The Iron Orchard - 2018

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Drama, History, Romance.

"The Iron Orchard" is the story of Jim McNeely, a young man thrust into the vibrant and brutal West Texas oilfields in 1939, who works his way through the ranks to ultimately become a formidable wildcatter.

Ty Roberts
Gerry De Leon, Ty Roberts
Hassie Harrison, Lane Garrison, Austin Nichols

00:06:51Go back to where you came from.
00:06:55I got no place to go back to.
00:07:09Jim McNeil, you better wait for me.
00:07:17I gather you think you're in love with Macy.
00:07:20It ain't a thinking matter, Ms. Wells. I know I am.
00:07:24Listen, Jim.
00:07:27I don't think it's for the best that you and Macy see one another.
00:07:38What the hell?
00:07:39That laying up in your bed, monster.
00:07:41Look, you got his fucking shoes on in my bed.
00:07:45You keep your goddamn dirty clock numbers on this sheet.
00:07:49Hey, what's the idea?
00:07:50The clerk feller told me to take bunk three.
00:07:53That queer don't know shit.
00:07:55This mole weevil must be one of them college athletes.
00:07:59It looks like a little two-bit hotshot to me.
00:08:03Ain't that right?
00:08:06Hotshot, you got dirt in those ears?
00:08:07I answer to the name McNeily.
00:08:11You know your goddamn place. You stay out of it.
00:08:13Get off.
00:08:14You leave this bunk be, hotshot.
00:08:40I got plans.
00:08:42Face the facts, Jim.
00:08:44Face the facts, Jim.
00:08:47You're a checker in a grocery store,
00:08:49and that is all you're equipped by background or education to be.
00:08:53Piece of shit.
00:08:54I want you to see my husband.
00:08:57He has important friends.
00:08:59Could get you a good job somewhere.
00:09:02Perhaps out in the oil fields.
00:09:14Come on.
00:09:26Take that bull weevil and get the piss out in them joints.
00:09:31By God, you best keep up today.
00:09:37Just hook your hand in the bell.
00:09:39Do like I do.
00:09:40When I say hump, hyster up and take off.
00:09:43This ain't nothing but back and guts.
00:09:45All right, here we go.
00:09:49Step out.
00:09:54Looks like hotshot's eyes are gonna bug out of his fucking head.
00:09:58Why don't you go ahead and check him, peaches?
00:10:02Goddamn you, sorry-ass bull weevil.
00:10:04Are you trying to get somebody killed?
00:11:14Gives you little rat.
00:11:16That's right, I'm a little rat.
00:11:18And this little rat will bite you.
00:11:43Move your ass, bull weevil.
00:12:14Come on, son.
00:12:16Come on.
00:12:17There you go.
00:12:19All right, everybody up.
00:12:21Let's go.
00:12:43Come on.
00:12:59All right, let's break!
00:13:04Yeah, not humid, nearly.
00:13:13Come on.
00:13:44I've been expecting you, just didn't know when.
00:13:48You win.
00:13:50I win? Do I get a trophy?
00:13:52You said it.
00:13:53Nothing here for me.
00:13:55Look, personally, I don't give a damn.
00:13:57It's completely immaterial to me.
00:14:00But I hate to give those Neanderthal bastards the pleasure of running you off.
00:14:04I can't do it.
00:14:05You came here with something to prove.
00:14:08Now, I don't know to who,
00:14:10but I do see it in you.
00:14:16you don't have anything to go back to.
00:14:25Sit down.
00:14:51Can I get a raise?
00:15:02All right, I'm putting you pairs today.
00:15:04See if we can't spray out the lion.
00:15:06Cotton, you go with Scrap.
00:15:09Buster, you got Jim.
00:15:22You're going down, hotshot.
00:15:36Buster, can I talk to you?
00:15:38Oh, shit.
00:15:45Hot damn, that must have stung good.
00:15:50Somehow, you got the idea that you need to break me.
00:15:54You're going to leave me be from here on out,
00:15:57if you want to live.
00:16:00Don't think I'm going to fight you fair.
00:16:03That I won't do.
00:16:04And you got something to say to me,
00:16:06you call me by my name.
00:16:08That's McNeely.
00:16:44Shut up, you little brat.
00:16:47My bell-cat's back.
00:16:48Ha, ha, ha.
00:16:50Well, I get up all mornin' and I call my bell-cat's back.
00:16:58My bell-cat comes a-runnin' and I holler, OK, wait a minute.
00:17:03Wait a minute.
00:17:04Wait a minute.
00:17:05Wait a minute.
00:17:07Howdy, fellas.
00:17:21You a boll weevil?
00:17:24Nah, I'm Clayton LeMay III.
00:17:26Jim McNeely.
00:17:29Damn good to meet you, Jim.
00:17:31Quit your fraternizing, Stabber, and get back to work.
00:17:34It's like I was saying, Mr. LeMay,
00:17:36there's a lot to get in a day's work out of a bunch of hands.
00:17:39That sure is good to know, Captain.
00:17:41Seeing as I'm a hand now, too,
00:17:43I'll be sure to put in a word with my uncle.
00:17:45How amiable you been?
00:17:54Pay up, son.
00:17:56The bears don't buy themselves.
00:18:01You know why I'm so poor and measly?
00:18:04Because my daddy was such a tight old son of a bitch,
00:18:06he used to pay me ten cents not to have something.
00:18:09Then that bastard would charge me a dime every morning for breakfast.
00:18:13Meanest man there ever were.
00:18:15It's a wonder I've grown at all.
00:18:17Pity you did, you old liar.
00:18:19No, sir, I ain't lyin'.
00:18:21Take a paralyzed oath.
00:18:28Oh, Lord, here she comes.
00:18:32Hi, Dad.
00:18:38Boy, I am in love with that engineer's wife.
00:18:41You are just a randy old goat.
00:18:43What do you know about love?
00:18:44When you sack up with someone
00:18:46and you still want to kiss her in the morning when you're through,
00:18:48that is it.
00:18:49You better shut your trap.
00:18:51If Clyde Montgomery hears you talking that way about his wife,
00:18:53you'll be out of camp yesterday.
00:18:55I bet she flangs that silly Montgomery around
00:18:57till he don't know which way west is.
00:18:59She sure is something to look at.
00:19:02Yeah, but looking at it ain't getting it now, is it?
00:19:04Which reminds me, fellas,
00:19:06I got some business to transact in Odessa.
00:19:08Take the strain off.
00:19:13If they cut his head open,
00:19:15wouldn't nothing come out but a pile of cockroaches?
00:19:18Ain't that the truth.
00:19:25Excuse me, ma'am.
00:19:27Bye, Dad.
00:19:28Bye, hon.
00:19:52What are you doing out here so far from the other brigs?
00:19:54Seeing if this wildcat's been worth drilling.
00:19:57Damn lease is about to expire,
00:19:58so I got to see what's going on underneath.
00:20:00I'm a geologist from Bison.
00:20:02Name's Barry Winkley.
00:20:05Jim McNeely.
00:20:07We cut the damn hole.
00:20:09Now it's time to see how smart or how dumb we really are.
00:20:12Do we pay more money to complete the well
00:20:15or shut her in?
00:20:16Who makes that decision?
00:20:18Me, that's who.
00:20:20Me and this swab test.
00:20:33That's oil.
00:20:34Yeah, that's oil.
00:20:36Glad I checked.
00:20:40Ever thought about going out on your own?
00:20:43I've thought about it.
00:20:47Well, if you run across an oil field nobody's found yet,
00:20:49maybe you and I can grab it.
00:20:51Coker Field.
00:20:54As in Coker City?
00:20:56Old Codger won't lease out.
00:20:58Convince him,
00:21:00and your name will be known for 14 counties,
00:21:02hell, maybe all the way up to Fort Worth.
00:21:05But a couple of broke bastards like us
00:21:06can't compete with the big boys.
00:21:09Good thing I enjoy snipping them rocks.
00:21:21That damn Pluto's as worthless as one-legged man
00:21:23in an ass-kicking contest.
00:21:25He slept the entire day behind a bush
00:21:27and the captain didn't do a goddamn thing about it.
00:21:30Well, why should he?
00:21:31He's the nephew of the vice president of Bison.
00:21:34A blue blood through and through.
00:21:38Luck lands on the sorriest, most worthless souls.
00:21:41Good work out there today, boys.
00:21:44How much we got now?
00:21:46I've got $3,221.
00:21:53Tell you what let's do, buddy.
00:21:54Let's take that $3,221
00:21:56and let's go down to old Mexico.
00:21:58We'll get us a big old house with plenty of tequila
00:22:00and some cute little muchachos
00:22:02and man, we'll have us a time.
00:22:04And when we're cashed out?
00:22:06Well, then, we come back here
00:22:08save up another $3,221 and do it all over again.
00:22:12Oh, goddamn, I like the sound of it.
00:22:14Sure sounds sweet.
00:22:17This here's my ticket out of here, fellas.
00:22:21Indentured for life, my ass.
00:22:24Sweetie pie.
00:22:26Where you headed?
00:22:28To town, you inquisitive little bastard.
00:22:31By myself.
00:22:33To Mexico.
00:22:35Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
00:22:38It's okay for you to kiss my ass.
00:22:41Ha, ha, ha.
00:23:10It's a lovely afternoon.
00:23:12I hadn't noticed till now.
00:23:14Must be the contrast.
00:23:16It was a real scorcher today.
00:23:18Yeah, it was.
00:23:20A fella on a rig said he saw a lizard
00:23:22crawl up a steam pipe just to cool off.
00:23:26A fella said it. I can't say about the lizard.
00:23:28I'm headed to town to get some candles.
00:23:30My husband said the electricity's going out for a while tonight.
00:23:33Yeah, they're cutting a new pumping station
00:23:35into the power line, but it shouldn't be out too long.
00:23:38Is that why you're going into town, too?
00:23:41For candles?
00:23:43Razor blaze.
00:23:45Do you want a ride?
00:23:51Thanks, ma'am.
00:24:03I don't make a practice of picking up a strange man
00:24:05in the middle of the road, but I recognized you.
00:24:08That's mighty kind of you.
00:24:15Tell me, Mr. McNeely,
00:24:17how are you enjoying your stay in Dead Lake?
00:24:21You can call me Jim.
00:24:23Well, if I call you Jim, then you should call me Lee.
00:24:27I'll call you Mrs. Montgomery like I'm supposed to.
00:24:32I guess it wouldn't be proper.
00:24:34What a world.
00:24:36It sure is.
00:24:38Me being me and you being you.
00:24:41I didn't mean it like that.
00:24:46Thanks, R.D.
00:24:50R.D., I'm gonna need another pack of razor blades.
00:24:55Let me get a couple of Schlitz to go.
00:24:59Thank you.
00:25:02Thanks for waiting.
00:25:08How about a cold beer to ease the slowness?
00:25:11Are you offering me a beer?
00:25:14No, I'm just trying to pay you for the ride, is all.
00:25:22Thank you.
00:25:35I'd almost forgotten how good a cold beer tastes.
00:25:41If you had a million dollars, you couldn't enjoy it anymore.
00:25:47I'll remember that.
00:25:50I'll tell you what.
00:25:52You can call me Hey, and I'll call you Say.
00:25:55And the next time we meet, you can say,
00:25:58Hey, how you doing?
00:26:00And I'll respond, Say.
00:26:03Good to see you.
00:26:05I like that.
00:26:12Thank you.
00:26:14You should get out here.
00:26:16People talk.
00:26:20Thanks again.
00:27:03All right, turn her.
00:27:07Watch this.
00:27:09One, two, three, stab.
00:27:11I ain't getting him.
00:27:13One, two, three, stab.
00:27:16One, two, three, stab.
00:27:19One, two, three, stab.
00:27:44All right, boys, let's drink.
00:27:48Just a goddamn minute.
00:27:51You ain't drawn enough money to be giving no orders to these men.
00:27:59The man don't live,
00:28:01that makes enough money to tell me when I can and won't drink.
00:28:18All right, you scraps of nothing.
00:28:21Get back to work.
00:28:29Thank you.
00:28:33Razor blades?
00:28:38Come on.
00:28:41Maisie's a beautiful name.
00:28:43You might still bury her. I got pretty good instincts.
00:28:45No. All that's over and done with now.
00:28:48Besides, she doesn't bother me anymore, only, uh...
00:28:51Only what?
00:28:53Say what you're thinking.
00:29:04You should have just dropped me off at the, uh, gate.
00:29:09I know.
00:29:16You fill up my whole head, Lee.
00:29:22It's true.
00:29:25Don't talk like that.
00:29:32What are you doing?
00:29:35What are you doing?
00:30:00I'll cover you.
00:30:04Get off of me.
00:30:08Get out!
00:30:10I'm sorry.
00:30:12I'm sorry.
00:30:14I'm sorry.
00:30:16Please get out before I scream!
00:30:18I'm sorry. I just thought...
00:30:21I'm sorry.
00:30:31You know...
00:30:33I got instincts, too.
00:30:37You don't love the man you're married to.
00:30:50You don't love the man you're married to.
00:31:14Stabber, come over here.
00:31:17Jesus Christ.
00:31:19It's my last night.
00:31:21I'm saying sayonara to this shithole manana.
00:31:28You'll beat me a splitter.
00:31:30Hey, what do you say me and you hit the town and celebrate?
00:31:33I got some moolah.
00:31:35They paid me off and it ain't even payday yet.
00:31:39I don't think so, man.
00:31:41Hey, next time you see me, you'll be calling me El Jefe.
00:31:46Or maybe I'll be calling you Boss Man.
00:31:49And you'll be running these gangs.
00:31:51Come on.
00:31:53Just a couple drinks, Stabber.
00:31:57Fuck it.
00:31:59Fuck it. That's what I like to hear.
00:32:06Don't you think that old Pluto is gonna forget about you?
00:32:10You ought to be Cap's boss.
00:32:13Man, I got a toast to make.
00:32:17Ladies and gentlemen,
00:32:19here is the best damn pipeliner
00:32:24in all of West Texas.
00:32:27Sit your ass down, Pluto.
00:32:30I give you the one, the only,
00:32:34Jim Stabber McNeely.
00:32:44That's it, Jim.
00:32:46You gonna feel better now.
00:32:49You bonafide drunkard now.
00:32:51Welcome to the club.
00:32:53Move it!
00:32:55Move it!
00:33:12Get up from there, you gold-brickin' son of a bitch.
00:33:19You think you're a little too smart to be laying pipe no more?
00:33:23You're just asking to get your ass run off.
00:33:29You need to get the drain plate off that tank
00:33:32and then clean the bullshit out of the bottom.
00:33:35Maybe that'll wake your ass up.
00:33:54That Cap's a son of a bitch.
00:33:56He is.
00:34:12Porina, Porina
00:34:17Where'd you stay?
00:34:20Porina, Porina
00:34:25Where'd you stay last night?
00:34:30Porina, Porina
00:34:35Where'd you go last night?
00:34:40Come home in the morning
00:34:45Porina, Porina
00:34:50Where'd you stay last night?
00:34:55That swamp guy's getting to his head.
00:34:58Kill his ass lest we get him out of there quick.
00:35:05Come home in the morning
00:35:07In the sun
00:35:35Get up, you sorry son of a bitch.
00:35:40Come on, Jim.
00:35:42Come on, get him.
00:35:50Get up, son.
00:35:52Come on, Jim.
00:35:58Take it off.
00:36:04That a boy, Jim.
00:36:06That a boy, Jim.
00:36:11You piece of shit.
00:36:13Come on, get him.
00:36:15Let's go.
00:36:24Finish him.
00:36:25Thank you, son.
00:36:27Finish him, Jim. Come on.
00:36:30My boy, Jim.
00:36:35You piece of shit.
00:36:59Come on, Jim.
00:37:29Come on, Jim.
00:37:59Come on, Jim.
00:38:01Come on, Jim.
00:38:31I heard all about what you did.
00:38:38You know I'm leaving for good then.
00:38:41I figured.
00:38:54Where you headed?
00:38:58I don't know.
00:39:00I don't know.
00:39:29I'm here.
00:39:33And now you and everyone in this godforsaken world can call her Lee McNeely.
00:39:39How about that?
00:39:45You always asked what my money was for.
00:39:49Well, you'll be content to know I found some use for it.
00:39:54Maybe someday I'll need some good, cheap labor.
00:39:58If you happen to know anyone interested.
00:40:07Smells delicious, hon.
00:40:09Don't give me that. Tell me something.
00:40:13We are the sole owners of the sorriest, oldest oil field servicing company in all of West Texas.
00:40:21Oh, I knew it.
00:40:23Calm down now. I made a bad deal.
00:40:26I bought out Mrs. Sullivan on the worst layaway plan known to man.
00:40:30And maybe, just maybe, if I work 18 hours a day, seven days a week,
00:40:37and give up breakfast and chewing gum and picture shows,
00:40:41and I got an amazing string of luck, we might just be able to make the payments.
00:40:45I don't care.
00:40:47You will care when we're eating beans every night.
00:40:50I love beans.
00:40:59What's that?
00:41:00I got you!
00:41:02You know, the surefire way to get through to an old-timer is to get down on his level.
00:41:22Make him laugh.
00:41:24I know what I'm doing.
00:41:26I know you do. Big boss man.
00:41:31Shut up.
00:41:44Mr. Coker?
00:42:00My name's Jim McNeely.
00:42:06That road you just come on went on.
00:42:10Don't live nowhere but right here.
00:42:13Mr. Coker, I heard it said in Odessa that you shoot the next fella
00:42:18that came out here asking about leasing the Coker Ranch.
00:42:22I ain't a lease broker, and I damn sure don't aim to get shot neither.
00:42:27What in the compound of hell do you want?
00:42:30Not a damn thing, sir.
00:42:32Lest you could spare a little of that beach night you're chewing on.
00:42:47They say you're a fool because you refuse to lease your land.
00:42:51You'd rather let them rob you blind than get what's rightfully yours.
00:42:58You can't let Hawk say a thing.
00:43:01I don't agree with him, or I wouldn't be here.
00:43:04I just think you haven't been offered a fair deal yet.
00:43:08You need a partner who can help you get the oil out of the ground
00:43:14before they suck you dry.
00:43:28You're the worst goddamn tobacco cheerer I ever seen in my life.
00:43:33Never claimed to be an expert cheerer in tobacco or nothing else.
00:43:38I'm just a poor boy trying to get by.
00:44:45Let's take a look at it.
00:44:47Driller, let's test it some a bit.
00:45:00Driller, give me two more feet.
00:45:04Come on, baby.
00:45:26You did it, baby! You did it, Mr. Georges!
00:45:29You did it!
00:45:33We're in the oil business now, sugar.
00:45:47What's this?
00:45:49That's your 1% interest.
00:45:52But, Jim, I'm happy to help an old friend.
00:45:56Hell with that.
00:45:58I wouldn't have known about this deal without you.
00:46:01Thank you, Jim.
00:46:32So you're telling me
00:46:35you got no geological stats,
00:46:38no geophysics,
00:46:40nothing but a lot of hot air and high hopes?
00:46:43And cheap leases, sir.
00:46:45$6 an acre.
00:46:47You can't beat that.
00:46:49Not a, uh, deal for the risk-averse,
00:46:53that's for sure.
00:46:56Not exactly my idea of aggressive expansion, Dan.
00:47:00Well, I'm no geologist,
00:47:02and Scurry County's not oil country.
00:47:05However, it's a shitload of cheap land
00:47:08in West Texas without a hole in it.
00:47:11I'm willing to give you all until tomorrow morning
00:47:14to consider it.
00:47:16Otherwise, I'm just gonna shop it on down the road.
00:47:20On the road.
00:48:27Santa Rita, give me a sign.
00:48:57Hot damn.
00:49:00Hot damn.
00:49:09Met it all on a stupid horseshoe.
00:49:12God damn it.
00:49:20Well, how did it look?
00:49:23Like you said,
00:49:26cheap leases for a reason.
00:49:29You know, I was thinking we could redo the guest bedroom.
00:49:34Redo what?
00:49:36We already got a bed and a dresser in there already.
00:49:39What else do we need?
00:49:41We haven't even had a guest over once.
00:49:43I don't know, maybe a kid's room?
00:49:49You know, someday.
00:49:59Honey, we barely have time for you and I.
00:50:02How the hell are we gonna have time for kids?
00:50:04We make time. That's how it's done.
00:50:07It won't be easy, but I will have a son.
00:50:10So I can teach him how to be a real cowboy.
00:50:13Work the land.
00:50:15A cowboy?
00:50:18You want a son?
00:50:23♪ Hello, Waltz.
00:50:25♪ Hello, hello.
00:50:27♪ Hot things go for you today.
00:50:32♪ Don't you miss her?
00:50:35♪ And she often walks away
00:50:40♪ And I'll bet you
00:50:43♪ Redispect another
00:50:46♪ Lonely night with me
00:50:49♪ But only Waltz
00:50:52♪ I'll keep you company
00:50:58See you.
00:51:01♪ Will I see
00:51:04Bob, Tom, hey, boys.
00:51:06You know I bought a good lease with a bad title.
00:51:10I got seven days to pay it off.
00:51:12Two of the heirs are in court right now
00:51:14feuding over the block that I want.
00:51:16Okay, so renew the lease from both heirs,
00:51:18drill it, and the royalty money will go to the court.
00:51:21Then when the suit is settled,
00:51:22they'll give it to the rightful owner.
00:51:24Easy peasy.
00:51:25Hell, I don't even have the money
00:51:26to renew it from one of them.
00:51:28Then drill it before the lease expires.
00:51:30In seven days.
00:51:32We need a partner, and we needed one yesterday.
00:51:40♪ Yes, we'll have to learn
00:51:43♪ To get along
00:51:45♪ But I'll learn
00:51:47♪ If we can
00:51:52♪ I will tell
00:51:55Mr. Naylor,
00:51:57my name's Jim McNeely,
00:51:59president of McNeely Oil Company.
00:52:01Have a word with you.
00:52:03What's this all about?
00:52:04Can't you see I'm having a meeting here?
00:52:08Mr. Naylor, I'm about to move a rig
00:52:11on the turpin section
00:52:13offsetting your, uh, sheets lease.
00:52:15I intend to be making a hold by Monday
00:52:17unless someone stops me.
00:52:21Hell, I've never heard
00:52:23of whatever the hell company
00:52:24you're supposed to be president of.
00:52:28Sir, would you like to hear
00:52:30what I have to say or not?
00:52:34Son of a bitch getting choked on steak.
00:52:46Now, just how much money you drawing,
00:52:48Mrs. McNeely?
00:52:50Not enough to put up with you clowns,
00:52:53that's for sure.
00:52:57Do it.
00:53:01You're fired.
00:53:07You're fired.
00:53:09Oh, yeah.
00:53:11I'm trading you in
00:53:13for a full-time wife.
00:53:15You can paint up that little room
00:53:17you've been talking about.
00:53:19Consul just bought a piece of our lease
00:53:22and hired us to drill it.
00:53:23We start on Monday.
00:53:25This sly son of a silver-tongued devil
00:53:28walked over to the president
00:53:30of Consul Petroleum
00:53:31and sold him the damn deal
00:53:32out of nowhere.
00:53:35I nailed that son of a bitch.
00:53:37Yes, you did.
00:53:41Look at the prettiest girl
00:53:43in the state of Texas.
00:53:46So this is only third for a quarter, but...
00:53:49Hey, Jim.
00:53:50I've been looking at the Wolf Camp,
00:53:52and it's a great crossbow.
00:54:05You did it, Jim!
00:54:07You did it!
00:54:30Have more beans, Mama.
00:54:32East or west
00:54:34We've got whatever it takes
00:54:37We'll make our own lucky breaks
00:54:41So clear the decks for action
00:54:45And see it's satisfaction
00:54:48We'll go all the way
00:54:51Stand or fall
00:54:55So cheer
00:54:58To one and all
00:55:06So soon?
00:55:07You passed me off that soon?
00:55:40Come on.
00:55:51God damn it.
00:56:01There's only a rare few of these to be found.
00:56:05Now there's one less.
00:56:11Fate offered it to me, and I threw it out the window.
00:56:17But you told me not to buy cheap leases.
00:56:20So now it's my fault?
00:56:22So what if you did buy Scurry County?
00:56:26We'd be sloppy rich by now.
00:56:28But what would you have that you haven't already got?
00:56:31A Tadalack millionaire?
00:56:33In case you haven't heard, I am a millionaire.
00:56:38No, wait.
00:56:40If you add up the value of the oil in the ground
00:56:44and the rig and the new office building
00:56:46and this house that you live in,
00:56:48subtract what I owe, there's a million dollars left.
00:56:51And what does that do?
00:56:53What are you gonna do with more money?
00:56:55Where do you stop wanting?
00:57:01When you really get to be a millionaire?
00:57:03I am a millionaire, God damn it!
00:57:05Well, you be for you.
00:57:24There's something I forgot to tell you.
00:57:28We're moving to Fort Worth.
00:57:35I knew we were going.
00:57:37I just didn't know when.
00:58:23My, God, the houses just keep on getting bigger.
00:58:26Yeah, the jerks are lovin' them, too.
00:58:29Tomorrow, I'm gonna show you the new headquarters
00:58:31for the McNeely Oil Company.
00:58:34I'm gonna kick my boots up on my desk every day
00:58:36and make like a big oil man.
00:58:39When did this all come about?
00:58:40Dad took care of it.
00:58:44What do you think about this one?
00:58:46It looks like a small castle.
00:58:48They're having a party. There's music.
00:58:53It's for you.
00:58:55But I don't know anyone here.
00:58:59This is a housewarming party, honey.
00:59:01For you.
00:59:03This is your new castle.
00:59:05And since you're the queen of it...
00:59:10you get a key.
00:59:11Jim, what have you done?
00:59:14Don't worry about it.
00:59:17We're home.
00:59:20Hey, y'all. Howdy.
00:59:23You traitorous bastard.
00:59:26That was great, honey.
00:59:29Charlie, Jim, Lee, welcome home.
00:59:33Took y'all long enough to get out of that dust bowl,
00:59:35but I trust y'all find yourselves comfortable here.
00:59:38Excuse me, gentlemen.
00:59:39I'm gonna use the powder room.
00:59:41Jim McNeely, welcome back to Fort Worth.
00:59:44You sure have made quite a name for yourself out west.
00:59:46He certainly has.
00:59:48Yeah, I've done all right.
00:59:50Far cry from the days on the schoolyard, right?
00:59:53That was a long time ago, Jim.
00:59:55Charlie here was just telling us about your latest streak.
00:59:57Well, Charlie, tell him about our last deal
01:00:00that bought you that new Cadillac.
01:00:02Maybe we'll get y'all a new car.
01:00:04I'm sure we will, Jim.
01:00:06I'm sure we will.
01:00:08Charlie here was just telling us about our last deal
01:00:11that bought you that new Cadillac.
01:00:13Maybe we'll get y'all in on our Reeves County prospect.
01:00:16Sounds all right to me.
01:00:18Excuse me, boys. Y'all get a drink.
01:00:20Or ten.
01:00:22One will, one Cadillac.
01:00:24Easiest money I ever made.
01:00:26Hey, Daniel.
01:00:28I'm Mrs. Davidoff. Good to see you.
01:00:31Come on.
01:00:33You naughty boy.
01:00:35So you think you can struggle along in this little old bungalow?
01:00:39Looks like a damn museum.
01:00:41Everyone's impressed.
01:00:43Repulsed, but impressed.
01:00:45But that's what you wanted, isn't it?
01:00:48You done good, didn't he, boy?
01:00:50I even got you a little something.
01:00:53Well, open it, damn it.
01:00:55You proposing?
01:00:57You wish.
01:00:59Thank you.
01:01:01For everything.
01:01:05All right.
01:01:07Don't go getting all sentimental on me.
01:01:10I need a drink.
01:01:14How are you, honey?
01:01:16Jim McNeely.
01:01:18Hello, Miss Wells.
01:01:20You do look wonderful.
01:01:22Why, thank you.
01:01:24I've been looking for you.
01:01:27You look mighty sharp yourself.
01:01:29I'm so glad you invited me.
01:01:31I just wish Dr. Wales had lived to see it.
01:01:34Come on.
01:01:36Let's walk.
01:01:38Yes, ma'am.
01:01:40It's a lovely house, Jim.
01:01:42It is, isn't it?
01:01:44I remember it when I was a girl.
01:01:46I remember a lot of things, too.
01:01:49Now, Jim,
01:01:51the past is a long time gone.
01:01:55You have done so magnificently well.
01:01:57I'd like to think Dr. Wales and I
01:01:59were partly responsible
01:02:01for giving you the push in the right direction.
01:02:03I'd say it was a pretty good shot.
01:02:05Now you know bitterness
01:02:08will suck the pleasure right out of things.
01:02:11How's Maisie?
01:02:13I don't know how much you know.
01:02:16It hasn't been all sunshine for Maisie.
01:02:20I'm sorry to hear that.
01:02:22I mean, I figured y'all had it made.
01:02:25Pluto, I mean, Clayton,
01:02:27he comes from such good stock.
01:02:34Miss Wales, can I get you a drink?
01:02:37A scotch would be wonderful.
01:02:40One scotch coming up.
01:02:42It is so good to see you.
01:02:44I'm so glad you're here.
01:02:46Thank you, Jim.
01:02:52You old boy.
01:02:55Come here.
01:02:57You ought to be mighty proud, you sumbitch.
01:02:59All right, let's save that kind of talk for the field.
01:03:02I just come to congratulate him.
01:03:04No, you didn't. You look great. I love his tie.
01:03:06Jim, here she is.
01:03:11Has she changed?
01:03:13Just look at her.
01:03:15Mom, stop. You sound like you're exhibiting a registered heifer.
01:03:19It's good to see you, Jim.
01:03:24Little old Maisie Wells grew up
01:03:26to be even more stunning than I remember.
01:03:28You didn't turn out so bad yourself.
01:03:30Where the hell did everyone get off to?
01:03:33Stabber! Goddamn Stabber!
01:03:38Me and this man, we had us some times.
01:03:41I'm doing, doing all Jim.
01:03:45I had myself some bad luck.
01:03:48Hey, we gots to go and talk somewhere, huh, brother?
01:03:54Let's all go get a drink.
01:03:57Pluto, you still drinking whiskey?
01:04:00Never not.
01:04:04A martini for Brett.
01:04:15I should have sent you a plant or something.
01:04:18But I do have another little present for you.
01:04:21I've been saving it.
01:04:24Don't open till Christmas.
01:04:27Not Christmas. It's ancient history.
01:04:30I am so happy for you, Jim.
01:04:33And I know that you have a wonderful wife.
01:04:36And I know that you have a wonderful husband.
01:04:39And I know that you have a wonderful wife.
01:04:43And I know that you have a wonderful wife now.
01:04:46And I can't wait to meet her and do everything I can
01:04:49to make sure she likes it here.
01:04:52You might as well start now. Here she comes.
01:04:55Honey, come here for a minute.
01:04:58I want you to meet a very special old friend of mine.
01:05:01This is Maisie.
01:05:05Hi, Maisie. Lee McNeely.
01:05:07It's nice to meet you.
01:05:09It's so nice to meet you, too, Lee.
01:05:12Thank you. Sorry to interrupt.
01:05:15There are two gentlemen who seem to have settled into
01:05:18an all-night drinking game into what I presume to be our bedroom.
01:05:22Do you think they would mind terribly if I put on my pajamas
01:05:25and slept quietly into bed?
01:05:28She's funny, too. I like her.
01:05:31I'll take care of it, honey.
01:05:33Jim, I think it's time that you kicked us all out.
01:05:36And I will get to know this wonderful wife of yours soon enough.
01:05:39That's very nice of you.
01:05:41I'll lead you out.
01:05:43All right. I'll be out there in a minute.
01:05:46Good show, old man.
01:05:48Good to see you.
01:06:01Two diamonds.
01:06:03You got to bid three, sweetie.
01:06:05This country bumpkin here is used to throwing dice with cowboys,
01:06:08not playing bridge.
01:06:11Well, that sounds fun.
01:06:15You kill me, Lee.
01:06:24I admire you.
01:06:26Me? Flat on earth?
01:06:29Having the courage to leave your first husband?
01:06:32I mean, weren't you worried about people talking?
01:06:35You didn't stick around to find out what people would say.
01:06:40Nor do. It all happened so fast.
01:06:43The way you described feeling back then,
01:06:45that's the way I feel right now.
01:06:47Oh, Maisie.
01:06:49It was so much different for me.
01:06:51Look at all that you have.
01:06:53You live in a city, the people.
01:06:56Pluto, I mean, Clayton,
01:06:58he is such a fine young man from a good family.
01:07:02Look at this pity party.
01:07:04Shake it off.
01:07:06That's what I do. And drink, of course.
01:07:14Thank you.
01:07:28It's strange to be served dinner.
01:07:34Well, get used to it, sugar.
01:07:36I don't know what to do in this big house, Jim.
01:07:39Can I come work in the office?
01:07:41How's your new accountant doing? Does he need help?
01:07:43No. My wife's not working in a damn office.
01:07:46Besides, I thought you'd like to be a lady of leisure.
01:07:49Leisure and boredom seem to go hand in hand.
01:07:52Leisure and business.
01:07:54That's how deals are made.
01:07:57Speaking of, Pluto's gonna drop by later for a drink.
01:08:01Says he's got an ace of a deal to show me.
01:08:03I thought we could have some time alone tonight.
01:08:06For once.
01:08:09You're my old oil field buddy.
01:08:11You get mighty close working on those gangs together.
01:08:15Oh, and Maisie's tagging along, too.
01:08:23I have to say, I didn't know how I'd feel about Maisie.
01:08:26But I do like her.
01:08:28She's down-to-earth beneath all those fancy clothes.
01:08:31She's a good girl. Harmless.
01:08:34I'm glad you two are getting along.
01:08:38I win again.
01:08:40Hey, Lee, why don't you come over here and give a girl a hand
01:08:43and take down these knuckleheads?
01:08:46I gotta say it. I hate cards.
01:08:49And I'm going to bed.
01:08:51Don't be so sour, sugar.
01:08:53I'm not being sour. I'm just tired.
01:09:00I can send them home, honey.
01:09:04No. Y'all are having fun.
01:09:07I am being sour. You enjoy yourselves.
01:09:09Good night, y'all.
01:09:11Night, honey.
01:09:13Hi, stabber.
01:09:15Come deal him up, you goddamn field hand.
01:09:17Let's beat this girl.
01:09:19Oh, please.
01:09:21She's cheating.
01:09:27Hey, sweetheart. Pack your bags.
01:09:29We're going to West Texas for a weekend.
01:09:31West Texas? Where?
01:09:33Just you and me? What should I bring?
01:09:35Oh, hell, just bring a toothbrush.
01:09:37Do some cowgirl shopping over at Letty's.
01:09:39I'll pick you up at 11.
01:09:41Are you crazy? That's in an hour.
01:09:43Yeah, well, we'll arrive just in time for dinner.
01:09:58Upgrade us to the presidential suite.
01:10:01I mean, if you're gonna do it right, you gotta do it right.
01:10:04Sounds wonderful.
01:10:08What took y'all so long to get here?
01:10:10Hey, honey.
01:10:12I should have warned you.
01:10:14Hi, Jim.
01:10:16Jim, this is a business trip?
01:10:18Honey, it's an everything trip.
01:10:20Let's go check out our suite.
01:10:36we've drilled nine prospects together.
01:10:38Five were dry, four produce.
01:10:40The one in Reagan County is just so-so.
01:10:43I wouldn't recommend drilling any more there.
01:10:46We'll just farm it out to another operator.
01:10:49What we should all be thinking
01:10:51is looking for something a little more juicy.
01:10:53How long do you think it's gonna take
01:10:55for that Reagan well to pay out?
01:10:57At current production rates, about three and a half years.
01:10:59Oh, well, that don't sound too bad.
01:11:02Why can't we just drill the rest of that lease ourselves?
01:11:04The Reagan well's cut in water.
01:11:06And history's taught me
01:11:08when you get water, that water's just gonna increase.
01:11:11I don't make money if you boys don't make money.
01:11:14Our oil in the ground today
01:11:16will produce hefty returns.
01:11:18Hell, we might even find another East Texas
01:11:21or more scurry county.
01:11:26I'm gonna drill these wells on my own
01:11:28or with other partners if y'all ain't interested.
01:11:31Hold on a minute, Jim.
01:11:33Nobody said we weren't interested.
01:11:37After this next string of wildcats,
01:11:39we'll, uh, we'll take that safari trip.
01:11:41Courtesy of McNeely Oil, of course.
01:11:43All right.
01:11:45I don't know if you gentlemen know this,
01:11:47but one of my life's great ambitions
01:11:49is to kill every species that exists.
01:11:51I got about a hundred of them so far.
01:11:53Let me know when you get around to Homo sapiens
01:11:55so I can hide.
01:11:57My wife's a comedian.
01:11:59I have been dying to kill an elephant.
01:12:01Honey, I'll fix it so that you kill
01:12:04the biggest damn elephant in Africa.
01:12:07You can mount his foot for an umbrella stand,
01:12:09paint his toenails gold.
01:12:11Then line up a safari.
01:12:14You should come, too.
01:12:16We'll need somebody to mix strings.
01:12:20Yes, boy, now.
01:12:22Well, boys,
01:12:25this next string's gonna be real nice.
01:12:29Don't worry too much about this circus, little buddy.
01:12:32There are very few people in this jolly new milieu
01:12:35of ours who live lives of any real significance.
01:12:38All our new playmates
01:12:40seem to dedicate their lives to pleasure in themselves.
01:12:43Sybarites, stay up late,
01:12:45drink deep from the laughing waters,
01:12:47and burn your incense at sunset
01:12:49to the god of fun.
01:12:51Count me out.
01:12:54Caddy's loaded up.
01:12:57I'm too close to home to not go see it.
01:13:00And, by golly, close that deal.
01:13:02I always do.
01:13:04I got a good feeling about this next prospect.
01:13:07Might be enough to retire on.
01:13:09Wouldn't that be nice?
01:13:12Someday we will, hon.
01:13:24I know.
01:13:29Drive safe, sugar. I'll see you tomorrow.
01:13:32Tell Dad hi.
01:13:54Ah, this old knee's giving me a little trouble.
01:13:58Look at that.
01:14:00Nothing an ice pack and a shot of rye can't fix.
01:14:04Enough about my health.
01:14:07Spill it.
01:14:10What's wrong?
01:14:12You didn't drive all the way out here just to make me dinner.
01:14:16It's an empty life we're living.
01:14:19I don't know.
01:14:21It's an empty life we're living.
01:14:23All these men he used to know now swarming around us
01:14:27just because he struck a few wells.
01:14:30But he's trying to be a part of something
01:14:33that I just don't care about.
01:14:36Oil men want respect.
01:14:39It's a disease.
01:14:42Makes most crazy and others crooked.
01:14:45Breaks the hearts of the strong
01:14:49and the lucky ones with wealth and power
01:14:52beyond their deserving.
01:14:54Jim thinks he lost his luck at scurry.
01:14:57Maybe he did.
01:14:59Help him find his luck, darling.
01:15:02Do that,
01:15:04and you'll both be necessary to one another.
01:15:19I see the city in celebration and delirium
01:15:22suffocating under the sun and under the joy
01:15:25and I hear in the music the cries and the laughter
01:15:29that echo and bounce around me
01:15:32and lost among these people who push me
01:15:36and to get rid of them I stay here
01:15:40when suddenly I realize
01:15:43that I'm not alone
01:15:47when suddenly I realize
01:15:50that I'm not alone
01:16:19What the hell do you mean by nothing?
01:16:21She doesn't want anything.
01:16:23Not the house, no money, just a divorce.
01:16:27She's got a legal right to what's hers.
01:16:30She said she can work
01:16:32and you'll need all the money you have
01:16:35and then some.
01:16:37What? What the hell does that mean?
01:16:39Listen, you find out what I'm worth
01:16:42and she'll damn sure take half of that.
01:16:44You go back and lay that on the line
01:16:46right now.
01:16:47Why don't you go?
01:16:48I sent word I wanted to meet.
01:16:50What else am I supposed to do?
01:16:51In the spot you're in, buddy,
01:16:52you don't send emissaries.
01:16:54You get over there, you get down on your knees
01:16:56and beg for forgiveness.
01:16:58Unless, of course, you want this divorce.
01:17:17Who is it?
01:17:20It's me, Lee.
01:17:40Who is it?
01:17:42It's me, Lee.
01:17:46What do you want?
01:17:49I want to talk.
01:17:53What do you want to talk about?
01:17:56I didn't mean to hurt you. It just happened.
01:17:59It's just stupid, drunken behavior. That's all.
01:18:03You've loved her since she left you.
01:18:05No. No.
01:18:07This is exactly what you wanted and you damn well know it.
01:18:11Just get out of here so we can get this over with.
01:18:16I've suffered long enough, you son of a bitch.
01:18:30It's over now. I'm done with it.
01:18:35Please, I love you.
01:18:36Go away.
01:18:38Leave me alone.
01:18:40I never want to see you again.
01:18:46Leave me alone.
01:19:16I love you.
01:19:47God damn it.
01:19:50Shut this son of a bitch down right now. We're at TV.
01:19:54This is my eighth dry well in a row. It better be the last.
01:19:58Well, shit, Jim. You say that like I'm a rocksmithing geologist.
01:20:01I ain't nothing but a two-bit pipeline son of a bitch.
01:20:05I told you, Jim.
01:20:06I told you, Jim.
01:20:07I told you, Jim.
01:20:08I told you, Jim.
01:20:09I told you, Jim.
01:20:10I told you, Jim.
01:20:11I told you, Jim.
01:20:12I told you, Jim.
01:20:13I told you, Jim.
01:20:14I told you, Jim.
01:20:15I told you, Jim.
01:20:16I told you, Jim.
01:20:18I told you, Jim.
01:20:19I told you, Jim.
01:20:23God damn it, Jim.
01:20:25Come on, get up.
01:20:26I told you, Jim.
01:20:28Get up, you son of a bitch.
01:20:29I told you not to eat that bone-in chicken on the rig.
01:20:34Bad luck.
01:20:37Bad luck.
01:20:41He didn't wish me a happy birthday.
01:20:44Successful birthday, then.
01:20:46A man who owes $3 million,
01:20:49who's only 36, has got to be successful.
01:20:52I wouldn't ride that theory too long.
01:20:54So what if we hadn't found another East Texas?
01:20:56We got reserves in the ground.
01:20:59And our investors are starting to doubt those reserves.
01:21:02Look, I like risks just as much as you do,
01:21:05but sometimes I wish you'd let some of these deals pay out
01:21:08before we get in any deeper.
01:21:09Stop being so neurotic.
01:21:11We'll hit a sweet spot soon.
01:21:14Just being realistic.
01:21:17And I wish you'd take off that tire.
01:21:19Makes me feel like I'm one heartbeat away
01:21:21from unemployment.
01:21:22Oh, hell, Denny, boy, I've had too much fun putting it on.
01:21:26Besides, I got a heart
01:21:29that's stronger than bull rhinoceros hide.
01:21:32You know, it's Lee's birthday in a couple days.
01:21:37Send her some flowers, see if she needs anything.
01:21:39Already taken care of.
01:21:45Now there's a gift worth the wait.
01:21:47Isn't it lovely to be married to a man
01:21:50who buys me presents on his birthday?
01:21:54You boys ready to go?
01:21:56I'm ready.
01:21:59I love my bracelet.
01:22:09License stock's done well.
01:22:13Sounds like you got a nice nest egg.
01:22:16Um, I don't care a damn about a geologist
01:22:18who put in 20 years.
01:22:20I'll be scratching by just to make my retirement.
01:22:24Somebody somewhere must owe you something.
01:22:29I'm standing here with my hand out,
01:22:31waiting for the manna to drop.
01:22:34I got news for you, buddy.
01:22:37Manna don't drop.
01:22:39You got to reach up and pluck it.
01:22:43I don't know how, Jim.
01:22:45Never been able to.
01:22:48This whole country's riddled with damn holes.
01:22:53Every time they drill a new one, that's one less place to try.
01:22:59I'm tired of drilling blind.
01:23:02I got the rigs.
01:23:03I know where to get the money.
01:23:05And I can drill better than anyone in this goddamn state.
01:23:09But I got to know where to drill.
01:23:17You tell me where, and you will never
01:23:21draw another poor breath again.
01:23:25Am I being too subtle for you, Barry?
01:23:30You're not being subtle, Jim.
01:23:31It sounds like you're talking about larceny.
01:23:33It's just a little map with a dot on it.
01:23:54Baby, are you OK?
01:23:57Never better.
01:24:00I was beginning to look like a rag doll,
01:24:02so I had to go shopping.
01:24:04The name's card was declined, but I just paid in cash.
01:24:08Buy whatever the hell you need.
01:24:16This house is a far cry from Bowie Street, ain't it?
01:24:20Jim, what's wrong, baby?
01:24:42Morning, sunshine.
01:24:44This won't wash, Jim.
01:24:46Leave Barry Wakely out of your schemes.
01:24:48You can do whatever the hell you want with Bison,
01:24:50but leave Barry alone.
01:24:52It's funny how it comes full circle.
01:24:54You feeling sorry for poor old Bison Oil Company?
01:24:57He's got more money than Uncle Sugar.
01:24:59You can't wreck a man like that and get away with it.
01:25:01It will wreck you, too.
01:25:03See, you got preacher suit on today, ready to give me hell.
01:25:05Well, Barry has got a retarded son.
01:25:08Who's gonna wreck his life?
01:25:10If he doesn't give me hell, I'm gonna wreck his life.
01:25:12He's got a retarded son.
01:25:14Who's gonna wreck his life if he doesn't get money somewhere?
01:25:17You know, you've got mighty damn spoil working for me,
01:25:20living it up.
01:25:22You're a real exotic little gentleman
01:25:25with mighty expensive taste.
01:25:28But if this outfit goes bust,
01:25:30you're gonna be out on your ass, starving to death.
01:25:33So quit acting like a goddamn neurotic woman.
01:25:36I'm trying to run an oil business.
01:25:38Jim, you can still undo what you started.
01:25:40We can go back to West Texas and run our rigs.
01:25:42So what if we've crapped out here?
01:25:44At least we can look in the mirror without throwing up.
01:25:46Get out of here.
01:25:48Hey, don't make a crook out of him.
01:25:50You can be a crook because you don't believe it's crooked.
01:25:55You ever stop to think
01:25:58you're a suckerfish
01:26:00who's been living off a lean, mean shark all these years?
01:26:04This is Dent you're talking to.
01:26:06Yes, Dent, my pervert philosopher.
01:26:09As far as I'm concerned, you're a useless queer.
01:26:14Get out of my sight.
01:26:16Get out of my life.
01:26:18I got a well to drill.
01:26:25I've had to live with myself the best way I could.
01:26:29But I never hurt anybody,
01:26:31so far as I know,
01:26:33or corrupted anybody
01:26:35with my own corruption.
01:26:39I'm sorry.
01:26:54How many times
01:26:58Have you heard someone say
01:27:03If I had his money
01:27:07I could do things my way
01:27:11But little they know
01:27:15That it's good for nothing
01:27:20One rich man in pain
01:27:25Where's the satisfaction
01:27:30Once I was rich
01:27:34And fortunate
01:27:38Everything that I do
01:27:49Everything's about to blow.
01:27:51Let's hope so.
01:27:53Your investors and the New York bank
01:27:55both want certified audits.
01:27:57They're serious, Jim.
01:27:58To hell with them. I'm drilling a hellcat.
01:28:01They want you to shut down
01:28:03and not spend another dime.
01:28:05Are they out of their fucking minds?
01:28:07I'm drilling a well right now
01:28:09that will pay off everybody.
01:28:11They will force you into bankruptcy.
01:28:14Well, how long can you hold them off?
01:28:16Jim, I'm a lawyer.
01:28:18I'm not a shyster.
01:28:19Jesus Christ!
01:28:20When did everybody get so goddamn rural?
01:28:23You lawyers will steal
01:28:25and lie for a rich client.
01:28:27But you run like chickens
01:28:29when it's a poor bastard who's in a jam.
01:28:31You no longer represent me.
01:28:33That's all, Scotty.
01:28:43What the hell's going on?
01:28:45It's just a kick, boss.
01:28:47Then get back to drilling, damn it!
01:28:52Jim has been so damn irritable.
01:28:55I warned him if he kept deserting me
01:28:57for a pile of clankin' machinery,
01:28:59I was gonna replace him
01:29:01with something a little more... animate.
01:29:06I have to be honest with you, Maisie.
01:29:10You're coming to the end of the line
01:29:12with your pudgy old Mac.
01:29:14He's in trouble, your Jim.
01:29:24It's a funny thing, isn't it?
01:29:26What's that, sweetheart?
01:29:31I guess eventually
01:29:34we all wash up.
01:29:40I would never say that about you.
01:29:43No, not me.
01:29:45Not if I can help it.
01:29:56I'm sorry.
01:30:16You better, Jack?
01:30:18Yes, sir.
01:30:20Need some tongue dyes, too.
01:30:22He knew daylight dirt.
01:30:32James McNeely?
01:30:34What's the now?
01:30:36My name's Michael Arthur,
01:30:38division attorney for Bison Oil.
01:30:40You, sir, are drilling on a lease
01:30:42that doesn't belong to you.
01:30:44You acquired this lease
01:30:46through the defalcation
01:30:48of a trusted Bison employee.
01:30:50I'm sorry, sir.
01:30:52I'm sorry.
01:30:54You acquired this lease
01:30:56through the defalcation
01:30:58of a trusted Bison employee.
01:31:00A geologist by the name
01:31:02of Barry Wakely.
01:31:04Those leases belong to Bison.
01:31:06In order to save
01:31:08embarrassing yourself,
01:31:10my company's willing to pay
01:31:12any out-of-pocket costs
01:31:14you've incurred,
01:31:16provided you assign
01:31:18those leases right back to us.
01:31:20No charges will be filed
01:31:22against Barry.
01:31:24Wakely disappeared.
01:31:26And that is
01:31:28a clear admission of guilt.
01:31:30We know he's been meeting with you.
01:31:38For over 15 years.
01:31:40On and off.
01:31:44Friend of mine.
01:31:46We worked together
01:31:48at Bison.
01:31:50I'm making mud pies.
01:31:52I know all about your record at Bison.
01:31:54And I know I'm dealing with a pro.
01:31:56But Bison
01:31:58has been unscrupulously looted.
01:32:00And we'll spare
01:32:02no time or expense getting back
01:32:04what's rightfully ours.
01:32:08Mr. Lawyer,
01:32:10you folks are way
01:32:12out of line.
01:32:14So you just draw up
01:32:16your papers
01:32:18and give me a hot shot.
01:32:22We'll see you in the courthouse.
01:32:24If she's dry,
01:32:26I'll buy you a drink.
01:32:28Because nobody would give a shit about me.
01:32:30But if she comes
01:32:32roaring in
01:32:34like the wildcat ought to,
01:32:36well, then we'll have something
01:32:38worth suing about.
01:32:42I hope we both
01:32:44have work to do.
01:32:54I'm running late.
01:32:56It's the crew.
01:32:58We's two weeks late on pay.
01:33:00I got it covered.
01:33:02Just keep drilling.
01:33:04I got it covered.
01:33:06Just keep drilling.
01:33:31Mr. McNeely.
01:33:34How about upgrading your Corvette today?
01:33:36Shit, Red.
01:33:38How about buying her back?
01:33:40Never did like the color my wife picked out anyhow.
01:33:42But it's gotta be cash.
01:33:44Cash will cost you, Jim.
01:33:46But I'm sure we can work something out.
01:33:48Put it in, partner?
01:33:52I'll buy you a drink, boy.
01:33:54I can use a couple, Red.
01:34:02Dent Paxton?
01:34:04Where have you been, you naughty boy?
01:34:10Mexico's changed.
01:34:12The colors have faded
01:34:14and gone.
01:34:16I can't imagine that.
01:34:18How could it?
01:34:20It's true.
01:34:22They were vivid once.
01:34:24Now they've all gone white.
01:34:27So I came back home.
01:34:29Home is where the heart is.
01:34:31Isn't that touching?
01:34:33I made it up.
01:34:35Dent, whatever it is,
01:34:37it won't last forever.
01:34:41Life is strange is all.
01:34:43You only need to breathe
01:34:45and to love to enjoy it.
01:34:47But we make it so complicated
01:34:49for no understandable reason.
01:35:01I don't know.
01:35:31Goddamn it!
01:35:53Goddamn it!
01:35:55Goddamn it!
01:36:25Goddamn it!
01:36:55Goddamn it!
01:36:58What is this?
01:37:00Oh, my God.
01:37:07Monson, can I get a goddamn drink in here or what?
01:37:10Mr. McNeely,
01:37:12I seen Mr. Paxton here
01:37:14just a few minutes ago.
01:37:16Thought he was going for fresh air.
01:37:25Where did he go, Mr. Monson?
01:37:55Oh, my God.
01:38:42That's man underneath.
01:38:50Too good for this world.
01:38:55Way at 12,000 feet.
01:38:57We need to pull the bit.
01:38:59We only got 400 feet to go.
01:39:01Can't you just keep turning to the right?
01:39:04I'm gonna run a cone off
01:39:06if we don't pull the bit up out of that hole.
01:39:08Goddamn it.
01:39:10Just snake that pipe out of that hole
01:39:12and put the neutral bit on right now.
01:39:14Do it or...
01:39:17All right.
01:39:49Take the plans, Bill.
01:39:51See that bit in there?
01:39:53All right, we're gonna switch it out.
01:39:55Pull that son of a bitch off.
01:39:57How long that gonna take?
01:39:59Bullshit. Let's move it.
01:40:04Get that bit out of there before we lose it.
01:40:07Let's go, boys.
01:40:09We ain't got time to dilly-dally.
01:40:11Let's go. Come on.
01:40:16Move your ass, Chris.
01:40:24Shit. Gas! Clear!
01:40:26Gas! Everybody clear!
01:40:28Helen! Helen!
01:40:32Move! Move!
01:40:34Help me!
01:40:40Oh. No.
01:41:13Jim, come on, buddy.
01:41:16Jim, you all right?
01:41:43Jim, Jim...
01:42:00Hey, buddy.
01:42:06He broke his arm and several ribs,
01:42:08but that's not the main trouble.
01:42:10He's had a massive coronary thrombosis.
01:42:12but he's conscious.
01:42:14I'm glad you're here.
01:42:15You must be his wife.
01:42:22I thought so.
01:42:23He's been saying your name all night.
01:42:25Lee, right?
01:43:14I had the worst damn nightmare.
01:43:20He left me.
01:43:23I married that corrupter, Maisie.
01:43:27It was awful.
01:43:34Dan killed himself.
01:43:41And I learned...
01:43:48I can still smell swamp, yes?
01:44:17Thank you.
01:44:47Gordon, Jimmy.
01:45:15Hey, chicken.
01:45:19You a little cowboy?
01:45:20Hey, chicken.
01:45:22Yeah, it's a chicken.
01:45:25Hey, chicken.
01:45:30Come on, boys.