• last year
Welcome to our exciting Cobblemon adventure! In this video, we dive into a thrilling 5-minute build battle challenge where we test our Pokémon building skills in Minecraft. Join me and @RivalMiah as we face off in a "Noob vs Pro" showdown, featuring the one and only Tardisbyte as our enthusiastic janitor... I mean, judge!

Both Miah and I get a random Pokémon to see and remember. Then, we have just 5 minutes to recreate it in Minecraft. Once the timer goes off, we'll guess each other's builds and see who comes out on top!"

Noob: Me, trying my best to capture the essence of our favorite Pokémon.
Pro: @RivalMiah showcasing his expert building skills and creativity.
Judge: @TardisByte our hilarious and impartial judge who will decide the winner of each round.
Go check out my sister: https://www.youtube.com/@jeweldrawsgames2556

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#Minecraft #Cobblemon #BuildBattle #NoobVsPro #Pokemon #Gaming #MinecraftBuilds #MinecraftChallenge
