Brand Journalism Festival, Mazzei (Iulm): "Importanti obiettivi chiari e ruoli distinti"

  • last month
(Adnkronos) - "Per rendere la relazione tra brand e journalism più etica e trasparente è importante la chiarezza degli obiettivi e la distinzione dei ruoli: il giornalismo inteso nel senso puro della parola ha infatti una vocazione all’indipendenza che invece chi fa comunicazione di brand non può e

non deve avere, perché gli obiettivi strategici vengono dati da un’azienda. Chi fa quindi brand jouranlis, secondo la mia visione, applica le tecniche del giornalismo agli obiettivi del brand”. Così Alessandra Mazzei, docente Università Iulm, Milano, all’Adnkronos interviene sulla necessità della prima edizione del Brand Journalism Festival che riunisce 12 novembre editori, aziende, giornalisti, decision maker, esperti della comunicazione di marca, appassionati del mondo dell'informazione e professionisti della comunicazione in un confronto sull'evoluzione del mondo dell'editoria, del giornalismo e della corporate communication.


00:00I decided to participate in the first edition of the Festival del Brio Giornalismo
00:14mainly out of curiosity.
00:16It's a topic that has been discussed for many years
00:19and I didn't really understand its nature, its implications
00:24and so I think it's very useful to gather
00:27many people who work and reflect on this topic in one day
00:32to try to learn more about it.
00:46In order to make the relationship between brand and journalism
00:49more ethical, more transparent,
00:52I think it's really important to distinguish the roles
00:56and the objectives that people who deal with brand communication
01:02or do journalism or do brand journalism have.
01:06That is, there must be clarity in the objectives
01:09and a distinction in the roles.
01:11Because journalism, understood in the purest sense of the word,
01:16has a vocation for independence
01:19that, on the other hand, those who do brand communication cannot,
01:23but should not have.
01:24Because the strategic objectives are given to them by a company.
01:28So those who do brand journalism, according to my vision,
01:32apply the techniques of journalism to the objectives of the brand.
01:37This practice is not new,
01:40because it dates back to the first years of the 20th century.
01:44Today, however, it has regained a new vigor.
01:55I would say that in order to instill confidence in the new generations,
02:00it is important to have a common effort of all the subjects
02:04that operate in society, with many roles.
02:08Training, of course, because it is very important
02:12to provide the new generations with skills
02:15on which they can build their future
02:19and which become the key to their self-realization.
02:24The first element of confidence, in my opinion, is to believe in yourself.
02:28Even the media are very important
02:31for the narration they give of future prospects.
02:35It is clear that in our world we have many very complex challenges.
02:40Climate change, digitization,
02:44the breaking of artificial intelligence, wars,
02:49these are very heavy challenges.
02:52But I have the feeling that adults project
02:57the pessimism of being an adult in telling the scenario.
03:03I would make young people talk.
03:05Certainly young people have an enthusiasm and a view of the future
03:09that will instill confidence.
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