El Señor De La Querencia Cap 25

  • last month
01:24¿Qué está haciendo aquí?
01:28Tengo una conversación pendiente con su padre.
01:30¿Estás seguro?
01:33¿Qué le parece extraño?
01:35¿Quiere que le recuerde lo bien que se lleva?
01:40¿Sabes una cosa?
01:43Puede ser que con su padre las cosas empiecen a cambiar.
01:46Así que llegó, usted no me preocuparía tanto.
01:48Excuse me.
02:01Good morning.
02:04My head hurts.
02:06I'm not surprised by everything you drank last night.
02:12Lucrecia, I remember everything.
02:14Oh yeah?
02:17I have to tell you that I never expected that from you.
02:20Are you sure this is the first time you've been with a man?
02:24I let myself go.
02:26Was I too aggressive?
02:30On the contrary.
02:32It was...
02:34It was much better than I expected.
02:36Yes, for me it was also quite satisfactory.
02:40You won't be recovering from your illness.
02:46Can I tell you something?
02:47Yes, tell me.
02:51It's the first time I think that maybe our marriage could work out.
02:56Yes, it could be.
02:58I have to go to the bathroom, Ignacio.
03:05How is it possible, Leonor,
03:07that you are doubting my word, that you distrust me in that way?
03:11It's not that.
03:12I just let myself be surprised.
03:15After everything that has happened, now you want to get close to Manuel?
03:19Are you surprised?
03:24I'm trying to change.
03:27Did I tell you or not?
03:29And this is proof of the value of my word.
03:43Excuse me.
03:47I guess you're here because of the proposal I made to you.
03:54I hear you.
03:56But first I would like to hear some conditions.
04:04What kind of conditions, Manuel?
04:07If you want us to be partners,
04:09the situation of the workers and the inheritance has to change.
04:13I don't understand. Please explain what that means.
04:17Work conditions.
04:19And most importantly,
04:21that they receive a fair salary.
04:24A salary?
04:26You and your ideas, Manuel.
04:30The wheel is fine.
04:32We're going to reinvent it here, man.
04:34My men don't lack anything at all.
04:37You want me to pay them a salary?
04:42What are those men going to do with money?
04:44They're going to spend the money on Aunt Carmen
04:46and they're going to be drunk all day.
04:48Well, you decide, Mr. José Luis.
04:51But those are my conditions.
04:53If you don't accept them,
04:55there's no deal.
05:10The clothes are ready.
05:13And you, what happened to you now?
05:15You didn't know?
05:23He's going to start working with the boss.
05:27I don't know what it's like,
05:29but they're going to start working together
05:31to get all the gold out of the river.
05:33But Maria, those men can't work together.
05:35Well, that's how it is.
05:37Have you forgotten what that man did to your daughter, Maria?
05:42You have to tell Manuel
05:44what that bastard is capable of doing.
05:47Don't you dare open your mouth, Arminia.
05:50Because worse things could happen.
05:53Don't do it.
05:55Besides, I don't want any more problems either.
06:08Oh, I don't know what José Luis is up to
06:10associating himself with that man.
06:12But I think José Luis understood
06:14that Manuel is not the enemy, Leontina.
06:16That man is not trustworthy.
06:18If I were José Luis, I wouldn't trust him.
06:20And what do you know, Leontina?
06:22Someone who is capable of appropriating land
06:24that doesn't belong to him.
06:26I don't even want to imagine what else he's capable of.
06:28First, you don't have to have an opinion about those lands.
06:30And second, those lands were inherited by my grandfather
06:33to his mother.
06:35No one here has appropriated anything.
06:37Exactly. Manuel hasn't done anything out of the law.
06:39Well, but still, I don't understand
06:40what you're saying. It doesn't make sense.
06:42I'm sure Manuel is hiding something.
06:46Stop talking badly about that man.
06:48I know him and he's an honest person.
06:50And why do you defend him so much, Teresita?
06:54Because that man is better than anyone
06:56who can be in this room, Leontina.
06:58Watch what you say.
07:00You shut up, Ignacio.
07:02You have no right to speak ill of people.
07:04Please, don't fight. Stop.
07:06What can I say about you, Mercedes?
07:08You know what? I'm exhausted.
07:10Let's go.
07:27What do you want?
07:29What happened?
07:31I don't think it's wise to think that José Luis
07:34will change his mind overnight, right?
07:37I'm doing this because I want to substantially
07:40improve the living conditions of the tenants,
07:42especially of my family.
07:46And to be close to you too.
07:50What are you saying, please?
07:52You didn't come to talk to me about your husband, right?
08:07And I'll open my heart to you.
08:17Excuse me.
08:19Ignacio, please leave my room.
08:21I promised my cousin that I would stay away from you.
08:24No, no, no. It has nothing to do with that.
08:26I came to talk to you about another matter.
08:28In fact, it's about your daughter, Lucrecia.
08:30Oh, my God. What did that girl do now, for God's sake?
08:32Nothing bad, Mercedes.
08:34So, what are you doing here?
08:37I came to tell you that I think
08:39our marriage will be able to work after all.
08:43Oh, yeah? And why do you say that?
08:46Because last night we made love.
08:50And it was very good.
09:06What are you doing here?
09:08That's not your business.
09:10Well, I came to pay you for last night.
09:16Hey, but this is very little money.
09:18Remember that the final amount will be when you get pregnant.
09:22And if that never happens?
09:24I have confidence that it will happen.
09:28Do you want me to visit your husband again tonight, then?
09:32But this time it will be different.
09:35Different how?
09:36Tonight I don't just want to look.
09:39I want to participate.
09:45Are you sure of what you're saying, Ignacio?
09:50Last night Lucrecia was another woman, Mercedes.
09:52And it was a surprise for me too.
09:54I have to tell you, it was.
09:56Do you know how hard it is for me to believe
09:58what you're telling me?
10:00The truth.
10:02Your daughter is behaving like a real woman.
10:04I don't want details.
10:06Ignacio, please.
10:08I don't understand.
10:10I don't want details.
10:12I don't understand.
10:14I thought you were going to be happy to know
10:16that your daughter is behaving like a normal woman.
10:18I'm glad.
10:20You don't know how glad I am, really.
10:22The most curious thing that caught my attention, Mercedes,
10:24was that it was as if you hadn't slept
10:26with a man for the first time.
10:28Ignacio, please.
10:30I asked you not to.
10:32I don't want details.
10:34Can you leave me alone?
10:36Does what I'm telling you bother you?
10:39It doesn't bother me.
10:41Not at all.
10:43Are you jealous?
10:47Why would I be jealous, Ignacio?
10:49What are you talking about?
10:51Please leave.
10:53Are you lying to me?
11:02Excuse me.
11:04I'm sorry.
11:06I'm sorry.
11:22Oh, my God.
11:27Cheers, Dad.
11:29Your idea was really good, Luis Emilio.
11:33Now I'll be able to control
11:34what happens to that Calichero.
11:36Well, what's left to do is very simple.
11:39We wait a while
11:41and then we have him sign a land transfer
11:43in your name, Dad.
11:47Once he signs,
11:49I'll eliminate him.
11:51And not just him,
11:55but his entire family.
11:57Things in the family are going to change, Elminia.
12:00And that's it.
12:02It's not going to change anything, Manuel.
12:04It's not going to change anything.
12:06How dare you make a deal with Mr. Jose Luis?
12:08Why didn't you consult me before?
12:10These are also my lands.
12:12But I know they are your lands.
12:14And you have a benefit for that.
12:16But for the moment, you and the tenants
12:18will enjoy better treatment.
12:20That's good news, right?
12:23Let me go.
12:25Let me tell you that your fight is over before it starts.
12:32Because you made a deal with an abuser.
12:35It was Mr. Jose Luis who raped Violeta.
12:42But why do you want to eliminate all your families?
12:44And who do you have a problem with?
12:46Only Manuel?
12:48That's where you're wrong, Luis Emilio.
12:50All those families are heirs of a part of the inheritance.
12:52If they haven't left here,
12:54I don't know what they're doing.
12:56So once I eliminate Manuel,
12:58the rest will follow.
13:00But Violeta has nothing to do
13:02with the usurpation of the lands, Dad.
13:04Why are you still obsessed with that Chinese woman?
13:06I thought that was over.
13:08Yes, it's over.
13:12But she's innocent.
13:18She's the worst of all.
13:21I'm very sorry.
13:22You pretend to be innocent,
13:24but there's nothing innocent about you.
13:43The man who raped Violeta
13:46is dead.
13:48You're wrong, Manuel.
13:49Violeta lied.
13:51She didn't want to report Mr. Jose Luis
13:53because she was afraid.
13:56What are you saying, Herminia?
13:58She told me.
14:00She's had a very bad time.
14:02Please don't do anything.
14:04Manuel, seriously.
14:06You have to be calm and think well.
14:08Son of a bitch.
14:10I'm going to kill him.
14:12No, Manuel.
14:14I can't leave here.
14:16I won't let you leave.
14:17Something can happen to you.
14:19And what do you want me to do?
14:21Do you want me to stay with my arms crossed?
14:23If you go like this,
14:25you will be harmed and we know it.
14:27We have to be smart, Manuel.
14:29No one can touch that man.
14:31Jose Luis Echeñique, the devil himself.
14:48What do you want?
14:50Violeta, please listen to me.
14:52Let me be.
14:54I don't care what you have to tell me.
15:01But you and your family are in danger.
15:06You have to listen to me.
15:08I want to help you.
15:10I'm worried about you.
15:12You're worried?
15:14I can imagine.
15:15What you want to do is round, Luis Emilio.
15:18No, Violeta.
15:20I talked to my father.
15:22I'm serious.
15:24What did he say?
15:26That he's coming here to visit me?
15:29What am I going to be waiting for?
15:32Let me be.
15:36Violeta, I know you're very hurt.
15:40You don't know anything, Luis Emilio.
15:42You have no idea.
15:46Let me hug you.
15:48What you want is this.
15:51This is what you're looking for.
15:59How do you know the young man won't notice?
16:02Because we're talking to a very simple person.
16:05Who doesn't notice anything.
16:09Are you sure I'm going to charge you this time?
16:12More than the last time.
16:14Okay, no problem.
16:17I want double.
16:21If you want, I'll give you an advance.
16:23Sounds good to me.
16:35Take it.
16:38Tonight we repeat the game with your husband, then.
16:42You lied to me.
16:44I'm leaving so you can take care of your business.
16:46You stay here!
16:49I had never been so disappointed in you.
16:52Oh, Mom, please.
16:54What did Ignacio tell you?
16:56He thinks your marriage is working perfectly.
16:58And it really is working like a charm.
17:01He doesn't have to sleep with this prostitute.
17:04I think the young man had a great time last night.
17:07I didn't hear any complaints.
17:08On the contrary.
17:10I'm a witness to that.
17:13They're a couple of...
17:17And you, ma'am?
17:19What would you be doing?
17:29Please don't tell Ignacio anything.
17:31His mother is a coward.
17:33She won't do anything.
17:35Believe me.
17:39No, please don't do that.
17:41This is what you're looking for, isn't it?
17:44Isn't that what you want?
17:46I don't want you to keep suffering.
17:49I think that's enough.
17:51If that's all, then leave.
17:54Why are you treating me like this?
17:56I thought you loved me.
18:04Do you want to know how I feel about you and Emilio?
18:13I don't feel anything for you.
18:19I hate you.
18:25Do you really feel that?
18:37Please leave.
18:45I never imagined I'd see you again.
18:56I love you.
19:14Be careful, Lucrecia.
19:16I thought you liked the pain.
19:18I don't know if under these circumstances...
19:53Are you ready?
19:57I'm ready.
20:24I never imagined you were such an incredible woman.
20:33I'm a box of Pandora, my husband.
21:09Do you want me to stay with my arms crossed?
21:11If you leave like this, you'll be harmed, and we know it.
21:14We have to be smart, Manuel.
21:16No one can touch that man.
21:17He's the devil himself.
21:48What is this, Mom?
21:54What are you doing here?
21:56What's going on?
22:04Lucrecia, what the hell is going on?
22:17What the hell is going on?
22:47What the hell is going on?
22:54Manuel, what the hell is going on?
23:17What the hell is going on?
23:22Herminia, how could you do this to me?
23:25I'm capable of doing anything for money.
23:27Wait a minute.
23:29Last night...
23:30I treated him last night, too.
23:31Get the hell out of here right now.
23:33What? Are you going to make a scene?
23:35You're shameless, Lucrecia.
23:37This is already a scandal.
23:39You've always told me that sex has nothing wrong with it.
23:42I don't understand.
23:44I don't understand how you were able to do something like this.
23:45You know what?
23:47I'm ashamed to be your mother.
23:49You've always been ashamed to be my mother.
23:52For the first time, you're absolutely right.
23:54This is completely unforgivable, Lucrecia.
23:57You're wasting your time, Ignacio.
23:59Lucrecia thinks that life is a game, right?
24:01Someone untie me, please.
24:03Did you know about this?
24:08I'm going to let you talk.
24:10No, no. You're going to talk, too.
24:12I have nothing to do here.
24:13You two talk to each other.
24:30No, Manuel.
24:40I'm going to let you talk.
24:41I'm going to let you talk.
24:48I have a murderer.
24:52I have my reasons.
24:59I would like to hear it, Manuel.
25:20This son of a bitch raped my niece.
25:36What the fuck were you thinking, Lucrecia?
25:39Well, I wanted to give you the son you're asking for.
25:42A son with you, not with Herminia.
25:45Herminia was going to have him for me.
25:48You're completely crazy.
25:50And you think it's better for my mother to have our son?
25:55Herminia has to leave the family, did you hear me?
25:57No, no, no, no, no. I insisted.
25:59She didn't even want to do it.
26:01I'm afraid, Lucrecia.
26:03Don't you realize that what you did is outrageous?
26:07Can I ask you something?
26:09But you have to be honest with me.
26:12Didn't you have a good time?
26:14How can you ask me that, Lucrecia?
26:16I saw you enjoy it a lot.
26:18Shut up. That woman is leaving, did you hear me?
26:21She's leaving right now.
26:23Can I give you some advice?
26:25If I were you, I wouldn't kick Herminia out.
26:27She has a lot of information.
26:29And if she talks, you would be the most affected.
26:36I can't believe it.
26:41Do I miss you?
26:44You lied to me all this time.
26:49That bastard deserves to die.
26:53Give me a reason not to do it.
26:55If you do it, he'll go to jail.
26:58Do you understand that?
27:00But no one saw me come in, just you.
27:02You are not that person.
27:04You are different, Manuel.
27:06You are not a savage.
27:08But your husband has done a lot of harm.
27:10I know.
27:12Do you realize that if he didn't exist,
27:14all the problems in this place would end?
27:18Our problems would end.
27:20It's not the way.
27:22And what is the way then?
27:24I don't know.
27:26I wonder exactly the same thing.
27:28If I don't do it, it's for you.
27:31For no one else.
27:37You know I love him.
27:57I love you.
28:27Who is it?