• last year
Pavel Durov, the billionaire founder of Telegram, was arrested at Le Bourget airport near Paris after landing on a private jet from Azerbaijan. He was detained as part of a police investigation into potential criminal activities on Telegram due to inadequate moderation and lack of cooperation with authorities. The arrest prompted criticism from Elon Musk and concerns from Moscow. Telegram, with nearly a billion users, is influential in Russia and Ukraine. Durov, who left Russia in 2014, faces possible indictment.
00:00It's Benzinga, and here's what's on the block.
00:02Pavel Durov, the billionaire founder of Telegram, was arrested at Le Bourget airport near Paris
00:07after landing on a private jet from Azerbaijan.
00:10He was detained as part of a police investigation into potential criminal activities on Telegram
00:15due to inadequate moderation and lack of cooperation with authorities.
00:19The arrest prompted criticism from Elon Musk and concerns from Moscow.
00:23Telegram, with nearly a billion users, is influential in Russia and Ukraine.
00:28Durov, who left Russia in 2014, faces possible indictment.
00:31For all things money, visit Benzinga.com.
