• last year
00:00Living and non-living things
00:05Living and non-living things
00:09All natural things that we see around us are either living or non-living
00:17Animals, plants and humans are examples of living things
00:24While the air you breathe, the water you drink, the land on which you walk, the house in which you live, the books you read and the sun that lights our day are all examples of non-living thing
00:46Living things depend on non-living things for their survival and growth
00:55Characteristic features of living things
01:00Living things grow
01:04All living things show growth in the form of size and shape
01:11Animal babies grow into adults and the young sapling grows into a full plant or tree
01:22A child grows up to become a man
01:27An apple tree grows from a seed
01:32Puppy grows up to become a dog
01:37Caterpillar grows up to become a butterfly
01:43If you get hurt, the skin grows back and the wound heals
01:49Non-living things do not grow
01:55Living things need food and water
02:01Animals and plants need food and water to live
02:08These are some food products eaten by man
02:14Cows, deer, etc. feed on grass
02:22Tigers, lion, leopard, etc. feed on other animals such as zebra, deer and bison
02:35Birds feed on insects, food grains, etc.
02:42Plants are the only living things that make their own food
02:48with the help of the green pigment called chlorophyll in the leaves
02:55They use air, sunlight, water and minerals to prepare food
03:05Animals get food from plants as well as other animals
03:12A rabbit feeds on carrot
03:17Can you guess from where do we get eggs and milk?
03:24Non-living things do not need food
03:29Living things breathe air
03:35Animals and plants breathe in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide
03:44Plants breathe through tiny openings called stomata
03:51Animals use different types of organs for breathing
03:57For example, we breathe through lungs, a fish breathes through the gills and an earthworm breathes through moist skin
04:27Non-living things move in search of food, light and shelter
04:34Plants show subtle movements while animals show visible movements known as locomotion
04:44like walking, running, etc.
04:50Non-living things do not move
04:57Some plants show movements with the sun
05:03The sunflower always faces the sun and moves in the direction of the sunlight
05:12The morning glory flower blooms in the early morning sunlight
05:20There are some flowers that bloom at night such as the water lily and Casablanca lily
05:30Living things respond to touch
05:35Living things respond to touch and can feel their surroundings
05:42Living things respond to stimuli
05:47Like an eagle has eyes to look for prey
05:54You have a nose to smell the delicious food your mom cooks
06:01Ears to listen to your favorite music
06:06And skin to feel soft or hard surfaces
06:12Non-living things do not respond to touch or any stimulation
06:21Living things reproduce
06:25Living things reproduce young ones of their own kind
06:32Plants reproduce through seeds
06:38Some plants reproduce through other parts such as eye of potato
06:47Animals reproduce either by laying eggs like a hen or a crocodile
06:56or by directly giving birth to their babies like humans, lions, dolphins, etc.
07:07Look at the chick with mother hen
07:12Elephant and its young one
07:16Man, woman and child
07:22Sapling becomes a tree
07:27Non-living things do not reproduce
07:33Living things have a life span after which they die
07:41Non-living things do not have life so they do not die
07:49A housefly lives for 20 to 30 days
07:56Dog lives for 13 to 15 years
08:02Tortoise lives for 150 years
08:10Adult human lives for 70 to 85 years
08:17American redwood tree can be 500 to 700 years old
08:27Both living and non-living things react to weather conditions
08:35If we leave a sheet of newspaper and an iron nail in the rain outside for a few days
08:46We see that the paper decays and the iron nail rusts
08:54A colored cotton cloth left outside in the sun fades
09:03When you spend long hours under the sun, your skin gets tanned
09:12Hills break into stones and stones get powdered into soil over a period of hundreds of years
09:23Living things react to weather conditions more quickly
09:30We might get cold and cough if we get wet in the rain
09:37We sweat in hot summers
09:42Plants do dry up and wither when the sun is too direct and hot