Leila Farzad talks Kaos, The Decameron and shows finding their audience | Binge Watch

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Actor Leila Farzad speaks with The Independent's Jacob Stolworthy on her two new releases on Netflix, The Decameron and Kaos and how her characters fit into the type she likes to play.Leila also reveals the role she would 'Go To Bat' for and what it is that all hateful characters are really requiring.


00:00I think it perhaps is Marmite.
00:02I would argue.
00:03Hello and welcome to Go To Bat, a series shining a light on the hidden gems you should be watching.
00:08Today my guest is Leila Farzad.
00:12How are you?
00:12I'm good, how are you?
00:13Yeah, I'm good, thank you. Thank you for joining us.
00:15Thank you for having me.
00:16You aren't in one new project at the minute, you're in two.
00:20I know, it's a very greedy, exciting month for me.
00:24Is it weird when you're working on something, obviously over a period of time,
00:28and suddenly you realise, oh, these are going to come out at the same time.
00:31At the same time, yes, because one was shot two years ago and one was shot last year
00:33and they've both shown up at the same time.
00:35Well, yeah, no, it's nice to be able to have them both there.
00:41I mean, they kind of have similar messages, which is quite nice.
00:44They do.
00:45For things like interviews, so you can kind of go there.
00:47You can kind of link them in.
00:48So, one is the Decameron and one is Chaos.
00:52Like you say, they've got similarities but also very distinct in their own manner.
00:57So, Decameron is out now, it's on Netflix.
00:59Talk to me a bit about how that came to you, your character.
01:03It came to me, yeah, just a tape, a Zoom audition,
01:07to play this kind of stalwart backbone of the piece,
01:11which obviously is brilliant but you don't get to do the silly comedy
01:16because you're there as a foil for the silliness.
01:19So, I did used to get little pangs of like,
01:21oh, I kind of wish I could be a bit silly and a bit OTT
01:24and I was there to eye roll,
01:26kind of basically having a cigarette on the side going,
01:28these guys are so dreadful.
01:30These are such disgusting people.
01:32So, she's kind of the viewer in a way.
01:36So, yes, and then it was kind of a no-brainer when it was an offer.
01:41It's got a great cast as well.
01:43It's got an amazing cast.
01:44I mean, are you a fan of girls?
01:46Of course.
01:47Yeah, so, you know.
01:48I was starstruck and sex education and Veep and Derry Girls
01:53are all brilliant shows that they've all been in.
01:55The level of comedy and wit on that set was extraordinary.
01:59Just jokes flying around.
02:00Yeah, jokes flying around but not too much like Bantz,
02:03which can be really tedious.
02:05I mean, I felt very lucky joining that gang, let me tell you.
02:08I really was like, oh my God, these are proper comedy legends.
02:11So, yes, but I think everyone brings a different flavour
02:14and a different colour.
02:15So, then you get this lovely, I don't know what you want to call it,
02:18tagine, tapestry, something that's really delicious.
02:21You are deliciously round on my knee.
02:23I am plumper than my dress conveys.
02:25It's had a really lovely response.
02:27I think it perhaps is Marmite.
02:29I would argue.
02:30I think it's that whole thing of like when you've got modern day music
02:33and something that looks like it's set in the past.
02:36Some people might be like, some purists were like, wait, what?
02:39But then other people would flip.
02:40Proper hardcore Boccaccio fans.
02:42There aren't that many, but they might take offence.
02:47Or, yeah, people that wanted more truth to the actual original text.
02:51But generally, it's a fun ride.
02:54Whatever happened to modesty?
02:56And then you've got Chaos, which is a chaotic show.
03:00Now, Chaos is exactly, that's kind of my wheelhouse of TV.
03:04Just kind of a sprawling ensemble where you kind of watch one episode
03:10and a character bobs in and four episodes later
03:12that character is thrust into the spotlight
03:14and then it takes on new meaning.
03:17So Chaos is ticking my boxes.
03:19Oh, great.
03:20When you read the plot, some people might read the plot and go,
03:22I don't know, I don't fancy that, it's too high concept.
03:25I implore everyone to give it a go because you're hooked, aren't you?
03:29I think, I'd like to think that it's actually very accessible.
03:33Despite appearing sort of highfalutin and being about,
03:37based on the Greek myths, I'd say the language and the themes
03:40and the energy are accessible.
03:43Yeah, for sure.
03:44And some of the performances are fantastic.
03:47Obviously, we've got Jeff Goldblum in there kind of like at the centre of it.
03:50I made you and this is how you repay me.
03:55Everyone brings something and everything has such a,
03:58its own distinct style.
04:00I don't want to say anything about giving anything away.
04:02I know, there's also, there's like an A4 list of spoilers.
04:04There's stuff that you can't say.
04:05That I've had to study.
04:07But I'm glad you say that because I feel like the casting was so clever
04:12in that no one sounds the same, looks the same,
04:15brings the same performance and energy.
04:18And Greek myths are full of these crazy, idiosyncratic creatures, characters.
04:25So I hope that that's been translated.
04:28It definitely has.
04:29It feels like five shows in one and then seeing that all blend
04:32is like part of the thrill.
04:33Yes, yes.
04:34So your situation in the show, I don't know how deep we can go into it
04:38because obviously for spoilers, but you play Uri.
04:42I play Ari.
04:43Ari, and Ari is, she's a very interesting character
04:46because she's kind of, again I don't want to spoil it,
04:50but she's traumatised by an event in her life.
04:53And that's unfairly kind of tainting her future.
04:58So for you again, it's like it's, how much fun could you have in the role
05:02when you're dealing with something quite traumatic?
05:05Traumatic, yes.
05:06Again, I am not one of the kind of very OTT characters.
05:12I'm quite an earthed Greek character who, like you said,
05:17is informed by this really tragic past that's sort of infused
05:21into her bones and cell system.
05:24And she carries the weight of this thing that happened to her
05:27when she was very little.
05:29And so you see her, she's almost a royal figure.
05:32She's from a very high status family and she's very subservient
05:35and she is Minos' daughter.
05:37That's kind of how she's always,
05:38she's not a protagonist unto herself in the beginning.
05:41And then the spoilers, which we will not say,
05:44means that she breaks free from that eventually
05:47and can go on to be a warrior and fight for things that are more important.
05:51So being able to go on that journey as an actor is a real treat.
05:55I bet, I bet.
05:57And you worked with Georgie before on I Hate Susie, of course.
06:02Billie Piper is in this as well.
06:03She is. Cassandra.
06:05She's incredible, of course.
06:06So great.
06:07I mean, the whole cast, it is like a who's who, really, isn't it?
06:10Even like smaller roles.
06:11You're like, wait a minute.
06:13There's a whole smorgasbord of actors that you've loved and gone,
06:19it's him!
06:21Yeah, it's great.
06:22And new faces as well.
06:23Yeah, big star.
06:24Did you get to hang with Billie?
06:27No, we were never on set at the same time.
06:30She got out of a car,
06:31I got into a car and we gave each other a, and that was it.
06:36This series, whilst also talking about your two brilliant new shows,
06:40we like to talk about the stuff you've been in that might not have got the love it deserves.
06:45Upon release.
06:46So what have you picked?
06:48I've picked, well, I have picked Avenue 5, series 2.
06:52Avenue 5, I'm sure everyone knows what that is, but just for those who don't,
06:56it's Armando Iannucci, Simon Blackwell, kind of written show
07:00that was on HBO, quite big budget, I think it's fair to say.
07:04Starring Hugh Laurie and a whole bunch of other brilliant actors.
07:07Phenomenal actors.
07:08And it ran for two series and then it got cancelled.
07:12It did.
07:13They said no more, thank you.
07:16It is.
07:17I think it didn't quite get the traction it should have in series 1.
07:22And I think actually, for my taste, not just because I'm in it,
07:25but I do think series 2 is even funnier and finds its feet more.
07:30I wonder if maybe if you don't make enough of a footprint in series 1,
07:34people sort of don't pay enough attention.
07:37And it is niche because it is set on a spaceship
07:40and it is a very particular brand of humour.
07:43I mean, I love Armando's humour.
07:45But having rewatched bits of it, it's to me so witty and so silly
07:51and again like a commentary on humanity and how we all behave in a crisis
07:56and how inherently selfish people can be.
08:01And the cast is, you know, Zack Woods, Josh Gad, Susie Nakamura,
08:09Rebecca Front and Hugh, who's frankly, if Hugh leads the show.
08:13Sorry, I'm just internalising a lot of panic in the theatre right now.
08:21But now I've done that, I'm back in the room.
08:23I guess that question, like, why doesn't something land,
08:26you know, and could it have landed if it was released a year before
08:29or a year later?
08:30Like, what kind of goes into making a show a hit?
08:33And I guess you as an actor, you have no idea when you receive a script.
08:38Like, you have no sense, right?
08:40I guess unless it's like, oh, do you?
08:42Yeah, talk to me.
08:43You're the one who gets the script.
08:44No, I mean, I was thinking, I've been on a show where I've known,
08:50like, this is a pretty sort of, it's a fine script,
08:54but I certainly wouldn't carry on after episode two.
08:58It's like, it's quite boring and samey and I don't like how
09:02the female characters are written.
09:04And so I think you do, you know the good scripts,
09:09but then it can go through so many processes and so many cooks can be
09:13in that broth that then the eventual products can be a bit disappointing
09:17and like, oh, that wasn't, the script was so pure.
09:21And then I think in the other way, you can have quite an average,
09:24bland script, but with excellent editing and excellent acting
09:28and brilliant direction and some snazzy film work,
09:32you get something that people get really obsessed with.
09:35And also it's that weird thing, isn't it?
09:37That herd mentality when people decide to make something go viral
09:41and you watch it and you go, uh, okay.
09:46I'm not digging this.
09:47Yeah, I'm not digging it.
09:48But everyone's saying watch it.
09:49What am I missing?
09:51I'll give it a go.
09:52I'll give it a go.
09:54Like, it's really strange because you had all the ingredients
09:56for it to be a hit and then it doesn't land.
09:58And it's something that I kind of, well,
10:00when I report or think about it or talk about TV,
10:03just like if it went on Netflix, maybe it would have found an audience.
10:07But HBO is like one of the last bastions in America of like,
10:10something on HBO that could become like a water cooler series.
10:15Which we don't really have a lot of them anymore.
10:17No, you're right.
10:18White Lotus was the last one.
10:19White Lotus and then Succession just before that.
10:21I suppose Baby Reindeer.
10:22Well, that's true.
10:24I guess the difference is, right, where it's like Baby Reindeer,
10:28everyone's watching it, you know that,
10:30but you're not sure what episode they're on.
10:33And you're a bit like, wait, have you watched the episode?
10:36And you end up watching it because you can't bear everyone talking about it.
10:38You're like, okay, well, I'm going to have to watch this because I can't.
10:40And I'm going to have to binge it.
10:41I'm going to have to binge it.
10:42And it's not pleasant to binge.
10:45Absolutely not.
10:46It will make you hurt a bit.
10:48On many levels.
10:49Yes, it's going to like, you know, yes.
10:51Yes, White Lotus is pure enjoyment.
10:53Yes, that transports you, doesn't it?
10:56And Succession is just heavenly.
10:58If the White Lotus, would that be like a dream job,
11:00something like the White Lotus?
11:01Of course.
11:02An ensemble of people.
11:03Of course.
11:05I think when they were casting the latest one,
11:07I mean, The Buzz, people were like, has anyone?
11:11Well, like rippling around the editing.
11:12Yes, exactly.
11:13It's filming someone really exotic.
11:14But I'm sure it's going to be extraordinary.
11:16When Jennifer Coolidge died though, I was like, no, no.
11:19Well, then there can't be another because she's,
11:22she's the heartbeat of the show.
11:24So I'm interested to see what happens.
11:25That was the real bait and switch, wasn't it?
11:27Wasn't it?
11:28Wait a minute.
11:29She's going to survive the drowning, right?
11:31Like who actually died though?
11:33It actually left me with a sleepless night because of,
11:35she died in such a cruel way.
11:36And I was like, yeah, but she's so stupid.
11:38I'm like, no.
11:40She wanted to give her a cuddle.
11:42Tanya, it's going to be all right.
11:44Although I was very upset when she didn't pick up the,
11:47do you remember the lady that had done the full plan
11:50of how she was going to run her spa?
11:52Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
11:53And then she doesn't follow through.
11:54She doesn't follow through.
11:55She's like, right, bye.
11:56Bye, I'm going to go.
11:57You're like, okay.
11:58She's been up all night.
11:59She's one of those.
12:00She's one of those.
12:03But she needs to be, she just needs to be loved.
12:04Yeah, exactly.
12:05Most characters that are hateful just need to be loved.
12:07I would, that would be my hot take.
12:08Yeah, I like that.
12:10So your characters, would you say a lot of them have love,
12:13need love?
12:14What would you say?
12:16What do you prefer playing?
12:18Yeah, actually, that is a theme with a lot of my,
12:20because I play slightly jagged, jaded women.
12:26And I'd say a lot of them, yeah, need reassurance and love
12:30and needed it perhaps when they were very young.
12:32And so because they didn't get it, have grown extremely thick,
12:35almost metallic skin to keep out any pain because they will
12:40never be hurt again.
12:42And Naomi has been treated very badly and desperately
12:45heartbroken and has a little boy to look after.
12:48So she's tough as old boots, but inside is obviously,
12:52would love to be loved and looked after and love.
12:56Naomi, the same.
12:57Big star.
12:58Very, a lot of heartbreak in her childhood.
13:00And yeah, Ari's born, like born, comes into the world
13:05with heartbreak.
13:07And the prophecy that she's, that hangs over her head.
13:11Something very interesting about Ari and just like how,
13:13because of the, how she came into the world,
13:17just how her life has been kind of dictated by,
13:21in some small, you know, in some way, like men.
13:27No, of course it is.
13:28And then you've got her dad and then you've obviously,
13:29you've got Mephis kind of like using everyone as like
13:32little porn pieces.
13:34And then.
13:35And Zeus.
13:36And Zeus, yeah, being Zeus with everyone.
13:39Yeah, in a way.
13:41Like in her early episodes, I won't say go into specifics,
13:45but she is manipulated.
13:47She has to like, you know, really request and plead
13:51for something that she wants.
13:53That's a good thing.
13:56And it's like, she's this great powerful woman.
13:58She's been controlled.
13:59She's living in control.
14:01Under this kind of, it's like a, well,
14:04it's like the gods are a kind of totalitarian regime.
14:08That everyone is, and he is male, the main god,
14:10and then her father is the next person down and they are,
14:13yeah, controlling her, every action,
14:15what comes out of her mouth.
14:17And she has enough at some point.
14:21Look, it's been wonderful chatting to you.
14:23It's been wonderful chatting to you.
14:25I really want, I'm assuming everyone's already watching
14:27the camera, but if they haven't, they should go and watch that.
14:30I think Chaos is going to be a show on everyone's lips,
14:33I hope so.
14:34I hope so as well.
14:35And I mean, I don't know if it's too premature to ask,
14:38but is there any word about a follow-up?
14:41I think perhaps there is perhaps the word of a follow-up.
14:47So we need people to watch.
14:48Yeah, I think we need people to watch it
14:50and go on that odyssey with us because it's extraordinary.
14:54And like you said, I think it will stay with you
14:56and bring up questions and themes that are universal,
14:59not just Greek mythic.
