Penambah Kapasitas Terpasang EBT Capai 217,73 MW

  • last month
Berdasarkan data Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) hingga Semester I-2024, penambahan kapasitas terpasang pembangkit listrik tenaga energi baru terbarukan telah mencapai 217,73 megawatt (MW), atau sekitar 66,6% dari target tahunan sebesar 326,91 megawatt (MW). Namun bauran EBT didalam bauran energi nasional masih realtif lambat diperkirakan hanya sekitar 14% pada tahun 2025 mendatang.


00:05Based on the Ministry of Electricity's data,
00:07until the first semester of 2024,
00:09the added capacity of new and renewable energy power plants
00:13has reached 217.73 megawatts
00:16or around 66.6% of the annual target,
00:19as large as 326.91 megawatts.
00:22However, the EBT smell in the national energy smell
00:26is still relatively slow,
00:27estimated only around 14% in 2025.
00:37The Indonesian government continues to show a strong commitment
00:39in the development of renewable energy.
00:41Until the first semester of 2024,
00:43the added capacity of new and renewable energy power plants
00:47has reached 217.73 megawatts
00:50or around 66.6% of the annual target,
00:54as large as 326.91 megawatts.
00:57This increase in capacity is dominated by
00:59hydro power plants and solar power plants.
01:02Hydro power plants managed to reach 66.4% of the target,
01:05while solar power plants even surpassed the target
01:08with a reach of 147.02%.
01:11While the global heat power plants have not yet reached the target,
01:14other renewable energy sectors such as bioenergy
01:16also show positive development,
01:18which is 43.2% of the target.
01:21Along with the increased added capacity,
01:24investment in the EBT sector continues to increase.
01:27Until June 2024,
01:29investment reached US$0.565 billion
01:33or around 45.9% of the annual target
01:36and as large as US$1.232 billion.
01:40The global heat sector and various EBT
01:42are the largest contributors to this investment.
01:45It is noted that the global heat sector has contributed
01:47to the national budget as large as US$0.218 billion.
01:51It is followed by various EBT of US$0.335 billion,
01:55bioenergy of US$0.011 billion,
01:58and energy conservation of US$0.013 billion.
02:02Although there is a positive achievement,
02:04however, the EBT volume in the national energy volume
02:07is still relatively slow,
02:08estimated at only around 13% to 14% in 2025.
02:21Thank you for watching!
