Development of the Soul

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Is there anything like some universal God inspiring all other Gods and Gurus? How do the souls get developed in the process and when do they attain salvation?
00:00Is there some kind of universal God that inspires all other gurus and teachers?
00:10No, from 1 mile to 100 mile, suppose last mile and after 100 mile there is a salvation or celebration.
00:22So who is the person, he came to 95 mile, then he will go to 96, 97, 98, 99, 100 and then at liberation.
00:38So like at higher development stage, the worldly God like Lord Mahavir, Lord Krishna, Lord Rama, they reach to higher development of say 95 miles.
00:56Then like Dada Bhagwan, he reached to 99 miles, Lord Simandhar Swami, he reached to 100 mile.
01:03Then after when he left his body, then total liberation, ultimate salvation.
01:11So higher development and at the full stage that person comes, he is helping lower stage person.
01:21So like that system is going on.
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