India's police fired tear gas and water cannons in the eastern city of Kolkata as clashes with demonstrators protesting against the rape and murder of a trainee doctor turned violent on Tuesday (Aug 27).
00:30The floodwaters were so high that it was difficult for people to get out of their homes.
00:38The floodwaters were so high that it was difficult for people to get out of their homes.
00:46The floodwaters were so high that it was difficult for people to get out of their homes.
00:52The floodwaters were so high that it was difficult for people to get out of their homes.
01:00Despite the storm scared people to death the residents of Hillsborough had evidence to defend themselves against the flood.
01:06Despite the storm scared people to death the residents of Hillsborough had evidence to defend themselves against the flood.
01:12Live CC'ed.
01:18Police reportedly lowered fire trucks at the Highway.
01:23We are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the
01:53people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are
02:00the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are
02:07the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are
02:14the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are the people, we are
02:21the people, we are the people, we are the people.