Reality Of Peoples Behavior By Pir Ajmal Raza Qadari. Islamic & informative channel

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Islamic and informative video
00:00Dear friends, the Qur'an has mentioned the companions of the Prophet and has done so in an individual way.
00:14The imitation of a person is in his actions, not in his beliefs.
00:21Those of us who believe in the Lord and the Messenger do not believe in what the Imam of Adam said.
00:25Allah should believe in the Messenger, that is why the Lord believes in the Messenger.
00:31The actions are imitated, we are imitated in the laws of jurisprudence.
00:36Beliefs are not imitated.
00:39But there is an example of a belief.
00:43That my belief is like this belief.
00:46I have a view that a certain person was also stating.
00:51Although there is no imitation in this.
00:53If you look at the Qur'an, then Allah said about the hypocrites.
01:02When the hypocrites are told to believe as other people believe.
01:14That is, as the companions of my Prophet believed.
01:19This is the first example.
01:21And look at these verses.
01:25This is the second example of Surah Baqarah.
01:29When they are told to believe as other people believe.
01:36What answer do they give?
01:38When they are told to believe as other people believe.
01:41Pay special attention to the translation.
01:44In the answer, the hypocrites say that do we believe like these fools?
01:51That is, they say to the companions that it is okay to read the Kalima.
01:56And it is okay to consider the Prophet as a prophet.
02:00But what happened that everything was sacrificed for the Prophet?
02:04They are calling this, Maazallah, foolishness.
02:07They say, do we believe like these fools?
02:10What does Allah say?
02:13And what does the Lord say to the one who criticizes the companions?
02:16Allah says,
02:19Beware, those who call the servants of My Beloved foolish are foolish themselves.
02:28But they do not even know.
02:31They are foolish and do not even know it.
02:34Do you know what was the honor of the companions of the servants of the Prophet?
02:41Just as the hypocrites used to say,
02:44Abdullah bin Abi Salool used to say that I read the Kalima, I go to the mosque.
02:49Now you say, Maazallah, that I also worship Muhammad bin Abdullah.
02:52So this does not happen to me.
02:55The oppressors declared love as worship.
02:59So they were not ready to be slaves like that, to love like that, to be associated with the Prophet.
03:08They were not ready for that.
03:10Look at me, may Allah reward you.
03:13I want to say a few things to you and there is little time left.
03:16May Allah give you a lot of blessings.
03:19And I, God willing, always try not to say a single word more.
03:26That is, only what is needed is said.
03:29That is, it is not that something will be stretched and lengthened so that the hour is completed.
03:34God willing, I will say what is needed the most.
03:39And I will try to say it with a single tear, my heart.
03:43It is better than sending a storm.
03:47Two tears are enough, if they have an effect.
03:50Dear friends, remember that the companions of the Prophet loved the Prophet.
03:56When this love happens with someone, it does a lot of wonders.
04:02The condition is that it happens.
04:05Some people do not have it, they just claim it.
04:08If it happens, then a lot of people do what they do in their routine.
04:15An example is given by Data Ganjbakhsh Ali Ajweri in Kashf-ul-Majoob.
04:20Data Sahib says that Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Mubarak, who is the Imam of both Sufis and Muhajjis.
04:26Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Mubarak says that he fell in love with a woman before he repented.
04:32Data Sahib has written to explain this.
04:35He teaches a lesson a thousand years ago.
04:38He says that I used to go to his house at night and I used to roam around in the cold all night.
04:43She came to the roof for a couple of minutes and said that the crowd has increased today, we will not be able to meet.
04:50I roamed all night, stayed all night.
04:53She came for a couple of minutes, made an excuse and left.
04:57But I did not get angry at her.
05:00I did not feel that I will not be able to come tomorrow.
05:06I used to hear in my heart that the poor woman is helpless.
05:11She is in some pain.
05:13She was in love.
05:15One night I stayed up all night.
05:17She left after saying a couple of sentences.
05:21When I was returning, the call to prayer was being made.
05:25I heard a voice from inside me.
05:27Abdullah, if you can stay up all night for a woman, then you can stay up all night for the Lord and the Prophet as well.
05:33If you can stay up all night for the Lord and the Prophet as well.
05:37Believe me, people make an excuse that they love the Prophet.
05:41If you pay a little attention, love makes you do a lot.
05:44This girl is from a rich family.
05:49She is our beloved daughter.
05:52Her father loves her, her mother loves her, she loves her.
05:56May Allah reward you.
05:59I have got the money. The more I have, the more they are for me.
06:02May Allah reward you.
06:04If I had come to take the money, then I would have made an account before coming.
06:08May Allah reward you.
06:10We need the throne.
06:11We need the throne.
06:13What do we need the city of Bambol for? We are going to burn our hair.
06:17What do we need the city of Bambol for?
06:20May Allah reward you.
06:24Pay attention to what I am saying. This is more important for me.
06:29Dear friend, pay attention.
06:31The girl is very lovely.
06:35Her mother tells her to wake up early in the morning.
06:37If you wake up late, then when you leave...
06:41The call to prayer is being made.
06:55So, the mother tells her to wake up early in the morning.
06:59The girl says, mother, let me sleep now.
07:02When I go to my mother-in-law, I will see.
07:03The mother-in-law says, your mother-in-law will complain that your mother-in-law has not taught you anything.
07:08But the girl does not listen.
07:10She keeps sleeping.
07:12Then she gets married and her husband tells her that you do not wake up early in the morning.
07:15My mother-in-law is objecting. Wake up early.
07:17She says, I try, but my eyes do not open.
07:20A lot of criticism, a lot of objection. But she does not wake up.
07:25But then Allah gives a son to that daughter.
07:28The daughter does not even wake up at 6 o'clock in the morning.
07:32Her son wakes up at night.
07:35And when she wakes up at 6 o'clock, she still takes an hour to go to the washroom.
07:39To get ready.
07:41She wakes up, but still she is very lazy.
07:44But Allah gave a son to that daughter.
07:48The son did not wake up in the morning.
07:50At 2.30 in the night, he did a little bit.
07:54A little bit.
07:55Just a little bit.
07:58He did not cry at all.
08:00He did not even know when she went to the washroom and brought milk.
08:04Now ask him how his eyes open.
08:07Let me give you one more example. You will understand it soon.
08:10I will give you one more example.
08:13I will give you one more example.
08:15Nowadays, our children go and eat burgers at night.
08:18They do not come home and tell us.
08:20So, the mother begs her son to eat.
08:24He says, no, you people have cooked potatoes and peas, I do not want to eat.
08:28Although he has eaten burger.
08:31So, a few times the mother says, my son, tell me what to eat.
08:35So, the father says, like me, shut up.
08:38If you feel hungry, you will eat.
08:40So, leave it.
08:42But she is the mother.
08:44She then begs.
08:46She says, come on, whatever you say.
08:47Until she does not believe
08:50that she has eaten, she does not sleep.
08:53A scholar had said that a person's wife died.
08:57So, he got married again.
09:00He had a son of 8-10 years.
09:02He used to live with his stepmother.
09:05So, a few days later he asked, son, was your old mother fine or is she fine?
09:09So, he said, father, this stepmother is fine.
09:12He said, why?
09:14He said, the old mother used to lie a lot.
09:17She speaks the truth.
09:19He said, how?
09:21So, he said, father, when I used to misbehave in front of my stepmother,
09:25she used to say, today you do not have to give me bread.
09:28But she was a liar.
09:30Half an hour did not pass, so she used to look in the streets.
09:34That my son did not eat bread.
09:36She was such a liar, just now she was saying no.
09:38And this is true.
09:40When I misbehave, she says, you do not have to give me bread.
09:44Then even if I cry all night, she does not give me.
09:47The truth is, she said, love is a lie.
09:51Then I said to her, may God give you love.
09:55Then someone should separate you from him.
09:58Then you should read him on the pictures.
10:00Then you should roam the streets.
10:02Then you should chant his name.
10:05Then I should say that love is a lie and you should say no, no.
10:09The Companions fell in love with the people of Madinah.
10:13To live, to die, to get up, to sit, to cover, to spread.
10:17Meaning, attention was focused.
10:19Even if you fall in love with someone, you still fall in love.
10:22This young child does not come out of the country all his life.
10:25To become something for the children, to become something for the children, to become something for the children.
10:29Love has already happened.
10:31He does not want his children to be weak.
10:33If love becomes pure,
10:35then it does the same thing that a person does in his routine.
10:38Hazrat Siddiq Akbar.
10:42He was a man of a soft nature in terms of his temperament.
10:47He never teased the children.
10:49He was a cold man.
10:51And he used to spend time with satisfaction.
10:54And among the Companions, he was a man of a soft nature.
10:58But one day his father came.
11:00In the presence of Huzoor.
11:02And he came and said, what happened?
11:05What did you teach?
11:07Huzoor said, what happened?
11:09He said, Abu Bakr Siddiq slapped me today.
11:12Huzoor said, call Abu Bakr.
11:14Huzoor came and bowed his head and stood up.
11:18Huzoor said, Abu Bakr, people cannot believe it.
11:21You will hit your father?
11:23You never teased the children.
11:25What happened?
11:27He kept his head down for a while.
11:29Kareem said, why don't you speak?
11:32Huzoor said, when Siddiq Akbar raised his head, his beard was full of tears.
11:37He cried.
11:39He said, O Messenger of Allah, tell my father to pick up this dagger and cut off my head.
11:42I will not even sneeze.
11:44But Huzoor, tell him not to speak in your honour.
11:48Tell him, my dear, understand my helplessness.
11:52I tolerate everything.
11:54But why should someone from Madinah be rude to me?
11:56I cannot tolerate it.
11:58Today, my father has been rude in your honour.
12:02Huzoor, I only had a hand.
12:04I slapped him.
12:06I swear by Allah, if I had a sword, I would have cut off my father's head today.
12:09Why is it difficult for people to offer Salat?
12:13Think about it.
12:15Why is it difficult for people?
12:17He is a very pious, religious, devout person.
12:21But on the day of marriage, he forgets the entire religion.
12:24He forgets that today is the wedding.
12:27So, even today, I am the Messenger of Allah.
12:29Are you upset?
12:31May Allah keep you happy.
12:33Even if you get upset, there is no problem.
12:35Because I am speaking the truth.
12:36Oh, brother!
12:38You will know how pious a person is only when his son gets married.
12:42When his son gets married.
12:44When someone dies.
12:46Now you will know how pious a person is.
12:49In a gathering, everyone is pious like me.
12:53In this, the politician who never wears a cap,
12:56when he gets down, he borrows it from someone and wears it.
12:59Here, everything is fine.
13:01Here, there is no problem.
13:02The problem will arise when we will implement the love of the Messenger of Allah in our homes as well.
13:07When our souls will love the Prophet.
13:10The tone of our mouths and the focus of our hearts will also be on the Prophet.
13:15The slaves of the Prophet did not love the Prophet.
13:19And believe me, they loved him openly.
13:22And they loved the Prophet.
13:25And it is a miracle.
13:27Look, the slaves of the Prophet did not love the Prophet.
13:29They loved the Prophet.
13:31And it is a miracle.
13:33Remember one thing.
13:35Even without the love of the Prophet,
13:38there are many people who claim that they know the Qur'an and Sunnah and read it.
13:43They say that they love the Prophet and that is why they come to the mosque.
13:46But remember,
13:48when a person goes to meet some guests,
13:51I often tell my friends that we go to two types of weddings.
13:54One type of wedding is when a father sends his son to a friend's wedding.
14:00The son says that he doesn't want to go to the wedding.
14:03The father says that you can go.
14:05So the son goes to the wedding.
14:07But it is at the right time.
14:09And he comes back.
14:11And there is no relationship.
14:13But the love is very deep.
14:15He is a class fellow and has a lot of love.
14:17He does not go to the wedding at the right time.
14:19He goes to the wedding two days before the wedding procession.
14:21And he has a PhD.
14:23He is an important person.
14:25He has a lot of wealth.
14:27But he goes to the wedding.
14:29He does his duties.
14:31He does his duties.
14:33Ask him that you were saying that you don't want to go to the wedding.
14:37And here you have come at the right time.
14:39So he says that he has a disagreement with them.
14:41And I have come here and that is why I love the Prophet.
14:43You should understand this.
14:45The love that our elders gave to the Prophet,
14:47The love that our elders gave to the Prophet,
14:49The love that our elders gave to the Prophet,
14:52They said that when you love, then religion does not become a burden.
14:56Then there is no burden.
14:58Then life becomes enjoyable for a person.
15:01Then he gets peace.
15:03He gets familiarity.
15:05He gets a taste.
15:07Hazrat Sayyiduna Anas bin Malik says that
15:10Sahiba Tabqaat has written a narration.
15:12On the occasion of a battle, the Prophet said to the Companions
15:15that every person should bring something today.
15:18And present it in the battle.
15:20There is a great need.
15:22For the expenses of the Mujahideen.
15:24Every person should contribute.
15:26When the Prophet said that every person should contribute.
15:28He said that there was a Companion named Abdullah Muzni.
15:32He was a poor man.
15:34A poor man spends his life in fear.
15:37He is afraid of the Minister and the Pir as well.
15:39Tell the people who are affected by the situation.
15:42Situations change.
15:43People do not remain the same.
15:45This poor man is afraid.
15:47And that is why people disappoint him.
15:50Then gradually the abilities of these people,
15:53which are not there, start to diminish.
15:55They think that they cannot sit in the respected tabqaats of the society.
15:59The Prophet said that every person should bring.
16:02Hazrat Abdullah Muzni.
16:04Some people have written another name for the Companions.
16:07They say that they did not have anything.
16:09But the Prophet said that bring.
16:12They said that they did not have anything.
16:14They said that they did not have anything.
16:16Then I got up.
16:18And I went to a man's garden and said,
16:20Will I get a labourer?
16:22He was a Jew.
16:24He told me that he was a hard worker.
16:26He does not take out the water which is put in front of the bull.
16:29He said that my bull is dead.
16:32And today I need water for a few hours.
16:35O my brother, I am not telling you a story.
16:38These are the shining stars
16:39that even the angels used to admire.
16:44Love does a strange thing.
16:47It does a strange thing.
16:49Do you know what that Companion did?
16:51He put a bandage around his neck where the bull does his duty.
16:55And he started roaming around that well.
16:59And he found himself in the well.
17:02We do not know anything about ourselves.
17:05We do not know anything about ourselves.
17:07And people looked at us.
17:09And people looked at us.
17:11We were naked.
17:13We were naked.
17:15And the Companion said,
17:17O my brother,
17:19I lost myself.
17:21And my friend wanted me.
17:23He said, I kept roaming around.
17:25I was a human being.
17:27I was a delicate being.
17:29My body was torn.
17:31And I found a few kilos of dates in the labourer.
17:34And I tied them with a cloth.
17:35And I tied them with a cloth.
17:37And I was crying all the way.
17:39And I was thinking that people like Usman-e-Ghani
17:42would have piled them up.
17:44People like Abdul Rehman-e-Ibn-e-Auf
17:46would have piled them up.
17:48What will I do with these few kilos of dates?
17:50He said, O my brother,
17:52I was crying.
17:54First I went home.
17:56I had some blood on me.
17:58They changed my clothes.
18:00And then they took me to the Naaz area.
18:02I used to go there before.
18:03And I saw something amazing.
18:05When I went to the door of the Prophet,
18:08the people of Madinah stood up looking at my face.
18:12And they said,
18:14Before you were given dates,
18:16the Prophet opened both his arms like this.
18:18And when I hugged Kareem,
18:21I cried a little.
18:24And my Prophet said,
18:26Bring these dates here.
18:28They said, those dates were a few kilos.
18:30There was a pile of wealth in the Prophet's mosque.
18:33The Prophet picked up those dates
18:36and scattered them all over the wealth.
18:38And the Prophet said,
18:40Don't worry.
18:42As much as my Lord will reward all those who give a pile,
18:45Allah will reward you alone.
18:48Allah will reward you alone.
18:51In the love of the Prophet,
18:53those people were enthralled.
18:56The path that the Prophet took,
18:58they followed.
19:00This is the only Jama'at in the world,
19:04They never questioned the Prophet.
19:07How is this Prophet? How is that Prophet?
19:09They just said whatever came to their mind.
19:13when I have the opportunity
19:15to talk to Muslims,
19:18I hear a lot of strange things.
19:21People ask,
19:23What is the wisdom behind making interest unlawful?
19:26You know,
19:27our ex-president also said,
19:29Maulvis should find a way
19:31to make interest unlawful.
19:34This is a mental illusion.
19:36The more you go away from religion,
19:39the more your soul teaches you some kind of delusion.
19:45Because now we don't earn money for food.
19:48Now we earn money for a bungalow.
19:52And there is no limit to the number of bungalows.
19:55If you are sitting in a small car,
19:58you feel that the car should be a little big.
20:01And when you get a big car,
20:03you feel that its tires are small.
20:05Sometimes you get a big car with big tires.
20:07If you buy a house,
20:09then the front part of the house
20:11starts troubling you.
20:13If you get this,
20:15you feel that you can park your car here.
20:17There is no limit to the number of bungalows.
20:20There is no limit.
20:22People don't stay here.
20:24Now Salman says,
20:26first tell me the wisdom.
20:28Tell me the wisdom of beard.
20:30Tell me the wisdom of Salat.
20:32Tell me the wisdom of
20:34something which is applicable to us in Islam.
20:38There is wisdom in every command.
20:40Every scholar will explain it
20:42according to his knowledge.
20:44But I raise a question here.
20:46I say that
20:48you told your servant
20:50to bring 1000 rupees of sugar.
20:52He said to you,
20:54ask him for 200 rupees.
20:56That will also do the job.
20:58I think you will agree with him.
21:00Tell me.
21:02Why won't you agree?
21:04You will say,
21:06being a servant,
21:08you tell stories.
21:10The work you take money for
21:12is to listen to the story.
21:14Take 1000 rupees
21:16and go and bring sugar from there.
21:18Don't tell stories.
21:20The servants do slavery.
21:22They don't ask for wisdom.
21:24The servants do slavery.
21:26They don't ask for wisdom.
21:28Their work is to
21:30tell the story.
21:32Hazrat Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal
21:34said that
21:36I bought a slave from the market
21:38but I brought a servant of Allah.
21:40It was just an introduction.
21:42It is not necessary
21:44that the person should be a great poet.
21:46The person should be in a good state.
21:48If the person passes away
21:50the person will be in a bad state.
21:52The person should be in a good state.
21:54The first day he sat at home
21:56I asked him,
21:58what is your name?
22:00He said,
22:04slaves don't have a name.
22:06If you call someone else
22:08I will think you are calling me.
22:10I asked him,
22:12what will you eat?
22:14He said,
22:18slaves don't have tantrums.
22:20I will eat what is left.
22:22He said,
22:26slaves don't have lust.
22:28Slaves obey orders.
22:30He said,
22:32he was talking about himself.
22:34I felt pleasure and started crying.
22:36I hugged him.
22:38I said,
22:40you are my slave,
22:42so I am also someone's slave.
22:44Hazrat Baba Bulleh Shah Sahib
22:46used to say
22:48that we are the owners of a dog.
22:50We keep a dog at home.
22:52We feed it one meal.
22:56when we sleep in the fan,
22:58it goes under a tree.
23:00In Punjabi,
23:02it is called a tree.
23:04It goes under a tree and sleeps.
23:06He said,
23:08you are the owner of it.
23:10You look after it.
23:12You also have an owner.
23:14You look after it
23:16and do your work.
23:18He said,
23:20I can't get up in the morning.
23:22I am busy in the evening.
23:24He said,
23:26that was a long time ago.
23:28How can I do it now?
23:30Hazrat Baba Sahib said,
23:32you stay awake at night.
23:34Dogs stay awake at night.
23:38recognize the value of a burki.
23:40You sleep like a master.
23:44you eat dry bread.
23:46You sleep in dry bread.
23:51wake up,
23:52and say,
23:54otherwise the dogs will take you away.
23:57Wake up and say,
23:59otherwise the dogs will take you away.
24:01Those people,
24:03the slaves of the Prophet,
24:05the slaves of the Prophet.
24:07These are the words of Rashid Bukhari.
24:09It is very important to read.
24:11And you will find this narration
24:13in every book of Ahadith.
24:15Urwa bin Masood Sakfi came
24:18to negotiate with the Muslims.
24:20And he came as an ambassador
24:23of the non-believers.
24:25One is the mirror of love.
24:27The one in front of him looks good.
24:29One is the mirror of disagreement.
24:31In that you can see both good and bad.
24:34Urwa bin Masood Sakfi
24:36came from the side of the non-believers.
24:38He came with a mirror of disagreement.
24:40And when he returned to the place of Hudaibiyah
24:43after seeing the Prophet and his companions,
24:45he is present in Sahih Bukhari.
24:47He went and told Abu Sufyan,
24:48Never fight with the Muslims.
24:50May Allah understand what I am saying.
24:53You should understand this pain.
24:55This is the saying of the person
24:57who later becomes a Muslim.
24:59And at that time he is saying
25:01when he did not read the Kalima yet.
25:03Abu Sufyan has not yet become a Muslim
25:05when he is telling him this.
25:07He said, never fight with them.
25:09My young friends,
25:11we do love someone or the other.
25:13Okay, the one who does not like wealth,
25:15he likes fame.
25:16You can see
25:18how much we like photos.
25:20You can see
25:22where we have got entangled.
25:24We have become so big.
25:26And if not of wealth,
25:28if not of fame,
25:30then of power.
25:32We are not living without love.
25:34People like it a lot.
25:36They like it a lot.
25:38And they are running after them.
25:40And they have lost their lives.
25:42Look at this style
25:43which makes a person
25:49Urwa bin Masood Sakfi said,
25:51never fight with the Muslims
25:53from the Quraysh.
25:55So, since there was a debate
25:57between them,
25:59they had to prepare
26:01a meeting.
26:03So, Abu Sufyan said,
26:05why are you telling us
26:07not to fight?
26:09They have a lot of weapons.
26:10They are well-trained.
26:12They are well-trained.
26:14Why should we not fight?
26:17Urwa bin Masood Sakfi said,
26:19I have not only seen them,
26:21I have seen the world.
26:23I am not being impressed
26:25by one person's comment.
26:27I am being impressed
26:29by the world.
26:31And he said, listen,
26:33I have not been to the first place
26:35where people do adab.
26:37I have been to the court of those kings
26:38who do sajda.
26:40God forbid,
26:42people are told to do sajda
26:44and then come inside.
26:46I have seen people do sajda.
26:48I have seen the world.
26:50And I am not an inappropriate person.
26:52I am a rich man.
26:54I have a very high standard.
26:56Never fight with the Muslims.
26:58The reason for this is
27:00that the amount of adab and love
27:02that the companions of Muhammad
27:05do for the Prophet,
27:06I have never seen anyone
27:08do so much.
27:10Please understand what I am saying.
27:12This is not a speech.
27:14Please try to understand
27:16what I am saying.
27:19I am expressing my emotions.
27:21Please understand my pain.
27:25Urwa said,
27:27I have seen a strange scene.
27:29The mother cleans the child's nose.
27:31She removes the sand from the nose
27:33and throws it here.
27:34She is a mother.
27:36I have seen a strange scene here
27:38that the Prophet removes the sand
27:40from the nose
27:42and does not hit the child.
27:44He is an Arab man
27:46like Abdul Rehman Ibn Auf.
27:48He is a wise man
27:50and a rich man.
27:52The Prophet removes the sand
27:54and takes it on his hands
27:56and puts it on his face.
27:58I have seen a strange scene
28:00that the Prophet cleans the child's nose
28:02and when the Prophet
28:04removes the sand
28:06he does not hit the child.
28:08He is a brave man
28:10like Ali Al-Murtada.
28:12He is a brave man
28:14like Farooq-e-Azam.
28:16He is a man of the field.
28:18He is not a lion.
28:20He is not a man who sits alone.
28:22He is a man of the field.
28:24I have seen a strange scene
28:26that the Prophet
28:28cleans the child's nose
28:30and puts it on his face.
28:32He said,
28:34I have seen a strange scene
28:36that the Prophet
28:38takes a drop of water
28:40from the Prophet's body
28:42and he runs
28:44and the one who does not get the drop
28:46the one who gets it
28:48says to him,
28:50bring your hand closer
28:52so that I can take the drop
28:54from your hand.
28:56Bring it closer
28:58so that I can take the drop
29:00from your hand.
29:01If their slaves
29:03do not let the drop of water
29:05fall on the ground
29:07they will not even
29:09let the flag of their religion
29:13My brother,
29:15we have given space
29:17to other religions
29:19very quickly.
29:21We have done our loss.
29:23We sleep peacefully at night.
29:25We are not satisfied people.
29:27We live a life
29:29that is not satisfied.
29:31I don't know why
29:33I am worried.
29:35I say,
29:37I know,
29:39you can ask me.
29:41When you are hungry
29:43you know that you are hungry.
29:45The soul is also hungry.
29:47It is telling you
29:49not to do anything today
29:51and remember the one
29:53from Medina.
29:55It is telling you
29:57not to sleep at night
29:59and not to get up
30:01in the morning.
30:03It is entangled in stories.
30:05If you serve the Prophet,
30:07if you love the Prophet,
30:09you will enjoy living.
30:11Let me tell you,
30:13I have heard this all my life
30:15from my teachers
30:19when an order comes
30:23you have to see the order
30:25and not follow the order.
30:27If you have to accept something
30:29in the order then
30:31you have to see the order.
30:35count this every day.
30:37Let me summarize.
30:39It was a strange scene.
30:41On the occasion of Hudaybiyah
30:43when the treaty was being written
30:45with the Quraish
30:47then the responsibility of writing
30:49was of Maula Ali.
30:51Hazrat Maula Ali was writing.
30:53So Hazrat Ali started writing the agreement.
30:56He wrote that
30:58Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
30:59and there is a treaty between
31:01the Quraish of Mecca.
31:03He wrote that
31:05Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
31:09Many of the Quraish
31:11said that
31:13we disagree with this.
31:16We do not consider you
31:18to be the Messenger of Allah.
31:20If you accept this
31:22then what is the issue?
31:24You write Muhammad Ibn Abdullah
31:26and not the Messenger of Allah.
31:27So the Messenger of Allah said
31:29Ali, there is nothing to fight about.
31:31I am Muhammad
31:33the Messenger of Allah
31:35and I am Muhammad Ibn Abdullah.
31:37Do this.
31:39Cut the Messenger of Allah
31:41and write Ibn Abdullah.
31:43It was a simple thing.
31:45There were 1400-1500 people
31:47between whom the duty
31:49was of Maula Ali to write.
31:51And Hazrat Ali also wrote.
31:53He said cut him from here
31:55and write Ibn Abdullah.
31:58The Prophet said the second time
32:00Ali, cut the Messenger of Allah
32:02and write Ibn Abdullah.
32:04Maula Ali kept quiet.
32:06The Prophet could have indicated
32:08and he could have come immediately.
32:10But here he was ordered twice
32:12and he was still quiet.
32:14The Prophet said the third time
32:18do not cut the Messenger of Allah
32:20and write Ibn Abdullah.
32:22So Maula Ali,
32:24what does he say?
32:25You will find the words of the Hadith.
32:27He said, O Messenger of Allah,
32:29I swear by the honour of Allah,
32:31I cannot be cut.
32:34I know how to write your poems
32:36but I cannot cut them.
32:38I cannot be cut, O Messenger of Allah.
32:40What does Iqbal say?
32:42Iqbal says, now there is a fire of love.
32:44It is dark.
32:46Now he is not a Muslim.
32:48He is a pile of dust.
32:50Now there is no happiness.
32:52Hazrat Maula Ali said,
32:53How can I cut it, O Prophet?
32:55I am trying to.
32:57But I am compelled.
32:59I cannot write or cut.
33:01I cannot write.
33:03You can't cook or cook.
33:05We were burnt by the burning fire.
33:07You have burnt us.
33:09You have ruined all our dreams.
33:11You have brought us love.
33:13The heart is full of love,
33:15the heart is full of patience.
33:17We are all yours,
33:19I am all yours.
33:21You don't believe me.
33:23The Prophet did not write it.
33:25And this is the condition of the people to this day.
33:29To this day.
33:31Our elders worked hard for this.
33:33This is the condition to this day.
33:35I am speaking to you with great responsibility.
33:37With great responsibility and experience.
33:42It is my claim.
33:43Because I am the one with turban, beard,
33:45I am called Peer sahib, Maulvi sahib.
33:47It is my claim that I am the Prophet of today.
33:49It is my claim.
33:51But because this love of the Prophet is the legacy of this Ummah.
33:54And our elders have worked hard for this.
33:57The result of this is that
33:59My youth, who is completely clean shaven,
34:02And is not a worshipper,
34:03Even if his ears are painfully called the people of Madinah,
34:08Even his soul starts saying,
34:10Ya Nabi, Ya Nabi.
34:13This is the legacy.
34:14This Ummah.
34:16Just now our brother was giving a sign.
34:19No one is afraid of your atom bomb.
34:21He knows what the condition of the atom bomb is.
34:23He knows everything.
34:25And see.
34:27Being an atomic power is a big thing in the world.
34:30It is not a small thing.
34:32But despite being an atomic power,
34:34Can you maintain your greatness?
34:38Who gave you a big seat after that?
34:41What happened?
34:44Matters are over.
34:46The Arabs have more money than you and me.
34:51What forced you to go with Israel?
34:55What forced you?
34:57Didn't we think?
34:59How many Palestinian mothers are there,
35:03Who still see the roads,
35:05Through which the children were arrested and taken,
35:08But did not return.
35:11But what is our compulsion?
35:13We do not have the love of the Prophet.
35:16There is no compulsion.
35:18When you have everything,
35:21You have built the world's largest airport.
35:25You have built the world's largest buildings.
35:28You have accumulated wealth.
35:30Then what hunger is there that is not satisfied?
35:33Then what else did you want,
35:35That you started bowing everywhere?
35:38There is one thing.
35:39One thing.
35:41It is the love of the Prophet.
35:43Since the day you have been stuck in worldly affairs,
35:47I say with great responsibility,
35:50And I have to face criticism many times,
35:53But let me tell you,
35:55I am also like this.
35:56When a religious scholar gets stuck,
35:58That he has to give four paise,
36:00Then that small thought,
36:02The benefit becomes small.
36:04Then he does not consider himself a missionary.
36:07Then he does not consider himself a preacher,
36:09Then he is a day-worshipper.
36:11If he gets stuck, it is fine.
36:13If he does not get stuck, it is fine.
36:14Muslims have made themselves day-worshippers.
36:17A gentleman called me.
36:19If you want to be called for a speech,
36:21How much money do you take?
36:23I said,
36:24You have made our market.
36:26You have made us stand in the market.
36:29What a rate you have set for us.
36:31He said,
36:32No, you still tell me.
36:33I said,
36:34Give two crores.
36:36He said,
36:37Then you have gone too far.
36:38Then I said,
36:39Call me for free.
36:40Because the praise of Madinah's beloved,
36:43Cannot be bought with money.
36:45So why are you stuck?
36:55My colleagues have come with me.
36:59The mosque in which I live,
37:02The population also ends in front of it.
37:04So a lot of people came.
37:07It was raining in a big car.
37:09So it was very difficult to come to the mosque.
37:12So he came to me and said,
37:13Where do you live?
37:14I said,
37:15Don't give you a very big place.
37:17You have made it.
37:18So I said,
37:19When you give a place,
37:20You will have to salute too.
37:22Which will be difficult for us.
37:24The family of Hazrat Barelvi.
37:25May Allah have mercy on him.
37:27My matter was completed.
37:29The family of Hazrat Barelvi went to the shop to buy mustard oil.
37:33The shopkeeper was given a bottle.
37:35He said,
37:36Fill it with oil.
37:37He filled it.
37:38He said,
37:39How much money?
37:40He said,
37:41It is of five annas.
37:42You give three annas in our house.
37:45Leave two.
37:46He said,
37:47You keep the whole.
37:48I don't sell my knowledge for two annas.
37:51The people of Dubai are pleased.
37:54In this calamity,
37:55My calamity.
37:56I am the donkey of my Kareem.
37:59My religion is not Parayana.
38:01People of Arabia.
38:03Your glory is because you are from the tribe of Muhammad the Arabian Prophet.
38:10And if you will stay connected to the Prophet,
38:12Then you will get glory.
38:13You will get greatness.
38:15Otherwise, if you will build castles on the blood of Muslims,
38:18Then success will be near you.
38:21We have lived a long life.
38:23We have lived a long life.
38:26Now we have lived so much that we are nothing.
38:59Love Allah. Love the creation of Allah.
39:04Imam Fakhruddin Razi writes in Tafseer-e-Kabir,
39:08The Prophet said,
39:10A very sinful person will be brought before Allah on the Day of Judgement.
39:16And when the angels will reveal his deeds, he will be afraid.
39:22Then the Lord will say,
39:24Do not punish him.
39:26My intention has become that I will give him paradise without any account.
39:31He is the Lord.
39:46My intention is to forgive him.
39:48Now he has been forgiven.
39:49When he started going to paradise, he himself became very ashamed.
39:53People love him so much that he himself becomes ashamed.
39:56He became ashamed and said,
39:58Maula, I know about my days and nights.
40:01Kareema, there is no such thing,
40:03that if I am forgiven,
40:05I will be told what was the reason for my forgiveness.
40:09So the Lord said,
40:10In your village, in your city, in your neighborhood,
40:12One day you were passing by at night.
40:14A crore had hit your feet.
40:17There was no one who would have clicked your photo and published it in the newspaper.
40:21Now people quickly go on Facebook.
40:23There was no one to publish your advertisement.
40:27There was no one to praise you.
40:30It was a dark night.
40:32It was dark.
40:34There was no one.
40:36And in that darkness,
40:38you picked up that stick with your hand.
40:41And then you went to a corner and threw it away.
40:45Why did you throw it away?
40:46It was of no use to you.
40:48So the man said,
40:49Maulik, I thought that in my village,
40:53there are old people, sick people, women and children.
40:57Allah, I threw that stick for them.
41:00My parents said,
41:01The Lord will say,
41:03In the darkness of the night,
41:05you took care of my people.
41:07So in the darkness of the day of judgement,
41:08should I not take care of you?
41:10Should I not take care of you today?
41:12That is your good deed.
41:13The condition is that you are sincere.
41:16The condition is that
41:17you are pure in your character.
41:20The condition is that
41:21you are for the pleasure of Allah.
41:23He said,
41:24He liked your good deed so much
41:26that he turned all your sins into darkness
41:29and today he has decided to give you Jannah
41:31without any account.
41:33But here the matter is,
41:44May Allah reward you.
41:45May Allah reward you.
41:46Here the matter is,
41:48that our brother
41:50goes on a 10 mile journey
41:51and gets a loan from a friend
41:53but he does not share his pain with us.
41:55He says,
41:56First he will consult his wife,
41:57then he will complain in front of 20 friends
41:59that they do not let me live.
42:01They ask for money every day.
42:02Our own people do not share their pain with us.
42:04Our wife does not discuss the pain of her family with us.
42:07She says,
42:08He will say,
42:09I have already said that your family is not good.
42:12Our own people do not discuss.
42:15We have created such strictness in you
42:17that we start with our own people
42:19and end with our own people.
42:21This is how we will end.
42:23Those who keep making their own people,
42:25they get destroyed.
42:26They do not get anything.
42:28God forbid.
42:29Look at the right and left as well.
42:31I gave an example of Imam Fakhruddin Razi
42:33from his book.
42:34For Imam Razi,
42:35Hazrat Abu Ali Ribati,
42:36an old man passed by.
42:38He was in the time of Imam Sahib
42:41and used to live with him.
42:43He used to say,
42:44God forgive me.
42:45It is very difficult
42:46for a person from one sect
42:47to praise another sect
42:48or pray for them.
42:49This is not possible.
42:50In fact,
42:51we see some shortcomings.
42:52They say,
42:53He does not laugh.
42:54Everything else is fine.
42:55There is something out there.
42:57When a person wants to look for something,
43:00he finds it.
43:02He finds it.
43:03It was his intention.
43:05Hazrat Abu Ali Ribati
43:07used to pray for Imam Razi
43:09in every prayer.
43:11Do you pay attention to what I am saying?
43:13Imam Fakhruddin Razi
43:14is a great man.
43:15He is a great name
43:16among the commentators
43:17as well as among the Sufis.
43:18Hazrat Najmuddin Kubra
43:20was a Sufi
43:21who was well-trained.
43:22He was well-trained.
43:24there is no proper training
43:25in many places.
43:26He was a Sufi
43:27who was well-trained.
43:29There was another scholar
43:30from his time.
43:31He was a great scholar.
43:33He was a great teacher of Hadith.
43:35He used to pray for him
43:36in every prayer.
43:37One day,
43:38his students said,
43:39He is neither your teacher
43:41nor your teacher.
43:43you pray for him
43:44in every prayer.
43:45He said,
43:46He is not only a great commentator,
43:48he is also a great person.
43:50His moral standard
43:51is also very high.
43:53He said,
43:55Tell me.
43:56He said,
43:57He is neither my teacher
43:58nor my teacher.
44:00I did a Hajj with him.
44:01I did a Hajj with him.
44:03Yes, yes.
44:04I did a Hajj with him.
44:05Mian Sahib used to say,
44:08If you want to do it,
44:09do it with all your heart.
44:11don't eat
44:13like this.
44:14I did a Hajj
44:15with him.
44:16That is why
44:17I know.
44:18He said,
44:19Tell me.
44:20He said,
44:21Four or five people
44:22from our city
44:23went for Hajj.
44:24He said,
44:25We get on the bus
44:26and see
44:27which seat is good.
44:29get a seat
44:30on the bus.
44:32run and see
44:33which seat is suitable.
44:35take it.
44:36He used to do this.
44:37He said,
44:38We were together
44:39in Hajj.
44:40There were four or five people.
44:42Imam Fakhr-ud-Din Razi
44:44I was also there.
44:45The rest of the people were also there.
44:46Listen for a while.
44:47I will finish
44:48this matter
44:49very soon.
44:50He said,
44:51Imam Razi said,
44:52I will tell you
44:53a Shariah issue.
44:54Pay attention
44:55to what I say.
44:56A Shariah issue.
44:57We said,
44:58Tell us, Huzoor.
44:59He said,
45:00Huzoor's method
45:01was that
45:02when three or more people
45:05used to gain some
45:07When the debate
45:09about where
45:10to park the break,
45:12to eat,
45:13where to sleep
45:14or where
45:15to pray.
45:17We followed
45:18what the rich
45:19used to do.
45:20If we don't
45:21make one rich,
45:23in my heart,
45:24I thought
45:26His Excellency
45:27wants to become
45:29This thought
45:30comes up
45:32It is very difficult
45:33to talk
45:34If I talk about these issues, how will I make my heart understand that I am talking about someone else?
45:39Then I will repeatedly hear that I am talking about you.
45:42And people will also understand that I am talking about my greatness.
45:45So this is a difficult stage.
45:47When Imam Razi said,
45:49When Imam Razi said, let's make one person rich.
45:54Okay, the elders scolded him and the children tolerated it.
45:57Now pay attention to what I am saying.
45:59This was a Jalsa till Isha.
46:01I was a little helpless.
46:03I came late and I have to reach further.
46:06I had a little promise with those people.
46:08I have to go there too.
46:09So I think it will take a lot of time to maintain this.
46:12So pay attention to what I am saying.
46:15He said, we told him,
46:17Huzoor, you become the rich of the journey.
46:20He said, Imam Razi became rich.
46:22Pay attention to what I am saying.
46:24He was an elder and a scholar.
46:26Sometimes I feel that
46:28we religious people also have a habit of not doing our work.
46:31Someone else picks up the shoes.
46:33It becomes a habit.
46:35It becomes difficult at many places.
46:38It becomes difficult.
46:39When you don't have a habit.
46:40You love your students.
46:42You love them.
46:44They are good in their own way.
46:46But sometimes it becomes difficult.
46:48They don't know where they are.
46:50They get into trouble.
46:52He was a scholar, a Sufi, a Mufassir.
46:56He knew the world.
46:57But when he became the rich of Hajj,
46:59Hazrat Boli Ribati said,
47:01our rich started doing all our work.
47:04One bag in this neck,
47:07another in this neck,
47:08and the third on the head.
47:10Huzoor, give it to us.
47:11He said, keep quiet.
47:12I am not distributing the work.
47:14I am your rich.
47:15You will have to listen to whatever I say.
47:17He said, he used to cook all the food.
47:20He used to wake us up.
47:21He used to bring water for ablution.
47:23He said, one day,
47:24it was raining heavily in the night.
47:26It was cold.
47:27So four sheets came out of Imam Fakhr-ud-Din Razi's bag.
47:31So Imam Sahib,
47:32he brought wood from somewhere.
47:34He knew that it was raining at night.
47:36And the wind was very strong.
47:37The rain stopped.
47:38But the wind was not able to stop.
47:39So he said,
47:40he put wood in four corners.
47:42And then he tied four sheets
47:44and made a curtain
47:46so that the wind does not come inside.
47:48Then he made a bed for us.
47:49And he said,
47:50there was no place to tie one sheet.
47:52So Imam Sahib,
47:53he kept holding the sheet all night.
47:55He said,
47:56when midnight passed,
47:57our tears came out.
47:59I got up and sat down.
48:00I said,
48:01my friend,
48:02you used to live in my city.
48:03You used to live near me.
48:05But you were such a big person.
48:06I did not know this.
48:08You were such a big person.
48:10I did not know this.
48:11Imam Fakhr-ud-Din Razi.
48:12He said,
48:13I cried.
48:14And I tied my hands and said,
48:15Huzoor, stop it.
48:16My heart will burst.
48:17I cannot bear it.
48:18Don't work so much
48:20so that it becomes difficult for us
48:22to repay this loan.
48:23Hazrat Abu Ali Ribati said,
48:25he made him sit with great difficulty.
48:27And then he made a request.
48:28He had a six-month journey
48:29to go and come back.
48:31He said,
48:32make a request
48:33and do some work.
48:34He said,
48:35I have a lot of love for my father.
48:37I have a lot of love for my Ustaz and my Murshid.
48:40But when I raise my hand for prayer,
48:42the name of Imam Razi
48:43is the first thing
48:44that comes to my lips.
48:47Love a little.
48:48Love a little.
48:49Believe me.
48:50A lot of people need someone
48:52to make them understand.
48:54A good person should befriend them.
48:56Some people need it.
48:58They don't want to ask for it.
49:00They don't want to spread their hands.
49:01They need a little wealthy person
49:04to start a little work for them.
49:07I don't know how much
49:08they will benefit the Ummah.
49:10But we are not ready to hold hands.
49:12We are not ready to move forward.
49:14We are not ready to love.
49:16When you will love Allah's creation
49:19and when you will try to love them,
49:22when you will move a little forward.
49:24You see,
49:25when Imam Ghazali passed away,
49:27someone saw him in a dream.
49:28He said,
49:29Huzoor, Allah must have welcomed him a lot.
49:31So he said,
49:32He blessed him.
49:33He forgave Ghazali
49:34and gave him the highest rank in heaven.
49:36So he said,
49:38which book,
49:39which good deed,
49:40which good deed?
49:41He said,
49:42Allah is generous to everyone.
49:43And when I asked,
49:44what was the reason for my forgiveness?
49:46I was told,
49:48one day you were writing.
49:50And you had a ink pen.
49:52The pen was in your hand.
49:54And you know,
49:55in the olden days,
49:56just a few years have passed,
49:58people used to write with ink pens.
50:01So they say,
50:02I used to write with ink pens.
50:03And when I picked it up,
50:04it was very hot.
50:05A fly came and sat on the ink pen.
50:08If I wanted,
50:09I would have blown it away.
50:11I thought,
50:12this poor girl is thirsty.
50:14Drink it sometime.
50:16Drink it sometime.
50:17All the water.
50:18And if her thirst is quenched,
50:19I will use it again.
50:20The ink pen is big.
50:21He said,
50:22he drank it.
50:23And after drinking it,
50:24when the fly flew away,
50:25my heart was at peace.
50:27But I forgot that thing.
50:29Then I never remembered it.
50:31I found out only when,
50:33on the Day of Judgment,
50:34I got the reward for that thing.
50:36When I got the reward for that thing,
50:38the Lord said,
50:39Have mercy on my little creature.
50:42Today I have opened the doors of heaven for you.
50:46Love a little.
50:47Love a little.
50:48We are the followers of that Prophet.
50:50Peace be upon him.
50:52In Britain,
50:54there are very few roadblocks.
50:56I saw a roadblock.
50:57I thought,
50:58what is this?
50:59He said,
51:00a dog ran into a car.
51:02The road was closed.
51:03When the ambulance came,
51:04the dog picked it up and took it away.
51:07It was painful for me.
51:09I was very worried about their beliefs and their matters.
51:13A lot of people don't believe anyone.
51:15They have become atheists.
51:17But I said,
51:18do you know what happens in our society?
51:20If a dog dies on the road,
51:22then cars pass over it.
51:25Someone picks it up and takes it to the side.
51:28This is how it happens.
51:30A person,
51:31although there are roadblocks,
51:33but only when a car touches it by mistake.
51:36Then they stop it.
51:37They say,
51:38you can't go.
51:39You can't go now.
51:40But a dog is an animal.
51:42It has breath.
51:44We hear this every day.
51:46The Quran mentions a dog.
51:48A dog is loyal.
51:50It is loyal to the saints.
51:52This dog will go to heaven.
51:55It was a human dog.
51:57But dogs are crushed.
51:59They are crushed.
52:03I had a habit.
52:04Even before this,
52:05if something like this happened,
52:07I would say,
52:08stop it for a while.
52:10At least,
52:11throw it on the side with a stick.
52:13On the side.
52:14But our problem is that
52:16if a person has an accident on the road,
52:18people don't go near him.
52:19They say,
52:20it's a police case.
52:21Yes, yes.
52:22People don't pick it up.
52:23They say,
52:24I will answer all those questions.
52:25Even if it becomes a police case,
52:28even if the police does something for a while,
52:30what will happen?
52:32It is not a more difficult matter
52:34than serving the Lord's creation.
52:36Even if they don't do anything,
52:38to do good,
52:39they have to face some difficulties.
52:42Hazrat Ali-ul-Murtaza,
52:44the poet of God,
52:46when we were entering for the conquest of Mecca,
52:49we were entering Mecca.
52:51It was the occasion of the conquest of Mecca.
52:53He said,
52:54in front of us was the Prophet.
52:56In front of us,
52:57a dog was feeding its children.
52:59It is found in Musnad-e-Imam Ahmad.
53:01A dog was feeding its children.
53:03A dog was feeding its children.
53:06He said,
53:07when the Prophet indicated,
53:08the caravan stopped.
53:10And then the Prophet said to the caravan,
53:13to come from above.
53:15And then two companions were given the duty.
53:18He said,
53:19stand here.
53:20As long as this dog is feeding its children,
53:22no one should pass from here.
53:24Because these children will be in pain.
53:26They will be in pain.
53:27If a horse passes from here,
53:29they will have to leave the milk.
53:31You should also be a little careful.
53:33When you are taunting your daughter-in-law,
53:35her father,
53:36then think,
53:37she will be in pain.
53:38When you are taunting your son-in-law,
53:40that I know about your whole family,
53:42then think,
53:43she will be in pain.
53:45And when you are standing in front of the mosque's Imam,
53:48you are taunting him.
53:51When these problems arose,
53:52people started taunting.
53:53It is good that the prayers of the clerics were answered.
53:55This is taunting.
53:56Aren't you afraid of Allah?
53:58So many people were arrested.
54:00Being arrested and going to prison,
54:02but to make it a taunting,
54:04to do these things,
54:06this is not right.
54:08Think a little bit.
54:10Look at things.
54:11Our affairs are getting very strange.
54:13If someone's neck is bent,
54:15if someone is in pain,
54:17then we are happy.
54:18Distribute love.
54:20The more you love,
54:21the more useful you can be to someone.
