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¡Estas películas merecen más reconocimiento! Bienvenido a Watchmojo Español, hoy vamos a hablar de las películas de terror que no han recibido el reconocimiento que se merecen.


00:00This beautiful moment is upon us. Tonight is the night our faith is made real.
00:06Hey, hello and welcome to WatchMojo, Spanish.
00:09Today we are going to talk about the horror movies that have not received the recognition they deserve.
00:14We may delve into some important plot twists, so first let's set the spoiler alert.
00:21Then we can have some fun.
00:26Enjoy it.
00:28Number 20. Possessor.
00:30Faithful to its title, this story revolves around a murderer named Tasha Voss, who has the ability to possess people.
00:37After controlling their bodies to kill their targets, she forces them to take their lives so that she can return to hers.
00:43However, her most recent host refuses to obey and traps her in her body while their lives collide with each other.
00:58The longer she stays in, the greater the risk to her brain.
01:00It would have been an excellent action movie, but it chooses to transmit the horrors of losing control.
01:06Whether from the point of view of Voss or his host, there is always a feeling of terror in each scene.
01:13In the end, this psychological thriller will make you paranoid.
01:17Where is your lovely girl?
01:21Can you remember?
01:24No, that wasn't me.
01:27Number 19. Mandy.
01:29Obviously, Nicolas Cage should have a twisted character.
01:33If this is your thing, seeing how his role in Mandy and Red Miller goes completely crazy will be a welcome show.
01:40After a demonic sect sacrifices his girlfriend, Red takes revenge.
01:45They lit her on fire!
01:49They were weirdo hippie types.
01:54A whole bunch of them.
01:55Full of so much blood that you're going to forget what the other colors are like.
01:59It's a violent experience from beginning to end.
02:02The content without taboos is difficult to digest, and the movie knows it.
02:06Although the brutality is relentless, the twisted minds of the antagonists have a terrifying quality of their own.
02:13Mandy feels proud of her premise, and we undoubtedly like the idea of crossing the belt to get on this wheel of fortune.
02:22She burned brightly, Mandy.
02:26Don't you think?
02:27Number 18. The Voices.
02:30This movie, partly comedy and partly horror, is as crazy as fun.
02:34Ryan Reynolds plays Jerry, a man with schizophrenia whose hallucinations bring out the worst in him.
02:41Convinced that his dog and cat talk to him, he feels forced to kill.
02:55Strangely enough, you can't help but feel bad for the character, since his list of crimes is the result of a serious loneliness and bad luck.
03:04He also has a deliberately cheerful and optimistic tone.
03:11Sing a happy song, sing a happy song.
03:14Why don't you sing along, sing a happy song.
03:17The filmmakers seem to want you to feel uncomfortable, while Jerry's fragile mental state threatens to cause all kinds of problems.
03:26Number 17. Green Room.
03:28And don't test me.
03:29You should make it worse.
03:30We sit and we wait.
03:34And we die?
03:35Not if you sit and you wait.
03:37Getting caught anywhere is horrible, but what happens if you get caught with a gang of neo-Nazi murderers who want to catch you?
03:45Green Room follows the distressing experience of a rock band in this situation.
03:50After witnessing a murder, they have to find a way to escape.
03:54It's easier said than done, since the place is full of men with brutal intentions.
04:08Here we go.
04:10Although there are several action sequences, it is largely inclined towards a horror scenario.
04:16Green Room combines a suffocating feeling of claustrophobia with a premonitory feeling of fatality.
04:23With a story that advances at a fast pace and accumulates a remarkable number of deaths, it never slows down.
04:30Number 16. The Entity.
04:33Who says you shouldn't be afraid of the unknown?
04:35Obviously you haven't seen this movie.
04:37Carla Moran is terrified by an invisible being and, harassed by something she can't explain, begins to wander between fantasy and reality.
04:46It's time for you to see a good psychiatrist.
04:48I can't afford it.
04:49Oh, yes you can.
04:50Betty Rivers, I happen to know, she goes over to the walk-in clinic at the university and payment is whatever you can afford.
04:55I hate the thought of it.
04:56Oh, I know you do.
04:57It is not explained why this entity looked at her.
05:01However, this increases the fear factor of the film, since Carla's relentless torment has an additional layer of mystery.
05:09The story has us in a constant state of paranoia, just like the protagonist.
05:14It is a devastating and painful sample of suffering that affects us more than we expected.
05:28Number 15. Dog Soldiers.
05:30Predator from 1987 is still popular for mixing science fiction with survival horror.
05:38This movie follows the same line, but instead of an alien killer, it is a pack of werewolves.
05:44A squad of soldiers faces a group of lycanthropes.
05:59As they decrease in number, the possibility of a total bloodbath seems inevitable.
06:04And although it focuses on horror, some dark comedy moments diversify its appeal.
06:09The movie is also effective in making us worry about the characters enough to empathize with them.
06:25Of course, being the Gore festival that it is, we recommend that you do not get too attached.
06:30Number 14. Sinister.
06:33Fans have seen Ethan Hawke in romances like Before Sunrise and action thrillers like Training Day.
06:39But it could be said that it shows a broader record like the writer Alison Oswalt.
06:54The character gets into trouble with a terrifying pagan god named Bugul.
06:59Sinister is a wonderful setback to classic horror movies of enchanted houses,
07:04with a spooky background story that is slowly unveiling.
07:08Like Alison, we observe with terror how Bugul's plans come to light.
07:21The movie contains both subtle images and shots that will make you scream,
07:26since certain scenes scare as if there was no tomorrow.
07:29Sinister is not revolutionary, but it gives horror fans exactly what they want with a heart attack effect.
07:37Number 13. The Exorcist 3.
07:39To be the third entry in the franchise, few movies are as original as this one.
07:44The first Exorcist is still a classic of the genre, so it was always difficult to fill your shoes.
07:50Here, Lieutenant Kinderman investigates a series of murders that are connected to the murderer Geminis,
07:56who is supposed to be dead.
08:10The movie mixes the original's paranormal scheme with elements of the police genre,
08:15since the characters face a villain from another world.
08:18Along with the mystery, the use of scary visual elements and conscious scares make it a complete experience.
08:36The Exorcist 3 dares to be different and creates a unique identity that does not put aside its legacy.
08:43Number 12. The People Under the Stars.
08:46Contemporary spectators know movies like Don't Breathe, which deal with the consequences of blackmail.
08:53However, this movie presented this premise decades before.
08:57When a child and two thieves enter a house, they are caught with people they love to eat humans.
09:05Leaving is not an option when there is no place to run.
09:09At first glance, the story may seem a bit crazy.
09:17But when you find out that it is directed by Wes Craven, things make more sense.
09:29Like in his other works, it injects realism, comedy and social criticism in a movie that is very scary.
09:47From disgusting characters to macabre humor, it is a wild trip to the darkest layers of humanity.
09:54Number 11. Creep.
09:55Found movies are usually associated with box office hits such as Paranormal Activity and The Witch of Blair.
10:02However, if we talk about taking full advantage of its potential, few can compete with it.
10:07Unlike the movies mentioned, this one does not have a supernatural twist.
10:11The creepy factor comes from how easy it is to imagine yourself in the shoes of the protagonist.
10:25We follow videographer Aaron while recording Joseph, a strange man with an increasingly erratic behavior.
10:32What begins with a casual agreement becomes a distressing test for Aaron, as Joseph reveals his true nature.
10:40Despite having a cast of only two actors, Creep is the most fascinating.
10:45The film shows how twisted a person can be in more than one way.
11:01Number 10. Orphan.
11:02After overcoming a painful loss, Kate and John adopt a girl named Esther.
11:08It looks like the typical movie to feel good, right?
11:10That's how it would be if Esther were not a psychopath killer or a girl.
11:24The film works as a production of slow-firing psychological terror.
11:29The sadistic vein of the character adopts several forms, either by killing people with hammers or tormenting his adoptive brothers.
11:38The plot leaves several clues about Esther's identity before the big revelation, when it reaches its climax.
11:45She only looks like a child.
11:47According to our records, Lena Klamer was born in 1976. She's 33 years old.
11:54Her eventual cult success gave rise to a prequel a decade later, in which we see how Esther's story unfolds.
12:01Number 9. The Wailing.
12:03A duration of 156 minutes is ambitious for a horror movie.
12:08And although The Wailing makes us wait until the outcome, the attention is always kept at its peak.
12:15In this folkloric terror, the arrival of an unknown triggers chaos in a small town.
12:31The resulting panic causes more problems for its inhabitants, as the shadow of a great evil stalks them.
12:37The chilling cinematography, the scenes and the constant emotion are unique.
12:43When you're not biting your nails, you'll be admired for the themes it addresses.
13:00It didn't reach the audience it deserved, but not many movies have received as many compliments as this one.
13:06Number 8. The Snake and the Rainbow.
13:09Zombie horror is an effective subgenre that usually gives good results, but sometimes the best ones go unnoticed.
13:16Here, the anthropologist Dennis Allen investigates a drug in Haiti that turns corpses into zombies.
13:23This drug, this is something totally new.
13:26We don't have anything that can put somebody in, then back out.
13:31Unlike movies like World War Z and 28 Days Later, the path of destruction in The Snake and the Rainbow is more discreet.
13:40This scale plays in its favor, since we can savor the atmospheric emotions.
13:45Although currently the audience is prepared to handle more terrifying material, this movie still has a shock value.
13:52Some scenes may not be suitable for the weak, so get ready before seeing this little-known gem.
14:05Number 7. Bone Tomahawk.
14:07Speaking of villains who eat humans, here the bad guys are still alive when they do.
14:12Starring Kurt Russell as Sheriff Franklin Hunt, Bone Tomahawk is a horror western.
14:18Hunt leads a rescue mission against some cavemen addicted to human flesh.
14:30The movie takes its time to reach the premise of action, but the audience will not feel any trace of boredom,
14:37since Hunt's journey has a palpable sense of suspense.
14:40When the action begins, it turns into a survival horror that will have you on the edge of your seat.
14:54Bone Tomahawk was not successful in box office, but since then many have come to appreciate it as a classic to discover.
15:01Number 6. Drag Me to Hell.
15:03When you think of Sam Raimi, you probably remember the Evil Dead series or the Spider-Man trilogy.
15:09Within its filmography is this supernatural horror movie that stands out among the best of the director.
15:16The loan agent Christine is cursed by a woman, which leads her down the path of perdition.
15:27With limited time, she tries to find a way to save her soul.
15:31Drag Me to Hell presents us with a dark panorama for the protagonist, although there are entertaining moments of black humor.
15:39In the classic style of Sam Raimi, the grotesque visual effects and scary faces abound.
15:45It is a strange and visceral journey about Christine's descent into the deepest pits of torture.
15:51And it is not cathy to be entertaining.
16:02What's wrong?
16:04Oh my God!
16:05Number 5. The Invitation.
16:07Maybe you don't remember many horror movies that start with a scene.
16:11While movies like Ready or Not and Your Next are praised, The Invitation deserves to be mentioned at the same level.
16:19Initially it starts as a drama, but quickly changes tone and becomes more sinister.
16:25And then all of a sudden, we get invited to this lavish dinner.
16:29You're all smiles, spewing out all this jargon with these two in tow.
16:34Don't tell me that this is normal.
16:36A party apparently to share the pain is revealed as a montage for a murder.
16:42With the brain washed with a twisted philosophy of a sect, the hosts plan to eliminate their guests.
16:50Even before this revelation comes to light, the movie shows a tension that increases little by little.
17:02It addresses its material with a deeply disturbing touch that makes you reconsider your plans to have dinner at someone's house.
17:09Number 4. Hush.
17:11Mike Flanagan has directed popular feature films such as Doctor Sleep and The Hunting.
17:17Before it reached success, Flanagan achieved the acclamation of criticism with Hush in 2016.
17:24During a single night, a masked killer stalks the protagonist, Maddie.
17:37The villain chases her, taking advantage of her deafness.
17:41Hush's creative direction allows us to perceive its events through the protagonist's point of view.
17:48The distinctive atmosphere it creates connects us both with Maddie's problems and her final decision to defend herself.
17:55There's only one ending he won't expect.
17:59He can't run, hide or wait.
18:04What does that leave?
18:06In many ways exciting and in others inspiring, it is an exciting survival story against all odds.
18:14Number 3. In the Mouth of Madness.
18:16Insurance researcher John Trent begins to doubt his own existence after a series of strange incidents.
18:23At the center of everything is a horror novel called In the Mouth of Madness, which alludes to the destruction of the world.
18:30The premise is hard to believe, but that is precisely the goal.
18:46With a unreliable narrator, everything that happens on screen becomes in doubt.
18:51Surrealistic and terrifying at the same time, the film plays with the perception of the public to make us as crazy as Trent at the end of his journey.
19:10Number 2. Train to Busan.
19:12There are more zombie apocalypse movies than we can count.
19:15But how many develop in a train at full speed?
19:18At the beginning of the outbreak we meet several characters with various background stories.
19:36In the end we manage to empathize with everyone, although we know that most will probably not survive.
19:42Thanks to these complete interpretations, the film manages to get the public involved in the journey.
19:48The real-time scenario adds a certain degree of urgency.
19:52Although it is not based as much on action as other zombie feature films, at times it takes speed.
19:58Incredible consequences, multidimensional characters and a lot of brutality make the best elements of the genre a winning formula.
20:13Hey, we're not done yet, but almost.
20:15Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and activate the bell to receive notifications of our latest videos.
20:22You will surely like them.
20:24Now, let's go to the end.
20:26Number 1. Trick or Treat.
20:28Sometimes horror movies should be limited to scaring people.
20:32Trick or Treat understands the task and uses an anthology format that pays homage to it.
20:39A demonic entity called Sam connects several stories that happen at night in question.
20:44Each one is about urban myths around the festivities, including werewolves, ghosts and murderers.
20:51Without a world premiere, the film would not have been so successful.
20:54In the end, the film manages to get the public involved in the journey.
20:59Each one is about urban myths around the festivities, including werewolves, ghosts and murderers.
21:06Without a world premiere, the film went almost unnoticed in its premiere.
21:11However, it has become one of the favorite of fans who have discovered it since then.
21:20So if you want a deliciously terrifying movie that does everything right, come with Sammy and his faithful candy.
21:27Remember to keep the Halloween spirit alive if you don't want this character to knock on your door.
21:33What horror movie do you think deserves more recognition?
21:46And do you agree with our choices?
21:48Tell us in the comments and don't miss these other Spanish WatchMojo videos.
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