• last year
French prosecutors have charged Telegram CEO Pavel Durov with enabling criminal activity on the messaging platform and placed him under formal investigation. Durov was arrested and is accused of complicity in organized crime, drug trafficking, child pornography distribution, and fraud, among other charges. He remains in French custody, has posted over $5 million for bail, and is under strict judicial supervision. Telegram defended Durov, stating that the platform abides by EU laws and denies responsibility for user abuse of the platform.


00:00It's Benzinga, and here's what's on the block.
00:03French prosecutors have charged Telegram CEO Pavel Durov with enabling criminal activity
00:07on the messaging platform and placed him under formal investigation.
00:10Durov was arrested and is accused of complicity in organized crime, drug trafficking, child
00:15pornography distribution, and fraud, among other charges.
00:18He remains in French custody, has posted over $5 million for bail, and is under strict judicial
00:24Telegram defended Durov, stating that the platform abides by EU laws and denies responsibility
00:29for user abuse of the platform.
00:31For all things money, visit Benzinga.com.
