H. Potter and the order of the phoenix AUDIOBOOK part 13

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#harrypotter #audiobook #harrypotterfan
Narrator: James Dobinson


00:00:00Chapter 33 Fight and Flight
00:00:04Harry had no idea what Hermione was planning, or even whether she had a plan.
00:00:07He walked half-apace behind her as they headed down the corridor outside Umbridge's office,
00:00:12knowing it would look very suspicious if he appeared not to know where they were going.
00:00:15He did not dare attempt to talk to her.
00:00:17Umbridge was walking so closely behind them that he could hear her ragged breathing.
00:00:22Hermione led the way down the stairs into the entrance hall.
00:00:24The din of loud voices and the clatter of cutlery on plates echoed from out of the double
00:00:28doors to the great hall.
00:00:29It seemed incredible to Harry that twenty feet away were people who were enjoying dinner,
00:00:33celebrating the end of exams, not a care in the world.
00:00:36Hermione walked straight out of the oak front doors and down the stone steps into the balmy
00:00:40evening air.
00:00:41The sun was falling towards the top of the trees in the Forbidden Forest now, and as
00:00:45Hermione marched purposefully across the grass, Umbridge jogging to keep up, their long dark
00:00:50shadows rippled over the grass behind them like cloaks.
00:00:53''It's hidden in Hagrid's hut, is it?'' said Umbridge eagerly in Harry's ear.
00:00:57''Of course not,'' said Hermione scathingly.
00:00:59''Hagrid might have set it off accidentally.''
00:01:01''Oh yes,'' said Umbridge, whose excitement seemed to be mounting, ''yes, he would have
00:01:05done of course the great half-breed oaf.''
00:01:08She laughed.
00:01:09Harry felt a strong urge to swing around and seize her by the throat, but resisted.
00:01:13His scar was throbbing in the soft evening air, but it had not yet burned white-hot,
00:01:17as he knew it would if Voldemort had moved in for the kill.
00:01:20''Then where is it?'' asked Umbridge with a hint of uncertainty in her voice, as Hermione
00:01:24continued to stride towards the forest.
00:01:26''In there, of course,'' said Hermione, pointing into the dark trees.
00:01:29''It had to be somewhere that students weren't going to find it accidentally, didn't it?''
00:01:33''Of course,'' said Umbridge, though she sounded a little apprehensive now.
00:01:37''Of course.
00:01:38Very well, then.
00:01:39You two stay ahead of me.
00:01:41Can we have your wand, then, if we're going first?''
00:01:43Harry asked her.
00:01:44''No, I don't think so, Mr. Potter,'' said Umbridge sweetly, poking him in the back with
00:01:50''The Ministry places a rather higher value on my life than yours, I'm afraid.
00:01:54As they reached the cool shade of the first trees, Harry tried to catch Hermione's eye.
00:01:58Walking into the forest without wands seemed to him to be more foolhardy than anything
00:02:02they had done so far this evening.
00:02:04She, however, merely gave Umbridge a contemptuous glance and plunged straight into the trees,
00:02:08moving at such a pace that Umbridge, with her shorter legs, had difficulty in keeping
00:02:13''Is it very far in?''
00:02:14Umbridge asked, as her robe ripped on a ramble.
00:02:17''Oh, yes,'' said Hermione, ''yes, it's well hidden.''
00:02:21Harry's misgivings increased.
00:02:22Hermione was not taking the path they had followed to visit Graup, but the one he followed
00:02:26three years ago, to the lair of the monster Aragog.
00:02:29Hermione had not been with him on that occasion.
00:02:31He doubted she had any idea what danger lay at the end of it.
00:02:35''Uh, are you sure this is the right way?'' he asked her pointedly.
00:02:38''Oh, yes,'' she said in a steely voice, crashing through the undergrove, for what he thought
00:02:42was a wholly unnecessary amount of noise.
00:02:45Behind them, Umbridge tripped over a fallen sapling.
00:02:48Neither of them paused to help her up again.
00:02:50Hermione merely strode on, calling loudly over her shoulder.
00:02:52''It's a bit further in!''
00:02:54''Hermione, keep your voice down,'' Harry muttered, hurrying to catch up with her.
00:02:58''Anything could be listening in here.
00:02:59I want us heard,'' she answered quietly, as Umbridge jogged noisily after them.
00:03:04''You'll see.''
00:03:05They walked on for what seemed a long time, until they were once again so deep into the
00:03:09forest that the dense tree canopy blocked out all light.
00:03:13Harry had the feeling he had had before in the forest, one of being watched by unseen
00:03:18''How much further?''
00:03:19demanded Umbridge angrily from behind him.
00:03:21''Not far now,'' shouted Hermione, as they emerged into a dim, dank clearing.
00:03:25''Just a little bit.''
00:03:27An arrow flew through the air and landed with a menacing thud in the tree just over her
00:03:31The air was suddenly full of the sound of hooves.
00:03:33Harry could feel the forest floor trembling.
00:03:36Umbridge gave a little scream and pushed him in front of her like a shield.
00:03:39He wrenched himself free of her and turned.
00:03:41Around fifty centaurs were emerging on every side, their bows raised and loaded, pointing
00:03:46at Harry, Hermione and Umbridge.
00:03:48They backed slowly into the centre of the clearing, Umbridge uttering odd little whimpers
00:03:52of terror, Harry looking sideways at Hermione.
00:03:55She was wearing a triumphant smile.
00:03:57''Who are you?'' said a voice.
00:04:00Harry looked left.
00:04:01The chestnut-bodied centaur, called Magorian, was walking towards them out of the circle.
00:04:06His bow, like those of the others, was raised.
00:04:08On Harry's right, Umbridge was still whimpering, her wand trembling violently as she pointed
00:04:13it at the advancing centaur.
00:04:15''I asked you who you are, human?'' said Magorian, roughly.
00:04:19''I am Dolores Umbridge,'' said Umbridge in a high-pitched, terrified voice.
00:04:23''Senior Under-Secretary to the Minister for Magic and Headmistress and High Inquisitor
00:04:28of Hogwarts.''
00:04:29''You are from the Ministry of Magic?'' said Magorian, as many of the centaurs in the surrounding
00:04:34circle shifted restlessly.
00:04:35''That's right,'' said Umbridge in an even higher voice, ''so be very careful, by the
00:04:40laws laid down by the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, any attack
00:04:45by half-breeds such as yourselves on a human.''
00:04:48''What did you call us?'' shouted a wild-looking black centaur, whom Harry recognised as Bane.
00:04:53There was a great deal of angry muttering and tightening of bow-strings around them.
00:04:58''Don't call them that,'' Hermione said furiously, but Umbridge did not appear to have heard
00:05:04Still pointing her shaking wand at Magorian, she continued, ''Law 15b states clearly that
00:05:09any attack by a magical creature who is deemed to have near-human intelligence and therefore
00:05:14considered responsible for its actions.
00:05:17Near-human intelligence,'' repeated Magorian, as Bane and several others roared with rage
00:05:23and poured the ground.
00:05:24''We consider that a great insult.
00:05:28Our intelligence, thankfully, far outstrips your own.''
00:05:30''What are you doing in our forest?'' bellowed the hard-faced grey centaur Harry and Hermione
00:05:36had seen on their last trip into the forest.
00:05:37''Why are you here?''
00:05:39''Your forest?'' said Umbridge, shaking now not only with fright but also, it seemed,
00:05:44with indignation.
00:05:45''I would remind you that you live here only because the Ministry of Magic permits you
00:05:49certain areas of land.''
00:05:52An arrow flew so close to her head that it caught at her mousy hair in passing.
00:05:58She let out an ear-splitting scream and threw her hands over her head, while some of the
00:06:03centaurs bellowed their approval and others laughed raucously.
00:06:06The sound of their wild, neighing laughter echoing around the dimly lit clearing and
00:06:11the sight of their pawing hooves was extremely unnerving.
00:06:14''Whose forest is it now, human?'' bellowed Bane.
00:06:17''Fifty half-breeds, filthy half-breeds!'' she screamed, her hands still tight over her
00:06:25Uncontrolled animals!''
00:06:26''Be quiet!'' shouted Hermione, but it was too late.
00:06:29Umbridge pointed her wand at Magorian and screamed, ''In Cacerus!''
00:06:34Ropes flew out of mid-air like thick snakes, wrapping themselves tightly around the centaur's
00:06:38torso and trapping his arms.
00:06:41He gave a cry of rage and roared onto his hind legs, attempting to free himself, while
00:06:45the other centaurs charged.
00:06:47Harry grabbed Hermione and pulled her to the ground, face down on the forest floor.
00:06:51He knew a moment of terror as hooves thundered around him, but the centaurs leapt over and
00:06:56around them, bellowing and screaming with rage.
00:06:58''No!'' he heard Umbridge shriek.
00:07:01I am senior undersecretary!
00:07:03You cannot unhand me, you animals!
00:07:06Harry saw a flash of red light and knew she had attempted to stun one of them.
00:07:11Then she screamed very loudly, lifting his head a few inches.
00:07:13Harry saw that Umbridge had been seized from behind by Bane and lifted high into the air,
00:07:18wriggling and yelling with fright.
00:07:19Her wand fell from her hand to the ground, and Harry's heart leapt.
00:07:23If he could just reach it!
00:07:25But as he stretched out a hand towards it, a centaur's hoof descended upon the wand and
00:07:29it broke cleanly in half.
00:07:34roared a voice in Harry's ear, and thick, and a thick, hairy arm descended from thin
00:07:39air and dragged him upright.
00:07:42Hermione too had been pulled to her feet.
00:07:44Over the plunging, many-coloured backs and heads of the centaurs, Harry saw Umbridge
00:07:48being borne away through the trees by Bane, screaming non-stop.
00:07:52Her voice grew fainter and fainter until they could no longer hear it over the trampling
00:07:56of hooves surrounding them.
00:07:58''And these?'' said the hard-faced, grey centaur holding Hermione.
00:08:02''They are young,'' said a slow, doleful voice from behind Harry.
00:08:05''We do not attack foals.''
00:08:07''They brought her here, Ronan,'' replied the centaur, who had such a firm grip on Harry,
00:08:12''and they are not so young.
00:08:13He is nearing manhood, this one.''
00:08:15He shook Harry by the neck of his robes.
00:08:17''Please,'' said Hermione breathlessly, ''please don't attack us.
00:08:21We don't think like her.
00:08:22We aren't Ministry of Magic employees.
00:08:24We only came in here because we hoped you'd drive her off for us.''
00:08:28Harry knew at once, from the look on the face of the grey centaur holding Hermione, that
00:08:32she had made a terrible mistake in saying this.
00:08:34The grey centaur threw back his head, his back legs stamping furiously and bellowed.
00:08:38''You see, Ronan, they already have the arrogance of their kind.
00:08:42So we were to do your dirty work, were we, human girl?
00:08:45We were to act as your servants, drive away your enemies like obedient hounds?''
00:08:49''No,'' said Hermione in a horror-struck squeak, ''please, I didn't mean that.
00:08:54I just hoped you'd be able to help us.''
00:08:57But she seemed to be going from bad to worse.
00:08:59''We do not help humans,'' snarled the centaur holding Harry, tightening his grip and rearing
00:09:05a little at the same time, so that Harry's feet left the ground momentarily.
00:09:08''We are the race apart, and proud to be so.
00:09:12We will not permit you to walk from here boasting that we did your bidding.''
00:09:15''We're not going to say anything like that,'' Harry shouted.
00:09:18''We know you didn't do what you did because we wanted you to.''
00:09:22But nobody seemed to be listening to him.
00:09:23A bearded centaur towards the back of the crowd shouted, ''They came here unasked.
00:09:28They must pay the consequences!''
00:09:30A roar of approval met these words, and a dun-coloured centaur shouted, ''They can join
00:09:35the woman!''
00:09:36''You said you didn't hurt the innocent,'' shouted Hermione, real tears sliding down
00:09:40her face now.
00:09:41''We haven't done anything to hurt you.
00:09:42We haven't used wands or frets.
00:09:44We just want to go back to school.
00:09:45Please let us go back!''
00:09:46''We are not like.
00:09:49We are not all like the traitor Ferenz, human girl,'' shouted the grey centaur, to more
00:09:54neighing roars of approval from his fellows.
00:09:56''Perhaps you thought us pretty talking horses.
00:09:59We are an ancient people who will not stand wizard invasions and insults.
00:10:03We do not recognise your laws.
00:10:05We do not acknowledge your superiority.
00:10:08We are...''
00:10:09But they did not hear what else centaurs were, for at that moment there came a crashing noise
00:10:13on the edge of the clearing, so loud that all of them, Harry, Hermione and the fifty
00:10:17or so centaurs filling the clearing, looked around.
00:10:20Harry's centaur let him fall to the ground again as his hands flew to his bow and quiver
00:10:25of arrows.
00:10:26Hermione had been dropped too, and Harry hurried towards her as two thick, quick tree trunks
00:10:32parted ominously and the monstrous form of Graup the Giant appeared in the gap.
00:10:37The centaurs nearest him backed into those behind.
00:10:40The clearing was now a forest of bows and arrows, waiting to be fired, all pointing
00:10:44upwards at the enormous greyish face now looming over them from just beneath the thick canopy
00:10:49of branches.
00:10:50Graup's lopsided mouth was gaping stupidly.
00:10:53They could see his brick-like yellow teeth glimmering in the half-light, his dull, sludge-coloured
00:10:57eyes narrowed as he squinted down at the creatures at his feet.
00:11:01Broken ropes trailed from both ankles.
00:11:03He opened his mouth even wider.
00:11:06Harry did not know what Hagga meant, or what language it was from, nor did he much care.
00:11:11He was watching Graup's feet, which were almost as long as Harry's whole body.
00:11:15Hermione gripped his arm tightly.
00:11:16The centaurs were quite silent, staring up at the giant, whose huge, round head moved
00:11:21from side to side as he continued to peer amongst them as though looking for something
00:11:25he had dropped.
00:11:26''Hagga!'' he said again, more insistently.
00:11:29''Get away from here, giant!'' called Magorian.
00:11:31''You are not welcome among us!''
00:11:33These words seemed to make no impression whatsoever on Graup.
00:11:36He stooped a little.
00:11:37The centaurs' arms tensed on their bows, then bellowed, ''Hagga!''
00:11:42A few of the centaurs looked worried now.
00:11:44Hermione, however, gave a gasp.
00:11:46''Harry,'' she whispered, ''I think he's trying to say Hagrid.''
00:11:50At this precise moment, Graup caught sight of them, the only two humans in a sea of centaurs.
00:11:55He lowered his head another foot or so, staring intently at them.
00:11:58Harry could feel Hermione shaking as Graup opened his mouth wide again and said, in a
00:12:03deep, rumbling voice, ''Hermie!''
00:12:06''Goodness,'' said Hermione, gripping Harry's arm so tightly, it was growing numb and looking
00:12:12as though she was about to faint.
00:12:14He remembered.
00:12:15''Hermie!'' roared Graup.
00:12:16''Where Hagga?''
00:12:18''I don't know,'' squealed Hermione, terrified.
00:12:22''I'm sorry, Graup.
00:12:23I don't know.
00:12:24Graup want Hagga!''
00:12:27One of the giant's massive hands reached down.
00:12:30Hermione let out a real scream, ran a few steps backwards and fell over.
00:12:34Wandless, Harry braced himself to punch, kick, bite or whatever else it took as the hand
00:12:39swooped towards him and knocked a snow-white centaur off his legs.
00:12:43It was what the centaurs had been waiting for.
00:12:45Graup's outstretched fingers were a foot from Harry when fifty arrows soared through
00:12:49the air at the giant, peppering his enormous face, causing him to howl with pain and rage
00:12:54and straighten up, rubbing his face with his enormous hands, breaking off the arrow shafts
00:12:59but forcing the arrow heads in still deeper.
00:13:01He yelled and stamped his enormous feet and the centaur scattered out of the way.
00:13:06Pebble-sized droplets of Graup's blood showered Harry as he pulled Hermione to her feet and
00:13:11the pair of them ran as fast as they could for the shelter of the trees.
00:13:14Once there they looked back, Graup was snatching blindly at the centaurs as blood ran down
00:13:19his face.
00:13:20They were retreating in disorder, galloping away through the trees on the other side of
00:13:24the clearing.
00:13:25Harry and Hermione watched Graup give another roar of fury and plunge after them, smashing
00:13:29more trees aside as he went.
00:13:31Oh no, said Hermione, quaking so badly that her knees gave way.
00:13:36Oh, that was horrible and he might kill them all.
00:13:39I'm not that fussed to be honest, said Harry bitterly.
00:13:42The sounds of the galloping centaurs and the blundering giant grew fainter and fainter
00:13:46as Harry listened to them.
00:13:47His scar gave another great throb and a wave of terror swept over him.
00:13:51They had wasted so much time.
00:13:52They were even further from rescuing Sirius than they had been when he had had that vision.
00:13:58Not only had Harry managed to lose his wand but they were stuck in the middle of the forbidden
00:14:01forest with no means of transport whatsoever.
00:14:04Smart plan, he spat at Hermione, having to release some of his fury.
00:14:08Really smart plan.
00:14:09Where do we go from here?
00:14:11We need to get back up to the castle, said Hermione faintly.
00:14:13By the time we've done that Sirius will probably be dead, said Harry, kicking a nearby tree
00:14:18and temper.
00:14:19A high-pitched clattering, chattering started up overhead and he looked up to see an angry
00:14:24bow-truckle flexing its long twig-like fingers at him.
00:14:27Well, we can't do anything without wands, said Hermione hopelessly, dragging herself
00:14:32up again.
00:14:33Anyway, Harry, how exactly were you planning to get all the way to London?
00:14:36Yeah, we were just wondering that, said a familiar voice from behind her.
00:14:42Harry and Hermione moved together instinctively and peered through the trees.
00:14:46Ron came into sight with Ginny, Neville and Luna hurrying along behind him.
00:14:50All of them looked a little the worse for wear.
00:14:53There were several long scratches running the length of Ginny's cheek.
00:14:56A large purple lump was swelling above Neville's right eye.
00:14:59Ron's lip was bleeding worse than ever, but all were looking rather pleased with themselves.
00:15:03So, said Ron, pushing aside a low-hanging branch and holding out Harry's wand.
00:15:09Had any ideas?
00:15:10How did you get away? asked Harry in amazement, taking his wand from Ron.
00:15:14A couple of stunners?
00:15:16Disarming charm?
00:15:17Neville brought off a really nice little impediment, Jinx, said Ron airily, now handing back Hermione's
00:15:22wand too.
00:15:23But Ginny was best.
00:15:24She got Malfoy.
00:15:25That bogey-hex!
00:15:26It was superb.
00:15:28His whole face was covered in the great flapping things.
00:15:30Anyway, we saw you out of the window heading into the forest and followed.
00:15:33What have you done with Umbridge?
00:15:35She got, uh, carried away, said Harry, by a herd of centaurs.
00:15:40And they left you behind us, Ginny?
00:15:42Looking astonished.
00:15:44They got chased off by Grawp, said Harry.
00:15:46Who's Grawp?
00:15:47Luna asked interestingly.
00:15:49Hagrid's little brother, said Ron promptly.
00:15:51Anyway, never mind that now.
00:15:53Harry, what did you find?
00:15:55Out of the fire?
00:15:56Has you-know-who got Sirius, or…
00:15:57Yes, said Harry, as his scar gave another painful prickle.
00:16:00And I'm sure Sirius is still alive, but I can't see how we're going to get there
00:16:04to help him.
00:16:05They all fell silent, looking rather scared.
00:16:08The problem facing them seemed insurmountable.
00:16:10Well, we'll have to fly, won't we?
00:16:13Said Luna, in the closest thing to a matter-of-fact voice Harry had ever heard her use.
00:16:18Okay, said Harry irritably, rounding on her.
00:16:20First of all, we aren't doing anything if you're including yourself in that.
00:16:25And second of all, Ron's the only one with a broomstick that isn't being guarded by
00:16:28a security troll, so…
00:16:29I've got a broom, said Ginny.
00:16:31Yeah, but you're not coming, said Ron angrily.
00:16:33Excuse me, but I care what happens to Sirius as much as you do, said Ginny.
00:16:37Her jaw so set that her resemblance to Fred and George was suddenly striking.
00:16:42You're too, Harry began.
00:16:44But Ginny said fiercely, I'm three years older than you were when you fought You-Know-Who
00:16:48over the Philosopher's Stone, and it's because of me that Malfoy's stuck back in
00:16:52Umbridge's office, with giant flying bogeys attacking him.
00:16:55Yeah, but…
00:16:56We were all in the DA together, said Neville quietly.
00:16:59It was all supposed to be about fighting the You-Know-Who, wasn't it?
00:17:03And this is the first chance we've had to do something real.
00:17:05Or was that all just a game or something?
00:17:07No, of course it wasn't, said Harry impatiently.
00:17:10Then we should come too, said Neville simply.
00:17:12We want to help.
00:17:13That's right, said Luna, smiling happily.
00:17:17Harry's eyes met Ron's.
00:17:18He knew Ron was thinking exactly what he was.
00:17:21If he could have chosen any members of the DA, in addition to himself, Ron and Hermione,
00:17:25to join him in the attempt to rescue Sirius, he would not have picked Ginny, Neville or
00:17:30Well, it doesn't matter anyway, said Harry frustratedly, because we still don't know
00:17:34how to get there.
00:17:35I thought we'd settled that, said Luna maddeningly.
00:17:38We're flying!
00:17:39Look, said Ron, barely containing his anger.
00:17:42You might be able to fly without a broomstick, but the rest of us can't sprout wings whenever
00:17:47There are ways of flying, other than broomsticks, said Luna serenely.
00:17:51I suppose we're going to ride on the back of the khaki snorkel, or whatever it is, Ron
00:17:57The crumple-horned snork-back?
00:17:58The snorkak can't fly, said Luna in a dignified voice.
00:18:03But they can.
00:18:04And Hagrid says they're very good at finding places their riders are looking for.
00:18:09Harry whirled around, standing between two trees, their white eyes gleaming eerily, were
00:18:15two festrals, watching the whispered conversation as though they understood every word.
00:18:19Yes, he whispered, moving towards them.
00:18:22They tossed their reptilian heads, throwing back long black manes, and Harry stretched
00:18:26out his hand eagerly and patted the nearest one's shining neck.
00:18:30How could he ever have thought them ugly?
00:18:33Those mad horse-things, said Ron uncertainly, staring at a point slightly to the left of
00:18:39the festral Harry was patting, those ones you can't see unless you watch someone snuff
00:18:44Yeah, said Harry.
00:18:45How many?
00:18:46Just two.
00:18:47Well, we need three, said Hermione, who was still looking a little bit shaken, but determined
00:18:52just the same.
00:18:53Four, Hermione said Ginny, scowling.
00:18:55I think there are six of us, actually, said Luna calmly, counting.
00:18:58Don't be stupid.
00:18:59We can't all go, said Harry angrily.
00:19:01Look, you three.
00:19:02He pointed at Neville, Ginny and Luna.
00:19:04You're not involved in this.
00:19:05You're not.
00:19:06They burst into more protests.
00:19:08His scar gave another more painful twinge.
00:19:11Every moment they delayed was precious.
00:19:13He did not have time to argue.
00:19:15Okay, fine.
00:19:16It's your choice, he said curtly, but unless we can find more festrals, you're not going
00:19:21to be able...
00:19:22Oh, more of them will come, said Ginny confidently, who, like Ron, was squinting, in quite the
00:19:27wrong direction, apparently under the impression that she was looking at the horses.
00:19:32What makes you think that?
00:19:33Because in case you hadn't noticed, you and Hermione are both covered in blood, she said
00:19:37coolly, and we know Hagrid lures festrals with raw meat.
00:19:40That's probably why these two turned up in the first place.
00:19:44Harry felt a soft tug on his robes at that moment and looked down to see the closest
00:19:48festral licking his sleeve, which was damp with Gawp's blood.
00:19:52Okay, then, he said, a bright idea occurring.
00:19:55Ron and I will take these two and go ahead, and Hermione can stay here with you three
00:19:59and she'll attract more festrals.
00:20:01I'm not staying behind, said Hermione furiously.
00:20:04There's no need, said Luna smiling.
00:20:07Look, here come more now.
00:20:09You two must really smell.
00:20:11Harry turned.
00:20:12No fewer than six or seven festrals were picking their way through the trees, their great leathery
00:20:17wings folded tight to their bodies, their eyes gleaming through the darkness.
00:20:21He had no excuse now.
00:20:22All right, he said angrily.
00:20:24Pick one and get on, then.
00:20:30Chapter 34 The Department of Mysteries
00:20:34Harry wound his hand tightly into the mane of the nearest festral, placed a foot on a
00:20:37stump nearby, and scrambled clumsily onto the horse's silken back.
00:20:41It did not object, but twisted its head around, fangs bared, and attempted to continue its
00:20:46eager licking of his robes.
00:20:48He found there was a way of lodging his knees behind the wing joints that made him feel
00:20:52more secure, then looked around at the others.
00:20:54Neville had heaved himself over the back of the next festral and was now attempting to
00:20:58swing one short leg over the creature's back.
00:21:01Luna was already in place, sitting side saddle and adjusting her rows as though she did this
00:21:05every day.
00:21:06Ron, Hermione and Ginny, however, were still standing motionless on the spot, open-mouthed
00:21:10and staring.
00:21:12he said.
00:21:13How are we supposed to get on, said Ron faintly, when we can't see the things?
00:21:16Oh, it's easy, said Luna, sliding obligingly from her festral and marching over to him,
00:21:22Hermione and Ginny.
00:21:23Come here.
00:21:24She pulled them over to the other festrals standing around, and one by one managed to
00:21:28help them onto the back of their mount.
00:21:30All three looked extremely nervous as she wound their hands onto their horse's mane
00:21:34and told them to grip tightly before she got back on to her own steed.
00:21:38This is mad, Ron murmured, moving his free hand gingerly up and down his horse's neck.
00:21:44If I could just see it!
00:21:46You better hope it stays invisible, said Harry darkly.
00:21:49We all ready then?
00:21:50They all nodded and he saw five pairs of knees tighten beneath their robes.
00:21:55He looked down at the back of his festral's glossy black head and swallowed.
00:21:59Ministry of Magic, visitors' entrance, London then, he said uncertainly.
00:22:04If you know where to go?
00:22:06For a moment Harry's festral did nothing at all, then with a sweeping movement that nearly
00:22:10unseated him, the wings on either side extended, the horse crouched slowly, then rocketed upwards
00:22:16so fast and so steeply that Harry had to clench his arms and legs tightly around the horse
00:22:21to avoid sliding backwards over its bony rump.
00:22:24He closed his eyes and pressed his face down into the horse's silky mane as they burst
00:22:28through the topmost branches of the trees and soared out into a blood-red sunset.
00:22:34Harry did not think he had ever moved so fast.
00:22:36The festral streaked over the castle, its wide wings hardly beating.
00:22:40The cooling air was slapping Harry's face, eyes screwed up against the rushing wind.
00:22:45He looked around and saw his five fellows soaring along behind him, each of them bent
00:22:49as low as possible into the neck of their festral to protect themselves from his slipstream.
00:22:54They were over the Hogwarts grounds, they had passed Hogsmeade, Harry could see mountains
00:22:58and gullies below them, as the daylight began to fail, Harry saw small collections of lights
00:23:03as they passed over more villages, then a winding road on which a single car was beetling
00:23:07its way home through the hills.
00:23:10This is bizarre, Harry barely heard Ron yell from somewhere behind him and he imagined
00:23:15how it must feel to be speeding along at this height with no visible means of support.
00:23:20Twilight fell, the sky was turning to a light dusky purple littered with tiny silver stars,
00:23:25and soon only the lights of muggled towns gave them any clue of how far from the ground
00:23:30they were, or how very fast they were travelling.
00:23:32Harry's arms were wrapped tightly around his horse's neck as he willed it to go even faster.
00:23:37How much time had elapsed since he had seen Sirius lying on the Department of Mysteries
00:23:42How much longer would Sirius be able to resist Voldemort?
00:23:45All Harry knew for sure was that his godfather had neither done as Voldemort wanted nor died,
00:23:51for he was convinced that either outcome would have caused him to feel Voldemort's jubilation
00:23:55or fury curse through his own body, making his scar sear as painfully as it had on the
00:24:01night Mr Weasley was attacked.
00:24:03On they flew through the gathering darkness, Harry's face felt stiff and cold, his legs
00:24:07numb from gripping the festral side so tightly, but he did not dare shift his position, lest
00:24:12he slip.
00:24:13He was deaf from the thundering rush of air in his ears, and his mouth was dry and frozen
00:24:17from the cold night wind.
00:24:19He had lost all sense of how far they had come, all his faith was in the beast beneath
00:24:23him, still streaking purposely through the night, barely flapping its wings as it sped
00:24:27over onwards.
00:24:29If they were too late.
00:24:30He's still alive, he's still fighting, I can feel it.
00:24:33If Voldemort decided Sirius was not going to crack, I'd know.
00:24:37Harry's stomach gave a jolt, the festral's head was suddenly pointing towards the ground,
00:24:42and he actually slid forwards a few inches along its neck.
00:24:44They were descending at last.
00:24:46He thought he heard a shriek behind him, and twisted around dangerously, but could see
00:24:50no sign of a falling body.
00:24:52Presumably, they had all received a shock from the change of direction, just as he had.
00:24:57And now bright orange lights were growing larger and rounder on all sides, they could
00:25:01see the tops of buildings, streams of headlights like luminous insect eyes, squares of pale
00:25:06yellow that were windows.
00:25:08Quite suddenly, it seemed, they were hurtling towards the pavement.
00:25:11Harry gripped the festral with every last ounce of his strength, braced for a sudden
00:25:15impact, but the horse touched the dark ground as lightly as a shadow, and Harry slid from
00:25:19its back, looking around at the street where the overflowing skip still stood a short way
00:25:24from the vandalised telephone box, both drained of colour in the flat orange glare of the
00:25:29Ron landed a short way off and toppled immediately from his festral onto the pavement.
00:25:33Never, again, he said, struggling to his feet.
00:25:37He made as though to stride away from his festral, but, unable to see it, collided with
00:25:40its hindquarters and almost fell over again.
00:25:43Never, ever again.
00:25:44That was the worst.
00:25:46Hermione and Ginny touched down on either side of him, both slid off their mounts, a
00:25:50little more gracefully than Ron, though with similar expressions of relief at being back
00:25:53on firm ground.
00:25:55Neville jumped down, shaking, and Luna dismounted smoothly.
00:25:58Where do we go from here, then?
00:26:00She asked Harry in a politely interested voice, as though this was a rather interesting
00:26:04day trip.
00:26:05Over here, he said.
00:26:07He gave his festral a quick, grateful pat, then led the way quickly to the battered telephone
00:26:11box and opened the door.
00:26:13Come on, he urged the others, as they hesitated.
00:26:16Ron and Ginny marched on obediently.
00:26:18Hermione, Neville and Luna squashed themselves in after them.
00:26:22Harry took one glance back at the festrals, now foraging for scraps of rotten food inside
00:26:26the skip, then forced himself into the box after Luna.
00:26:30As near as the receiver, dial 6-2-4-4-2, he said.
00:26:34Ron did it, his arm bent bizarrely to reach the dial.
00:26:37As it whirred back into place, the cool female voice sounded inside the box.
00:26:41Welcome to the Ministry of Magic, please state your name and business.
00:26:45Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Harry said very quickly.
00:26:49Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, we're here to save someone, unless your ministry
00:26:54can do it first.
00:26:55Thank you, said the cool female voice.
00:26:57Visitors, please take the badges and attach them to the front of your robes.
00:27:01Half a dozen badges slid out of the metal chute, where returned coins normally appeared.
00:27:06Hermione scooped them up and handed them mutely to Harry, over Ginny's head.
00:27:10He glanced at the topmost one, Harry Potter, rescue mission.
00:27:14Visitors to the ministry, you are required to submit to a search and present your wands
00:27:18for registration at the security desk, which is located at the far end of the atrium.
00:27:22Fine, Harry said loudly, as his scar gave another frob.
00:27:25Now can we move?
00:27:27The floor of the telephone box shuddered and the pavement rose up past its glass windows.
00:27:32The scavenging festrals were sliding out of sight.
00:27:35Blackness closed over their heads and with a dull grinding noise they sank down into
00:27:38the depths of the Ministry of Magic.
00:27:41A chink of soft golden light hit their feet and, widening, rose up their bodies.
00:27:46Harry bent his knees and held his wand as ready as he could in such cramped conditions
00:27:50as he peered through the glass to see whether anybody was waiting for them in the atrium.
00:27:55But it seemed to be completely empty.
00:27:57The light was dimmer than it had been by day.
00:27:59There were no fires burning under the mantelpieces set into the walls, but as the lift slid smoothly
00:28:04to a halt he saw that golden symbols continued to twist sinuously in the dark blue ceiling.
00:28:10The Ministry of Magic wishes you a pleasant evening, said the woman's voice.
00:28:14The door of the telephone box burst open, Harry toppled out of it, followed by Neville
00:28:18and Luna.
00:28:19The only sound in the atrium was the steady rush of water from the golden fountain, where
00:28:23jets from the wands of the witch and wizard, the point of the centaur's arrow, the tip
00:28:27of the goblin's hat and the house-elf's ears continued to gush into the surrounding pool.
00:28:32Come on, said Harry quietly, and the six of them sprinted off down the hall, Harry in
00:28:37the lead, past the fountain towards the desk where the watch-wizard who had weighed Harry's
00:28:41wand had sat, and which was now deserted.
00:28:45Harry felt sure there ought to be a security person there, sure their absence was an ominous
00:28:49sign and his feeling of foreboding increased as they passed through the golden gates to
00:28:53the lifts.
00:28:54He pressed his nearest down button, and a lift clattered into sight almost immediately.
00:28:59The golden grills slid apart with a great echoing clanking, and they dashed inside.
00:29:04Harry stabbed the number nine button, the grills closed with a bang, and the lift began
00:29:08to descend, jangling and rattling.
00:29:10Harry had not realised how noisy the lifts were on the day he had come with Mr Weasley.
00:29:14He was sure the din would raise every security person within the building.
00:29:18Yet when the lift halted, the cool female voice said, Department of Mysteries, and the
00:29:23grills slid open.
00:29:24They stepped out, into the corridor where nothing was moving but the nearest torches
00:29:28flickering in the rush of air from the lift.
00:29:32Harry turned towards the plain black door, after months and months of dreaming about
00:29:37He was here at last.
00:29:38Let's go, he whispered, and he led the way down the corridor, Luna right behind him,
00:29:42gazing around with her mouth slightly open.
00:29:45OK, listen, said Harry, stopping again within six feet of the door, maybe a couple of people
00:29:51should stay here as a lookout, and how are we going to let you know something's coming?
00:29:57asked Ginny, her eyebrows raised.
00:29:58You could be miles away.
00:30:00We're coming with you, Harry, said Neville.
00:30:02Let's get on with it, said Ron firmly.
00:30:05Harry still did not want to take them all with him, but it seemed he had no choice.
00:30:08He turned to face the door and walked forwards, just as it had in his dream.
00:30:13It swung open, and he marched forwards, leading the others over the threshold.
00:30:17They were standing in a large circular room.
00:30:20Everything in here was black, including the floor and ceiling.
00:30:22Identical, unmarked, handle-less black doors were set at intervals all around the black
00:30:26walls, interspersed with branches of candles whose flames burned blue, their cool shimmering
00:30:31light reflecting in the shining marble floor made it look as though there was a dark water
00:30:37Someone shut the door, Harry muttered.
00:30:40He regretted giving this order the moment Neville had obeyed it.
00:30:43Throughout the long chink of light from the torch-lit corridor behind them, the place
00:30:48became so dark that for a moment the only things they could see were the bunches of
00:30:51shivering blue flames on the walls and their ghostly reflections in the floor.
00:30:56In his dream, Harry had always walked purposely across this room to the door immediately opposite
00:31:00the entrance and walked on, but there were around a dozen doors here, just as he was
00:31:04gazing ahead at the doors opposite him, trying to decide which was the right one.
00:31:08There was a great rumbling noise, and the candles began to move sideways.
00:31:12The circular wall was rotating.
00:31:15Hermione grabbed Harry's arm as though frightened the floor might move too, but it did not.
00:31:21For a few seconds the blue flames around them were blurred to resemble neon lines as the
00:31:25wall sped around, and then quite as suddenly as it had started the rumbling stopped and
00:31:30everything became stationary once again.
00:31:33Harry's eyes had blue streaks burned into them, it was all he could see.
00:31:38What was that about? whispered Ron fearfully.
00:31:40I think it was to stop us knowing which door we came in through, said Ginny in a hushed voice.
00:31:45Harry realised at once she was right, he could no sooner identify the exit door than locate
00:31:50an ant on the jet black floor, and the door through which they needed to proceed could
00:31:54be any one of the dozen surrounding them.
00:31:57How are we going to get back out? said Neville uncomfortably.
00:32:00Well, that doesn't matter now, said Harry forcefully, blinking to try to erase the blue
00:32:04lines from his vision and clutching his wand tighter than ever.
00:32:07We won't need to get out until we've found Sirius.
00:32:10Don't go calling for him though, Hermione said urgently, but Harry had never needed
00:32:15her advice less, his instinct was to keep as quiet as possible.
00:32:19Where do we go then Harry? Ron asked.
00:32:22I don't err, Harry began, he swallowed.
00:32:24In the dreams I went through the door at the end of the corridor from the lifts into the
00:32:28dark room, that's this one, and then I went through another door into a room that kind
00:32:32of glitters.
00:32:33We should try a few doors, he said hastily, I'll know the right way when I see it, come
00:32:37He marched straight at the door now facing him, the others following close behind him,
00:32:42set his left hand against its cool shining surface, raised his wand ready to strike the
00:32:47moment it opened, and pushed.
00:32:49It swung open easily, after the darkness of the first room, the lamps hanging low on golden
00:32:54chains from this ceiling gave the impression that this long rectangular room was much brighter,
00:32:59though there were no glittering, shimmering lights as Harry had seen in his dreams.
00:33:03The place was quiet, quite empty except for a few desks, and in the very middle of the
00:33:07room an enormous glass tank of deep green liquid, big enough for all of them to swim
00:33:12A number of pearly white objects were drifting around lazily in it.
00:33:15What are those things, whispered Ron.
00:33:17Dunno, said Harry.
00:33:18Are they fish, breathed Ginny.
00:33:21Aquavirus maggots, said Luna excitedly, Dad said the Ministry was breeding.
00:33:27No, said Hermione.
00:33:28She sounded odd.
00:33:29She moved forward to look through the side of the tank.
00:33:31They're brains.
00:33:33Brains, yes.
00:33:35I wonder what they're doing with them.
00:33:36Harry joined her at the tank.
00:33:38Sure enough, there could be no mistake now, he saw them at close quarters.
00:33:42Glimmering eerily, they drifted in and out of sight in the depths of the green liquid,
00:33:46looking something like slimy cauliflowers.
00:33:49Let's get out of here, said Harry.
00:33:50This isn't right.
00:33:51We need to try another door.
00:33:53There are doors here too, said Ron, pointing around the walls.
00:33:56Harry's heart sank.
00:33:57How big was this place?
00:34:00In my dream, I went through that dark room into the second one, he said.
00:34:03I think we should go back and try from there.
00:34:05So they hurried back into the dark circular room.
00:34:08The ghostly shapes of the brains were now swimming before Harry's eyes instead of the
00:34:12blue candle flames.
00:34:13Wait, said Hermione sharply, as Luna made to close the door at the brain room behind
00:34:20She drew her wand in mid-air, and a fiery X appeared on the door.
00:34:24No sooner had the door clicked shut behind them than there was a great rumbling, and
00:34:29once again the wall began to revolve very fast.
00:34:31But now there was a great red-gold blur in amongst the faint blue, and when all became
00:34:36still again, the fiery cross still burned, showing the door they had already tried.
00:34:41Good thinking, said Harry.
00:34:42OK, let's try this one.
00:34:44Again, he strode directly at the door, facing him and pushed it open, his wand still raised,
00:34:49the others at his heels.
00:34:50This room was larger than the last, dimly lit and rectangular, and the centre of it
00:34:54was sunken, forming a great stone pit some twenty feet deep.
00:34:58They were standing on the topmost tier of what seemed to be stone benches, running all
00:35:01around the room and descending in deep steps like an amphitheatre, or the courtroom, in
00:35:06which Harry had been tried by the Wisingamot.
00:35:08Instead of a chained chair, however, there was a raised stone dais, in the centre of
00:35:13a pit, on which stood a stone archway that looked so ancient, cracked and crumbling,
00:35:18that Harry was amazed the thing was still standing.
00:35:21Unsupported by any surrounding wall, the archway was hung with tattered black curtain or veil,
00:35:26which, despite the complete stillness of the cold surrounding air, was fluttering very
00:35:30slightly, as though it had just been touched.
00:35:33Who's there?
00:35:33said Harry, jumping down onto the bench below.
00:35:36There was no answering voice, but the veil continued to flutter and sway.
00:35:40Careful, whispered Hermione.
00:35:42Harry scrambled down the benches, one by one until he reached the stone bottom of the sunken
00:35:47His footsteps echoed loudly as he walked slowly towards the dais.
00:35:52The pointed archway looked much taller from where he now stood than it had when he'd been
00:35:56looking down on it from above.
00:35:58Still, the veil swayed gently, as though somebody had just passed through it.
00:36:03Harry spoke again, but more quietly now, that he was nearer.
00:36:07He had the strangest feeling that there was someone standing right behind the veil on
00:36:10the other side of the archway.
00:36:11Gripping his hat wand very tightly, he edged around the dais, but there was nobody there.
00:36:16All that could be seen was the other side of the tattered black veil.
00:36:20Let's go, called Hermione from halfway up the stone steps.
00:36:22This isn't right, Harry.
00:36:23Come on, let's go.
00:36:25She sounded scared, much more scared than she had in the room where the brain swam,
00:36:29yet Harry thought the archway had a kind of beauty about it, old though it was.
00:36:33The gently rippling veil intrigued him.
00:36:36He felt a very strong inclination to climb up the dais and walk through it.
00:36:40Harry, let's go, okay, said Hermione more forcefully.
00:36:43Okay, he said, but did not move.
00:36:45He'd just heard something.
00:36:46There were faint whispering, murmuring noises coming from the other side of the veil.
00:36:51What are you saying?
00:36:52He said very loudly, so that his words echoed all around the stone benches.
00:36:56Nobody's talking, Harry, said Hermione, now moving over to him.
00:37:01Someone's whispering behind there, he said, moving out of her reach and continuing to
00:37:04frown at the veil.
00:37:06Is that you, Ron?
00:37:07I'm here, mate, said Ron, appearing around the side of the archway.
00:37:10Can't anyone else hear it?
00:37:12Harry demanded, for the whispering and murmuring was becoming louder.
00:37:15Without really meaning to put it there, he found his foot was on the dais.
00:37:19I can hear them too, breathed Luna, joining them around the side of the archway and gazing
00:37:24at the swaying veil.
00:37:26There are people in there.
00:37:27What do you mean, in there?
00:37:29Demanded Hermione, jumping down from the bottom step and sounding much angrier than the occasion
00:37:34There isn't any in there.
00:37:35It's just an archway.
00:37:36There's no room for anybody to be in there.
00:37:38Harry, stop it.
00:37:39Come away.
00:37:40She grabbed his arm and pulled, but he resisted.
00:37:43Harry, we're supposed to be here for Sirius, she said in a high-pitched, strained voice.
00:37:47Sirius, Harry repeated, still gazing, mesmerized at the continuously swaying veil.
00:37:53Yeah, something finally slid back into place in his brain.
00:37:56Sirius, captured, bound and tortured, and he was staring at this archway.
00:38:01He took several paces back from the dais and wrenched his eyes from the veil.
00:38:06Let's go, he said.
00:38:07That's what I've been trying to.
00:38:08Well, come on then, said Hermione.
00:38:10And she led the way back around the dais.
00:38:12On the other side, Ginny and Neville were staring, apparently entranced at the veil,
00:38:17Without speaking, Hermione took hold of Ginny's arm.
00:38:21Ron grabbed Neville's, and they marched them firmly back to the lowest stone bench and
00:38:24clambered all the way back up to the door.
00:38:27What do you reckon that arch was?
00:38:28Harry asked Hermione, as they regained the dark, circular room.
00:38:32I don't know, but whatever it was, it was dangerous, she said firmly, again inscribing
00:38:36a fiery cross on the door.
00:38:38Once more, the wall spun and became still again.
00:38:41Harry approached another door at random and pushed.
00:38:43It did not move.
00:38:45What's wrong, said Hermione.
00:38:46It's locked, said Harry, throwing his weight at the door, but it didn't budge.
00:38:50This is it then, isn't it, said Ron excitedly, joining Harry in the attempt to force the
00:38:54door open.
00:38:55Bound to be.
00:38:56Get out of the way, said Hermione sharply.
00:38:58She pointed her wand at the place where a lock would have been on an ordinary door and
00:39:02said, Alhomara.
00:39:05Nothing happened.
00:39:06Sirius' knife, said Harry.
00:39:08He pulled it out from inside his robes and slid it into the crack between the door and
00:39:12the wall.
00:39:12The others all watched eagerly as he ran it from top to bottom, withdrew it, and then
00:39:17flung his shoulder open at the door.
00:39:19It remained as firmly shut as ever.
00:39:21What was more, when Harry looked down at the knife, he saw the blade had melted.
00:39:25Right, we're leaving that room, said Hermione decisively.
00:39:29But what if that's the wand, said Ron, staring at it with a mixture of apprehension and longing?
00:39:33It can't be.
00:39:34Harry could get through all the doors in his dreams, said Hermione, marking the door with
00:39:37another fiery cross as Harry replaced the now useless handle of Sirius' knife in his
00:39:43You know, what could be in there, said Luna eagerly, as the wall started to spin yet again.
00:39:49Something blibbering, no doubt, said Hermione, under her breath, and Neville gave a nervous
00:39:53little laugh.
00:39:55The wall slid to a halt and Harry, with a feeling of increasing desperation, pushed
00:39:59the next door open.
00:40:01This is it.
00:40:02He knew it at once by the beautiful, dancing, diamond-sparkling light.
00:40:06As Harry's eyes became accustomed to the brilliant glare, he saw clocks gleaming from
00:40:10every surface, large and small, grandfather and carriage, hanging in spaces between the
00:40:16bookcases or standing on desks, ranging the length of the room, so that a busy, relentless
00:40:21ticking filled the place like thousands of minuscule marching footsteps.
00:40:25The source of the dancing, diamond-bright light was a towering crystal-bell jar that
00:40:29stood at the far end of the room.
00:40:31This way.
00:40:32Harry's heart was pumping frantically now that they knew they were on the right track.
00:40:36He led the way down the narrow space between the lines of desks, heading, as he had done
00:40:40in his dream, for the source of the light, the crystal-bell jar quite as tall as he was
00:40:44that stood on a desk and appeared to be full of billowing, glittering wind.
00:40:49Oh look, said Ginny, as they drew nearer, pointing at the very heart of the bell jar.
00:40:53Drifting along in the sparkling current inside was a tiny, jewel-bright egg.
00:40:58As it rose in the jar, it cracked open, and a hummingbird emerged, which was carried to
00:41:03the very top of the jar, but as it fell on the draught, its feathers became bedraggled
00:41:07and damp again, and by the time it had been born back to the bottom of the jar, it had
00:41:12been enclosed once more in its egg.
00:41:14Keep going, said Harry sharply, because Ginny showed signs of wanting to stop and watch
00:41:18the egg's progress back into a bird.
00:41:21You dawdled enough by that old arch, she said crossly, but followed him, followed him past
00:41:27the bell jar to the only door behind it.
00:41:29This is it, Harry said again, and his heart was now pumping so hard and fast, he felt
00:41:34it must interfere with his speech.
00:41:36It's through here.
00:41:37He glanced around at them all.
00:41:39They had their wands out and looked suddenly serious and anxious.
00:41:42He looked back at the door and pushed.
00:41:44It swung open.
00:41:45They were there.
00:41:46They had found the place, high as a church and full of nothing but towering shelves,
00:41:51covered in small, dusty glass orbs.
00:41:53They glimmered dully in the light, issuing from more candle brackets, set at intervals
00:41:58along the shelves.
00:41:59Like those in the circular room behind them, their flames were burning blue.
00:42:02The room was very cold.
00:42:04Harry edged forward and peered down one of the shadowy aisles between two rows of shelves.
00:42:09He could not hear anything or see the slightest sign of movement.
00:42:12He said it was row ninety-seven, whispered Hermione.
00:42:15Yeah, breathed Harry, looking up at the end of the closest row.
00:42:19Beneath the branch of a blue glowing candle protruding from it glimmered the silver figure
00:42:25We need to go right, I think, whispered Hermione, squinting to the next row.
00:42:29Yes, that's fifty-four.
00:42:31Keep your wands ready, Harry said softly.
00:42:33They crept forward, glancing behind him as they went on down the long alleys of shelves,
00:42:39the further ends of which were in near total darkness.
00:42:43Tiny yellowing labels had been stuck beneath each glass orb on the shelves.
00:42:48Some of them had a weird liquid glow.
00:42:49Others were as dull and dark within as blown light bulbs.
00:42:54They passed row eighty-four.
00:42:57Harry was listening hard for the slightest sound of movement.
00:43:00But Sirius might be gagged now, or else unconscious.
00:43:03Or, said an unbidden voice inside his head, he might already be dead.
00:43:10I'd have felt it, he told himself, his heart now hammering against his Adam's apple.
00:43:15I'd already know.
00:43:16Ninety-seven, whispered Hermione.
00:43:19They stood grouped around the end of the row, gazing down the alley beside it.
00:43:22There was nobody there.
00:43:24He's right down at the end, said Harry, whose mouth had become slightly dry.
00:43:28You can't see properly from here, as he led them between the towering rows of glass balls,
00:43:33some of which glowed softly as they passed.
00:43:35He should be near here, whispered Harry, convinced that every step was going to bring
00:43:40the ragged form of Sirius into view on the darkened floor.
00:43:43Anywhere here.
00:43:45Really close.
00:43:46Harry, said Hermione tentatively, but he did not want to respond.
00:43:50His mouth was very dry.
00:43:51Somewhere about here, he said.
00:43:54They had reached the end of the row and emerged into more dim candlelight.
00:43:57There was nobody there.
00:43:58All was echoing, dusty silence.
00:44:01He might be, Harry whispered hoarsely, peering down the next alley.
00:44:05Or maybe he hurried to look down the one beyond that.
00:44:08Harry, said Hermione again.
00:44:10What? he snarled.
00:44:11I don't think Sirius is here.
00:44:14Nobody spoke.
00:44:15Harry did not want to look at any of them.
00:44:17He felt sick.
00:44:18He did not understand why Sirius was not here.
00:44:20He had to be here.
00:44:22This was where he, Harry, had seen him.
00:44:25He ran up the space at the end of the rows, staring down them.
00:44:28Empty aisle after empty aisle flickered past.
00:44:30He ran the other way, back past his staring companions.
00:44:34There was no sign of Sirius anywhere, nor any hint of a struggle.
00:44:38Harry, Ron called.
00:44:40He did not want to hear what Ron had to say.
00:44:43Did not want to hear Ron tell him he had been stupid,
00:44:45or suggest that they ought to go back to Hogwarts.
00:44:48But the heat was rising in his face,
00:44:50and he felt as though he would like to skulk down here in the darkness
00:44:53for a long while before facing the brightness of the atrium above
00:44:56and the others' accusing stares.
00:44:58Have you seen this? said Ron.
00:45:01What? said Harry, but eagerly this time.
00:45:03It had been a sign that Sirius had been there.
00:45:05Maybe a clue.
00:45:06He strode back to where they were all standing.
00:45:09A little way down, row 97,
00:45:11but found nothing except Ron staring at one of the dusty glass spheres on the shelf.
00:45:15What? Harry repeated glumly.
00:45:18It's got your name on, said Ron.
00:45:20Harry moved a little closer.
00:45:22Ron was pointing at one of the small glass spheres that glowed with a dull inner light,
00:45:26though it was very dusty and appeared not to have been touched for many years.
00:45:30My name? said Harry blankly.
00:45:32He stepped forwards.
00:45:33Not as tall as Ron.
00:45:35He had to crane his neck to read the yellowish label affixed to the shelf,
00:45:38right beneath the dusty glass ball.
00:45:40In spidery writing was a written date of some 16 years previously and below that.
00:45:46SPT to APWBD, Dark Lord and...
00:45:52Harry Potter.
00:45:54Harry stared at it.
00:45:56What is it? Ron asked, sounding unnerved.
00:45:58What's your name doing down here?
00:46:00He glanced along at the other labels on that stretch of shelf.
00:46:04I'm not here, he said, sounding perplexed.
00:46:07None of the rest of us are here.
00:46:09Harry, I don't think you should touch it, said Hermione sharply, as he stretched out his hand.
00:46:14Why not? he said.
00:46:15It's something to do with me, isn't it?
00:46:17Don't, Harry, said Neville suddenly.
00:46:19Harry looked at him.
00:46:20Neville's round face was shining slightly with sweat.
00:46:22He looked as though he could not take much more suspense.
00:46:25It's got my name on, said Harry, and feeling slightly reckless,
00:46:29he closed his fingers around the dusty ball's surface.
00:46:32He'd expected it to feel cold, but it did not.
00:46:35On the contrary, it felt as though it had been lying in the sun for hours,
00:46:38as though the glow of light within was warming it,
00:46:41expecting, even hoping, that something dramatic was going to happen,
00:46:45something exciting that might make their long and dangerous journey worthwhile after all.
00:46:50Harry lifted the glass ball from its shelf and stared at it.
00:46:53Nothing whatsoever happened.
00:46:54The others moved in closer around Harry,
00:46:56gazing at the orb as he brushed it free of its clogging dust.
00:47:00And then, from right behind them, a drawling voice spoke.
00:47:05Very good, Potter.
00:47:06Now turn around, nice and slowly, and give that to me.
00:47:14Chapter 35 Beyond the Veil
00:47:17Black shapes were emerging out of thin air all around them,
00:47:20blocking their way left and right.
00:47:22Eyes glinted through slits in hoods.
00:47:24A dozen lit wand tips were pointing directly at their hearts.
00:47:27Ginny gave a gasp of horror.
00:47:29To me, Potter, repeated the drawling voice of Lucius Malfoy
00:47:33as he held out his hand, palm up.
00:47:35Harry's insides plummeted sickeningly.
00:47:38They were trapped and outnumbered two to one.
00:47:41To me, said Malfoy yet again.
00:47:43Where's Sirius?
00:47:44Harry said.
00:47:45Several of the Death Eaters laughed.
00:47:46A harsh female voice from the midst of the shadowy figures to Harry's left said triumphantly,
00:47:51The Dark Lord always knows.
00:47:54Always, echoed Malfoy softly.
00:47:57Now give me the prophecy, Potter.
00:47:59I want to know where Sirius is.
00:48:01I want to know where Sirius is.
00:48:03mimicked the woman to his left.
00:48:05She and her fellow Death Eaters had closed in so that they were mere feet away from Harry
00:48:09and the others, the light from their wands dazzling Harry's eyes.
00:48:12You've got him, said Harry, ignoring the rising panic in his chest,
00:48:16the dread he had been fighting since they had entered the 97th row.
00:48:19He's here.
00:48:20I know he is.
00:48:22The little baby woke up frightened and thought what it dreamed was true,
00:48:27said the woman in a horrible mock baby voice.
00:48:30Harry felt Ron stir beside him.
00:48:32Don't do anything, Harry muttered.
00:48:34Not yet.
00:48:35The woman who had mimicked him let out a raucous scream of laughter.
00:48:38You hear him?
00:48:39You hear him?
00:48:40Giving instructions to the other children as though he thinks of fighting us.
00:48:45Oh, you don't know Potter as I do, Bellatrix, said Malfoy softly.
00:48:49He has a great weakness for heroics.
00:48:51The Dark Lord understands this about him.
00:48:53Now give me the prophecy, Potter.
00:48:56I know Sirius is here, said Harry, though panic was causing his chest to constrict
00:49:01and he felt as though he could not breathe properly.
00:49:03I know you've got him.
00:49:04More of the Death Eaters laughed, though the woman laughed loudest of all.
00:49:08It's time you learn the difference between life and dreams, Potter, said Malfoy.
00:49:13Now give me the prophecy or we start using wands.
00:49:17Go on then, said Harry, raising his own wand to chest height.
00:49:20As he did so, the five wands of Ron, Hermione, Neville, Ginny and Luna
00:49:24rose on either side of him.
00:49:25The knot in Harry's stomach tightened.
00:49:27If Sirius really was not here, he had led his friends to their deaths.
00:49:31For no reason at all.
00:49:32But the Death Eaters did not strike.
00:49:35Hand over the prophecy and no one need get hurt, said Malfoy coolly.
00:49:40It was Harry's turn to laugh.
00:49:42Yeah, right, he said.
00:49:43I give you this.
00:49:44Prophecy is it.
00:49:45And you'll just let us skip off home, will you?
00:49:48The words were hardly out of his mouth when the female Death Eater, he shrieked.
00:49:54Harry was just ready for her.
00:49:56He shouted before she had finished her spell.
00:49:59And though the glass sphere slipped into the tips of his fingers,
00:50:02he managed to cling on to it.
00:50:03Oh, he knows how to play, little bitty baby Potter, she said.
00:50:08Her mad eye staring through the slits in her hood.
00:50:10Very well then.
00:50:12I told you no, Lucius Malfoy roared at the woman.
00:50:15If you smash it.
00:50:16Harry's mind was racing.
00:50:18The Death Eaters wanted this dusty spun glass sphere.
00:50:21He had no interest in it.
00:50:22He just wanted to get them all out of this alive,
00:50:25to make sure none of his friends paid a terrible price for his stupidity.
00:50:28The woman stepped forward, away from her fellows, and pulled off her hood.
00:50:33Azkaban had hollowed Bellatrix Lestrange's face,
00:50:36making it gaunt and skull-like.
00:50:38But it was alive with a feverish, fanatical glow.
00:50:41You need more persuasion, she said.
00:50:44Her chest rising and falling rapidly.
00:50:47Very well.
00:50:47Take the smallest one, she ordered the Death Eaters beside her.
00:50:51Let him watch while we torture the little girl.
00:50:53I'll do it.
00:50:54Harry felt the others close in around Ginny.
00:50:56He stepped sideways so that he was right in front of her.
00:50:59The prophecy held up to his chest.
00:51:02You'll have to smash this if you want to attack any of this.
00:51:04Any of us, he told Bellatrix.
00:51:06I don't think your boss will be too pleased if you come back without it, will he?
00:51:10She did not move.
00:51:11She merely stared at him, the tip of her tongue moistening her thin mouth.
00:51:15So, said Harry, what kind of prophecy are we talking about, anyway?
00:51:19He could not think what to do but to keep talking.
00:51:21Neville's arm was pressed against his, and he could feel him shaking.
00:51:25He could feel one of the others' quickened breath on the back of his head.
00:51:28He was hoping they were all thinking hard about ways to get out of this,
00:51:31because his mind was blank.
00:51:33What kind of prophecy?
00:51:35Repeated Bellatrix, the grin fading from her face.
00:51:38You jest, Harry Potter.
00:51:40Nope, not jesting, said Harry, his eyes flicking from Death Eater to Death Eater,
00:51:44looking for a weak link, a space through which they could escape.
00:51:48How come?
00:51:48How come Voldemort wants it?
00:51:50Several of the Death Eaters let out low hisses.
00:51:53You dare speak his name?
00:51:55Whispered Bellatrix.
00:51:57Yeah, said Harry, maintaining his tight grip on the glass ball,
00:52:00expecting another attempt to bewitch it from him.
00:52:03Yeah, I've got no problem with saying Vol-
00:52:05Shut your mouth!
00:52:07Bellatrix shrieked.
00:52:08You dare speak his name with your unworthy lips?
00:52:10You dare besmirch it with your half-blood's tongue?
00:52:13You dare!
00:52:14Did you know he's half-blood too?
00:52:16Said Harry recklessly.
00:52:17Hermione gave a little moan in his ear.
00:52:20Yeah, yeah, his muggle was a witch, but his dad was a muggle.
00:52:23Or has he been telling you lot he's pureblood?
00:52:26Stupid that-
00:52:28A jet of red light had shot from the end of Bellatrix Lestrange's wand,
00:52:32but Malfoy had deflected it.
00:52:34His spell caused hers to hit the shelf a foot to the left of Harry,
00:52:38and several of the glass orbs there shattered.
00:52:40Two figures, pearly white as ghosts, fluid as smoke,
00:52:44unfurled themselves from the fragments of broken glass upon the floor,
00:52:47and each began to speak.
00:52:49Their voices vied with each other,
00:52:50so that only fragments of what they were saying
00:52:52could be heard over Malfoy and Bellatrix's shouts.
00:52:55All at the solstice will come anew,
00:52:58said the figure of an old bearded man.
00:53:00Do not attack!
00:53:01We need the prophecy!
00:53:03He dared!
00:53:03He dares!
00:53:05shrieked Bellatrix incoherently.
00:53:07He stands there, filthy half-blood!
00:53:09Wait until we've got the prophecy,
00:53:11bawled Malfoy.
00:53:13And none will come after,
00:53:15said the figure of a young woman.
00:53:16The two figures that had burst from the shattered spheres
00:53:19had melted into thin air.
00:53:20Nothing remained of them or their erstwhile homes
00:53:23but fragments of glass upon the floor.
00:53:25They had, however, given Harry an idea.
00:53:28The problem was going to be conveying it to the others.
00:53:31You haven't told me what's so special about this prophecy
00:53:34I'm supposed to be handing over,
00:53:35he said, playing for time.
00:53:37He moved his foot slowly sideways,
00:53:39feeling around for someone else's.
00:53:41Do not play games with us, Potter, said Malfoy.
00:53:44I'm not playing games, said Harry.
00:53:46Half his mind on the conversation,
00:53:47half on his wandering foot,
00:53:49and then he found someone's toes
00:53:50and pressed down upon them.
00:53:52A sharp intake of breath behind him told him
00:53:54they were Hermione's.
00:53:56What? she whispered.
00:53:58Dumbledore never told you
00:53:59the reason you bear the scar was hidden
00:54:01in the bowels of the Department of Mysteries?
00:54:04Malfoy sneered.
00:54:05I... what? said Harry.
00:54:07And for a moment he quite forgot his plan.
00:54:09What about my scar?
00:54:10What? whispered Hermione more urgently behind him.
00:54:14Can this be? said Malfoy,
00:54:16sounding maliciously delighted.
00:54:17Some of the Death Eaters were laughing again,
00:54:19and under cover of their laughter,
00:54:21Harry hissed to Hermione,
00:54:22moving his lips as little as possible.
00:54:24Smash shelves!
00:54:26Dumbledore never told you, Malfoy repeated.
00:54:29Well, this explains why you didn't come earlier, Potter.
00:54:32The Dark Lord wondered why.
00:54:34When... I say now.
00:54:36You didn't come running when he showed you
00:54:38the place where it was hidden was hidden in your dreams.
00:54:41He thought natural curiosity
00:54:43would make you want to hear the exact wording.
00:54:46Did he? said Harry.
00:54:47Behind him he felt rather than heard
00:54:49Hermione passing his message to the others,
00:54:52and he sought to keep talking to distract the Death Eaters.
00:54:55So he wanted to come and get me, did he?
00:54:59Why? Malfoy sounded incredulously delighted.
00:55:02Because the only people who are permitted
00:55:03to retrieve a prophecy
00:55:05from the Department of Mysteries, Potter,
00:55:07are those about whom it was made,
00:55:09as the Dark Lord discovered
00:55:10when he attempted to use others to steal it for him.
00:55:13And why did he want to steal a prophecy about me?
00:55:16About both of you, Potter.
00:55:17About both of you.
00:55:18Haven't you ever wondered
00:55:19why the Dark Lord tried to kill you as a baby?
00:55:22Harry stared into the slitted eye holes
00:55:24through which Malfoy's grey eyes were gleaming.
00:55:27Was this prophecy the reason Harry's parents had died?
00:55:30The reason he carried his lightning bolt scar?
00:55:33Was the answer to all of this clutched in his hand?
00:55:36Someone made a prophecy about Voldemort to me,
00:55:39he said quietly, gazing at Lucius Malfoy,
00:55:41his fingers tightening over the warm glass sphere in his hand.
00:55:45It was hardly larger than a snitch
00:55:47and still gritty with dust.
00:55:48And he's made me come and get it for him.
00:55:50Why couldn't he come and get it himself?
00:55:53Get it himself, shrieked Bellatrix
00:55:55over a cackle of mad laughter.
00:55:57The Dark Lord walk into the Ministry of Magic
00:55:59when they are so sweetly ignoring his return.
00:56:02The Dark Lord reveal himself to the Aurors
00:56:04when at that moment they are wasting their time
00:56:07on my dear cousin.
00:56:08So, he's got you doing his dirty work for him,
00:56:12said Harry,
00:56:13like he tried to get Sturgess to steal it and bode.
00:56:16Very good, Potter, very good, said Malfoy slowly.
00:56:19But the Dark Lord knows you are not unintelligent.
00:56:22Now, yelled Harry.
00:56:24Five different voices behind him bellowed,
00:56:27Five curses flew in five different directions
00:56:31and the shelves opposite them exploded as they hit.
00:56:34The towering structure swayed
00:56:35as a hundred glass spheres burst apart.
00:56:38Pearly white figures unfurled into the air
00:56:40and floated there.
00:56:41Their voices echoing from who know what long dead past
00:56:45amid the torment of crushing glass
00:56:47and splintered wood now raining down upon the floor.
00:56:50Harry yelled as the shelves swayed precariously
00:56:54and more glass spheres began to fall from above.
00:56:56He seized a handful of Hermione's robes
00:56:58and dragged her forwards,
00:56:59holding one arm over his head
00:57:01as chunks of shelf and shards of glass
00:57:03thundered down upon them.
00:57:05A Death Eater lunged forwards through the cloud of dust
00:57:08and Harry elbowed him hard in the masked face.
00:57:10They were all yelling.
00:57:11There were cries of pain and thunderous crashes
00:57:14as the shelves collapsed upon themselves.
00:57:16Weirdly echoing fragments of the seers
00:57:18unleashed from their spheres.
00:57:20Harry found the way ahead clear
00:57:22and saw Ron, Ginny and Luna sprint past him,
00:57:24their arms over their heads.
00:57:26Something heavy struck him on the side of the face
00:57:28but he merely ducked his head and sprinted onwards.
00:57:30A hand caught him by the shoulder.
00:57:32He heard Hermione shout,
00:57:35The hand released him at once.
00:57:37They were at the end of row 97.
00:57:39Harry turned right and began to sprint in earnest.
00:57:42He could hear footsteps right behind him
00:57:44and Hermione's voice urging Neville on.
00:57:46Straight ahead,
00:57:47the door through which they had come was ajar.
00:57:49Harry could see the glittering light of the bell jar.
00:57:52He pelted through the doorway,
00:57:53the prophecy still clutched tight and safe in his hand
00:57:56and waited for the others to hurtle over the threshold
00:57:59before slamming the door behind them.
00:58:03gasped Hermione
00:58:04and the door sealed itself with an odd squelching noise.
00:58:08Where are the others?
00:58:09gasped Harry.
00:58:10He had thought Ron, Luna and Ginny were ahead of them,
00:58:12that they would be waiting in this room
00:58:14but there was nobody there.
00:58:15They must have gone the wrong way,
00:58:16whispered Hermione,
00:58:17terror in her face.
00:58:19whispered Neville.
00:58:21Footsteps and shouts echoed from behind the door they had just sealed.
00:58:24Harry put his ear close to the door to listen
00:58:26and heard Lucius Malfoy roar,
00:58:28Leave not!
00:58:30Leave him I say!
00:58:31His injuries will be nothing to the Dark Lord
00:58:34and compared to losing that prophecy!
00:58:36Come back here!
00:58:37We need to organise!
00:58:38We'll split into pairs and search
00:58:40and don't forget,
00:58:41be gentle and with Potter
00:58:42until we've got the prophecy.
00:58:44You can kill the others if necessary.
00:58:47You take the left!
00:58:50Go right!
00:58:52The door straight ahead!
00:58:53McNair and Avery!
00:58:54Through there!
00:58:56Over there!
00:58:57Come with me!
00:58:59What do we do?
00:59:00Hermione asked Harry,
00:59:01trembling from head to foot.
00:59:03we don't stand here waiting for them to find us for a start,
00:59:06said Harry.
00:59:07Let's get away from this door!
00:59:08They ran as quietly as they could
00:59:10past the shimmering bell jar
00:59:12where the tiny egg was hatching and unhatching
00:59:14towards the exit into the circular hallway
00:59:17at the far end of the room.
00:59:18They were almost there when Harry heard something large
00:59:20and heavy collide with the door Hermione had charmed shut.
00:59:24Stand aside!
00:59:25said a rough voice.
00:59:27As the door flew open,
00:59:29Harry, Hermione and Neville dived under desks.
00:59:31They could see the bottom of the two Death Eaters robes
00:59:34drawing nearer,
00:59:35their feet moving rapidly.
00:59:37They might have run straight through the hall,
00:59:38said the rough voice.
00:59:40Check under the desks,
00:59:41said another.
00:59:42Harry saw the knees of the Death Eaters bend
00:59:44poking his wand out from under the desk.
00:59:46He shouted,
00:59:48A jet of red light hit the nearest Death Eater.
00:59:50He fell backwards into a grandfather clock
00:59:52and knocked it over.
00:59:53The second Death Eater, however,
00:59:55had leapt aside to avoid Harry's spell
00:59:57and was pointing his own wand at Hermione
01:00:00who was crawling out from under the desk
01:00:01to get a better aim.
01:00:04Harry launched himself across the floor
01:00:06and grabbed the Death Eater around the knees
01:00:08causing him to topple
01:00:09and his aim to go awry.
01:00:11Neville overturned a desk in his anxiety to help
01:00:13and pointing his wand wildly at the struggling pair
01:00:16he cried,
01:00:19Both Harry's and the Death Eater's wands
01:00:21flew out of their hands
01:00:22and soared back towards the entrance to the Hall of Prophecy.
01:00:25Both scrambled to their feet
01:00:27and charged after them,
01:00:28the Death Eater in front.
01:00:29Harry hot on his heels
01:00:31and Neville bringing up the rear,
01:00:32plainly horror struck by what he had done.
01:00:35Get out of the way, Harry!
01:00:36yelled Neville,
01:00:37clearly determined to repair the damage.
01:00:39Harry flung himself sideways
01:00:41as Neville took aim again and shouted,
01:00:44The jet of red light flew right over the Death Eater's shoulder
01:00:47and hit a glass-fronted cabinet on the wall
01:00:50full of variously shaped hourglasses.
01:00:52The cabinet fell to the floor
01:00:53and burst apart,
01:00:55glass flying everywhere.
01:00:56Sprang back up onto the wall,
01:00:58fully mended
01:00:58and then fell down again and shattered.
01:01:01The Death Eater had snatched up his wand
01:01:03which lay on the floor beside the glittering bell jar.
01:01:06Harry ducked down behind another desk
01:01:08as the man turned,
01:01:09his mask had slipped
01:01:10so that he couldn't see.
01:01:12He ripped it off with his free hand
01:01:13and shouted,
01:01:16screamed Hermione,
01:01:17who had just caught up with him.
01:01:18The jet of red light hit the Death Eater
01:01:20in the middle of his chest.
01:01:21He froze,
01:01:22his arms still raised,
01:01:24his wand fell to the floor with a clatter
01:01:26and he collapsed backwards
01:01:27towards the bell jar.
01:01:29Harry expected to hear a clunk
01:01:30for the man to hit the hollid solid glass
01:01:33and slide off the jar onto the floor,
01:01:35but instead his head sank
01:01:37through the surface of the bell jar
01:01:38as though it were nothing but a soap bubble
01:01:40and he came to rest,
01:01:42sprawled on his back on the table
01:01:43with his head lying inside the jar
01:01:45full of glittering wind.
01:01:47Accio wand!
01:01:48cried Hermione.
01:01:50Harry's wand flew from a dark corner
01:01:51into her hand
01:01:52and she threw it to him.
01:01:54Thanks, he said.
01:01:55Right, let's get out of...
01:01:57Look out!
01:01:57said Neville, horrified.
01:01:59He was staring at the Death Eater's head
01:02:01in the bell jar.
01:02:02All three of them raised their wands again,
01:02:03but none of them struck.
01:02:05They were all gazing,
01:02:06open-mouthed, appalled
01:02:07at what was happening to the man's head.
01:02:09It was shrinking very fast,
01:02:11growing balder and balder
01:02:13and black hair and stubble
01:02:14retracting into his skull,
01:02:16his cheeks becoming smooth,
01:02:18his skull around
01:02:19and covered with peach-like fuzz.
01:02:22A baby's head
01:02:23now sat grotesquely
01:02:24on top of the thick,
01:02:25muscled neck of the Death Eater
01:02:27as he struggled to get up again,
01:02:29but even as they watched
01:02:30their mouths open,
01:02:31the head began to swell
01:02:32to its previous proportions again.
01:02:34Thick black hair was sprouting
01:02:35from the pate and chin.
01:02:37It's time, said Hermione
01:02:39in an awestruck voice.
01:02:42The Death Eater shook his ugly head again,
01:02:44trying to clear it,
01:02:45but before he could pull himself together
01:02:46it began to shrink back
01:02:47to babyhood once more.
01:02:49There was a shout from a room nearby,
01:02:52then a crash and a scream.
01:02:54Harry yelled,
01:02:55turning quickly from
01:02:56the monstrous transformation
01:02:57taking place before them.
01:02:58Ginny! Luna!
01:03:01Hermione screamed.
01:03:02The Death Eater had pulled his head
01:03:03out of the bell jar.
01:03:05His appearance was utterly bizarre,
01:03:06his tiny baby's head
01:03:08bawling loudly
01:03:09while his thick arms flailed dangerously
01:03:11in all directions,
01:03:12narrowly missing Harry,
01:03:13who had ducked.
01:03:14Harry raised his wand,
01:03:15but to his amazement,
01:03:16Hermione seized his arm.
01:03:18You can't hurt a baby!
01:03:19There was no time to argue the point.
01:03:21Harry could hear more footsteps
01:03:23growing louder from the Hall of Prophecy
01:03:25and knew too late
01:03:26that he ought to have shouted
01:03:27and given away their position.
01:03:28Come on, he said,
01:03:29and leaving the ugly baby-headed Death Eater
01:03:32staggering behind them,
01:03:33they took off for the door
01:03:34that stood open at the other end of the room,
01:03:36leading back into the black hallway.
01:03:38They had run halfway towards it
01:03:40when Harry saw through the open door
01:03:42two more Death Eaters
01:03:44running across the black room
01:03:46towards them.
01:03:47Veering left,
01:03:48he burst instead into a small dark
01:03:50cluttering office
01:03:51and slammed the door behind them.
01:03:54began Hermione,
01:03:55but before she could complete the spell,
01:03:57the door had burst open
01:03:58and the two Death Eaters
01:03:59had come hurtling inside.
01:04:01With a cry of triumph,
01:04:03both yelled,
01:04:05Harry, Hermione and Neville
01:04:07were all knocked backwards off their feet.
01:04:09Neville was thrown over the desk
01:04:10and disappeared from view.
01:04:12Hermione smashed into a bookcase
01:04:13and was promptly deluged
01:04:15in a cascade of heavy books.
01:04:17The back of Harry's head
01:04:18slammed into the stone wall behind him,
01:04:20tiny lights burst in front of his eyes
01:04:22and for a moment he was too dizzy
01:04:24and bewildered to react.
01:04:26We got him!
01:04:27yelled the Death Eater nearest Harry.
01:04:29In an office of silencio!
01:04:31cried Hermione
01:04:32and the man's voice was extinguished.
01:04:34He continued to mouth
01:04:35though the hole in his mask
01:04:37but no sound came out.
01:04:38He was thrust aside by his fellow Death Eater.
01:04:41Petrificus Totalus!
01:04:43shouted Harry
01:04:44as the second Death Eater
01:04:46raised his wand.
01:04:47His arms and legs snapped together
01:04:48and he fell forwards,
01:04:50face down onto the rug
01:04:51at Harry's feet,
01:04:52stiff as a board
01:04:53and unable to move.
01:04:54Well done, ha?
01:04:55But the Death Eater,
01:04:56Hermione had just struck dumb,
01:04:57made a sudden slashing movement
01:04:59with his wand.
01:05:00A streak of what looked like a purple flame
01:05:02passed right across Hermione's chest.
01:05:04She gave a tiny,
01:05:06as though of surprise
01:05:07and crumpled to the floor
01:05:08where she lay motionless.
01:05:11Harry fell to his knees beside her
01:05:13as Neville crawled rapidly
01:05:15towards her from under the desk.
01:05:16His wand held up in front of him.
01:05:18The Death Eater kicked out hard
01:05:20at Neville's head as he emerged.
01:05:21His foot broke Neville's wand in two
01:05:24and connected with his face.
01:05:25Neville gave a howl of pain
01:05:27and recoiled,
01:05:27clutching his mouth and nose.
01:05:29Harry twisted around,
01:05:30his own wand held high
01:05:32and saw that the Death Eater
01:05:33had ripped off his mask
01:05:35and was pointing his wand
01:05:37directly at Harry,
01:05:38who recognised the long,
01:05:40twisted face
01:05:41from the Daily Prophet,
01:05:42Antonin Dolohov,
01:05:44the wizard
01:05:44who had murdered the Pruits.
01:05:46Dolohov grinned
01:05:47with his free hand.
01:05:49He pointed from the prophecy
01:05:50still clutched in Harry's hand
01:05:51to himself,
01:05:52then at Hermione.
01:05:54Though he could no longer speak,
01:05:55his meaning could not have been clearer.
01:05:57Give me the prophecy
01:05:58or you get the same as her.
01:06:01Like you won't kill us all anyway
01:06:03the moment I hand it over,
01:06:04said Harry.
01:06:05A whine of panic inside his head
01:06:06was preventing him thinking properly.
01:06:08He had one hand on Hermione's shoulder
01:06:11which was still warm,
01:06:12yet did not dare look at her properly.
01:06:14Don't let her be dead.
01:06:16Don't let her be dead.
01:06:18It's my fault if she's dead.
01:06:20Whatever you do, Harry,
01:06:21said Neville fiercely from under the desk,
01:06:23lowering his hands
01:06:24to show a clearly broken nose
01:06:26and blood pouring down his mouth and chin.
01:06:28Don't give it to him.
01:06:29Then there was a crash outside the door
01:06:31and Dolohov looked over his shoulder.
01:06:33The baby-headed Death Eater
01:06:35had appeared in the doorway,
01:06:36his head bawling,
01:06:37his great fist still flailing uncontrollably
01:06:40at everything around him.
01:06:41Harry seized his chance.
01:06:43Petrificus Totalus!
01:06:44The spell hit Dolohov,
01:06:46before he could block it
01:06:47and he toppled forwards across his comrade,
01:06:49both of them rigid as boards,
01:06:50unable to move an inch.
01:06:53Hermione, Harry said at once,
01:06:55shaking her as the baby-headed Death Eater
01:06:56blundered out of sight again.
01:06:58Hermione, wake up!
01:07:00What did you do to her?
01:07:02said Neville,
01:07:02crawling out from under the desk
01:07:04to kneel at her other side,
01:07:05blood streaming from his rapidly swelling nose.
01:07:08I don't know.
01:07:09Neville groped for Hermione's wrist.
01:07:11That's a pulse, Harry.
01:07:13I'm sure it is.
01:07:15Such a powerful wave of relief
01:07:17swept through Harry
01:07:18that for a moment he felt light-headed.
01:07:20She's alive?
01:07:21Yeah, I think so.
01:07:23There was a pause in which Harry listened hard
01:07:25for the sound of more footsteps,
01:07:26but all he could hear were the whimpers
01:07:28and blunderings of the baby-headed Death Eater
01:07:30in the next room.
01:07:31Neville, we're not far from the exit,
01:07:33Harry whispered.
01:07:34We're right next to that circular room.
01:07:37If we can just get you across it
01:07:39and find the right door
01:07:40before any more Death Eaters come,
01:07:41I'll bet you can get Hermione up the corridor
01:07:43and into the lift.
01:07:44Then you could find someone.
01:07:45Raise the alarm.
01:07:47And what are you going to do?
01:07:48said Neville,
01:07:49mopping his bleeding nose
01:07:50of his sleeve and frowning at Harry.
01:07:52I've got to find the others,
01:07:53said Harry.
01:07:54Well, I'll be going to fight them with you,
01:07:57said Neville firmly.
01:07:58But Hermione!
01:08:00We'll take her with us,
01:08:01said Neville firmly.
01:08:02I'll carry her.
01:08:03You're better at fighting them than I am.
01:08:06He stood up and seized one of Hermione's arms,
01:08:08glaring at Harry,
01:08:09who hesitated,
01:08:10then grabbed the other
01:08:11and helped hoist Hermione's limp form
01:08:13over Neville's shoulders.
01:08:14Wait, said Harry,
01:08:15snatching up Hermione's wand from the floor
01:08:17and shoving it into Neville's hand.
01:08:19You better take this.
01:08:20Neville kicked aside the broken fragments
01:08:22of his own wand
01:08:23as they walked slowly towards the door.
01:08:25My gran's gonna kill me,
01:08:27said Neville quickly,
01:08:28blood spattering from his nose as he spoke.
01:08:31That was my dad's old wand.
01:08:33Harry stuck his head out of the door
01:08:34and looked around cautiously.
01:08:36The baby-headed Death Eater
01:08:37was screaming and banging into things,
01:08:39toppling grandfather clocks
01:08:40and overturning desks,
01:08:41bawling and confused
01:08:43while the glass-fronted cabinet
01:08:44that Harry now suspected
01:08:46had contained time-turners
01:08:47continued to fall,
01:08:49shatter and repair itself
01:08:50on the wall behind them.
01:08:51He's never going to notice us,
01:08:53he whispered.
01:08:53Come on, keep close behind me.
01:08:56They crept out of the office
01:08:57and back towards the door
01:08:58into the black hallway,
01:09:00which now seemed completely deserted.
01:09:02They walked a few steps forwards,
01:09:03Neville tottering slightly
01:09:05due to Hermione's weight.
01:09:06The door of the time room
01:09:07swung shut behind them
01:09:09and the walls began to rotate once more.
01:09:11The recent blow on the back of Harry's head
01:09:13seemed to have unsteadied him.
01:09:15He narrowed his eyes, swaying slightly,
01:09:17until the walls stopped moving again.
01:09:19With a sinking heart,
01:09:20Harry saw that Hermione's fiery crosses
01:09:23had faded from the doors.
01:09:25So, which way do you reck?
01:09:28But before they could make a decision
01:09:29as to which way to try,
01:09:30a door to their right sprang open
01:09:32and three people fell out of it.
01:09:34Ron, croaked Harry, dashing towards them.
01:09:36Ginny, are you all...
01:09:38Harry, said Ron, giggling weakly,
01:09:40lurching forwards,
01:09:41seizing the front of Harry's robes
01:09:43and gazing at him with unfocused eyes.
01:09:45There you are.
01:09:46You look funny, Harry.
01:09:47You're all messed up.
01:09:49Ron's face was very white
01:09:50and something dark was trickling
01:09:52from the corner of his mouth.
01:09:53Next moment his knees had given way,
01:09:55but he still clutched the front of Harry's robes
01:09:57so that Harry was pulled into a kind of bow.
01:10:01Ginny, Harry said fearfully.
01:10:02What happened?
01:10:03But Ginny shook her head
01:10:04and slid down the wall
01:10:05into a sitting position,
01:10:07panting and holding her ankle.
01:10:09I think her ankle's broken.
01:10:11I heard something crack,
01:10:12whispered Luna,
01:10:13who was bending over her
01:10:14and who alone seemed to be unhurt.
01:10:16Four of them chased us into a dark room
01:10:17full of planets.
01:10:18It was a very odd place.
01:10:20Some of the time we were just floating in the dark.
01:10:23Harry, we saw Uranus up close,
01:10:26said Ron, still giggling feebly.
01:10:28Get it, Harry?
01:10:29We saw Uranus.
01:10:31A bubble of blood grew at the corner
01:10:33of Ron's mouth and burst.
01:10:35Anyway, one of them grabbed Ginny's foot.
01:10:37I used the reductor curse
01:10:39and blew up Pluto in his face,
01:10:41Luna gestured hopelessly at Ginny,
01:10:43who was breathing in a very shallow way,
01:10:45her eyes still closed.
01:10:47And what about Ron, said Harry fearfully,
01:10:49as Ron continued to giggle,
01:10:51still hanging off the front of Harry's robes.
01:10:53I don't know what they hit him with,
01:10:55said Luna sadly,
01:10:56but he's gone a bit funny.
01:10:57I could hardly get him along at all.
01:11:00Harry, said Ron,
01:11:01pulling Harry's ear down to his mouth
01:11:03and still giggling weakly.
01:11:04You know who this girl is, Harry?
01:11:06She's Loony.
01:11:07Loony Lovegood.
01:11:10We've got to get out of here,
01:11:12said Harry firmly.
01:11:13Luna, can you help Ginny?
01:11:15Yes, said Luna,
01:11:16sticking her wand behind her ear
01:11:18for safekeeping,
01:11:19then putting an arm around Ginny's waist
01:11:21and pulling her up.
01:11:22It's only my ankle.
01:11:23I can do it myself, said Ginny impatiently,
01:11:26but next moment she had collapsed sideways
01:11:28and grabbed Luna for support.
01:11:29Harry pulled Ron's arm over his shoulder
01:11:31just as so many months ago
01:11:33he had pulled Dudley's.
01:11:35He looked around.
01:11:36They had a 1 in 12 chance of getting that exit
01:11:39right first time.
01:11:40He heaved Ron towards a door.
01:11:42They were within a few feet of it
01:11:43when another door across the hall burst open
01:11:46and the three defeaters sped in,
01:11:48led by Bellatrix Lestrange.
01:11:50There they are, she shrieked.
01:11:52Stunning spells shot across the room.
01:11:54Harry smashed his way through the door ahead,
01:11:56flung Ron unceremoniously from him
01:11:58and ducked back to help Neville in with Hermione.
01:12:01They were all over the threshold
01:12:02just in time to slam the door against Bellatrix.
01:12:06Coloportus, shouted Harry,
01:12:08and he heard three bodies slam into the door
01:12:10on the other side.
01:12:11It doesn't matter, said a man's voice.
01:12:14There are other ways in.
01:12:15We've got them.
01:12:16They're here.
01:12:17Harry spun around.
01:12:18They were back in the brain room
01:12:19and sure enough there were doors all around the walls.
01:12:22He could hear footsteps in the hall behind them
01:12:24as more defeaters came running to join the first.
01:12:27Luna, Neville, help me.
01:12:28The three of them tore around the room,
01:12:30sealing the doors as they went.
01:12:32Harry crashed into a table
01:12:33and rolled over the top of it in his haste
01:12:35to reach the next door.
01:12:38There were footsteps running along behind the doors.
01:12:40Every now and then another heavy body
01:12:42would launch itself against one,
01:12:44so it creaked and shuddered.
01:12:45Luna and Neville were bewitching the doors
01:12:47along the opposite wall.
01:12:48Then as Harry reached the very top of the room,
01:12:50he heard Luna cry.
01:12:55He turned in time to see her flying through the air.
01:12:57Five defeaters were surging into the room through the door
01:13:00she had not reached in time.
01:13:02Luna hit a desk,
01:13:03slid over its surface
01:13:04and onto the floor on the other side
01:13:06where she lay sprawled as still as Hermione.
01:13:10Get Potter!
01:13:11shrieked Bellatrix
01:13:12and she ran at him.
01:13:13He dodged her and sprinted back up the room.
01:13:15He was safe as long as they thought
01:13:17they might hit the prophecy.
01:13:19Hey, said Ron,
01:13:20who had staggered to his feet
01:13:21and was now tottering drunkenly towards Harry giggling.
01:13:24Hey, hey Harry,
01:13:25there are brains in here.
01:13:27Isn't that weird, Harry?
01:13:29Ron, get out of the way.
01:13:31But Ron had already pointed his wand at the tank.
01:13:33Honest Harry,
01:13:34the brains, look!
01:13:36That's your brain!
01:13:37The scene seemed momentarily frozen.
01:13:40Harry, Ginny and Neville
01:13:41and each of the Death Eaters
01:13:42turned in spite of themselves
01:13:43to watch the top of the tank
01:13:45as a brain burst from the green liquid
01:13:47like a leaping fish.
01:13:48For a moment, it seemed suspended in mid-air.
01:13:51Then it soared towards Ron,
01:13:52spinning as it came.
01:13:54And what looked like ribbons of moving images flew from it,
01:13:56unravelling like rolls of film.
01:13:59Haha, Harry, look at it!
01:14:00Said Ron,
01:14:01watching it disgorge its gaudy innards.
01:14:03Harry, come and touch it.
01:14:05Bet it's weird.
01:14:06Ron, no!
01:14:07Harry did not know what would happen
01:14:09if Ron touched the tentacles of thought
01:14:12now flowing behind the brain.
01:14:13But he was sure it would not be anything good.
01:14:16He darted forwards,
01:14:17but Ron had already caught the brain in his outstretched hands.
01:14:20The moment they made contact with his skin,
01:14:22the tentacles began wrapping themselves
01:14:24around Ron's arm like ropes.
01:14:26Harry, look what's happened!
01:14:28No, I don't like it!
01:14:31But the thin ribbons were spinning around Ron's chest now.
01:14:34He tugged and tore at them
01:14:35as the brain was pulled tight against him
01:14:37like an octopus's body.
01:14:40Yelled Harry,
01:14:41trying to sever the feelers,
01:14:43wrapping themselves tightly around Ron before his eyes.
01:14:46But they could not break.
01:14:47Ron fell over, still thrashing against his bonds.
01:14:50Harry, it'll suffocate him!
01:14:52Screamed Ginny,
01:14:53immobilised by her broken ankle on the floor.
01:14:55Then a jet of red light flew from one of the Death Eaters' wands
01:14:58and hit her squarely in the face.
01:15:00She keeled over sideways and lay there unconscious.
01:15:04Shouted Neville,
01:15:05wheeling around and waving Hermione's wand
01:15:08at the oncoming Death Eaters.
01:15:11But nothing happened.
01:15:12One of the Death Eaters shot their own stunning spell at Neville.
01:15:15It missed him by inches.
01:15:17Harry and Neville were now the only two left,
01:15:19fighting the five Death Eaters.
01:15:21Two of them,
01:15:21two of whom sent off streams of silver light like arrows
01:15:25but left craters in the wall behind them.
01:15:28Harry ran for it,
01:15:29as Bellatrix Lestrange raced right at him.
01:15:31Holding the prophecy high above his head,
01:15:33he sprinted back up the room.
01:15:35All he could think of doing
01:15:36was to draw the Death Eaters away from the others.
01:15:39It seemed to have worked.
01:15:40They streaked after him,
01:15:41knocking chairs and tables flying,
01:15:43but not daring to bewitch him
01:15:45in case they hurt the prophecy.
01:15:46And he dashed through the only door still open,
01:15:48the one through which the Death Eaters themselves had come.
01:15:51Inwardly praying that Neville would stay with Ron
01:15:53and find some way of releasing him,
01:15:55he ran a few feet into the new room
01:15:57and felt the floor vanish.
01:15:59He was falling down steep stone step
01:16:01after steep stone step,
01:16:03bouncing on every tear until at last,
01:16:05with a crash that knocked all the breath out of his body,
01:16:08he landed flat on his back
01:16:09in the sunken pit
01:16:10where the stone archway stood on its base.
01:16:13The whole room was ringing with the Death Eaters' laughter.
01:16:16He looked up and saw
01:16:17the five who had been in the brain room descending towards him,
01:16:20while as many more emerged through other doorways
01:16:23and began leaping from bench to bench towards him.
01:16:26Harry got to his feet,
01:16:27though his legs were trembling so badly
01:16:29they barely supported him.
01:16:31The prophecy was still unbroken in his left hand.
01:16:35His wand clutched tightly in his right.
01:16:36He backed away,
01:16:37looking around,
01:16:38trying to keep all the Death Eaters within his sight.
01:16:41The back of his legs hit something solid.
01:16:43He had reached the dais where the archway stood.
01:16:46He climbed backwards onto it.
01:16:48The Death Eaters all halted,
01:16:49gazing at him.
01:16:50Some were panting as hard as he was.
01:16:52One was bleeding badly.
01:16:54Dolohov, freed of the body-bind curse,
01:16:57was leering,
01:16:57his wand pointing straight at Harry's face.
01:17:00Potter, your race is run,
01:17:03drawled Lucius Malfoy,
01:17:04pulling off his mask.
01:17:06Now hand me the prophecy like a good boy.
01:17:09Let the others go,
01:17:11and I'll give it to you,
01:17:12said Harry desperately.
01:17:13A few of the Death Eaters laughed.
01:17:15You are not in a position to bargain, Potter,
01:17:18said Lucius Malfoy,
01:17:19his pale face flushed with pleasure.
01:17:22You see, there are ten of us,
01:17:23and only one of you,
01:17:25or hasn't Dumbledore ever taught you how to count?
01:17:28He's not alone,
01:17:30shouted a voice from above them.
01:17:33He's still got me.
01:17:37Harry's heart sank.
01:17:39Neville was scrambling down the stone benches towards them.
01:17:41Hermione's wand held fast in his trembling hand.
01:17:44Neville, no, go back to Ron.
01:17:47Stupify, Neville shouted again,
01:17:49pointing his wand at each Death Eater in turn.
01:17:51Stupify, stupi...
01:17:53One of the largest Death Eaters
01:17:55seized Neville from behind,
01:17:56pinioning his arms to his sides.
01:17:58He struggled and kicked.
01:17:59Several of the Death Eaters laughed.
01:18:01It's Longbottom, isn't it?
01:18:03sneered Lucius Malfoy.
01:18:05Well, your grandmother is used to losing family members to our cause.
01:18:08Your death will not come as a great shock.
01:18:11Longbottom, repeated Bellatrix,
01:18:14with a truly evil smile,
01:18:15lit her gaunt face.
01:18:17Why, I have had the pleasure of meeting your parents, boy.
01:18:20I know you have, roared Neville,
01:18:23and he fought so hard against his captor's encircling grip
01:18:25that the Death Eater shouted,
01:18:27Someone stun him!
01:18:28No, no, no, said Bellatrix.
01:18:30She looked transported, alive with excitement,
01:18:33as she glanced at Harry, then back at Neville.
01:18:35No, let's see how long Longbottom lasts
01:18:37before he cracks like his parents,
01:18:39unless Potter wants to give us the prophecy.
01:18:42Don't give it to them, roared Neville,
01:18:44who seemed beside himself,
01:18:46kicking and writhing as Bellatrix drew nearer to him
01:18:48and his captor.
01:18:49Her wand raised.
01:18:51Don't give it to them, Harry!
01:18:53Bellatrix raised her wand.
01:18:56Neville screamed,
01:18:57his legs drawn up to his chest,
01:18:59so that the Death Eater holding him
01:19:00was momentarily holding him off the ground.
01:19:03The Death Eater dropped him,
01:19:04and he fell to the floor,
01:19:05twitching and screaming in agony.
01:19:07That was just a taster,
01:19:09said Bellatrix,
01:19:10raising her wand so that Neville's screams stopped,
01:19:13and he lay sobbing at her feet.
01:19:15She turned and gazed up at Harry.
01:19:17Now, Potter, either give us the prophecy,
01:19:19or watch your little friend die the hard way.
01:19:23Harry did not have to think.
01:19:25There was no choice.
01:19:26The prophecy was hot,
01:19:27with the heat of his clutching hand as he held it out.
01:19:31Malfoy jumped forwards to take it.
01:19:33Then, high above them,
01:19:34two more doors burst open,
01:19:35and five more people sprinted into the room.
01:19:38Sirius, Lupin, Moody, Tonks, and Kingsley.
01:19:42Malfoy turned and raised his wand,
01:19:44but Tonks had already sent a stunning spell right at him.
01:19:47Harry did not wait to see whether it had made contact,
01:19:50but dived off the dais out of the way.
01:19:52The Death Eaters were completely distracted
01:19:54by the appearance of the members of the Order,
01:19:56who were now raining spells down upon them
01:19:58as they jumped from step to step towards the sunken floor.
01:20:01Through the darting bodies,
01:20:03the flashes of light,
01:20:04Harry could see Neville crawling along.
01:20:06He dodged another jet of red light,
01:20:08and flung himself flat on the ground to reach Neville.
01:20:10Are you okay?
01:20:11he yelled,
01:20:12as another spell roared inches over their heads.
01:20:15Yes, said Neville,
01:20:16trying to pull himself up.
01:20:18And Ron?
01:20:19I think he's all right.
01:20:21He was, uh, still fighting the brave when I,
01:20:24when I,
01:20:24when I left.
01:20:26The stone floor between them exploded as a spell hit it,
01:20:29leaving a crater right where Neville's hand
01:20:31had been only seconds before.
01:20:33Both scrambled away from the spot.
01:20:35Then a thick arm came out of nowhere,
01:20:37seized Harry around the neck,
01:20:38and pulled him upright,
01:20:39so that his toes were barely touching the floor.
01:20:42Give it to me!
01:20:43growled a voice in his ear.
01:20:45Give me the prophecy!
01:20:46The man was pressing so tightly on Harry's windpipe
01:20:49that he could not breathe.
01:20:51Through watering eyes,
01:20:52he saw Sirius duelling with a Death Eater
01:20:54some ten feet away.
01:20:56Kingsley was fighting two at once.
01:20:58Tonks, still halfway up the tiered seats,
01:21:00was firing spells down at Bellatrix.
01:21:02Nobody seemed to realise that Harry was dying.
01:21:06He turned his wand backwards towards the man's side,
01:21:08but he had no breath to utter an incantation,
01:21:11and the man's free hand was groping towards the hand
01:21:14in which Harry was grasping the prophecy.
01:21:18Neville had come lunging out of nowhere.
01:21:20Unable to articulate a spell,
01:21:22he had jabbed Hermione's wand hard into the eyehole
01:21:25of the Death Eater's mask.
01:21:26The man relinquished Harry at once,
01:21:28with a howl of pain.
01:21:30Harry whirled around to face him and gasped.
01:21:33The Death Eater keeled over backwards
01:21:35and his mask slipped off.
01:21:36It was McNair.
01:21:38Buckbeak's would-be killer.
01:21:39One of his eyes now swollen and bloodshot.
01:21:42Thanks, Harry said to Neville,
01:21:44pulling him aside as Sirius and his Death Eater lurched past,
01:21:47duelling so fiercely that their wands were blurs.
01:21:50Then Harry's foot made contact
01:21:51with something round and hard as he slipped.
01:21:54For a moment he thought he had dropped the prophecy,
01:21:57but then he saw Moody's magical eye
01:21:59spinning away across the floor.
01:22:00Its owner was lying on his side,
01:22:02bleeding from the head,
01:22:03and his attacker was now bearing down upon Harry and Neville.
01:22:07Dolohov, his long pale face twisted with glee.
01:22:11he shouted,
01:22:12and his wand pointed at Neville,
01:22:14whose legs went immediately into a kind of frenzied tap dance,
01:22:17unbalancing him and causing him to fall to the floor again.
01:22:20Now, Potter!
01:22:22He made the same slashing movement with his wand
01:22:24that he had used on Hermione,
01:22:25just as Harry yelped,
01:22:28Harry felt something streak across his face like a blunt knife.
01:22:31The force of it knocked him sideways
01:22:33and he fell over Neville's jerking legs,
01:22:35but the shield charm had stopped the worst of the spell.
01:22:38Dolohov raised his wand again.
01:22:40Accio Prof!
01:22:41Sirius had hurtled out of nowhere,
01:22:43rammed Dolohov with his shoulder,
01:22:45and sent him flying out of the way.
01:22:47The prophecy had again flown to the tips of Harry's fingers,
01:22:51but he had managed to cling onto it.
01:22:52Now Sirius and Dolohov were duelling,
01:22:55their wands flashing like swords,
01:22:57sparks flying from their wand tips.
01:22:59Dolohov drew back his wand to make the same slashing movement
01:23:02he had used on Harry and Hermione,
01:23:04springing up, Harry yelled,
01:23:06Petrificus Totalus!
01:23:07Once again, Dolohov's arms and legs snapped together
01:23:10and he keeled over backwards,
01:23:11landing with a crash on his back.
01:23:13Nice one, shouted Sirius,
01:23:15forcing Harry's head down
01:23:16as a pair of stunning spells flew towards them.
01:23:19Now, I want you to get out of...
01:23:21They both ducked again.
01:23:22A jet of green light had narrowly missed Sirius.
01:23:25Across the room, Harry saw Tonks fall from halfway up the stone steps,
01:23:29her limp form toppling from stone seat to stone seat,
01:23:32and Bellatrix, triumphant, running back towards the fray.
01:23:35Harry, take the prophecy, grab Neville and run,
01:23:39Sirius yelled, dashing to meet Bellatrix.
01:23:42Harry did not see what happened next.
01:23:44Kingsley swayed across his field of vision,
01:23:47battling with the pockmarked and no longer masked Rookwood.
01:23:51Another jet of green light flew over Harry's head
01:23:53as he launched himself towards Neville.
01:23:55Can you stand?
01:23:56He bellowed in Neville's ear
01:23:58as Neville's legs jerked and twitched uncontrollably.
01:24:01Put your arm around my neck.
01:24:02Neville did so.
01:24:03Harry heaved.
01:24:04Neville's legs were still flying in every direction.
01:24:07They would not support him.
01:24:09And then, out of nowhere, a man lunged at them.
01:24:11Both fell backwards, Neville's legs waving wildly like an overturned Beatles.
01:24:16Harry, with his left arm, held up in the air
01:24:18to try to save the small glass ball from being smashed.
01:24:22The prophecy!
01:24:23Give me the prophecy, Potter!
01:24:25Snarled Lucius Malfoy's voice in his ear
01:24:27and Harry felt the tip of Malfoy's wand pressing hard between his ribs.
01:24:32No, get off me!
01:24:35Neville, catch it!
01:24:37Harry flung the prophecy across the floor.
01:24:39Neville spun himself around on his back and scooped the ball to his chest.
01:24:43Malfoy pointed the wand instead at Neville,
01:24:45but Harry jabbed his own wand back over his shoulder and yelled,
01:24:49Malfoy was blasted off his back.
01:24:51As Harry scrambled up again,
01:24:53he looked around and saw Malfoy smash into the daison
01:24:56which Sirius and Bellatrix were now duelling.
01:24:58Malfoy aimed his wand at Harry and Neville again,
01:25:01but before he could draw breath to strike,
01:25:03Lupin had jumped between them.
01:25:04Harry, round up the others and go!
01:25:07Harry seized Neville by the shoulder of his robes
01:25:09and lifted him bodily onto the first tier of stone steps.
01:25:12Neville's legs twitched and jerked and would not support his weight.
01:25:16Harry heaved again with all the strength he possessed
01:25:18and they climbed another step.
01:25:20A spell hit the stone bench at Harry's heel.
01:25:22It crumbled away and he fell back to the step below.
01:25:26Neville sank onto the bench above,
01:25:27his legs still jerking and thrashing,
01:25:30and he thrust the prophecy into his pocket.
01:25:32Come on, said Harry desperately,
01:25:34hauling at Neville's robes.
01:25:36Just try and push your legs.
01:25:38He gave another stupendous heave
01:25:39and Neville's robes tore all along the left seam.
01:25:43The small spun glass ball dropped from his pocket
01:25:46and before either of them could catch it,
01:25:48one of Neville's floundering feet kicked it.
01:25:51It flew some 10 feet to their right
01:25:53and smashed on the step beneath them.
01:25:56As both of them stared at the place where it had broken,
01:25:59appalled at what had happened,
01:26:01a pearly white figure with hugely magnified eyes
01:26:04rose into the air,
01:26:05unnoticed by any but them.
01:26:07Harry could see its mouth moving,
01:26:09but in all the crashes and screams and yells surrounding them,
01:26:12not one word of the prophecy could be heard.
01:26:15The figure stopped speaking and dissolved into nothingness.
01:26:19Harry, I'm sorry, cried Neville.
01:26:22His face anguished as his legs continued to flounder.
01:26:25I'm so sorry, Harry.
01:26:26I didn't mean to.
01:26:27It doesn't matter, Harry shouted.
01:26:29Just try and stand.
01:26:30Let's get out of...
01:26:32Dumbledore, said Neville.
01:26:34His sweaty face suddenly transported,
01:26:36staring over Harry's shoulder.
01:26:40Harry turned to look where Neville was staring.
01:26:42Directly above them,
01:26:43framed in the doorway from the brain room,
01:26:45stood Albus Dumbledore,
01:26:47his wand aloft,
01:26:48his face white and furious.
01:26:50Harry felt a kind of electric charge
01:26:52surge through every particle of his body.
01:26:54They were saved.
01:26:56Dumbledore had already sped past Neville and Harry,
01:26:58who had no more thoughts of leaving.
01:27:00When the Death Eaters' nearest realised Dumbledore was there
01:27:03and yelled to the others,
01:27:04one of the Death Eaters ran for it,
01:27:06scrabbling like a monkey up the stone steps opposite.
01:27:09Dumbledore's spell pulled him back as easily and effortlessly
01:27:12as though he had hooked him with an invisible line.
01:27:15Only one pair was still battling,
01:27:17apparently unaware of the new arrival.
01:27:19Harry saw Sirius duck Bellatrix's jet of red light.
01:27:23He was laughing at her.
01:27:24Come on!
01:27:25You can do better than that!
01:27:26He yelled,
01:27:27his voice echoing around the cavernous room.
01:27:29The second jet of light hit him squarely on the chest.
01:27:33The laughter had not quite died from his face,
01:27:35but his eyes widened in shock.
01:27:37Harry released Neville,
01:27:39though he was unaware of doing so.
01:27:40He jumped to the ground,
01:27:41pulling out his wand
01:27:43as Dumbledore too turned towards the dace.
01:27:45It seemed to take Sirius an age to fall.
01:27:48His body curved in a graceful arc
01:27:51as he sank backwards through the ragged veil
01:27:53hanging from the arch.
01:27:55Harry saw the look of mingled fear and surprise
01:27:57on his godfather's wasted,
01:27:59once handsome face
01:28:01as he fell through the ancient doorway
01:28:03and disappeared behind the veil,
01:28:05which fluttered for a moment as though in a high wind
01:28:07and then fell back into place.
01:28:10Harry heard Bellatrix Lestrange's triumphant scream,
01:28:12but knew it meant nothing.
01:28:14Sirius had only just fallen through the archway.
01:28:16He would reappear from the other side any second.
01:28:19But Sirius did not reappear.
01:28:22Harry yelled.
01:28:24Harry's breath was coming in searing gasps.
01:28:28Sirius must be just behind the curtain.
01:28:30He, Harry, would pull him back out.
01:28:32But as he sprinted towards the dace,
01:28:35Lupin grabbed Harry around the chest,
01:28:37holding him back.
01:28:38There's nothing you can do, Harry.
01:28:40Get him!
01:28:41Save him!
01:28:42He's the other...
01:28:42He's only just gone through.
01:28:44It's too late, Harry.
01:28:46We can still reach him.
01:28:47Harry struggled hard and viciously,
01:28:49but Lupin would not let go.
01:28:51There's nothing you can do, Harry.
01:28:54He's gone.
01:28:58Chapter 36
01:28:59The Only One He Ever Feared
01:29:01He hasn't gone!
01:29:02Harry yelled.
01:29:03He did not believe it.
01:29:04He would not believe it.
01:29:05Still, he fought Lupin with every bit of strength he had.
01:29:08Lupin did not understand.
01:29:09People hid behind that curtain.
01:29:11Harry had heard them whispering the first time he'd entered the room.
01:29:14Sirius was hiding, simply lurking out of sight.
01:29:17He bellowed.
01:29:20He can't come back, Harry, said Lupin,
01:29:23his voice breaking as he struggled to contain Harry.
01:29:25He can't come back because he's...
01:29:28He is not dead, roared Harry.
01:29:32There was movement going on around them,
01:29:34pointless bustling, the flashes of more spells.
01:29:37To Harry, it was meaningless noise.
01:29:38The deflected curses flying past them did not matter.
01:29:41Nothing mattered except that Lupin should not,
01:29:44should stop pretending that Sirius,
01:29:46who was standing feet from them behind that old curtain,
01:29:49was not going to emerge at any moment,
01:29:50shaking back his dark hair and eager to re-enter the battle.
01:29:54Lupin dragged Harry away from the dace.
01:29:56Harry, still staring at the archway,
01:29:58was angry at Sirius now for keeping him waiting.
01:30:01But some part of him realized,
01:30:02even as he fought to break free from Lupin,
01:30:05that Sirius had never kept him waiting before.
01:30:07Sirius had risked everything, always, to see Harry, to help him.
01:30:11If Sirius was not reappearing out of the archway
01:30:14when Harry was yelling for him,
01:30:15as though his life depended on it,
01:30:17the only possible explanation was that he could not come back.
01:30:20That he really was.
01:30:22Dumbledore had most of the remaining Death Eaters
01:30:25grouped in the middle of the room,
01:30:26seemingly immobilized by invisible ropes.
01:30:28Mad-Eye Moody had crawled across the room
01:30:30to where Tonks lay and was attempting to revive her.
01:30:33Behind the dace there were still flashes of light, grunts and cries.
01:30:36Kingsley had run forward to continue Sirius's duel with Bellatrix.
01:30:41Neville had slid down the stone benches one by one,
01:30:44to a place where Harry stood.
01:30:45Harry was no longer struggling against Lupin,
01:30:48who maintained a precautionary grip on his arm nevertheless.
01:30:51Harry, I'm really sorry, said Neville.
01:30:53His legs were still dancing uncontrollably.
01:30:57Was that bad, was that Sirius Black a friend of yours?
01:31:01Harry nodded.
01:31:02Here, said Lupin quietly,
01:31:04and pointing his wand at Neville's legs, he said,
01:31:07The spell was lifted.
01:31:08Neville's legs fell back to the floor and remained still.
01:31:11Lupin's face was pale.
01:31:13Let's find the others.
01:31:15Where are they all, Neville?
01:31:16Lupin turned away from the archway as he spoke.
01:31:19It sounded as though every word was causing him pain.
01:31:21They're all back there, said Neville.
01:31:24A brain attack, Ron, but I think it's alright.
01:31:28And Herbide's unconscious, but we could feel a pulse.
01:31:32There was a loud bang and a yell from behind the dace.
01:31:34Harry saw Kingsley hit the ground, yelling in pain.
01:31:37Bellatrix Lestrange turned tail and ran as Dumbledore whipped around.
01:31:41He aimed a spell at her, but she deflected it.
01:31:43She was halfway up the steps now.
01:31:45Harry, no, cried Lupin.
01:31:47But Harry had already ripped his arm from Lupin's slackened grip.
01:31:51She killed Sirius, bellowed Harry.
01:31:53She killed him.
01:31:54I'll kill her.
01:31:55And he was off, scrambling up the stone benches.
01:31:58People were shouting behind him, but he did not care.
01:32:01The hem of Bellatrix's robes whipped out of sight ahead,
01:32:04and they were back in the room where the brains were swimming.
01:32:06She aimed a curse over her shoulder.
01:32:08The tank rose into the air and tipped.
01:32:10Harry was deluged in the foul-smelling potion within.
01:32:14The brains slipped and slid over him and began spitting their long coloured tentacles.
01:32:18But he shouted, Wingardium Leviosa!
01:32:21And they flew off him, up into the air, slipping and sliding.
01:32:25He ran on towards the door.
01:32:26He leapt over Luna, who was groaning on the floor, past Ginny, who said,
01:32:30Harry, what?
01:32:31Past Ron, who giggled feebly, and Hermione, who was still unconscious.
01:32:35He wrenched open the door into the circular black hall and saw Bellatrix
01:32:39disappearing through a door on the other side of the room.
01:32:41Beyond her was the corridor leading back to the lifts.
01:32:45He ran, but she had slammed the door behind her, and the walls were already rotating.
01:32:49Once more, he was surrounded by streaks of blue light from the whirling candelabra.
01:32:54Where's the exit?
01:32:55He shouted desperately, as the wall rumbled to a halt again.
01:32:58Where's the way out?
01:32:59The room seemed to have been waiting for him to ask.
01:33:02The door right behind him flew open, and the corridor towards the lifts
01:33:06stretched ahead of him, torch lit and empty.
01:33:08He ran.
01:33:10He could hear a lift clattering ahead.
01:33:12He sprinted up the passageway, swung around the corner,
01:33:15and slammed his fist on the button to call a second lift.
01:33:18It jangled and banged lower and lower.
01:33:20The grills slid open and Harry dashed inside, now hammering the button marked Atrium.
01:33:25The doors slid shut and he was rising.
01:33:28He forced his way out of the lift before the grills were fully open and looked around.
01:33:32Bellatrix was almost at the telephone lift at the other end of the hall,
01:33:35but she looked back as he sprinted towards her and aimed another spell at him.
01:33:39He dodged behind the Fountain of Magical Brethren.
01:33:42The spell zoomed past him and hit the wrought gold gates at the other end of the atrium,
01:33:46so that they rang like bells.
01:33:48There were no more footsteps.
01:33:50She had stopped running.
01:33:51He crouched behind the statues, listening.
01:33:53Come out, come out, little Harry, she called in her mock baby voice,
01:33:57which echoed off the polished wooden floors.
01:34:00What did you come after me for, then?
01:34:02I thought you were here to avenge my dear cousin.
01:34:05I am, shouted Harry, and a score of ghostly Harrys seemed to call us,
01:34:09I am, I am, I am, all around the room.
01:34:13Ah, did you love him, little baby Potter?
01:34:17Hatred rose in Harry, such as he had never known before.
01:34:20He flung himself out from behind the fountain and bellowed, Crucio!
01:34:24Bellatrix screamed.
01:34:26The spell had knocked her off her feet,
01:34:29but she did not writhe and shriek with pain as Neville had.
01:34:31She was already back on her feet, breathless, no longer laughing.
01:34:35Harry dodged behind the golden fountain again.
01:34:37Her counterspell hit the head of the handsome wizard,
01:34:40which was blown off and landed 20 feet away,
01:34:43gouging long scratches into the wooden floor.
01:34:46Never used an unforgivable curse before, have you?
01:34:50Boy, she yelled.
01:34:51She had abandoned her baby voice now.
01:34:53You need to mean them, Potter.
01:34:55You need to really want to cause pain, to enjoy it.
01:34:58Righteous anger won't hurt me for long.
01:35:01I'll show you how it's done, shall I?
01:35:03I'll give you a lesson.
01:35:04Harry was edging around the fountain on the other side when she screamed, Crucio!
01:35:09And he was forced to duck down again as the centaur's arm,
01:35:12holding its bow, spun off and landed with a crash on the floor
01:35:16a short distance from the golden wizard's head.
01:35:19Potter, you cannot win against me, she cried.
01:35:22He could hear her moving to the right, trying to get a clear shot of him.
01:35:25He backed around the statue away from her,
01:35:27crouching behind the centaur's legs, his head level with the house elves.
01:35:32I was and am the Dark Lord's most loyal servant.
01:35:35I learned the dark arts from him and I know spells of such power
01:35:38that you, pathetic little boy, can never hope to compete.
01:35:43Stupefy, yelled Harry.
01:35:45He had edged right around to where the goblin stood,
01:35:47beaming up at the now headless wizard and taking aim at her back
01:35:51as she peered around the fountain.
01:35:52She reacted so fast he barely had time to duck.
01:35:57The jet of red light, his own stunning spell, bounced back at him.
01:36:01Harry scrambled back behind the fountain
01:36:03and one of the goblin's ears went flying across the room.
01:36:06Potter, I'm going to give you one chance, shouted Bellatrix.
01:36:09Give me the prophecy, roll it out towards me now and I may spare your life.
01:36:14Well, you're going to have to kill me because it's gone, Harry roared,
01:36:17and as he shouted it, pain seared across his forehead.
01:36:20His scar was on fire again and he felt a surge of fury
01:36:23that was quite unconnected with his own rage.
01:36:25And he knows, said Harry, with a mad laugh to match Bellatrix's own.
01:36:29Your dear old mate Voldemort knows it's gone.
01:36:32He's not going to be happy with you, is he?
01:36:35What do you mean, she cried, and for the first time there was fear in her voice.
01:36:38The prophecy smashed when I was trying to get Neville up the steps.
01:36:41What do you think Voldemort will say about that then?
01:36:44His scar seared and burned, the pain of it was making his eyes steam.
01:36:48Liar, she shrieked, but he could hear the terror behind the anger now.
01:36:53You've got it, Potter, and you will give it to me.
01:36:55That's your prophecy!
01:36:56That's your prophecy!
01:36:58Harry laughed again because he knew it would incense her,
01:37:00the pain building in his head so badly he thought his skull might burst.
01:37:04He waved his empty hand from behind the one-eared goblin
01:37:07and withdrew it quickly as she sent another jet of green light flying at him.
01:37:12Nothing there, he shouted, nothing to summon.
01:37:14It smashed and nobody heard what it said.
01:37:16Tell your boss that.
01:37:17No, she screamed.
01:37:19It isn't true.
01:37:20You're lying.
01:37:21Master, I tried, I tried.
01:37:22Do not punish me.
01:37:24Don't waste your breath, yelled Harry.
01:37:26His eyes screwed up against the pain in his scar, now more terrible than ever.
01:37:30He can't hear you from here.
01:37:32Can't I, Potter?
01:37:34Said a high, cold voice.
01:37:36Harry opened his eyes.
01:37:38Tall, thin, and black hooded, his terrible snake-like face white and gaunt,
01:37:42his scarlet, slit, pupilled eyes staring.
01:37:45Lord Voldemort had appeared in the middle of the hall,
01:37:48his wand pointing at Harry, who stood frozen, quite unable to move.
01:37:52So you smashed my prophecy, said Voldemort softly,
01:37:56staring at Harry with those pitiless red eyes.
01:37:59No, Bella, he is not lying.
01:38:01I see the truth looking at me from within his worthless mind.
01:38:05Months of preparation, months of effort,
01:38:07and my Death Eaters have let Harry Potter thwart me again.
01:38:11Master, I am sorry.
01:38:13I knew not.
01:38:13I was fighting with an Amagus Black, sobbed Bellatrix,
01:38:17flinging herself down at Voldemort's feet as he paced slowly nearer.
01:38:20Master, you should know.
01:38:22Be quiet, Bella, said Voldemort dangerously.
01:38:25I shall deal with you in a moment.
01:38:27Do you think I have entered the Ministry of Magic to hear your snivelling apologies?
01:38:31But Master, he is here.
01:38:33He is below.
01:38:34Voldemort paid no attention.
01:38:36I have nothing more to say to you, Potter, he said quietly.
01:38:39You have irked me too often, for too long.
01:38:42Avada Kedavra!
01:38:44Harry had not even opened his mouth to resist.
01:38:46His mind was blank, his wand pointing uselessly at the floor.
01:38:50But the headless golden statue of the wizard in the fountain had sprung alive,
01:38:54leaping from its plinth to land with a crash on the floor between Harry and Voldemort.
01:38:58The spell merely glanced off its chest as the statue flung out its arms to protect Harry.
01:39:03What, cried Voldemort, staring around, and then he breathed.
01:39:09Harry looked around him, his heart pounding.
01:39:11Dumbledore was standing in front of the golden gates.
01:39:15Voldemort raised his wand and another jet of green light streaked at Dumbledore,
01:39:19who turned and was gone in a whirling of his cloak.
01:39:21Next second, he had reappeared behind Voldemort
01:39:24and waved his wand towards the remnants of the fountain.
01:39:27The other statues sprang to life.
01:39:29The statue of the witch ran at Bellatrix, who screamed and sent spells,
01:39:33streaming uselessly off its chest, before it dived at her, pinning her to the floor.
01:39:37Meanwhile, the goblin and the house elf scuttled towards the fireplaces,
01:39:41sat along the wall, and the one-armed centaur galloped at Voldemort,
01:39:44who vanished and reappeared beside the pool.
01:39:46The headless statue thrust Harry backwards, away from the fight,
01:39:50as Dumbledore advanced on Voldemort and the golden centaur canted around them both.
01:39:56It was foolish to come here tonight, Tom, said Dumbledore calmly.
01:39:59The auras are on their way.
01:40:01By which time I shall be gone, and you will be dead, spat Voldemort.
01:40:05He sent another killing curse at Dumbledore, but missed,
01:40:07instead hitting the security guard's desk, which burst into flame.
01:40:11Dumbledore flicked his own wand.
01:40:13The force of the spell that emanated from it was such that Harry,
01:40:16though shielded by his golden guard, felt his hair stand on end as it passed,
01:40:20and this time Voldemort was forced to conjure
01:40:22a shining silver shield out of thin air to deflect it.
01:40:25The spell, whatever it was, caused no visible damage to the shield,
01:40:29though a deep gong-like note reverberated from it, an oddly chilling sound.
01:40:34You do not seek to kill me, Dumbledore, called Voldemort,
01:40:37his scarlet eyes narrowed over the top of the shield.
01:40:40Above such brutality are you?
01:40:42We both know that there are other ways of destroying a man, Tom, Dumbledore said calmly,
01:40:47continuing to walk towards Voldemort as though he had not a fear in the world,
01:40:51as though nothing had happened to interrupt his stroll up the hall.
01:40:54Merely taking your life would not satisfy me, I admit.
01:40:57There is nothing worse than death, Dumbledore, snarled Voldemort.
01:41:01You are quite wrong, said Dumbledore, still closing in upon Voldemort,
01:41:05and speaking as lightly as though they were discussing the matter over drinks.
01:41:10Harry felt scared to see him walking alone, undefended, shieldless.
01:41:14He wanted to cry out a warning, but his headless guard kept shunting him backwards
01:41:18towards the wall, blocking his every attempt to get out from behind it.
01:41:22Indeed, your failure to understand that.
01:41:25There are things much worse than death, has always been your greatest weakness.
01:41:30Another jet of green light flew from behind the silver shield.
01:41:33This time it was the one-armed centaur, galloping in front of Dumbledore,
01:41:37but took the blast and shattered it into a hundred pieces.
01:41:40But before the fragments had even hit the floor, Dumbledore had drawn back his wand
01:41:44and waved at it as though brandishing a whip.
01:41:46A long, thin flame flew from the tip.
01:41:49It wrapped itself around Voldemort, shield and all.
01:41:51For a moment, it seemed Dumbledore had won.
01:41:53But then the fiery rope became a serpent, which relinquished its hold on Voldemort
01:41:58at once and turned, hissing furiously, to face Dumbledore.
01:42:02Voldemort vanished.
01:42:03The snake reared from the floor, ready to strike.
01:42:06There was a burst of flame in mid-air above Dumbledore, just as Voldemort reappeared,
01:42:10standing on the plinth of the middle of the pool where so recently the five statues had stood.
01:42:15Look out!
01:42:16Harry yelled.
01:42:17But even as he shouted, another jet of green light flew at Dumbledore from Voldemort's wand,
01:42:21and the snake struck.
01:42:23Forks swooped down in front of Dumbledore, opened his beak wide,
01:42:27and swallowed the jet of green light whole.
01:42:29He burst into flame and fell to the floor, small, wrinkled and flightless.
01:42:34At the same moment, Dumbledore brandished his wand in one long, fluid movement.
01:42:38The snake, which had been an instant from sinking its fangs into him,
01:42:42flew high into the air and vanished in a wisp of dark smoke,
01:42:45and the water in the pool rose up and covered Voldemort like a cocoon of molten glass.
01:42:50For a few seconds, Voldemort was visible only as a dark, rippling, faceless figure,
01:42:55shimmering and indistinct upon the plinth, clearly struggling to throw off the suffocating mass.
01:43:00Then he was gone, and the water fell with a crash back into its pool,
01:43:03slopping wildly from over the sides, drenching the polished floor.
01:43:08Master! screamed Bellatrix.
01:43:10Sure, it was over.
01:43:11Sure, Voldemort had decided to flee.
01:43:13Harry made to run, out from behind the statue guard, but Dumbledore bellowed,
01:43:18Stay where you are, Harry!
01:43:19For the first time, Dumbledore sounded frightened.
01:43:22Harry could not see why.
01:43:23The hall was quite empty but for themselves,
01:43:25the sobbing Bellatrix still trapped under the witch statue,
01:43:29and the baby phoenix Forks croaking feebly on the floor.
01:43:33Then Harry's scar burst open, and he knew he was dead.
01:43:36It was pain beyond imagining, pain past endurance.
01:43:40He was gone from the hall.
01:43:41He was locked in the coils of a creature with red eyes,
01:43:44so tightly bound that Harry did not know where his body ended and the creatures began.
01:43:48They were fused together, bound by pain, and there was no escape.
01:43:52And when the creature spoke, it used Harry's mouth,
01:43:55so that in his agony he felt his jaw move.
01:43:58Kill me now, Dumbledore!
01:44:01Blinded and dying, every part of him screaming for release,
01:44:04Harry felt the creature use him again.
01:44:06If death is nothing, Dumbledore, kill the boy!
01:44:10Let the pain stop, thought Harry.
01:44:12Let him kill us.
01:44:13End it, Dumbledore.
01:44:15Death is nothing compared to this.
01:44:17And I'll see Sirius again.
01:44:19And as Harry's heart filled with emotion, the creature's coils loosened.
01:44:23The pain was gone.
01:44:24Harry was lying face down on the floor, his glasses gone,
01:44:27shivering as though he lay upon ice, not wood.
01:44:30And there were voices echoing through the hall,
01:44:32more voices than there should have been.
01:44:34Harry opened his eyes, saw his glasses lying by the heel of the headless statue
01:44:38that had been guarding him, but which now lay flat on its back,
01:44:41cracked and immobile.
01:44:42He put them on, and raised his head a little
01:44:44to find Dumbledore's crooked nose, inches from his own.
01:44:47Are you all right, Harry?
01:44:49Yes, said Harry, shaking so violently he could not hold his head up properly.
01:44:53Yeah, I'm...
01:44:55Where's Voldemort?
01:44:56Who are all these?
01:44:58The atrium was full of people.
01:45:00The floor was reflecting the emerald green flames that had burst into life.
01:45:03In all the fireplaces along one wall,
01:45:05the streams of witches and wizards were emerging from them.
01:45:08As Dumbledore pulled him back to his feet,
01:45:10Harry saw the tiny gold statues of the house-elf and the goblin,
01:45:14leading a stunned-looking Cornelius Fudge forward.
01:45:17He was there, shouted a scarlet-robed man with a ponytail,
01:45:21who was pointing at a pile of gold and rubble on the other side of the hall,
01:45:24where Bellatrix had lain trapped only moments before.
01:45:27I saw him, Mr Fudge.
01:45:29I swear it was you-know-who.
01:45:30He grabbed a woman and disapparated.
01:45:32I know, Williamson.
01:45:33I know.
01:45:34I saw him too, gibbered Fudge,
01:45:36who was wearing pyjamas under his pin-striped cloak
01:45:39and was gasping as though he had just run miles.
01:45:42Merlin's beard!
01:45:44Here in the Ministry of Magic!
01:45:46Great heavens above!
01:45:47It doesn't even seem possible!
01:45:49My word!
01:45:50How can this be?
01:45:52If you proceed downstairs into the Department of Mysteries, Cornelius,
01:45:56said Dumbledore,
01:45:57apparently satisfied that Harry was all right,
01:45:59and walking to walk forwards so that the newcomers realised he was there for the first time.
01:46:04A few of them raised their wands,
01:46:05others simply looked amazed.
01:46:07The statues of the Elf and Goblin applauded,
01:46:09and Fudge jumped so much that his slipper-clad feet left the floor.
01:46:14You will find several escaped Death Eaters contained in the Death Chamber,
01:46:18bound by an anti-disapparition jinx,
01:46:20and awaiting your decision as to what to do with them.
01:46:23Dumbledore, gasped Fudge, beside himself with amazement.
01:46:29He looked wildly around at the auras he had brought with him,
01:46:32and could not have been clearer than he was in half a mind to cry.
01:46:36Seize him!
01:46:37Cornelius, I am ready to fight your men and win again,
01:46:41said Dumbledore in a thunderous voice.
01:46:43But a few moments ago you saw proof with your own eyes
01:46:47that I have been telling you the truth for a year.
01:46:49Lord Voldemort has returned.
01:46:51You have been chasing the wrong man for twelve months,
01:46:53and it is time you listened to sense.
01:46:55I—I don't—
01:46:57Well, blustered Fudge, looking around as though hoping
01:47:00somebody was going to tell him what to do.
01:47:02When nobody did, he said,
01:47:03Very well.
01:47:04Dawlish, Williamson, go down to the Department of Mysteries and see—
01:47:08Dumbledore, you—you will need to tell me exactly.
01:47:11The Fountain of Magical Brethren—what happened?
01:47:13he added in a kind of whimper,
01:47:15staring around at the floor where the remains of the statues
01:47:18of the witch, wizard and centaur now lay scattered.
01:47:21We can discuss that after I have sent Harry back to Hogwarts,
01:47:24said Dumbledore.
01:47:25Harry—Harry Potter!
01:47:27Fudge spun around and stared at Harry,
01:47:29who was still standing against the wall beside the fallen statue
01:47:32that had guarded him during Dumbledore and Voldemort's duel.
01:47:35He—here, said Fudge.
01:47:37Why—what's all this about?
01:47:39I shall explain everything, repeated Dumbledore,
01:47:42when Harry is back at school.
01:47:45He walked away from the pool to the place where the golden wizard's
01:47:48head lay on the floor.
01:47:49He pointed his wand at it and muttered,
01:47:52The head glowed blue and trembled noisily against the wooden floor
01:47:56for a few seconds, then became still once more.
01:48:00Now, see here, Dumbledore, said Fudge,
01:48:02as Dumbledore picked up the head and walked back to Harry carrying it.
01:48:06You haven't got authorisation for that portkey.
01:48:09You can't do things like that right in the front of the
01:48:11Minister for Magic, you—you—
01:48:13His voice faltered as Dumbledore surveyed him
01:48:15magisterially over his half-moon spectacles.
01:48:19You will give the order to remove Dolores Umbridge from Hogwarts,
01:48:23said Dumbledore.
01:48:24You will tell your Aurors to stop searching for my Care of Magical Creatures teacher
01:48:28so that he can return to work.
01:48:30I will give you—Dumbledore pulled a watch with twelve hands
01:48:33from his pocket and glanced at it—half an hour of my time tonight,
01:48:37in which I think we shall be more than able to cover
01:48:40the important points of what has happened here.
01:48:43After that, I shall need to return to my school.
01:48:45If you need more help from me, you are, of course,
01:48:48more than welcome to contact me at Hogwarts.
01:48:51Letters addressed to the Headmaster will find me.
01:48:55Fudge goggled worse than ever.
01:48:57His mouth was open and his round face grew pinker under his rumpled grey hair.
01:49:01I—you—Dumbledore turned his back on him.
01:49:05Take this portkey, Harry.
01:49:07He held out the golden head of the statue and Harry placed his hand on it,
01:49:10past caring what he did next or where he went.
01:49:14I shall see you in half an hour, said Dumbledore quietly.
01:49:17One, two, three.
01:49:20Harry felt the familiar sensation of a hook being jerked behind his navel.
01:49:24The polished wooden floor was gone from beneath his feet.
01:49:27The atrium, Fudge and Dumbledore had all disappeared
01:49:30and he was flying forwards in a whirlwind of colour and sound.
