• 4 months ago


00:00:00And now, for the final boss of the game.
00:00:05It's the final boss of the game.
00:00:10It's the final boss of the game.
00:00:15It's the final boss of the game.
00:00:20It's the final boss of the game.
00:00:26It's time to wake up.
00:00:31It's time to wake up.
00:00:47Wait a moment
00:01:02Take care.
00:01:06Thanks, but you don't have to bring me to my house.
00:01:09It's normal for a man to do it for his girlfriend, don't you think?
00:01:12Are we?
00:01:16Don't tell me you're going to forget you kissed me.
00:01:19And it was two kisses that...
00:01:20No, no, no, no, no.
00:01:22My parents might be listening.
00:01:24¿Por el momento?
00:01:25¿Y hasta cuándo?
00:01:31Hasta que todo haya vuelto a la normalidad.
00:01:34Hasta... hasta que todo haya mejorado.
00:01:44¿Lo dices porque es algo complicado?
00:01:49Sí, es una situación complicada.
00:01:51Hace un tiempo me hiciste prometerte algo y voy a cumplirlo.
00:01:59Haré lo que esté en mis manos para protegerte.
00:02:02Confía en mí, lo resolveremos juntos, lo prometo.
00:02:21¿Ya llegué, familia?
00:02:25¿Qué pasó?
00:02:26¿Dime cómo te fue?
00:02:28Escuché que se estacionaron. ¿Te trajo el señor Guié?
00:02:30¿Cómo no se escuchaste?
00:02:31Pues, ¿cómo? Tengo un oído perfecto.
00:02:35Sí, me trajo a casa en su auto.
00:02:37Él no es tu chofero, ¿sí? ¿Sólo te trajo y se fue?
00:02:40¿No pasó nada?
00:02:41No, ¿qué cosa piensas que pasó?
00:02:51¿Papá, dónde estabas?
00:02:52Traje soya del contenedor.
00:02:54¿Llevabas mucho tiempo afuera?
00:02:58Lo suficiente como para ver el auto del señor Guié, para ver cómo te abrió la puerta, saliste y luego...
00:03:04¿Eso somos?
00:03:06Pues sí. No me digas que vas a olvidar que me besaste.
00:03:10Además fueron dos besos que...
00:03:12Mis papás pueden estar escuchando.
00:03:14Haré lo que esté en mis manos para protegerte. Confía en mí, lo resolveremos juntos.
00:03:19¿En serio, papá?
00:03:21¿Papá, no te estás congelando? ¿Por qué sales esta noche por la pasta de soya?
00:03:26¿Necesitas que salga y te traiga algo?
00:03:29Porque si necesitas que te traiga algo, dime.
00:03:31Para que no tengas que salir solo y escuches conversaciones que no deberías estar escuchando y que no quiero que se lo cuentes a nadie, ¿me entendiste?
00:03:39Eso en serio podría ponerlos en riesgo.
00:03:43¿Me entiendes?
00:03:45No te vayas a enfermar.
00:04:02Y voy a cumplirlo. Haré lo que esté en mis manos para protegerte. Confía en mí, lo resolveremos juntos. Lo prometo.
00:04:19Estoy segura de que pasó algo.
00:04:29Puedo sentirla. Siento que me atraviesa con su mirada.
00:04:35Pero no me tengo que preocupar. La mano es más rápida que la vista.
00:04:40Creo que necesitas más pasta de soya. No tardo.
00:04:46No te muevas.
00:04:49Escúpelo todo.
00:04:55¿Con que no quieres decir nada?
00:04:57¿Qué tal ahora?
00:05:05Ay no.
00:05:08Perdón, papá.
00:05:19¿Y ya saliste a comer?
00:05:25Sí. ¿Y tú ya saliste a comer? Corazón, corazón.
00:05:32¿Pero sabes qué? Me hubiera gustado más si hubiéramos comido juntos.
00:05:36Me hubieras dicho. ¿Por qué no me hablaste? Habría ido corriendo.
00:05:41A veces pasa.
00:05:43Sí, lo entiendo. La carga de trabajo puede afectar nuestra mente.
00:05:50Oigan, siento que soy el único trabajando.
00:05:57¿Cómo vas con la receta?
00:06:02¿Y tú?
00:06:09¿Cómo vas con la revisión de los documentos del sistema de narcóticos?
00:06:13Ya está listo y dejé el reporte en tu escritorio hace rato.
00:06:19¿Y el registro del fentanilo en el hospital?
00:06:21Yo cómo voy a saber. La señora Lima estaba a cargo de ese reporte.
00:06:25Sí es cierto.
00:06:26Claro que es cierto.
00:06:27Lo haré para que lo tenga antes de que acabe el día.
00:06:30Está bien, tenemos tiempo.
00:06:36Oiga, ¿por qué estás tan de buen humor hoy?
00:06:38Por nada. ¿Y usted, señor Gue?
00:06:41¿Yo? No, por nada.
00:06:43El clima está muy bonito hoy.
00:06:45Sí, está siendo un buen día.
00:06:51Qué bueno que traje mi paraguas.
00:07:28¿Me estás evitando?
00:07:29¿Yo? Es que hoy he estado muy ocupada.
00:07:32No me digas que es por lo que te dije.
00:07:36Vamos a hablar.
00:07:38¿A dónde me llevas?
00:07:41¿Fue algo que dije?
00:07:45Bueno, ¿qué te pasa?
00:07:47Parece que no me expliqué lo suficiente cuando hablamos.
00:07:51La verdad es que me gusta alguien más.
00:07:55Ya lo sé.
00:07:56¿En serio?
00:07:59Y nada me importa.
00:08:02Bien, entonces así lo dejamos, ¿no?
00:08:05¿Cómo es que a una estrella como tú le gustaría a alguien como yo?
00:08:08Y no me pienso rendir, ¿eh?
00:08:10Pues a mí no me parece eso.
00:08:11Bueno, pero no te estoy pidiendo permiso.
00:08:14Entonces me hará sentir incómoda.
00:08:17Cada vez que nos veamos en el pasillo,
00:08:19debo admitir que no me sentiré tan tranquila como antes.
00:08:21Está bien.
00:08:23Eso es lo que esperaba que pasara.
00:08:25No lo dije para ser correspondido.
00:08:29Te dije lo que siento
00:08:31solamente para que pudiera seguir sintiéndote incómoda a mi lado.
00:08:36Porque ahora sabes mis intenciones.
00:08:39¿Ya qué?
00:08:43Oye, ¿qué es gracioso?
00:08:47Que eres muy tierna.
00:08:49Ay, cállate.
00:08:50Ya no puedo ni quiero hablar contigo. Adiós.
00:08:53No estoy jugando.
00:08:56Recuerda, sabes lo que siento.
00:08:58¿Qué siento?
00:09:04Me encantas.
00:09:13Vamos a tener que trabajar toda la noche.
00:09:15¿Vamos a comer algo antes? Yo invito.
00:09:19¿Entonces sí pasó algo?
00:09:20No, claro que no.
00:09:26¿Me dices por qué llevas todo el día sonriendo?
00:09:28No llevo todo el día sonriendo.
00:09:32Espero que no hayas tomado algo de droga de nuestra investigación.
00:09:38Qué gracioso.
00:09:40Y si mejor como yo solo.
00:09:42Estoy seguro de que tomó algo.
00:09:45Muchas gracias.
00:09:56¿Tú qué pediste? Yo quise algo con mucha carne.
00:10:01Yo pensé que no te gustaba ese tipo de platillos.
00:10:06En el asunto de la comida,
00:10:07lo que importa es con quién la compartes
00:10:10y aquello que te recuerde el platillo que degustas.
00:10:15¿Quieres decir que ese caldo te trae buenos recuerdos?
00:10:18¿Desde cuándo?
00:10:23Cuánta risa.
00:10:24Ya, dime qué está pasando.
00:10:25¿Por qué no quieres decirme nada?
00:10:28Tengo muchos reportes que revisar,
00:10:30así que no podremos vernos hoy.
00:10:33¿No estás trabajando demasiado?
00:10:37Creo que estoy comiendo solo.
00:10:39Estaré bien con mi caldo de res.
00:10:41No olvides cenar algo.
00:10:43Te llamo más tarde.
00:10:45Ay, con ese caldo no se va a llenar.
00:10:47Debería pedir algo más.
00:10:49Ay, quiero escuchar su voz.
00:10:51¿Dónde dejé mi teléfono?
00:10:53¿Y mi teléfono?
00:10:59Ay, no.
00:11:01¿Dónde está mi teléfono?
00:11:03¿Dónde está mi teléfono?
00:11:05¿Dónde está mi teléfono?
00:11:07¿Dónde está mi teléfono?
00:11:09¿Dónde está mi teléfono?
00:11:11Ay, no, no, no.
00:11:19Ay, no, ¿dónde vi por última vez mi teléfono?
00:11:21Piensa, piensa, piensa, piensa.
00:11:25Creo que lo dejé en la oficina.
00:11:27Creo que...
00:11:57Es el teléfono de la señora.
00:12:08¿Cómo estás, Limiyin?
00:12:09¿Cómo dijo?
00:12:11Estoy hablando al teléfono de Limiyin.
00:12:13No, es el de la señora Lim.
00:12:15Ay, perdón, señor.
00:12:19¿Por qué? ¿Qué fue lo que te dijo?
00:12:22Era una persona que estaba buscando a Mijin.
00:12:25Qué raro. Voy a llamarla.
00:12:27Sí, es raro.
00:12:37Qué raro.
00:12:39Un momento.
00:12:41La única explicación es que sea la misma persona.
00:12:45Ay, no.
00:12:55No creo que ya hayan regresado.
00:13:03¿Sabes qué? Adelántate.
00:13:05Voy a comprarnos un café antes de empezar.
00:13:07Tenemos café instantáneo.
00:13:08Pero para esto necesitamos café de verdad.
00:13:10Tú tranquilo, yo invito el postre.
00:13:12No compres nada raro, ¿eh?
00:13:38¿Qué pasó?
00:13:56Ay, qué susto.
00:14:04Ay, qué bueno.
00:14:09Yo acabo de llegar a la oficina.
00:14:11¿Tú qué haces?
00:14:39Hola, ¿qué pasó?
00:14:41A la señora Lim es a quien le gusta frío.
00:14:44Para mí, un americano.
00:14:46Sí, un americano.
00:14:48Todavía no sabes cómo me gusta.
00:15:42¿Qué haces aquí?
00:15:45Quise venir a verte.
00:15:51¿En serio viniste a verme?
00:15:55¿Viniste desde tan lejos para verme?
00:15:58¿Te gustaría que te dé un recorrido?
00:16:02Bueno, sígueme.
00:16:07Oye, ¿por qué no me llamaste antes a abrir a cenar contigo en vez de cenar con el Sr. Yu?
00:16:12Ah, justo por eso.
00:16:14No quise llamarte antes.
00:16:16No quería quitarte tiempo ni interrumpir tu cena con el Sr. Yu.
00:16:19Eso no es tiempo perdido.
00:16:21¿Qué habrías hecho si no te hubiera encontrado abajo?
00:16:23Tienes razón, no sé qué habría hecho.
00:16:25Es aquí.
00:16:27¿Ah, sí?
00:16:33Ese de allá es mi escritorio y este de aquí es de la tía de Gallong.
00:16:39Es pequeño, pero acogedor.
00:16:49Haré mi mayor esfuerzo para ayudarle, fiscal.
00:16:55¿Me puedo sentar en su silla?
00:16:57¿En esa?
00:16:59Bueno, permíteme.
00:17:02No sé qué hace aquí.
00:17:04Muchas gracias.
00:17:28¿Te gusta?
00:17:29Me gustan sus accesorios.
00:17:32Me gustan las cosas de animales.
00:17:34¡Uf! Perdóneme, debí tocar antes de entrar.
00:17:38¿Señorita Limiyin?
00:17:39Hola, buenas noches.
00:17:40Buenas noches. Oiga, no sabía que iba a venir a visitarnos.
00:17:43Ah, lo que pasa es que estaba por aquí.
00:17:46Sí, estaba en la zona.
00:17:47No me diga.
00:17:50Vino por el postre, ¿verdad?
00:17:54¡Ah, pues qué suerte tiene, eh!
00:17:56Pude conseguir estas delicias que en la tarde es imposible porque siempre hay gente esperando.
00:18:00No que solo había sido por café.
00:18:02Pero el señor Joe siempre se toma su café con algo dulce.
00:18:08¿Cómo lo supo?
00:18:14Es que yo hago lo mismo.
00:18:16Pensé que todos lo hacíamos. Me encanta acompañar mi café con algo dulce.
00:18:19Oh, tienes razón. Y también le gustan mucho las patitas de cerdo.
00:18:24Ah, creo que vamos a necesitar cubiertos. Yo voy por ellos.
00:18:26Ah, los cubiertos.
00:18:33Oigan, ¿comemos en esta mesa?
00:18:44Hasta parece que trabajamos juntos, ¿no?
00:18:47Sí, cualquiera diría que trabaja con nosotros.
00:18:54Ay, ¿no se te ocurrió traer más café por si acaso?
00:18:57¿Podemos darle tu café?
00:19:01Muchas gracias por el paté.
00:19:02Buen provecho.
00:19:03Cuida tus niveles de azúcar. Siempre estás come y come dulces y por eso te crece el estómago y apareces perro parado.
00:19:10Hay mucha diabetes en su familia. ¿Por qué no mejor? Prueba el de zanahoria.
00:19:15Ah, sí, tienes razón. Mi padre la ha pasado muy mal viviendo con diabetes y...
00:19:20Sí, lo sabemos.
00:19:21¿Qué? ¿Cómo lo sabe?
00:19:25Ay, sé que no se lo dije, pero ahora siento que ya se lo había contado.
00:19:30¿Será por las patitas de cerdo?
00:19:31Sí, eso debe ser. Sí, tiene sentido.
00:19:34¿Es su respuesta para todo?
00:19:36Cállate, tú no juegas.
00:19:37Ya no hay espacio. Ya no puedes entrar.
00:19:39Bien dicho.
00:19:42No hagan equipos.
00:19:43Oye, ¿ese es mi café?
00:19:44Ya tómatelo.
00:19:52Me gustó mucho visitarte en tu oficina. Siempre quise conocerla usando mi cuerpo de verdad.
00:20:05Voy a esperar hasta que quieras decirme.
00:20:10Me encantaría, aunque sé que no puedes, que me dijeras qué es lo que haces en tu trabajo durante el día. Voy a esperar hasta que tú quieras contármelo.
00:20:18No va a ser lo que esperas.
00:20:20Sé que no me lo compartes por alguna razón, y lo respeto. Eres la única persona en la que confío ciegamente.
00:20:48Hay mucha diferencia entre la cantidad de fentanilo reportada por el hospital y la del ministerio.
00:21:00¿Qué te pasa? Despiértate.
00:21:01Sí, sí.
00:21:05Desde el año 2000 han marcado una gran cantidad de fentanilo como extraviado o eliminado, y esa cantidad es mayor a la prescrita por el hospital, además de que no hay mucho resguardado en sus almacenes.
00:21:14¿Y si manipularon los reportes?
00:21:19Si esto han estado haciendo por años, entonces ha desaparecido mucho fentanilo.
00:21:32¡Reconoce los cargos, doctor!
00:25:28-¡Niño!, estás bien.
00:25:33O∆√√O∆√√O∆√√√√ Ñ!
00:25:37Don't move, you're doing very well, you're very brave.
00:25:41Your leg didn't hurt much, did it?
00:25:43You're going to be fine, little girl.
00:25:45Thank you very much.
00:25:46Thank you very much, doctor.
00:25:48Very well, little girl.
00:25:49Don't worry, don't worry.
00:25:51We're almost done.
00:25:53So, is she really your aunt?
00:25:57I must say you look a lot like her.
00:26:02Ten, I'd swear she's your mom.
00:26:07You did a very good job, yes.
00:26:14According to the latest reports,
00:26:16it was discovered that a nightclub in Seohan
00:26:18had been secretly selling fentanyl patches,
00:26:20a very potent analgesic.
00:26:22After one of the employees of the nightclub
00:26:24in charge of transporting the drug was arrested,
00:26:27the nightclub was closed.
00:26:30the nightclub in charge of transporting the drug,
00:26:32the nightclub decided to destroy all the evidence
00:26:34by burying it in the depths of the forest.
00:26:36The director of the hospital, Baek Cheol-kyu,
00:26:38was an important part of this investigation.
00:26:41He was responsible for supplying the fentanyl
00:26:43that the nightclub was selling,
00:26:45which it was extracting from its hospital.
00:26:47The news surprised everyone,
00:26:48as Dr. Baek also attended to families and patients
00:26:51with limited resources.
00:26:52I can't believe it.
00:26:53In addition to being a public worker
00:26:54in the district attorney's office.
00:26:57That's why I said you shouldn't hire third parties.
00:26:59Do you see what you're doing?
00:27:00Do you understand what we're getting ourselves into?
00:27:05But thanks to them,
00:27:07we managed to smuggle 35 kilos of drugs.
00:27:11You're a cynic.
00:27:14And if we talk about facts,
00:27:16Mayor Do was the one who hired Dr. Baek.
00:27:18The passers-by we hired are doing a great job.
00:27:21Look, you'd better shut up.
00:27:40Yes, hello.
00:27:41Maltae, I already have the name you asked for.
00:27:44That woman's son is called Yun Ye.
00:27:48Are you still there, Maltae?
00:27:50Yes, yes, I'm still here.
00:27:52Take good care of yourself, please.
00:27:54We'll talk later, Detective Min.
00:28:05Excuse me!
00:28:07Mr. Ye!
00:28:11I have something to tell you.
00:28:13Why me?
00:28:17I can't believe Dr. Baek has Parkinson's.
00:28:20My instinct told me
00:28:21there was something very strange.
00:28:23Something wasn't right,
00:28:24so I was watching him.
00:28:28Oh, you dropped it.
00:28:42Thank you very much.
00:28:43I hadn't seen you.
00:28:45You're deaf.
00:28:54I'm sure it's Parkinson's.
00:28:58Excuse me.
00:29:06I need you to look up Dr. Baek's medical history now.
00:29:13He's a good man.
00:29:18Ah, Mr. Ye.
00:29:20The doctor's diagnosis is correct.
00:29:23The next sheet says he was hospitalized
00:29:25at the same time as Mr. Nageonko died.
00:29:28Was he in the hospital?
00:29:30The hospital doesn't know
00:29:31the doctor has Parkinson's.
00:29:33He received his treatment at another hospital.
00:29:43I'm just the hospital's honorary director.
00:29:46I retired years ago,
00:29:47and I have no power of attorney.
00:29:49Is that why he retired earlier?
00:29:53I also checked the hospital's cameras
00:29:54where he was treated.
00:29:55This is enough
00:29:56for the doctor to be released.
00:30:06Can you explain to me
00:30:07what you're getting at?
00:30:08Is the doctor innocent?
00:30:10Dr. Baek
00:30:11is sick with Parkinson's
00:30:13and he couldn't have done it.
00:30:15It seems he was treated at another hospital
00:30:17to go unnoticed.
00:30:19Even if he had gone out for a moment,
00:30:21he couldn't have gone to the warehouse
00:30:22and come back in less than an hour.
00:30:41just two days ago
00:30:42you didn't leave me alone
00:30:43asking for Kateo's order.
00:30:45And now it turns out
00:30:46he's not the killer.
00:30:47Are you playing?
00:30:51Do you have an accomplice?
00:30:53We're looking for him
00:30:54with the list of buyers
00:30:55the doctor gave us.
00:30:56We don't have time.
00:30:57Can you do it alone?
00:31:02I see you're brave.
00:31:03What do you think
00:31:04if we work together, huh?
00:31:06I already have the authorization.
00:31:08and it just so happens
00:31:09that the doctor isn't the killer,
00:31:11Why do you think that?
00:31:12He has a good alibi.
00:31:13There's no more evidence.
00:31:14And he didn't have a motive.
00:31:15Why not?
00:31:16If the doctor is the killer,
00:31:18he had reasons to kill his wife.
00:31:20But there's no reason
00:31:21to kill Mr. Ko.
00:31:22Are you sure about that?
00:31:23I don't know how you do it,
00:31:24but I don't take a step
00:31:25without being able
00:31:26to fully justify it.
00:31:31What are you doing?
00:31:33They're flirting.
00:31:34What else could it be?
00:31:36Miss Tak
00:31:37has always liked Jung.
00:31:40She likes him?
00:31:41Didn't you know?
00:31:42I thought they hated each other.
00:31:44No, of course not.
00:31:45In fact,
00:31:46we all know
00:31:47she's always liked him.
00:31:48She confessed her love
00:31:49to him at college,
00:31:50but he rejected her,
00:31:51and she took revenge.
00:31:52Then she fell in love again
00:31:53and insulted him.
00:31:54He doesn't care about her,
00:31:55but she won't stop following him.
00:31:56Then why is she flirting with him?
00:31:58She said he doesn't care about her.
00:32:00My dear Miss,
00:32:01in a relationship,
00:32:03no matter how small the embers are,
00:32:05when two bodies come together,
00:32:07the fire of love can rise.
00:32:21why did you highlight
00:32:22all these names?
00:32:24They're the people
00:32:25that caught my attention.
00:32:26Because of their behavior,
00:32:27they must consume regularly.
00:32:28They knew
00:32:29when it was going to be cheaper.
00:32:32And this?
00:32:33What is it?
00:32:34It's a specific list
00:32:35for fentanyl.
00:32:37Very good.
00:32:38Then I think
00:32:39it's better
00:32:40to focus on this.
00:32:42What is it?
00:32:43It's a specific list
00:32:44for fentanyl.
00:32:45Very good.
00:32:46Then I think
00:32:47it's better
00:32:48to focus on this.
00:32:56Mrs. Lim,
00:32:57aren't you going home?
00:32:59Oh, yes.
00:33:00I hadn't seen the clock.
00:33:01Oh, I'm going to stay
00:33:02a little longer.
00:33:03Oh, excellent.
00:33:04Then let's eat something.
00:33:05What do you think
00:33:06if we go...
00:33:07Oh, I'll go alone.
00:33:08Why is he going alone?
00:33:13Why don't we eat together?
00:33:16the three of you were going to eat,
00:33:17weren't you?
00:33:19I'm not very hungry right now.
00:33:20No, me neither.
00:33:23there's a food stand
00:33:24that I love.
00:33:25Maybe we can go
00:33:26when we're hungry and...
00:33:27Food stand.
00:33:28But not everything in life
00:33:29must be work.
00:33:30Mr. Yu is going to eat alone
00:33:31because of his inconsideration.
00:33:33It is necessary
00:33:34that such an honorable researcher
00:33:35has to eat alone
00:33:36just because
00:33:37you are not hungry.
00:33:39You don't have to come with me.
00:33:40No, tell the truth.
00:33:41Let's all go then.
00:33:45I guess
00:33:46we can order something.
00:33:47Well said.
00:33:52Hi, I want to make an order.
00:33:53A plate of pork fideos
00:33:54and one with seafood.
00:33:56Do you want rice?
00:33:57Yes, fried rice.
00:34:00And do you have fried rice?
00:34:02You don't?
00:34:04put something similar.
00:34:05And ask for cucumbers.
00:34:06Oh, yes.
00:34:07And cucumbers.
00:34:11Oh, Mrs. Lim,
00:34:12I feel like you're the only one
00:34:13who cares about me
00:34:14in this office.
00:34:22What does that lady have against me?
00:34:59Are you still in the office?
00:35:06I'm going to have to work
00:35:07until late again.
00:35:15Why did I say it was a secret?
00:35:17I can't say anything
00:35:18because they'll suspect us.
00:35:22I'm going to be working with her.
00:35:40It's a special case, right?
00:35:43You know my answer.
00:35:47That's why
00:35:49I wanted to help you
00:35:51to solve it together.
00:35:54You haven't given up?
00:35:55I think I was pretty clear.
00:35:56I'm not going to lie.
00:35:58At first, I did wonder,
00:36:00did he come to be close to me?
00:36:03Hey, don't laugh.
00:36:04You don't have to be rude.
00:36:12I decided that after this case,
00:36:13I'm going to quit.
00:36:16I'm going back to Seoul.
00:36:18Are you coming back with me?
00:36:36I'm near your house.
00:36:37Can you go out?
00:36:39I thought you were going to work
00:36:40all night.
00:36:41I finished earlier
00:36:42to see someone.
00:36:44But I'm very tired.
00:36:47Don't worry.
00:36:48We can see each other another day.
00:36:49You don't have to go out.
00:36:50I mean, yes.
00:36:51I'm a little tired.
00:36:52But you're coming to my house.
00:36:54We can see each other for a while.
00:37:07And now what?
00:37:11I don't know.
00:37:18No, no, no, no, no.
00:37:25Turn around, turn around.
00:37:26Turn, turn.
00:37:27Yes, good.
00:37:28You're ready.
00:37:29Take this.
00:37:30Oh, I'm sorry.
00:37:31Hey, but it's new.
00:37:32If you put it on,
00:37:33it's going to make your face shine more.
00:37:34Don't worry.
00:37:35She already caught him.
00:37:36What are you talking about?
00:37:37Do you think she doesn't need my help anymore?
00:37:39That's not what I meant.
00:37:40Eugene can't do this alone.
00:37:41I have to help him cultivate that man.
00:37:42You don't have to help him.
00:37:43Yeah, whatever you say.
00:37:44What do you know?
00:37:45Can I talk now?
00:37:59You told me you had a lot of work.
00:38:02Are you mad because we haven't seen each other?
00:38:05Do you think I'm one of those who get mad
00:38:06for nonsense?
00:38:07Of course not.
00:38:11I want to see you every day.
00:38:12If I don't call you this time,
00:38:13it's so I don't wake you up.
00:38:14Yes, of course.
00:38:15As if that were a big problem.
00:38:18Well, in that case,
00:38:19I'll come see you every night.
00:38:21If you're coming to see me
00:38:22because you're worried, that's fine.
00:38:23But I don't go out at night
00:38:24and my parents are at home, so...
00:38:27I don't come because I'm worried.
00:38:30I come because I want to see you.
00:38:32So I don't have to look for you in my dreams.
00:38:37So it means
00:38:38that the days we can't see each other
00:38:40it's hard for you to reconcile the dream?
00:38:42I guess I'll have to come see you every day
00:38:44to sleep like a baby.
00:38:48And what are you going to do this weekend?
00:38:49This weekend?
00:38:50You're going to be busy, aren't you?
00:38:52I can make room to see you more often.
00:38:54Do you want to have lunch?
00:38:55I can't!
00:38:59I can't come with you.
00:39:01Why not?
00:39:03I can't go out during lunch.
00:39:04It's too early.
00:39:05Too early?
00:39:07Can we have tea at three?
00:39:09No, not at three.
00:39:10It's even worse than at lunchtime.
00:39:12People are still eating
00:39:13or just getting out to eat.
00:39:14Others are already going home.
00:39:15Too much traffic and stress.
00:39:17Don't you think the same?
00:39:19I guess.
00:39:21Can we meet at six?
00:39:22In fact, that time is complicated for me.
00:39:24I think it would be best to meet after seven.
00:39:27Is it too late?
00:39:28There aren't many people anymore.
00:39:29I think it's perfect.
00:39:36I can't go out during lunch.
00:39:38It's too early.
00:39:39In fact, that time is complicated for me.
00:39:41I think it would be best to meet after seven.
00:40:06I decided that after this case, I'm going to quit.
00:40:09I'm going back to Seoul.
00:40:11Will you come back with me?
00:40:15If I go back to Seoul, I won't be with you.
00:40:18My family could help you recover
00:40:20what you lost when you came here.
00:40:22Do you think I lost something?
00:40:24No, you didn't.
00:40:25You didn't.
00:40:26You didn't.
00:40:27You didn't.
00:40:28You didn't.
00:40:29You didn't.
00:40:30You didn't.
00:40:31You didn't.
00:40:32You didn't.
00:40:33Do you think I lost something?
00:40:38I came for a better life.
00:40:40I want to fix this
00:40:42to get rid of a burden that I carry in my heart.
00:40:47What burden?
00:40:48And I support your decision to quit.
00:40:51I know you'll get through this.
00:40:53I have no doubt
00:40:55that your clients will look for you.
00:41:03What a shame.
00:41:13Who uses so much lipstick
00:41:15when they're working at night?
00:41:18I'm going to have to carve it.
00:41:24Wait, no.
00:41:25I'll clean that.
00:41:26Of course not.
00:41:27Don't worry.
00:41:28You must be very tired from working all night.
00:41:30I'll do it.
00:41:39I wanted to ask you
00:41:41something about your niece's friend.
00:41:44Yes, her friend.
00:41:45You mean Limit Jin?
00:41:48Do you know what she does for a living?
00:41:52Why do you want to know?
00:41:53She doesn't like us seeing each other during the day
00:41:55and I thought maybe you knew
00:41:57why she doesn't like going out.
00:41:59I could, but...
00:42:02I suppose there must be a good reason
00:42:05for not being able to see you during the day.
00:42:08Don't you think you should respect her decision
00:42:10to not tell you why she can't?
00:42:12I think it's very strange.
00:42:14Why does she say no?
00:42:15Why only at night?
00:42:17Unless something happens...
00:42:18I don't know that!
00:42:22That's why there's privacy, sir.
00:42:25You should respect your girlfriend's privacy, don't you think?
00:42:29How do you know she's my girlfriend?
00:42:30I didn't tell her that.
00:42:32Gyeong told me everything.
00:42:34She told me.
00:42:38Yes, it's true.
00:42:39It was a secret.
00:42:41She already told everyone our secret.
00:42:43The other day I heard her mumbling
00:42:45about what you were going to do this weekend, sir.
00:42:48That must be why she couldn't see you.
00:42:50Yes, that must be it.
00:42:52But it wasn't just this weekend.
00:42:54Yes, thank you.
00:42:56Why are you so interested?
00:42:58I bet you have a sun allergy or something like that.
00:43:02Now that I think about it,
00:43:03I rarely see her during the day.
00:43:07I'm going to wash the cups.
00:43:14I think it's very strange.
00:43:17You see, I've already been swindled before.
00:43:20I know how it feels when you doubt someone.
00:43:24I've heard of people who can't see their girlfriends at night,
00:43:28but you can't see them during the day.
00:43:30That seems very strange to me.
00:43:32Hey, haven't you thought that she has a sun allergy?
00:43:36I'm sure the sun hurts her eyes and she can't go out during the day.
00:43:39But that doesn't have to be a secret.
00:43:41Well, look, women don't think like us.
00:43:43It could be important.
00:43:45Besides, she still hasn't told you where she works
00:43:48and how she makes a living.
00:43:50That is a problem.
00:43:53Hey, you can't keep hiding in my house forever.
00:43:56Your parents won't ask where you are.
00:43:58I don't know.
00:44:01I think they're planning something.
00:44:03They've been so busy lately,
00:44:05they don't even know I'm with you.
00:44:07I understand.
00:44:08You don't have time to worry about your parents
00:44:10when your relationship is at stake.
00:44:12I guess if I stay like this,
00:44:14they're going to think something strange is going on.
00:44:17And they're going to make fun of you.
00:44:19She's going to think something strange is going on.
00:44:22And I assure you, she thinks something strange is going on.
00:44:25Now what can I do?
00:44:27You should be honest with him.
00:44:29Are you suggesting that I also have to tell him
00:44:32that I stole Mrs. Lim Sun's identity?
00:44:34Are you sure?
00:44:35No, honey, no.
00:44:36If you tell him, you'd end up in jail.
00:44:40You and all the other men had to go out with a lawyer.
00:44:42I know.
00:44:44I didn't think about it.
00:44:46I deserve the punishment.
00:44:48If you have time to regret it,
00:44:49you have time to find a solution.
00:44:54Did the light turn on?
00:44:55I know what to do.
00:44:58My phone.
00:44:59Where did I put it?
00:45:00Go to the bathroom.
00:45:01Weren't you the one who told me not to go in with my cell phone?
00:45:04I'm going to let go of the top.
00:45:06Oh, I can't take it anymore.
00:45:12It must be upstairs.
00:45:13You said you were going to visit your neighbor.
00:45:15I didn't know they'd be here.
00:45:17I'm going to see what's going on.
00:45:20Because I'm an investigator.
00:45:21This is suspicious,
00:45:22and I'm going up to investigate what's going on.
00:45:24Well, you don't have to go up, but if you insist.
00:45:54Who is it?
00:46:02Oh, no.
00:46:03Oh, it can't be.
00:46:04It's Mr. Yu.
00:46:05What do I do?
00:46:06Oh, no.
00:46:07What are we going to do?
00:46:08Tell him to leave.
00:46:12Hello, Mr. Yu.
00:46:13How are you?
00:46:14Tell me, what brings you up here?
00:46:16You're Mr. Yu's neighbor.
00:46:17We made pasta and wanted to share a little with you.
00:46:20Oh, thank you.
00:46:21Try it.
00:46:22Oh, is it for me?
00:46:24We made it from scratch.
00:46:25The sauce included.
00:46:30I didn't expect this.
00:46:38I'd like to pass through a little bit.
00:46:40Then come in, please.
00:46:43Damn, why did he let him in?
00:46:49I'll leave it here.
00:46:50Would you like a cup of tea?
00:46:52I'd love a cup of hot tea to take it slowly and enjoy it better.
00:46:56Oh, yes.
00:47:00Sorry, just a few minutes.
00:47:01Sorry, I need to go to the bathroom.
00:47:03So, are you alone?
00:47:22Sorry, what did you ask me?
00:47:27Do you like...
00:47:42...pig's feet?
00:47:46I love them.
00:47:47I like spicy level 3.
00:47:50Sorry, I never thought I'd meet someone who resisted the spiciness like me.
00:47:55So, what do you say we eat some?
00:48:01Excellent, please make yourself comfortable.
00:48:03Sit there.
00:48:04Sit there.
00:48:14It's been a long time since he went up.
00:48:16What are they doing?
00:48:26The spaghetti is delicious.
00:48:28And the ducklings are just as I like them.
00:48:34I think this food goes very well with this.
00:48:37I think this is the best combination.
00:48:39Okay, no more talking.
00:48:46Oh, how nice.
00:49:05I love it.
00:49:10How delicious.
00:49:13Oh, yes, it's delicious.
00:49:56I heard explosions.
00:49:59It's nothing.
00:50:01So, did you see her?
00:50:05Do you know something?
00:50:07Your neighbor is a loving person and kindly invited me to come in.
00:50:11Okay, but tell me what you saw.
00:50:13What happens is that she and I like the same things.
00:50:16I found out that we like the same food.
00:50:19You know what?
00:50:22I was impressed with the food I gave her.
00:50:24Okay, but did you see me or not?
00:50:26Am I speaking to you in Korean or what?
00:50:31Can you tell me what I'm supposed to go up for?
00:50:35Forget me.
00:50:36It doesn't matter.
00:50:39Mrs. Lim interrupted everything.
00:50:43Oh, there must be a way to open the door.
00:50:45I have to get out of here urgently before the sun rises.
00:50:48Yes, but you can't because you broke it.
00:50:50And now where are you going?
00:50:54What are you doing? Get out of there.
00:50:55It's dangerous. You're going to fall.
00:50:57Let me go, please.
00:51:00I'm almost there.
00:51:02I'm here. I'm fine.
00:51:03Mrs. Lim.
00:51:06Mrs. Lim?
00:51:07But what are you doing here?
00:51:09What do you think I'm doing?
00:51:11I heard that she and Gayeong were going to meet to do something together.
00:51:16I must say that your neighbor ...
00:51:22She is a very beautiful woman.
00:51:25And the way she looked at me ...
00:51:29It was so beautiful.
00:51:37I can't believe you left at that moment.
00:51:39Couldn't you hold on?
00:51:42Hey, you should thank me.
00:51:44I did it to save you.
00:51:45It wasn't because I wanted to go to the bathroom.
00:51:47What? How did you do it to save me?
00:51:49Mr. Yu is not available.
00:51:56You say that ...
00:51:59Mr. Yu is a married man.
00:52:03Hey, don't waste your time with a married man.
00:52:06It only works well on television.
00:52:08The best thing you can do is take care of your subscribers.
00:52:11They can help you.
00:52:20Well, no.
00:52:21I didn't see anything strange in Mrs. Lim's house.
00:52:24That's not why. Sorry to bother you.
00:52:26I just wanted to check something.
00:52:29I just sent you the videos from the camera.
00:52:31Very good. Thank you very much.
00:53:28Is it Mrs. Lim?
00:53:58I can't identify what it was.
00:54:00Although I am convinced that I would recognize it.
00:54:04A scent.
00:54:06A peculiar smell.
00:54:08A peculiar smell.
00:54:09A scent.
00:54:29Are you busy?
00:54:32I have to talk to you. Do you have time?
00:54:34About what?
00:54:36Would you like a coffee?
00:54:59If you want, I'll buy you a coffee.
00:55:01No, thank you.
00:55:07I already bought the lists that the doctor gave us.
00:55:10What did you do?
00:55:11I assumed that in those lists I would find repeated names.
00:55:13So you checked all the surnames?
00:55:18That's right.
00:55:19But only one caught my attention.
00:55:22Don Guichol?
00:55:23He and a 20-year-old buyer have the same last name,
00:55:26so I investigated them.
00:55:27But this one is a woman and Don Guichol is a man.
00:55:30No, it's the same.
00:55:32Gon Eun-sim changed her name.
00:55:40She came back after 20 years?
00:55:43Very suspicious, how to change the name.
00:55:48What do you say?
00:55:49Do you want to go for a drink after ...
00:55:51Oh no! Again!
00:55:53He took my money, stupid machine!
00:55:57Oh, you scared me.
00:55:58What's wrong with this thing?
00:56:00Mrs. Lim, don't despair. This always happens to me.
00:56:03He took my money.
00:56:06Excuse me, I think I have a change.
00:56:08Here I have.
00:56:09It's what I left.
00:56:13It seems to have worked.
00:56:14Which one do you want?
00:56:15That one, it's sweet.
00:56:17The lemon one?
00:56:18Yes, that one.
00:56:21Ready, here you go.
00:56:22Thank you very much.
00:56:24Do you want me to share?
00:56:25No, thank you.
00:56:35You're back.
00:56:37Can you find a woman named Gon Eun-sim?
00:56:40She changed her name to Gon Guichol.
00:56:43Gon Eun-sim.
00:56:44Gon Eun-sim.
00:56:49Have you been buying drugs for her for 24 years?
00:56:5224 years ago, I don't think I could have used the dark web.
00:56:55She probably used her real name.
00:56:56But what if she used someone else's name?
00:56:58She recently bought drugs again after two decades.
00:57:01If she had used another name, it would have been impossible for us to find her.
00:57:06She bought it before the incident.
00:57:08That's right.
00:57:10Do you think we can find her?
00:57:12Gon Eun-sim.
00:57:13Luckily, I know how to find a good client.
00:57:43I'm sorry.
00:57:56What's that?
00:57:59I don't know what you're talking about.
00:58:00What's in your hand?
00:58:10Explain to me what this is.
00:58:14Tell me what this is.
00:58:16It's been a while since someone has been sending those letters.
00:58:21You should have told me from the beginning.
00:58:23I just wanted to solve it myself.
00:58:25I wanted to do it to protect you.
00:58:35How did you know it was the cleaning girl?
00:58:37They sent the letter during lunch.
00:58:39So I stayed in the office watching for several days.
00:58:42And today I decided to verify it.
00:58:54Did you leave this?
00:58:56I didn't know it was in the envelope.
00:58:58We saw you put it under the door.
00:59:02I swear, ma'am.
00:59:03I was just doing what I was told.
00:59:05I swear I didn't know what that envelope letter said.
00:59:07Calm down.
00:59:08I believe you, but tell me who gave it to you.
00:59:11The letter was given to me by a lady who worked with me.
00:59:14She begged me to do it.
00:59:16I'm so sorry.
00:59:17Calm down.
00:59:18Wait a minute.
00:59:19Don't tell me you're going to fire me for this.
00:59:22No, of course not.
00:59:23But please tell me who asked you to deliver this letter.
00:59:27I can't.
00:59:29Please tell me who it is.
00:59:41Are you sure you want to go alone?
00:59:46I'll wait for you here.
00:59:47Call me if you need anything.
00:59:50Of course.
01:00:11Do you know where number 231 is?
01:00:41Is anyone there?
01:00:56What do you want?
01:01:01Did you send this letter?
01:01:03No, wait a minute.
01:01:04I don't want to talk to you, but I want...
01:01:07Didn't you send the letter to talk to me?
01:01:13No, I don't even know who it is.
01:01:24A job like this is a lifesaver.
01:01:26It's a great help for people who live by the day.
01:01:30I'm sorry.
01:01:31I'm sorry.
01:01:32I'm sorry.
01:01:33I'm sorry.
01:01:35I'm sorry.
01:01:37And she quit her job.
01:01:40We know life is unfair.
01:01:41We are old enough to understand that life doesn't give us what we want.
01:01:45What's going on is that she's not the person she claims to be.
01:01:50She's cheating on you!
01:01:52What do you mean she's cheating on you?
01:01:54I was upset about not having a job.
01:01:56And I went crazy when I realized that she was lying to me.
01:01:59That's why I sent the letter.
01:02:00Could you tell me who you're talking about?
01:02:04Yes, of course. Let's see. Where is it?
01:02:11It's her.
01:02:24She is Mrs. Ana.
01:02:27She is not Oquina.
01:02:34She is not Oquina.
01:02:35She is not Oquina.
01:02:36She is not Oquina.
01:02:37She is not Oquina.
01:02:38She is not Oquina.
01:02:39She is not Oquina.
01:02:40She is not Oquina.
01:02:41She is not Oquina.
01:02:42She is not Oquina.
01:02:43She is not Oquina.
01:02:44She is not Oquina.
01:02:45She is not Oquina.
01:02:46She is not Oquina.
01:02:47She is not Oquina.
01:02:48She is not Oquina.
01:02:49She is not Oquina.
01:02:50She is not Oquina.
01:02:51She is not Oquina.
01:02:52She is not Oquina.
01:02:53She is not Oquina.
01:02:54She is not Oquina.
01:02:55She is not Oquina.
01:02:56She is not Oquina.
01:02:57She is not Oquina.
01:02:59She is not Oquina.
01:03:00She is not Oquina.
01:03:01She is not Oquina.
01:03:02She is not Oquina.
01:03:03She is not Oquina.
01:03:04She is not Oquina.
01:03:05She is not Oquina.
01:03:06She is not Oquina.
01:03:07She is not Oquina.
01:03:08She is not Oquina.
01:03:09She is not Oquina.
01:03:10She is not Oquina.
01:03:11She is not Oquina.
01:03:12She is not Oquina.
01:03:13She is not Oquina.
01:03:14She is not Oquina.
01:03:15She is not Oquina.
01:03:16She is not Oquina.
01:03:17She is not Oquina.
01:03:18She is not Oquina.
01:03:19She is not Oquina.
01:03:20She is not Oquina.
01:03:21She is not Oquina.
01:03:22She is not Oquina.
01:03:24Gong Heung-Sin?
01:03:25Don't you think it's strange that the cases started when I arrived?
01:03:30Mr. Ye, how do you know about my sister?
01:03:32What is this woman doing here?
01:03:33Stop her!
01:03:34She's escaping!
01:03:35Catch her!
01:03:36Catch her!
01:03:37Mrs. Lin, is that you?
01:03:38Tell me who you really are.
01:03:40I can't go on with this.
01:03:42You'll go to jail if you don't tell the truth.
01:03:45To jail?
01:03:46If you get caught, or if something goes wrong,
01:03:48don't blame me.
01:03:49Is this how you call your sister?
