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Bahtiyar, koşulları oldukça rahat olan bir kışlada askerlik yapmaktadır. Bir gün çeşme başında gördüğü Mhriban adlı kadına ilk görüşte aşık olur ve onunla evlenmek ister. Mihriban'ın da Bahtiyar'da gönlü vardır, ancak genç kadının tek talibi o değildir. Albay Rıza da Mihriban'ı kendine eş olarak babasından istemeye niyetlidir. Üstelik Mihriban'ın babası da Albay Rıza'ya kızını vermeyi seve seve kabul edecektir. Bunu duyan Bahtiyar, kumandanın üniformasını çalarak kendini Mihriban'ın babasına Albay Bahtiyar olarak tanıtır. Ancak Rıza olay yerine geldiğinde işler iyice karışır ve aynı kadına aşık olan ikili birbirine meydan okur. Karaman Paşa, kışlayı teftişe gelecektir ve ikisi de Mihriban'ı onunla beraber istemeye gitmeye niyetlidir. Ancak Karaman Paşa'nın damat olarak hangisini seçip de Mihriban'ı istemeye gideceği merak konusudur. Durumdan haberdar olan ve Osmanlı'nın en meşhur ve sert mizaçlı paşası olarak nam salmış Karaman Paşa ise Rıza ve Bahtiyar'ın arasında kalmaktan ziyade onlara unutamayacakları bir oyun oynayacaktır.

Yönetmenliğini Kartal Çıdamlı'nın üstlendiği Osmanlı döneminde geçen komedide başrollerde usta oyuncu Halit Akçatepe ve Dost Elver bulunuyor.

Yönetmen: Kartal Çidamlı
Oyuncular: Halit Akçatepe, Dost Elver, Melis Tüzüngüç
Tür: Komedi
Yıl: 2015

00:00:46When you play the board, your intelligence improves.
00:00:49Your brain improves.
00:00:50They improve their brains, sir.
00:00:52Can you improve your intelligence with a board?
00:00:54You can improve it with chess.
00:00:56Let them play chess then.
00:00:58If we give them this game, they'll be smart.
00:01:00Then they'll put a value on your eyes, and a value on mine.
00:01:04When the time comes, they'll become pashas.
00:01:06That's dangerous. Let's not do that.
00:01:08I mean, sir...
00:01:10Come on, play.
00:01:11I mean, I'll play, but...
00:01:13You're a pasha and a pasha now, sir.
00:01:16If I put this here, I'll turn your pasha upside down.
00:01:19Pasha pasha.
00:01:20And shepherd pasha.
00:01:22Come on, come on.
00:01:24Lately, I haven't been able to play chess.
00:01:27My mind is not in my head.
00:01:29I keep thinking about Mihriban.
00:01:31Come on, sir.
00:01:32Whenever you lose or win, your mind is in Mihriban.
00:01:37I can't play.
00:01:38You're making up an excuse.
00:01:40Watch out!
00:01:42Yaver, know your place.
00:01:43Yes, sir.
00:01:44What else can I do?
00:01:45You'll lose your rank.
00:01:46What else?
00:01:47You'll lose it.
00:01:48What else?
00:01:49You'll lose it.
00:01:50What else?
00:01:51My mother...
00:01:52You'll make her cry.
00:01:54Well done. Sit down.
00:01:58Now we'll play again.
00:01:59You'll make me lose my pasha, and I'll make Mihriban lose hers.
00:02:12Good morning, beautiful girl.
00:02:35Good morning, soldier.
00:02:38Thank you.
00:02:39Do you always fill the basin from this fountain?
00:02:43Because my grandfather doesn't drink water from anywhere else.
00:02:46I fill this basin every morning.
00:02:48What a lucky grandfather.
00:02:50He has a beautiful and kind grandchild.
00:02:56Do you live in the village?
00:03:00Is it in Oshirin village, which is beyond our winter?
00:03:05I didn't know fairies lived there.
00:03:08From now on, that village will be called Fairy Village for me.
00:03:14You can call it whatever you want.
00:03:17Let me help you carry the load.
00:03:25Let me come with you.
00:03:27My feet get dirty, pigs come out, snakes bite.
00:03:31And I'm a soldier.
00:03:33This is a duty for me.
00:03:36If someone sees you, it will be rude.
00:03:40There is no one around.
00:03:42Who will be rude?
00:03:46Then do your job.
00:03:49Carry the load.
00:03:51I'll be happy.
00:03:58How long will we go?
00:04:00We're close, Pasha.
00:04:02If we set up a camp in the winter, no one will come.
00:04:06You're right, Pasha.
00:04:11My name is Bahtiyar.
00:04:13Can you tell me your name?
00:04:17Is your family here?
00:04:20Where did you come from?
00:04:22From behind the mountain.
00:04:25I just came here this winter.
00:04:27Our camp was disbanded.
00:04:29This place fell to me.
00:04:31I thought I'd see you.
00:04:33You signed up for the camp to see me.
00:04:36I've seen a lot.
00:04:38But I've never seen anyone as beautiful as you.
00:04:42Give me the chest.
00:04:49Here you are.
00:04:51We're already in the town.
00:04:53Get out of here.
00:04:55Do you live in this town?
00:04:59I live in the village next to you.
00:05:01What are you going to do?
00:05:03Don't you thank me?
00:05:05You did your job, soldier.
00:05:07Go thank your guns.
00:05:10Good luck.
00:05:14Don't try to follow me.
00:05:17My brother will see.
00:05:19He'll break your legs.
00:05:50Look at this.
00:05:54The commander of the camp, Colonel Rıza, has sent word.
00:05:59Our beautiful girl has heard about Mihriban.
00:06:02She will come to ask for it.
00:06:04We have a state bird.
00:06:09You think it's a state because an officer asked for your daughter.
00:06:12If you see the condition of the camp, it's a state.
00:06:16When a man is jealous, he covers himself with a cloud.
00:06:20My daughter is beautiful.
00:06:22Your daughter is a state bird.
00:06:25Enjoy your daughter.
00:06:30They say your daughter is on fire.
00:06:32The important thing is honor.
00:06:35If the commander of the camp wants my daughter, there is a wisdom in this.
00:06:39They want your daughter.
00:06:41If there is a miracle in marriage.
00:06:43There is no object in the people like the state.
00:06:46What is the state to you?
00:06:48Your wife is like a bird.
00:06:51The commander of the camp is coming to the house you are talking about.
00:06:55We need a building there.
00:06:58It's like a black-eyed tent.
00:07:00What if it's winter there?
00:07:03The worst officer of the Ottoman army asked for your daughter.
00:07:07You're showing off that you're going to be ashamed here.
00:07:11You can't talk about my future son-in-law like that.
00:07:15If he hears, he'll do it.
00:07:18Let him come and see.
00:07:20Soon the Ottoman army will empty the camp.
00:07:23There will be no commander or soldier.
00:07:25Then let's see who's in debt.
00:07:28Let's see.
00:07:30If you're so eager to die, I'll take you.
00:07:34Don't run away like that.
00:07:37We're close to the camp, Pasha.
00:07:45Let's set up a tent over there.
00:07:47We'll take a break there.
00:07:49I'll change my clothes.
00:07:51I'll check the camp and the people.
00:07:53Davut, you do the same.
00:07:55Search the place.
00:07:57Yes, Pasha.
00:08:06Let's go.
00:08:25Mirman, stop.
00:08:28What are you doing here?
00:08:33Why did you come?
00:08:35I'll tell you.
00:08:37I fell in love with you as soon as I saw you.
00:08:42I fell in love with you at first sight.
00:08:46I can't live without you anymore.
00:08:49I mean...
00:08:51I want you to marry me.
00:08:53We'll go on an expedition soon.
00:08:56If you and I have a heart,
00:08:59I'll ask your father for you.
00:09:02I feel the same way.
00:09:06Unfortunately, your commander will come to ask for me.
00:09:11My father will give me to him.
00:09:24Don't worry, Mirman.
00:09:26I'll ask your father for you before Colonel Rıza.
00:09:30Even if you come, my father...
00:09:37Get out of here.
00:09:39Go, go, go.
00:09:49Go away.
00:09:51Go away.
00:09:54Go away.
00:10:00Go away.
00:10:08I have great news from the palace.
00:10:12The glorious Caravan Pasha is coming to the base.
00:10:16I heard it.
00:10:20What happened?
00:10:22Why don't you play?
00:10:24This is called a trap.
00:10:29Commander, I brought news from the palace.
00:10:32So the palace has finally invested in our winter.
00:10:35What do you say, officer?
00:10:37Or did they finally give me to the pashas?
00:10:40The Caravan Pasha is coming for inspection.
00:10:43The Caravan Pasha?
00:10:45Yes, commander.
00:10:46He is inspecting the winter troops that will go on the expedition.
00:10:48He'll be here soon.
00:10:49Officer, pull the soldiers to the line as hard as you can.
00:10:52Increase the number of guards.
00:10:54I won't see any soldier sleeping.
00:10:56Come here.
00:10:58If I hear or see a soldier singing while he's having fun...
00:11:03...I'll make him wear a dancer's outfit and make him dance.
00:11:07Come on, go.
00:11:09You can go too, soldier.
00:11:10Yes, commander.
00:11:12The Caravan Pasha is coming.
00:11:14The Caravan Pasha is a nuisance to the single officers.
00:11:18He's a nuisance to me.
00:11:20I married Mrs. Mihriban before the Caravan Pasha came.
00:11:24Otherwise, this love would fall into the water.
00:11:26What are you doing here?
00:11:30What are you thinking about, brother Bahtiyar?
00:11:33Are you afraid of the expedition?
00:11:35I fell in love.
00:11:38As soon as I got here, I was hit by a beauty with the dust of my feet.
00:11:45...the girl has another lover.
00:11:48I'm thinking of a solution for this.
00:11:51Kidnap the girl.
00:11:55Should I kidnap the girl...
00:11:57...and run away while going to the expedition?
00:12:00You'll be with a whip.
00:12:02Everyone does one of them.
00:12:07Everyone does.
00:12:10Are you giving money to the people outside?
00:12:12You're going to kill me.
00:12:14You're the murderer of my feelings.
00:12:16Murderer Ayaz.
00:12:17Murderer Ayaz.
00:12:19Murderer Ayaz.
00:12:21Murderer Ayaz.
00:12:25Kids, the whole neighborhood is screaming.
00:12:28We're disgraced.
00:12:30I'll complain to you when your father comes in the evening.
00:12:34Don't worry.
00:12:35As if I'm going to be afraid of my father.
00:12:37Let my father be afraid of me.
00:12:38Look at me.
00:12:39When you grew up, you became an old man.
00:12:42Yes, I did.
00:12:44What's that noise?
00:12:46Am I going to listen to this noise until I go to the grave?
00:12:50Selma, these are all because of you.
00:12:52What did I do, dad?
00:12:54What else are you going to do? Did I give birth to them?
00:13:15What's going on?
00:13:17Give me some water.
00:13:19Okay, sit down and calm down.
00:13:21I'll get you some water.
00:13:25Welcome, sir.
00:13:28Thank you, ma'am.
00:13:32Talat pissed me off again.
00:13:35With God's permission,
00:13:37If we give this girl to Colonel Rıza,
00:13:39If a colonel comes to our family,
00:13:41I'll tell him.
00:13:43But dad, I'm his sister.
00:13:45I have to get married first.
00:13:47Shut up, girl.
00:13:48I have a knife in my hand.
00:13:49I'll stab you in the mouth.
00:13:50How can I be your daughter?
00:13:52My father is here.
00:13:53What kind of brother are you?
00:13:55You haven't been able to get along since the day you were born.
00:13:57Look at me.
00:13:58I'm telling you both.
00:14:00From now on, you're going to live like men.
00:14:02Dad, are you telling me?
00:14:03Actually, tell him.
00:14:04Who is this man living with?
00:14:06Look at me, girl. I'm your brother.
00:14:07Talk to me respectfully.
00:14:09When it comes to work, you say brother, brother.
00:14:10When it doesn't work for you, you say it again.
00:14:13He stayed at home.
00:14:14That's why he slapped his mouth.
00:14:15I'll tell him.
00:14:16Am I staying at home?
00:14:18Look at that paint,
00:14:19look at that pose.
00:14:20If I shake my hand,
00:14:21if I shake my hand,
00:14:22if I shake my ass...
00:14:26And there's Kışlafar next to us.
00:14:27If I wanted,
00:14:28I'd find one of them.
00:14:29Who am I?
00:14:32Why are you yelling?
00:14:34Is there a stage in front of you?
00:14:36Oh, my God.
00:14:37And this house is my head.
00:14:39I can say no, but you can't even say take it.
00:14:42Dad, how many times have I told you not to talk to me like that in front of the kids?
00:14:47Look, you're becoming a bad example to Ayaz.
00:14:49You've become like yourself.
00:14:51He already pulled you.
00:14:52What did I pull you?
00:14:53What will I pull?
00:14:54I don't pull anyone.
00:14:55You don't pull anyone anyway.
00:14:57You only make me pull.
00:14:58No, my daughter, I'll make you pull.
00:14:59Oh my God.
00:15:00You see what you did.
00:15:01I kept quiet.
00:15:02You came.
00:15:03It started again.
00:15:04Come on, Süleyman.
00:15:05You can't even promise your children.
00:15:08God damn son-in-law.
00:15:10Even the daughter of the Sümsük Ceydet is a big colonel.
00:15:14No one asked you.
00:15:16We have a job in the winter.
00:15:18One is over.
00:15:19The infantry did not ask you.
00:15:21I'm telling you.
00:15:22They made this girl a black magic.
00:15:24Black magic.
00:15:25You couldn't find such a crazy teacher and teach the child.
00:15:28What will it do, baby?
00:15:30What does it do?
00:15:31What black magic?
00:15:32He pulled you like honey.
00:15:35He pulled me.
00:15:36He fell right in your nose.
00:15:38He can't do anything.
00:15:40He can't even burn his heart by looking at the ground.
00:15:43He can't even go to the living room and put a man after him.
00:15:48Silly like you.
00:15:49Silly like you.
00:15:51Black magic came out to me.
00:15:56Where is your luck, Kara Şükran?
00:15:59You married me.
00:16:00That's what I'm saying.
00:16:02I married you.
00:16:04If I married someone else, I would live in the Pasha mansions.
00:16:08In the Pasha mansions.
00:16:10You couldn't even let us sit in a mansion.
00:16:12Look at us.
00:16:13If you tie the donkey, it won't stop in this village.
00:16:16We're stuck.
00:16:43My beautiful granddaughter.
00:16:46My beautiful granddaughter.
00:16:48Is there a knife in your mouth?
00:16:51What happened? Tell me.
00:16:54I'm okay, grandpa.
00:16:56I'm a little upset.
00:16:58The same noise at home every day.
00:17:01You have something to tell me.
00:17:03What happened? Tell me.
00:17:06I fell in love with someone, grandpa.
00:17:10But my father will give me to Colonel Rıza Bey.
00:17:13And no one will be able to give him up.
00:17:15I know.
00:17:18My daughter, I was already waiting for the opportunity.
00:17:21So don't be sorry.
00:17:23I'll find a way.
00:17:28My lion grandfather.
00:17:30My dear, my dear.
00:17:32My beautiful.
00:17:34The guards have been increased.
00:17:36The patrol has been doubled.
00:17:38It has been ordered not to sit in the army and definitely not to do it.
00:17:41It is absolutely forbidden to play outside in the winter.
00:17:45And the soldier who will leave his post will be sentenced to a very high penalty.
00:17:50I propose, my commander.
00:17:52Well done.
00:17:53They've come to their senses.
00:17:55But these are soldiers.
00:17:56Keep an eye on them.
00:17:58Check them in the winter.
00:18:00Make sure they don't loosen up tomorrow.
00:18:02And cleanness is very important.
00:18:04Let it be clean in winter.
00:18:06If I see dust on the ground, what do I do?
00:18:09You lick it.
00:18:10Well done.
00:18:11Tell the soldiers to wash my clothes.
00:18:14Let them shine my medals.
00:18:16When I go to ask for Mihriban Hanım,
00:18:18I have to impress her directly.
00:18:20What should her eyes be when she sees me?
00:18:22She should blink.
00:18:23Well done.
00:18:24Come here.
00:18:26I'm excited.
00:18:27I'm very excited.
00:18:29I think it's a good thing that Karaman Pasha is coming here.
00:18:33He's my friend.
00:18:34He's running here because he knows I'm getting married.
00:18:37He's going to have a heart attack.
00:18:38What heart attack?
00:18:40He's going to have a heart attack.
00:18:41He's going to be sentenced to a high penalty.
00:18:43He shot eight people.
00:18:44Six of them are soldiers.
00:18:46Two of them are officers.
00:18:47Well done.
00:18:48Well done.
00:18:49Well done.
00:18:50Make sure you tell the soldiers this.
00:18:52Let them be like a knife.
00:18:53If they don't,
00:18:55I'll shoot them so that they become a lesson for you.
00:18:58Yes, sir.
00:19:00Come on.
00:19:01The planes.
00:19:04Take care of these.
00:19:13What's this?
00:19:14A tent.
00:19:15Come on.
00:19:16I thought it was an Egyptian pyramid.
00:19:18Am I going to sit on this?
00:19:19I'm a Pasha.
00:19:20Did you see a civilian?
00:19:21He fell on his back.
00:19:22No, Pasha.
00:19:23Let's go check the tent.
00:19:25I smell gunpowder.
00:19:27I can shoot someone at any moment.
00:19:29Let's go.
00:19:30Let's go, Pasha.
00:19:45Get in line.
00:19:46Get in line.
00:19:48Get in line.
00:19:49Get in line.
00:19:51Get in line.
00:19:52Get in line.
00:19:55What is this?
00:19:56You're all young.
00:19:58This is a military camp.
00:20:01I love to live.
00:20:02I don't know if you want to die.
00:20:04Of course you don't know about it.
00:20:06The Pasha is coming in line.
00:20:10He's a crazy man.
00:20:11It's not clear what he's going to do.
00:20:13He'll be here tomorrow and the day after.
00:20:15I'll go around day and night.
00:20:16I'll watch you from a distance.
00:20:18I swear to God, one of you will be sleeping on duty.
00:20:21I'll put him in jail and destroy your regiment.
00:20:24He won't be able to sleep anymore, Commander.
00:20:26Well done, soldier.
00:20:28This is how your regiment will be.
00:20:31This is what you call a soldier.
00:20:34He's a Black Lover, Commander.
00:20:36He won't be able to sleep.
00:20:37I can't sleep either, Commander.
00:20:41Look, hero soldier.
00:20:42You're going to take these two and put them in jail.
00:20:44You're going to hit them 20 times.
00:20:46If this Black Lover guy says ah, you're going to hit him because he said ah.
00:20:51If you can't stand like a soldier, you'll learn how to get beaten up like a soldier.
00:20:56Yes, sir.
00:20:58Do you want a stick?
00:20:59Yes, yes.
00:21:01Yes, it suits you.
00:21:03I'm going to listen from the inside.
00:21:04The moment you hit, the sound will come out.
00:21:06But it won't come out of these two.
00:21:08Because what you call a soldier doesn't go down.
00:21:11What is it?
00:21:12What you call a soldier doesn't go down.
00:21:14What is it?
00:21:15What you call a soldier doesn't go down.
00:21:17What is it?
00:21:17What you call a soldier doesn't go down.
00:21:19What is it?
00:21:19What you call a soldier doesn't go down.
00:21:21Like this.
00:21:23Be like a stick.
00:22:19Pist pist pistist!
00:22:20Pist pist!
00:22:22Please, just go from here!
00:22:24Come, pish pish, and go from here!
00:22:28Every night, every night, Allah Allah!
00:22:34Come here boy!
00:22:38Come here.
00:22:40Every night, every night.
00:22:42Oh my God.
00:22:43Come on.
00:22:45Oh my God.
00:22:47You lost all my shoes.
00:22:49Go away.
00:22:52Don't you have any other house?
00:22:53You didn't let me sleep.
00:23:33Meow, meow.
00:23:38Come, come.
00:23:40What are you doing here?
00:23:42I got angry and came.
00:23:43Didn't you understand my voice?
00:23:45If you are so angry, let me pour water on you.
00:23:47At least it will extinguish your fire.
00:23:49I will come to ask you tomorrow.
00:23:51But don't tell anyone.
00:23:53My father would never give me to you.
00:23:55He will give me to Colonel Rıza.
00:23:56He put it in his head.
00:23:57Would you run away with me right away?
00:24:00You will understand anyway.
00:24:01Yes or no?
00:24:06Oh dear.
00:24:07Now the whole world is mine.
00:24:09Come on, get out of here.
00:24:10I won't leave until I kiss you.
00:24:16I got wet.
00:24:18Why are you still standing here?
00:24:20Come on, get out of here.
00:24:28What did you do?
00:24:30Did you make that damn cat wet?
00:24:32And I am thirsty.
00:24:34Okay, damn cat.
00:24:36Come on.
00:24:40Come on.
00:24:42Come on.
00:25:02My beautiful Ayşe.
00:25:06I miss you, Ayşe.
00:25:11My beautiful Ayşe.
00:25:14Don't do this.
00:25:18Don't do this, Ayşe.
00:25:27Dinosaurs from there.
00:25:30Cats from there.
00:25:31Cats, cats and so on.
00:25:33After that,
00:25:34after that,
00:25:35we are going to the event.
00:25:38We are almost there.
00:25:44Wow, you spread it like this.
00:25:48They say that Karaman Pasha will come.
00:25:50Do you know?
00:25:51Of course, of course.
00:25:52Why not?
00:25:53They made us cry because of that guy since yesterday.
00:25:56We were sleeping so well here.
00:25:59I hope he falls off the horse and can't come.
00:26:02I smell gunpowder on my nose.
00:26:05Do you smell it too?
00:26:07Well done.
00:26:08Spread it like this.
00:26:09Spread it.
00:26:10Spread it.
00:26:27What's up?
00:26:28I'm Colonel Bahtiyar.
00:26:31I know you.
00:26:33I came for a good occasion.
00:26:38Is the master of the house here?
00:26:40The master of the house is here.
00:26:42If there is a master in a house, it is me.
00:26:44This is my master.
00:26:45This is my master.
00:26:47Master, master.
00:26:48Be quiet.
00:26:49Come here.
00:26:51Oh, sir.
00:26:52Who am I seeing?
00:26:53Welcome, sir.
00:26:56Thank you.
00:26:58Please don't mind him.
00:26:59He has been a little angry with us lately.
00:27:02We were waiting for you, but we weren't waiting for today.
00:27:06Is that so?
00:27:07Did the birds tell you?
00:27:09I thought I knocked on the door.
00:27:11Oh, sir.
00:27:12How can you say that?
00:27:13How can you say that?
00:27:14This door is your door, sir.
00:27:16Is Ms. Mihriban at home?
00:27:18Of course she is at home.
00:27:20Of course she is at home.
00:27:21Our daughter does not take a step outside.
00:27:24Please, sir.
00:27:26I am Colonel Bahtiyar.
00:27:28I am the right-hand man of the glorious Karaman Pasha.
00:27:30Is that so?
00:27:31Oh, sir.
00:27:32It is a great honor for us.
00:27:35Did this come to you?
00:27:36I guess it came to me.
00:27:46Sir, this is our little daughter, Ms. Mihriban.
00:27:51Our guest is Colonel Bahtiyar.
00:27:54Colonel Bahtiyar.
00:27:58Thank you, Ms. Mihriban.
00:28:00I am glad.
00:28:01I am honored.
00:28:03Me too.
00:28:16Karaman Pasha is coming here to inspect the barracks that will send soldiers to the campaign.
00:28:21He sent me first.
00:28:23One day, I went around in disguise.
00:28:25I secretly inspected both the people and the barracks.
00:28:28I asked around.
00:28:32Your little daughter, Ms. Mihriban, was very praised.
00:28:34They called her beauty a legend.
00:28:36I am as lucky as my name that I have the honor of seeing her from afar.
00:28:41And I fell in love with her at first sight.
00:28:44Long story short, I am ready to give my life to your little daughter Mihriban.
00:28:54Sir, your visit and your offer is a great honor for us.
00:28:59But we were waiting for Colonel Rıza, the commander of the barracks.
00:29:03I don't understand.
00:29:05What was the occasion?
00:29:07Sir, Colonel Rıza sent us a message.
00:29:11Our daughter asked for Ms. Mihriban's hand in marriage.
00:29:14We were waiting for her.
00:29:16Suddenly, you came out.
00:29:18We were so surprised.
00:29:20Just let her go.
00:29:22It's better to leave early.
00:29:24Dad, what are you saying?
00:29:26Is it appropriate?
00:29:28Mr. Bahtiyar, please don't mind my father.
00:29:31He is a bit...
00:29:32No, sir.
00:29:33I own this house.
00:29:34I am the landlord.
00:29:36I give it to whoever I want.
00:29:38Why are you interfering?
00:29:39The girl can go to whoever she wants.
00:29:51Thank you.
00:29:52I hope you don't mind.
00:29:54Enjoy your meal.
00:29:58Thank you.
00:30:00Here you go, grandpa.
00:30:02Thank you.
00:30:14Sir, I thought about it.
00:30:17I think it is appropriate for Colonel Rıza to come here.
00:30:21Our daughter saw you and recognized you.
00:30:24Let her see you and recognize you.
00:30:26Then she can decide.
00:30:28I saw the situation of the barracks.
00:30:30Karaman Pasha will come tomorrow.
00:30:32He will see what I saw.
00:30:35Karaman Pasha is very tough.
00:30:37He has no mercy.
00:30:39He shot eight people.
00:30:41Colonel Rıza's future is bright.
00:30:45I mean, Colonel Bahtiyar.
00:30:47I think God sent you to us.
00:30:50You came just in time.
00:31:00I am Colonel Rıza, the commander of the barracks.
00:31:02Yes, I know.
00:31:04I came for a good cause, son.
00:31:06Did you come alone?
00:31:08I came alone, son.
00:31:10I came alone.
00:31:12Did you come alone?
00:31:14I came alone, son.
00:31:16Please come in. I will tell you my problem.
00:31:18Okay, come in.
00:31:25Hello, sir.
00:31:27Colonel Ögül is here.
00:31:39Welcome, Colonel.
00:31:42We were talking about you.
00:31:48Take this, son.
00:31:50My arm hurts.
00:31:54These are not gifts to repay your daughter's beauty.
00:32:00You are welcome.
00:32:01Please sit down.
00:32:03Of course.
00:32:05Welcome, sir.
00:32:08Get out of the way.
00:32:10Please sit down.
00:32:16Well, well.
00:32:19Both of your daughters are very beautiful.
00:32:22Oh, sir.
00:32:23That's your beautiful look.
00:32:31We haven't met the colonel.
00:32:33Are you related?
00:32:37God made me.
00:32:39I am not his relative.
00:32:41But I came with that intention.
00:32:43What do you mean?
00:32:45Are you going to be his relative?
00:32:47Is this colonel ungrateful?
00:32:50Colonel Bahtiyar came to ask for our daughter, sir.
00:32:54Is that so?
00:32:55What a coincidence!
00:32:57What an honor!
00:32:58If you say so, we will be lucky.
00:33:01I am asking for Mihriban.
00:33:03If you came to Ms. Cavidan as a request,
00:33:06maybe we can be lucky.
00:33:08What is he saying?
00:33:09I didn't come for cheapness.
00:33:11I came to ask for Ms. Mihriban's hand in marriage.
00:33:14What are you talking about?
00:33:17Let me tell you something.
00:33:18I don't care if you get along or not.
00:33:21I don't get it.
00:33:22Mr. Cevdet.
00:33:23Can two people ask for the same girl at the same time?
00:33:27And two colonels.
00:33:29It's not our fault.
00:33:31You both came here.
00:33:33What can we do?
00:33:34Is the commander of the glorious Ottoman army
00:33:38asking for a girl like this?
00:33:40What kind of ignorance is this?
00:33:43My son.
00:33:44How can you talk to me like this?
00:33:46Who are you?
00:33:47I am the commander of the army.
00:33:50I can't see you.
00:33:52I didn't even hear your name.
00:33:54Who made you a colonel?
00:33:56Is this your uniform?
00:33:59There is something wrong with this.
00:34:02You are right.
00:34:03I have never seen a colonel worse than you.
00:34:06Are you calling me a shit?
00:34:08I'll get you some tea.
00:34:09Let's go.
00:34:10Let's go.
00:34:11Let's go.
00:34:12We cleaned up the mess.
00:34:13Don't make a mess here.
00:34:15Shut up.
00:34:16I don't want to see your face.
00:34:17Get out of my sight.
00:34:18I came here without seeing this.
00:34:21Sit down.
00:34:22Please calm down.
00:34:26Sit down.
00:34:27Calm down.
00:34:29Colonel Bahtiyar.
00:34:30Where are you from?
00:34:32I am a soldier of Karaman Pasha.
00:34:34I am his right-hand man.
00:34:37Karaman Pasha?
00:34:38Karaman Pasha is coming.
00:34:39Karaman Pasha.
00:34:40And you still want a girl here, Colonel Rıza.
00:34:42You are still denying the fact that you are going to
00:34:45take the barracks to the military line.
00:34:48Anyway, Mr. Cevdet.
00:34:49It is obvious that this issue will get worse.
00:34:52I don't want an accident to happen to me.
00:34:55I don't want an accident to happen to me.
00:34:58I don't want an accident to happen to me.
00:35:01I don't want an accident to happen to me.
00:35:03So, make your decision.
00:35:05Are you going to give your daughter Mihriban to this bastard
00:35:09or to me?
00:35:10Look, gentlemen.
00:35:11I am asking you both.
00:35:14Please don't leave us in trouble.
00:35:16Give us some time.
00:35:18Let's think about it.
00:35:20And let's ask our daughter.
00:35:22Let's just consider this as an unfortunate meeting.
00:35:25I will come to ask Mihriban with Karaman Pasha.
00:35:29Sir, I will come with Karaman Pasha.
00:35:32His Highness Pasha will personally ask for Mihriban for me.
00:35:35And you will be shot, dog.
00:35:38Let's see.
00:35:40Let's see.
00:35:41Mr. Yaman, Mr. Yaman.
00:35:51Where did he come from?
00:35:52What an unidentified colonel.
00:35:54Who is this guy?
00:35:55Who is this guy?
00:35:56Where did this Colonel Bahtiyar come from?
00:35:59Where did he come from?
00:36:00I swear, sir.
00:36:01I haven't heard of Colonel Bahtiyar either.
00:36:03If I had, I would tell you.
00:36:04But I haven't heard of him.
00:36:05I don't know.
00:36:06He says he is the right-hand man of Karaman Pasha.
00:36:08He says he is the right-hand man.
00:36:10Find out if this news is true or not.
00:36:14I'm sorry, sir.
00:36:16If the news is not true, there is no problem.
00:36:19But if it is true, you can't blame me.
00:36:26What are you drinking here, soldier?
00:36:50Karaman Pasha will come.
00:36:51Do you know that?
00:36:52I shit on Karaman Pasha's wine barrel.
00:36:56If he comes in October,
00:36:59if he doesn't come in November.
00:37:02Look, be careful, soldier.
00:37:04They say there is a place for ears.
00:37:06Karaman Pasha walks around with a uniform and sells his soldiers.
00:37:10That's why if he hears what you say, he'll shoot you.
00:37:14So I'm the liar of others.
00:37:17I've already been shot.
00:37:19And I've been shot from the deepest part of my heart.
00:37:23Would there be a wound on this wound?
00:37:26If I can't get what I love,
00:37:28I'll die of black love anyway.
00:37:31If Karaman Pasha puts me on a bullet,
00:37:33he'll save me from pain.
00:37:35I kiss his hands.
00:37:37That's how I pass in front of the rifles.
00:37:40You're in a lot of trouble, soldier.
00:37:43I understand you.
00:37:45When I was your age, I fell in love with black love.
00:37:48He was caught in my trap.
00:37:50He took his life.
00:37:52I've never been in love again.
00:37:54There is no cure for death.
00:37:56But there is a cure for everything else.
00:37:59Mine is hard to find.
00:38:01The one who doesn't say his problem can't find a cure.
00:38:04Tell me.
00:38:14Where are you going?
00:38:16What's up?
00:38:17Am I going to tell all the doors?
00:38:19Here, Mr. Rıza. I have a very fresh journal.
00:38:21Take it.
00:38:26I've never heard such a story in my life.
00:38:29Tell me. I'm excited.
00:38:39I'm Karaman Pasha's right-hand man.
00:38:41He sent me to inspect.
00:38:44What is it? What happened?
00:38:46Aren't you afraid to use Karaman Pasha's name?
00:38:49No. Why would I be afraid?
00:38:51What are you doing, kid?
00:38:53Are you crazy?
00:38:54How can you play with Karaman Pasha?
00:38:56He doesn't even know how many people he shot.
00:38:59I mean, that's what they say.
00:39:01Don't believe such things.
00:39:03Soldiers add a thousand to one.
00:39:05These are all legends.
00:39:07Legend of the village, legend of the village.
00:39:09I'm going to hit you now.
00:39:11What's going on? Why are you so tough?
00:39:14I don't like hand-to-hand jokes like this.
00:39:16Don't be rude to me.
00:39:18My God.
00:39:19Are you a soldier?
00:39:30I have a journal.
00:39:32Tell me, what is your journal?
00:39:34One minute, one minute.
00:39:37The place has ears.
00:39:42Read the journal.
00:39:44That's it.
00:39:48What are you doing?
00:39:50What are you doing?
00:39:52I'm in love.
00:39:54Have mercy on my love.
00:39:58We need help.
00:40:00Okay, commander.
00:40:01I didn't come to kill you.
00:40:03You have an enemy.
00:40:05I came to let him know.
00:40:08What am I going to be afraid of?
00:40:10I'm going to be afraid.
00:40:12I did it to test you.
00:40:14Is that possible?
00:40:16Look, I'm a poor man.
00:40:18I came here to shake my hand and arm.
00:40:20I pulled my dagger.
00:40:23He does the enemy's good.
00:40:27Who is this enemy?
00:40:31Is it that scoundrel called Colonel Bahtiyar?
00:40:36I knew it.
00:40:38I knew it.
00:40:40I knew this scoundrel would be trouble for me.
00:40:44Because he can't stand in front of me.
00:40:48So it's Colonel Bahtiyar.
00:40:51Take it.
00:40:55Because you brought the right journal.
00:40:57I have one more question.
00:40:59Is it true that Colonel Bahtiyar is the right-hand man of Karaman Pasha?
00:41:05Where did he come from?
00:41:06I knew it.
00:41:08So, Karaman Pasha will ask your lover for him.
00:41:12And he will shoot you.
00:41:14So, is Karaman Pasha someone who holds the rank above Karasevda?
00:41:20I don't know him.
00:41:22But if so, he must be the only son of the scoundrel.
00:41:28Oh my God.
00:41:30You are a brave soldier.
00:41:32Well done.
00:41:42Come here.
00:41:50I have an offer for you.
00:41:52Since you are Colonel Bahtiyar,
00:41:55I will be Karaman Pasha and ask the girl for you.
00:41:58How will you do it?
00:42:00I am the master of show-off.
00:42:02I go around and show off to the people.
00:42:04I don't have any costumes or uniforms.
00:42:07I will be Karaman Pasha.
00:42:09Even he will believe me.
00:42:11Show me.
00:42:13I will hit you in the arm.
00:42:17Don't be a coward like me.
00:42:19You are a coward with the colonel.
00:42:21You are a coward with the Pasha.
00:42:23If I were a coward with the Pasha,
00:42:25I would find a way to break the Pasha.
00:42:29Even if you are not a coward,
00:42:31they will hear you and shoot you.
00:42:34I can't accept it.
00:42:36I don't care.
00:42:38I am the master of show-off.
00:42:40I can break the water.
00:42:42In this mortal world,
00:42:44is there a higher rank than dying for love?
00:42:50Then, from now on,
00:42:52I am Karaman Pasha.
00:42:54Nobody knows Karaman Pasha.
00:42:56I will go and wear the uniform.
00:42:58Then, I will come here.
00:43:00Then, I will go to ask for the girl.
00:43:02You will be my right-hand man.
00:43:04I wonder what this colonel Rıza will do.
00:43:12You are a coward.
00:43:14You are a traitor.
00:43:16I will kill you.
00:43:18I know what I will do to you.
00:43:20I will pierce you.
00:43:24But before that,
00:43:26I will do one thing.
00:43:35Since this colonel Bahtiyar is a coward,
00:43:38he played a game with me to be Karaman Pasha's right-hand man.
00:43:41I will play a game with him.
00:43:43In fact, we will play.
00:43:45What is it?
00:43:47I was eating very well.
00:43:51I brought the fruits, mom.
00:43:53Thank you, son.
00:43:55Come, my daughter. Sit here.
00:43:57My daughter is so beautiful.
00:43:59She is so beautiful.
00:44:01She is so beautiful.
00:44:03Isn't she?
00:44:05She is dressed like a cotton princess.
00:44:07If not,
00:44:09she is not as bright as the town's Yosma.
00:44:11She is not as bright as the town's Yosma.
00:44:13Girls, why are we waiting?
00:44:15Let's play.
00:44:17Get up.
00:44:19Get up, dear Cavit.
00:44:21Girls, get up.
00:44:23Girl Huma,
00:44:25get up.
00:44:27I am telling you to get up.
00:44:29Come, come.
00:44:31Let your eyes see a boy.
00:44:33There is a boy at home too.
00:44:35Look at that beard.
00:44:37Look at that mustache.
00:44:39Look at that mustache.
00:44:41There is a mustache too.
00:44:43Look at what she is saying.
00:44:45You are as tall as my leg.
00:44:47There is a horse called a leg.
00:44:49There is a donkey too.
00:44:53There is a donkey too.
00:45:09Thank you.
00:45:11Thank you.
00:45:19She is in our house.
00:45:21She is back to the palace.
00:45:23Two colonels came to ask for the girls.
00:45:27And a pasha is coming.
00:45:31And he is Karaman Pasha.
00:45:37you have two girls at home.
00:45:39If the colonels want them,
00:45:41who will the pasha want?
00:45:49You are so funny.
00:45:51When a jealous person is jealous,
00:45:53he goes into the mud.
00:45:55He doesn't care about himself,
00:45:57he goes into the mud.
00:45:59If a man is eager to give the girls to the colonels,
00:46:01he throws them into the air.
00:46:03He doesn't just throw them into the air,
00:46:05he lays them under the pasha.
00:46:07What are you saying?
00:46:09What are you saying?
00:46:11What will happen if you don't speak?
00:46:19Play, baby, play.
00:46:21Throw your wolves, Cavidan.
00:46:23What is that, Selma?
00:46:25Did your daughter become a wolf?
00:46:27My daughter is like you.
00:46:29Does a pickle become a wolf?
00:46:31Look at Enda.
00:46:33Enda makes men's hearts dance.
00:46:35Good news, ladies.
00:46:37Good news.
00:46:39I am giving my two daughters
00:46:41to two colonels.
00:46:43And Karaman Pasha
00:46:45is coming to ask for them.
00:46:47Karaman Pasha.
00:46:51My daughter will marry
00:46:53Karaman Pasha.
00:46:55He won't even marry
00:46:57your daughter.
00:46:59My daughter will be married,
00:47:01but she won't become a wolf.
00:47:03Your daughter is born rotten.
00:47:05They won't take her even if she falls to the ground.
00:47:07No way!
00:47:09Ayaz has been mad at me since she was five.
00:47:11If I wanted, I would have taken your son
00:47:13from your lap long ago, woman!
00:47:15I will tear the mouth of the man
00:47:17who will speak to my son
00:47:19like this.
00:47:21Tear it, let's see.
00:47:25God, get out of my way.
00:47:27Let my daughter go.
00:47:29Let me go.
00:47:31Let my daughter go.
00:47:33You are a son of a bitch.
00:47:35Let me go.
00:47:37I will tear your mouth.
00:47:39I will tear your mouth.
00:47:41I will tear your mouth.
00:47:43I will tear your mouth.
00:47:45You will see.
00:47:47Don't make me angry.
00:47:51You have three grown-up sons.
00:47:53You should take good care of them.
00:47:55Look what you did to your
00:47:5740-year-old childhood friend.
00:47:59Are you her father?
00:48:01God forbid.
00:48:03What happened?
00:48:05Did you have a stroke?
00:48:07I didn't have a stroke.
00:48:09I was about to have a stroke.
00:48:11What is this?
00:48:13You disgraced yourself and me.
00:48:15Shame on you.
00:48:21Look at him.
00:48:23We hit him twice
00:48:25and he lost his mind.
00:48:27If I fight every day,
00:48:29this teacher will be a scholar.
00:48:41I thought this voice
00:48:43was coming from heaven.
00:48:45But it was you, Mihriban.
00:48:51What did you do?
00:48:53What did I do, Mihriban?
00:48:55I said I would ask for it.
00:48:57I came and asked for it.
00:48:59Are you crazy?
00:49:01I was losing my mind.
00:49:03They will shoot you.
00:49:05I was shot already, Mihriban.
00:49:07I was shot at you.
00:49:09Take this bullet out of my heart.
00:49:13No, Bahtiyar.
00:49:15Someone will see it.
00:49:17If they see it, the birds will see it.
00:49:19They won't say anything.
00:49:21Don't worry.
00:49:25No way.
00:49:29Don't say that, Mihriban.
00:49:31Maybe they will shoot me today.
00:49:33Let me kiss you once
00:49:35before I die.
00:49:47Go now.
00:49:51I think you should go.
00:49:55Even if I die,
00:49:57I won't go anywhere without you.
00:49:59He is your commander.
00:50:01If he sees you, he will recognize you.
00:50:03God forbid, he will shoot you.
00:50:05Aren't you afraid of Rıza?
00:50:07Let him be afraid of Karaman Pasha.
00:50:09When Karaman Pasha comes,
00:50:11I will tell him everything.
00:50:13Are you crazy?
00:50:15Both of us will be shot.
00:50:17I won't let him kill you.
00:50:19If necessary,
00:50:21we will both die with Rıza.
00:50:23But I won't let Rıza take you.
00:50:41I slapped you in the middle of your mouth.
00:50:43You became silent.
00:50:45I slapped
00:50:47Şükran in the middle of her mouth.
00:50:49She was too relaxed lately.
00:50:53I slapped her.
00:50:55If Karaman Pasha comes,
00:50:57I will slap her in the middle of her mouth
00:50:59if we give our daughter to the colonel.
00:51:01Let's get our two daughters
00:51:03married to two colonels.
00:51:07we will go to the palace.
00:51:09Mom, mom.
00:51:11Both of them asked for Mihriban.
00:51:13Both of them asked for Mihriban.
00:51:15Should we let one of them go empty-handed?
00:51:17Look now.
00:51:19Mihriban liked Bahtiyar colonel.
00:51:21It's obvious.
00:51:25should we let colonel Rıza go empty-handed?
00:51:27Let him go.
00:51:29Let him go wherever he wants.
00:51:31I don't want him.
00:51:33Besides, he is not my type.
00:51:35Look at her.
00:51:37She doesn't like a big commander.
00:51:39Anyone who sees her will think
00:51:41she is a sultan's daughter.
00:51:45If Pasha comes,
00:51:47I will marry him.
00:51:49I am Mihriban's sister.
00:51:51What do I lack from Mihriban?
00:51:55If you say height, height.
00:51:57If you say posture, posture.
00:51:59If you say leg...
00:52:01What are you going to do
00:52:03with that tough Pasha, tyrant?
00:52:05I like tough men.
00:52:09Speak properly.
00:52:11There is a father here.
00:52:13Yes, father.
00:52:15I have a headache.
00:52:17Let me bring you some water.
00:52:21Cevdet is making fun of me with the colonel.
00:52:23I said something
00:52:25and he went crazy.
00:52:27Then, I lifted the chair
00:52:29and hit him on the head.
00:52:31Thank you, husband.
00:52:33I talked to Selma.
00:52:35She said something.
00:52:39Then, I said
00:52:41you can add two more
00:52:43and put two on the other side.
00:52:45Then, I forgave them all.
00:52:47I think they put two on you.
00:52:49No, dear.
00:52:51The ones who came to separate
00:52:53their arms, legs, and knees came.
00:52:55Of course.
00:52:57Where is Umar?
00:52:59I don't know. He must be inside.
00:53:01Let me do a little more.
00:53:03Okay, okay.
00:53:05You are killing me.
00:53:15What are you doing?
00:53:17What are you doing?
00:53:19What am I doing?
00:53:21Look what I am going to say.
00:53:23Our guys are always fighting with yours.
00:53:25I am taking care of Cavidan.
00:53:27My mom is hanging out with my mom.
00:53:29They won't give me to you.
00:53:31Be a little patient.
00:53:33I will either take you or kidnap you.
00:53:35Isn't that for sure?
00:53:37My name is Ayaz, isn't it?
00:53:39Yes, it is.
00:53:41I will take you.
00:53:43My name is Ayaz, isn't it?
00:53:45I am more stupid than the man
00:53:47who is stuck with Ayaz.
00:53:49When Karaman Pasha comes,
00:53:51I know what I will do.
00:53:53What will you do?
00:53:55When Karaman Pasha comes, I will do it.
00:53:57What should I know? My name is Ayaz.
00:53:59What else will you do?
00:54:01Are you crazy?
00:54:03I don't understand.
00:54:05What did I say?
00:54:07I will kidnap you.
00:54:11I will kidnap you,
00:54:13and then I will do all of them.
00:54:19I entered the barracks.
00:54:21They didn't give anyone to me.
00:54:23They described the commander's room.
00:54:25I went to the commander's room
00:54:27shaking my hands and arms.
00:54:29I drew my dagger.
00:54:31Colonel Rıza got scared.
00:54:33If I wanted,
00:54:35I would lay his corpse there.
00:54:37I mean, there is nothing left of the barracks.
00:54:39You can't go there.
00:54:41Colonel Rıza asked someone
00:54:43named Colonel Bahtiyar.
00:54:45He used your name.
00:54:47He said he was Karaman Pasha's right-hand man.
00:54:49Look at you.
00:54:51And where is he?
00:54:53He is a liar who will exploit
00:54:55your people when you want a girl
00:54:57in a village house.
00:54:59What a liar!
00:55:01When Karaman Pasha comes,
00:55:03he will ask for the girl for me.
00:55:05Colonel Rıza also went to ask for the girl.
00:55:07The commander of the barracks
00:55:09didn't understand that he was a liar.
00:55:11He said he will ask for the girl
00:55:13for me when Karaman Pasha comes.
00:55:15What a liar!
00:55:17Colonel Rıza is worse than Bahtiyar.
00:55:19He told me to ask for the girl
00:55:21instead of Karaman Pasha.
00:55:23What? How dare you?
00:55:25Let's find Bahtiyar
00:55:27and kill them both.
00:55:29Wait a minute.
00:55:31I met Bahtiyar today.
00:55:33He is a brave boy.
00:55:35He is brave.
00:55:37He is a good soldier.
00:55:39Since he promised,
00:55:41I will ask for the girl for him.
00:55:43What will happen to Colonel Rıza?
00:55:45You will be Karaman Pasha.
00:55:47You come to ask for the girl.
00:55:49I wonder what he will do to Rıza.
00:55:51Let's test them both.
00:55:53We will decide their fate.
00:55:55Okay, Pasha.
00:55:59If there is something about work,
00:56:01he won't get involved.
00:56:03You are talking nonsense.
00:56:05I don't get it, Rıza.
00:56:07You are always talking about work.
00:56:09You are right.
00:56:11I will hit him with a spoon.
00:56:13He won't leave you alone.
00:56:15Why did you hit him?
00:56:25I see who you are.
00:56:27You are still alive.
00:56:29I thought you wouldn't come.
00:56:31Did you find Pasha's uniform?
00:56:33Of course I did.
00:56:35It is in the sack. Let's go.
00:56:37Where did you get so many medals?
00:56:39This is half of it.
00:56:41I won all of them in wars.
00:56:43Now I believe you are brave.
00:56:45You are a brave man.
00:56:47Look at me.
00:56:49Be serious when you want the girl.
00:56:51Don't be a cop and humiliate me.
00:56:53Who is a cop?
00:56:57You are a donkey. Talk to me.
00:56:59Why did you take off your uniform?
00:57:01Look at me, Bahtiyar.
00:57:03From now on,
00:57:05there is Karaman Pasha in front of you.
00:57:07I don't know that.
00:57:09They can shoot us both.
00:57:11Let them shoot us.
00:57:13The water test is on the waterway.
00:57:15Be careful.
00:57:17Good job.
00:57:19Where are we going?
00:57:21We are going to ask for the girl.
00:57:23The girl's house is this way.
00:57:25Tell me from the beginning.
00:57:27In the name of God.
00:57:29God bless you, Karaman Pasha.
00:57:51I am Karaman Pasha.
00:57:53This is Bahtiyar Albay.
00:57:55We are here for a good reason.
00:57:57Do we have permission?
00:58:01What do you mean?
00:58:03Permission is yours.
00:58:25Thank you.
00:58:55Why didn't you tell me
00:58:57that she is such a beautiful sister?
00:58:59Don't talk nonsense.
00:59:01Don't make a mess.
00:59:03Talk with manners.
00:59:07God bless you.
00:59:09Our girl is also very beautiful.
00:59:11We forgot what beauty is
00:59:13instead of running from time to time.
00:59:19That's right, Pasha.
00:59:21God bless you.
00:59:23That's right, Pasha.
00:59:25I remembered it before you.
00:59:27My future bridegroom
00:59:29is my son-in-law.
00:59:37My son-in-law.
00:59:39I call him son-in-law, Mr. Cevdet.
00:59:41Don't look at him.
00:59:43He is my right hand.
00:59:45If you say so,
00:59:47Karaman Pasha is right.
00:59:49Kiss the girl's hand, Pasha.
00:59:53Don't do it this time.
01:00:01There is something I don't understand.
01:00:03You found this dress.
01:00:05Brother, where did you find the medals?
01:00:07Who knows?
01:00:09Maybe I'm really Karaman Pasha.
01:00:21Are you really Karaman Pasha?
01:00:23Are these medals real?
01:00:25Look, we're going to make noise there.
01:00:27No politeness, no politeness, okay?
01:00:29We're going to take the girl.
01:00:31I'm wearing a Pasha dress.
01:00:33I'm wearing a medal.
01:00:35You know.
01:00:37If you want, I'll go.
01:00:39I'll report you to Karaman Pasha.
01:00:41Okay, okay.
01:00:43Let's go.
01:00:47I was the most heroic soldier.
01:00:49Just to be brave to the soldiers,
01:00:51I would attack alone.
01:00:53He ran over the rifles with a sword.
01:00:55Sir, when we returned to the palace,
01:00:57our great sovereign,
01:00:59our sovereign,
01:01:01forget the campaign.
01:01:03We win, we lose, it doesn't matter.
01:01:05You told me to tell the fortune teller.
01:01:07Such a hero has not come to the world.
01:01:09Okay, you're selling well,
01:01:11but don't exaggerate that much.
01:01:13We lose our credibility.
01:01:17The whole world, sir.
01:01:19He must have come.
01:01:21Don't interrupt me.
01:01:23Since we came with a good occasion,
01:01:25let's talk a little, right?
01:01:27Sir, there is no good or bad.
01:01:29Every brave man has a yogurt business.
01:01:31Mine is also helpless,
01:01:33to put it on the bullet.
01:01:37Sir, long story short,
01:01:39your daughter,
01:01:41my comrade in arms,
01:01:43my friend in arms,
01:01:45we want Colonel Bahtiyar.
01:01:47If you find it appropriate.
01:01:49After you find it appropriate,
01:01:51do we have the right to object,
01:01:53Karaman Pasha?
01:01:55May God make you believe.
01:01:57As soon as I saw Colonel Bahtiyar,
01:01:59I said, here is the man to be my son-in-law.
01:02:01Remember, sir,
01:02:03didn't you say that such a hero
01:02:05would suit my daughter?
01:02:07You know,
01:02:09I couldn't take my eyes off him.
01:02:11I mean, I couldn't say no
01:02:13just because of his rank.
01:02:15Especially when he started to talk,
01:02:17I held him by the neck
01:02:19and I felt like throwing him into the street.
01:02:43I am Karaman Pasha.
01:02:45Who is the fake colonel
01:02:47who wants a girl by giving my name?
01:02:51Who is the idiot who doesn't give a girl
01:02:53to his commander in the winter?
01:02:55Hey, enough!
01:02:57How many colonels are there in this house?
01:02:59God, you turned it into a drum.
01:03:01Shut up! There is one Pasha here,
01:03:03he is mine.
01:03:05But I ask,
01:03:07who is he?
01:03:09He is my Pasha.
01:03:11Who are you?
01:03:15I am Karaman Pasha.
01:03:17Who are you?
01:03:19Now we will see who is Pasha and who is not.
01:03:21What kind of a scoundrel are you?
01:03:23I will shoot you, scoundrel.
01:03:25Who brought you to this house as Pasha?
01:03:27That bastard next to you?
01:03:29I will shoot him, too.
01:03:31Hey, what are you doing?
01:03:33Slow down.
01:03:35No, don't be afraid.
01:03:37I have seen Karaman Pasha twice.
01:03:39He is bald.
01:03:41You say so.
01:03:43Where did you get the medallions from?
01:03:45Karaman, look at Pasha.
01:03:47Are you crazy?
01:03:49Run away and save yourself.
01:03:51I am not crazy.
01:03:53Karaman Pasha is mine.
01:03:55He is mine.
01:03:57Thank God.
01:03:59He is crazy.
01:04:01Are you the fake colonel who uses my name?
01:04:03I am the fake colonel.
01:04:05But this man is crazy.
01:04:07He is the colonel of the poor man who obeys me.
01:04:09I beg you, Pasha.
01:04:11Forgive him and let him go.
01:04:13It is all my fault.
01:04:23I was in love, Pasha.
01:04:25I fell in love.
01:04:29I had no choice.
01:04:31First I stole the colonel's uniform.
01:04:33Then I found this crazy man.
01:04:37But believe me.
01:04:39It is not his fault.
01:04:41It is all my fault.
01:04:47Shoot me.
01:04:51But let my friend go.
01:04:55I beg you.
01:04:57I beg you.
01:05:05I spit on you.
01:05:07Get up.
01:05:09I beg you.
01:05:11He is the colonel who wears a uniform.
01:05:13Shut up.
01:05:15Shut up?
01:05:17Only Karaman Pasha speaks where Karaman Pasha is.
01:05:21That is enough.
01:05:23I will shoot you both.
01:05:25I will shoot you both.
01:05:27Listen to me.
01:05:29Your last prayer is here.
01:05:31Because you will die here.
01:05:33Please shut up.
01:05:35Are you sure?
01:05:37He is bald.
01:05:39We cannot see his hair.
01:05:41Maybe he is still bald.
01:05:43But he has a white mustache.
01:05:45Maybe he has a mustache.
01:05:47Did you see his mustache?
01:05:49Are you sure?
01:05:51He is Karaman Pasha.
01:05:53He brought Riza.
01:05:55Shut up.
01:05:57Are you deaf?
01:05:59Please shut up.
01:06:01They will shoot us.
01:06:03I am the head of this house.
01:06:05I do not listen to the pasha.
01:06:09Take your grandfather to the other room.
01:06:11You stay there.
01:06:13I think I should take them all out.
01:06:15I will cut your head off.
01:06:17I will cut your head off.
01:06:19I will cut your head off.
01:06:21I will cut your head off.
01:06:23I will cut your head off.
01:06:25But my friend will go.
01:06:29We came here to ask for a girl.
01:06:31His father should decide.
01:06:33Who will give the girl?
01:06:35You decide.
01:06:37Tell me.
01:06:39Which one is real?
01:06:41We know that Riza is real.
01:06:43But this is fake.
01:06:45Because he is the head of this house.
01:06:47This is fake.
01:06:49This is fake.
01:06:51This is what I thought.
01:06:53We do not have a girl to give to the frauds.
01:06:55Riza is suitable for us.
01:06:57He came with you.
01:07:01We accept.
01:07:03That is enough.
01:07:05If you give the girl to Riza.
01:07:07We have to go.
01:07:09Look at me.
01:07:11I allow you to go now.
01:07:13But I will shoot you both.
01:07:19We will see who shoots whom.
01:07:25Do not come to me.
01:07:31You are crazier than me.
01:07:33Let me go.
01:07:35You are crazier than the crazy inside.
01:07:37I told you that I am a coward.
01:07:39A coward is crazy.
01:07:41If Karaman Pasha is a general once.
01:07:43I am a general a thousand times.
01:07:45You saw it.
01:07:47Get out of here.
01:07:51Give me your blessing.
01:07:53I give you my blessing.
01:07:55Wait a minute.
01:07:57What will you do now?
01:07:59I will not stay in the base.
01:08:01I will kidnap Mihriban.
01:08:03Then I will shoot you both.
01:08:05Take the girl.
01:08:09He does not take me seriously.
01:08:13He wants to take our daughter.
01:08:15What can we do?
01:08:17We are sorry.
01:08:19Karaman Pasha.
01:08:21We did not understand.
01:08:23We did not understand.
01:08:27Let's not spoil our taste.
01:08:29They will be shot.
01:08:31What did they say?
01:08:33The past is the past.
01:08:35Let's look at the future.
01:08:37I say.
01:08:39While Karaman Pasha is here.
01:08:41Should we cancel the wedding?
01:08:43If it is appropriate.
01:08:45Of course it is appropriate.
01:08:47We will be very pleased.
01:09:01What is he doing?
01:09:03Come here.
01:09:05While Karaman Pasha is here.
01:09:07I found it appropriate to marry Rıza Bey.
01:09:13I am sorry.
01:09:33I found you while looking for you in the sky.
01:09:35I have a request.
01:09:37I asked Mr. Cevdet's daughter.
01:09:39Mrs. Mihriban.
01:09:41She said thank you.
01:09:43I say.
01:09:45Marry us tomorrow.
01:09:47What is this?
01:09:49Let's take you to the lake.
01:09:51Where did he come from?
01:09:53You are not appropriate.
01:09:55You are not appropriate.
01:09:59Look at me.
01:10:01I am the head of this house.
01:10:03Whatever I say.
01:10:05You will go to Kisliye.
01:10:07You will tell Riza that I gave up.
01:10:09That's it.
01:10:13They will kill us all.
01:10:17My dear.
01:10:19I understand him.
01:10:21Why are you crying?
01:10:23I fell in love with Karaman Pasha.
01:10:25What can I do?
01:10:27Don't be sad.
01:10:29You will see Karaman Pasha at the wedding.
01:10:31Not him.
01:10:33He says I fell in love with a fake Pasha.
01:10:35You don't understand.
01:10:39What's going on here?
01:10:43Stop it.
01:10:45You will marry Riza.
01:10:47That's it.
01:10:49I won't give you to that fake Pasha.
01:10:53There is nothing left in this house.
01:10:55Since we fell in love with Karaman Pasha.
01:10:57He will ask me to marry him.
01:11:01Or I will kill him.
01:11:09I will kill him.
01:11:13He will be the groom of the chief of the village.
01:11:15He will try to make me kiss his nose.
01:11:17I will make him kiss his nose.
01:11:21When he gets divorced, he will put it on his head.
01:11:25I didn't say my last word yet.
01:11:27I will prevent this wedding.
01:11:33Forget it.
01:11:35We won't face each other.
01:11:37The groom is like this.
01:11:39But they are marrying their daughters.
01:11:43Think about Cavidan.
01:11:45He is marrying his sister Alba.
01:11:47But she stayed at home.
01:11:49You are waiting for your husband at home.
01:11:53Would it be better if I came home?
01:11:55I am waiting for my daughter.
01:11:59I will run away.
01:12:01Where are you running away?
01:12:03You will make us celebrate the wedding for 40 days.
01:12:05Look around you.
01:12:07We are in the forest.
01:12:09Are you going to run away to the bear?
01:12:11I will run away to Ayaz.
01:12:13Did he say Ayaz?
01:12:15I will run away to Ayaz.
01:12:17Look at me.
01:12:19If you say Ayaz again,
01:12:21you will eat this shoe in the middle of your mouth.
01:12:25I love Ayaz.
01:12:27We are in love with each other.
01:12:29I don't like anyone but him.
01:12:31Is that so?
01:12:33If I had a thousand daughters,
01:12:35I wouldn't give one of them to Ayaz.
01:12:37I wouldn't let him live in the village.
01:12:39This is my heart.
01:12:41I would give it to the crazy or the crazy.
01:12:43What are you talking about?
01:12:45Look at me.
01:12:47I will put you in the coal.
01:12:53What are we going to do?
01:12:55What are you looking at?
01:12:57The situation in the forest is terrible.
01:12:59It is enough to see the commander.
01:13:01He knows that Karaman Pasha is coming.
01:13:03He is trying to put the forest in order.
01:13:05What is he trying to do?
01:13:07He ruined the honor of the army.
01:13:09But I know what I will do to him.
01:13:11It is time to go to the forest.
01:13:13What about Mihriban?
01:13:15We will see her tomorrow.
01:13:17When they learn who I am,
01:13:19they will understand
01:13:21why they call me Karaman Pasha.
01:13:23I don't want Nizan.
01:13:25I don't want Nizan.
01:13:29I want Mahdi.
01:13:33I want to marry him.
01:13:55He is sleeping.
01:14:01I will take him to our bed.
01:14:03He will sleep next to me
01:14:05so that he won't run away when he wakes up.
01:14:07You sleep with Ayaz.
01:14:13Let's sleep with Ayaz
01:14:15for today's price.
01:14:41Don't make any noise.
01:14:43I am here to kidnap you.
01:14:45I knew you would come.
01:14:47That is why I was sleeping with my eyes open.
01:14:49I swear to God.
01:14:53He said no before the wedding.
01:14:54Come, I say, come, come!
01:14:57Tell me, my love, tell me!
01:14:58Cavidan, I'm Bahtiyar.
01:15:00I'm very Bahtiyar too, come!
01:15:01Cavidan, I'm Bahtiyar who's in love with Mihriban.
01:15:08Where's my Pasha? Who are you?
01:15:11I don't know.
01:15:12Go and find my Pasha.
01:15:13He'll kidnap me and you'll kidnap Mihriban.
01:15:15Let's live happily ever after, come on!
01:15:17I think he's gone.
01:15:18If he comes back, I'll tell you.
01:15:20He's gone?
01:15:21My Pasha's gone?
01:15:24He's gone!
01:15:25Cavidan, don't cry.
01:15:26Cavidan, don't cry.
01:15:27Someone will hear you, Cavidan.
01:15:28He's gone!
01:15:29Cavidan, you'll make me cry too.
01:15:30Don't do it, I beg you.
01:15:32Come here!
01:15:33Okay, you get out of here.
01:15:35You have to run.
01:15:36Ayaz is coming.
01:15:36Where should I get out?
01:15:37Should I get out of where I came from?
01:15:38No, no.
01:15:38You can get out of the garden.
01:15:40Go through the door.
01:15:41Go through the door?
01:15:41Hurry, go, go!
01:15:43My nerves are breaking already.
01:15:49Where should I hide?
01:15:51What should I do? He's coming.
01:15:54He's coming.
01:15:56Why are you crying, Mihriban?
01:15:58Why are you crying, Mihriban?
01:16:00Don't cry, dear.
01:16:01What's wrong with you?
01:16:01I'm crying!
01:16:04Where's Mihriban?
01:16:05She went to my parents.
01:16:07She's sleeping there.
01:16:08Who were you talking to?
01:16:11I'm talking to myself.
01:16:12Why are you talking to yourself?
01:16:14Are you crazy, dear?
01:16:15I'm not crazy.
01:16:16You're crazy.
01:16:17I'm sorry.
01:16:18If I were crazy, I'd be talking to myself.
01:16:20You're talking to yourself.
01:16:21What nonsense are you talking about?
01:16:22Are you talking to yourself?
01:16:23Are you crazy?
01:16:31Who's that?
01:16:32Come here!
01:16:37Who made that noise?
01:16:39Who made that noise?
01:16:40Come here.
01:16:46Oh my God.
01:16:47Did something happen?
01:16:48Did something happen to the fairies?
01:16:49Help me.
01:16:50Oh my God, please.
01:16:53Who made that noise?
01:16:56Don't scare me.
01:16:57Go away.
01:16:58Get out of here.
01:17:04Where did I hear that voice?
01:17:05No way.
01:17:06No way.
01:17:07What does it have to do with anything?
01:17:18You bastard.
01:17:19You thief.
01:17:20Come here.
01:17:21Who are you?
01:17:22Come here.
01:17:23Who are you, son?
01:17:24Come here.
01:17:33Did it come to you?
01:17:35If you want, take me away.
01:17:36If you want, take me away right now.
01:17:40Who are you?
01:17:41It hurts so much.
01:17:42Who are you?
01:17:43Are you a thief?
01:17:44Who are you?
01:17:45Do you know me, son?
01:17:46I don't know you either.
01:17:47We just met.
01:17:48Come here.
01:17:49Come here.
01:17:52You didn't see me,
01:17:53and I didn't see you.
01:17:55Don't feel sorry for me, okay?
01:17:59Animals are hell.
01:18:00Go away.
01:18:01Go away.
01:18:02Go away.
01:18:03Go away.
01:18:04Go away.
01:18:05Go away.
01:18:08I can't sleep in peace.
01:18:10With you bastards.
01:18:12But they're going to leave.
01:18:13I'm scared too.
01:18:21I can't sleep at night.
01:18:27Come on, let's go.
01:18:29They're pissing me off.
01:18:32I'm here for you.
01:18:33Take me away if you want.
01:18:34Take me to bed if you want.
01:18:35Why aren't you answering?
01:18:37I came for someone else.
01:18:39How can I say something?
01:18:40Look at me.
01:18:41Take me away.
01:18:43Take me to bed if you want.
01:18:44What are you doing?
01:18:46We don't want to die.
01:18:47We don't want to die.
01:18:48Don't be ridiculous, what are you doing?
01:18:49Is that how it is? Isn't there a rule for everything?
01:18:51I'm going to kidnap you, you're going to kidnap me.
01:18:53What a ridiculous thing this is.
01:18:55When are you going to kidnap me?
01:18:56I'm sick of it.
01:18:58Okay, I'm going to kidnap you, I swear.
01:18:59Because I love you so much.
01:19:00You know that, right?
01:19:01I swear, I'm going to kidnap you.
01:19:02Why are you going to kidnap me?
01:19:03I'm going to kiss you once.
01:19:04Don't kiss me right now.
01:19:05What did you say?
01:19:06I'm going to kiss you after we get married.
01:19:07Come on.
01:19:08Come on, come on, come on.
01:19:09We're here, right?
01:19:09I said I'd kiss you.
01:19:11Come on, come on, come on.
01:19:12Come on, come on, come on, come on.
01:19:14It's okay, it's okay.
01:19:16A cat came.
01:19:17I'm going to shake that cat.
01:19:19I threw it away.
01:19:20Look, I'm throwing it away.
01:19:21Dirty, come on.
01:19:21Let's get out of here.
01:19:27Good morning, Cavidan.
01:19:28Good morning.
01:19:29Good morning.
01:19:29Come on, don't stand in the fog.
01:19:30I have to tell you something.
01:19:31What happened?
01:19:33Bahtiyar came to kidnap you tonight.
01:19:35Do you know that?
01:19:41He's going to wait for you at the fountain.
01:19:43If you want, go ahead and get ready.
01:19:45Don't make him wait.
01:19:54Give me your blessing, Cavidan.
01:19:56Okay, give me your blessing.
01:19:57You give me your blessing, too.
01:19:59You can write a letter in the meantime.
01:20:00I won't do anything.
01:20:01And I'm not crying.
01:20:02It's already foggy.
01:20:03Okay, I promise.
01:20:04I'll write you a letter.
01:20:05Okay, go ahead.
01:20:06Okay, you'll get ready.
01:20:07Come on.
01:20:09Wait a minute.
01:20:11If you find Pasha, tell him to come and kidnap me.
01:20:16Okay, I promise.
01:20:19I'll definitely hear it.
01:21:08Here you go.
01:21:30I knew you'd come.
01:21:31I knew you'd come, too.
01:21:34My mom knew, too.
01:21:35She was lying next to me.
01:21:36It's okay.
01:21:37Now that you're here, the world is mine.
01:21:40Come on, let's get out of here.
01:21:41I'll come everywhere you want me to, Bahtiyar.
01:21:43I'll take you to the opposite village of the village where I was born and raised.
01:21:46They can't find us there.
01:21:48We'll live in happiness for the rest of our lives.
01:21:50Why don't you take me to your own village?
01:21:52The police will follow us.
01:21:54They'll look at my village right away.
01:21:56But looking at the opposite village doesn't come to their minds.
01:21:58It's good to be close to your relatives,
01:22:00but it's not good to be inside them.
01:22:02We'll live at a distance with them.
01:22:05Okay, then. We'll talk about this on the road.
01:22:08Is your village far from here?
01:22:09It's a month from the desert to the camel,
01:22:11but if we go around it, it'll take three months by horse.
01:22:25Hands up!
01:22:27You're Bahtiyar, aren't you?
01:22:29Fake Colonel Bahtiyar.
01:22:31No, no, no. You're confusing me.
01:22:33I'm Ayaz.
01:22:34Mihriban is my brother.
01:22:36Isn't that right, Mihriban?
01:22:38Yes, he's my brother, Ayaz.
01:22:40Nice to meet you.
01:22:41I'm Karaman Pasha.
01:22:43He's my friend and the Padishah.
01:22:46Come on, we're going to the village.
01:22:48You'll be shot.
01:22:49He'll be shot?
01:22:51Please forgive him.
01:22:53Please forgive him.
01:22:54No, it's an order.
01:22:59That's it, Mihriban.
01:23:02Let's say goodbye.
01:23:07Goodbye, my love.
01:23:31My God.
01:23:34My God, please forgive me.
01:23:37If I have to, I'll cross the desert and go to Yemen.
01:23:41I'll even become a pilgrim on the way.
01:23:44My God, please.
01:23:45You're strong enough for everything.
01:23:48You're the only one who can save Bahtiyar.
01:24:02My God.
01:24:17I'm sorry, brother Bahtiyar.
01:24:19I told him where he was.
01:24:20They made me tell him.
01:24:23It's no use.
01:24:25If we're going to die, let's die together.
01:24:27It's no use.
01:24:28They're going to kill him.
01:24:30They took your lover from you.
01:24:31What else are you going to waste?
01:24:33You're right.
01:24:34We're both going to be wasted.
01:24:35But what do we get out of it?
01:24:38Karaman Pasha.
01:24:41Supreme Pasha.
01:24:42State Pasha.
01:24:44I beg you, don't hurt my crazy friend.
01:24:46You hurt my love.
01:24:47Hurt me too.
01:24:48Hurt my life too.
01:24:50But don't hurt a madman.
01:24:52Because it's a sin to hurt a madman.
01:24:55Two worlds that burn together don't come together.
01:24:57Cut it out, Zindik.
01:24:58Are you going to give me a lesson in the hereafter?
01:25:01It would be absurd to give you a lesson in life without being shot, Pasha.
01:25:04I'm already close to the hereafter.
01:25:07That's why I said it.
01:25:08Let's go.
01:25:09Take this.
01:25:13Take this too.
01:25:17Take it.
01:25:29The End
01:25:45Nedim, I'm getting married today.
01:25:49I'm going to get married as soon as possible.
01:25:51I think I can hear what you're going to say when Karaman Pasha gets here.
01:25:55When Karaman Pasha comes, I'll tell him that I was already married.
01:25:59After he leaves, I'll have a wedding. That's it.
01:26:03By the way, double the patrols.
01:26:06Don't let the birds fly away.
01:26:08When Karaman Pasha comes, he'll see the soldiers like a hawk.
01:26:12I'm Karaman Pasha.
01:26:26Prepare for the execution.
01:26:28There will be bullets.
01:26:39Batu, what are you looking at?
01:26:41What else can he do? He didn't even touch Karaman Pasha.
01:26:47Karaman Pasha has already come.
01:26:49He might even be inspecting us.
01:26:51What should I do? Should I hide under the table?
01:26:53Oh my God!
01:26:54Should we continue with the old bath?
01:26:56Yes, bath.
01:26:57When you said bath, I remembered.
01:26:59The soldiers want a strong bath.
01:27:01I'll cut them myself until their skins fall off.
01:27:05Oh my God!
01:27:06Is this a prison or a sanctuary?
01:27:08Get out! Get out!
01:27:13Karaman Pasha!
01:27:14What Karaman Pasha? Idiot!
01:27:16What are you doing here?
01:27:18Get out! Get out!
01:27:19I'm Karaman Pasha.
01:27:21I came to inspect you in disguise.
01:27:24The story is over.
01:27:26Now let's get back to our main job.
01:27:29Get out of there!
01:27:30Get out of there!
01:27:32You can fool the ignorant people, but I won't eat these tricks.
01:27:36What kind of a man are you?
01:27:38I gave you a bag of gold.
01:27:39What else do you want?
01:27:40Do you want a share of Kışla?
01:27:42Colonel Rıza.
01:27:44What do you want?
01:27:46To be shot at?
01:27:48We got the girl.
01:27:49I'm telling you, we're done with you.
01:27:51Get out of there.
01:27:52Nedim, what are you waiting for?
01:27:53Get this impudent out of there.
01:27:54In fact, when he got her out,
01:27:56he put 40 on the feet of the state group.
01:27:58In fact, one of them is 41.
01:28:00Take this.
01:28:03Now carry out the commander's order.
01:28:05Come on.
01:28:13What happened?
01:28:14The address.
01:28:15Karaman Pasha.
01:28:16Give it to me.
01:28:17Let me see.
01:28:18Hold it.
01:28:22He gave the address of this place.
01:28:23That's right.
01:28:24What does it say?
01:28:25The person who brought this document is...
01:28:27...Karaman Pasha's concubine.
01:28:31The sultan.
01:28:35Nedim, go out.
01:28:36We'll talk to Karaman Pasha in private.
01:28:39Yes, sir.
01:28:47Come here.
01:28:48Forgive me, Pasha.
01:28:54I didn't know you were here.
01:28:56Forgive me, Pasha.
01:29:04I'm in a bad mood.
01:29:08What happened?
01:29:09What's going to happen?
01:29:10The man sent soldiers.
01:29:11He's waiting for us in the winter.
01:29:15Let's say Mihriban got sick.
01:29:17Let's say Mihriban got sick.
01:29:19Don't make me sick.
01:29:20I'll get sick right away.
01:29:21It'll be great.
01:29:23I won't come here again.
01:29:24If you talk to me like that,
01:29:25it won't work.
01:29:26The best thing is...
01:29:27...before Mihriban got married...
01:29:29...you said you went to plant candles...
01:29:31...for Vuslat Dede.
01:29:32Vuslat Dede?
01:29:33How come I don't know?
01:29:34I've never heard of him.
01:29:36Vuslat Dede is nearby.
01:29:38Go to Fizan.
01:29:40You'll find him there.
01:29:41Come on.
01:29:43I'm sorry.
01:29:45We're in a bad mood.
01:29:47You're making fun of us.
01:29:49Who else am I making fun of?
01:29:51Of course I'm making fun of you.
01:29:52Wait a minute.
01:29:54Where are you?
01:29:55I missed you so much.
01:29:57I'm sorry.
01:29:58I'm sorry.
01:29:59I'm sorry.
01:30:01You're finally here.
01:30:03My dear Mihriban.
01:30:05Where have you been?
01:30:07We've been looking for you everywhere.
01:30:09We missed you so much.
01:30:11Karaman Pasha is waiting for you...
01:30:13...for the wedding in the winter.
01:30:18They're going to plant candles for Bahtiyar.
01:30:22I'll marry Colonel Riza on one condition.
01:30:24Tell me that condition.
01:30:25Tell me.
01:30:26They'll forgive Bahtiyar.
01:30:30Come in.
01:30:36Come in.
01:30:37Now you're in my hands.
01:30:40Shut up.
01:30:41And don't change your attitude.
01:30:43I'll read your notebook.
01:30:48Come in.
01:30:53Hello, Pasha.
01:30:55How did you come, Pasha?
01:30:57We came running.
01:31:01I'll shoot them both.
01:31:03I wanted you to see.
01:31:04Please forgive them, Pasha.
01:31:06Yes, Pasha. Please forgive them.
01:31:08Wait a minute.
01:31:09The decision is yours.
01:31:12Let's talk about this first.
01:31:15Cevdet Efendi.
01:31:16Yes, Pasha.
01:31:17These two men I brought to shoot...
01:31:19...are frauds.
01:31:21But both of them are brave.
01:31:23Bahtiyar is madly in love with your daughter.
01:31:26He's waiting to be shot.
01:31:28And this fraud who says he's Karaman Pasha...
01:31:30...has become an infidel because of his love for her.
01:31:34Both of them will be shot.
01:31:37Colonel Riza is a fake and Güya is a fake.
01:31:40Fake is a bad word.
01:31:42Don't talk.
01:31:44He's a poor man who couldn't get his daughter from you...
01:31:46...and made Karaman Pasha want his daughter.
01:31:49And look at this fool.
01:31:51He's not a fool.
01:31:52I said he's a fool.
01:31:56Now I'm asking you.
01:31:59Whom are you giving your daughter to?
01:32:02If you give her to Riza, I'll kill both of them.
01:32:05But if you give your daughter to this brave young man...
01:32:07...I'll spare their lives.
01:32:09I'll make Bahtiyar a fugitive...
01:32:11...and I'll remove Riza's ranks and make him rot.
01:32:15The decision is yours.
01:32:18Please marry me to Bahtiyar, father.
01:32:20He'll save his life.
01:32:22Look, we'll pray for you for the rest of our lives.
01:32:25You'll have a son-in-law who loves you more than his own life.
01:32:29Give me this man, father.
01:32:31Give me Sati Pasha, please.
01:32:33I can't see anyone else but him.
01:32:35Please, father.
01:32:37So, you listened to your daughters.
01:32:40Now listen to the voice of your mind, your heart, your conscience.
01:32:43Then answer me.
01:32:46Your Highness, as we discussed before...
01:32:49...whomever you order, I'll give my daughter to him.
01:32:53As the commander of the Ottoman army...
01:32:56...as you said before...
01:32:58...I don't have a daughter to give to these two liars, sir.
01:33:02Shame on you!
01:33:04You're both a fool and a stone-hearted man.
01:33:06You shouldn't have a father like you.
01:33:08Shut up! Shut up!
01:33:10God damn you!
01:33:11Maybe you'll save yourself.
01:33:13Why do you still live on the mosque wall?
01:33:16You're the one who's a liar!
01:33:20You see, my Pasha?
01:33:22He's a poor, crazy man.
01:33:24He still thinks he can save me.
01:33:26What are you talking about? Shut up!
01:33:28You shut up!
01:33:30I'll paint you like a pumpkin.
01:33:32I'll make you stand on your knees.
01:33:35There's a Karaman Pasha. How many times do I have to tell you?
01:33:37He's mine, too.
01:33:38Watch out!
01:33:39I found him, my Pasha.
01:33:41My Pasha.
01:33:45Untie him.
01:33:51What's going on here?
01:33:57How many times do I have to tell you?
01:33:58Are you stupid or what?
01:34:00He's the real Karaman Pasha.
01:34:02I'm his assistant.
01:34:05Now do you understand why they call me Karaman Pasha?
01:34:09There's a saying.
01:34:11The sheep of Karaman, the game comes out later.
01:34:15Military is a tactical art.
01:34:17First, you'll get to know your enemy.
01:34:19Then, you'll surprise him.
01:34:21And finally, you'll strike him down with your heart.
01:34:23That's it.
01:34:25My Karaman Pasha.
01:34:29Cevdet Efendi.
01:34:30Yes, Pasha?
01:34:32You gave your daughter to the wrong man.
01:34:34But I'll fix this mistake.
01:34:36I'll make this bastard Rıza, who made my assistant Karaman Pasha,
01:34:40shoot himself.
01:34:47He's already fainted.
01:34:50I'll take this brave Bahtiyar with me.
01:34:54Now, I'm asking you for the last time.
01:34:56Who do you give Mehriban to?
01:34:58To someone who stands like this when he learns he'll be shot?
01:35:02Or to someone who faints?
01:35:06Of course, to whoever my daughter wants.
01:35:13Kiss your father's hand.
01:35:16Long live Pasha!
01:35:18Long live Pasha!
01:35:20Watch out!
01:35:25Come here.
01:35:27Take him to the front.
01:35:39Cevdet Efendi.
01:35:40Yes, Pasha?
01:35:42I didn't like you at all.
01:35:44As you wish, Pasha.
01:35:46But I liked your two daughters.
01:35:51I liked one of them a little more.
01:35:54I liked Bahtiyar like a brother.
01:35:57I pretended to kill myself for him.
01:36:00But he really killed himself for me.
01:36:03He didn't ask for forgiveness for himself.
01:36:05He begged for me.
01:36:07He fell at my feet.
01:36:09That's why I want to marry Bahtiyar.
01:36:13And I want to marry your daughter Cavidan.
01:36:17Let me think.
01:36:18I've thought about it.
01:36:20It's an honor for us, Pasha.
01:36:23I've given up.
01:36:26Then, can we kiss the brides?
01:36:28You can.
01:36:30I asked your father, but whatever.
01:36:32As you wish.
01:36:36I love you to death, Mihriban.
01:36:42I know.
01:36:44But you scared me a lot.
01:36:56I said I would never fall in love again.
01:36:59But I fell in love with you at first sight, Cavidan.
01:37:02You didn't let this love go unanswered.
01:37:04I was proud to love you.
01:37:06You are so kind, Pasha.
01:37:08I already love only men.
01:37:12What did they say?
01:37:13The sheep of Karaman, the game will come out later.
01:37:16My lion.
01:37:18Come, let me kiss you.
01:37:23I will kill you.
01:37:26You confused our wedding with our shit.
01:37:28Come here.
01:37:29What are you talking about?
01:37:30There is a Pasha in front of you.
01:37:32Watch out.
01:37:34Come here.
01:37:40Mr. Talat, my father-in-law, uncle.
01:37:42I will tell you something.
01:37:44I like your daughter.
01:37:46Do you like me?
01:37:47Why did you bring me here?
01:37:49What are we going to do here?
01:37:50What are you talking about?
01:37:54I will give you the girl.
01:37:55I swear.
01:37:57I got it.
01:37:58On one condition.
01:37:59What condition?
01:38:00I kissed her.
01:38:02It is very easy.
01:38:03What is it?
01:38:05You will kill Colonel Riza.
01:38:19I will kill him.
01:38:20I will kill him.
01:38:23You know he is dead.
01:38:25Colonel Riza.
01:38:28Where are you going?
01:38:32I will kill Colonel Riza.
01:38:34And I will take the girl.
01:38:35It is enough.
01:38:38Come on.
01:38:40Oh my God.
01:38:41This is what happens when you work with crazy people.
01:38:43I hope he will kill me.
01:38:45Watch out.
01:38:53Are we really not going to shoot?
01:38:55You will not beat the dog.
01:38:56You will scare it and take its mind.
01:38:59I thought so.
01:39:00Weapons are cheap.
01:39:06Oh my God.
01:39:12Where are you going?
01:39:13Don't move.
01:39:14I will kill Colonel Riza.
01:39:16You are late.
01:39:17Why am I late?
01:39:18What happened?
01:39:19Did he run away?
01:39:20He left.
01:39:22How did he leave?
01:39:23Where did he go?
01:39:24He went the wrong way.
01:39:25He will shoot.
01:39:28Take this.
01:39:29Don't take it.
01:39:30Take it.
01:39:31Don't take it.
01:39:33Take it.
01:39:49I will not give you a pulse.
01:39:52I swear I will kill you.
01:39:53I swear I will kill you.
01:39:56I will kill you.
01:39:57I will kill you.
01:39:58I swear.
01:39:59I swear I will kill you.
01:40:00I will kill you.
01:40:01Oh, I killed you.
01:40:02I killed Olu Bey.
01:40:03I killed you.
01:40:19Here they are.
01:40:20They are here.
01:40:22Oh, great.
01:40:26My precious.
01:40:27My beautiful Angel.
01:40:28Oh, my dear!
01:40:32Oh, my dear!
01:40:34How beautiful!
01:40:38My dear!
01:40:39Thank God!
01:40:41We gave both of the girls and got rid of them.
01:40:43And we gave the pashas to the colonels.
01:40:47What colonels and pashas?
01:40:49You gave the girls to the frauds.
01:40:51To the frauds!
01:40:53Shut up!
01:40:54Your husband is a fraud.
01:40:56You will think about it when you put the imam in the coal mine.
01:41:00Look, look, look!
01:41:02We gave the girl to the pashas.
01:41:04And we became donors with these.
01:41:07Look at this beauty!
01:41:09Shall I tell you something?
01:41:11This imam's prayer came true.
01:41:13And look at this from the good side.
01:41:16Well, our daughter got rid of staying at home.
01:41:20And when she gets divorced in the winter, she will stay with the donors.
01:41:23She will stay with the donors and our grandchildren.
01:41:26Oh, maybe we will settle down, too.
01:41:28I swear, I don't care about that.
01:41:30The worse thing is that she will live in a box.
01:41:44Now, look at me carefully.
01:41:46I think you are crazy.
01:41:48I am crazy for your love.
01:41:50I am crazy and crazy.
01:41:54Pasha, I like a tough man.
01:41:57But, my commander is not in the house.
01:41:59So, I will go.
01:42:00Be that way, Cavidan Sultan.
01:42:02I do not like to bring a man to the house anyway.
01:42:08I killed my commander in winter.
01:42:11That seven-headed monster of yours, I will shoot him in his seven heads again.
01:42:14What is the need?
01:42:16This will fall in my dream.
01:42:18You collect strawberries for me.
01:42:20Strawberries, strawberries, strawberries.
01:42:22That's enough, Cüneyt.
01:42:23Girl, ask for the impossible from me.
01:42:26I asked for you, it's done.
01:42:27Come on, continue.
01:42:52The caravan's sheep will come out later.