• last year
The film explicitly states at the beginning that Amira Casar's sex scenes were done with a body double. Indeed, Casar allegedly told her male co-star Rocco Siffredi that she would not be having sex with him for the purposes of the film.
Release date: Jan 28, 2004
Duration: 01:17:00
Director: Catherine Breillat
Actors: Amira CasarRocco SiffrediJacques Monge

00:03:42Because I thought because someone I don't suppose I'm a non-capisco
00:05:14Because me I say we don't have
00:05:17No, say it if I keep it, you know, they don't
00:05:20Quando me a toccato sull'escale perché mi hai toccato no
00:05:26E allora
00:05:30Mi sono emozionato
00:05:32All'inizio non ho dato molto peso la cosa poi mi sono spaventato quando ho capito quali erano le tue intenzioni
00:05:40Anch'io capito quali sono le tue intenzioni
00:05:49Io lo so perché sei venuto nel cesso
00:06:05Fartelo succhiare come tutti gli uomini
00:06:13Siete tutti uguali voi
00:07:07Che cosa vuoi fare adesso
00:08:46Ti pagherò
00:08:51Cosa speri tu
00:08:53Di sapere
00:08:55Perché te non piacciono le donne mi potrei guardare veramente
00:08:59Voglio dire con imparzialità
00:09:03Di cosa si tratta di questo
00:09:09Guardarmi là dove sono inguardabile senza bisogno di toccarmi
00:09:16Dovrei solo dirmi quello che vedi ti costerà tanto io ti pagherò
00:09:23Ed è così che si concluse l'accordo
00:09:30La prima notte
00:11:15Scusa me
00:12:11Se in anticipo non ho avuto il tempo di spogliarmi
00:12:15Io sono pagato per guardare
00:12:19Non puoi pretendere da me nient'altro
00:12:26Si hai ragione
00:12:32Ma non mi puoi impedire di sperare
00:12:35Non mi avevi detto che la casa era lontana da tutto
00:12:39Ho dovuto prendere un treno e poi un taxi dovrò aggiungerlo al conto
00:12:52Lui è venuto all'appuntamento ma si sente ingannato lo disturba stare qui sperava in qualcosa di nuovo qualcosa d'inaspettato
00:13:03Pur sapendo che così non sarebbe stato
00:13:38Finalmente era ora
00:15:09Perché ti esibisci così
00:15:27Fragilità delle carni femminili impone il disgusto la brutalità voi donne dipendete dall'uno o dall'altra
00:15:38Che cosa dobbiamo temere di più
00:15:41Il niente
00:15:44O la brutalità
00:15:47C'è un'eternità tra l'offerta e la domanda
00:15:52C'è un'eternità tra l'offerta e il gesto del prendere
00:15:58Questo è quello che noi chiamiamo il primo inganno
00:16:03D'allora in poi nessun legame tutto è falso
00:16:13Solo un rapporto
00:16:19Mal testo cof di una frettata brutalità
00:16:28Tu parli troppo e le tue parole di rimprovero sono insensate
00:17:06Sarei dovuta radere le ascelle
00:17:15Sarebbe stato inutile
00:17:17per quanto voi donne
00:17:19possiate radervi
00:17:21ovunque anche la fessura non riuscirete mai a cancellare la vostra natura oscena
00:17:26al contrario
00:17:28la vostra pelle resta grumosa
00:17:31come il collo di un pollo spennato
00:17:34ogni poro trasuda
00:17:37Irritazione gonfio per i peli esradicati come tante microscopi che tumefazioni sessuali
00:17:46E dunque non possiamo fare niente
00:17:51No, non potete fare niente
00:17:56È la profondità di questa oscenità la profondità femminile
00:18:03Che vi invidiano gli uomini che non vi amano
00:18:07E che odiano tutti quelli che vi amano
00:18:23Non è quello che si vede
00:18:27Sebbene l'apertura delle vostre gambe ci ripugni
00:18:31Per quel colore troppo vivo l'aspetto deforme e inerte delle vostre labbra nascoste
00:18:40La trasparenza di quella pelle
00:18:44Alla vista
00:18:46qua è la granulosa
00:18:50Una pelle che trasuda
00:18:56Una pelle infetta
00:19:01Come quella delle rane
00:19:04Che almeno hanno la decenza di essere verdi
00:19:11Ma le loro cosce riproducono l'immensità dell'apertura delle vostre
00:19:31Non è quello che si vede è quello che si nasconde l'oscelità è quello che ci spaventa di più
00:19:43Ma ancora
00:19:50Così io mi chiedo per la prima volta se ciò che mi abbia allontanato dalle donne
00:19:56Non sia questa violenza
00:19:58Non sia questa violenza profonda che loro provocano dalla loro immobile profondità
00:20:05Fin qui sono stato sincero
00:20:09Ma voi dubiterete ora di quelli che sono inevitabilmente i miei ricordi
00:20:15Perché i pensieri tendono a vagare
00:20:18E non si possono tenere per lungo tempo legati a un percorso che non è il loro
00:20:24E volete negare che quei ciuffi neri lucenti possano ricordare un putrido parrucchino
00:20:31Un uccellino appena uscito dall'uovo
00:20:35Che è così tenero nella sua fragilità di nuovo nato
00:20:53Un uccellino
00:21:23Un uccellino
00:21:53Un uccellino
00:22:24Ancora oggi il bambino che vorrebbe diventare uomo
00:22:31Conserva l'orrore della melma che sembrava befeggiarlo
00:22:38Tu capisci
00:22:54Forse sto scoprendo ciò che già sapevo che mi rifiutavo di capire
00:22:59Ciò per cui il corpo delle donne merita la mutilazione
00:23:03E tuttavia non c'è niente
00:23:06Niente di esagerato
00:23:08E questa collera degli uomini è controllo invisibile
00:23:24Un uccellino
00:23:26Un uccellino
00:23:28Un uccellino
00:23:30Un uccellino
00:23:32Un uccellino
00:23:34Un uccellino
00:23:36Un uccellino
00:23:38Un uccellino
00:23:40Un uccellino
00:23:42Un uccellino
00:23:44Un uccellino
00:23:46Un uccellino
00:23:48Un uccellino
00:23:50Un uccellino
00:23:51Un uccellino
00:23:53Un uccellino
00:23:55Un uccellino
00:23:57Un uccellino
00:23:59Un uccellino
00:24:01Un uccellino
00:24:03Un uccellino
00:24:05Un uccellino
00:24:07Un uccellino
00:24:09Un uccellino
00:24:11Un uccellino
00:24:13Un uccellino
00:24:15Un uccellino
00:24:17Un uccellino
00:24:19Un uccellino
00:24:21Un uccellino
00:24:23Un uccellino
00:24:25Un uccellino
00:24:27Un uccellino
00:24:28It's late at night and you still don't know what a woman is like.
00:24:58Why did you sit down? Come closer. Come and see.
00:25:10Is this why they pay you?
00:25:19Do you know why people drink when they are together?
00:25:25It's because they don't have anything to say.
00:25:30In the hope that in the intimacy of a room there will be an approach. And it's worse.
00:25:37We drink because there is no way to communicate. Nothing.
00:25:47Are you talking about me?
00:25:49No, not at all. There is no difference between a man and a woman.
00:25:55When you offer your flesh to the four winds, it is perishable.
00:25:59When you make yourself completely available, there are no more thoughts or words.
00:26:20I just need alcohol.
00:26:35I need to forget this beastliness.
00:26:49This loneliness.
00:27:11Are you not afraid?
00:27:13No. I control my impatience. Because the wait has become part of my pleasure.
00:27:20The wait is my question. Can you understand this?
00:27:28All this brings me back to a time when I was still naive and didn't know anything.
00:27:34I had no idea what sex was.
00:27:37And the stupid boys of the area, who were already going around in groups,
00:27:41went down to our garden, like a flight of parrots in the season of hunting.
00:27:54After a first moment of hostility,
00:27:57since I was the only enemy and I wouldn't be able to fight anything,
00:28:02we decided to sympathize.
00:28:05And to seal the peace, we played the doctor.
00:28:10I was the sick one, of course.
00:28:19The woman is the disease of man.
00:28:32Probably, all those young herbal doctors
00:28:35will be disgusted forever by the show of the virgin girls' candies.
00:29:32I love you.
00:29:51I bless the day I was born immune to you, and to all those like you.
00:29:57The elastic resistance of the boys' anus can't lie
00:30:01about the strength of their ganga,
00:30:05which is the internal intestine.
00:30:09The lie of the reprehensible feminine sweetness,
00:30:16this pernicious frivolity
00:30:21that draws them into the abyss.
00:30:26The deception, the horror of nothingness,
00:30:30which is the impregnable whole.
00:30:34I'm tired of your trickery.
00:30:37Don't look at me like you should.
00:30:45Look at me when I can't see myself.
00:30:50Look at me when I can't see myself.
00:30:56Look at me when I can't see myself.
00:31:26Look at me when I can't see myself.
00:31:56THE OCEAN
00:32:14The ocean, despite its deceitfully masculine name,
00:32:17rolled in the darkness with the regularity of a hot cane.
00:32:22Since this ocean, like the woman,
00:32:25can open up and then swallow you up
00:32:28in the narrowness of its shores until your total disappearance.
00:32:34As enchanted by a sort of witchcraft,
00:32:37by the signs and sounds of nature,
00:32:40surrounded everywhere by the imploring calls of the weak,
00:32:44only I was strong and defenseless against the whole world.
00:32:51THE OCEAN
00:33:21THE OCEAN
00:33:51THE OCEAN
00:34:21THE OCEAN
00:34:51THE OCEAN
00:35:21THE OCEAN
00:35:51THE OCEAN
00:36:21THE OCEAN
00:36:51THE OCEAN
00:37:21THE OCEAN
00:37:51THE OCEAN
00:38:22THE OCEAN
00:38:25THE OCEAN
00:38:28THE OCEAN
00:38:31THE OCEAN
00:38:51THE OCEAN
00:39:12It's nothing.
00:39:15It's nothing.
00:39:17It's just the first night.
00:39:21It's just the first night.
00:39:35It's just the first night.
00:39:52It's just the first night.
00:40:04Second night.
00:40:21Third night.
00:40:51Fourth night.
00:41:21Fifth night.
00:41:51Sixth night.
00:42:21Seventh night.
00:42:24Eighth night.
00:42:27Ninth night.
00:42:30Tenth night.
00:42:33Eleventh night.
00:42:36Twelfth night.
00:42:39Twelfth night.
00:42:42Twelfth night.
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00:50:00Twelfth night.
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00:50:18Twelfth night.
00:50:21Twelfth night.
00:50:24Twelfth night.
00:50:27Twelfth night.
00:50:30Twelfth night.
00:50:33Twelfth night.
00:50:36Twelfth night.
00:50:39Twelfth night.
00:50:42Twelfth night.
00:50:45Twelfth night.
00:50:48Twelfth night.
00:50:51Twelfth night.
00:50:54Twelfth night.
00:51:01This night you wanted to kill me.
00:51:07And you fought against this desire.
00:51:10How do you know?
00:51:13It's the man's desire,
00:51:16because that is who I am.
00:51:19That's why they reach us from our beds,
00:51:22And these veils with which we are adorned for the ceremony
00:51:26prefigure our sweat.
00:51:29But you can't do anything about it.
00:51:34You don't know anything about this.
00:51:38You can't know the evil of which you are capable.
00:52:01Third night.
00:52:53Anyone could have come in.
00:53:01Or anything.
00:53:11That's what men can't stand.
00:53:15That's why they always try to lock up their women,
00:53:18at all times, at all places, at all latitudes.
00:53:22To protect them from themselves, they say.
00:53:26To exorcise the fate of women.
00:53:38In reality,
00:53:42they are afraid that women don't belong to them.
00:53:53They don't believe in essential freedom.
00:53:58They threaten us with their belts,
00:54:01their chains,
00:54:03their concept of chastity,
00:54:07their morality.
00:54:09Oh, you know,
00:54:11because they always need to be reassured,
00:54:15even though they know very well that there is no need for any proof.
00:54:20Because then love would make no sense.
00:54:38I put it in your absence so as not to stain the sheets with blood.
00:54:43Now that you're here,
00:54:50Come on, pull.
00:54:54Pull, it's easy.
00:55:20Here, it's all here.
00:55:25Because of this blood, they say we are impure.
00:55:29Often they don't even take us by the hand.
00:55:33They refuse to have relations during this period,
00:55:36which they call our period.
00:55:40In reality,
00:55:42they are afraid of the blood that flows
00:55:44without any wound being inflicted on us.
00:55:48It's what they call impurity.
00:55:55I, on the contrary...
00:56:07I put it in a glass of water like the old woman with her toothpaste.
00:56:12And I look at the blood-red fluorescence
00:56:15that free themselves in the water.
00:56:30We don't drink the blood of our enemies.
00:56:35We don't drink the blood of our enemies.
00:56:38We don't drink the blood of our enemies.
00:56:42And this is not what women are for men.
00:56:46Here, drink.
00:57:51They sell themselves off.
00:57:55The space that occupies the body without feeling anything
00:57:59is the space of the majority of goods.
00:58:03The proof that the coitus is not in the physicality of an act,
00:58:06but in the value.
00:58:11I can put it in like this,
00:58:15all the way down,
00:58:20without feeling anything,
00:58:23not having the slightest,
00:58:25the slightest sensation of pleasure.
00:58:30Like an ordinary gesture.
00:58:37And look,
00:58:40all this strange congeniality to make us believe that it is complicated,
00:58:48can be introduced simply,
00:58:52without touching,
00:58:55leaving intact their virginity,
00:58:59without any exploration of their genitals.
00:59:03You see, you introduce the tip of the envelope
00:59:07and then you push like a syringe,
00:59:11like to inject something,
00:59:15like when you do, without feeling anything other than hygiene,
00:59:20of the hydrophilic cotton,
00:59:23like to suck a wound,
00:59:26painful and terribly sensitive.
00:59:32I don't feel anything.
00:59:35I don't feel anything.
00:59:46Don't you find it ridiculous?
00:59:54I would laugh at it if this didn't foretell something terrible.
00:59:59Because, certainly, something terrible was lurking
01:00:02in the mind of the one who drew it
01:00:04and who put his servile signature
01:00:07on this infamous thing.
01:00:11A man can be sure of it.
01:00:14A man who believed himself superior and benefactor,
01:00:19and that we don't like.
01:00:29In fact, men have never understood how we are made.
01:00:34They are afraid of us, like children are afraid of the dark.
01:00:59Tell me.
01:01:02I lost all my dignity doing this in front of you.
01:01:08Tell me.
01:01:22Fourth night.
01:01:28Fifth night.
01:01:38You don't see anything.
01:01:42You don't see anything, do you?
01:01:54I can hide it inside me for as long as I want.
01:02:01And I can let it come out whenever I want.
01:02:15What confuses you is that a woman can replace a man.
01:02:20No, no.
01:02:27But of all that you see, nothing.
01:02:29Nothing exists.
01:02:31The only thing that pleases me is the movement of your hand.
01:02:36Your gestures, the way you move the stone to put it back inside me.
01:02:44Like this.
01:02:46Yes, like this.
01:03:44Like this.
01:04:14Like this.
01:05:15It's beautiful.
01:05:17It looks like you're bleeding.
01:05:21You're afraid because you think you're the one bleeding.
01:05:24But you know it's not like that.
01:05:27This bleeding comes from the fertile blood of women.
01:05:33It's not like that.
01:05:36It's not like that.
01:05:39It's not like that.
01:05:41It's not like that.
01:05:50Yes, it's like that.
01:06:04Sometimes it happens, but...
01:06:07the fecal matter is inert.
01:06:11It's the end of the cycle of life.
01:06:16It's conformed to the nature of man.
01:06:24Man cannot give life.
01:06:28He takes it.
01:06:34He gives death.
01:06:37And so life is eternal.
01:07:11As I was leaving, she made me slip the money I had earned.
01:07:16Taking that money, I lost the meaning of the myth.
01:07:19I lost it.
01:07:21I understood it right away.
01:07:23But the truth is that I was deeply embarrassed to take that money,
01:07:27because I wanted to refuse it.
01:07:32Paul, make me another one.
01:07:44Actually, no, two. Another one for him too.
01:07:52I won't think about it anymore.
01:07:55I won't think about it anymore. She was a woman.
01:07:59A whore.
01:08:01A whore, like all the others.
01:08:05A whore.
01:08:11Yes, the queen of whores.
01:08:17I broke her liver. I reduced her so badly that no one will be able to love her anymore.
01:08:27You did well.
01:08:29You have to put her under like a goat.
01:08:31Whip her as much as you can, as much as you can.
01:08:36It's a way to vaccinate you, to make you immune.
01:08:42Because if one of them gets into your skin,
01:08:46you're screwed. You're screwed.
01:08:48But she already did it.
01:08:51She took me completely.
01:08:52Yes, but she won't be able to take your whore.
01:08:55No, they can't. They can't. Do you understand?
01:09:12I made her shit her shit.
01:09:14And she's a whore.
01:09:17That whore.
01:09:18She's a whore, the one I left behind.
01:09:21No human being would have accepted to be used like I used her.
01:09:29But she, she asked me.
01:09:32She asked me.
01:09:33Of course.
01:09:34And she always wanted more.
01:09:39I should have let all the whores out of her belly and then feed them to her.
01:09:43You're right. You're right.
01:10:06I don't even know her name.
01:10:12I've met her.
01:10:17I've met her deepest intimacy.
01:10:22I didn't care to know her name.
01:10:30I didn't care.
01:10:42I don't need it.
01:10:45Neither do I.
01:10:59I don't need it.
01:11:29I don't need it.
01:11:59I don't need it.
01:12:29I wanted to consider what she had given me.
01:12:32I had it.
01:12:33And it could be a guide for my existence.
01:12:37I was taken by the desire to start again.
01:12:40To start again from the beginning.
01:12:42This time completely aware of the reason.
01:12:45I didn't want to admit that life is not like that.
01:12:48That nothing can be started again.
01:12:59I don't need it.
01:13:29I don't need it.
01:13:59I don't need it.
01:14:08I don't need it.
01:14:29I don't need it.
01:14:33I don't need it.
01:14:46I don't need it.
01:15:00I don't need it.
01:15:13I don't need it.
01:15:29I don't need it.
01:15:35I don't need it.
01:15:42I don't need it.
01:15:48I don't need it.
01:15:54I don't need it.
01:15:59I don't need it.
01:16:15I don't need it.
01:16:30I don't need it.
01:16:36I don't need it.
