[ENG] EP.8 Shy S2

  • last month
01:30I came to thank you for telling me where you were.
01:37You're welcome. I just wanted you to find me.
01:42Are you alone? You could've come with everyone.
01:46What? I'm fine on my own.
01:52I don't know what he's up to, so it's dangerous to get too close.
02:00So your goal is to become a hero?
02:03A commoner?
02:06H-Help me! I'm going to go crazy!
02:11I thought so. Do you want to try helping me?
02:14How did you do it last time?
02:17That's right. You cut your finger, right?
02:25I wonder what you'll do this time.
02:33I don't know what you're hoping for, but I've done some research on this one, too.
02:42It seems to come off relatively easily as soon as you put the ring on.
02:48Oh, you noticed. I was worried you'd do something cruel again.
02:56What a boring hobby. Didn't I tell you to be nice to women?
03:03Kuwabara-chan, it's your turn to fight him.
03:08N-No, I don't want to fight him.
03:12Besides, he always says he's nice to girls.
03:18Kuwabara-chan, go.
03:26Are you sure you want to do this? You don't look like you're ready.
03:31N-No way! Don't be ridiculous! I don't want to do something this scary!
03:39B-But I'm more scared of being hated by you!
03:47If you're scared, then be scared. Just follow your heart.
04:00W-Wait! I'm not scared of girls!
04:04But you're an enemy.
04:06N-No! Don't kill me!
04:13He's dead.
04:16Just kidding.
04:19Now, you're the only one left, Taishou.
04:24Yeah. I'm in trouble, Kuwabara-chan.
04:28I wanted you to try a little harder, but...
04:32If you could get rid of this annoying breath, I'd be able to forgive you.
04:39Oh, that's too bad. I can't erase this. I'm sorry.
04:52You don't have to apologize. I just want you to be there for me.
04:59Hey, what's the easiest thing to convey in a person's heart?
05:09What kind of heart will cover this planet from now on?
05:17I don't know. Maybe it's the freshness of your heart.
05:27Sakase Chinohana Urameshiya!
05:32The first thing that comes to mind is...
05:42Thanks to you, everyone can feel it.
05:47The bigger fear is...
05:54Is that what you want?
05:58Urameshiya! Urameshiya!
06:01How could you hurt Mr. Stigma?
06:06That's weird.
06:08I'm not supposed to get any kind of attack.
06:13The person who is behind me will be possessed.
06:18And the possessed person will be possessed by my heart.
06:24In other words, you can't resist my attack.
06:30You're a good girl, Kuwabara-chan.
06:33Mr. Stigma, I did it!
06:36I'm ready now!
06:40Thank you. You're the best.
06:44Oh, no. My blood! I'm scared.
06:47I'm scared of Mr. Stigma's blood.
06:50I'm scared. I'm so scared that I might die.
06:56I'm scared, but I'm happy! I'm good! I'm Kuwabara-chan!
07:01Well, I guess we should get started.
07:05This is a gift of fear to the world.
07:08I don't know what you're thinking, but I'm not going to hold back.
07:17I'm not going to hold back this time.
07:24Two ways to hit people.
07:27I told you, I got you.
07:30You and I are one.
07:33I'll tell you exactly how much damage I took.
07:40I see.
07:42And more!
07:46The more terrified you get, the stronger I get.
07:54I'll make you look even scarier.
08:00It's scary, isn't it?
08:03How do you feel, Stardust?
08:06I'm fine.
08:08I'm tired, so pour me some tea.
08:11I know.
08:13You have a strong heart.
08:16But most people don't.
08:19The fear is starting to seep into the hearts of the people watching you now.
08:27When a strong hero falls, the weak heart loses hope.
08:34That's right.
08:36The seeds of fear are sprouting.
08:40The weak heart is afraid of me.
08:43It seeks salvation.
08:47You're weak.
08:51I've met a guy like this before.
08:54He's a coward, and he's a coward.
08:58No matter how much he gets hit and hurt, he can't get angry.
09:03He's a coward.
09:06But his weakness is what stirs up my heart.
09:14Don't underestimate it, Stigma.
09:17The power to create weakness.
09:24If you hit me, you'll die!
09:27I'm not scared!
09:41You've gotten a lot weaker since the first time we met.
09:48I didn't expect you to have such a strong heart.
09:51Yeah, that's right.
09:56I remember now.
10:22I wanted to be the kindest man in the world.
10:44That's not all you've got, Stigma.
10:49It's nothing.
10:51I'm very delicate.
10:59I'm sorry!
11:01You just took care of me!
11:04It's okay, Kuwabara.
11:07My body is cheap.
11:10Who the hell are you?
11:14I'm a dreamer.
11:18The seed for that has already been sown.
11:21When this shell is broken, a huge amount of fear will flow out.
11:29And at an incredible speed, it will spread all over the world.
11:34It will sprout the seeds of fear that have been sown in people's hearts.
11:40Then why don't you just break the shell?
11:44I can't break it.
11:46I can only break it from the inside.
11:49And when the seeds of fear bloom...
11:54Everyone in the world can become Amala Lilk.
12:00Become one with my heart.
12:03There is no need to fight or compare.
12:07Everyone is the same, equal and free.
12:11It's the first step to such a wonderful world.
12:15Break the shell called the body with fear.
12:19Everyone will become the same as me.
12:22And live in a dream forever.
12:26It's stupid.
12:28After all, you're just a selfish child who wants to dominate others.
12:38I'm a child.
12:40I want a world where I can stay as a child.
12:43I'm done with my business.
12:46All I have to do is relax and wait.
12:49For the hero to break this shell with his own hands.
12:53I won't let you go!
13:02Damn it.
13:03This is bad.
13:08Is it possible to communicate with the interior of the ship?
13:12I haven't been able to contact you for a while.
13:14It's an emergency.
13:16Even if we succeed in destroying the ship,
13:20There is a risk that the damage will spread all over the world.
13:23If you can't contact me, I'll tell you directly.
13:27It's dangerous to break in alone.
13:29I'll go with you.
13:31But if you come back...
13:39Leave this to me.
13:42You are...
13:49Hey, you two.
13:52I didn't think you'd be so serious.
13:55I don't even feel like killing you.
14:04You said you'd kill me, but you didn't kill a single insect.
14:09I've never killed anyone.
14:12I'm going to get back at you for what you did to me.
14:18I'm jealous.
14:21I'm jealous of you.
14:24I'm still a ninja.
14:28I'm jealous of you for believing in yourself.
14:34That's not true.
14:37I killed you.
14:40Many people...
14:43In the name of justice...
14:46Many people, many people, many people, many people...
14:51My hands were covered in blood.
15:00With those beautiful hands...
15:03Kill me, Aine.
15:07You're wrong.
15:08You're wrong, aren't you?
15:10You, who loved and cherished even the smallest of lives...
15:16You killed someone?
15:20You're still the same when you try to escape reality.
15:28I won't say your real name like that!
15:32Ai-san, calm down!
15:34Get out of my way!
15:35Don't insult my little sister!
15:38You're a liar!
15:42This is...
15:47Are you satisfied now?
16:02I've always admired you.
16:04Rather than being talented or loved by everyone...
16:09I was attracted to your kind heart.
16:13Who did this to you?
16:15My little sister?
16:17Who did this to you?
16:20I've always been myself.
16:23I just met her and got to know her.
16:26My true self.
16:30What I thought was justice...
16:33Was nothing more than someone's self-indulgence.
16:37I was just a doll with no heart.
16:42Hey, hero.
16:44You don't understand a single bit of my pain, do you?
16:49Even so...
16:50You still want to save me?
16:53That's the reason I exist!
16:57How beautiful.
17:00If you don't change your mind...
17:03You'll go to hell.
17:33That's nothing.
17:40I won't ignore you.
17:43Don't move.
17:44If you move one step, I'll cut off your arm.
17:49You're weak.
17:51You're half-hearted.
17:53Don't hesitate.
17:55Be prepared to take your life.
17:58Don't try to dirty your own hands.
18:02Don't be so naïve.
18:04Shut up!
18:05We've been taught how to use our power.
18:09We've been taught how to handle our hearts.
18:12What about that?
18:14How many people are you going to hurt?
18:19Get your heart back, Mai!
18:21Your kind heart!
18:26I gave up my heart a long time ago.
18:32That's not true.
18:34That's a lie.
18:37If you gave up your heart because you were in pain...
18:42Why are you crying?
18:57Forget about Mai.
19:00But, Master...
19:02Mai is...
19:03She followed the rules.
19:07I'm sure you understand.
19:10The fate of a ninja who goes astray...
19:16You've got some nerve in the middle of a battle!
19:23Oh, no.
19:24I let her get away with it.
19:28Stop it!
19:29Us ninjas are all family!
19:35Hey, Mai!
19:36Let's go home together.
19:39I'm sure everyone will forgive us.
19:46How foolish.
19:48The swords they brought with them...
19:51I don't have a family anymore.
19:59Mai is...
20:07If you keep making trouble for me...
20:12I'll end you!
20:15I've been waiting for you to say that.
20:32A ninja holds a sword for justice.
20:37A ninja's duty is to put his heart on the blade and cut through evil.
20:44That gentle smile won't come back.
20:49I can't hesitate!
21:00Aine, no!
21:15This is...
21:17Goodbye, Mai.
21:26You finally got dirty.
21:30Aine's feelings on the blade...
21:34They're coming back to me.
21:37We're the same in shape and form.
21:40We share the same world and the same feelings.
21:48Our world was vague.
21:52But now it's gone.
21:54Into one.
22:02My dream came true.
23:26One day a boy asked the mother,
23:29What it does.