Brand Journalism Festival, Fittipaldi (Domani): "Insieme per racconto giornalistico nuovo"

  • 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - È un'occasione “utile per cercare di ragionare su un tema importante come il rapporto tra il giornalismo, le aziende, le sponsorizzazioni e la pubblicità, per provare a trovare insieme delle soluzioni diverse, nuove, innovative e un nuovo equilibrio”. Certo, “siamo in un contesto complicatissimo”, ma “senza il giornalismo, una democrazia non è compiuta, quindi le professioni che girano intorno ai media hanno il dovere di cercare di capire le ragioni profonde della crisi e di provare a superarla attraverso un racconto nuovo che riesca a interessare i lettori”. Lo ha detto Emiliano Fittipaldi, direttore di Domani, tra gli ospiti della prima edizione del Brand Journalism Festival che debutterà a Roma il 12 novembre. L’evento porta la firma di Social Reporters, startup specializzata in Brand Journalism e Live Communication ed è organizzato in collaborazione con Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Anica, Ferpi, Wec Italia e in attesa del patrocinio del Parlamento Europeo e potrà contare su Gruppo Unipol Spa in qualità di Main Sponsor e su AdnKronos e in qualità di Main Media Partner.


00:00I think it is a useful opportunity to try to think about an important issue such as the relationship between journalism, companies, sponsorships and advertising,
00:23because in Italy we are far behind and relations are often complex, sometimes completely wrong.
00:30So I think it is a useful opportunity, with important names, let's say, of Italian journalism and Italian companies,
00:37to think, to try to find together different, new, innovative solutions for the new balance that today we have.
00:54The world is looking at Intranesco because there are many errors on the part of journalism and many errors on the part of Italian companies and foreign multinationals.
01:07The first ones often claim that, let's say, sponsorships or those relations with newspapers are domination relations,
01:15so in a way they try to influence the content in a vigorous way and sometimes creating a short circuit and also a lack of respect for the reader.
01:26At the same time, journalism often, let's say, from its own point of view, considers companies only useful strong cashiers to ask for money in a very serious crisis,
01:39without understanding that companies are part of Italian society.
01:44Their story is fundamental to understand a piece, let's say, of the world of work and productivity
01:51and therefore the relations with them should be much more dialogical, as they are so far.
02:08I think we are in a very complicated context in which, let's say, vertical information, as we have known it so far,
02:15that is, what the journalist or the intellectuals who write in the newspaper or in the media explain to people how the world works,
02:22has gone completely into crisis.
02:24There are more and more responsibilities that are part, obviously, of the problems of the category, of not having been up to date,
02:32and also with a decline, if you allow me, of the public opinion.
02:36I say this about social media, which is no longer willing, let's say, to follow the complexity, despite the fact that it is complex in itself,
02:45nor to pay for quality information.
02:48All this is also entrenched by the crisis of politics and the credibility of the ruling class.
02:54So it is difficult to find a single responsibility.
02:57The thing I believe, however, is that without journalism, a democracy is not a fulfilled democracy
03:04and therefore that the professions that revolve around the media have the duty to try to understand the profound reasons of the crisis
03:13and to try to overcome them through a new narrative that manages to interest readers
03:23and to bring back, let's say, the passion for readers towards journalism, which can only be professional journalism,
03:30because I do not see other alternatives to quality information.
