Dr. Raghuraj Chawla was manhandled by the police during a protest in Delhi. He told Brut why doctors were protesting amid a fresh Covid-19 surge in India.
00:00We are not terrorists. We are your doctors.
00:30Single agitation, single agenda. We had no second demand.
00:39We did not talk about COVID allowance. We did not talk about raising our salary.
00:43We did not talk about any leave.
01:00We are not terrorists. We are your doctors.
01:30We were protesting peacefully. We did not fight with anyone.
01:48We did not fight with anyone. We were stopped by a barricade a few metres away from Malana Medical College.
01:53We sat on the road at that time.
01:55We said that we will go by footpath and clear the roads.
01:58The police did not respond.
02:00But suddenly police vans started coming.
02:03The police force suddenly increased.
02:06And one by one, the people in front of us,
02:09the four police officers, started throwing each doctor into the police van.
02:26Our fight was for the benefit of patients.