Spiritual/Relative Guru

  • last month
What is the difference between a relative and a Spiritual Guru/Teacher? Do we need to keep the picture of the previous Guru or current Guru in front of us and then meditate?
00:00You know you were saying that you have to meditate to your enlightened one every
00:06night. Is it possible to meditate to your guru that you've been brought up to
00:12pray to? Is it okay to meditate in front of him with his picture?
00:18Or does it have to be somebody specific? No, but when you were in 8th
00:23standard, that guru is okay for you. Now you are in college, so new guru.
00:29That's true. So this professor will help you. And still we should not
00:36stick to that professor. We want to reach to PhD. So go further. So these are
00:42the level of PhD directly. If you do this, that is best for you. So because they
00:52are guru for relativity. They will teach you live bad things,
00:58adopt good things. And here this is leader of spirituality. And they will
01:05teach live bad and good both, and come in pure soul. And they are remaining in
01:11pure soul all the time, 24 hour, every moment. So if we meditate them, then we
01:19will get power of enlightened pure soul. So that we can remain in our pure soul.
01:24So there are spiritual gurus. Yeah, this is better. Best thing.
