Sturm der Liebe Folge 4270 Die Unbekannten

  • 2 days ago
00:00I'm glad that Diabla Gomera likes it. It's nice.
00:07Anna, you sound kind of strange. Is everything okay?
00:10Yes, of course. I'm just on the move. Can I call you back later?
00:15Yes, of course. Just get in touch if you like, okay?
00:18I will. Besides, you always told me to follow my heart when I had to make a difficult decision.
00:24It's not that easy to follow your own rules, right?
00:30I know. In theory.
00:34But I feel better again.
00:36Those are the painkillers.
00:38Anna, we have to operate to save your kidney.
00:45Did you know that?
00:46Well, hopefully not.
00:49Let's not celebrate.
00:51Not at all, when it comes to love.
00:53We also have a present for you.
00:56What? Another one?
00:57Now that we've started, I'd like to invite you to the restaurant.
01:01The manager invites you to a romantic five-course meal.
01:06Oh, thank you very, very much.
01:09My pleasure.
01:10I can only say thank you very, very much.
01:14Well, this surprise is the icing on the cake, Grandma.
01:19So, to our sunflower, a role model for all of us and in all situations.
01:34See you tomorrow.
01:36See you tomorrow.
01:45Was that the visit?
01:48Something like that.
01:50That was Dr. Weber.
01:54She's going to operate on me.
01:58Operate on you?
02:00Does that mean...
02:02My stupid irons don't heal on their own.
02:06Is it time tomorrow?
02:10Tomorrow already.
02:13And now she just explained to me what to do and didn't explain the risks and so on.
02:19Don't worry, okay?
02:20She won't do it for the first time.
02:22I mean, she's a doctor.
02:23A short anesthesia and bam, done.
02:25Exactly, I think so too.
02:28I can do that on my own.
02:30There must be an online tutorial.
02:32That's stupid, because...
02:34Now I've promised Dr. Weber the operation.
02:38That's a shame.
02:39But hey, the next time I fall off the horse, you can do it.
02:45Don't be afraid, okay?
02:48I'm not going to let such a stupid torn kidney...
02:52Not at all.
02:54Should I give you company tonight?
02:58That's nice, but...
03:00They'll give me sleeping pills later, so I can rest up for the operation.
03:06Then you don't want to have any bad thoughts here.
03:10Philipp and Vincent don't know anything about the operation.
03:14If you don't want them to sit here on the edge of the bed for five minutes...
03:18I should probably call them, you're right.
03:22You'll get out of here quickly.
03:30Do you like the fine peach note?
03:32You're right, it's fantastic.
03:39Then enjoy your wine.
03:41You're welcome.
03:42You're very welcome.
03:45The way you're smiling, the surprise seems to be a success.
03:48I just saw the sunflowers, they're very happy.
03:51And how.
03:52They were very moved and are now enjoying the menu.
03:55Do you have a minute for me? I'd like to talk to you for a moment.
03:58Yes, of course, come.
04:02Sommelier, and housewife, and the wine...
04:07It's all a bit much, isn't it?
04:09To be honest, I'd rather do one job well than two only moderately.
04:13The housewife is only meant as a temporary solution.
04:17Do you already have someone in mind?
04:19Not yet, we're working on it, but...
04:22Sommelier, I hardly believe that I can find a comparable replacement.
04:28Don't worry, I'll keep you posted on that.
04:31I promise.
04:32But the housekeeping is simply no longer possible.
04:34I really don't like to disappoint you, but...
04:38I'm very grateful that you even jumped in.
04:42The whole hotel management, too.
04:44The whole hotel management?
04:46Well, Christoph Saalfeld has a very strange way of showing it.
04:50Does he still treat you like that?
04:54I'll think about it again.
04:56I'm just guessing that it's vain love effort.
04:59How do you deal with him?
05:01Because of all the drama and challenges, we managed to pull it off somehow.
05:09But that he can be so persistent...
05:14Yes, I would really like you to tell him that I'm out of the housekeeping.
05:21Of course I will.
05:24Still, your last word?
05:27I don't like everything either.
05:34Anna, if there's anything I can do for you...
05:37Do you remember the beginning of our conversation?
05:41Don't worry, I won't visit you at the hospital.
05:44I know you need distance.
05:48I can at least wish you luck for the surgery, right?
05:52That's allowed.
05:53Although, I hope the doctor can do it without luck.
05:57That's what I want to hope, too.
06:00Okay, then...
06:01Sleep well.
06:02Should work.
06:03I'm already half sedated with sleeping pills.
06:06I'll call you.
06:07Keep your ears tight.
06:30The Sonnenbechlers!
06:32We're so happy!
06:34A great couple, yes.
06:36Oh, Mr. Brandes!
06:40Yes, they've been together for so long, and they're still so in love.
06:45Excellent couple.
06:47So connected.
06:48And so mature.
06:50Yes, it's really a dream.
06:53But it could also become a nightmare.
06:57Why would you say that?
06:59When there are no more surprises in a relationship, everything is predictable.
07:05Yes, but when I come home, I have a partner I trust, I love, and I can be honest with.
07:12How nice is that?
07:14Do you think so?
07:15Yes, I do.
07:17Don't you have any secrets from me?
07:22I will.
07:26Do you greet me with your palms?
07:30I do.
07:34My darling, you need a long time for your answer.
07:38There is no answer, because I don't have any secrets from you.
07:42That's boring.
07:45Do you think that's boring?
07:49Do you need a little more excitement in everyday life?
07:52Just like you.
07:56Did I give you an idea?
07:59Did I give you an idea?
08:24Valentina, you are really impregnable.
08:27I have to go.
08:28Yes, I wish you the same.
08:29See you soon.
08:30A business meeting this late?
08:32What's going on?
08:33I have two concerns.
08:35First, please finally agree with Katja.
08:38And second?
08:39Christoph, we are a family business.
08:42Private is business, and business is private.
08:45Yes, then she can be happy that she still has her jobs.
08:48We can be happy that we still have her as a sommelier, because she stops as a stewardess.
08:54Yes, good.
08:55When she still has a good job and double the workload,
08:58and she is always at your service, it's no wonder.
09:02So we urgently need a new qualified housewife.
09:05I know that.
09:06Yes, then please take care of her.
09:09Was that your second concern?
09:14Katja, just be honest with the police.
09:18Can't you just forget that and finally forgive them?
09:21Can't you just stay away from things that don't concern you?
09:25Christoph, this thing concerns me very much.
09:28That's all been said, Werner, and now please forgive me.
09:31Alexandra is waiting for me.
09:52A beautiful evening.
09:55Is it still free here?
09:57What does it look like?
10:01Peggy McFlower.
10:03Peggy, Peggy, Peggy.
10:05What are you doing in a Peggy's or God-forsaken area?
10:08I'm looking around a bit.
10:10I'm looking around.
10:11I'm looking around.
10:12I'm looking around.
10:13I'm looking around.
10:14I'm looking around.
10:15I'm looking around.
10:16I'm looking around.
10:17I'm looking around.
10:18You're heading somewhere today?
10:20I'm looking around for something.
10:24Whether I see something interesting.
10:29Looking everywhere?
10:32Ah, the
10:46What do you mean?
10:48What every man in my age is looking for.
10:51And that is?
10:53What for?
10:54Ah, those eternal...
10:56Those eternal women stories.
11:00And then they sit down at my table.
11:02Then they are brave.
11:06My God, it's good not to be recognized.
11:08That would be completely different for me in Milan or Paris.
11:12What are you?
11:14Erik, are you a model?
11:16Mr. Hoffman, are you a model?
11:18Yes, obviously.
11:21I used to be a model.
11:23And you still know it today?
11:25Yes, but the industry...
11:28Everyone always wanted me only in the laundry.
11:31No, and then I...
11:33I then turned to my other strength.
11:36Very sympathetic.
11:37Financial world.
11:40Everyone knows me in Mönchengladbach and Düren.
11:44In Düren?
11:46Then it was about the very fast money.
11:49The first million was very difficult.
11:51Yes, I know.
11:52It was a very funny story for me too.
12:00Everyone always wanted my money and...
12:04I would not only wanted your money.
12:09Do you have any?
12:14Find it out.
12:44Hey, do you have a moment for me?
12:47Yes, come in.
12:54What about Anna?
12:57Can you maybe tell me how she's really doing?
13:00She's more afraid than she admits, but...
13:03She keeps fighting.
13:06Do you know more about how serious her injury is?
13:12I just talked to her on the phone.
13:14She said she doesn't want me to visit her.
13:16But I'm thinking about stopping by, so she's not so alone.
13:19That's no use, Vincent.
13:21She got sleeping pills and is sleeping.
13:25Then Anna is probably the only one who sleeps tonight.
13:32Shall we go for a drink?
13:36What about the laundry?
13:38Yes, a reason to leave.
14:11I just wanted something sweet.
14:13It's my exclusive right to snack here at night.
14:24There's enough for everyone.
14:28What do we have here?
14:30Something with mango and almond.
14:34Mango, almond...
14:38Mmm, popcorn!
14:41That's right.
14:43Very tasty.
14:46How are you?
14:51I'm preparing for my doctor's thesis.
14:55I just need the right clinic.
14:57There are a few.
15:00I have a special one in mind.
15:04In a smaller town.
15:06I see.
15:11I'll tell you.
15:12But only if you promise me that you won't tell my mother until I get a green light.
15:16Ah, here!
15:18What makes you think that?
15:22A little vitamin B tip.
15:24If you go to Dr. Niederbühl,
15:26he's very close to us because of his practice here.
15:30It's already happened.
15:31Of course, I've been smart for a long time.
15:33Dr. Niederbühl will talk to the clinic tomorrow and let me know.
15:36I'll keep my fingers crossed.
15:40You've earned a second one.
15:43But only if you eat one.
15:45I don't want to get fat on my own.
15:48Okay, but only for you.
15:54Let's eat the first one and then we'll turn to the second one.
15:58Good idea.
16:03Maggie, Maggie, you have to be quiet.
16:05Otherwise Mrs. Schmidt will think you're breaking in.
16:08So this isn't your apartment?
16:10I don't know who lives here.
16:16It happens.
16:17Maybe it's better to turn on the light.
16:20And maybe we should take off the street shoes.
16:24They're so dirty.
16:26There should be people who don't like that.
16:28They don't mind?
16:30My second ex-wife always said that.
16:33She always said, Pete, you're dirty for everyone.
16:37Where does he sleep?
16:39Let's try here.
17:02Good morning.
17:23Dr. Niederbühl?
17:25Good morning.
17:26Hello, Mrs. Neubach. Is everything okay?
17:28Yes, of course.
17:31Well, I spoke to the people in charge of your study earlier.
17:36The management said that...
17:40Dr. Niederbühl?
17:43No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
17:58Good morning.
17:59Good morning.
18:00I'm sorry.
18:01My battery just ran out and I had to call Dr. Niederbühl urgently.
18:06Do you happen to have his number?
18:08Yes, I do.
18:11You're selected.
18:13Thank you very much.
18:14You're my saviour.
18:17Yes, hello.
18:18It's me again.
18:19Mrs. Neubach?
18:21Different phone.
18:22I'm sorry.
18:24The battery...
18:25It can happen.
18:26Where were we?
18:28The management said...
18:31Oh, yes.
18:32She's very interested in your study.
18:38Excuse me.
18:39Everything's fine.
18:40So, after the positive first feedback,
18:43I would like to ask you to leave me the map of your study,
18:46of which you spoke.
18:47Of course.
18:48I'll bring it to you today.
18:51See you later.
18:52See you later.
18:56It really sounds like very good news.
18:58Yes, I...
19:00I think I just got good news for the study,
19:02for my doctoral thesis.
19:05What do you want to research?
19:07The effect of sports and nutrition on blood pressure
19:11and the influence of different breathing techniques on the parasympathetic.
19:15Sounds very interesting.
19:17Would you like to participate?
19:19As a test subject?
19:20I don't think you can use me.
19:22As far as I know, my blood pressure is fine.
19:25Yes, but...
19:26Then you'll be made for the healthy control group.
19:31You remind me...
19:33very much of my daughter, Froni.
19:35You were incredibly similar to her.
19:38Was I?
19:39She's dead.
19:44How terrible.
19:46I'm sorry.
19:51I'll just get a coffee and then...
19:54I have to tell my mom about the good news.
19:57She will be very happy.
19:59I hope so.
20:01See you later.
20:02See you later.
20:11Eyes closed!
20:24Wow, it's really beautiful.
20:26I knew it would be.
20:29You're the best, Mom.
20:42Katja Saalfeld again.
20:44I'm worried about the wine sticks in the cold.
20:47Maybe you could call me back when you hear this.
20:53Found it!
20:54I wasn't hiding!
20:56I have to tell you something.
20:59So, I'm here for two reasons.
21:03First, to visit you.
21:05And the right one?
21:07Mom, you're the right reason.
21:09And who or what is the secret second reason?
21:13The cancer in Tölz.
21:16Because I can probably...
21:19pretty sure...
21:21study for my doctorate.
21:25I didn't want to tell you because I didn't know if it would work, but...
21:28it looks like it.
21:29But you wanted to go to Berlin.
21:32In Australia, I developed a fable for the local.
21:36Okay, but your doctor father is also in Berlin.
21:39He doesn't care where I study.
21:42I understand, but now...
21:44Bielheim, Berlin, that's a huge difference.
21:47The landscape here is not exactly Australia.
21:51So, there are no koalas here?
21:54No, there are no koalas here.
21:58No, I just think it's so beautiful here.
22:00It's really idyllic.
22:02And I've always loved it as a child.
22:04Yes, but now you're grown up.
22:07I just want to warn you.
22:09Mom, I thought you'd be happy if I stayed a little longer.
22:12Yes, of course, but I...
22:14To be honest, I can't believe it yet.
22:18But you can.
22:21What are you thinking?
22:23You couldn't have made me happier.
22:29It's perfectly normal that I'm nervous.
22:32But I'm sure everything will be fine.
22:36And if not?
22:39Through Wilma I just realized how precious time is.
22:43Every day, every hour.
22:46And every person you love.
22:48How quickly you can lose each other.
22:54Maybe I should have told Mom the truth.
22:58No, then she would have canceled her vacation and couldn't do anything here.
23:04No more of these dark thoughts.
23:06It's an operation among thousands.
23:08Today alone, everywhere in the world.
23:16I just wanted to say good morning.
23:18Good morning.
23:20And, how are you?
23:22So far, good.
23:24I'm ready to go.
23:26Very good. You'll be brought to the operation soon.
23:29Dr. Weber already told you everything yesterday, didn't he?
23:32Although, maybe I should have kept my ears closed.
23:38She is a very, very competent doctor.
23:40And her whole system. You really are in the best hands.
23:46And, after the operation,
23:50will you call your mother as soon as possible?
23:53I'll be allowed to listen to something.
23:56But yes, of course I will.
23:58I had planned to as soon as everything is over.
24:20The wine recommendation for the lunch menu is the 89 Bordeaux and the late Burgundy.
24:24All right.
24:26Ah, hello, Mrs. Schwarzbach.
24:28Is everything ready for the company in the guesthouse hotel?
24:31Yes, everything is beautifully decorated, everything is covered.
24:33I just took it off.
24:35And the staff is also instructed.
24:39Your daughter is such a lovable young woman.
24:43Thank you very much.
24:45You can really be very proud of her.
24:47I am too.
24:49And now I'm glad that she'll stay a little longer.
24:52Oh, because of this study?
24:54You know about it.
24:56You have already tried to recruit me as a test subject, yes?
25:00That looks similar to you again.
25:02If you're not up for it, you'll be recruited right away.
25:05But she does it in such a cheerful, charming way.
25:09She is a real sunshine.
25:11My Vroni was like that too.
25:17For parents, there is probably nothing worse that can happen to you.
25:22There is no day when I don't miss her.
25:25But at some point you have to accept it.
25:34If I may give you a piece of advice.
25:36Enjoy every moment with your daughter.
25:42I will.
25:56Yes, hello, Maxi Neubach here.
25:59Tell me, can I print something out for you?
26:03Great, thank you very much.
26:05See you soon.
26:11What kind of chaos is this?
26:13Don't worry, it just looks like it.
26:15But everything is fine.
26:17Coincidentally, you are not alone here.
26:19Yes, I know.
26:21Besides, you are a guest here.
26:23I'm sorry, I...
26:25In 20 minutes, I'll be out of breath, I promise.
26:27I'll give you one.
26:29I... I just have to improve these five pages here, print them out at the bottom and then put everything in order.
26:34I'm interested in what you have to do.
26:37I assume it's a rhetorical question.
26:40In 20 minutes, the table is clear here, I promise.
26:47When I'm done.
26:54Oh, that annoys me.
26:56The construction company I asked for is not replying.
26:59And I can't reach the new architect either.
27:02A ferris wheel is probably not right at the top of the priority list, is it?
27:06We could have saved ourselves the trouble of coming here at all.
27:10I just have the construction staff at my disposal.
27:13And I don't want to be a burden to them.
27:15I don't want to be a burden to them.
27:17I don't want to be a burden to them.
27:19I don't want to be a burden to them.
27:22I just sorted the construction suppliers by price.
27:25It's all pretty expensive.
27:28Yes, but money is the least of our problems.
27:31Yes, well.
27:32But she doesn't have to throw her money out the window now.
27:35Yes, that's true.
27:41Still nothing from Lale?
27:45The surgery should be over by now.
27:48We don't know.
27:52Okay, then please write to her again and ask her.
27:55I wrote to her a quarter of an hour ago.
27:57Yes, and?
27:58She hasn't read the message yet.
28:01Maybe there were complications.
28:04Pure speculation, Philipp.
28:05Maybe Lale hasn't even arrived at the clinic yet.
28:08But I thought she's waiting there and keeps us up to date.
28:12Yes, that's true.
28:14Hey, everything will be fine.
28:16Pure speculation.
28:26That's weird, isn't it?
28:33Yes, that's weird.
28:39Hey, Philipp.
28:42Are you still calculating your chances with Anna?
28:50Even if they are probably small after the loss of trust.
28:56But it doesn't look better for you either.
28:59Thank you for mentioning it.
29:05You still love her.
29:08What kind of conversation is this?
29:10An open one. You started it.
29:26Let's go to the clinic.
29:39Have you already settled in a bit?
29:41Yes, I don't have much with me.
29:43But where are my things?
29:48All the documents for the clinic.
29:50All gone.
29:52Were they on the table?
29:54Well, the girls in the room wouldn't just throw it away.
29:58Wait a minute.
30:00What are we looking for? Simple, loose sheets?
30:04Tina 4.
30:05And a map and a folder.
30:07There's nothing here either.
30:10Was anyone else here besides you?
30:14Were you here alone the whole time?
30:18Christoph Saalfeld.
30:20And did he say anything?
30:23He wanted me to clear the table immediately.
30:26I told him I'd do it in 20 minutes.
30:28But he didn't like that.
30:31But he won't just throw my things away.
30:35Unfortunately, I don't trust him at the moment.
30:38But I still have to hand over the folder to Dr. Niedlblad.
30:42How am I supposed to do that?
30:45Whatever. I'll just print it all out again.
30:48I've got it on my laptop, thank God.
30:50No, wait.
30:51I'll ask him where your things are.
30:53No, no, Mom, leave it.
30:54He's not worth the trouble.
30:57I've had enough.
31:04A golden martini for you.
31:07And a little something to nibble on.
31:11Peggy McFlowers.
31:12Pete Hoffman.
31:14That was a fine game yesterday.
31:17It was fun.
31:18What can we do again today?
31:20Today again, I think.
31:21I liked it.
31:25I could be a construction lion or something.
31:27No, come on.
31:28Why not?
31:29You need to put in a little more effort.
31:31Yeah, like a rock star or something?
31:33Then you're my go-to.
31:34No, I'm the pretty one and you're the beast.
31:37No, I don't want to.
31:39Then we'll do Cleopatra and Caesar.
31:41Sounds tempting.
31:42Doesn't it?
31:43But I think it's much nicer if we gave ourselves those fictitious names again.
31:47And come up with life events.
31:49And fates.
31:50Yeah, yeah.
31:51And something like that.
31:53And we'll discuss that in peace during the lunch break.
31:56Guinness, we all have to go to bed now, okay?
32:02What can I do for you?
32:04Oh, I don't feel well.
32:09Where are Maxi's documents?
32:12Have you decided to throw any tricks overboard now?
32:15Still knocking?
32:19Where are my daughter's things?
32:20They were on the table and they're gone.
32:23Oh, and you're suspecting me right now.
32:26Have you already informed Commissioner Meiser and asked if a cell is free?
32:30How old are you?
32:33Your daughter has to choose another place than our living room for her mess.
32:37This mess are important study documents that she still has to submit today.
32:42By the way, I think it's pretty shameless how self-evidently she is spreading herself.
32:47Are you listening to me?
32:48You're overreacting.
32:49And you're just nesting your offspring with us.
32:52Werner offered that.
32:53So, where are the things?
32:56You have to ask Peter.
32:57He should get them out of the apartment.
33:00And you want to tell me something about manners?
33:02And how to behave?
33:04And disregard Maxi's property by letting a couple of people take their things out of the apartment?
33:09You're just being rude and self-righteous.
33:12And all of this just because you're blaming me for your misdemeanor?
33:15You're really unbelievable.
33:17You already know that I can fire you because of this insult?
33:24Not necessary.
33:26I don't want to work for you anymore anyway.
33:29Neither as a housewife nor as a sommelier.
33:31May I take this as a dismissal?
33:34You may.
33:36Reach for them as soon as possible in writing.
33:39And consider the dismissal deadline.
34:05And I would like to thank you again for this beautiful card.
34:11Yes, and then I wish you a nice and interesting journey.
34:16And best regards to the ships.
34:19To me too.
34:20To Alfons, by the way.
34:22Yes, of course I'll correct that.
34:24So, bye judges, see you next time.
34:31You can leave that to both women. Best regards.
34:35Where are you right now?
34:37Well, they're on the ferry from Gibraltar to Morocco.
34:42Well, that almost sounds a bit adventurous, doesn't it?
34:46Well, who would have thought that?
34:49You could almost get jealous.
34:53No, no, actually not jealous.
34:56Okay, the two of them have nice days, but...
34:59but we had a wonderful day yesterday.
35:03Yes, that's true, of course.
35:06So many nice surprises.
35:08First yours...
35:09Then the one from the senior.
35:11Yes, and then the nice food in the restaurant.
35:14I think it's great what Greta has come up with for us.
35:18Yes, absolutely.
35:20And that she's going to roast a pig for the second time in all the fine dining and chichis, that's just...
35:27Well, I think it was just for you.
35:30Was it actually just as good as mine?
35:33Be careful what you say now.
35:35It was very good.
35:37But not disgusting.
35:41Oh, my Alphonse.
35:44I had completely forgotten how beautiful our relationship can be.
35:50But now you know that again.
35:53Crisis forgotten.
35:55Crisis forgotten.
36:03Wait a minute, you said you were a sommelier?
36:06You didn't mean that seriously, did you?
36:09How else?
36:10Well, sometimes you say something out of the moment.
36:14And still mean it completely seriously.
36:16You promised to stay.
36:18I know.
36:22It just doesn't work anymore.
36:24I don't want to work for Christoph Saalfeld anymore.
36:26You don't work primarily for him, but for the restaurant.
36:29Yes, but he is and still remains my boss and...
36:32To be honest, I don't want to live with him anymore.
36:35Oh, that can be easily changed.
36:37A flat will soon be available in my rental house.
36:40You can move in there right away.
36:42That's sweet of you.
36:47For me, it's time to break the tent here.
36:50Oh, you want to go to the Ammersee?
36:53The vineyard.
36:55It's just my own kingdom.
36:57And I've invested so much for it.
36:59My heart hangs on it and...
37:01Not on a job at the prince's court.
37:03I'm sorry.
37:05I'm not making any accusations, certainly not, but...
37:08I would be very sad if you go.
37:11But the Ammersee is only a cat's jump away.
37:14And your daughter?
37:17I should keep the secret, but under these circumstances...
37:21She probably has plans here.
37:23Maxi invited me.
37:25Oh, that's good.
37:27Of course, it's still your decision, but...
37:30I would be happy if she comes along and then hangs around.
37:33Well, well.
37:34You still live here?
37:36Let's see.
37:41Oh, that's Peter, I have to go there.
37:44Christoph Saalfeld had Maxi's documents cleared out of the apartment.
37:51Yes, thank you for the quick call back.
37:53You were in our apartment earlier.
38:00Hey, Anna.
38:09There you are again.
38:14And you're not angels?
38:16With wings, hair of dust?
38:20Maybe he is.
38:22How are you?
38:25I don't know.
38:29Dr. Weber has just left.
38:31But she will come back to talk to you in detail.
38:34But I can already tell you as much as...
38:37Colleagues said it wasn't an easy operation, but...
38:41She was probably successful.
38:45Yes, you can only say that in a few days.
38:48How do you feel?
38:51The main thing is that it survived.
38:55Yes, that part already.
38:57Outside, Vincent and Philipp are waiting for you.
39:01I told them no.
39:03Yes, and that's exactly what I'm saying, no.
39:06It's just too early for so many visits, yes?
39:10They have to wait.
39:14Just put it on the floor.
39:16In the basement.
39:17You can't blame Pagen.
39:19He only followed Christoph Seifeld's instructions.
39:22The guy really exceeds all bad expectations.
39:25That's why it just doesn't make sense to me anymore.
39:28No, Mom, it's all my fault.
39:31Oh, nonsense.
39:32Our disputes started long before your arrival.
39:35Yes, yes, but you just announced it now.
39:38But that also has to do with the wine.
39:42Are you going there right now?
39:45I'm worried about the cold because of the ravens.
39:48My manager still hasn't called back.
39:51Not reassuring?
39:56Mom, I'd love to come with you, but I...
39:59We'll catch up.
40:00It's not that far.
40:03But if I go there, you'll come with me.
40:08Okay, now I really have to take care of my map.
40:11Have a good trip.
40:12Do it.
40:14Hey, Greta.
40:15You announced it?
40:18What happened?
40:19Is it because of Christoph Seifeld?
40:25Why do the good guys always win?
40:28Maybe because they can't stand the bad bosses?
40:33You know, I can't recognize myself right now.
40:36I'm aggressive and I'm going to be loud all the time.
40:39I don't want to be like that.
40:41That's a shame.
40:44I really enjoyed working with you.
40:47So did I.
40:48But we still have some time before the announcement.
40:51Are you going straight to Ammersee?
40:54The vineyard is our top priority now.
40:56I'm going now.
41:15Of course, Mr. Seifeld.
41:21You did a great job.
41:24Thanks to you, Katja and I lost an excellent sommelier.
41:27She announced it herself.
41:29Yes, because you can't jump over your shadow.
41:31I didn't do anything that would justify her behavior.
41:33Oh, come on.
41:34Don't pretend to be stupid.
41:36And Maxi, get the documents ready.
41:38Yes, of course.
41:39I'll do it.
41:40I'll do it.
41:41Don't pretend to be stupid.
41:42And Maxi, get the documents ready.
41:44Who do you think you are?
41:46I'm a shareholder who wants to be asked when someone moves into the apartment.
41:50I allowed Maxi to do that.
41:52I didn't.
41:53She belongs to the family, Christoph.
41:55And I'm not calling a meeting to have her move into the agenda.
42:00Katja Seifeld could have asked me.
42:05She would have said no anyway.
42:07Because she's her daughter.
42:09She's just as bold as her mother.
42:11You should have seen how inconsiderate she was in the apartment.
42:15Maxi can live there as long as she wants.
42:17It suits her, doesn't it?
42:18It doesn't suit me at all.
42:20Oh, then move out.
42:23And good luck looking for a new housewife and a new sommelier.
42:44What do you mean?
42:50So the goal would be to find out whether and how the different sports and their different breathing techniques
42:56in combination with the adapted nutrition affect the blood pressure of the test subjects.
43:01As the title says, yes.
43:03And it's already in the opening text twice.
43:09It could help to develop more precise recommendations for prevention and therapy.
43:21Your study seems to me to be well-developed.
43:26And it poses a very interesting question.
43:32Nevertheless, before I pass it on to the management,
43:37I would like to say that I have a few suggestions for improvement.
43:41Of course. With pleasure.
43:45All recordings.
43:47And it seems to me that the test subjects would have to write down their data themselves.
43:53Of course, I would make a protocol template and print it out.
43:56But data retrieval is done by app these days.
44:00By app?
44:05Well, to be honest, I don't know much about programming and stuff.
44:11But I don't know how expensive it is or how much it would cost to hire someone.
44:18I would have to find out first.
44:20Good. Do that.
44:31We meet again.
44:33Yes. Hello.
44:35Well, get well soon.
44:38Let the stress of the last few days go away.
44:40Yes, I will.
44:42And you greet Yvonne from me.
44:44Yes, I will.
44:46Yes. Good.
45:41Are you sleeping on a bright day?
45:45I brought you something delicious.
45:48Galactoburico from Asia.
45:58Oh, no. It's way too cold.
46:11That was a short visit to your vineyard.
46:17I wasn't even there.
46:22My manager just called me back.
46:32Last night.
46:35It was so cold at the Ammersee.
46:39That my vineyards froze.
46:45That means...
46:49Everything is broken.
46:52I'm ruined.
46:56A date like this in the afternoon.
46:58Does Theo really have to write that down?
47:00I mean, you don't forget something like that so quickly.
47:03He doesn't forget it either. He just doesn't think about it.
47:05Isn't it the same?
47:06You need help.
47:07And I just don't see how you can deal with all of this on your own.
47:10A kidney fracture is a serious injury.
47:12Especially if you, like Anna, already have a kidney.
47:16And of course Theo knows that better than the doctors.
47:19She actually told me that I shouldn't tell you under any circumstances.
47:25That means you're going to continue.
47:26Maybe as a French woman from the Pays de l'amour.
47:30Yes, but with stereotypes like that I'm always a little careful.
47:33Well, Nicole will be looking forward to the next round tonight.
47:38Why Nicole and not Yvonne?