Letest Hollywood Hindi dubbed movie

  • last month
00:00:00All satellites are allowed to move forward.
00:00:02The species that were developed as weapons for the protection of the human race
00:00:06are now changing the climate with such rapidity.
00:00:08This is the beginning of a new age, an event of extinction.
00:00:12As most people suspected, the human race itself is the cause of its destruction.
00:00:16And as the extinction progresses, happiness is moving ahead.
00:00:20Yet, despite all this happening all over the world, life is still hanging by a thread.
00:00:26My name is Kailo.
00:00:27Me and my companions are looking for a new hope.
00:00:31We are looking for a new beginning.
00:00:36In the last few years, our small group of survivors has gone through many changes.
00:00:41We have lost many good people, which happened to us recently
00:00:45when we were suddenly confronted by a military convoy who had been attacked.
00:00:48Hey, stop.
00:00:51Look up.
00:00:52Be steady. Be ready.
00:00:55Look up.
00:00:56It's the UMF convoy.
00:00:58I think they have been attacked.
00:01:00Who would do such a stupid thing to attack an UMF convoy?
00:01:02I think they are also trying to find out the same thing.
00:01:07So, should we go back or what's the plan?
00:01:10This is the UMF.
00:01:11Did you see anything?
00:01:12Whoever is trying to bring them down, I mean...
00:01:14They are on the second floor.
00:01:15We can help them, but...
00:01:17But they will come after us.
00:01:19You are right.
00:01:20Cover me.
00:01:22You will cover your faces before someone else kills himself.
00:01:25Find them.
00:01:26Look there.
00:01:29They are very fast.
00:01:30For God's sake, save your bullets.
00:01:32Shoot only when you are hit.
00:01:35I think we should call for help.
00:01:37Can you hear me from Home Base Blue Team 5314?
00:01:40Blue Team 5314, this is Home Base.
00:01:42Go ahead.
00:01:49Oh God, my hand.
00:01:50Cover me.
00:01:52Let's get out of here.
00:01:53Let's go back.
00:01:54They are going back.
00:02:00They are all hiding here.
00:02:04They were left here?
00:02:05Yes, they didn't do a good job.
00:02:07Yes, I think they are dead.
00:02:09What if they are alive?
00:02:11I think I can help them.
00:02:13We will see when the danger is over.
00:02:15Yes, but if they are alive, every moment matters.
00:02:18I think they need help.
00:02:19Yes, but if you die, how will you help them?
00:02:23I can.
00:02:24That's why you should stay here.
00:02:30Lida, what are you doing? Come back.
00:02:32Lida, come back.
00:02:39Yes, they are dead.
00:02:41I think it's time to go.
00:02:47Lida, no.
00:02:52Oh God, no.
00:03:04What are we going to do now?
00:03:05If we do anything, we will all be in danger.
00:03:08Yes, I warned her.
00:03:10I explained to her.
00:03:11She ignored me.
00:03:13She never listens.
00:03:14Okay, I am sorry for Lida.
00:03:16But the one who killed those two soldiers is still here.
00:03:22I can see them.
00:03:29Left side.
00:03:31Nine o'clock.
00:03:34One on the left and the other on the right.
00:03:36What did you say, Zero?
00:03:37V, be careful.
00:03:42He made a hole in my backpack.
00:03:45His back is just like Moscow.
00:03:47I will try.
00:03:54It's hurting.
00:03:55Get out of my head.
00:03:56Put the blade down and raise your hand.
00:03:59Okay, I will do it.
00:04:01But first stop it, please.
00:04:04Okay, we have your friend.
00:04:07It will be better if you come out.
00:04:09Okay, you won.
00:04:11Congratulations for winning.
00:04:15We are just two people.
00:04:16We want an apology, okay?
00:04:17We thought you came to steal our loot.
00:04:19And your big backpacks looked very attractive.
00:04:22So we had to try.
00:04:24Do you understand?
00:04:25We had to try.
00:04:29The Jinnuwa brothers who attacked the UMF convoy can be an important part of our family.
00:04:35We have to think whether we can trust them or not.
00:04:38We got stuck because of the snowstorm.
00:04:40And we slowed down.
00:04:42We knew we were on the right track.
00:04:44We found this place a few days ago.
00:04:45So we decided to stay here for a few days.
00:04:47So did you surround the UMF convoy for time pass?
00:04:50And started attacking them?
00:04:52We have to do something to save ourselves.
00:04:54We understand the meaning of survival.
00:04:56But you are not seeing me in any bad condition.
00:04:59So think twice before killing anyone next time.
00:05:03No matter who it is.
00:05:04Especially someone like you.
00:05:06We are not mad.
00:05:08We just wanted your stuff.
00:05:10And anyway, he is not one of us.
00:05:13Some things depend on the observer.
00:05:16Jairo takes care of him.
00:05:18He is a little different.
00:05:19But yes, he is a part of our gang.
00:05:21And as far as we are concerned, he is one of us.
00:05:24There is a famous Beatles song.
00:05:26All you need is love.
00:05:27Which was released in July 1967.
00:05:30What is this Beatles?
00:05:32And anyway, you wanted to kill me first.
00:05:35Not him.
00:05:36This was our strategy.
00:05:38Kill the leader first.
00:05:39So where were you guys going?
00:05:42We were just roaming around, hunting, looking for food.
00:05:45As I said, to stay alive.
00:05:48And you thought it would be right to kill the UMF convoy?
00:05:52Because most of the time, doing this makes life difficult.
00:05:55Especially when there are only two of us.
00:05:57It was just a matter of taking advantage of the opportunity.
00:06:00We should have eaten.
00:06:01There was nothing to lose.
00:06:02So what is your plan?
00:06:03Which way are you going?
00:06:05Is that so?
00:06:06Can you show us the map?
00:06:08This means we are looking for the way to Shangri-La.
00:06:10And yes, we have a few pieces of the map.
00:06:13And Jairo talks a lot.
00:06:14Shut up.
00:06:15Do you understand?
00:06:16She seems fine.
00:06:17Maybe we can tell her.
00:06:19Maybe we can get some help.
00:06:20Our help?
00:06:21Or will you try to kill us again?
00:06:23You can trust us.
00:06:25We have promised you.
00:06:26We are 100% with you.
00:06:27Then leave me.
00:06:28No, no, no.
00:06:30Not again.
00:06:31Then leave me.
00:06:35You can come with us.
00:06:36Come with us to Shangri-La.
00:06:38Do you know where it is?
00:06:40We know how to find it.
00:06:41But if you make any mistake, we will throw you out.
00:06:44Got it.
00:06:47We will leave as soon as morning comes.
00:06:48Keeping twin brothers with us,
00:06:50being with more people,
00:06:51was part of the plan.
00:06:53But it was also risky.
00:06:55We knew that there were greenies behind them.
00:06:59Despite our close relationship,
00:07:01I did not agree with Vargas.
00:07:02But it was not just about my thinking.
00:07:04These greenies never give up.
00:07:06They always find a way.
00:07:08And then...
00:07:11So the deal is final?
00:07:13I think so.
00:07:15New friend.
00:07:16I like friends.
00:07:17They are always there for you.
00:07:19Storm is coming.
00:07:20And our next stop will be
00:07:22after walking for at least 4 days.
00:07:24So we will need some rest.
00:07:26So that we can be strong.
00:07:27We will need it.
00:07:29I will guard you tonight.
00:07:31And I will take care of you.
00:07:33Having twin brothers with us,
00:07:35meant that the greenies
00:07:37were also behind us.
00:07:39One of the many dangers
00:07:40that we faced.
00:07:42But the monsters following us
00:07:44was not a new thing for us.
00:07:46No matter how much you run,
00:07:47something new always happens.
00:07:49Only time matters.
00:07:51The moment you are unable to run,
00:07:53and the clock is ticking very fast.
00:07:58But as we were moving forward
00:08:00in search of hope,
00:08:01and I was writing the script
00:08:03for this journey,
00:08:04I was also realizing
00:08:06that my self-confidence
00:08:07about the place
00:08:08that we are looking for
00:08:09is no more.
00:08:11We should be somewhere nearby.
00:08:13Oh yes.
00:08:14Very close.
00:08:15Very very close.
00:08:17Because now I can't
00:08:18even feel my face.
00:08:20Actually, look.
00:08:21There it is.
00:08:24We found it.
00:08:31We found it.
00:09:02We found it.
00:09:03We found it.
00:09:31We found it.
00:09:32We found it.
00:09:33We found it.
00:09:34We found it.
00:09:35We found it.
00:09:36We found it.
00:09:37We found it.
00:09:38We found it.
00:09:39We found it.
00:09:40We found it.
00:09:41We found it.
00:09:42We found it.
00:09:43We found it.
00:09:44We found it.
00:09:45We found it.
00:09:46We found it.
00:09:47We found it.
00:09:48We found it.
00:09:49We found it.
00:09:50We found it.
00:09:51We found it.
00:09:52We found it.
00:09:53We found it.
00:09:54We found it.
00:09:55We found it.
00:09:56We found it.
00:09:57We found it.
00:09:58We found it.
00:09:59We found it.
00:10:00We found it.
00:10:01We found it.
00:10:03We found it.
00:10:05He has probably used up his time.
00:10:09Okay, it's done.
00:10:10Hurry up, sir.
00:10:11Let's go inside.
00:10:12Let's go inside.
00:10:15There was no water, I guess.
00:10:16Come on.
00:10:16So that I can close the door.
00:10:20I hear the sound of air
00:10:21from my ears since last five days.
00:10:23I thought I would die,
00:10:24I thought I would die,
00:10:25It was a very long journey,
00:10:27but we did it.
00:10:28But we did it.
00:10:29We have done it.
00:10:31We have done it? Yes, we have done it.
00:10:34Except that we have lost our healer at the hands of UMF.
00:10:38And along with that, we have lost half of our rations.
00:10:40Not only that, there is a group of people with green eyes behind us.
00:10:43Thank you to these stupid brothers for all this.
00:10:45Hey, you were also ready to take us along.
00:10:47You are right.
00:10:48But you know that they will find us.
00:10:50So forgive me Vargas.
00:10:52I don't know if we have done it,
00:10:54like we should use words or not.
00:10:57But this is just my thinking.
00:10:58Say it.
00:11:00It's okay.
00:11:02Listen, I can understand your disappointment.
00:11:05We have already lost people.
00:11:06And it's not necessary that this is the last time.
00:11:09With time, we will also deal with Leda's grief.
00:11:12And we will also pray for her.
00:11:14But first we have to see this place.
00:11:17And make sure that it is safe.
00:11:20Come on now.
00:11:21Let's finish this.
00:11:23So this will be the main entrance.
00:11:27First we have to make it safe.
00:11:29That's why lock it.
00:11:31What is the time?
00:11:34It's 4 o'clock in the middle of the night.
00:11:36We have a lot of time to find out if we are on the sweet path.
00:11:39So if we are on the sweet path,
00:11:41we will have to find out now so that we can arrange everything.
00:11:43Jairo, what is our correct location?
00:11:5140.17 degrees north.
00:11:53116.37 degrees east.
00:11:56We are here.
00:12:00So now according to time and MS,
00:12:03we will be on the sweet path for the next two nights.
00:12:07Two nights at a time?
00:12:09The cross pattern of planets keeps happening again and again.
00:12:12Criss-cross, criss-cross.
00:12:13So we are stuck here for two days.
00:12:15Those green-eyed people will have a lot of time to find us.
00:12:18That's why we should eat and rest as much as possible.
00:12:22Five days were very difficult.
00:12:24And we will have to gather all our strength again
00:12:27so that when we face those green-eyed people,
00:12:29we are ready for them.
00:12:32So you guys didn't tell me.
00:12:34What is this place?
00:12:36Hezo Research Facility No. 2.
00:12:38Administration and Research Facility where secret experiments are carried out.
00:12:43You mean that Hezo?
00:12:45One of the 13 facilities.
00:12:48Until 212 years ago, this facility was active
00:12:51but the rebel forces did not attack it.
00:12:54That's how it was destroyed.
00:12:55According to me, he was lucky.
00:12:57At least he didn't get caught by the green-eyes.
00:12:59He has been lying here for 200 years.
00:13:01Okay, so if this is like Hong Kong,
00:13:04then somewhere there should be an active, dangerous power supply.
00:13:08So you were trying to reach this Hezo facility in a special way.
00:13:14And you have already visited some facilities.
00:13:17I thought you were looking for Shangri-La.
00:13:22This is a part of the search.
00:13:26Okay, I got it.
00:13:28So you want to make sure before saying anything
00:13:30whether we can be trusted or not.
00:13:35There are very deep secrets hidden here.
00:13:44I will get it ready for you in the next 5 minutes.
00:13:46Dr. Daniel, please report to Lab No. 14.
00:13:49Dr. Daniel.
00:13:51Hezo Pharmaceuticals.
00:13:52Donna here.
00:13:53How can I help you?
00:13:59Good morning, Dr. Hollister.
00:14:00Good morning.
00:14:01Has she started?
00:14:02No, she is waiting for you in the conference room.
00:14:07Thank you, Donna.
00:14:16Look, she is here. Hello.
00:14:18It has always been a challenge to establish a relationship
00:14:21between these species and create a new species.
00:14:24Our initial species were destroyed very quickly.
00:14:27Later, with the start of the GACO gene,
00:14:29we achieved more stability,
00:14:31which will give the host more physical strength,
00:14:34endurance and endurance,
00:14:36as well as good treatment capacity.
00:14:39And when we tested it on the computer,
00:14:41it failed there.
00:14:43And now...
00:14:44Okay, I don't have much time.
00:14:47Are we going to repeat the failures?
00:14:49Or are we going to succeed?
00:14:51We should be thankful for the discovery
00:14:53that I, Dr. Joe and Dr. Jones have made.
00:14:56Actually, it was the whole team's effort.
00:14:59Allow me to tell you
00:15:01that we finally have a stable species
00:15:04that will function in the host's environment
00:15:06on the basis of our specimens.
00:15:09It will also fulfill your responsibilities
00:15:11and other responsibilities.
00:15:13It was important to insert the DNA of Pristis clavata.
00:15:16A Queensland sawfish.
00:15:18You are right.
00:15:19Our new species can increase the lifespan
00:15:21of the host and the specimen.
00:15:25Do you have a living specimen?
00:15:28Of course, General.
00:15:30And we are ready to go into Phase 2
00:15:33as soon as you show us the green flag.
00:15:36But Dr. Joe and our founder, Lee Tien,
00:15:39have come here from Shanghai after a long journey.
00:15:42Now I hand over the command to Lee.
00:15:45I understand the importance of time.
00:15:48And we have experienced some setbacks and difficulties.
00:15:51But if you agree to our hybrid design
00:15:54and development budget,
00:15:57we are ready to start three new research facilities
00:16:00to meet the demands of Phase 2 as soon as possible.
00:16:04We have also promoted our headquarters in Shanghai
00:16:08to become the center of this project.
00:16:12Dr. Lee and Dr. Holliston will go to Shanghai
00:16:15to work with Dr. Joe.
00:16:17They will work with Dr. Joe
00:16:19and run the facilities around the world.
00:16:22And Dr. Jones will work here in New York
00:16:25as a project manager instead of Jen.
00:16:27And what about the control?
00:16:29The specimens were designed to target anyone.
00:16:32However, during Phase 3,
00:16:34we will open the chips,
00:16:36which will give us the ability to target
00:16:39as many people as possible.
00:16:42Much more than what you asked for.
00:16:44So, General Starlings,
00:16:46my time is also precious like yours.
00:16:49So, should we consider the deal of moving forward on Phase 2
00:16:52as a sure thing or not?
00:16:57Come on, let's split up into two groups.
00:16:59Prepare a map of the building with an AORI scan.
00:17:02Scanner bands.
00:17:05Fully charged and ready for work.
00:17:09Let's go.
00:17:15Okay, it's fine here.
00:17:16What about you?
00:17:18The media guy is just doing this.
00:17:19Press it.
00:17:20Press it, press it, press it.
00:17:22But if anyone comes from here,
00:17:23we will know immediately.
00:17:26Isa, you, Pax and Gyro,
00:17:27go to the warehouse.
00:17:28And the rest of you,
00:17:29go to the lab and the executive wing.
00:17:31Keep checking every 10 minutes.
00:17:33Everyone, step back.
00:17:40So, again, the same thing?
00:17:42Another empty room without any necessary equipment?
00:17:46Okay, don't move.
00:17:47I'll scan it.
00:17:50Found anything?
00:17:51It's just us and...
00:17:53nothing much.
00:17:55Sometimes, it's better to be safe than sorry.
00:17:57Sign it.
00:17:58Sign it.
00:17:59Sign it.
00:18:00Sign it.
00:18:01Sign it.
00:18:02Sign it.
00:18:03Sign it.
00:18:04Sign it.
00:18:05Sign it.
00:18:06Sign it.
00:18:07Sign it.
00:18:08You're right, Gyro.
00:18:09It's a very deep thing.
00:18:11I don't like this place.
00:18:13There's a lot of negative energy here.
00:18:16Leave the past behind.
00:18:18Let it go.
00:18:21I wish I could do that, Gyro.
00:18:23Vargas, can you hear me?
00:18:25Loud and clear.
00:18:26Go ahead.
00:18:28Bay 4 is clear.
00:18:29And yes, there is still no sign of power,
00:18:30water or any electricity.
00:18:32Copy that.
00:18:33Just go ahead and do what you have to.
00:18:36Got it.
00:18:37Go ahead to Bay 5.
00:18:48Good morning, Dr. Hollison.
00:18:50Good morning.
00:19:00Purification is underway.
00:19:08Are you all right, Little Five?
00:19:15How is our little friend doing this morning?
00:19:18Very well.
00:19:19Especially Number 5.
00:19:20I can feel his enthusiasm.
00:19:22Yes, I can see that.
00:19:24So, what is Number 5 doing?
00:19:27At first, I thought that Number 3 was
00:19:29trying to show off his intelligence.
00:19:31But I was wrong.
00:19:32Number 5 is very intelligent.
00:19:34So, at first, I thought that Number 3
00:19:36was trying to show off his intelligence.
00:19:38Like the basic process.
00:19:40Not like Number 1,
00:19:42who is very sharp among them all.
00:19:45But then, all of a sudden,
00:19:46Number 5,
00:19:47that's it,
00:19:48I can't say it,
00:19:49Number 5 got up
00:19:50and turned into Einstein.
00:19:52That's it.
00:19:53There is a way to put it.
00:19:55I know, it sounds crazy.
00:19:57But imagine,
00:19:58he suddenly became conscious.
00:20:00Well, we didn't make him
00:20:01look like he was conscious.
00:20:02I understand.
00:20:03But Felix Kalpa,
00:20:04even God made some mistakes.
00:20:06Like not eating apples
00:20:08or something else.
00:20:09You understand, right?
00:20:28Simple, self-explanatory reaction.
00:20:30You will have to stop watching
00:20:31science fiction movies, Linus.
00:20:33I am serious, Jennifer.
00:20:34He is learning.
00:20:35And very fast.
00:20:37I think he has his own existence.
00:20:39I am telling you.
00:20:40This one.
00:20:41This one is very different.
00:20:43Very special.
00:20:45And because we got a chance to play,
00:20:47he is hungry.
00:20:49Bread and circus.
00:20:51I pump some more hormones into him.
00:20:53If whatever you are saying is true,
00:20:55then this was not part of our plan.
00:20:57And maybe God can make mistakes,
00:20:59but we can't do that.
00:21:01Have you received similar reports
00:21:02from any other laboratory?
00:21:03Moscow, Tel Aviv, Hong Kong?
00:21:05No, nothing.
00:21:06Only Dr. Satavanand Bangkok
00:21:07has given some similar description.
00:21:10just like an accident.
00:21:12And we will have to see
00:21:14what is going on with you,
00:21:16Number 5.
00:21:17Janice, what are you doing?
00:21:18I am going to use your pet
00:21:20to find out
00:21:21if anything is happening or not.
00:21:23Such an experiment
00:21:24can push its progress back.
00:21:26Come on.
00:21:29As you wish.
00:21:46So, this is where he used to experiment.
00:21:48This is what is written in the documents.
00:21:50What kind of documents?
00:21:51The ones that I have collected over the years.
00:21:53Humanity is in a state of stupidity.
00:21:55But, I think
00:21:56there are many more allegations.
00:21:58are you one of the researchers?
00:22:00I used to be a librarian.
00:22:02A long time ago.
00:22:03A librarian?
00:22:04Not just any librarian.
00:22:05A librarian from the Brotherhood of Ekankar.
00:22:07Thank you very much.
00:22:09Thank you, Vargas.
00:22:11Did you beat people?
00:22:12Did he really beat people?
00:22:13You should have seen him
00:22:14with those workers.
00:22:16Were you in the Brotherhood?
00:22:17As I said,
00:22:18a long time ago.
00:22:23Many years ago,
00:22:24I did not have a purpose in life.
00:22:26The Brotherhood gave those people a place
00:22:28where they could achieve something in life.
00:22:31These religious communities
00:22:33had many powerful men all over the world
00:22:35to show the world
00:22:37how to follow the rules and regulations.
00:22:40It took me some time to understand
00:22:42that the book of Ekankar
00:22:44is just a false story
00:22:46to keep people under control.
00:22:48So, to understand this world,
00:22:50I started my research.
00:22:52The truth about the origin of Konglings.
00:22:54Where did we come from?
00:22:56Its answer.
00:22:57And little by little,
00:22:58I collected all the pieces.
00:23:06I found the book
00:23:07that you were looking for.
00:23:15Now, this is getting dangerous.
00:23:17If anyone finds out
00:23:18that I am hiding a secret letter for you,
00:23:20then we both will be in trouble.
00:23:22This was the last book of science
00:23:24that was published.
00:23:26Darwinism Interrupted.
00:23:28How humans made Konglings
00:23:30and made themselves weak.
00:23:32This can help us find out
00:23:34the real truth about origin.
00:23:35This is not your real face.
00:23:37You are becoming careless, Kelo.
00:23:39You can be caught.
00:23:40How we look from the outside
00:23:41does not matter.
00:23:42Actually, I am like this.
00:23:43I understand.
00:23:44But they will not understand.
00:23:47It's time for Prasad.
00:23:48We should get ready.
00:23:51I did not know that Prasad was going to be offered.
00:23:53The guards caught a small group
00:23:54from Konglings last night.
00:23:56And it's been a long time
00:23:57since Prasad has been offered.
00:23:59Rena does not want to wait.
00:24:01We should go.
00:24:08Kelo, no.
00:24:10Not now.
00:24:11I can't wait anymore.
00:24:12I can't do it again and again.
00:24:14I can't wait anymore.
00:24:15I can't do it again and again.
00:24:16This is a crime against my own people.
00:24:18And I can't wait here
00:24:19and see all this happening.
00:24:21But for them,
00:24:22the one you trust
00:24:23is a criticism against
00:24:24the book of Ikankar.
00:24:26The book of Ikankar is a lie.
00:24:28All of it.
00:24:29Just a story.
00:24:30You know,
00:24:31I believe in what you teach.
00:24:33But this is not the right time
00:24:34nor the right way.
00:24:35Wait with me.
00:24:36We can change things
00:24:37together from the inside.
00:24:39I will miss you, Kelo.
00:24:41And I have made up my mind.
00:24:43If you want,
00:24:44you can come with me.
00:24:45But I can't stay here.
00:24:49Kelo, please.
00:24:51What will happen
00:24:52if you get caught?
00:24:53Then I will die in peace.
00:24:55Or at least
00:24:56a clean soul.
00:25:03Take care of yourself, my friend.
00:25:32What do you want now?
00:25:35I am leaving you.
00:25:39So now you have changed your mind
00:25:41to kill someone
00:25:42for the sake of love?
00:25:45Actually, yes.
00:25:46And now finally
00:25:47I want to do something for her.
00:25:54Leave me.
00:25:55Leave me.
00:25:56What are you doing?
00:25:57Leave me.
00:25:59What are you doing to me?
00:26:02He is really helping.
00:26:04You are right.
00:26:05Now go.
00:26:06Your brother came an hour ago
00:26:08and took our two friends,
00:26:09Alice and Lux.
00:26:12Go down from there
00:26:13and keep moving forward
00:26:14until you find the service door
00:26:15behind the building.
00:26:16You will be able to open
00:26:17any door with these keys.
00:26:20Everyone will be in the process of Prasad.
00:26:22That's why you will get a clear path.
00:26:24I will try to save your friends
00:26:26and then I will meet you
00:26:27at the ruins of the old Trump Tower
00:26:28located on the banks of
00:26:29North, South-West
00:26:30and Kinsey.
00:26:32If I don't reach there
00:26:33by half an hour
00:26:34then don't wait for me.
00:26:35Run away from here.
00:26:38After thinking a lot about all this,
00:26:40I couldn't agree with my beliefs.
00:26:43For example,
00:26:44I left there
00:26:45because I wanted to
00:26:46kill my loved ones
00:26:47for my rebirth
00:26:48and I swore
00:26:49that I would never
00:26:50harm anyone again.
00:26:51That's why you don't
00:26:52have any weapons.
00:26:53Now I am like a historian
00:26:54of the party
00:26:55who is probably
00:26:56looking for the past
00:26:57who writes documents
00:26:58and who can predict
00:26:59the future.
00:27:00Enough is enough.
00:27:03What is this?
00:27:04Some living creature
00:27:07The damn scanner
00:27:08didn't show this before.
00:27:09It keeps making mistakes.
00:27:11It can't detect people.
00:27:12The green-eyed one?
00:27:13If it is the green-eyed one
00:27:14then Quint will take care of it.
00:27:17It is something else.
00:27:18What else?
00:27:20I don't know.
00:27:22You guys
00:27:24stay back.
00:27:26Keep it back too.
00:27:27I am fine.
00:27:28Quint is not afraid.
00:27:39False alarm.
00:27:41Everything is under control.
00:27:46It has attacked him!
00:27:52I will kill you!
00:27:59You have to protect me.
00:28:00Forgive me.
00:28:02According to the scanner
00:28:03it was moving very fast.
00:28:10I think it came up
00:28:11from the ventilation system.
00:28:13It destroyed the vent.
00:28:14Let's connect it.
00:28:15I don't know.
00:28:16Maybe someone is trying to come from above.
00:28:20Are you kidding me?
00:28:31It was very close.
00:28:34Don't go there.
00:28:38There is something
00:28:39on your face.
00:28:43All this?
00:28:44This is not right.
00:28:46This is not right.
00:28:47For the rest of humanity
00:28:48we don't want to ruin your image.
00:28:51It was a good joke.
00:28:52I know.
00:28:56Keep your eyes open.
00:28:57I don't know
00:28:58if he is hiding somewhere.
00:29:01Find something nearby
00:29:02so that we can connect it again.
00:29:17Dr. Hanstein.
00:29:18How are Leften and Jared?
00:29:19They are still in shock.
00:29:20They are bleeding a lot.
00:29:21The cauterizer broke in MRAP.
00:29:22We couldn't completely seal the wound.
00:29:25They will survive, right?
00:29:26General Forrester.
00:29:27We can only hope in these circumstances.
00:29:29Did you bring their hands?
00:29:30Sorry, Doc.
00:29:31We couldn't bring them.
00:29:32Dr. Hanstein is speaking.
00:29:33Prepare the OT
00:29:34and put Leften and Jared's
00:29:35entire medical history system.
00:29:38Please take good care of them.
00:29:39I take good care of
00:29:40every patient of mine, Nicole.
00:29:42If you want your son to survive
00:29:44then don't waste my time.
00:29:45Come on, we have to go.
00:29:51What happened here?
00:29:52A big gang of Konglings
00:29:53attacked us.
00:29:55You mean you were unable
00:29:56to fight a small gang of Konglings?
00:29:58I'm sorry, General.
00:29:59But we were never prepared
00:30:00for such a fight.
00:30:01Our mission was
00:30:02to deliver the equipment.
00:30:03They disrupted communication.
00:30:04There were two casualties on the spot.
00:30:06We decided to go back
00:30:07when your…
00:30:08when your Lieutenant Jared
00:30:09was injured.
00:30:10But we managed to
00:30:11save one of them.
00:30:13So you wanted a medal for this?
00:30:15You shouldn't have run back.
00:30:17Instead of fighting,
00:30:18you came back.
00:30:19You were scared, weren't you?
00:30:21I heard what happened.
00:30:23You don't have to be so angry, General.
00:30:25Even with our weapons
00:30:26and technology
00:30:27it's not as easy
00:30:28as you think.
00:30:29Go and do your job.
00:30:31All of you are dismissed.
00:30:34It's been a long time
00:30:35since you've been in the field.
00:30:37That's why we've prepared
00:30:38a special commando
00:30:39to wipe them out.
00:30:42We have to answer for this.
00:30:44How did they attack us?
00:30:46They're trying to get ahead
00:30:47and we can't let that happen.
00:30:49We have to wipe them out
00:30:50before we get wiped out.
00:30:51We'll do it slowly
00:30:52and the world
00:30:53will be in our hands again.
00:30:54All you need is…
00:30:57I know.
00:30:58But do you know something?
00:31:00I don't have much time.
00:31:02Can we find the person
00:31:03who did this?
00:31:04The MRAP GPS
00:31:05will tell us
00:31:06the location and time
00:31:07of the attack.
00:31:08We'll just need
00:31:09a few drones
00:31:10to find out.
00:31:11And when you find them,
00:31:12kill them, Captain.
00:31:15Now if you'll excuse me,
00:31:16I have to go
00:31:17and ask that prisoner.
00:31:18And if I find out
00:31:19anything about them,
00:31:20I'll let you know.
00:31:27tell the tech team
00:31:28to download all the information
00:31:29to find the Konglings.
00:31:31And get the White Alpha
00:31:32and Beta team ready.
00:31:33We'll be leaving
00:31:34in half an hour.
00:31:50Looks like we haven't
00:31:51found much.
00:31:55It's all empty.
00:31:57But there's a lot
00:31:58of history here.
00:31:59People like us
00:32:00were kept here.
00:32:01Like sheep and goats.
00:32:02We endured so much.
00:32:03So much pain.
00:32:05They used us
00:32:06like animals.
00:32:11This was a part
00:32:12of the end.
00:32:13But it was also
00:32:14a part of the beginning.
00:32:20Oh my God, Jairo!
00:32:21What happened?
00:32:22It's time!
00:32:239 minutes and 54 seconds
00:32:24since we contacted
00:32:25each other.
00:32:279 minutes and 54 seconds
00:32:28since we contacted
00:32:29each other.
00:32:30No need to shout.
00:32:32But it's time.
00:32:34Ayesha, are you listening?
00:32:35How's everything
00:32:36going there?
00:32:37Just a bit.
00:32:39Everything's fine.
00:32:40Everything's fine.
00:32:42It's a bit weird
00:32:43but it's clear.
00:32:44Everything else is clear.
00:32:45The door outside.
00:32:46The door outside.
00:32:47The door outside.
00:32:49And we've checked
00:32:50all the other doors
00:32:51and everything's
00:32:52completely closed.
00:32:54Keep moving forward.
00:32:55Our work is about to end.
00:32:56We'll call you
00:32:57when we're done.
00:33:01Let's go and check.
00:33:03Make sure
00:33:04the shelves are clean.
00:33:09The command center
00:33:10should be nearby.
00:33:20This one's pretty thick
00:33:21but it can be
00:33:22broken with a bang.
00:33:23Do you think this is it?
00:33:26it's heavily insulated.
00:33:27The sensors can barely
00:33:28see through it.
00:33:29We're just trying to find
00:33:30out the electronics
00:33:31behind it.
00:33:33It's pretty much
00:33:34the same layout.
00:33:35So yes,
00:33:36I'd say this is it.
00:33:38And is this it?
00:33:40What are you talking about?
00:33:42You don't have to worry, Tai.
00:33:46You chose this place
00:33:47on purpose.
00:33:48Because you're looking
00:33:49for what's behind
00:33:50this door.
00:33:51Listen, Tai.
00:33:52We've been looking for
00:33:53this place for five days.
00:33:54And we've been
00:33:55traveling with each other
00:33:56for a long time.
00:33:58we've learned
00:33:59to be careful
00:34:00in our travels.
00:34:03And you think
00:34:04we're spies?
00:34:05He's one of those
00:34:06crazy people
00:34:07who's just
00:34:08trying to
00:34:09impress you.
00:34:10I told you,
00:34:11I've given up.
00:34:12You shouldn't care
00:34:13about our relationship.
00:34:14And you believe
00:34:16even though he's
00:34:17one of them.
00:34:18And you can't
00:34:19trust us.
00:34:21it's two-sided.
00:34:22Either give us a chance
00:34:23or you and your brother
00:34:24will be free
00:34:25to go to
00:34:26wherever you want.
00:34:27It's up to you.
00:34:29Listen, Vargas.
00:34:30I think we have
00:34:31some good news.
00:34:32Go ahead, Esa.
00:34:34We're in the basement
00:34:35and we thought
00:34:36we've found
00:34:37a nice place
00:34:38to spend the night.
00:34:40But the truth is
00:34:43I think
00:34:44we've found
00:34:45the electrical panel
00:34:46of the building's
00:34:47emergency backup power.
00:34:49The scanner's giving
00:34:50a positive reading.
00:34:51It's just a little
00:34:52on the light side.
00:34:53We can't say for sure
00:34:54until we try.
00:34:55We're just waiting
00:34:56for your approval.
00:34:58you're the boss
00:34:59or whatever.
00:35:00We should try.
00:35:03We'll see.
00:35:04Go ahead, Esa.
00:35:05Got it.
00:35:06What's it gonna be?
00:35:07It could be a blast.
00:35:08It's hard,
00:35:09but it's possible.
00:35:12there's hope.
00:35:22Get started.
00:35:24what do you think
00:35:25about the main switch?
00:35:27Which main switch?
00:35:28This one.
00:35:36There's electricity here too.
00:35:44This place looks
00:35:45quite comfortable.
00:35:49We're in the boiler room.
00:35:50Basics basement.
00:35:52I just sent you the directions.
00:35:55The room's heating up.
00:35:57We've got a heater too.
00:35:59Can we rest
00:36:00after dinner?
00:36:01I think so.
00:36:04Okay, Esa.
00:36:05We're coming.
00:36:08what about him?
00:36:09Do you know him?
00:36:11Don't worry.
00:36:12He'll be here till morning.
00:36:15You said you were hungry.
00:36:22If Quinn's hungry,
00:36:23it's time to eat.
00:36:30We'll sleep
00:36:31and get some energy too.
00:36:51Morning, Linus.
00:36:55what did you do?
00:36:56What do you mean?
00:36:57Next time you decide
00:36:58to kill one of our models,
00:36:59please ask me first.
00:37:00I had to cut one off.
00:37:02And you said
00:37:03number one is a fool.
00:37:05Be a little understanding.
00:37:06Don't act tough in front of others.
00:37:08They have feelings too.
00:37:09You're a fool.
00:37:10I'm a fool.
00:37:11I'm a fool.
00:37:12I'm a fool.
00:37:13I'm a fool.
00:37:14I'm a fool.
00:37:15I'm a fool.
00:37:16I'm a fool.
00:37:17I'm a fool.
00:37:18I'm a fool.
00:37:19They have feelings too.
00:37:21Who are you so excited about?
00:37:24Don't say
00:37:25number five again.
00:37:27I think
00:37:28something's going on
00:37:29between you two.
00:37:30It was a good joke.
00:37:31But I'm not joking.
00:37:33Pragati was a little behind
00:37:35when you used her.
00:37:37But she's been getting better
00:37:39in the last few days.
00:37:40And now she's learning
00:37:41faster than before.
00:37:43She's not learning anything, Linus.
00:37:45We didn't make her like that.
00:37:46You're only seeing
00:37:47what you want to see.
00:37:48But maybe
00:37:49you're not seeing
00:37:50what's in front of you.
00:37:51And I don't know how,
00:37:53but number five
00:37:54has found a way to talk.
00:37:58With others.
00:37:59What do you mean?
00:38:00Come, I'll show you.
00:38:02This is another
00:38:03PowerPoint presentation.
00:38:05I'll show you something better.
00:38:11Is he hiding?
00:38:14Did he...
00:38:15Did he...
00:38:16Did he try to kill me?
00:38:19I think so.
00:38:20I don't think
00:38:21he likes you.
00:38:22You understand, right?
00:38:23Especially after
00:38:24what you did with number one.
00:38:27I think you've
00:38:28troubled him so much
00:38:29that now he's
00:38:30learning faster.
00:38:32So what's the big deal?
00:38:33Is he going to
00:38:34pick up his phone
00:38:35and call his friends?
00:38:36Don't joke.
00:38:37This is very important.
00:38:38I've seen Linus.
00:38:39You've taught him a trick.
00:38:40And out of everyone,
00:38:41only number five
00:38:42can do all this.
00:38:43Not just that.
00:38:44The trick I showed you
00:38:45to Linus
00:38:47taught the rest.
00:38:57Oh, my God.
00:39:00I know.
00:39:01But wait.
00:39:03Look at him.
00:39:04Are you all ready?
00:39:06Yes, we're ready.
00:39:08but I have to
00:39:09admit that
00:39:10I'm scared of all this.
00:39:15I know.
00:39:23Now look.
00:39:27Oh, my God.
00:39:30They're talking
00:39:31to each other
00:39:32all over the world.
00:39:33But how?
00:39:35I think
00:39:36number five
00:39:37is in charge of all this.
00:39:38And he's telling
00:39:39everyone what to do.
00:39:42I think
00:39:43they're connected
00:39:44by the brain.
00:39:46that's not a good sign.
00:39:54Now we can rest.
00:39:56Even Jairo
00:39:57can rest for a while.
00:39:58No doubt.
00:39:59All of us.
00:40:00All of us can stay together
00:40:01and regain our strength.
00:40:04we only have time now.
00:40:05Because for the next two days,
00:40:06we'll be stuck here.
00:40:07I'm hungry.
00:40:08You're always hungry.
00:40:13Let's go.
00:40:22Drink slowly.
00:40:23It'll last longer.
00:40:25but if you drink fast,
00:40:26then it's more fun.
00:40:33Listen, Vargas.
00:40:34Do you think
00:40:35these windows will be okay
00:40:36even if the sun goes down at midnight?
00:40:38It's melting in the heat.
00:40:39Jairo's checking
00:40:40and said
00:40:41he can stop it with the help of paint.
00:40:42Do you think Jairo knows about it?
00:40:44Jairo knows what she is doing.
00:40:46Nothing will happen.
00:40:49You can say that.
00:40:50It's not mine.
00:40:51It's hers.
00:40:52I'm just trying to keep it safe.
00:40:54We don't have enough food, right?
00:40:58More than half of it was in Leda's pack bag.
00:41:01The rest was with medicines.
00:41:03Now we should have enough for next week.
00:41:06If we spend a little more,
00:41:08then all this will be fine.
00:41:10It's not that easy.
00:41:11Please don't tell anyone about the food.
00:41:15Can you imagine how it will be when we reach Sangrela?
00:41:19No more worries.
00:41:21No hunger.
00:41:23No travel amidst the snowstorms.
00:41:26We are very close after so many years.
00:41:28I can feel it.
00:41:31You can feel it?
00:41:32Are you sure this is not just your imagination?
00:41:34Not now.
00:41:36What do you mean?
00:41:37Forget it.
00:41:38Forget it.
00:41:40And don't try to get into my head, Pax.
00:41:43Okay, listen.
00:41:45Things are difficult.
00:41:47But once we reach the other side of the wall,
00:41:49it will be a little easier.
00:41:51And then we can go to the next center of Hezo.
00:41:54We have a plan.
00:41:56We just have to walk on it.
00:41:57We have to move forward.
00:41:58And then we will have everything
00:41:59that we will be able to find the way forward.
00:42:01I'm not saying this path is very easy.
00:42:03But we can do it.
00:42:04We have to do it.
00:42:06We just have to have faith.
00:42:08All of us.
00:42:10It's a long journey.
00:42:11But Shangri-La is waiting for us.
00:42:13Arkai and the rest of the Primes too.
00:42:16You are right.
00:42:20Everything is fine.
00:42:21It's just that one more snowman
00:42:22is stuck in the ventilation system.
00:42:24Or tell Ikankar that his old friends
00:42:26have come to meet their old priest.
00:42:28The joke was not good.
00:42:31You just had to tell them.
00:42:33I was just kidding.
00:42:35I told you not to make fun of me.
00:42:36Tell me. Tell me.
00:42:37I'm sorry.
00:42:38I was just kidding.
00:42:40Kailu, come back.
00:42:46It's been a long time
00:42:47since I recorded a video.
00:42:50But finally we have reached
00:42:52our next destination.
00:42:55We have lost another life.
00:42:58And with her,
00:42:59the things we need.
00:43:01Some people with green eyes
00:43:02are coming after us.
00:43:04And I can't say with confidence
00:43:06that any of us
00:43:07will be able to face them
00:43:08in this condition.
00:43:14I am also worried
00:43:15about those thoughts,
00:43:19that I am experiencing
00:43:27I used to have faith.
00:43:29I got lost.
00:43:30And got lost for a while.
00:43:32Then after meeting Vargas,
00:43:33I regained my real faith.
00:43:35And now
00:43:37everything is gone.
00:43:40Once you choose
00:43:41truth and logic
00:43:42instead of faith,
00:43:44can you regain your faith?
00:43:46I really don't know.
00:43:47I don't think so.
00:43:49And maybe this is the punishment
00:43:50for my sins
00:43:51that I can't forgive.
00:43:54My brothers,
00:43:56a lot of time has passed.
00:43:58But once again,
00:43:59the time has come
00:44:01that a great ego
00:44:03should be offered
00:44:04to a great ego.
00:44:07Instead of new lives,
00:44:09sacrifice yourself.
00:44:14the blessings of
00:44:15a great ego
00:44:16will shower on them.
00:44:18And then all of us
00:44:19will become one.
00:44:21A great ego!
00:44:23A great ego!
00:44:24A great ego!
00:44:26The hand of a great ego
00:44:27is for you, great priest.
00:44:32Please, let us go.
00:44:34Are you going somewhere,
00:44:38Come closer.
00:44:45Great priest Rena,
00:44:46I am sorry.
00:44:48I am not feeling well.
00:44:49So I thought
00:44:50it would be better
00:44:51to go to my room.
00:44:53whenever you talk to me,
00:44:54remove your mask.
00:44:56Remove your mask.
00:45:01Not wearing your real face
00:45:04is a serious crime, Kelo.
00:45:08there is nothing
00:45:09comparable to that.
00:45:10I have been told
00:45:11about it by a reliable source
00:45:14that you have such an intention.
00:45:16Isn't it, Kelo?
00:45:18I am sorry.
00:45:19But I couldn't let you go.
00:45:21Atuko, I trusted you.
00:45:23We all trusted you.
00:45:25But you betrayed us.
00:45:27You betrayed your brothers,
00:45:29your priests,
00:45:30your God.
00:45:32Atuko has done the right thing.
00:45:34And I have forgiven her.
00:45:37But you, Kelo,
00:45:39cannot be forgiven.
00:45:41But still,
00:45:44in the spirit of Ikankar's kindness,
00:45:48I will give you
00:45:49a chance to forgive yourself.
00:45:52Surrender yourself to Ikankar.
00:45:53Surrender yourself to Ikankar
00:45:55as a gift.
00:45:57No, you had promised me.
00:45:59And I promise you,
00:46:01I will let them go.
00:46:03Because you love
00:46:04their lives very much.
00:46:08Don't you?
00:46:10Then what will you say?
00:46:13are you loyal,
00:46:15a traitor
00:46:18or just a coward?
00:46:20I will not sacrifice myself
00:46:21in front of my God.
00:46:23You are a demon,
00:46:25all of you.
00:46:27that depends on the eye of the beholder.
00:46:33So, like a coward,
00:46:35I freed Vargas's friends.
00:47:03surrender yourself.
00:47:04There is no escape.
00:47:05Kelo, please listen to him.
00:47:07You betrayed me.
00:47:19We can follow him.
00:47:21He will come back.
00:47:23If he doesn't,
00:47:25we will find him.
00:47:27Isn't it, Atuko?
00:47:30We have a lot of time.
00:47:37It's been more than half an hour.
00:47:39What do we do now?
00:47:41Maybe we should wait a little longer.
00:47:44we have already waited a lot.
00:47:46It's just three of us now.
00:47:47I think we should go.
00:47:48I think we should go.
00:47:57Where are your other friends?
00:47:59Please forgive me.
00:48:00I am late.
00:48:02They were already killed.
00:48:05I am sorry.
00:48:08We should go before they catch us.
00:48:11Did you hear that?
00:48:13Let's go.
00:48:14I lied that day.
00:48:16I was a coward.
00:48:17Pax already knew about it.
00:48:19But he never told anyone else.
00:48:21And I never told Vargas.
00:48:23All this time,
00:48:24I was running away from my faith.
00:48:29And now,
00:48:31there is no need to run away.
00:48:34We don't have to be punished for our sins.
00:48:38Rest later.
00:48:45Recording over.
00:48:48That's all for tonight.
00:48:54Are you okay?
00:48:56I am fine.
00:48:59Can I?
00:49:00Can I please?
00:49:03what's the plan for tomorrow?
00:49:08Then we will enter that room.
00:49:10And maybe we will get what we want.
00:49:12You just have to trust me.
00:49:14we should go to sleep.
00:49:15So that we can regain our strength.
00:49:17There is nothing to worry about.
00:49:19But when I sleep,
00:49:21I have such dreams
00:49:23in which I am dying.
00:49:25I know.
00:49:26To be honest,
00:49:27me too.
00:49:28But if you don't want that,
00:49:30then don't dream about today.
00:49:33Go to sleep.
00:49:51She's asleep.
00:50:00are you okay?
00:50:04I am fine.
00:50:08Why would I...
00:50:09Tell the truth.
00:50:10Tell the truth.
00:50:11I had told you
00:50:12to stay away from my mind.
00:50:16Forgive me.
00:50:18It happens sometimes.
00:50:19I can't do anything.
00:50:22Okay, so I am not okay.
00:50:26And I will be fine.
00:50:35Maybe this will help.
00:50:37Good night.
00:50:42Good night.
00:51:06Good night.
00:51:37You two really are different.
00:51:40We are.
00:51:44I am inside your minds right now.
00:51:48And it's like your minds
00:51:50are one.
00:51:52But they are also split at the same time.
00:51:55Like two halves of one thing.
00:51:58You two are one.
00:52:00In some way.
00:52:03Is that why you are here?
00:52:05Is that why you chose these?
00:52:07It's a long story.
00:52:34The footage you are seeing on your screen
00:52:36was taken here.
00:52:37I got this from Bangkok and Tel Aviv.
00:52:40They are different in these closed tanks.
00:52:41You mean to say that
00:52:42when you don't pay attention,
00:52:43they have sex with each other?
00:52:45Actually, that's not possible, Hal.
00:52:46Yes, I know.
00:52:48Kyle means to say
00:52:49that we have made them unlinguistic.
00:52:51We have made them
00:52:52barren and unconnected.
00:52:53They shouldn't be able to have sex
00:52:55because we didn't give them that link.
00:52:57This was one of our other strategies.
00:53:00So where did these
00:53:01small babies come from?
00:53:02From the stock?
00:53:03Parthenogenesis, Hal.
00:53:04That's all I can think about.
00:53:06It's found in the suffish population.
00:53:08And as you know,
00:53:09we used some suffish DNA
00:53:10in the production of samples.
00:53:12It's a survival mechanism.
00:53:14It can grow abnormally
00:53:15in some species
00:53:16when it's in danger of extinction.
00:53:18Most of the time,
00:53:19it's a natural pregnancy.
00:53:22Okay, Jain.
00:53:23You have to find out
00:53:24everything about these things.
00:53:25Because if what you are saying
00:53:26is true,
00:53:27then it can be much more
00:53:28valuable than we expected.
00:53:30It can be the success
00:53:31that will take our company
00:53:32back to the top.
00:53:36Linus, I'm in New York right now.
00:53:38I'll be there in a minute.
00:53:40What kind of emergency?
00:53:42Oh, okay.
00:53:44What's going on?
00:53:45Linus wants me to go
00:53:46to the lab right away.
00:53:47It's an emergency.
00:53:48I'll have to call you back.
00:53:54What's going on?
00:54:01Can you hear me?
00:54:13Oh, no!
00:54:14It can't be!
00:54:17Linus, get up!
00:54:18Get up!
00:54:19Come with me!
00:54:22Oh, God!
00:54:26Oh, God!
00:54:32Oh, no!
00:54:43Oh, God!
00:54:50Containment lockdown secure.
00:55:01Oh, no!
00:55:06Happy birthday,
00:55:08little sister.
00:55:11Yes, yes,
00:55:12I'll definitely come to the party.
00:55:17Can I stay here for a second?
00:55:26I should definitely check this.
00:55:29Dr. Joe!
00:55:30Dr. Holliston!
00:55:32Are you okay?
00:55:39Oh, God!
00:55:40Your face, Dr. Holliston!
00:55:41My son,
00:55:42be careful.
00:55:51I'm not Holliston.
00:55:53I'm number
00:56:13What's that?
00:56:18I'm sorry.
00:56:19I hurt you.
00:56:20I'll be fine soon.
00:56:22I've hidden the over-ride code
00:56:23in the pockets of my underwear.
00:56:25I'll change the security lock.
00:56:28Now go, and take care of yourself there.
00:56:37Thank you, Papa.
00:57:07Oh, it's cold!
00:57:28Room service!
00:58:28I'm sorry.
00:58:30It's okay.
00:58:31I didn't know.
00:58:33It's okay.
00:58:34Miss, what are you doing?
00:58:37You're very beautiful, but I can't do this.
00:58:40It's okay, I'll do it.
00:58:43I don't like girls.
00:58:45I don't understand.
00:58:49What are you doing?
00:59:04Don't worry.
00:59:05It'll be done in a moment.
00:59:53Tell me.
00:59:54Are you awake?
00:59:57If I wasn't, I'm awake now.
01:00:02Listen, I know this is difficult.
01:00:06But you can't give up like this.
01:00:09Shangri-La is a truth.
01:00:12And we'll find it.
01:00:20We're just after an imagination.
01:00:23Why is it so difficult for you to believe?
01:00:26That it can be a place where people like us have worked hard to start civilization again.
01:00:33Not suddenly.
01:00:34You were busy watching all this.
01:00:38We're just like the rest.
01:00:41We should have a reason to move forward.
01:00:44And Shangri-La is just its name.
01:00:47Nothing else.
01:00:49We're going round and round.
01:00:51And now I...
01:00:54I'm having a hard time believing it.
01:00:57I'm very tired.
01:00:58To go anywhere.
01:01:00But you can't think like that.
01:01:05I know there's a cruel world out there.
01:01:08Life is ending.
01:01:10Soon the food will be over.
01:01:13And our species will be extinct.
01:01:15Yes, that's all.
01:01:17The story is over.
01:01:19We're just avoiding the reality.
01:01:24You're not like that.
01:01:25You're a warrior.
01:01:27You can't give up.
01:01:29You don't know a lot, V.
01:01:35I just don't want to fight to stay alive.
01:01:38I want to fight to live.
01:01:41And if there's no such option.
01:01:44Then I don't see any hope.
01:01:46I don't see any hope.
01:02:16I don't see any hope.
01:02:38The door is too big to fly.
01:02:40What are you doing here?
01:02:41You should rest.
01:02:43I thought I could help.
01:02:44I'll do it.
01:02:47I can see.
01:02:55So this also works.
01:02:58So this is your Kamaal.
01:03:00Sometimes it comes in handy.
01:03:02Of course.
01:03:15So now will you tell me why we're here?
01:03:18Data packages, information and coordinates.
01:03:21Everything is hidden inside the Huzoo Planetary Network.
01:03:25And everything is sandboxed.
01:03:27So that every research can reach a unique batch of complete data.
01:03:31That's why we're going to every single research.
01:03:34If we can connect the pieces of the puzzle.
01:03:37Then it will take us closer to Shangri-La.
01:03:40And if we can connect the pieces of the puzzle.
01:03:42Then it will take us closer to Shangri-La.
01:03:44Finding the puzzle is the right key.
01:03:56So how much more research do we have to do?
01:03:59After this, there are six more.
01:04:02Singapore, Shanghai, Johnsburg, Bangkok, Tel Aviv and Brussels.
01:04:07This will take years.
01:04:09But we're at least halfway there.
01:04:12We're almost there.
01:04:17Did they control the Midnight Sun planets from here?
01:04:20I wish that was the case.
01:04:21Our lives would have been a lot easier.
01:04:24Whatever we've heard.
01:04:25That place.
01:04:26Wherever it is.
01:04:27They have lost control over it.
01:04:28The whole place is running on its own now.
01:04:30And no one is shutting it down.
01:04:33Didn't they have a backup plan?
01:04:35No backup plan.
01:04:37Everything failed.
01:04:40I know that there is a secret 14th Research Institute somewhere.
01:04:42But all that rumour...
01:04:44Hey, look at this.
01:04:45They have a radio with a long range.
01:04:47I know.
01:04:48And people had stopped broadcasting decades ago.
01:04:50So if you like to listen to smooth statics, you can listen to it.
01:04:58Oh no.
01:04:59Oh no, no, no.
01:05:01Not now.
01:05:11Oh Tai.
01:05:12You should stay here.
01:05:13Wait until all the information is downloaded.
01:05:16Then copy it.
01:05:17Find us.
01:05:18Keep your weapon ready.
01:05:21Hey Ayesha, can you hear me?
01:05:23What is this?
01:05:29Konglings, if you can hear me, please come and help us.
01:05:33We can give you shelter, food and security.
01:05:36To find you...
01:05:37To find you...
01:06:10What are you doing here?
01:06:12Why did you ring the alarm?
01:06:14I just wanted to see outside.
01:06:16It's a beautiful view outside.
01:06:19Yes, but you scared me.
01:06:22Forgive me.
01:06:25I was just trying to gather courage to do what I had to do.
01:06:30What do you mean?
01:06:32I was just trying to gather courage to do what I had to do.
01:06:36What do you mean?
01:06:44I love you.
01:06:46You know that.
01:06:48And I don't want to leave you alone.
01:06:50And I don't want to hurt you.
01:06:53But I can't do this anymore.
01:06:56I don't want to do it and I don't deserve to do it.
01:06:59What don't you deserve to do?
01:07:01I lied to you.
01:07:02Kailu, you have to leave the past behind.
01:07:04You don't know a lot, V.
01:07:06If you knew...
01:07:07It doesn't matter.
01:07:09Everything is in the past.
01:07:11You should think about the future.
01:07:13And that's what I'm trying to tell you.
01:07:16There is no future.
01:07:18Not for me.
01:07:22Not anymore.
01:07:24Forgive me. You have to let me go now, V.
01:07:30That won't happen.
01:07:32We can do it.
01:07:33All of us together.
01:07:35Now step back.
01:07:38Midnight sun can rise at any moment.
01:07:43I know.
01:07:48I hope one day you will forgive me.
01:07:50Kailu, no.
01:08:03Are you okay?
01:08:06Are you okay?
01:08:07Everything will be fine.
01:08:17Ayesha, can you hear me?
01:08:19Ayesha, answer me.
01:08:21Ayesha, can you hear me?
01:08:22Answer me.
01:08:26Get ready to fight.
01:08:31I'm trapped in the lobby.
01:08:32And Kailu is badly injured.
01:08:34Tai is in the commando center.
01:08:35And I need backup right now.
01:08:37And Kailu won't be able to get out of here.
01:08:39So pick up your weapons.
01:08:40And stay alive for RKI.
01:08:43Where is she?
01:08:45She's not here.
01:08:46She left.
01:08:50Oh God, Quint knew.
01:08:51We have to fight.
01:08:52Don't be afraid.
01:08:54She must not have gone far.
01:08:55Let's go now.
01:09:02Let's go.
01:09:07Green-eyed found us.
01:09:09Before we knew it.
01:09:11We knew we wouldn't be able to hide for long.
01:09:14Despite the midnight signal.
01:09:16We wouldn't give up without fighting.
01:09:20Brooks, Yu, Cheng.
01:09:24Spencer, Kuang.
01:09:26Towards the lab.
01:09:30If you find them, kill them.
01:09:32The rest of you, come with me to the warehouse.
01:09:42V, watch out.
01:09:43Quint, watch me left.
01:10:13Come on.
01:10:45It's clear ahead.
01:10:46Let's go.
01:10:52One of them is here.
01:10:57Did you see anything?
01:11:05What happened?
01:11:06He's hurt.
01:11:07But he'll be fine.
01:11:08Half a dozen greenies went towards the warehouse.
01:11:11And I've tied one up upstairs.
01:11:13Go help everyone.
01:11:14They'll need you.
01:11:15I'll be right behind you.
01:11:23I think more are coming.
01:11:24Get ready.
01:11:37It's okay.
01:11:39It's okay, Quint.
01:12:08Fight him.
01:12:14No, brother.
01:12:17It's too late.
01:12:24Tell the workers.
01:12:26The audio file is the key.
01:12:38Don't move.
01:12:40Or the monsters will die too.
01:12:44Why do you think you're better than us?
01:12:46Do you think you're God?
01:12:48You're not like God.
01:13:12The poison of the green bullets took his life.
01:13:16Let's interrogate the one we're holding.
01:13:20Tell us everything you know about the greenies.
01:13:23Where's your outpost?
01:13:24How many are there?
01:13:25Where's your leadership?
01:13:27If you don't mind, you can ask one question at a time.
01:13:32I see.
01:13:33So you're that kind of girl.
01:13:34Where's my other team?
01:13:38They're over there.
01:13:40And if you don't want to go to them,
01:13:42it would be better if you start answering our questions.
01:13:45And how many people are alive?
01:13:47What do you know about Shangri-La?
01:13:50I don't know.
01:13:51About a few lakhs on this continent.
01:13:53Most of them are commoners.
01:13:55Maybe one percent are trained soldiers.
01:13:58Look, I don't know anything about your Shangri-La.
01:14:01I thought it was just a story.
01:14:03But I can tell you one thing.
01:14:04If my command outpost doesn't talk to me in the next 15 minutes,
01:14:07we'll send a rescue team.
01:14:09Answer my questions!
01:14:11I've told you everything I know.
01:14:12I swear.
01:14:13I don't trust you.
01:14:14So it's your fault, bitch!
01:14:18He's bleeding a lot.
01:14:19His human body is dying.
01:14:23Wait, wait.
01:14:24What are you doing?
01:14:41Are you okay?
01:14:42How do you feel now?
01:14:46I've become a woman again.
01:14:51You need rest.
01:14:52I'm fine, Vargas.
01:14:53You just...
01:14:54I'm fine.
01:14:57Then come.
01:14:58Let's put Uncle Kishab in their vehicle.
01:14:59So that we can perform his last rites properly later.
01:15:02But before any of them come here,
01:15:04let's get out of here.
01:15:14Dear colleagues,
01:15:15if you are listening to this message,
01:15:17please come and join us in Shangri-La.
01:15:19We can provide shelter, food and security.
01:15:22To find us, go to the birthplace of Archai.
01:15:25And he will bring you to our new home.
01:15:28Where we can start a new and better world
01:15:31free from the cruelty and misbehavior of humanity.
01:15:35I don't like to say this,
01:15:37but this could be a trap.
01:15:40Maybe not.
01:15:43There is a way to find out.
01:15:45We have to find him.
01:15:49You are right.
01:15:52The birthplace of Archai.
01:15:53A very long journey.
01:15:55So, who are we waiting for?
01:15:57Let's go.
01:16:23We have defeated the monsters for now.
01:16:26We won another battle for the right to move forward.
01:16:30However, who are the real monsters here?
01:16:33The people who made us Konglings,
01:16:35gave us life only because they could destroy us.
01:16:39Or are we just trying to keep the monsters alive?
01:16:42Maybe, as Raina said once,
01:16:44everything depends on the eyes of the beholder.
01:16:47Our journey was not over yet.
01:16:49But the day we started looking for Asha again,
01:16:53I realized that I will never be able to gain Asha.
01:16:57But at least I got Asha again,
01:16:59which we needed.
01:17:01To believe in another chance.
01:17:03And to believe in the possibility of a better future.
01:17:08No matter what it is.
01:17:24We will meet again.
01:17:26We have a lot of time.
01:17:53This month.