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¡Necesitas ser muy perspicaz para ver todo esto a la primera! Bienvenido a Watchmojo Español, hoy nos enfocaremos en los momentos de películas de terror que hicieron que el público pulsara el botón de pausa porque fueron muy rápidos.


00:00I hope they are watching, they'll see, they'll see and they'll know, and they'll say
00:06Why she wouldn't even harm a fly
00:10Welcome to Watch Mojo Español, I'm Jackie and today we'll focus on the moments of horror movies
00:18that made the audience press the pause button because they were too fast
00:23Since some of them are related to key points of the plot, we'll turn on the spoiler alert
00:34Number 20, the priest becomes Pazuzu, the exorcist
00:38Although Regan McNeil is the face of this innovative horror movie, the demon that possesses her, Pazuzu, has a couple of fleeting appearances
00:48During the disturbing dream of Father Carras, the demon shows his creepy face among the darkness
00:55However, the editing goes so fast that the audience tends to doubt what he saw and gets scared subconsciously
01:03The editing of the demon Pazuzu also appears when Regan undergoes an uncomfortable medical exam
01:10Later, when the lights start to blink in the kitchen, he appears briefly next to Chris
01:16With his pale face, crooked teeth and devilish eyes, Pazuzu causes chills
01:22Even when he only appears for a second on screen, his face is not exactly the happiest of all
01:30Number 19, Shoun of the Dead, Land of the Dead
01:35Are they still out there?
01:45Shoun of the Dead was a love letter to the zombie genre, with a title that paid tribute to Dawn of the Dead, by George A. Romero
01:54Who gave him back the favor in Land of the Dead, which premiered the following year
01:59Since the movie is full of zombies, it is difficult to distinguish some from others
02:04At one point, a couple of chained zombies stand out from the rest
02:08Pause the movie and tell us if they look familiar to you
02:18That's right, the men under the makeup are actor Simon Pegg and director Edgar Wright, co-author of Shoun of the Dead
02:27The only one missing is Nick Frost
02:30Maybe they are still in Shoun's cover, playing video games
02:34Number 18, My House, The Conjuring 2
02:44This scene begins with a television that changes channel by itself
02:48The remote control also seems to have its own mind, as it moves inexplicably from one sofa to another in the corner of the room
02:56When young Janet approaches the device, she sees a demon in the reflection of the screen
03:08Between the chair and the television, this creature suddenly appears behind Janet
03:13With only two words, he makes it clear that she is not welcome
03:20The moment passes so fast that it is necessary to pause it to assimilate the pale skin
03:25The yellow eyes and the evil presence of the demon
03:29Number 17, Wes Craven, Scream
03:32When Wes Craven directed Nightmare on Elm Street in 1984, many considered it his masterpiece of terror
03:42However, during the following decade, horror movies in general began to depend excessively on clichés
03:50Even the sequels of Elm Street had many hits and misses
04:02However, with Scream in 1996, Craven tried to revitalize the horror genre, playing with tropes and expectations
04:11He also filled his movie with references, including a tribute to Freddy Krueger himself
04:20While the school registers the director Himbry, he has an encounter with a janitor who wears a striped sweater and a hat similar to Freddy's
04:29Fred, the janitor, is played by Wes Craven himself, a detail that you will surely overlook if you do not pause it
04:38Number 16, Where is the witch? Blair's witch
04:42While the original Blair's Witch project kept all the horror wrapped in darkness and mystery, its continuation of 2016 opened the curtain, although it was only a little
04:59During the climax of the film, our protagonists are chased inside an abandoned house that is familiar to us
05:12Due to the shaky camera and the poor lighting, we have to pause the moment just to see the grotesque woman with long limbs that chases them
05:25It is supposed to be Blair's witch, right? Well no, according to the screenwriter Simon Barrett, who wrote on social networks that this creature is actually something else
05:35Although the witch is still an invisible entity, we pause the movie to see this fearsome creature
05:49Number 15, Pantanoza Surprise, Friday the 13th
05:53Kill her mommy, kill her
05:57The original Friday the 13th ending is at first a triumph, because our heroine Alice finally finished with the evil Pamela Borges
06:06It is a quiet morning in Crystal Lake, the birds sing and the murderous psychopaths disappeared
06:13Although many viewers assumed that the worst had happened, director Sean Cunningham kept an ace up his sleeve
06:22Number 16, Jason
06:30Since Jason, in decomposition, suddenly jumps out of the water and drags poor Alice out of the canoe
06:38It may be one of the first truly terrifying jump scares
06:43And without a doubt it made the viewers run to look for the remote control to pause the moment and see Jason more clearly
06:52Number 14, You can't get rid of the Babadook
06:57The Babadook stays wisely in the shadows for most of this movie, which increases suspense and uncertainty
07:05Even when he appears in person, we can only see a little of his scary face
07:10It could be said that the most chilling encounter with him is one night when Amelia, deprived of sleep, hears the door of her room open
07:20Crawling up the ceiling, the Babadook remains motionless for a moment
07:29And then jumps to bed, in an instant we see him up close, although only for a second
07:35With black teeth, white face and gray eyes, the monster is as terrifying as his book suggests
07:42And leaves the audience with the feeling of having seen a ghost
07:47Number 13, Batman vs. Superman
07:50I'm a legend
07:52Fortunately, vampire mutants have not finished humanity, but this movie predicted the future in another way
08:00Through the streets of New York post-apocalyptic, Robert Neville passes in front of an advertising fence that most of the audience did not see
08:09However, if you pause the movie, you will see the symbol of Superman surrounded by Batman
08:15A similar logo appeared later in the Comic-Con of San Diego in 2013, where Zack Snyder officially announced Batman vs. Superman
08:25Five years before I'm a legend came to theaters, an alternative movie was about to be produced, Batman vs. Superman
08:34Whose script was rewritten by Akiva Goldsman, producer and co-writer of I'm a legend
08:40When the project was discarded, it seemed that this easter egg would be the closest we would be to see the crossover on the big screen
08:56Arthur, you need to relax, your adrenaline is spiking
08:58Because he's not alright
08:59Number 12, Monster Encounter, Cloverfield
09:02Clover is not the only huge monster that causes massive destruction in this feature film
09:09The creators make a couple of ingenious cameos of iconic movie monsters
09:15Although the size of these creatures is impressive, their screen time is limited
09:20In a frame you can see the giant ants of the 1954 film, Dem
09:26Later, when the characters are in the subway, the beast of 20,000 Phantoms appears
09:33Finally, when our heroes crash into a helicopter, King Kong defends himself from the planes at the top of the Empire State
09:42Also, if this logo serves as a clue, the Darma the Lost initiative could be related to the attack on New York
09:50Both have in common the producer J.J. Abrams, maybe Clover knows the smoke monster
09:56Number 11, the pieces of the puzzle, Saw
10:00Billy from the Saw franchise has been so popular that James Wan copied him in other movies
10:07In Dead Silence he's in Mary Shaw's puppet collection
10:11And in Insidious, his face appears on a blackboard
10:14The man behind the puppet is John Cramer, a.k.a. Jigsaw
10:19In the original Saw, his true identity is not revealed until the end
10:23However, a small detail, he discovered the secret long before
10:28His name is John
10:30Dr. Gordon
10:32He's a very interesting person
10:34Dying of cancer, Cramer lies in a hospital bed with a sketchbook next to him
10:40If you pause the scene, you'll realize that one of these looks a lot like one of Jigsaw's devices
10:47Specifically, the reverse bear trap
10:50It was always in front of us
10:53Number 10, oh, hello Mark, meet Samar
10:57It's probable that Josh was a dead man from the moment he set foot in this commune
11:02But he ends up sealing his fate when he tries to photograph the sacred text of the pagan cult
11:09Someone approaches stealthily from behind
11:11But it's supposed to be his friend Mark, who was missing
11:15Let's say he got it half right
11:20When we stop in the foreground of the mysterious figure
11:23We see that he's actually a member of the sect
11:26But it's hard to know which one, since he's using the face of another person
11:31The mystery is easily solved
11:33It's the face that once was Mark's
11:36Number 9, walking with aliens
11:40At this point of the movie, The M. Night Shyamalan
11:43We had only seen the silhouette of an alien and even one of his feet
11:48After almost an hour of preparation
11:50This scene marks the first time that the audience and the characters
11:53See one of the invaders completely
11:56Then Meryl sees a newspaper with images of an alien
12:01Recorded in Brazil, a green humanoid creature is shown completely
12:09Like the character, the audience goes back terrified
12:13Returns to the video and then pauses it
12:16This shot has a lot in common with a frame from the movie of Patterson Gimlin
12:21In which a blurry figure walks like a big foot
12:25Number 8, cross-examination
12:27Bride of Chucky
12:29Freddy Krueger's glove has been used in other horror movies
12:34Like Evil Dead 2 and Jason Goes to Hell
12:42However, in this case you can not only see the glove
12:45But also a gold mine of other iconic objects of horror movies
12:51In a police test deposit
12:53You'll have to pause several times to see
12:56The Chucky mask of Jason Varghese
12:59The Leatherface's saw
13:01And the mask of Michael Myers
13:03Keep in mind that this happened 5 years before
13:06Freddy and Jason will finally face each other on the big screen
13:12After analyzing these images
13:14Fans also wanted to see Michael Leatherface
13:17And Chucky join the fight
13:19Until that crossover comes true
13:22This impressive scene will be in our nightmares
13:26Number 7, the telephone post
13:30If Hereditary shows something
13:32It is that the devil of the night
13:34Is the one who calls the police
13:38If Hereditary shows something
13:40It is that the devil is in the details
13:42Instead of bombarding the public with free scares
13:45This movie terrifies us stealthily
13:48With hidden subtleties in the background
13:51Either Annie lurking on the roof
13:53Or a naked sect waiting outside the house
13:56In a particularly ingenious moment of foreboding
13:59Peter and Charlie pass next to a telephone post
14:03On their way to a party
14:05This seems quite irrelevant until later
14:08When the girl takes her head out of the vehicle in motion
14:11And ends up beheaded by the post
14:14If you go back and focus on this
14:17You will realize that a symbol is seen throughout the movie
14:20The mark is that of the cult that moves all the threads
14:23Which indicates that Charlie's death was premeditated
14:27Number 6, the bear costume
14:29The glow
14:36The adaptation of Stanley Kubrick of The Glow
14:39Is full of surrealist symbolisms
14:41That the public continues to analyze to date
14:44One of these is when Wendy runs through the Overlook Hotel
14:48And finds a person disguised as a bear
14:51Who has an intimate encounter with a smoking man
14:54In one of the rooms
14:56Some believe that it is a reference to the novel by Stephen King
15:00In which a man dressed as a dog
15:02Maintains a relationship with the owner of the hotel
15:05Others believe that it is related to the images of bears
15:08That appear throughout the movie in relation to Danny
15:12Insinuating that Jack has hurt him a lot
15:15You choose the meaning
15:17Number 5, xenomorph skull
15:20Predator 2
15:21Sometimes a small easter egg can become something much bigger
15:26In the predator's ship
15:28Lieutenant Harrigan finds a trophy room
15:32That includes a skull that belongs to a xenomorph
15:35From the movies of Alien
15:37The fans who saw this reference
15:39Began to theorize about the relationship between the franchises
15:43Although several months before
15:45An Alien vs Predator story had already been published
15:48In a comic by Dark Horse
15:50It was this moment of the movie
15:52What really excited the fans
15:55In the following years we not only saw more comics of Alien vs Predator
16:00But also novels, video games and board games
16:03They had to spend 14 years to see a crossover in theaters
16:11Number 4, I wouldn't hurt a fly
16:19In this masterpiece by Alfred Hitchcock
16:22We are not sure what to feel for Norman Bates
16:25Is he a good man who ended up in a bad situation?
16:28Or is there something more sinister lurking behind the shower curtain?
16:32In the end it is revealed that Norman had an alternative personality
16:37Inspired by his mother
16:38Even so it is difficult to say if his mental condition makes him more threatening
16:43Or if we understand it better
16:46But I couldn't allow them to believe that I would commit murder
16:49The final shot perfectly sums up the character
16:52Although it is likely that you miss a key detail without the pause button
16:57When the mother's skull begins to appear in Norman's face
17:01We see both the peaceful man who got lost in madness
17:04Like the monster that lives inside him
17:07And can't be tamed
17:09Number 3, I saw his face in The Ring
17:12Your phone rings
17:14Someone knows you've watched it
17:17And what they say is
17:19You will die in seven days
17:22After watching a cursed video tape
17:24Seven days later Katie finds her horrible ending
17:28At Samara's hands
17:34Although her death happens off screen
17:37Her mother is also a victim of the consequences
17:40When she talks to her sister and protagonist Rachel at the funeral
17:44Ruth remembers that when she opened the closet door
17:47She saw a horrible image of her daughter
17:52If we stop at the deteriorated skin
17:54White eyes and Katie's mouth
17:56We wonder what kind of creature could have done something like that
18:01What's more, how did her face deform so much?
18:04It is better not to know the details
18:06Since this image alone is enough to give us chills
18:11Number 2, the white board
18:13The cabin in the woods
18:19Although in the end it is decided that the zombies will invade the cabin
18:22There were several more candidates on the table
18:25From classic monsters like vampires
18:27To unconventional horror creatures like the sugar fairy
18:37Some of the monsters on the list seem custom made for spin-offs
18:42Like Reptilius, the bride and the unicorn
18:45Although these creatures do not participate in the attack on the cabin
18:49Many appear during the purge of the climax
18:52Some are even seen in the attic
18:55If you look closely at the board
18:57You will surely want to review the whole movie
19:00And try to discover each monster
19:04We have not reached the end yet, but almost
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19:13Surely you will like it
19:15Now yes, let's go to the end
19:18Number 1, the red demon, Insidious
19:25No matter what name you know
19:27The villain of Insidious stressed us from beginning to end
19:33Although we had already seen it quickly a couple of times
19:36It is shown in all its splendor in the final confrontation
19:40When Josh invades his territory
19:42Even then the moment is so fast
19:45That you will want to pause it when Josh turns around
19:48And discovers the demon spitting
19:50The public had mixed reactions to the revelation of the demon
19:55Number 2, Dark Mouth
20:00Some thought it met our expectations
20:04While others argued that it looked like Dark Mouth with a tail
20:08In any case, we all paused the movie
20:11When he showed us his horrible face
20:14And do you agree with our choices?
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