Sturm der Liebe Folge 4265 Hildegards Mitgefühl

  • last month
00:30How do you get that?
00:32I... I just feel it.
00:34I hope the two of them understand.
00:36Michael is a doctor. He knows about the effect.
00:39Erik, I can't look him in the eye anymore.
00:42We have to tell the truth.
00:45Anna is an adult woman and Elegante is a very reliable horse.
00:51Isn't that Elegante?
00:57Okay, not good.
01:16Here are hoof prints.
01:20Unfortunately, everywhere.
01:22Philip, because everyone rides here.
01:24Yes, but how are we going to identify the imprint of Elegante?
01:27Elegante is a Baarhofer.
01:30He doesn't have a hoof iron.
01:34Like this one? Look.
01:46Talking helps with communication.
01:48Oh, shut up!
01:51You're to blame for the whole thing.
01:53Because of your stupid speech at the party.
01:55Are you completely crazy?
01:56Anna just left because the two of us argued.
01:59She knows exactly that she is not allowed to ride a horse in such a constitution.
02:02You're making me sick, just like now.
02:10If something really happened to her now...
02:46When I found out about Yvonne's affair with Christoph Saalfeld,
02:50I almost didn't marry her.
02:52And what do you think,
02:54how often I wished I had never found out?
02:58But I can't have any secrets from Michael.
03:00It's just that I...
03:01I feel so bad about it!
03:03I can understand that.
03:05But believe me, this will pass.
03:07Oh, come on.
03:09You shouldn't wake up a sleeping dog.
03:11But we're not talking about dogs, but about our partners.
03:15What he doesn't know doesn't make him hot.
03:18Erik, and lies have short legs.
03:21Talking is silver and silence is gold.
03:23Honesty comes last.
03:24And honesty is at the end of stupidity.
03:26Stupidity and pride grow on one tree.
03:28I haven't met him yet.
03:36The two of us.
03:38We're going out now,
03:40and we're going to live happily ever after with our partners.
03:50And I can only do that if I tell Michael the truth.
03:53Nicole, Nicole, wait a minute.
03:55Wait a minute.
03:56Something completely different.
03:57I almost forgot.
04:01Did I just express myself in a misunderstanding?
04:04Erik, what you're doing is your business.
04:07I'm going to talk to Michael.
04:09In peace.
04:10But in peace it's over when he finds out.
04:13That's why it would be better if you talk to her yourself.
04:27And when I brought him the towels,
04:29the two of them started to cuddle up again.
04:31They always do that in the gym.
04:33The dandelions from the closet.
04:36Behind you!
04:38That was close, thank you.
04:39You always get away with it.
04:41I'm sure we'll be just as good looking when we're 80 as the dandelions.
04:44They travel a lot.
04:46They're from China.
04:48And she told me that her husband said in a souvenir shop,
04:51look, everything here is made in China.
04:53It's just like at home.
04:56I think I need a drink.
04:57I'll get it.
05:00Did you know that Lale and I have the same taste in music?
05:03Huh? No.
05:04We even have the same favorite song.
05:08I think so too, totally cool.
05:10But I'm sure you don't have the same movie...
05:14...the same movie taste.
05:16Well, we both like Tornado of Passion.
05:18And I bet you're 100% into romantic comedies, just like me.
05:21You don't know Lale.
05:24Lale stands for hard-headed.
05:27Just like Theo.
05:28I'm hard-headed too.
05:29You are.
05:30But every now and then we watch a snob or a comedy or something.
05:34Yes, but we prefer to kill disgusting women.
05:40Are you sure you don't want to play along?
05:42Yes, I can't yet.
05:45Shall we do something else?
05:48Yes, it's still so early.
05:49How about the bridal gown?
05:51Yes, why not?
05:53Great, isn't it?
05:55No, I don't feel like it.
05:57Then we'll go together.
05:58At least for a short while.
06:00A short while?
06:02Don't worry.
06:05I'll learn a bit more for vocational school.
06:14I'm done.
06:18See you.
06:21Bye, Abi.
06:58That's it.
07:02The final stop.
07:03No more tracks.
07:07But just now it was only a short interruption.
07:10Yes, just now it was only a short interruption.
07:12But there are tire tracks here.
07:13A tractor drove past here.
07:15Yes, I see that too.
07:16Then please don't ask so stupid questions.
07:20But what are we going to do now, Doctor?
07:25I would suggest we go into the forest.
07:29If you extend the track, it leads directly into the forest.
07:32There are a few nice paths there.
07:34Have you ever been there?
07:35Yes, Philip, thank you.
07:36I've been to the forest before.
07:37Yes, and maybe she wanted to go in there.
07:39Anna wanted to gallop.
07:40How do you know that?
07:41Because she almost lost her balance in the step, Philip.
07:44And maybe the horse wanted to shake her off.
07:46No, not elegant.
07:48You can't know that.
07:50But I know what Anna's favorite track is when she rides out.
07:53And it's back there.
07:54So let's go look for it now.
07:56I'm going into the forest.
07:57Philip, please let us stay together.
07:59That makes the most sense.
08:00And I say it makes more sense if we follow the track and it leads into the damn forest.
08:04Can you be of my opinion now?
08:06Please, just once.
08:09I know Anna.
08:13And I've known Anna for a long time.
08:16That's not what it's all about.
08:18It's about me riding too, like her.
08:20You don't ride.
08:21That means I know best where she could have gone.
08:24Does that make sense to you?
08:25Can we agree on that?
08:30Dann lass uns bitte aufhören zu streiten, die Klappe halten und weitersuchen.
08:49Was machst denn du hier so allein?
08:51Ist irgendwas?
08:54Eigentlich sollte ich ja drüber stehen, aber...
08:57Kann ich dir helfen?
08:59In dem Fall leider nicht.
09:01Es geht um Christoph Saalfeld.
09:05Werner hat versucht zwischen uns zu vermitteln.
09:09Der nimmt dir immer noch übel, dass du die Polizei benachrichtigt hast, als er diesen Kerzenleuchter verbrennen wollte.
09:16Dabei wolltest du denen doch nur helfen.
09:18Ja, aber er ist trotzdem deswegen in Urhaft gelandet.
09:22Wahrscheinlich würde ich mich an seiner Stelle genauso verraten fühlen.
09:26Ja, aber das ist doch Schnee von gestern.
09:31Ich befürchte, dass vergessen oder gar verzeihen nicht gerade zu seinen Stärken zählen.
09:39Ja, der ist nachtakt.
09:41Aber er kann auch anders.
09:44Mir zum Beispiel hat er verziehen.
09:48Und ich war wegen Tom wirklich sehr böse und sehr ungerecht zu ihm.
09:54Du, vielleicht braucht er noch ein bisschen Zeit, dass er begreift, dass du ihm nicht schaden wolltest.
10:02Im Moment kann ich mir das noch gar nicht vorstellen.
10:06Oh Gott, ja.
10:24Tada, hier ist heute Tanzabend. Cool, oder?
10:27Freue mich.
10:29Komm schon, du wolltest auch nicht zu Hotel feiern. Erst als ich dich überredet habe.
10:32Und guck mal, wie viel Spaß wir hatten.
10:34Ja, aber ich will nach Hause.
10:36Und was ist, wenn ich frage, ob sie unser Lieblingslied spielen?
10:39Ich muss echt lernen, Stella.
10:43Für meine Fortbildung.
10:45Und wenn ich dich abfrage?
10:47Dafür müsste ich ja auch lernen.
10:51Das Tanzen holen wir auf jeden Fall nach.
11:03Die ist aber dünn.
11:05Ach, das passt schon.
11:07Nee, ich friere ja schon beim Gedanken ans Rausgehen.
11:10Ja, ich auch, aber ich habe den Weg einfach kurz hereingeschätzt und ich dachte, das passt.
11:14Dann nehmen wir wenigstens den.
11:16Und du?
11:18Habt du eine warme Jacke?
11:20Echt jetzt?
11:22Klar, ich gehe schnell zahlen.
11:24Ich zahle für uns beide.
11:26Ja, das macht 19,20 bitte.
11:40Keine Spur.
11:42War ja mal wieder Gold richtig dein Foto.
11:44Kannst du jetzt bitte nicht wieder damit anfangen?
11:46Doch, weil sonst nehme ich die Zeit davon neu.
11:48Ich weiß das.
11:50Wenn Anna irgendwas zugestoßen ist.
12:01Alles okay?
12:03Ich vermisse nur ein Pferd unter mir.
12:06Elegant ist er alleine zurück zum Hof.
12:08Und wie geht es ihm?
12:10Ihm geht es gut, wie geht es dir?
12:13Hey, was ist passiert?
12:15Hat er dich abgeworfen?
12:17Das war mein Fehler.
12:18Ich wollte viel zu plötzlich die Richtung wechseln
12:21und habe zu sehr in ihn gezogen.
12:23Hast du Schmerzen?
12:26Mein Schädel, trotzdem.
12:29Eigentlich wollte ich aufstehen,
12:31aber mir ist sofort schwindelig geworden,
12:33also habe ich mich wieder hingesetzt.
12:35Nicht gut.
12:37Warst du bewusstlos?
12:39Wie lange?
12:41Keine Ahnung.
12:43Dann rufst du an, das Hotel.
12:45Die müssen einen Shuttle schicken, Anna muss ins Krankenhaus.
12:46Das ist nicht nötig.
12:48Anna, du gehst bitte ins Krankenhaus.
12:51Mir ist nur kalt.
13:04Hey, wenn dein Schädel brummt, dann...
13:07Ja, tut weh.
13:09Warum weißt du das?
13:11Das hast du gerade eben gesagt.
13:13Gerade eben.
13:22Ernst, hi, hier ist Vincent Ritter.
13:24Wir brauchen einen Shuttle.
13:26Anna Alves ist vom Pferd gefallen.
13:44Das war eine richtig schöne kleine Party.
13:52Hey, ich habe alle Hebel in Bewegung gesetzt,
13:55um mit dir da hinzugehen.
13:57Schnuffi, hast du Spaß gehabt?
14:01Nein, wo jetzt?
14:03Auf der Party.
14:07Das habe ich gar nicht gemerkt.
14:09Und auf dem Pferd,
14:10das habe ich gar nicht gemerkt.
14:12Und auf dem Rückweg,
14:14da hast du auch nichts gesagt.
14:16Was ist denn los mit dir?
14:19Muss denn immer irgendwas sein?
14:24dich beschäftigt doch was.
14:27Ich spüre das doch.
14:31Mein Schatz, willst du mir irgendwas sagen?
14:41Yvonne, ich...
14:45Ich glaube, ich habe einen riesengroßen Fehler gemacht.
14:52Ich glaube, ich werde schon wieder krank.
14:54Der Hals ist ganz trocken bei mir.
14:56Und Nilas, ich glaube,
14:58ich würde am liebsten heute auf der Pritsche schlafen.
15:00Wirklich, dass du dich nicht ansteckst,
15:02um Schaden von dir abzuwenden,
15:04weil ich nicht möchte, dass du verletzt wirst.
15:06Weil du die Frau bist, die ich liebe.
15:08Ach, Schnuffi.
15:10Spiel mal rasch durch.
15:16Ach, ein herrliches Fest.
15:20Ich freue mich so für's Hotel.
15:24Warte, ich helfe dir.
15:28Du bist heute Abend aber
15:30etwas zurückhaltend, möchte ich sagen.
15:32Na ja, sonst
15:34kommt man dich ja kaum runter von der Tanzfläche.
15:38Na ja, ich gehöre ja nicht mehr so direkt zum Hotel.
15:41Ach so.
15:43Da dachte ich, ich schaue lieber zu und lasse die anderen feiern.
15:46Oder hattest du Angst?
15:50Angst vor
15:52einem Filmriss wieder?
15:57ist kein Grund, ein schlechtes Gewissen zu haben mehr.
16:01Wie wäre es jetzt mit etwas Jazz?
16:06Ein Glas Rotwein dazu?
16:20muss dir ganz dringend...
16:22Entschuldige, ich muss da rangehen.
16:25Ich habe nicht Bereitschaft, ja?
16:30Nicole Alves?
16:32Ja, ich verstehe.
16:36Ja, ja, ich verstehe.
16:38Ich mache mich sofort auf den Weg, danke.
16:40Gott, Anna ist...
16:44Sie ist in der Klinik? Ach, dann ist sie mal im Notfall.
16:47Oh Gott, muss sie operiert werden?
16:49Nein, Nicole, sie ist vom Pferd gestürzt.
16:53Sie ist bei Bewusstsein, ich muss sie ja untersuchen.
16:55Hör mir zu, Nicole.
16:57Es ist alles gut, alles wird gut.
16:59Sie ist im besten Händen, okay?
17:08Meine App verkauft sich formidabel.
17:13Oh, ich hatte richtig viel Spaß mit Stella.
17:16Ja, sie ist nett.
17:18Ja, finde ich auch.
17:20Bin doch etwas schräg, oder?
17:22Ich mag schräg.
17:26Schlechte Nachrichten?
17:28Wie man es nimmt, mein Vater.
17:31Wir treffen uns morgen Vormittag in der Lobby.
17:34Er hatte doch sowieso ein Treffen vereinbart.
17:36Er fragt noch nicht mal, ob ich Zeit habe oder wann genau.
17:39Das ist keine Verabredung, sondern eine Anweisung.
17:42Das ist total typisch.
17:44Ich habe jetzt schon keinen Bock mehr auf das Treffen.
17:46Ihn versetzen bringt doch auch nichts.
17:48Ich glaube, das bringt alles nichts.
17:50Tut es, glaub mir.
17:52Wieso bist du dir da so sicher?
17:54Ich habe gestern mit ihm gesprochen.
17:57Und ich habe ihn dezent darauf hingewiesen,
18:00dass du dich gern mit ihm aussprechen würdest über die Vergangenheit.
18:03Dezent versteht mein Vater nicht.
18:04Glaub mir, die Botschaft ist angekommen.
18:07Theo, ich weiß, ich soll mich nicht einmischen,
18:10aber ich sehe, wie dich das mitnimmt.
18:12Alles gut.
18:14Sehr gut sogar, danke.
18:16Vielleicht kapiert er es ja, wenn es von dir kommt.
18:20Und wer weiß, vielleicht entschuldigt er sich dann auch
18:23und wir können uns irgendwie aussprechen.
18:26Bestimmt du die Uhrzeit.
18:28Da muss er sich anpassen.
18:30Das ist eine gute Idee.
19:02Wenn Anna bewusstlos war,
19:04dass es nicht gewesen ist und sie Kopfschmerzen hat.
19:07Ich weiß, du bist nur Tierarzt.
19:09Aber was denkst du?
19:11Das kann ganz viel heißen, Philipp.
19:14Das kann im besten Fall aber auch gar nichts bedeuten.
19:17Und im schlimmsten Fall?
19:19Im schlimmsten Fall schweres Schädel-Hirn-Trauma,
19:22innere Blutungen.
19:35Du hast doch mit Dr. Niederbühl gesprochen.
19:38Konnte er dir denn gar nichts sagen?
19:40Philipp, er darf mir gar nichts sagen.
19:42War er besorgt?
19:44Ich weiß es nicht, der Mann hat ein Poker-Face.
19:47Aber wieso ist er jetzt so lange da drin?
19:49Um sie gründlich durchzuchecken.
19:51Aber so lange?
19:55Ich meine, wenn wirklich etwas Schlimmes passiert wäre,
19:59dann hätte er Nicole ja rausgeschickt.
20:04Ich habe keine Ahnung.
20:15Du, wegen vorhin.
20:18Es tut mir leid.
20:20Ich war der Idiot.
20:22Bei der Feier, unser Streit, natürlich war das meine Schuld.
20:25Wenn ich dich nicht so provoziert hätte,
20:27dann würden wir jetzt gar nicht hier sitzen.
20:35Schon okay.
20:39Zu einem Streit gehören ja immer zwei Deppen.
20:47Vielleicht können wir uns in Zukunft ja etwas zusammenreißen.
21:19Herr Licht.
21:21Wie geht es Ihnen?
21:23Gefällt Ihnen der Fürstenhof?
21:25Tolles Haus.
21:29Sehr solide.
21:31Also, das Dach.
21:32Der Blick geht immer nach oben.
21:34Das ist eine alte Dachdecker-Krankheit.
21:38Also, mein Sohn ist hier gut aufgehoben.
21:40Ja, das hoffe ich.
21:42Wir sind froh, ihn zu haben.
21:44Dann haben Sie ihn also schon getroffen?
21:46Na, ich hatte heute einen Geschäftstermin,
21:48aber wir werden morgen zusammen was unternehmen.
21:52Und was haben Sie vor?
21:54Das weiß ich noch nicht.
21:56Hauptsache, wir haben zusammen Spaß.
21:58Ja, sicher, nach so langer Zeit.
21:59Sie haben immer so ein ganz besonderes Verhältnis.
22:01Ja, ich habe drei,
22:03und ich hatte mit jedem so meine Schwierigkeiten.
22:05Also, aus meiner Erfahrung...
22:07Herr Seifels, es ist nett,
22:09dass Sie mir Tipps von Vater zu Vater geben wollen,
22:11aber ich kenne meinen Sohn,
22:13und ich weiß genau, wie ich mit Theo umzugehen habe.
22:15Schönen Abend noch.
22:30Hallo, mein Schatz.
22:32Sie hat ein leichtes Schlafmittel bekommen,
22:34damit sie zur Ruhe kommt.
22:36Das Gute erst mal,
22:38Anna hat keine Frakturen.
22:42Ein schöner Hirntrauma.
22:44Das klingt schlimm.
22:46Nein, es ist nicht schlimm.
22:48Sie war bei klarem Bewusstsein
22:50und wurde zweimal durchgecheckt,
22:52dass sie eingeliefert wurde.
22:54Sie hatte eine leichte Gehirnerschütterung.
22:56Und kann sich das nachträglich noch verschlimmern?
22:59Deswegen bleibt sie heute Nacht hier,
23:01damit wir sie überwachen können
23:03und auch im Notfall eingreifen können.
23:05Morgen machen wir nochmal eine CCT und dann...
23:08Was ist das?
23:10Kraniale Computertomographie.
23:12Das ist eine ACT des Kopfes,
23:14und die war aber jetzt in Ordnung,
23:16deswegen wirklich kein Grund zur Besorgnis.
23:20Ich werde trotzdem heute Nacht hierbleiben.
23:22Schatz, Schatz,
23:24das ist nicht nötig.
23:25Sie wird überwacht
23:27und das Krankenhaus sieht es nicht gerne
23:30in so einem leichten Fall ein...
23:34Also gut, ich frage die Nachtschwester,
23:37ob sie...
23:41Ich werde sie fragen,
23:43ob sie dir ein freies Bett reinschieben kann, okay?
24:18Wie hast du denn geschlafen?
24:21Ehrliche Antwort.
24:23Ich bitte darum.
24:28I can't get the conversation with Katja out of my head.
24:32But you don't feel responsible for it, do you?
24:37Not for the argument between her and the Saalfeld.
24:42At least not directly.
24:44But indirectly, I do.
24:46That's nonsense.
24:49Why didn't I notice that something was wrong with Tom?
24:53How should you have noticed, Heligard?
24:56Nobody noticed. Not even Schwarzbach.
24:59Oh, I should have noticed something.
25:02Heligard, you can't look into other people's eyes either.
25:07It's not your fault.
25:09And certainly not what Christoph Saalfeld accuses Katja of.
25:12Yes, but maybe I can mediate.
25:15Or I can help somehow.
25:18I had the impression that Katja could help herself quite well.
25:23I didn't have that impression yesterday.
25:25Still, the two of them should be able to do that.
25:31And you...
25:33You should try to leave the whole thing behind.
25:44Have you heard anything from the CCT results?
25:46No, not yet. Thank you.
25:49Anna isn't back yet either.
25:55Thank you again, both of you, for looking for her.
25:58Not at all. Of course.
26:01But that also shows that you have a bad conscience.
26:04Because you're both not completely innocent.
26:10Anna is doing quite well so far. She just had a slight concussion.
26:14She's still a bit weak, but she'll be back soon, yes.
26:17And what's next?
26:19She should stay here until the visit.
26:22But then she can go home.
26:24And in the next few days, she should recover.
26:46It's nice that we're doing something together again.
26:49So, as far as that's concerned, I was thinking,
26:51here in town there's a nice little café, my favourite.
26:54We could talk in peace there.
26:56Certainly not.
26:59Talk in peace?
27:02That's not for you.
27:05You can't even sit still for five minutes.
27:08Of course I can.
27:09Even fifty.
27:11Are you seriously going to sit in a café with me all day and talk?
27:14I didn't say all day.
27:17No, we're going hiking.
27:18Look, I left that at the reception.
27:21And I've got the camera with me.
27:22A really modern digicam.
27:25You want to take pictures?
27:27There are a lot of them here.
27:28We'll do a photo safari, like we used to.
27:32Yeah, okay.
27:33Back in the day.
27:34Come on, it'll be fun.
27:35Let's go.
27:38Okay, well then.
28:01So, how do you feel?
28:04Like I fell off my horse.
28:07One time wasn't enough, was it?
28:10I have to get used to it in the future.
28:12I have a very good trick for that.
28:14Just don't ride anymore.
28:16That's not an option.
28:18You still don't have a full nose?
28:20It was just my fault.
28:22Not elegant.
28:24I was way too excited.
28:26And you really don't belong on the horse.
28:30Michael told me that you were on guard all night.
28:34Although I'm being watched here.
28:36Philipp and Vincent also wanted to stay here.
28:42We were really worried.
28:44But Michael sent them home.
28:46Worries because of a slight concussion?
28:50It wasn't clear if it would stay.
28:52I promised to tell the two of them
28:54if you want to see them.
28:56And I would really understand if you don't want to.
29:00Can you give me my cell phone?
29:14At least I want to thank the two of them.
29:16I wanted to keep my distance,
29:18but this is a special situation.
29:30Can I cook you something delicious today?
29:32I'd love to.
29:34I'm really hungry.
29:36What would you like to eat?
29:42Philipp would like to visit me.
29:46And as a surprise, Vincent too.
29:52What will you write?
29:54Two yeses.
29:56Thank you very much.
29:58You're welcome.
30:00Thank you for coming.
30:02And she'll be here soon.
30:04Yes, I understand.
30:06Yesterday we wanted to have a nice evening,
30:08and then bam!
30:10It was over in one fell swoop.
30:12Yes, that's a shock.
30:30I can only say that I...
30:36that I'm really sorry
30:38that this happened.
30:54How do you know about Anna's accident?
30:58No, no.
31:00Please, don't worry.
31:02It's not that bad.
31:04She had a slight concussion.
31:06Oh, God.
31:08You don't know how happy I am.
31:12We're very happy too, of course.
31:14Did you talk to Nicole?
31:18How do you know?
31:24Did you talk to Nicole?
31:26Did she tell you anything?
31:28How are you?
31:32is relieved, of course,
31:34because it all went so smoothly.
31:36I can understand that.
31:40Thank you for feeling that way.
31:44Imagine what could have happened,
31:52It's nice to have a friend like that.
32:00You're not in it, are you?
32:08It's unbelievable what this thing can do.
32:10You have 25 frames per second,
32:12autofocus in 0.3 seconds,
32:14a great zoom,
32:16you can get any deer
32:18without a huge telephoto lens,
32:20so close.
32:22As long as it doesn't run away.
32:24You're right, I'd better shut up.
32:28To be honest, I was hoping
32:30we could talk in peace.
32:32About us.
32:34Your girlfriend, Lali?
32:38Lale prepared me for this.
32:40I know, she told me.
32:42I know why you're doing this.
32:44Maybe my methods of education
32:46weren't always optimal.
32:50they were a nightmare.
32:52It wasn't easy for me either.
32:56You know what's wrong with me.
32:58What I mean is,
33:00when I had to lock you up
33:02in the basement
33:04and you cried so terribly,
33:06my heart bled too.
33:08You can't lock up anyone,
33:10not even a small child.
33:12I didn't know what to do.
33:14You just weren't calm.
33:18Do you at least regret it?
33:22Theo, you weren't always in the basement.
33:24Your childhood was beautiful.
33:26No, it wasn't.
33:28It wasn't beautiful
33:30and it wasn't loving either.
33:34Do we have a chance?
33:44Now we'll get our shot.
34:06So, here you go.
34:40Thank you so much.
34:42I know, of course,
34:44that you're going to repeat
34:46what you said to the police.
34:48Keep talking.
34:50But you just wanted to help
34:52clear things up.
34:54Knowing that you're going to
34:56put me in jail.
34:58But that wasn't your intention
35:00or your fault.
35:02Tom deceived you all.
35:04He gave you the wrong evidence.
35:06I don't care
35:08how everything turns out.
35:10I won't let my employees tell me
35:12what to do and what not to do.
35:28Hey, that was quick.
35:34How are you?
35:52I like both of them.
35:54So please don't argue.
35:56Don't worry.
35:58We didn't mean to.
36:00I hope you like her.
36:06She's not quite your size.
36:08She's pretty, too.
36:10Small but fine.
36:14And? Are you feeling well again?
36:16Yes, I was lucky in bad luck.
36:18I'm very grateful
36:20that you found me.
36:22You're my heroes.
36:24Well, thanks to Elegant's trace.
36:26And, to be honest,
36:28thanks to Philipp's new
36:30spiritual side.
36:32He had a kind of...
36:34that something came to you.
36:40It all started with that
36:42fortune teller.
36:44She predicted my future with her
36:46tarot cards.
36:50I know that sounds a little weird,
36:52but somehow
36:54it made me more open.
37:00I can't really explain it to myself.
37:02But all of a sudden I had
37:04this numb feeling
37:06that something could have happened to you.
37:10she predicted my fate
37:12in Bichelheim.
37:18one way or another,
37:20she predicted
37:22my future
37:24in Bichelheim.
37:26The real hero is
37:30When we lost Elegant's trace,
37:32I wanted to continue my search in the forest,
37:34but he was sure
37:36that you'd gone to the lake.
37:38I just
37:40remembered how you
37:42predicted my future.
37:44I think all in all
37:46it was pretty good teamwork, right?
37:51Am I imagining it right now,
37:53or are you really nice to each other?
37:55We noticed
37:57that before the accident
37:59we were pretty close.
38:03So we made peace.
38:05Then the accident
38:07was good for something.
38:15We won't get a good price for it,
38:17but at least we got it.
38:19What do you mean, we?
38:21If only the deer had noticed us
38:23a little later.
38:25Or if we hadn't run away so fast.
38:27That's why you used to
38:29take pictures of hedgehogs.
38:31Those were pleasant slow motifs.
38:33Do you remember
38:35when we used to run races?
38:37We both enjoyed that.
38:39I hated that.
38:41Yes, because you didn't stand a chance against me.
38:43But you were good at
38:45beating yourself up in the fresh air.
38:49We could...
38:53Make a race.
38:55You don't feel like it, do you?
38:57I've gotten really fat.
38:59I have nothing against a small race.
39:03The tree as a target?
39:11From here?
39:17Like before.
39:21I see it.
39:23I'm looking forward to it.
39:25I say the goal.
39:27The goal!
39:35We won!
39:37Who's the hedgehog now
39:39and who's the deer?
39:51I see it.
39:55I see it.
39:57I say the goal.
39:59The goal!
40:09Take that, old man!
40:37Yes, of course, we have cottage cream.
40:39It's clotted cream, actually.
40:41Yes, this we have too, Lord Turner.
41:15He's postponed the job.
41:17But he was here yesterday.
41:19Yes, because I persuaded him.
41:21And then think about it, when dancing.
41:23The partner exchange.
41:25Yes. He didn't feel like it.
41:29The doctor wanted a torpedo.
41:31I see.
41:33No, that's...
41:35He definitely didn't want to dance with Nicole.
41:37And he hardly talks to me at all
41:39and is constantly lost in thought.
41:43Now that you mention it...
41:47Well, earlier at the Café Liebling,
41:49he was somehow...
41:53How so?
41:55Well, he was...
41:57but with his thoughts somewhere else.
41:59You see...
42:01And he was still
42:03looking for Nicole.
42:05Which one?
42:09Eric and Nicole.
42:11Are you allowed to have both?
42:13A fight?
42:21No, I can't imagine that.
42:23Nicole would have told me.
42:25And Eric would have told you too, right?
42:27But could you still
42:29touch my husband?
42:31Yes, of course. I'll try.
42:41Vincent and Philipp
42:43had a fight.
42:47Well, let's see how long
42:49they can keep it up.
42:51I'll keep my distance
42:53if fate allows it.
42:57It's strange what Philipp said.
43:01Is he meant for me after all?
43:03If, you can't change that anyway.
43:05So I'll let the future
43:07come to me.
43:09First of all,
43:11I'll focus on myself and Gut Talheim.
43:15Sounds like
43:17you had a good time together.
43:21I don't know.
43:23We did a race.
43:25And photos, like in the past.
43:27So you have nice childhood
43:29memories with him.
43:31A few.
43:33But he even wanted
43:35to photograph me to have
43:37a picture of me.
43:39And he said
43:41his methods of education
43:43weren't always optimal.
43:45But then it was all about
43:47how he felt about it.
43:49It's hard to admit
43:53Which doesn't excuse anything.
43:55I would have liked
43:57to talk to him more,
43:59but then he discovered a deer.
44:01And took the chance to move.
44:03It was pretty uncomfortable
44:05to talk to him in the basement.
44:07I hope so.
44:11the door is open
44:13to work through the past
44:15with him, right?
44:17It is.
44:19The beginning is made here.
44:35The beginning is made here.
44:41It's time
44:43to say thank you.
44:47I just met Michael.
44:49He didn't tear my head off.
44:51So I assume you didn't tell him anything.
44:53I was just about to.
44:55But I had other things to worry about.
44:57Oh God, yes, with your daughter.
44:59I didn't get that. Come here.
45:01I'm really sorry.
45:05it turned out well.
45:09Because of the distance.
45:11The decision I made
45:13was the right one.
45:15No, not at all.
45:19The accident was the only reason
45:21why I didn't talk to Michael.
45:23You've come to your senses.
45:25I'll stay honest.
45:27Honesty has nothing to do with it.
45:29I don't want anything to do with it.
45:31Can you help me?
45:33That could be difficult.
45:35We were on drugs.
45:37That's why Michael will forgive me.
45:39He won't.
45:41No, he won't.
45:43I'm sure he will.
45:45You forgave him, too.
45:47Michael is not as stable as I am.
45:49Psychologically, too.
45:51He's a burnt child.
45:53Caroline Lamprecht lied to him.
45:55Rosalie Engelmann.
45:57And Natascha Schweitzer.
45:59Please don't mention them.
46:03if you tell him that,
46:05you'll break his heart.
46:09you'll lose him.
46:15Hi, my boy.
46:25By the way, the excursion was nice.
46:27I liked it, too.
46:29We can do it again, if you're still available.
46:31Sure, whenever you're available.
46:39Just a reminder about my app.
46:41Time for my medication.
46:43What medication?
46:47You know I have ADHD.
46:49You read the article about my app.
46:51ADHD again?
46:53That's nonsense.
46:55You're not taking a medication
46:57against a disease.
47:01You know what? I'll give it to you.
47:05Of course, if you like it.
47:09I don't know what to say.
47:11Stella, it's just a scarf.
47:13An animal-friendly attitude.
47:15Can we go through this together?
47:17I could come with you to Thalheim.
47:19Then we can look at it together.
47:21Dirty towels in the bathroom.
47:23After we fought our way
47:25back to the top 500.
47:27You wouldn't do such a thing
47:29under Ms. Richter.
47:31Sun, beach, sea,
47:33doing nothing all day. A dream.
47:35What are you waiting for?
47:37How did I deserve this?
47:39Because I love you so much.
47:41And also because of last night.
47:43Isn't it beautiful?