Freakazoid! (1995) - S01E29 - The Cloud

  • le mois dernier


00:00And now, a musical interlude.
00:18This concludes our musical interlude.
00:21We now return to our program.
01:00Who are you? What is that you're holding?
01:03No! No! Stay back! Put that down! No! No!
01:11Hang on, Unag!
01:23Stupid dummy head! Why did you drop him? His wife will be furious!
01:28His face! He looks like a clown!
01:58No! No! No!
02:01No! No!
02:31The dog is leashing. Leashing.
03:02Oh, I see.
03:06From what I understand, there are some rather strange goings-on up the mountain there.
03:12Bizarre accidents of inexplicable origin.
03:16You have a boogie in your nose.
03:18Oh, dear.
03:20As a matter of fact, I'm headed to Schnitzel myself.
03:23To see if I can't sort through the mystery.
03:26I'm a lightbulb dealer by trade.
03:29I'm going to try to determine if these accidents aren't somehow related to faulty bulbs.
03:36Next stop, Schnitzel!
03:39Get off, if you dare!
03:42Well, enjoy your stay, Mr. Freakazoid.
03:46And remember, beware the mountain.
03:50You still have that boogie.
03:52Oh, dear!
04:00She's a beautiful mountain, yes.
04:03But in the cloud lurk spooky things.
04:06You are Freakazoid?
04:08That's right!
04:10I am Hans.
04:12We will take the sky buckets to the observatory.
04:15The professor is waiting for you there.
04:18Now, come.
04:20Let's go.
04:22We will take the sky buckets to the observatory.
04:25The professor is waiting for you there.
04:28Now, come. We mustn't linger.
04:31It is not safe here at night.
04:33It's day.
04:35Well then, I suppose we can linger for a moment.
04:39Okay, let's go.
04:42I saw that!
04:51C'est comme à Disneyland!
04:53Pas plus, j'ai peur.
04:56A Disneyland, les sky buckets sont morts.
04:59Et la route où ils s'éloignent, rien.
05:02Oh, non!
05:03Au moins, ils ont toujours ces petits bateaux.
05:08Non! Pas les bateaux!
05:21C'est un...
05:44I came as soon as I got your letter.
05:47Ah, yes.
05:48I'm afraid we have a situation.
05:50You have seen the cloud.
05:52How bad is it?
05:53The fate of mankind hangs in the balance.
05:57It's awful! Terrible!
06:00Don't worry, my friend.
06:02We will figure out something.
06:04No, not that.
06:06I was just thinking about that boat ride at Disneyland.
06:09Yes, I know.
06:11It's gone.
06:13Why? Why? Why?
06:17Why? Why?
06:22There, there. I understand your pain.
06:25But you will see.
06:26The Imagineers at Disney will come up with something even better.
06:33Now, come. We have much work to do.
06:42These are the victims.
06:44I am transformed into clown zombies.
06:47And always the cloud is present.
06:50Oh, this guy really got nailed.
06:52No, no, no. Red Skelton painted that for me.
06:55I'm a collector.
06:56Professor Heine, there is someone climbing the mountain.
07:03That's Spanger from the train.
07:05What is he doing?
07:06Didn't he read the warnings?
07:08Professor, the cloud, it's moving.
07:11Widen the angle.
07:14It's headed right for him.
07:16Professor, I just heard the boat ride at Disneyland is gone.
07:20Why? Why?
07:23Look, audio. I must hear it.
07:27I say hello.
07:28Is there someone there?
07:30Oh, hello. Was that you down there?
07:33No. Put it down.
07:39The cloud is moving away.
07:41Maximum magnification.
07:45Poor devil.
07:47And he still has that boogie.
07:50Professor, the cloud, it's moving toward us.
08:00We are trapped.
08:06Stay back.
08:09Hey, freakazoid. You wanna go build a go-kart?
08:12Oh, hiya, Cosgrove. I'd like to, but we're kind of in the middle of something.
08:15Okay, maybe later.
08:17By the way, there's a spooky cloud thing
08:19turning people into clown zombies out here.
08:21I'd take care of that if I were you.
08:24See ya.
08:27Cosgrove's right.
08:28I'm gonna have to go out there and face that thing man to cloud.
08:32Or is it teenager to cloud? Or is it...
08:35Hmm. I've never seen Cosgrove so peppy and frisky.
08:38This fresh mountain air must really agree with him.
08:41Maybe I should get him some for his birthday.
08:44Wait a minute. Why am I thinking about this right now?
08:47I've got important work to do.
08:50If I'm not back in five minutes, keep waiting.
09:06Who's there?
09:09Freakazoid, you're always hanging around.
09:16I'm not afraid of you.
09:18I'm not afraid of you.
09:20I'm not afraid of you.
09:23Loeb, so you're behind this.
09:26That's right, Freakazoid.
09:28With this atomic demolecularizer,
09:30I can turn anyone into a clown zombie,
09:33trained to do my bidding.
09:37The perfect plan.
09:39Everyone loves a clown.
09:41There's a knock on the door.
09:42It's a clown.
09:43You let it in.
09:44The next thing you know, they've taken over.
09:48For me.
09:51If you don't mind me saying so.
09:53That is the stupidest plan I've ever heard of.
09:56No, it's not. It's a good plan.
09:58Baloney! People don't like clowns.
10:01What were you thinking? That's just dumb.
10:06Dumb, dumb, dumb.
10:08And you're doing it out here in the middle of nowhere.
10:11There aren't even that many people around.
10:13What were you thinking? Explain it to me.
10:16I'm not sure.
10:18Come on, get out of there.
10:20I expected a lot more from you than this.
10:22Clowns, zombies, please!
10:24You're right. I'm sorry.
10:26I don't know what's wrong with me.
10:28I think I'm overtired. It's the best I could do.
10:32Turn off the cloud.
10:43Now go on. Get out of here. Go!
10:46I'm sorry.
10:48I'm so sorry.
10:52Go on!
10:55I'm so sorry.
11:00I'm sorry.
11:04Is he gone?
11:07Boy, he had a brilliant plan.
11:09Wow, he's good.
11:13Pretty clever, Freakazoid.
11:15Now how about that go-kart?
11:17Sure thing, Cosgrove.
11:23Hey, Cosgrove, I know what you're getting for your birthday.
11:45Hey, who wants some pot roast and cola?
