HonkaiImpact3rdPart2 Stories-EngDub Ch2-Ph3-Pt5 Tomorrow Without Me

  • 2 months ago
As long as the #Seven #Shus exist, the #havoc caused by the #Ten #Faces of #Misery will only be #temporary.
00:00If you refuse to surrender, then be prepared to join me in destruction and self-abandonment.
00:28This is no good.
00:29Perhaps we should try pleading.
00:32What's the point of pleading?
00:35For shrews like you, isn't destruction itself the only way to deal with destruction?
00:41The lantern has been doing this for a century.
00:44What can we do now?
01:44Astral Ring.
01:51Right, if it's Astral Ring.
02:13The Burst Mode of Astral Ring is still on.
02:18Surprise huh?
02:19When it comes to cheating, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve too.
02:35Now, Perception, come and help us.
03:02Nobody dared to say whether that counted as the final blow just now.
03:10Apart from the heavy breathing signifying utter exhaustion, there was no other sounds
03:16to be heard at this moment.
03:18Everyone knew that now was the time for waiting rather than rash action, even though the outcome
03:26was obvious.
03:29At this, considered a lose-lose situation, I can't believe we could have fought her to
03:36such an extent.
03:39Now can we have a good talk?
03:47Must do something that's easy enough to understand.
03:52But the anomaly in Lang Qiu truly has nothing to do with us.
03:57In fact, one could argue that Aksai itself is the victim.
04:03Could it be simply because we also possess the Astral Ring?
04:11The red-haired girl didn't get any answer.
04:16Idiot, save your energy for recovery.
04:21It's not over yet.
04:27Indeed, although on the surface it appeared that Entropy had forced Lantern into a position
04:33where she could hardly continue the fight.
04:37As long as neither side defeats, this battle couldn't exactly be called over yet.
04:46And the key that could determine the outcome wasn't in their hands.
04:54Since my strength also originates from fear gathering, there's a chance I could also end
05:00up powerless due to excessive depletion.
05:04Besides, none of you have shown even a hint of fear for me to regain my strength.
05:11I'm very impressed.
05:16That sounds more like a sarcastic remark.
05:19Wait, what about Song Xue?
05:21Isn't she supposed to?
05:29For real?
05:33After quickly glancing around, she realized why the usually chatty girl was now silent.
05:40After the final beam of light spread across the entire battlefield, she conveniently passed out.
05:55Now, the real outcome was finally revealed.
05:59After that short-lived time, the first one to recover was...
06:05Well, it's about time to end this.
06:29What did you do to them?
06:35As expected.
06:37Even though you took it upon yourself to end this, you showed no mercy.
06:49I started my way, and I should end it my way.
06:55Although I'm judging by my own standards.
07:00Given my tendency to inadvertently make grave mistakes, I always hope others won't follow
07:06the same path.
07:12You are Song Xue's master.
07:16I hope she didn't say my name solely because she stirred up trouble.
07:27I apologize for the impoliteness of concealing myself, but I've just woken from a long slumber
07:35and find myself a bit disheveled.
07:41My current appearance isn't quite presentable, so I hope for your understanding.
07:47I figured out the causes of the anomaly in Langqiu, and it was a misunderstanding for
07:52all of you to endure this.
07:54I hope I didn't arrive here too late.
07:57They're not being wronged.
07:59True, but it was an unintentional mistake.
08:02Besides, eliminating them wouldn't help the matter.
08:09Then why freeze us here?
08:12I think it's because of what I'm about to do next.
08:15While it's necessary, it might seem cruel to all of you.
08:23Never mind.
08:24As Song Xue would suggest, it's probably best to avoid speaking ill omens.
08:32Rest assured, everyone.
08:34As long as the Seven Shoes still exist, the havoc caused by the Ten Fists of Misery will
08:39only be temporary.
08:43We shall soon begin to reenact the events a century ago.
08:47Everything that has happened here will also return to its former state.
08:54But that Agita, she is sad.
08:57The toast too.
09:00I still can't see how this relates to freezing us.
09:07Well, I'm afraid that's another thing I'm using my standards.
09:12I could never say welcome to you all, because I came here only to bid farewell.
09:19Which is the cruel thing I mentioned earlier.
09:23Though you are all involved, the matters of Langqiu actually have nothing to do with you.
09:29Events from a hundred years ago probably shouldn't be exposed to the public eye.
09:34Therefore, I urge you all to leave this place of turmoil.
09:40After all, you know nothing about the power you possess.
09:45Wait, bid farewell?
09:47Then Song Xue...
09:49No need to worry about her.
09:51In any case, she will join us in eliminating calamities from your homeland.
10:00And from what I see, that was your objective all along, wasn't it?
10:07Awakening the power of the Shu one by one to save Langqiu and Agita.
10:15True of deception, no matter what impression you may have of her,
10:20the truth is, she happens to be the most crucial part of this plan.
10:25Neither the toast nor Agita is indispensable, only Song Xue is.
10:33And considering the arrangements you all made earlier, it's not as troublesome as one might imagine.
10:41What do you mean?
10:42Just a treasure box.
10:44I'm not sure where you all got it from, but it is still a relic of mine.
10:51As a Shu, I still cling to my old habits, as you all have assumed.
10:56For instance, you might think that you've just engaged in a fierce battle in the banquet hall.
11:07But in reality, everything at this moment is still within the box.
11:12The real banquet hall remains untouched.
11:15Your contact in Axia is also waiting outside the box for your return.
11:26These petty tricks of falsehood are not worth mentioning.
11:32So, as for today's extraordinary adventure, you might as well consider it a grand dream.
11:40We're back to Axia, but... wait.
11:54Great, you see, you've all made it out safely.
11:58But what about Miss Lantern?
12:02Explain everything that had just happened to Chen Xue.
12:08The Shu of falsehood lives up to his reputation.
12:14No wonder Lantern showed no mercy at all this time on someone else's territory.
12:21Wait, you're still praising our opponent. Song Xue has been caught.
12:27I believe Lang Qiu must have his own reasons.
12:30Apart from Song Xue, Dong Yihui was also involved and stayed behind, according to Bai Ji.
12:41The shadow calamity looming over Axia has not yet subsided.
12:47If Song Xue's master keeps his word, then they might need some time for the execution and transmission.
12:55Just like the way they created this world a century ago.
13:00So everything that just happened, apart from the location, did indeed happen, right?
13:08Of course. Otherwise, what do you think the box of memories and time operates on?
13:17A locked-up sea of data space.
13:22Uh-huh. And what about bubble universes?
13:26A much larger locked-up sea of data space.
13:32See, you worked out the answer by yourself.
13:38However, quantitative changes will lead to a qualitative change.
13:44Within a sufficiently small locked space, a boundary between illusion and reality will gradually blur.
13:53Just like there exists a so-called time crystal in the world.
13:57Chen Xu spoke with elegance.
13:59Perhaps when time comes to an end, you will recall her words and wonder what of that which you hold is real.
14:10Let's not dwell on that.
14:12We don't have the time to sit down and focus on examining your earlier bizarre adventure in the sea of data.
14:21But considering that you may want to return to Lang Qiu to find out where Song Xue and the others are.
14:33Sanadina, are you sure you're okay?
14:37What could possibly be wrong with me?
14:40As you can see, I'm feeling great and I eat well.
14:49Is that so?
15:07Don't worry. No one else knows about this except us.
15:31Dangerous? Hallucinations?
15:33You know what? I've been living a hallucination all along.
15:36A penniless hallucination.
15:39Yeah, there's nothing more dangerous than a job that can't earn enough even after long hours of work.
15:45With 126 years left on my mortgage, I've got no choice but to bet on this.
15:51When should we take action?
15:54Okay, let's settle it then. Tonight.
16:01That was a close call. It almost hit the ground.
16:04But it looks like they've finished their conversation.
16:08Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. Here's your communicator.
16:13Thank goodness it's not broken. It's worth half a month's income for me.
16:18I nearly had a heart attack.
16:21Wait, what's this? What are you all up to?
16:27Sorry for the interruption. We would like to know more details about the recent anomalies occurrence in the building.
16:35I already told you, I don't know anything about any anomalies.
16:40Ju Jian, we're not trying to extort you.
16:43The information you possess is closely tied to the ongoing investigation of the Institute.
16:49Entropy briefs Ju Jian on the shadow in a simple way.
16:53What? Experimental material? And it could potentially harm people?
16:59Are you just fabricating reasons to deceive me?
17:05Even if you don't want to believe me, you should at least trust the Institute, right?
17:13That's true. Since it's related to the Data Research Institute, there's no need for you to deceive me.
17:21I knew it. Money doesn't fall from the sky. At most, it only rains coin-like stones that give you massive bumps on the head.
17:31So what exactly did you discover?
17:35I don't know much about the specifics. It was all related to me by Botu.
17:42Recently, he managed to acquire a small energy detection device, and after conducting some experiments, he claimed to have stumbled upon a new type of energy.
17:58A new type of energy? And you believe that?
18:03Aside from how it remained concealed all this time and yet was discovered by an amateur, it would still require a substantial 10 to 20 years' investment before it could be commercialized.
18:16Do you have any idea how much time it took from the initial attempts to extract the source substance to actually putting it to use?
18:24How would I know? I'm not like you. I haven't studied all these things.
18:31I was just trying my luck. If living a routine life was the key to making a fortune, I would have already become the wealthiest person in Axia.
18:45But this whole situation is pretty strange. If it's somehow connected to some source substance or the Data Research Institute, then it starts to make sense.
18:56After all, how could ordinary energy induce hallucination in people?
19:03What kind of hallucinations?
19:07I'm not entirely sure. If you want more detail, you should ask Botu.
19:15The sound of the rain is very nice. The air also has a special smell.
19:26Entropy, what are your thoughts?
19:29It sounds somewhat absurd. Botu isn't exactly the most reliable source. This new energy is likely just a misunderstanding.
19:38However, as their knowledge of the shadow is limited, they might have stumbled upon something by chance.
19:45And I'm quite curious about the hallucinations they mentioned. Let's investigate and find out.
19:56Ju Jian, you little troublemaker! Why are you so-
20:01Um, my apologies. I mistook you for someone else.
20:06No, you didn't make a mistake. We're actually here for you. We've already briefed Mr. Ju Jian about the situation, so he won't be joining us.
20:16Huh? What do you mean?
20:19Once again, Entropy relayed the information to Botu as she did to Ju Jian.
20:26Are you suggesting that the newfound energy is merely experimental material from the Data Research Institute?
20:33Got any proof?
20:36Um, it's not convenient to reveal the relevant document to the general public at the moment.
20:44However, I can assure you, on behalf of the Data Research Institute's reputation, even if you have Director Youyun's endorsement, it still won't make a difference.
20:55Here's a distribution map of the new energy source. I meticulously monitored it for half a year to create this. Take it.
21:04Half a year? The timing doesn't match. Does that mean it's not related to the shadow?
21:10If there's something else, hurry up and leave. I'm still busy.
21:16Botu hastily departed.
21:21Are we heading outside the building first?
21:24Better safe than sorry. If this matter is truly connected to the shadow, it's best to determine the extent of its potential impact in Oxia.
21:31We're here! Man, that flying car was awesome! I've got to ride it more if I ever get the chance.
21:40Many residents of Oxia are actually avid fans of Skyrail. According to the navigation data, Skyrail is one of the most popular destinations in China.
21:50I've got to ride it more if I ever get the chance.
21:55Many residents of Oxia are actually avid fans of Skyrail. According to the navigation data, we're approximately 10 nautical miles away from the anchor of the Apocalypse now.
22:09The marked location is right here, so I'll see anything. Ah, looks like there really is a stone that looks off.
22:18A stone? This actually seems to be a disguise. Hold on, this is a pulse-based energy generator.
22:27I see. It seems we have weird off course.
22:34Hold it right there. What are you doing to my research paper?
22:42It's you.
22:45You know him?
22:47He happens to be a neighbor downstairs. His name is Yiming, I believe.
22:52So it's you. You came just at the right time. Can you lend me a hand with my experiment?
22:58Talk about a note flip. You were so aggressive just a second ago, and now you're sounding so polite.
23:05Well, of course. He's a top student here, and a disciple of Professor Youyun.
23:11More importantly, she is also a junior who was taken under Chenxue's wing.
23:18Oh, Chenxue. She's so wise, beautiful, and charismatic. It's only natural to show respect to her junior.
23:26Wait, you don't even know Chenxue personally, do you?
23:30Um, so what brings you here?
23:33We're investigating the abnormal situations in Axia. Some people claim to have discovered a new type of energy nearby.
23:43Wait, does that mean... you're referring to these? My experimental material?
23:50My thesis is titled, Research on the Impact of Life Activities on the Decay of Double Universe Energy.
23:57So I discreetly placed these energy generators around the city to observe their interaction with the natural environment.
24:05As for why I disguised them, it was to prevent them from being accidentally triggered by people, which could affect the experimental results.
24:14Some people claim to have experienced hallucinations after contacting these energy generators. Is this also part of your experiment?
24:23Oh no, actually, due to limited funding, I used the cheapest material for the disguise.
24:30If exposed to extreme conditions, it could release hallucinogenic gas.
24:35However, as long as the inhalation of this gas is not prolonged or excessive, it should not have any consequences. Perhaps?
24:49I'm not so sure about that. In fact, there are other crises related to this matter.
24:56Entropy informed Yiming about Ju Jian and Bozu's plan.
25:01No way! Wait, if they truly intend to exploit this new energy, my experimental equipment might be in danger.
25:09May I ask for assistance in inspecting the experimental equipment at other locations?
25:25He didn't even leave a single clue for me. How fast he is!
25:31If we go to find him right away, we should still be able to catch up.
25:36Even if we somehow retrieve the energy generator, Bozu may have already corrupted the data, making it useless for the research paper.
25:49Oh my! My research! My grade! It's all down the drain!
25:55That blasted Bozu! He must be my arch-nemesis!
25:59Last time, he sold me fake exam materials, causing me to fail a class.
26:04Before that, he knocked over a flower pot while collecting materials and hit me on the head. And there's more.
26:15This is half a year worth of experiment data. If I have to start over, I'll have to retake the class.
26:23I've already retaken the course three times. When will I ever graduate, join the research institute, and fly high together with Chen Xue?
26:32Fly high together? Sounds odd in this context, don't you think?
26:38Plus, the exam to join the institute is quite tough. Are you sure you can pass?
26:44Hey, could you let me know about what the exam topic is?
26:49Or perhaps, what Chen Xue's hobbies are? I'd really appreciate it.
26:55What exactly is your motivation for joining the institute?
27:03Few have ever listened to the song in full. Some believe that considering the occasions when it plays, it must convey a sense of mourning.
27:13Whether for the Shadow Calamity or otherwise, each target eliminated was merely out of duty instead of pleasure.
27:21Thus, it's reasonable to speculate that while Lantern may be stern and merciless, she harbors compassion for every opponent.
27:30So much so, that when forced to kill, she offers a mournful dirge sung by herself.
27:37Of course, some argue that it's not a melody at all, but merely her improvised humming on specific occasions.
27:46The mysterious lady proposing this viewpoint cited several cases she knew of.
27:52Like when she single-handedly dealt with 87 ruthless criminals involved in weapon theft against her organization.
28:02Coincidentally, her humming during that incident consisted of exactly 87 notes.
28:10Similarly, when she tackled the 10 faces of misery in Rainfall Street alone, she matched her humming to the 90 terrifying monsters emerging from the shadows.
28:22Thus, this seemingly cold-hearted Xue may indeed have a heart that dances in battle.
28:28Using her enemies as notes, she weaves a unique melody each time.
28:34Excerpt from the chapter Listen in the Dim Light.
28:41If I'm not mistaken, the so-called mysterious lady is you, isn't it?
28:46Huh? Can I say no to that?
28:49What do you think?
28:51Um, they're offering too much, aren't they? We'd have bills to pay anyway.
28:57And my guess should be pretty spot-on, right?
29:01You only burst out that tune when you're really getting down to business.
29:05Any other explanations?
29:08Well, actually...
29:11Sure, it kind of fits.
29:14But Lantern, you're not exactly singing lullabies to them, right?
29:18I mean, you're putting them to eternal rest.
29:21But that's still a bit weird, isn't it?
29:24Uh, Lantern, what were you about to say?
29:30And I just don't find it weird at all.
