HonkaiImpact3rdPart2 Stories-EngDub Ch3-Ph3-Pt1 Rite of Shaping

  • 2 days ago
#Life and #death are two facets of the #void. What I #seek is not death, but the eternal #peace of the #soul.
00:00Life and death are two facets of the void.
00:04What I seek is not death, but the eternal peace of the soul.
00:12But before that, there are still many things I need to do.
00:17I must witness the end of the road to confirm that I've trodden the right path.
00:22Only by beholding the death through visage can I grasp what it means.
00:29After that, I'll erase all the traces of my existence in the world.
00:34Since our ultimate fate is to fade into nothingness and make sin,
00:38why not place the blame of the entire land sin on one person?
00:43Let's take a gamble, and I'll be your accomplice.
00:48A person representing the collective will?
00:51I've never thought about such complex matters,
00:54but I'm certain that two heads are better than one, and there's strength in numbers.
01:03By standing together, we can be happier and stronger.
01:08So, let us help you.
01:11That's the decision we've made, and also my wish.
01:17Lantern is me, but more than Lantern.
01:21I don't think any difference between myself and those who didn't survive.
01:25As long as I'm still breathing, I must play a part.
01:28If I'm not interested in your suggestion,
01:31the only reason I'm here is because we're still in the same boat for now.
01:35I'll become your helper, I'll do it in my own way.
01:39Lantern won't vanish.
01:41As long as shadow lingers, there will always be someone in need of illumination.
01:46Save the world?
01:48I'm not a superhero.
01:50Those morally driven ideals aren't for me.
01:56But you didn't expand the Seven Shoes and delegate the counterfeits for the sake of your ideals, do you?
02:03The falling authority and dispersed companions, that's exactly what you want, right?
02:10Since I've accepted your invitation,
02:12I promise to spare no effort in helping you overcome this calamity.
02:17But if someday the balance made by falsehood crumbles like shattered glass,
02:22shattering into oblivion,
02:24well, I won't mind collecting some of its most precious shards.
02:29Glad to cooperate with you, my friend.
02:34Sorry, Master.
02:35Despite all your teachings and care, I still haven't made much progress.
02:40But I feel so honored and happy that you offered me to become one of the Shoes.
02:46I still don't know what kind of ability the Astral Ring will grant me.
02:50Maybe it will turn me into an unstoppable hero.
02:54I can't stop fantasizing about it.
02:57I know that my greatest trait is probably my mediocrity.
03:01Even if I wear a beautiful dress and look like a princess,
03:05even if I hold a hero's treasure, I'm still an ordinary person.
03:10I still want to help you somehow.
03:16Langzhou is my home.
03:18If I don't fight for it with my life,
03:21and if we can't protect it, I'll lose my hometown.
03:26Master, we'll definitely win with the help of the Astral Ring, right?
03:34We'll definitely win.
03:36Is that so?
03:40The past was still fresh in mind.
03:42Today's landscape feels like a repeat of yesterday's.
03:45They can't alter their destiny any more than they can change who they are.
03:56But they are still trying their best to change their fate because they failed to change themselves.
04:04Man proposes, but God disposes.
04:10But we've never journeyed this far just to follow Heaven's will.
04:16Wisdom may plot against mortals, yet it cannot plot against destiny.
04:22However, a small crack of hope was made by us through centuries-old efforts and countless fights.
04:37Since the failure of the Shadow Binding, the sins we've committed in our defiance
04:42Since the failure of the Shadow Binding, the sins we've committed in our defiance
04:45against Heaven are already too numerous to count.
04:57Since we've come so far already, one more sin won't make a difference.
05:02Will it?
05:08It's still not over?
05:11Hold on. We can't be defeated.
05:15Are you exhausted? Lead them to me.
05:19When moths fly into a flame, are they hesitant to embrace the fire?
05:25No matter how fate may depend, and in whichever guise,
05:31we, Seven Shrews, admit to the crime of creating a deity.
05:38The ground is shaking.
05:41It seems they made it.
05:46What's this?
05:48Everyone, the rite of shaping is complete.
05:51The will of Shadow will soon break free from its shell and awaken in a tangible form.
06:02At that time, the floating fossils would either be long gone or no longer continue floating in the sky.
06:08If we stay here, we may get hurt.
06:17Please follow me to a safer place, a place where we can further discuss our future plans.
06:33The original could feel their clone with the strongest feelings.
06:38However, when the person ultimately sacrifices themselves,
06:47their companions might think of this moment, recalling the brief fear in Song Que's eyes.
06:58Regardless of what form the Will of Shadow takes,
07:02it will merely be a vessel with a mind, not the person whom it resembles.
07:09Although that may be the case,
07:13people on the spot should know that the Will of Shadow taking on the form of Song Que is clearly related to the Rite of Tears.
07:28Yes, I know. I'm just very surprised.
07:34Let's not waste time here. Let's leave this place right now.
07:41Where are we going next?
07:44Amber Street is a good choice.
07:47It's high enough to evade the tremors of the Pool of Shadows that's had there.
07:52Exactly. I was thinking the same thing.
07:55If that shadow attacks ordinary people, we'll be able to rescue them.
08:06You need to hurry up. Now the Rite is complete.
08:10I'm sure you're quickly losing the power you gained from Fosshult.
08:17Master, you are...
08:20I'm fine. It doesn't matter, so long as our plan progresses smoothly.
08:26Don't worry about the details.
08:31For me, losing the Shu's power is like setting me free.
08:40I have enough power on my own to win the battle.
08:44That's enough.
08:53Miss Lima, do you need my help?
09:01Little Que, what did you say? Can you repeat it for me?
09:08Nothing. After you, after you.
09:17The Lima glanced at her disdainfully, and then turned around and laughed with Bai Ji and the others.
09:27Miss Song Que, I want to tell you something.
09:34What's wrong, Sa?
09:38I hope you won't mind.
09:44History is a grand gathering, and we're all guests.
09:48It never changes because of one person, and thus no one should be blamed for it.
10:04This is how Miss Lima thinks, though she doesn't want me to tell anyone.
10:16I think you need to know that at this moment.
10:20You must really need these flowers.
10:29Yeah, thank you, Sa. Thank you all.
10:38Entropy, let's go.
10:55Donigue, what's it doing?
11:00Donigue, don't sit here daydreaming, hurry up. You might end up getting squashed into dark biscuits.
11:07Oh, as the creation of shadows, you have no reason to fear it.
11:14Donigue, what are you looking at? Are you looking for something?
11:19The pool of shadows.
11:23Then why are you looking at the sky?
11:27You're right. We need to find the source of the pool of shadows.
11:32What a simple truth. How could I have overlooked it?
11:38What do you mean? I don't understand.
11:43I don't understand either, but Donigue is behaving rather oddly.
11:48On Earth, such a dramatic change in behavior of animals is often a warning of natural disaster.
11:56Be quiet if you don't understand. So annoying.
12:01If you guys want to be world-saving superheroes, stop wasting time here.
12:07What do you mean? Are you going to betray us?
12:11Betray you? We're not even on the same team.
12:15You forgot our fight earlier today.
12:18I was only obedient before because that artifact surprised me.
12:23But now that the riot is over, I am free.
12:31Do you know what freedom is?
12:34No matter what I do or think, it has nothing to do with you.
12:39I'm here simply because the scenery is great and I like it here.
12:43I'm here simply because the scenery is great and I like it here.
12:52Don't get in the way. You...
12:57Forget it, Nana. Time is of the essence. Focus on the priority.
13:07Let's go.
13:08Let's go.
13:14You should've done so earlier.
13:23Fate will find a way.
13:28Everyone has their own destination, and I am no exception.
13:34Don't even make me so mad.
13:37Is it okay to leave that dog alone?
13:41It's fine, just leave it.
13:47It won't do anything reckless, probably.
14:02Wait, look!
14:17The power of the Seven Rituals was undermined, so the Ten Fists of Misery in Lang Qiu is about to lose control.
14:26Worry not. The Firm shall also help fight against the Will of Shadow.
14:31Let's deal with the enemies in front of us first. I'll explain why after we get somewhere safe.
15:02So, that's...
15:05Yes, the island has to face its destiny.
15:15Are we heading back to the Will of Shadow once things settle here?
15:20There is no need to rush. We still have time to write our tactics.
15:25For the Will of Shadow, it will take time to spread the shadow's fear and control the power of the Pool of Shadows.
15:37Don't forget the power of sacrifice in the Pool of Shadows.
15:42That's why Zhongli Gui wasn't willing to leave just now.
15:46Uncle Li Toshuang's aspiration in life was to sweep away all the deaths at the moment of his death.
15:54Unfortunately, as his friend, I couldn't help him fulfill that wish.
15:59Even now, a century later, I have to use the remaining power of sacrifice to earn a slim chance of victory.
16:06Uncle Li Toshuang said he couldn't really die.
16:10He was right. Because of the past he left, his fear never faded away.
16:17The Pool of Shadows he nourished with his own sacrifice will eventually become a prison around him.
16:25He knew this a century before.
16:27Master, I...
16:31Don't weep, Song Que.
16:33Aside from his own desires, Li Toshuang sacrificed himself in the Pool of Shadows to curb the fear and spread of the Shadow Calamity.
16:42This is all because of me. It's not the fault of any of you.
16:47However, it's not my fault.
16:49I will still try to be a human god.
16:54However, the fact proved that even the Astral Ring couldn't withstand the essence of the Shadow Calamity.
17:01I will still try to be a human god.
17:04I will still try to be a human god.
17:07However, the fact proved that even the Astral Ring couldn't withstand the essence of the Shadow Calamity.
17:13However, the fact proved that even the Astral Ring couldn't withstand the essence of the Shadow Calamity.
17:20If we can end the Shadow Calamity once and for all, people will forget the contributions made by Li Toshuang.
17:27After a century, we have a real chance to fulfill his wish for the first time.
17:31After a century, we have a real chance to fulfill his wish for the first time.
17:40Yeah, alright. Reflecting on the past won't solve our problems.
17:45A fatal battle is approaching, so we need to fully prepare ourselves.
17:50A fatal battle is approaching, so we need to fully prepare ourselves.
17:57Everyone, please follow me.
17:59Everyone, please follow me.
18:02Having a sense of ceremony matters.
18:10I suppose you understand that our potential enemy comes from the law of nature.
18:19We've done our best to transform it from a formless deity in the dark into a tangible one in the light.
18:27We now have the chance to slay a deity, but that's it, not a guaranteed victory.
18:36So what I must remind you is, what should we pay attention to when we plan to slay a god?
18:44Or rather, are we trying to kill a god, or erase a form of power?
18:57What is authority?
19:01Some say it draws people in like bees to honey, but corrupts their hearts.
19:07Some say it's like a plague, something intangible but fearsome.
19:14Shadows are born from the hearts of humans, as is authority.
19:18It witnessed the uprising of the poor, where hundreds were called to action.
19:24It also witnessed the fall of a dynasty, where chaos befell everywhere.
19:36Mountains can be moved, and times change.
19:40But authority remains eternally immovable.
19:43It has no form or shadow, but bears a hefty weight.
19:47It is inherited generation after generation, but shaped differently each time.
19:57It is a language, a story.
20:00It looks unassuming, but it is civilization's strongest weapon.
20:07It appears in thousands of ways, but is never seen.
20:11It appears in thousands of ways, and takes on countless different names.
20:18But regardless, it will morph into what humans intend it to be.
20:29Under the brooding sky, the shadow sphere drifted slowly.
20:34Upon closer inspection, countless somber blotches writhing with restless energy could be observed.
20:44They were intertwined shadows.
20:48Within that thick, enclosing shroud of shadows, the life-form named Deity silently thrived.
20:56At first, it gained a sense of touch.
21:00The cool air flowed over its fingertips, and icy droplets slid down its neck.
21:09This new life felt its existence for the first time through the wind and the rain.
21:20Then came a sense of hearing.
21:24The howling of the wind echoed continuously over its ears, carrying countless whispers.
21:33Like wishes, obsessions, curses.
21:37Those were the voices of memory, the imprints of fear-gathering.
21:44And also its sense of smell and taste.
21:48Countless unexperienced feelings, countless calls, and countless prayers intertwined together, pulling and molding her character.
22:03Finally, the deity that controlled all authorities in Lang Qiu opened its eyes.
22:48The root material seems very interesting.
22:51Perhaps it can be used to create some very complex elements.
23:05No, no, totally wrong.
23:08She stood in a sea of fabric, looking at the mannequin standing head and shoulders above her.
23:13On the mannequin hung a gorgeous gown with a large skirt, cut to measure, and impeccably decorated.
23:21It was enough to make everyone who saw it search their souls for the right words to describe such beauty.
23:29But she was always dissatisfied with it.
23:33With scissors and needles and thread in hand, she looked over the mannequin for some time, but could never bring herself to make any changes.
23:42Ever since she was introduced to design at a young age, she has shown an amazing talent for it.
23:49Now, whether deserved or not, the clothes she designed with her own hands have become quite famous and a hot item among nobilities.
24:00But the more it was desired, the less satisfied she felt.
24:05Ah, I still lack soul.
24:08Dilima listlessly tossed the scissors aside.
24:13She was absolutely certain that she had done everything to the best of her ability.
24:18Every seam, every fold.
24:21One inch more would be too long, one inch less would be too short.
24:26So, what was the issue?
24:29Suddenly, there was a soft knock at the door.
24:33With permission, a maid entered and belled to Dilima.
24:38Miss Dilima, Mr. Cocker has come to invite you to his family ball.
24:44Is that so?
24:46Dilima lowered her eyes to the hem of the maid's skirt, which she had lifted when she bent down to curtsy.
24:54The skirts were the style typically worn by the servants of the Notisco family.
25:00A smart and classy look.
25:02Ah, you've always been good to me.
25:06Understanding, loyal, and obedient.
25:09I like your character.
25:11Thank you, Lord Dilima. It's my honor to serve you as well.
25:16But from what I hear, that's not how you are among your subordinates.
25:22Ordering them around, hitting them, getting up on them.
25:27While I'm not interested in what you all do in private,
25:31this duplicitous behavior is the greatest disloyalty to me.
25:37And what gives you the license to do this?
25:41The jewelry you've stolen from my dresser.
25:45Master Dilima, please forgive me.
25:48The maid trembled, almost drinking to a ball.
25:53Dilima, however, froze slightly, as if suddenly remembering something.
26:00Take off your uniform and forget your status as a servant.
26:06Yes, aren't humans such a shallow creature?
26:12She ignored the servant girls kneeling and crying,
26:16and raised her hands to point the mannequin to her side.
26:20You, straighten up and change into this gown.
26:25I want you to act as my representative to the meeting with Khakar.
26:31Anne didn't really understand how her situation had changed so drastically overnight.
26:37And yet, the elaborate gown gave her some courage.
26:41Under Dilima's gaze, she tried to straighten her back and walked through the parlor.
26:47That's right. Dilima gave a knowing smile as she looked upon the maid now transformed by the gown.
26:56Identity, status, fame, personality.
27:02All of them were nothing more than symbols of desire.
27:06And aren't these gorgeous dresses the best vessels for desire?
27:12What could be a more vibrant mannequin than an actual person?
27:19My design can make beautiful a thousand ugly lives.
27:41This is the first time I've seen a real mannequin.
27:47I'm not sure if it's a real mannequin or a mannequin.
27:53I'm not sure if it's a real mannequin or a mannequin.
27:59I'm not sure if it's a real mannequin or a mannequin.
28:05I'm not sure if it's a real mannequin or a mannequin.
28:12Gwanghwamun Palace
28:23Maldita Fantasy
28:30Maldita Fantasy
28:36Let's go together
28:44Don't be shy
28:48Don't let go
28:56Lock the target
28:58Don't be shy
29:08Lock the target
29:10Don't be shy
