that we can celebrate our wedding night.
01:23:04You are so beautiful.
01:23:16Thank you.
01:23:32I'll be up soon, Michelle, my love.
01:23:47Mommy! Mommy!
01:23:49Did you lock me in the basement?
01:23:51Cory, honey, listen to me.
01:23:53I want you to get out of this house.
01:23:55I want you to run across the street to the neighbors
01:23:57and have them call the police.
01:23:59Do you understand me?
01:24:00Yes. I know a secret way out.
01:24:02Okay, then go. Go!
01:24:04What the... Hey! Come back here!
01:24:06Let go of me!
01:24:07You don't run away from me!
01:24:09Let go of me!
01:24:11Let go of me!
01:24:13Let go of me!
01:24:18Come here!
01:25:30Mommy, look out!
01:25:31Come here!
01:25:36Why are you doing this?
01:25:39You are going to destroy everything.
01:25:42We are a family now.
01:25:44Don't you understand?
01:25:46A family.
01:25:53How can we be a family?
01:25:55Everyone around here knows us.
01:25:57Who's going to believe in that?
01:25:59We'll move far away.
01:26:01We'll get married, and we'll start all over again.
01:26:04Look, there's nothing to stop us now.
01:26:07It'll be wonderful, Michelle.
01:26:10I promise.
01:26:12A wife is supposed to be able to trust her husband, Bobby.
01:26:16How can I trust you?
01:26:21Of course you can.
01:26:24I love you.
01:26:28What do you do to the people you love?
01:26:32What you did to your father?
01:26:34My father?
01:26:37He didn't want me to be with you.
01:26:40He wanted you for himself.
01:26:43Just like my mother.
01:26:45He didn't want me to be with her either.
01:26:47He was always trying to keep us apart.
01:26:49She was dying, and he didn't even want me to see her in the hospital.
01:26:57I never saw her again.
01:27:02I hated him.
01:27:06Like you hated Anne?
01:27:08Anne? How?
01:27:11No. I loved her.
01:27:14You killed her.
01:27:16She betrayed me.
01:27:18No. No, Bobby.
01:27:20She didn't love you.
01:27:22That's why you pretended to be Everett.
01:27:24You raped her. You killed her.
01:27:26No, no, no, no. You don't understand.
01:27:29I was her knight.
01:27:31I was trying to save her, and she wouldn't listen.
01:27:35That's the way you save someone, huh?
01:27:37You kill them.
01:27:39Lies. That's a lie. That's a lie!
01:27:42They deserved that. They deserved that.
01:27:45Hey, Bobby!
01:27:59Why'd you do that?
01:28:01Isn't that what you did to Anne?
01:28:03You threw her down the stairs.
01:28:12She didn't love me.
01:28:26Mommy! Mommy!
01:28:28He heard Joe!
01:28:32Stay here, Cory.
01:28:49Oh, Joe, don't move.
01:28:51I'll call an ambulance.
01:28:56Hey, buddy.
01:29:08Cory, go upstairs.
01:29:10B.J.'s hurting.
01:29:14Give me your hand!
01:30:05Is Sally in heaven with the angels?
01:30:07I'm sure she is, honey.
01:30:09I think Sally would have appreciated what you've done.
01:30:12Yeah, but she probably would have rearranged everything.
01:30:18Hi. I'm glad you could make it.
01:30:20I'm very glad to be here. Believe me.
01:30:23I have something that belongs to you.
01:30:26Thank you.
01:30:28For everything.
01:30:30Mommy! Mommy!
01:30:32Oh, excuse me.
01:30:36Look what Joe gave me.
01:30:38Three hockey tickets.
01:30:40Three hockey tickets?
01:30:42There's one for you, too.
01:30:44You're gonna come, right?
01:30:46You bet I am.
01:30:50You know how much I love you.
01:30:52How much?
01:30:54Oh, maybe this much.
01:30:56No, this much.
01:30:58No, maybe not just this much.
01:31:00No, this much.
01:31:02Come on.
01:31:24I love you.
01:31:26I love you.
01:31:28I love you.
01:31:30I love you.
01:31:32I love you.
01:31:34I love you.
01:31:36I love you.
01:31:38I love you.
01:31:40I love you.
01:31:42I love you.
01:31:44I love you.
01:31:46I love you.
01:31:48I love you.
01:31:50I love you.
01:31:52I love you.
01:32:22I love you.
01:32:24I love you.
01:32:26I love you.
01:32:28I love you.
01:32:30I love you.
01:32:32I love you.
01:32:34I love you.
01:32:36I love you.
01:32:38I love you.
01:32:40I love you.
01:32:42I love you.
01:32:44I love you.
01:32:46I love you.
01:32:48I love you.
01:32:50I love you.
01:32:52I love you.
01:32:54I love you.
01:32:56I love you.
01:32:58I love you.
01:33:00I love you.
01:33:02I love you.
01:33:04I love you.
01:33:06I love you.
01:33:08I love you.
01:33:10I love you.
01:33:12I love you.
01:33:14I love you.
01:33:16I love you.
01:33:18I love you.
01:33:20I love you.
