POPline Entrevista: Jade Thirlwall fala sobre liberdade sem Little Mix e mais!

  • 2 months ago
00:00Hi POPLINE, this is Jade, starting again almost and it feels quite good actually, it's like
00:06the rebirth of Jade.
00:08So I had to learn how to exist without the girls and without a strict schedule.
00:13The difference from the industry then till now is just like crazy, especially the beginning
00:20of my career which would have been like 2011, 2012, it was just a different space completely,
00:28a lot more pressure, especially for us coming out of a show like X Factor and with the label
00:34we were assigned to, there was a constant pressure of like, you know, if you're not
00:37in the top 10, you're in danger, you know.
00:40It's a bittersweet, I will always want you, need you, you don't care.
00:46It's like refreshing I believe.
00:47Yeah, I think so, I definitely have like a new lease of life with this era and I'm really
00:53grateful that I get to do this again after such a long career already, you know.
01:00And you've just put out Angel of My Dreams and I believe you are navigating a slightly
01:05different industry, comparing to the one you started off.
01:09So different.
01:10Do you agree with that?
01:11Oh my god, yeah.
01:12It's like, it's been so strange, even in like the last couple of years, while I've
01:16been working on my own stuff, the difference from the industry then till now is just like
01:22crazy, especially, you know, the beginning of my career, which would have been like 2011,
01:29Oh, it's a lot.
01:30I know, I know.
01:31What do you think about that?
01:32It's a lot, right?
01:33You know, and that was still like physical sales were the main thing and, you know, like,
01:38it was just a different space completely, a lot more pressure, especially for us coming
01:44out of a show like X Factor and with the label we were assigned to, there was a constant
01:50pressure of like, you know, if you're not in the top 10, you're in danger, you know.
01:55So I think it's healthier now, because artists have a bit more creative freedom or, you know,
02:01a bit less pressure to constantly, like, smash it every time.
02:08So I think it's better in that respect.
02:10But then at the same time, I do miss, I miss like queuing up for a CD.
02:15Yeah, me too.
02:16But that just makes me sound really old.
02:18No, it doesn't.
02:19I do feel the same way about, you know, the physical media, but still.
02:24And what's your vision?
02:25I mean, your impression of the pop scene right now, because, well, speaking of the differences,
02:30I believe that nowadays, like pop girls, they are more vulnerable and more open and they
02:37feel more confident to talk about struggles and stories.
02:41And I believe it happened to you.
02:42Yeah, I think you can, you have more freedom to like write about whatever you're going
02:49And so that's really cool.
02:52And yeah, I just, I just feel this sense of like, just liberation for like women in music
02:59at the minute.
03:00There's obviously still a long way to go, but I think, I mean, the charts speak for
03:07Like so many women are smashing it right now.
03:10So maybe there's like another level of respect at the minute for women, which is good.
03:17And well, so many women are smashing and with songs that are very open and I would say actually
03:23Like, for example, Charli's and Lorde's song, they're so raw.
03:27I love, yeah.
03:28That moment was so great because to me as well, that showed like their honesty with
03:32that song was like brilliant.
03:35But again, I'd say like right now it doesn't feel as competitive for women.
03:40And when we first started out, it's kind of put upon you of like, especially for women,
03:45like you have to like not support each other.
03:48And it's like competition of who's hotter or who's hot right now.
03:52It's imposed to you that you have to be.
03:54Yeah, kind of.
03:55You have to be.
03:56Yeah, I think so.
03:57Especially for us as a girl band, it was like, there's only space for one girl band.
04:01Or only one of you would make it out.
04:04All that stuff.
04:06Only one's going to make it out of the group.
04:07And, you know, it's such a like toxic mentality to have, whereas I feel like now, you know,
04:11with Charli and Lorde doing that together, with so many female artists like bigging each
04:16other up in the industry, like that's so cool to see.
04:19So yeah.
04:20And you had the opportunity as well to talk about your story with Angel of My Dreams.
04:25But it's a very honest song.
04:27Did you feel like scared in any way to write such, and together with the video as well?
04:33Because we put out a lot.
04:34I wasn't at the time.
04:35But I can't lie, like maybe a week before release, especially when I was watching the
04:39video, I was like, did I just do that?
04:44But, you know, I have to speak my truth in my own way, which I guess is like, you know,
04:50like dark comedy way.
04:53And you know, especially for my first song, I thought it would be good to tell my story
05:00from like the beginning of my career to now and kind of catch people up to date with who
05:05I am.
05:06Because even though you did know me in the band, there's still so much about me as an
05:09individual that people might ignore, might ignore my experiences.
05:14So Angel of My Dreams was about telling that story and being honest and being a bit sassy
05:21and yeah, telling the world who I am.
05:25But sometimes exposing like music muggles can be scary, yeah, isn't it?
05:30No, do you know what, it's like, it's funny.
05:33Especially for a female artist.
05:36A hundred percent.
05:37You know, I guess, I don't know like one female artist that hasn't experienced something,
05:45you know, whether it be like sexism, misogyny or even worse than that.
05:51So yeah, but I think it's such a, like I say in the song, it's so bittersweet because you're
05:58looking at these powerful people at the top who, yes, they are giving you your dream,
06:04like they're funding it, you know, they're obviously they're benefiting from it, but
06:09they're giving you those opportunities.
06:11But then at the same time, it's that like battle of like, at what cost?
06:16At what cost?
06:19So, you know, it's a weird one for me.
06:20And that's why I think the song is like, it's like a toxic relationship because you're grateful
06:24and you know how lucky you are to be in the position you're in, but like it definitely
06:28comes at a price.
06:29Did you take some time for yourself?
06:31No, I didn't want to.
06:33I didn't want to think about it too much.
06:34But yeah, I sat in my apartment like the day after the tour and was like, oh, now I have
06:39free time.
06:41I was like, I didn't know what to do myself.
06:42So I like booked a trip away with my friends.
06:44Then I went to see my boyfriend in Budapest.
06:46Then I like booked a trip to LA.
06:48I didn't want to like have to just sit in my own thoughts because it was so overwhelming.
06:54Like Little Mix was such a huge part of my life from being 18 to, you know, well, 29
07:00at the time.
07:02In a crucial moment, like becoming a woman.
07:07So I had to learn how to exist without the girls and without a strict schedule.
07:13But then as time went on, it was really liberating.
07:16You know, I flew back and forth to LA.
07:19I was pushing myself to like go in rooms with new producers, writers, find my management,
07:25find my label.
07:26Like people you identify with.
07:29And you know, that just be my decision.
07:31When I first entered the music industry, like I didn't know what I was signing or who it
07:35was with.
07:36Do you know what I mean?
07:37Who you were working with.
07:39I didn't really get a choice.
07:40It was just like sign here, here, here.
07:41And I was like, OK.
07:42You know.
07:43So, you know, it was it was me reclaiming like my power and my independence by sourcing
07:50the team myself and being like, I choose you.
07:54And knowing what the fuck I was signing in, finally.
07:57So, yeah, it was a really it was like a pivotal moment in my life, genuinely getting to do
08:03that and starting again, creating music that is just for me.
08:08And you are from pop music.
08:10I mean, your references are from it.
08:12You love it.
08:13I love it.
08:14And you've been talking about it like your whole career, like how all the girls, all
08:17the artists reference you, references to you.
08:20Yeah, I love pop music so much and I love the pop girlies, you know, from years ago
08:27to now, like I do consider myself like a pop student.
08:31And I think you can hear that in my work or in the visuals.
08:35Because I don't think there's anything wrong with just admitting that you find inspiration
08:40from other people, from, you know, music from other work.
08:45Like for me, if in like 10 years time, people start referencing me or they start referencing
08:49Little Mix as inspiration, by the way, I'd be like, that's incredible.
08:53Like what an honor.
08:55And a testament to your work that you live on through other people's art is amazing.
09:00And the response to Angel of My Dreams was amazing, like both video and the song.
09:05Did it surprise you in any way?
09:07A little bit.
09:08Yeah, I thought it would be more like a Marmite response.
09:13So I was like geared up and ready to like battle it out with anyone that didn't like
09:19But then when it came out, it was such an overwhelmingly positive response from people
09:26that I almost like didn't know what to do with myself.
09:28I was kind of in shock.
09:29Like, ooh, what's happening?
09:31I'm just like, oh, shit, like it's popping off and people are enjoying it.
09:35So, you know, it feels it's a different kind of special when it's your own music.
09:41And obviously, I'd never experienced that before.
09:43But to have people respond, like people in the industry or like other artists as well
09:47reach out and be like, what a brilliant piece of work.
09:50It's like, oh, wow, like I've arrived.
09:53Even your friends, like Perry and Lee, they've been writing you supportive messages.
09:57I interviewed Lee like a month ago in Lisbon and we talked about you and I mean, the Lando
10:04mix, of course.
10:05And I think it's, I don't know, it must feel great to have them supporting you.
10:11Oh, my God.
10:14I need it.
10:16You know, everyone's got their people that they lean on, like, and, you know, we went
10:19through something together that is so unusual and nobody will understand that experience,
10:25you know, more than we will.
10:28So, you know, if I'm ever feeling anxious or, you know, they've been there and done
10:32it now.
10:33So I reach out to them with like advice.
10:36And I'm so proud of the girls as well.
10:38I think it's really cool.
10:39They're also releasing their own songs.
10:40Yeah, we're all doing our own thing, like everyone's smashing it.
10:43So, yeah.
10:44And we want to know about the future, like what are you working on at the moment or are
10:47you planning to do next?
10:49So when I get back to the UK, I'm shooting three videos.
10:53Oh, wow.
10:55Back to back.
10:57You're working.
10:58Now we've begun.
10:59It's like, oh, shit.
11:00We've got to like, you know, keep it moving.
11:01So very busy schedule.
11:02But I mean, I love work.
11:03I love what I do.
11:06So I'm excited to show people more music very soon.
11:10And what have you been listening to that is inspiring you, like to create your own music?
11:16To be honest, I do.
11:17I listen to a lot of like older music.
11:20Now that I'm out, I have started listening more to like, you know, the top hits or whatever
11:25on Spotify.
11:26But I try to stay...
11:27And there's so much good stuff.
11:28There's so much good stuff.
11:29So much good music at the moment.
11:30But I'm always conscious of like, like, subconsciously like copying someone.
11:36So I try not to like listen too much to new music.
11:38But I'm definitely inspired by the music I loved growing up.
11:41Like More Town, Diana Ross.
11:43Oh my God, I love it.
11:47And then also like Clubland Classics, Eurodance.
11:49I love that vibe and like the 2000s pop girl era.
11:54So I guess my album is like a fusion of all these things.
11:57So there is an album coming?
11:59There is.
12:01Definitely an album coming.
12:022025 probably?
12:04What year is it now?
12:05Like next year.
12:08I was like, fuck, what year are we in?
12:11You're working so much that you don't even know what year you're in.
12:12So yes.
12:13Definitely next year.
12:18Oh, we are excited for it.
12:19I love Angel of My Dreams.
12:21Thank you so much.
12:22You've done such a great job.
12:23Oh, that means the world.
