• last year
00:00Politics is like poker. When you have no cards, you bluff and hope your opponent folds. Kamala
00:07doesn't have a good hand, but she's too afraid to bluff herself. So the media is doing it for her.
00:13They tell you what Kamala's positions are so that she doesn't have to. And they change them so she
00:19doesn't have to. At the convention, they went all in on football, camo, country music. Kamala is
00:26from Berkeley, grew up in Canada and wants to take your guns. She's bluffing. Harris tells us
00:33no tax on tips, just plagiarizes Trump's policy. She and Biden can cut the tax on tips now.
00:40Why don't they? When I wake up this morning, I open the paper and I see Kamala wants to build
00:48a border wall. Yeah. If she's elected president, Kamala Harris pledges to spend hundreds of
00:54millions of dollars on the wall along the southern border, a project she once opposed
00:59and called un-American during the Trump administration. Axios is telling us that Kamala
01:04is pledging to build more border wall. But have you heard Kamala pledge that? I haven't.
01:12Her handlers are just saying she's going to build border wall, just not as much as Trump wanted.
01:18Does Kamala Harris know what the Kamala Harris campaign is saying?
01:23This administration has decided to vilify them and to trade on them for the sake of this
01:29president's medieval vanity project called a wall. I'm not going to vote for a wall under
01:34any circumstances. He has decided to vilify immigrants and put his whole political
01:41strength around a vanity project called a wall, which would cost taxpayers of America billions
01:47of dollars. And by the way, that wall will never get built. That's that wall ain't going to stop
01:51them. No, no, no. This is what killed John Kerry. I was for the war before I was against it.
02:07Kamala was for the wall before she was against it. Can't wait for AOC to cry on Kamala's little
02:12wall. Someone should ask Nancy Pelosi if a wall is racist, if a black woman builds it.
02:18Good thing Tim Walz invested in that ladder factory now that more walls are going up.
02:23Does Walz even know what his running mate's running on? Democrats think there's a sense
02:28of danger in sending him out to do big solo interviews because he might not have a full
02:34command of where Harris is on every issue. Well, that's because Harris doesn't have a full command
02:40of where she is on every issue. The Borders are his administration stopped building Trump's
02:44border wall and sold the steel for scrap. And now she wants to buy new steel at full price and keep
02:50building. Biden Harris sued Texas for putting fence up. Now she likes fence. Did the borders
02:57are tell Biden to keep building wall and Biden didn't listen to her? Or is she just going ultra
03:03to win an election? I read a story this morning that her advisors are considering just copying
03:10all of Donald Trump's policies. They're more popular. In fact, I've heard that for her debate
03:18in just a couple of weeks, she's going to put on a Navy suit, a long red tie and adopt the slogan,
03:22make America great again. After plagiarizing, build the wall and no tax on tips is Kamala
03:28going to drill baby drill. Maybe she is because her campaign saying she doesn't support an EV
03:34mandate anymore. Kamala Harris didn't say that. The Kamala Harris campaign said that,
03:40even though Kamala Harris co-sponsored a bill mandating that all cars go electric by 2040.
03:47If Trump's so unpopular, why is Harris stealing his policies? Kamala Harris is campaigning on
03:53Trump is right about everything. And I'm wrong. At this point, Kamala should just debate herself.
03:58Watch this new ad. Everyday prices are too high. Food, rent, gas, back to school clothes.
04:07That is called by dynamics. A loaf of bread cost 50 percent more today. Ground beef is up almost
04:1450 percent. There's not much left at the end of the month. Dynamics is working. The price of
04:20housing has gone up. It feels so hard to just be able to get ahead. And we are very proud of Biden.
04:29Democrats haven't decided what Kamala Harris believes in. They haven't decided. Is she a
04:35Joe Biden Democrat or a Trump Republican? Is she Joe Biden's vice president or just a former
04:41prosecutor? Is she the borders are or not? Kamala is so busy thinking about herself.
04:46She has no time to think about you. She couldn't even decide who to do her first interview with.
04:52Politico says the Harris campaign was asking reporters who they think she should talk to.
04:58They said it definitely has to be a woman or a person of color. Obviously, the Harris campaign
05:03is shopping for the perfect reporter and not just any reporter will do. It has to be perfect.
05:10Behind the scenes, TV producers from big name anchors have been calling the campaign
05:14to pitch their talent as the person she has to do it with. Isn't this so exciting?
05:21I wonder who it'll be. But this just in. It's a Kamala. Thirty nine days to decide to give
05:27an interview to CNN. That was tough. I thought it was going to be NBC. The interview will air
05:35this Thursday night. It'll be taped. Dana Bash will be asking the questions and coach walls will
05:41sit right next to Kamala the whole time. We're not going to judge Dana Bash and CNN. I'm sure
05:47the interview will be fair and balanced. Kamala spoke to the nation last Thursday night and isn't
05:54going to be seen again until this Thursday night. She took the whole week off to prepare for a CNN
06:00interview with a running mate. Do they have some staffer playing Dana Bash and doing mock interviews?
06:07Probably because when she was invited to a D.C. dinner party, she was so anxious she had staffers
06:13hold a mock dinner party. She even considered drinking wine in the mock prep. But her handlers
06:18decided, no, we don't need a president who isn't prepared to go to a dinner party or a Democrat
06:25president afraid of Democrat reporters. Trump did a live town hall on CNN and he didn't spend a week
06:32worrying about it. CNN was the one worrying. And Trump doesn't need to pretend to go to dinner so
06:37that he's ready for dinner. He knows who he is. You know who he is and you know what he wants to do.
06:44Kamala Harris pretends to be somebody she's not and doesn't know what she wants to do until
06:50her campaign tells her. When world leaders sit across the poker table from Kamala Harris,
06:56they smell fear. They know her tells. Are you going to gamble our country away on a frightened
07:02woman too insecure to tell us who she is? Dana Lash, not to be confused with Dana Bash,
07:10is a nationally syndicated radio host. Who is Kamala Harris and why do we need to wait 39 days
07:19to give an interview to CNN? That's the million dollar question. And Jesse, you know, when I heard
07:25the news that she was going to have Tim Walz with her, there was a listener to my radio program that
07:29made the remark that that's literally a scene from Step Brothers. And it is. Think about it.
07:33And I've seen that movie more times than I would actually I'm comfortable in admitting. But John
07:37C. Reilly and Will Ferrell's character. Remember, they're both of their characters. They showed up
07:41to their job interviews together and in tuxes, no less. This is kind of like the same thing with
07:46Kamala Harris is her going and sitting down with CNN. I mean, that's she has to have help. No
07:51really empowered candidate needs to be handheld. And I think that this projects two things.
07:55I don't think that the party has any confidence in her to let loose in a sit down interview with
08:00the press. Number one. Number two, she as a candidate doesn't have any confidence in herself
08:04to sit down and talk to a member of the press, someone as friendly as Dana Bash. I mean,
08:09she's one of the most inoffensive anchors on CNN. I mean, yeah, she'll she'll go to bat for
08:14Democrats, but she's kind of inoffensive compared to some of the other ones. She doesn't even feel
08:18comfortable in that environment. It's it's really weird. Speaking of weird, it is weird. And you
08:23made mention, too, of her flip flopping on all of these issues. Jesse, this is part of the problem
08:28when you're a sub candidate. You know, you've got four weeks to basically establish yourself
08:32in front of the nation. That's why she's not putting up any of her policy positions on her
08:36Web site, because she's too terrified to own any of them. So she's going to allow her campaign
08:40toadies to float them out there in front of the American people, see who bites in the press,
08:45see which idea makes it. Then she'll come out and publicly endorse or embrace that idea. But
08:50this is just trial ballooning in front of America. That's all she's doing because she
08:53lacks the confidence as a candidate, as a leader, as a politician. And that is why they rejected
09:00her. And now they're stuck with her. She was barely one percent behind Pete Buttigieg in 2020
09:05for crying out loud. Now she's their leader. That's how bad this is. It's creating a vacuum
09:10where people are just filling in her policies. And that could be good if you're a Democrat,
09:16when the media does it. But the media can't do it for the next three months. And Fox is doing it.
09:22It's all over the media. Axios is saying she's for the border wall now. She's come out against
09:28she's for the tax cuts on tips. She's for the E.V. mandate. Now she's not.
09:33No one knows what her policies are. She doesn't know what they are.
09:37How do you think the voters are processing this?
09:41Exactly. Well, I think they're they're asking some of the same questions we are. If she was
09:44for the if she was for anything secure in the border, why didn't she show up? I mean,
09:48Jinx Langford, James Langford in that Axios piece, and he was one of the co-sponsors of that border
09:53bill, which, you know, it was garbage. I agree with everything Congressman Chip Roy has said
09:56about that bill. I mean, it did there. It wasn't really anything in it. They were anticipating
10:00that of Trump one. They wanted to tie him up so he can do anything about it. That's another story.
10:04But she didn't even show up. Langford said she was in vice president of the United States.
10:09She's, you know, president of the Senate. She and Biden weren't there at all when they were
10:12debating any of this. H.R. 2, she's been MIA. She could have come out and endorsed that. She
10:16could have come out and said, you know what, this looks like a good measure to go and strengthen
10:20the border. She's been MIA on all of this stuff. So now she can't come out and say, well, you know,
10:24I believe in these things. She called it a medieval vanity device. That's what she referred
10:30to it as, amongst other things, when she was slamming it prior. She's been MIA on this entire
10:35issue. And meanwhile, communities at the border have been struggling. And so you've had these
10:39border state governors have to clean it up. But I don't think people are going to buy it. And they
10:43look at her on tax cuts. I mean, she's she's like giddy. She's wants to let these tax cuts expire
10:48from 2017. She's talking about making the middle class pay more. You can't lie to people about
10:52what's in their bank account. And when they do the math after November, you cannot lie to people
10:57about what their totals are. I'm sure Dana Bash is going to ask her all of these detailed questions.
11:02Oh, I'm sure, Jesse. I'm so sure you're going to just be drowning in clips. I'm positive.
11:07I'll be watching Hannity at nine and then we'll show you the clips. Dana Lash, thank you.
11:14Trump announcing today he's done debating over the debate and has come to an agreement with
11:18Kamala. They will appear on ABC, the, quote, nastiest and most unfair newscaster in the
11:24business, standing with no notes, no cheat sheets, and the mics will be muted.
11:32John Roberts is the co-anchor of America Reports. Have you ever seen this much negotiation over a
11:38debate, John? Oh, yeah. And even more so the positioning of the the podiums and the microphones
11:44and how much time each candidate gets and whether or not they can wear this or wear that. There's a
11:50lot of negotiation that goes on. And apparently, if you listen to the Harris campaign, the
11:54negotiation over whether the mics will be open or closed is still going on. Her campaign insists
12:01Trump said he'd be happy to have the mics open, but now he's being overruled by his handlers.
12:07I think what they're trying to do, Jesse, is they're trying to go Donald Trump into saying,
12:11OK, the heck with it. Let's go with the mics open, because what's Kamala Harris really looking for
12:17in this debate? She's looking for a moment because articulating her policies and the flip flops that
12:22we've seen on all of that is going to be very difficult for her. So if she gets one of those
12:25moments where Trump even utters something under his breath, but he's heard through the microphone,
12:30she can do one of those moments where she says, wait a second, I'm talking here. Why are you so
12:35rudely interrupting me? What she has done before. So I think she could just interrupt me on the
12:41right track. Yeah. Or she could just, John, interrupt. She doesn't have to wait for him to
12:46sigh. She could just go right in there and have one of those moments like she had on The View
12:51ain't going to do nothing about the border wall. Yeah. She gets all sassy with it.
12:56What's going on with her policies? That's quite possible. But I really think that I really think
13:00the street for her, though, is to say, wait a second, you're interrupting me. This is my time.
13:05Right. Play the victim. That's the moment you're looking for. Yeah. Be victimized.
13:08What's going on with her policies? You're a hard news guy.
13:12You've seen this campaign happen before. Have you ever covered a campaign like this?
13:18This is a really good question as to what's going on with her policy, Jesse, because we don't know.
13:22Right now, we've got media outlets like Axios, which are articulating the policy for her. Now,
13:29if you have a friendly media and not to say that Axios is one way or the other, but if you have a
13:33friendly media interpreting your policies, that's good for you. But if you have a media that is
13:38willing to dig down deep and compare what you said five years ago with what you're saying now,
13:45and you allow them to go ahead and run with the ball, that can be very difficult for you
13:49as a candidate. A lot of people are looking at this idea that she's now for funding the border
13:54wall. And they're saying, wait a second, in this bill that she says that she is going to sign,
13:59it merely extends the deadline for spending all the funds. It doesn't really dictate that they
14:03have to be spent. And even if they are spent, it's only a fraction of what Trump was planning
14:07to spend on the wall. So it really doesn't move the needle a whole lot. So if she is flip flopping,
14:12it's only to a minor degree, but it's probably more perception than anything, I think.
14:16All right. Well, you know what they say? It's problematic. That's what they say. It's
14:20problematic. And you have a new special on Fox Nation, The Godfather of Fentanyl. Tell us quickly
14:26about that. Episode number three is dropping tomorrow on Fox Nation. You know, the scourge
14:32of fentanyl that is ripping this country apart every week, it would seem, and fentanyl comes
14:37across the border from Mexico, that it could kill every American. This traces the origins of
14:42fentanyl to a guy who's been dubbed the real Walter White. Remember the character from Breaking
14:46Bad? He started off cooking heroin. He cooked methamphetamine, yes, in a Winnebago, also cooked
14:52LSD. And then in the early 1990s, graduated to cooking street fentanyl. Fentanyl was initially
15:00invented in 1959. Nobody could crack the code until he did, unleashed havoc on the streets of
15:05America. We follow that from the very beginning to his death, and an interview with him that was
15:11done by a member of the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics. Jesse, the whole thing is really
15:15fascinating. It's a great watch. All right. Well, check it out. And also, there's a five
15:19behind-the-scenes special on Fox Nation. We'll tell you about that later in the show. John
15:24Roberts, thank you. We'll see you tomorrow. Hopefully, it doesn't involve fentanyl.
15:26No, it doesn't. Oh, well, I can't speak for Greg. All right.
15:30The Democrats are threatening to institutionalize RFK Jr. His running mate,
15:36Nicole Shanahan, is next. Donald Trump's growing his coalition to include RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard,
15:42while union workers and black Americans continue to join the Republican Party in record numbers.
15:48The Democrats see their stranglehold over their base slipping away and are lashing out.
15:54Robert Kennedy Jr., the Jeffrey Dahmer of the animal kingdom, has horrified his family almost
16:01as much as Jeffrey Dahmer horrified his family. By endorsing the most horrifying Republican
16:07presidential nominee in history, Bobby Kennedy was assassinated, which instantly, and it seemed
16:13permanently, created a beatific glow around the name Robert Kennedy, a name which his son
16:21has now fully disgraced. The Kennedy dynasty and the MAGA movement have both been targeted
16:27for assassination. After RFK Jr.'s Trump endorsement, Biden-Harris stripped his
16:32Secret Service protection and continue to stonewall the investigation into Trump's
16:37insufficient protection. The Democrats tried to strip Trump and Kennedy's names off the ballot.
16:43We already know the left wants Trump incarcerated. And now they want RFK Jr. institutionalized.
16:49I really feel sorry for the Kennedy family because I'm going to remind them,
16:54you can pick your friends, you can't pick your relatives. And if Bobby Kennedy lived in a more
16:58humane country, they would have him in a nice rubble room and, you know, three hearts in a
17:04cot and take care of this guy. He has no business being out on the street mixing and mingling with
17:09people. But this is where we are in this country. We have a mental health crisis and he's at the top
17:14of it. RFK Jr.'s former running mate, Nicole Shanahan, is here. Who really has the mental
17:21health crisis? I mean, this is crazy talk. This is wild. I'm asking myself what happened to the
17:30party of when they go low, we go high, because right now they're just going lower and lower and
17:35lower. And I'm shocked. I'm saddened. I'm worried for them, honestly. They've lost their soul.
17:43They've lost their direction. And, you know, if you're going to pick a target, you got to pick it
17:51a little bit better. Robert F. Kennedy is one of the kindest human beings I've had the pleasure
17:55to get to know. He said it the other day. He was like, I don't have a bone of revenge in my body.
18:02This is somebody who's been attacked over years now from all different angles. Big Pharma's come
18:07after him harder than just about anybody. And I have to say, Bobby shows up with grace every time.
18:13He said to me when I joined this campaign, he said, you're going to get attacked in ways you
18:17would have never expected. But just remember, every attack is a signal from God. Show up with kindness.
18:24I should take that advice. That sounds like a good idea. Nicole, you had last week,
18:30big event in Arizona and your running mate got on stage and he says,
18:36we're going to make America healthy again. Tell us what that means.
18:40So making America healthy again is admitting the fact that we have the highest chronic health
18:46disease rate of any modern nation. We spend four point six trillion dollars on health care.
18:51It doesn't seem to be getting us anywhere. So it's really asking the hard questions of
18:55why is our health care system not delivering healthy people? We know that there's a huge
19:00amount of collusion and a huge amount of corruption in our agencies.
19:04We're going to decouple that. We're going to decouple Big Pharma,
19:08from our government agencies that are responsible for delivering healthy results to people.
19:12We're going to stop censoring scientists that are telling us the causes of these diseases.
19:17We're not going to just whack a mole with these diseases anymore. We're going to get to the root
19:21causes of them. And we're going to be honest with people and we're going to help them guide
19:26themselves into health. We're going to fix our food supply chain once and for all.
19:30We're going to fix dirty water once and for all. You know, Robert F. Kennedy cleaned up the Hudson.
19:36He's cleaned up the whole river system. And there are many other systems in this country that we
19:41know that if we had an opportunity to, we could clean out all the PFAS and toxins that we know
19:46are making us sick. And we're going to see those health results turn around in a matter of,
19:51I think we could do it in six months. We're going to see a decline in autism.
19:55Purify the country in six months. That's ambitious. But if anybody can do it,
19:59then I'm sure Bobby can do it. You mentioned censorship.
20:02Anthony Fauci was brutal in the censorship regime during the pandemic. And now Zuckerberg's come out
20:08and said, yeah, we censored jokes during the pandemic, even. And he admitted that the laptop
20:14thing was a hoax. The FBI cooked that up and he censored it. He felt ashamed of it.
20:18What are we going to do about that? Your running mate spoke very specifically about censorship
20:23during the campaign. Yeah, I think the cult Mark Zuckerberg right now is a cult.
20:31The cult Mark Zuckerberg right now is disclosure. Be transparent. How did this happen? Who were the
20:38officials that went to you and asked you to censor? Who was on that list? Why were these
20:43people on the list? Why didn't you ask the question? Why am I censoring these specific
20:47accounts? You know, there's this whole level of exploration that can happen right now.
20:53Mark has put his foot forward to offer it up. And now it's our chance to ask him to deliver.
21:00All right. Well, I wish they would censor Gutfeld. That's the only censorship I want.
21:04If we can get that, I'm happy. Everybody else should have free speech. Nicole,
21:08thank you for finally joining Jesse Wetter's prime time. I think it was a pleasure. I'll
21:14speak for both of us. It was a pleasure. Thank you. Very nice to have you on. I'll see you soon.
21:20So who are the lawyers representing the Trump assassins family straight ahead?
21:25Mark Zuckerberg confirming that the Biden-Harris administration censored Americans and interfered
21:30in the last election. Fox Business correspondent Hillary Vaughn has the latest. Hillary.
21:36Hey, Jesse. Well, Mark Zuckerberg is finally coming clean. House Republicans
21:40have been investigating Zuckerberg's meta for over a year. And this moment is kind of like
21:45during an interrogation when a suspect finally breaks, puts up their hands and admits they did
21:52it. Well, Mark Zuckerberg in a letter to Congress admits the Biden-Harris team bullied them into
21:57censoring content, even jokes, writing, quote, senior officials from the Biden administration,
22:02including the White House, repeatedly pressured our teams for months to censor certain COVID-19
22:07content, including humor and satire. I believe the government pressure was wrong, and I regret
22:12that we were not more outspoken about it. Zuckerberg says they were also wrong to censor
22:17Zuckerberg says they were also wrong to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story, writing, quote,
22:22it's since been made clear that the reporting was not Russian disinformation. And in retrospect,
22:27we shouldn't have demoted the story. So for Zuckerberg, four years later in 2024,
22:33hindsight really is 2020. But for the Biden-Harris White House, it's not. They wouldn't do anything
22:39different, saying in a statement reacting to Zuckerberg, quote, our position has been clear
22:43and consistent. We believe tech companies and other private actors should take into account
22:47the effects their actions have on the American people. We don't know if Vice President Harris
22:52will continue the same social media censorship campaign if she's president, but the Trump-Vance
22:58team says it won't happen under their administration. The leader of one of the most
23:03important social networks in the world just came out and said, I censored Donald Trump in the run
23:08up to the election because there were certain elements within the Biden administration and the
23:12Biden campaign that encouraged me to do that. That is crazy. Now, Jesse, everyone wants to know
23:19why Zuckerberg had a come to Jesus moment months before the presidential election.
23:24One source tells me that Zuckerberg ultimately knew this is what House Republicans wanted out
23:29of the investigation. So he gave it to them kind of like a plea deal. Jesse. All right. Thank you,
23:35Hillary. And great job chasing those people down in D.C. We still don't know anything about the
23:40man who shot Trump in the head, but we're learning the FBI wants to question the shooter's parents
23:45to find out what they knew and how crooks slipped through the net. That's what a family member told
23:50the Daily Mail. This could explain why the shooter's parents are lawyering up. But they didn't just
23:56hire any lawyer. They retained one of the top law firms in Pittsburgh, Quinn Loge. How did two parents
24:03who were social workers live in a modest house, afford hot shot super lawyers?
24:09We're digging into this law firm. So far, we found out they've donated to Democrats
24:14and that they represented a judge who was accused of calling a black juror, Aunt Jemima.
24:19The judge ran as both a Democrat and as a Republican. Kind of how Crooks was registered
24:24as a Republican, but donated to Democrats. None of this makes sense. The more we learn,
24:29the more questions we have. We're told a 20-year-old kid managed to scale a roof and
24:34shoot the former president's ear off. He was lurking around the rally, spotted by law enforcement.
24:39They thought he was suspicious, but nobody stopped them. Secret Service never picked up the radio,
24:46so they didn't hear the locals saying, hey, there's a guy on the roof with a gun.
24:50And the Secret Service turned down drones to scout the rally ahead of time. Who does that?
24:55A SWAT operator who was working the Trump rally says they were left in the dark. Listen.
25:00The lack of coordination between tactical element leaders and the Secret Service
25:04left ground elements in the dark and prevented necessary time to prepare for specific venue
25:10considerations and needs prior to that event. All overwatch sniper, counter sniper positions
25:18should have had direct communication with each other that day at that entire rally.
25:22That same SWAT operator said it was odd that the FBI washed off the roof the shooter fired from
25:28just days after the assassination. He also said it was strange Crooks's body was cremated right
25:34after his death. Don't you think investigators would want to hold on to the body just for a
25:39little bit? There are too many things going on here to just chalk it up to pure incompetence.
25:44One of Crooks's neighbors says she doesn't think he was working alone.
25:49Congressman Waltz is skeptical, too. He wants the FBI to show some proof Crooks was a lone wolf.
25:55Right now, we can't believe anything they tell us.
26:00Missouri Senator Josh Hawley on the Judiciary Committee is here now.
26:04So what are these whistleblowers continuing to tell you, Senator?
26:09Well, Jesse, what new whistleblowers tell me is that the leadership of the Secret Service
26:13told the agents who were advancing the Butler rally not to request additional manpower. They
26:19said the same thing to the campaign. So this directly contradicts, by the way,
26:23what the Secret Service director told Congress. He said, oh, we never denied a manpower request.
26:27Well, what the whistleblowers say, Jesse, is they told him ahead of time, don't request more
26:31resources. Don't request counter snipers, because if you do, we will deny it. Jesse, this is a lie.
26:37I mean, what the director told Congress is a lie. We need to know why are these guys lying to us and
26:42what are they hiding? You know government and how it works. Why would they say ahead of time,
26:48don't request this because we're not going to give it to you because they didn't want a paper trail?
26:55Yeah, I think that's right. I think they wanted to be able to say what the director did say to
26:59Congress misleadingly. Oh, we never technically formally denied anything. Of course, that's
27:04because they told him in advance, don't request it, because if you do, we won't give it to you.
27:08This was an attempt to hold down the resources. This was an attempt to deny counter snipers.
27:14Remember, they only finally got counter snipers to come on the day, Jesse. Earlier,
27:18they had said no counter snipers would be available. Can you imagine what would have
27:22happened if there had been no counter snipers at all at this event? No, I can't. This is all
27:26an attempt to cover it up. And I don't want to imagine that. And weren't they supposed to get
27:30four counter sniper teams, but they only got two? That's right. And there was supposed to be what's
27:36called the counter surveillance division. They're present, Jesse. They're the ones who are usually
27:41do a site advance. They identify problems in the security perimeter. Whistleblowers tell me
27:46that they didn't get to do the advance because, again, Secret Service leadership denied it.
27:51We need the facts here because the more we learn, the worse this gets.
27:55Do you understand why you'd turn down a drone if someone was offering you from the locals a
28:00free drone? You didn't have to pay for it. You just had to say, sure, I'll take it.
28:05Why, knowing that there was a possible attempt from the Iranians, would they say no drone?
28:13It makes absolutely no sense. And they know it doesn't, Jesse, because on the day after the
28:17assassination attempt, the Secret Service went right back to the local police provider who
28:23offered them the drones and said, oh, please, please, please, can we use them now? So it turns
28:27out they did need them. Obviously, they needed them. We can all see that their refusal to put
28:32them in the air ahead of time. It's just inexplicable. It's totally inexplicable.
28:35Lastly, who actually fired the kill shot that neutralized Crooks? Was it from a
28:40Secret Service counter sniper rifle or was it one of the local counter sniper guys?
28:47I don't know the answer to that. I don't know. I don't know if we know the answer to that. We
28:51know that there were multiple shots fired. Exactly. Well, for the same reason, we don't
28:57know still why wasn't there a Secret Service counter sniper on the roof of the A.G.R. building
29:02where Crooks was. Why weren't law enforcement guarding the perimeter of that building as their
29:07plans called for? None of that happened. And we still don't have any answers. And Jesse,
29:11nobody has been fired for this. All right. Well, I hope these whistleblowers continue to talk to.
