Ranger Bill xx-xx-xx (162) Henry For Mayor

  • 21 hours ago
"Ranger Bill" is a classic Christian radio program from the 1950s, produced by Moody Radio.

The show features over 200 episodes and stars Miron Canaday as Ranger Bill, a forest ranger in the fictional town of Knotty Pine, located in the Rocky Mountains. Alongside his friends Stumpy Jenkins and Grey Wolf, Ranger Bill tackles various adventures and moral dilemmas, often with a strong Christian message.

The show remains a beloved piece of old-time radio history and is still enjoyed by many fans today.

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00:00Ranger Bill, warrior of the woodland, struggling against extreme odds, traveling dangerous trails,
00:26fighting the many enemies of nature. This is the job of the guardian of the forest,
00:31Ranger Bill. Pouring rain, freezing cold, blistering heat, snow, floods, bears, rattlesnakes,
00:38mountain lions. Yes, all this in exchange for the satisfaction and pride of a job well done.
00:45This is an important time of the year for the students of Nottie Pine. Well, I should include
00:58every living soul in town because there isn't a person who doesn't get wrapped up in this contest.
01:04What contest? Well, this is a very democratic contest that teaches young people the American
01:10way of life. Everyone's invited to cast their ballot for the candidate of their choice. What
01:17am I talking about? This is Youth Week in Nottie Pine. We'd better get you into the story right
01:23away. Here it is, Henry for Mayor. Let's go over to Nottie Pine High. Right now, the Nottie Pine
01:34High band is stirring the spirit of the occasion with the Stars and Stripes March. Listen to them
01:40give their instruments all they've got. The gavel you hear is being wielded by the principal of
02:06Nottie Pine High, Mr. Martin B. Manners wave and students cheer, but they slowly and begrudgingly
02:12yield the floor to the gentleman with the gavel. You young people have more enthusiasm than the
02:20Democratic and the Republican National Conventions put together. I believe you.
02:30Well, now the time is here that you've all been waiting for. The nominating ballots have been
02:40counted and I have the results before me. There are two young men you've chosen to nominate for
02:47mayor. The first young man is Henry Scott. Your second choice to run on the ballot is Thornton,
03:01Newcastle. Now that the two top candidates have been named, please wait until I finish naming the
03:12other young people before applauding. Now for the Office of Treasure, you've nominated Paul Sands and...
03:19Hiya, Thorny. Congratulations on being nominated. Uh, you're acting pretty big now, Henry, because
03:38you got the most applause. I don't understand. Applause and cheering isn't what counts. The
03:44ballots cast on Friday will tell the story. Uh, you don't say, Sunday school boy. Don't act so
03:51smart, you guys, or you'll be laughing out of the other side of your face, Thorny. You're just what
03:55your name says, Thorny. Knock off the talk, fellas. Thorny, I don't know what's eating you, but I will
04:04say this much. Whatever it is, you're wrong. Dead wrong. Yeah? Well, you listen to me, Henry. I'm
04:11going to win this election and nothing you can do will stop me. Remember that. Come on, fellas,
04:16let's start winning votes. How do you like that? Boy, who does that Thorny think he is just because
04:27he's a son of a big businessman? Henry, you should have taken a poke at him for that. No,
04:35that wouldn't get us anywhere, Mickey. He's all worked up about something. I'm sure I don't have
04:40the slightest idea what it is. Let's go over to headquarters and tell Bill and the fellas.
04:44Bill Stumpy and Graywolf will be proud to hear this, Henry. I sure hope so, Mick. Hey, the door's
05:03opening by itself. Pretty fancy. Rangers have automatic doors. Stumpy, why'd you open the door
05:09for me? It's very often that we have His Honor, the mayor, call on us with his staff. Here,
05:18Your Honor, have my chair. Here, let me dust it off for you. Cut it out, fellas. I'm not even
05:26elected yet. Besides, if I thought you'd treat me like this, I wouldn't want to be elected. Well,
05:32there's only one lad who would say that, pal, and that's you. We're only teasing, you know. Sure,
05:39I know, Bill. How'd you fellas find out so quickly? Big news like this travel fast as
05:44soon as meeting at school break up. Hey, Mr. Mayor, I got a couple of complaints to make.
05:53You're not even in office, Henry. An old-timer has complaint. And what is your complaint,
05:58Mr. Jenkins? Mr. Jenkins? Who's he? Oh, that's me. I plum forgot that I had a last name. I ain't
06:07used it for so long. Say, Your Honor, you know that there are green and red stop and start light
06:15at the corner of Locust and Main? Yes. Well, sir, the crazy thing blinks so much when it's green
06:21that I almost turn into a nervous wreck stopping and starting. What do you mean, stopping? Well,
06:26every time the green light blinks, I think it's going to change and hit the brakes.
06:31I stop and start 10 times while trying to cross Main Street.
06:35And that's kind of hard on your brakes, huh? No, but not nearly as hard as it is on the rear
06:41bumper of my car when the fellow behind me tries to figure out what I'm doing.
06:47Henry, I'm proud of you and I'll do all I can to help you win. That is, I'll pray for you.
06:54Otherwise, I won't interfere because this young people's job. Gray Wolf's right, pal. Our prayers
07:00and best wishes will be with you, but we're not allowed in this contest. Besides, any help we
07:06might give could be considered unfair influence. Thanks a million, Bill and Gray Wolf. You don't
07:12know how much I appreciate your comments. I only hope that I can measure up to the honor that's
07:17been given me. It's the next day now and Henry enters the locker room to the swimming pool as
07:36he gets ready to work out with the rest of the swimming team. Hey, fellas, here he is,
07:42the new mayor of Natty Pine on youth day. Hello, fellas. How's your leg, Shorty? Oh,
07:50fine. I got the charlie horse pretty well worked out. Coach says another week and I'll be as good
07:55as any old fish in the pool. Attaboy. You gotta be able to take Canyon City High without trying
08:02if you'll be back in form again. Oh, Shorty's in good shape now, for the shape he's in.
08:07You better go, Mickey. Coach will be sore if you don't. You're almost ready. I'll wait. Hey,
08:21I hear around school that you're gonna win. Almost all the kids I talk to are gonna vote
08:25for you. How do you like that, with the election just three days off? Fine. Hey,
08:31you don't sound too enthusiastic about the news that you're gonna win. Oh, I'm excited, Mickey.
08:36It's just that I don't want to go overboard until the votes are counted. If the Lord wants me to win,
08:41then I'll win. If he doesn't, then that's all right with me, too. Let's go swimming.
08:46Thorney, we gotta do something about Henry. Why? He isn't gonna win. How do you know that?
09:06I got a plan, that's how I know. Well, okay, but you better get a move on. I know that two-thirds
09:12of the school's gonna vote for him, and maybe more. Friday's still three days off. Don't worry,
09:18I'll fix his wagon. He'll never catch even a single vote before I'm through with him. Okay,
09:23okay, so you've got a plan. What is it? This afternoon, Dunlap's giving a math exam.
09:28Henry's got Dunlap's exam pattern all figured out. Yeah? How's he do it? Steal the exam when
09:34Dunlap's not looking? Oh, don't talk like a baboon. Henry never cheat, you know that. Yeah,
09:40you're right there. But how's he got Dunlap's exam pattern? Well, by studying Dunlap's test
09:46after he takes them. He also marks the book the way he thinks the proper test. He's almost 100%
09:53right. Henry's made a science of studying for exam. How about that? No wonder the guy's on the
09:58honor roll. But what does this have to do with you? Henry always guards his book like they're gold,
10:04so nobody can see what he's studying. Now he's in swimming team practice.
10:09We're going to take a look at his books while he's working out.
10:13Did you wish to see me, Mr. Bean? Yes, Henry. Come in, sit down. Thank you.
10:35Henry, I have here on my desk some exam papers that have been called to my attention by your
10:42mathematics teacher, Mr. Dunlap. Yes, sir. He gave the exam yesterday afternoon.
10:48I'd like you to take a look at them.
10:52What? I can't believe it, sir. These other papers are almost identical with mine.
11:07And yours is identical almost to a fault with Mr. Dunlap's questions. Henry, how did you find out
11:14what the exam was going to cover? And why did you pass on the information to your classmates?
11:19Mr. Bean, I haven't any explanation for this. That is, as far as the exam notes getting into
11:25the hands of my classmates, I honestly don't know how they got a hold of them.
11:30All right, I'll accept that. I've never known you to lie. I've made a study of all my teachers,
11:35sir. I go over their method of examination from stem to stern. Mr. Dunlap's been my math teacher
11:42for two years now. You get to know how a teacher tests in that length of time.
11:46Mm-hmm. Henry, I'd like to talk to Bill since he's your legal guardian. I'll tell him you wish
11:53to speak with him. Never mind, I'll call him. Am I under suspicion of cheating during examination,
11:58sir? No, Henry, you're not. Let's say you've maneuvered yourself into an unfortunate situation.
12:07Isn't that saying then that I'm a cheat? No, I wasn't referring to that. The words leaked out
12:11about this because I've already talked to the other young men involved.
12:16I doubt that you will stand a chance of winning the election after this.
12:21Well, now you have all the facts, Bill. I'm sorry this happened for Henry's sake.
12:42He's a fine lad and, well, I don't like to see him hurt. Then you're not establishing
12:47a treating charge against him. I know, of course not, Bill. I know the lad. He wouldn't do a thing
12:52like this. He is the victim of a plot to discredit him. But I can't prove a thing.
12:59The others involved are boys who have had trouble before. You know as well as I do that the
13:05circumstantial evidence is stacked a mile high against Henry. I'm basing my opinion on Henry's
13:11outstanding record, not only in scholarship but, well, his moral standards. Well, I'm thankful
13:17that you're intelligent enough to see through this, Martin. But as you say, we can't prove a thing.
13:24Bill, who taught Henry the science of studying for exams? Well, I guess I have. I learned the hard
13:32way in college. One time I studied my head off for an exam and flunked it. I studied the wrong
13:39subject matter, partially because I didn't keep alert in class to note all the things he considered
13:44of value. I know what you mean. How do you plan to handle this problem? Well, I'll clear the record at
13:52faculty meeting this afternoon, but I'm afraid that the damage has already been done.
13:58Yeah, the word's probably all over town by now that Henry is a cheat.
14:02Henry sure is gotten into trouble. What's wrong with him? This sure changes my vote.
14:09That guy's nothing but a cheat. Henry sure is a disappointment. Too bad.
14:15This sure changes my vote. That guy's nothing but a cheat. Henry sure is a disappointment. Too bad.
14:31Why, hello, Mickey. Come on in. Hello, Bill. Have you got time to talk? I've always got time
14:38to talk, Mick. Grab a chair and make yourself at home. What's on your mind? It's about Henry, Bill.
14:46You've got to help him or he's going to lose the election. Well, I'd like to help very much, but
14:52I think you can understand that I've got to stay out of the picture. But Henry's in trouble. Have
14:58you seen him lately? Sure, I've seen him several times a day. Then you must have noticed how down
15:03in the mouth he is. This whole thing about him cheating is a pack of lies, and you know it.
15:09But Henry doesn't know how to beat it off. Well, I'd sure like to help, but if the word got out that I
15:14was helping Henry, I'd hurt him more than he's hurt now. Adults have to keep out of this. I've
15:21already told Henry that he'll have to fight this battle alone.
15:35Hey, Sam, everybody gets a soda. I'm buying.
15:41How's it going to feel to be mayor and not eat pine on youth day, Thorny? It's going to feel
15:46fine now that I know I'm going to be mayor. I'll make you police magistrate, Norm.
15:51Good. Then I can put Henry behind bars for cheating on exams.
16:00Hey, I hear Henry's going to get kicked out of athletics because he cheated.
16:04Don't spread that around because it's only a rumor. What's the difference? If Henry gets kicked out of
16:09sports, that'll cut down the competition for the rest of us. You know what I say about competition.
16:15If you can't beat him, get rid of him some other way. That's right, Norm. I have a feel to myself.
16:21It'll be a landslide. Hey, Sam, keep the sodas coming. Have all you want, gang.
16:27Just remember who bought them when you vote Friday.
16:45Henry, you've just got to fight back or you won't stand a chance in the election.
16:49I don't stand a ghost of a chance no matter how you look at it.
16:53That's right, unless you fight back. What's happened to you? You used to be a real fighter.
16:58Mickey, I fight clean. I refuse to fight dirty even if I lose the election.
17:03If Thorny's going to fight with loaded gloves, then I'm licked.
17:07You mean you think he framed you? Sure. Some of his friends in the math class had the same
17:11answers on their test papers as I did. Why don't you go tell that to Mr. Bean?
17:16Yeah, I'm in a fine position to tell him that. Why not?
17:19I can't prove a thing. That's why not. Besides, it would look like I'm trying to pass the blame.
17:25Remember, it's my test answers they copied. Then you're going to give up without even
17:29trying to win the election. Sure. What else is there to do?
17:33Everybody's been told I'm a cheat. It doesn't matter to them whether it's true or not.
17:39The damage is done.
17:52Bill, you've got to help Henry. You just got to.
17:55Yeah, I think you're right, Mickey. This cheating charge has knocked him for a loop.
18:00It's like a heavy weight and he can't throw it off.
18:03Then you'll get in a fight and help him win the election?
18:05Hey, wait a minute, young fellow. Let's be careful what you say. Your choice of words is wrong.
18:12I don't understand. You said you're going to help.
18:15That's right, Mick. I did say that. But I didn't say that I was going to help Henry win the election.
18:22I still don't follow you.
18:24I told you when we talked before that it wouldn't be fair for me to throw my influence behind Henry.
18:29Yeah, I remember you telling me that.
18:31The help I'm going to give Henry is to teach him how to fight fair in an unfair fight and win.
18:48You know, pal, if every honest man who ran for office
18:52would have quit because he was wrongfully talked about and plotted against,
18:56our country'd be in sad shape today.
18:58Yeah, I know that.
19:00If every Christian warrior would have given up because he was persecuted and lied about,
19:05we wouldn't be Christians today.
19:07We'd still be in dark slavery and not have the wonderful story of salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ.
19:15Honestly speaking, Henry, I'm very disappointed that you've let me down.
19:19Huh? I've let you down? How?
19:23Ever since you were a small boy, haven't I schooled you in the art of fighting for what's right?
19:29Haven't I taught you how to fight fair and clean in a dirty brawl and win?
19:35You also know from the scriptures that nobody can be against you if the Lord is on your side.
19:41Yeah, that's right, Bill.
19:44Now, where would we be today if the Apostle Paul had given up?
19:48Chickened out is the term young Americans use today.
19:52How about Martin Luther, John Knox, David Brainerd, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln,
19:57and hundreds and thousands of others who never gave up in spite of the obstacles in the path to
20:03their goal?
20:04I know, I know.
20:06But how have I let you down?
20:08You've let me down in the fact that I've tried to make a strong Christian man out of you.
20:14Henry, I thought I'd developed a strong backbone in your mind, heart, and soul.
20:21But I guess I've been wrong.
20:24Your mental and spiritual backbone is nothing more than weak matchstick timber.
20:29You're calling me a coward?
20:30That's correct.
20:31I used a lot of words to do it, but I see I got my point across.
20:36Henry, I think your backbone is turned to jelly.
20:40You really mean that, don't you?
20:41You ever known me to waste time with idle talk?
20:44No, I haven't.
20:45Where are you going?
20:46I'm going to find the place where I lost my backbone.
20:49And then Thorny's going to get the surprise of his life.
20:54Boy, oh boy, it sure seems good to see the old fire burning inside you again.
21:10What happened?
21:14Are you sure you want to have this out in front of half of the school?
21:16That's about how many there are in the soda shop.
21:18No, this is the best time.
21:20It couldn't be any better.
21:21Let's go in.
21:24Hey, look who's here.
21:42Hello, Thorny.
21:43What are you doing here?
21:44I'm chasing down rumors to their source.
21:48What kind of rumors?
21:50About me.
21:50Those aren't rumors.
21:51They're facts.
21:54I think you've been misinformed, Norm.
21:56The rumors you've heard about me are not facts.
21:58They're fiction.
21:59Give it to them both barrels, Henry.
22:01We know they're facts, and you can't prove otherwise.
22:04The truth doesn't have to be proved, Thorny.
22:06But if you want some facts, I'll give them to you right now.
22:09Fact number one, I haven't been charged with cheating, nor did I cheat.
22:14Mr. Bean has cleared my record with the faculty.
22:17Fact number two, I saw all the test papers.
22:20Norm and Phil, your buddies, had about the same answers I did.
22:24How you managed to get hold of my test pattern, I don't know.
22:27Fact number three, I haven't been asked to quit school athletics, nor do I intend to.
22:33Fact number four, everything I've said can be checked with Mr. Bean and found to be the truth.
22:39Let's go, Mick.
22:50Oh, you should have heard him, Bill.
22:53When Henry got through, you could hear a pin drop in the soda shop.
22:57Well, this sounds like the old Henry coming back to life.
23:00Get in there and fight, and fight hard, pal.
23:03That's just what I'm doing, and I'm not through doing yet.
23:07Bill, the school paper's already out, so it's too late to get an editorial in it.
23:11You think Smitty would put my editorial in the daily paper?
23:13I don't know, pal, but there's one way to find out.
23:16Let's go talk to Smitty, Mick.
23:20Well, let me take a look at this article.
23:29Here it is.
23:31Wow, this ought to start a fire in your favor, all right.
23:34Will you put it in your paper, Smitty?
23:35I sure will.
23:36Right smack dab in the middle of the front page, too.
23:40Thanks a million.
23:40Don't thank me, thank yourself.
23:43What do you mean?
23:44Any young fellow who's got enough courage to stand up and defend himself.
23:48Well, I like him.
23:49I can tell by reading just a few lines that you're writing honestly from your heart.
23:53I'll print it just like it's written.
24:10Here, listen to what Henry's written.
24:13Mr. Martin Bean has cleared my record in school,
24:16but I want to clear my record as it is read by each and every citizen of Knotty Pine,
24:21whether I win the election or not.
24:24Every person reading this article has formed an opinion of me in his own mind.
24:29I affirm on my word of honor as a Christian that I am not guilty of cheating.
24:34I learned a long time ago that lying doesn't pay.
24:38As a Christian, I cannot lie.
24:41I have always told the truth, regardless of the consequences.
24:47Well, Henry makes a nice defense here, fellas.
24:51What I like in particular is that he hasn't pointed a finger of suspicion at anyone.
24:56Listen to this closing remark.
25:00Yes, I will admit that I would like to be mayor on youth day,
25:04but to me that is not nearly as important as my Christian testimony.
25:09I sincerely hope that the Lord will not be discredited because I have been.
25:15This decision is up to you.
25:17Henry, fight in true spirit of soldier of the cross.
25:20And up to people and students now to see truth.
25:24Well, I hope that the folks hereabouts aren't blind so they can't tell truth from fiction.
25:30If they are, then we're in bad shape, real bad shape.
25:35That's right, Stumpy.
25:37We'll get the answer Saturday morning when the mayor of youth day is installed in office.
25:44Ladies and gentlemen, his honor, the mayor of Nottingham High.
26:14I'm sure we're all waiting with breathless anticipation for this moment
26:21when I shall name the young man who will be mayor of Nottingham for this day.
26:27The students of the high school held their elections and all of the ballots have been counted.
26:34The results of this election I have before me.
26:38Ladies and gentlemen, the students of Nottingham High School have elected
26:42to the office of mayor for this, their youth day, Henry Scott.
27:01Henry, before you take the oath of office, I want to say a few words to you
27:06in front of the people who put you here.
27:09And I want you to know that your sincere presentation in our newspaper touched my heart.
27:16I'm firmly convinced that your classmates and schoolmates
27:20have elected the right young man to be their mayor.
27:39Thorney, come on in. Don't stand in the doorway.
27:43Can I see you for a minute?
27:45Sure. Come on in. Sit down.
27:48Thanks. I have something to say to you.
27:52What are you so nervous about, Thorney? Something wrong?
27:55Yeah, it's me. Henry, I'm the guy that tried to fix you on the exam
28:00so it would look like you cheated.
28:03I also lied about you being kicked out of school sports.
28:06I'm really sorry.
28:08I told Mr. Bean the whole story after I read your article in the paper.
28:12Well, you've done a fine thing, Thorney.
28:14I have? Me?
28:16Right. Takes a lot of courage to admit that you've deliberately hurt a person's reputation.
28:22I guess I've learned something.
28:24That it's ability, truth and sincerity that went out in the long run.
28:29I don't have much ability, but from now on, I'm going to be honest and sincere.
28:35How'd a boy, Thorney. You'll find that your decision is the right one.
28:52Boys and girls, both young men learned a lesson.
28:56I hope you have, too.
28:58We'll see you next week for more adventure with...
29:00Ranger Bill!
