What does Jeevatma Antaratma and Parmatma mean?

  • 2 days ago
What is the difference between Atma and Jeevatma? What are Antaratma and Parmatma and how are all these different from Atma?
00:00Please tell me the difference between Atma and Jeevatma.
00:04Atma is Self and when Self is in wrong belief it is called Jeevatma.
00:13I with wrong belief is called Jeevatma.
00:16I with right belief it is called Antaratma.
00:19And Absolute I is a God, is a Paramatma.
00:23Self means you yourself is a Self or Atma.
00:27You believe that I am Subodh, I am doer, I am husband, I am so and so engineer, doctor.
00:34Then due to wrong belief you are in stage of Jeevatma.
00:37This wrong belief, ignorance.
00:40When you got realization I am not Subodh, I am pure Soul, then you become Antaratma.
00:46And when you reach to absolute stage of pure Soul you become Paramatma.
00:51So same Soul is Jeevatma, Antaratma or Paramatma.
00:57Just like a same person but wife says he is my husband, son says he is my father, father says he is my son.
01:04So we are same personality.
01:06But with respect to wife you are husband, with respect to son you are father, with respect to father you are son.
01:12Like due to ignorance we are in a stage of Jeevatma.
01:17And when we realize our Soul, who am I, then we become Antaratma.
01:22And when we reach to absolute stage, then it becomes Paramatma.
01:27Paramatma means absolute stage of pure Soul.
01:30Param is an adjective.
01:32Soul with adjective.