• last year
00:00Tucker may be the AI instigator, but it's Angela who created the most chaos this week
00:08and instigated her way right onto the block.
00:12Welcome to Live Eviction Night on Big Brother.
00:16Previously on Big Brother, with T-Core on top, T-Core, you're the new animal, so amazing!
00:27Her Sixth Avenue alliance was set to control the game.
00:33When her ally member Tucker volunteered to be a pawn.
00:36If you need me as a pawn, but I don't want to be up there, but I've offered it for everybody,
00:41so I'm not going to not offer it for you.
00:44T-Core took him up on the offer.
00:47I have nominated Mackenzie, Cam, and Tucker.
00:52Tucker has proven to be almost unbeatable when it comes to comps.
00:56So I want to utilize him in this veto competition to help me keep the noms the same.
01:01And said Cam, ole Mackenzie Packard.
01:03At the veto competition, it came down to Cam versus Tucker.
01:13Down to me and Cam.
01:14Both of us are on the block.
01:18Fudge that!
01:19And while the football players scored the veto.
01:22Congratulations Cam, you've won the golden power of veto.
01:27Come on now, what'd I say?
01:30Tucker became the BB AI assist.
01:34For the next week, whenever I'm asked a question, I'm going to have to go look it up in the
01:38BB encyclopedia and find the answer.
01:41The answer is sack butt.
01:44But Tucker also had a top secret task for the week.
01:49You can use this power whenever you want to call people out, create chaos, or stir up
01:55You guys know me well.
01:56And he used this power to stir up suspicion and cause chaos.
02:01I'm here to remind you that Quinn and Chelsea are not to be trusted.
02:05The house suspected Angela was behind the Avatar antics.
02:09She looked immediately guilty.
02:10When are we going to just call it out?
02:13So Tucker gave her a heads up.
02:15People are now suspicious that it might be you.
02:18Me what?
02:19Doing those deep fakes.
02:20Are you kidding me?
02:22And when he reaffirmed that she was still his number one in the game.
02:26Regardless that Rubina and I have this showmance thing, I was there for you first and I'm not
02:31going to forget that.
02:32It set off the mom's paranoia.
02:35He says he's going to take me further in this game than Rubina?
02:38Yeah, right.
02:39Causing her to turn on Tucker.
02:42Tucker, it looks like Troye Sivan, the person that I want, is gone.
02:46Quinn quickly sold the Utah Ma out.
02:49You start talking about how you're like the biggest target and if you're still on the
02:53block, like, we need to take you out.
02:56So while Tucker tried to reason with Angela.
02:59I was honest with you and then you tried to kick me out.
03:03What did I do to deserve that?
03:05Quinn made her T-Core's target.
03:07You told us we had to get him out.
03:10Angela, I'm on fire.
03:11Despite the betrayal, Tucker still wanted to save Angela.
03:16If I have any say in this, I think it's me.
03:19I mean, I'm not not considering it.
03:22But at the veto meeting.
03:24I have decided to use the veto on myself.
03:28T-Core shockingly put another 6th Avenue member on the block.
03:33I am naming Angela as the replacement nominee.
03:37Tonight, Tucker, Angela and Mackenzie enter the A.I. Arena.
03:45Will Tucker save himself for a third time by dominating the digital domain?
03:51Or will Angela or Mackenzie come off the block?
03:54And who will be sent packing?
03:57Plus, is the Tabina showmance in trouble?
04:01I don't know if it's real.
04:04Find out right now.
04:07Live on Big Brother.
04:11Oh, I feel it.
04:13It's happening.
04:23Good evening.
04:24I'm Julie Chen Moonves.
04:26Welcome to Big Brother.
04:28It's day 45 inside the Big Brother house.
04:32And the unexpected gameplay that has been the hallmark of the season continues.
04:38Even though T-Core is the head of household.
04:41Somehow, two of her 6th Avenue alliance members find themselves on the chopping block.
04:47So, who is the target?
04:51Who knows?
04:54The only thing we do know is that one of the three nominees will exit the B.B.A.I. Arena victorious and earn their safety.
05:02So, who will prevail in the arena?
05:06And who will ultimately be headed home?
05:09We'll find out live before the hour is up.
05:13But first, yet another veto meeting ends with alliances exposed, allies upset, and of course, tears.
05:24This veto meeting is adjourned.
05:38If any of the house guests would care to listen to what I have to say, I would really appreciate it.
05:43Not at all.
05:44I don't care what you have to say. Your word means nothing to me anymore.
05:47I am just shocked at T-Core's decision.
05:50After all I did for her, I asked for one favor.
05:53After all I did for you, I was her pawn.
05:56I don't know, I think I gave her $5,000 to be in this outfit.
06:00You have no faith in anybody.
06:02You're joking this game.
06:04I gotta figure out how I can just power through this on my own, because at this point, I'm fed up.
06:12At the beginning of this week, Mackenzie was our target.
06:15But then Angela tried to make a big move against Tucker.
06:18And on top of that, Tucker is mad that I didn't do what he wanted.
06:22Pinning up Leah as the replacement nominee this week.
06:25Now I'm not sure who I want to go home this week.
06:28And if I have to break a tie, I'm not sure who I would break it in favor for.
06:32Joseph, you've missed out on a lot.
06:36I'm gone for 24 measly hours.
06:38And I come to find out that not one, but two members of the Sixth Avenue Alliance are on the block together.
06:45Just goes to show that everything falls apart when Joey's not there.
06:48Tucker is a very fascinating, unique individual.
06:54I walked in, actually I listened in, on an alliance that he had.
07:01And I infiltrated that and I asked, could I please be a part of this?
07:05Can I please be a part of this? Please?
07:12It would mean so much to me, so I didn't tell people that I had this.
07:17Because I wanted to protect them.
07:19Oh my goodness, Angela, what are you doing?
07:23She's not giving away our names, but it doesn't take a genius to realize who she might be talking about.
07:29This is why we can't have nice things.
07:31Because we include Angela in things.
07:35I have been playing the most honest freaking game I am.
07:38And it might have bit me in the ass today.
07:42Fool me once, shame on you.
07:44Fool me twice, shame on me.
07:47That's crazy.
07:48I adore you, Quinn, I really do.
07:50But you should know, playing a game like that, no one can trust you.
07:55I just feel like you just can't be trusted.
07:59Is that fair?
08:00I can live with that.
08:02Why am I getting called out?
08:03All I did was spread some vital information that led to her going on the block.
08:07That's it.
08:08So why is she yelling at me? This isn't fair.
08:11And Tucker said he would never lie to me, but he did.
08:14So he can say he was protecting me.
08:16He can say all he wants.
08:17But the truth is, he does lie to me.
08:20And that's that.
08:22But I'm not counting myself out.
08:24I have already won two HOHs.
08:26I have been through hell and back in that backyard.
08:29And I'll be damned if I'm going home.
08:31If I stay, I promise to protect those that want to protect me.
08:38That is all I have to say.
08:44I'm still on the block.
08:46That sucks, obviously.
08:48And I also found out that there is an alliance that I am unaware of that Angela was part of.
08:53So yeah, there is obviously a lot going on in this house that I am unaware of.
08:58So I really need to win this AI arena.
09:04So T-Core puts me up, and I understand why.
09:07I went for the head of the alliance, and she had no choice but to put me up.
09:13I played messy, and I'm paying for it now.
09:28Can I come in?
09:31Of course, with the renum, we have our alliance blown up, basically.
09:37We have Tucker, who's, how do I say this, pissed about T-Core's decision.
09:43It's hard, and this is not the time for us to start straying away from each other.
09:48So I gotta do my best to try and keep the four core strong.
09:55And not have us turn on each other.
09:57Are you mad at T-Core?
09:59That's not fair, because...
10:02It's not fair. I was her pawn. I gave her $5,000 so she could enjoy her time as an HOH.
10:09I asked for one favor.
10:11I know.
10:12I'm already on the block, T-Core, and our whole 6th Ave alliance is to get numbers to protect me.
10:20But then you put another one of our alliance members up there who was one of our numbers.
10:25I just feel like my opinions and my actions are unappreciated in here.
10:33And I am not sure if anyone in my alliance had my back on that one.
10:39I'm playing a different game, and everyone wants to play it safe, so fine.
10:43I see it as I'm playing with JV kids and I'm on varsity.
10:47I've done a lot of favors for a lot of people, and I've gotten nothing back.
10:54It all feels very defeating because I'm trying.
10:58It doesn't matter. Nothing matters.
11:00I'd still like you to be here.
11:02Unless that doesn't matter either. Like, I don't know what's real in here.
11:09You're wondering if anything in this house is real?
11:15There should be at least one thing that's real, right?
11:19If I'm getting played right now, hi, I'm a human being, and I would be crushed.
11:33If you're wondering if this is real, boy, I'm wondering too.
11:40Up next, comp beast Tucker on the block could prove too tempting for the house guests to pass up.
11:48Then, the doors to the BBAI arena are open once again.
11:54Will Mackenzie, Tucker, or Angela prevail and win their safety?
12:00Stay with us.
12:09Welcome back to Big Brother.
12:11Trusting anyone in the Big Brother house can be dangerous, whether it's with your game or with your heart.
12:25What's on your mind?
12:27A lie.
12:30Do you want to make this final two and keep me in this place?
12:34Because you're the only thing that's going to keep me in here.
12:39Why don't you say that?
12:42I'm being serious.
12:45Oh, now you want to make a final two.
12:48That's convenient timing, considering you're on the block, and you need to make sure you have a vote, and you need to make sure that I'm still Team Tucker.
12:58I have a question.
13:01I don't know what's true anymore.
13:05I can tell you my feelings for you are the truest thing in this house.
13:10And those can't be faked.
13:11But you could. I don't want to feel stupid.
13:13No, I can't.
13:15I mean, I can't. I couldn't do that to anybody.
13:20Know how good I feel when I hug you and when I kiss you.
13:23And know that that feeling can't be faked.
13:28Tucker is good at what he does, which is talk and play a part.
13:36And while every inch of my body says, trust it, my brain says, girl, we're in a game.
13:44Oh, my brain is.
13:49I wish you could feel it more for me. I don't know what else to do.
13:53It feels real.
13:57But it's obviously scarier because it's in here.
14:10I'm trying to navigate. Who do I try to align with moving forward?
14:15Because I'm trying to ensure you're protected as long as I can, as well as myself.
14:20I'm starting to feel like I'm on the outs, and I need to flip this house to get power back in my favor.
14:25And I think a good way to start that is to get Tucker out of this house.
14:29Do you want Tucker to stay in there? Do you not?
14:31Probably not.
14:36I think if any time there was an opportunity, it would be now.
14:40If he loses AI.
14:41If he loses AI.
14:43We just got to go over our bases.
14:45I know, but if we have the numbers to do it.
14:48Yeah, that's it. That's the biggest thing.
14:50But I just don't want to end up on the wrong side of the boat again.
14:55So I just want to see where the house is thinking.
15:00Yeah, okay.
15:03Figure it out.
15:04While Tucker and I have been working closely recently, he did put me up and blew up my whole game.
15:09And he is a big target and a big distraction, which is very good for me.
15:13But if he goes, I feel like this game breaks open for me and Chelsea to go ahead and win comps.
15:17So it is risky, but if we have the numbers, I think we got to do it.
15:22I do think that people are choosing to not say his name until they know he is the one talking to them.
15:30I know.
15:31Because if he wins, he's going after those people.
15:35I don't want to openly campaign to get Tucker out.
15:38That might be a little bit too risky for my game.
15:40So I kind of want to feel people out, see where they're at, and see if we have enough votes to get Tucker out of this house.
15:47I feel like Mackenzie is going home.
15:50Because she doesn't want to hear.
15:52We have a way bigger fish to fry.
15:54Me and you have work to do.
15:56I know.
15:59Do I need a minute?
16:01No, no, no.
16:02How are you feeling, girl?
16:05I think I would go home against Angela.
16:10I feel like maybe I could go home against Tucker.
16:13I feel like maybe I could go home against Tucker.
16:15But at the same time, I don't know if people are protecting him.
16:18Or if they're going to really see him for how good he is and get him out.
16:24As long as he's here.
16:25And everybody else.
16:28Tucker, Rubina, Kimo, and D'Cour.
16:31You know that those four are the tightest.
16:35It's hard to break in.
16:36The way you break in is tough.
16:38You have to get Tucker out.
16:40In the event that I take myself off the block this week, I would send Tucker home.
16:44If we only get one shot in this house to take him out, it would probably be now.
16:48So, we might have to take it.
16:56Tucker's a part of basically every alliance that has existed in this house.
17:00He's never included me in his plans.
17:02So, why should I include him in mine?
17:04You miss 100% of the shots that you don't take.
17:07And if we have the opportunity to get him out, I think we should 100% take it.
17:14So, we got myself, Cam, Leah.
17:17And if either Mackenzie or Angela take themselves off the block after the arena,
17:21they have more than enough reason to easily vote to get Tucker out of this house.
17:25So, that's four.
17:26All we need is one more.
17:29Maybe Gwen.
17:31That would give us the votes.
17:34You have to win.
17:36I know.
17:42How are you doing?
17:43You know, pretty good.
17:44How's this game treating you?
17:46It's alright.
17:47I know where I stand.
17:48I'm not dumb.
17:49I see it all.
17:50And we are on the outs.
17:54I feel comfortable saying this out loud to you because we have to have each other.
17:58I know, Gwen.
17:59Otherwise, we are straight up ****.
18:01I know.
18:02And I have your back 100%.
18:05Nobody is talking about if Mackenzie or Angela wins.
18:09Because they are so scared of Tucker.
18:14Do you feel like he's after your head still?
18:17But he's pretending like he's not.
18:19He's pretending like he's not.
18:20I was counting up the votes in the shower on what it would take to take out Tucker.
18:26But I count the votes too.
18:29Me, Leah, she's down.
18:33Kim, down.
18:35Then whoever the nominee comes down.
18:40With Mackenzie Flip?
18:44We have the numbers if you're down.
18:48Big dogs eat.
18:49Come on now.
18:50I've been wanting to get Tucker out of this game for a hot minute.
18:55But there's still some risks that I have to be cognizant about.
18:58There's a chance that I get him out of the game.
19:01And now the people who I am the closest to in this game don't trust me any longer.
19:06This is a huge risk and something that I'm going to have to pour gallons of thought into.
19:10I will do it if it happens.
19:13So I'm pretty sure I have all votes to get Tucker out.
19:16So if he's still sitting on the block after AI Arena, everybody's aware of the game plan.
19:20And all we have to do is execute it and get Tucker out of this house.
19:25Hell yes.
19:26Hell yeah.
19:35Up next, Mackenzie, Tucker, and Angela head into battle in the BBAI Arena.
19:42And with the house up in the air, all three are in jeopardy of going home tonight.
19:48Who will be left on the block when all is said and done?
19:52Find out next.
19:54Stay with us.
20:13Welcome back to Big Brother.
20:16Tucker is undefeated in the BBAI Arena.
20:21Can he keep his streak alive?
20:24Mackenzie was victorious in the arena once before.
20:28Will she pull off a second win tonight?
20:31Angela turned her back on her closest ally, Tucker.
20:36Now she must face off against him for her life in the game.
20:41Let's head to the BBAI Arena and get things started.
20:47Mackenzie, Tucker, and Angela, welcome to the BBAI Arena.
20:52This is your last opportunity to remove yourself from the chopping block.
20:57Remember, the winner will be safe, while the two losers will immediately return to the house to face an eviction vote.
21:06My competition this week is called Puzzling Password, and here are the rules to my game.
21:12My operating system needs a critical update, and it requires a password to install it.
21:18On go, you will each assemble a 10-piece password puzzle.
21:23Once assembled, it will reveal a 10-digit password.
21:27You must then search the encryption keys and find the one with the matching password.
21:32Then, plug it into your answer port and hit your button.
21:36If you are correct, a flashing white light will appear.
21:40If you are incorrect, a red light will appear, and you must try again.
21:45The first player who correctly builds their password puzzle and enters the correct encryption key
21:51will win this competition and be removed from the block.
21:55Good luck, players.
21:59Thank you, Ainsley.
22:01All right, nominees, do you all understand the rules?
22:09Then get ready, because this competition starts now.
23:30Congratulations, Mackenzie, for the second time this season.
23:34You have won in the BBAI arena, and you are officially off the block.
23:41However, I do need all three of you to please return to the Big Brother house immediately
23:47because the live eviction will be starting shortly.
23:51Oh my God.
23:52Oh my God.
23:53Oh my God.
23:54Oh my God.
23:55Oh my God.
23:56Oh my God.
23:57Oh my God.
23:59Okay, let's go.
24:00We gotta go.
24:01Oh my God.
24:02Oh my God.
24:04That went pretty good.
24:05Yeah, yeah.
24:06That went pretty good.
24:07Oh yeah.
24:08I thought they were supposed to face back here.
24:10I did pretty good.
24:11I did pretty good though.
24:13So Mackenzie is safe, and who's going home tonight is anyone's guess.
24:20Stay with us.
24:21Welcome back to Big Brother.
24:40Having just triumphed in the BBAI arena, McKenzie is now safe.
24:46But between Tucker and Angela, who goes home could come down to a game-time decision.
24:54Let's head to the living room and give everyone the news.
24:57Hello, houseguests.
24:59Hi, Julie.
25:01All right.
25:02You all know McKenzie, Angela, and Tucker all just competed in the BBAI arena.
25:10And it is time to reveal who won and who remains on the block.
25:15Once I announce the results, remember, that's when everyone will have a few moments to strategize
25:22before the live voting begins.
25:25All right.
25:27Nominees, start heading on downstairs.
25:32The houseguest who claimed victory in the BBAI arena is McKenzie.
25:41Shut down.
25:42Oh, I just.
25:43You OK, Angela?
25:44Is that OK?
25:45Yeah, I do.
25:46Good job, Texans.
25:47Oh, God.
25:48Oh, my God.
25:49That was really appreciative.
25:50I would love to stay, I would love to stay here.
25:51I'd love to keep fighting alongside of you guys.
25:53I'd love to be with you guys in the future.
26:02It was a dream.
26:05I'd love to stay here.
26:06I'd love to keep fighting alongside of you guys.
26:09I'd love to be with you guys.
26:11I want to be with you guys.
26:13I want to be here, I want to be here.
26:18Quinn, I saved you, if you could save me now.
26:22My G, everybody.
26:24This is my dream.
26:26I've wanted this since my kids were little.
26:30I've wanted it so bad, I didn't know it was tangible.
26:32But I'm here, I'm living proof
26:34that dreams can come true.
26:35And I want to keep living that dream, you guys.
26:38Please let me stay.
26:39Let me fight alongside of you.
26:41Let me protect you.
26:42Let me be your friend.
26:44Let me be somebody here that can comfort you
26:46when you need it.
26:47You have your number.
26:48I need you guys.
26:49This is it for me.
26:52I need you guys.
26:53Good job, guys.
26:54We know you both want to be here.
26:56We know you both want to be here.
26:56We need you guys.
26:58We'll get each other's back out there,
26:59we both got this.
27:01We love you.
27:05I'm so sorry.
27:05Good job.
27:12Where are we going?
27:16Can you just give us a minute?
27:18I don't care what they do.
27:18You already know.
27:23I really want to be here, guys.
27:24I really do.
27:25I know.
27:29Okay, we have to start talking.
27:31We have to start talking.
27:32You're gonna stay.
27:34I was telling them to keep you anyway this whole week.
27:39God, Tucker.
27:41I love you.
27:42I do.
27:43I do love you.
27:44And I would believe anything you say to me
27:47outside of this house.
27:53House guests, I need everyone to gather
27:56in the living room right now and take a seat.
27:59It is time for the live vote and eviction.
28:04Oh my God.
28:16Tucker, Angela.
28:18Oh, she's wearing red.
28:19In just moments, your housemates
28:21will cast their votes for evict live,
28:22but before they do, you know how this goes.
28:25You each have a final chance to sway their votes
28:28with one brief statement.
28:30Tucker, you're up first.
28:34I love all you guys dearly.
28:36I do not want this to end yet.
28:38I still feel like there's a lot more fun games to be played.
28:40I like to keep this house light
28:42when it's a very dark time and hard times for everybody.
28:46I feel like I've done a lot for a lot of people
28:47in this house and I would really appreciate your votes now.
28:52And with that being said, you know,
28:56it's just a game and I love to play games.
28:59So if you keep me, I would really appreciate it.
29:02And, you know, it's everybody's dream to do this
29:05and everybody's dream to win it.
29:06And I'd be happy if anybody wanted in here.
29:10I just hope I can be a part of it.
29:12Thank you, Tucker.
29:15Andy, Jesse, Chuck, Amanda, Christine, CJ, Lexi,
29:19Elise, Levi, Wes.
29:20I love you and I'm gonna stay here to fight
29:22if they're willing to let me stay.
29:24I wanna stay here with you guys.
29:27You're all so amazing.
29:28And I couldn't imagine a better cast of individuals
29:32to play this game with.
29:33I have connected with every single one of you
29:36on a personal level and I just wanna stay
29:38and get to know more about you and have fun living my dream.
29:42Please vote to keep me because I want it so bad
29:46and I just wanna be here with you guys.
29:48And Tucker is amazing,
29:50but I don't wanna ride on somebody's coattails.
29:53I wanna fight and play for my own game.
29:55And that's why I had the guts to do what I did
29:58because I came here to learn something about myself,
30:01that I am strong, that I can fight,
30:03and that I can stand on my own two feet.
30:05I've had somebody protecting me since I was 15 years old.
30:08It was time to learn who the hell Angela was
30:11and I'm doing that with you guys.
30:13So thank you in advance.
30:15Thank you, Angela.
30:17Thank you both.
30:18All right, everyone.
30:19It's now time for the live voting to begin.
30:21As always, the two nominees are not allowed to vote.
30:26As current head of household,
30:27you will only vote in the event of a tie.
30:29One at a time, the rest of you will enter the diary room
30:33and cast your vote to evict.
30:35Tonight, it takes just five votes to be evicted.
30:39Rabina, you're up first.
30:40Please go to the diary room.
30:48Rabina has been romantically tied to Tucker
30:51for most of the summer.
30:52Is this showman still going strong?
30:55Hi, Rabina.
30:56Hi, beautiful.
30:57Please cast your vote to evict.
31:00I vote to evict Angela.
31:04Thank you, love you family.
31:05Love you, Palans.
31:06And my rat pack, Brittany, Jimmy, and his butt butt.
31:09Chelsea is looking to take back control of the house.
31:12To do that, she knows she needs Tucker gone.
31:17Hello, Chelsea.
31:18Is that my auntie?
31:19It sure is.
31:19Auntie needs you to cast your vote.
31:22Listen, Auntie Julie, I vote to evict Tucker.
31:25Finally, baby.
31:26Got him out.
31:28Ezra, Enzo, Thomas, Matthias.
31:31Ashley, Smiles, I love you guys.
31:43Currently, the vote is one vote to evict Tucker,
31:46one vote to evict Angela.
31:48The remaining votes, when we return.
31:49Stay with us.
32:12Welcome back to Big Brother.
32:14The house guests have been voting to evict
32:16either Tucker or Angela.
32:18And with one vote each, it is currently a tie.
32:21Let's continue with the live voting.
32:24Kimo and Tucker are in the friends alliance,
32:28but is this the one where he chooses to vote him out?
32:34Aloha, Kimo.
32:35Aloha, Julie.
32:36Please cast your vote to evict.
32:40I sadly vote to evict Angela.
32:49Joseph and Tucker have a final two deal.
32:53Will he honor that?
32:59Hello, Joseph.
33:01How's the stash, Julie?
33:02Well, looking good.
33:04All right, thank you.
33:06Please cast your vote to evict.
33:08I sadly vote to evict Angela.
33:17Angela has bonded with Leah,
33:19but does Leah feel the same?
33:25Hi, Leah.
33:26Hi, Julie.
33:27You look sensational.
33:28Thank you, so do you.
33:29Please cast your vote to evict.
33:31I vote to evict Tucker.
33:35Friends, family, I love and I miss you so much.
33:39Mackenzie isn't aligned with either nominee,
33:42but she knows Tucker is the bigger threat.
33:47Congratulations again, Mackenzie.
33:49Thank you so much.
33:50All right, we have business.
33:52Please cast your vote to evict.
33:54I sadly vote to evict Tucker.
33:57Mama, daddy, bub, I love y'all.
33:59Friends, love y'all.
34:00Miss y'all.
34:03There is no love lost between Quinn and Angela,
34:06but tonight there is a bigger fish on the block.
34:11Hello, Quinn.
34:13Julie, you just look hauntingly beautiful.
34:16Why, thank you.
34:17Please cast your vote to evict.
34:19I hope this works.
34:20I vote to evict Mr. Bro-Code himself, Tucker.
34:25John, I need a trim.
34:26Jabari, you seem like a cool guy.
34:30Cam knows this may be his only opportunity
34:34to take Tucker out.
34:36Is it time to strike?
34:39Hello, Cam.
34:40Yeah, how we doing, Julie?
34:43Please cast your vote to evict.
34:48I vote to evict Tucker.
34:51Shout out my dogs at the crib.
35:04All of the votes are in.
35:06Let's give the news to the house guests.
35:10House guests, the votes are in.
35:12When I reveal the vote,
35:13the evicted house guests will have
35:15just a few moments to say goodbye,
35:17gather his or her belongings,
35:19and walk out the front door.
35:22By a vote of five to three,
35:26Tucker, you are the sixth house guest evicted.
35:30I'm coming home, Ziggy.
35:34I got you.
35:42I love you, guys.
35:45Crush it.
35:46I love you.
35:46I love you so much.
35:49Okay, got it.
35:52I love you.
35:53I love you.
35:56I love you.
35:58I love you.
35:59I love you.
36:00Crush it, you guys got this.
36:06Got you, girl.
36:06I love you.
36:09This house won't be the same without you, Tucker.
36:12It won't.
36:19Take this.
36:23I'm sorry.
36:24I'm so sorry.
36:26I'm sorry.
36:29I thought I had it.
36:31I told you it was amazing.
36:33It's amazing.
36:42Oh my gosh.
36:46It's hot in here.
36:50I'll bring Ziggy out here.
36:51You heard?
36:54Yeah, I don't have enough room.
36:56I had it back, dude.
36:57I had it back.
36:58I voted for it.
36:59I love you, man.
37:00Thank you for all the love.
37:06I hate you.
37:10We'll miss you, Tucker.
37:12Miss you guys, too.
37:18Everyone still better come to New York, you know?
37:22Kenny, I'm coming to Boston.
37:26Love you, Tuck.
37:27Love you, guys.
37:28I love you.
37:29I love you, Tucker.
37:30I do.
37:31One more for the road.
37:54What an outfit.
37:56When we come back,
37:58we have a lot to talk about with Tucker.
37:59Stay with us.
38:15Welcome back to Big Brother.
38:16I'm sitting here with Tucker,
38:18who was just evicted by a vote of five to three.
38:21Looking at you in the BBA arena,
38:24I didn't recognize you.
38:25Did you throw it?
38:27No, I built the thing backwards,
38:30and it wasn't going.
38:31I thought I had to have the numbers facing
38:33where the board was, not me.
38:35You love puzzles, so you just misunderstood.
38:37I love puzzles.
38:38I just misunderstood this one.
38:40I asked you, do you understand the rules,
38:42and you said yes.
38:42I know, I know.
38:44All right, five to three,
38:45the people who voted to keep you,
38:47no surprise, Robina.
38:49Do you know the other two who voted to keep you?
38:52Kimo and Joseph.
38:55Who, if anyone, do you feel betrayed by?
38:58Nobody, they're all lovely people.
39:00It's a game.
39:01I knew that I was a tough competitor,
39:02and whenever people were gonna get the shot
39:05to take me out, they were gonna take it,
39:06so nobody really.
39:10I thought Mackenzie would do the vote, but.
39:13You thought Mackenzie would what?
39:14Would vote to keep me.
39:16So what does that tell you?
39:18The fact that you know she didn't.
39:20I was gonna vote to not keep her,
39:24so what goes around comes around.
39:26Did she tell you she would vote to keep you?
39:29So why do you think she was playing you,
39:32or do you think she had a chance?
39:33I think she heard I was maybe playing her, so.
39:36And you were.
39:37So what happens, yeah, I needed that win really bad,
39:40and didn't get it, but it still feels like a win
39:42having this opportunity, so.
39:46Angela admitted straight to your face
39:49that she betrayed you,
39:51and you still stuck out your neck for her.
39:54Because I'm a man of my word.
39:57Didn't want to fall back on it,
39:58and I figured if I won that and Angela stayed,
40:02she would maybe finally believe me.
40:08You were the AI instigator, and America's Been Voted.
40:11Oh, that was so hard.
40:13We saw.
40:15They wanted to give you either $0,
40:18five grand, 10 grand, 10 grand, or 20 grand.
40:21What do you think they gave you?
40:23I have no idea.
40:25Obviously hoping for 20,
40:26not hoping for zero, and anything in between.
40:29Oh my God!
40:30Oh my God!
40:31Oh my God!
40:31Oh my God!
40:32Oh my God!
40:33Oh my God!
40:34Oh my God!
40:35Oh my God!
40:36Oh my God!
40:36Oh my God!
40:37Oh my God!
40:38Oh my God!
40:39Oh my God!
40:40Oh my God!
40:41Thank you guys.
40:42Rabina, is this the real deal?
40:46Yeah, absolutely.
40:46Nah, I've never met someone like her.
40:48She's, yeah, she's an amazing person,
40:52and it's gonna be,
40:56it's gonna be really hard to not see her for a while,
41:00but I'll be watching and rooting for her very hard, so.
41:04Final. I hope she wins.
41:06Final thoughts, Tucker?
41:10I like to play games!
41:12This was fun!
41:13I played as hard as I could!
41:18Stay right there.
41:19To see my full extended interview with Tucker
41:23and all of his goodbye messages,
41:25go to Big Brother's official Instagram page,
41:27at Big Brother CBS, tomorrow.
41:31Tune in Sunday at nine, eight central,
41:34as the head of household is back up for grabs.
41:36Who will win,
41:37and which three house guests will be nominated?
41:39Then on Wednesday at eight, seven central,
41:42the power of veto is back up for grabs.
41:44It's been used seven straight times.
41:47Will it be used yet again?
41:50And next Thursday, it's the live vote and eviction,
41:52plus an announcement from Ainsley
41:54that will change up the game.
41:56America, last night,
41:58you cast your vote to reward Tucker
42:00for his service as the AI instigator.
42:04But don't forget this fall,
42:06there is an even more important vote
42:09you can cast to impact your community.
42:12Be sure to register and exercise your right to vote
42:15in the 2024 election.
42:17For more information, visit votevotevote.com.
42:21For now, let's eavesdrop on the house guests.
42:24From outside the Big Brother house with Tucker,
42:27I'm Julie Chen Moonves,
42:29love one another, good night.
42:38Great woman
43:08Do my
43:17Okay, okay
43:27This mountain has its own way of sorting out who is worthy
43:32Your challenge is to reach the summit
43:37No, I said it's gonna be easy the summit special sneak peek of the premiere episode September 29th on CBS and streaming on Paramount Plus
43:46Georgie and Mandy's first marriage is on the way
43:52Part of CBS premiere week on CBS and streaming on Paramount Plus
