H. Potter and the order of the phoenix AUDIOBOOK part 10

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#harrypotter #audiobook #harrypotterfan
Narrator: James Dobinson


00:00:00Chapter 26 Seen and Unforeseen
00:00:06Luna said vaguely that she did not know how soon Rita's interview with Harry would appear
00:00:09in the Quibbler, that her father was expecting a lovely long article on recent sightings
00:00:13of crumple-horned snorkels, and of course, that'll be a very important story, so Harry's
00:00:19might have to wait for the following issue, said Luna.
00:00:22Harry had not found it an easy experience to talk about the night when Voldemort had
00:00:26Rita had pressed him for every little detail, and he had given her everything he could remember,
00:00:31knowing that this was his big opportunity to tell the world the truth.
00:00:34He wondered how people would react to the story.
00:00:37He guessed that it would confirm a lot of people, in the view that he was completely
00:00:41insane, not least because his story would be appearing alongside utter rubbish about
00:00:45crumple-horned snorkels, but the breakout of Bellatrix Lestrange and her fellow Death
00:00:50Eaters had given Harry a burning desire to do something, whether or not it worked.
00:00:55"'Can't wait to see what Umbridge thinks of you going public,' said Dean, sounding
00:00:59awestruck at dinner on Monday night.
00:01:01Seamus was shoveling down large amounts of chicken and ham pie on Dean's other side,
00:01:06but Harry knew he was listening.
00:01:08"'It's the right thing to do, Harry,' said Neville, who was sitting opposite him.
00:01:12He was rather pale, but went on in a low voice.
00:01:15"'It must have been tough, talking about it, was it?'
00:01:18"'Yeah,' mumbled Harry, "'but people have got to know what Voldemort's capable
00:01:22of, haven't they?'
00:01:23"'That's right,' said Neville, nodding.
00:01:25"'And his Death Eaters too.
00:01:27People should know!'
00:01:28Neville left his sentence hanging and returned to his baked potato.
00:01:32Seamus looked up, but when he caught Harry's eye he looked quickly back at his plate again.
00:01:37After a while Dean, Seamus and Neville departed for the common room, leaving Harry and Hermione
00:01:41at the table waiting for Ron, who had not yet had dinner because of Quidditch practice.
00:01:45Cho Chang walked into the hall with her friend Marietta.
00:01:49Harry's stomach gave an unpleasant lurch, but she did not look over at the Gryffindor
00:01:52table and sat down with her back to him.
00:01:54"'Oh, I forgot to ask you,' said Hermione brightly, glancing over at the Ravenclaw table.
00:01:59"'What happened on your date with Cho?
00:02:00How come you were back so early?'
00:02:02"'Well, it was,' said Harry, pulling a dish of rhubarb crumble towards him and helping
00:02:07himself to seconds.
00:02:09"'A complete fiasco, now you mention it!'
00:02:11And he told her what had happened in Madame Pudderfoot's tea shop.
00:02:14"'So then,' he finished several minutes later, as the final bit of crumble disappeared,
00:02:19she jumps upright and says, "'I'll see you around, Harry,' and runs out of the place.
00:02:24He put down his spoon and looked at Hermione.
00:02:26I mean, what was all that about?
00:02:28What was going on?'
00:02:29Hermione glanced over at the back of Cho's head and sighed.
00:02:32"'Oh, Harry,' she said sadly, "'well, I'm sorry, but you were a bit tactless.'
00:02:39said Harry, outraged.
00:02:40''One minute we were getting on fine, next minute she was telling me that Roger Davis
00:02:44asked her about how she used to go and snog Cedric in that stupid tea shop.
00:02:50How was I supposed to feel about that?'
00:02:51"'Well, you see,' said Hermione, with the patient air of someone explaining that one
00:02:55plus one equals two to an over-emotional toddler, "'you shouldn't have told her that you wanted
00:03:01to meet me halfway through your date.'
00:03:03"'But,' sputtered Harry, "'but you told me to meet you at twelve and to bring her along.
00:03:08How was I supposed to do that without telling her?'
00:03:10"'You should have told her differently,' said Hermione, still with that maddeningly patient
00:03:15"'You should have said it was really annoying.
00:03:18But I'd made you promise to come along to the free broomsticks, and you really didn't
00:03:21want to go.
00:03:22You'd much rather spend the whole day with her, but unfortunately you thought you really
00:03:26ought to meet me, and would she please, please come along with you, and hopefully you'd be
00:03:30able to get away more quickly.
00:03:32And it might have been a good idea to mention how ugly you think I am too,' Hermione added
00:03:36as an afterthought.
00:03:37"'But I don't think you're ugly,' said Harry, bemused.
00:03:40Hermione laughed.
00:03:41''Harry, you're worse than Ron!'
00:03:43"'Well, no, you're not,' she sighed, as Ron himself came stumping into the hall, splattered
00:03:48with mud and looking grumpy.
00:03:49"'Look, you upset Cho when you said you were going to meet me, so she tried to make you
00:03:54It was her way of trying to find out how much you liked her.'
00:03:57"'Is that what she was doing?' said Harry, as Ron dropped onto the bench opposite them
00:04:01and pulled every dish within reach towards him.
00:04:04"'Well, wouldn't it have been easier if she'd just asked me whether I liked her better than
00:04:09"'Girls don't often ask questions like that,' said Hermione.
00:04:11"'Well, they should,' said Harry forcefully.
00:04:13'Then I could have just told her I fancy her, and she wouldn't have had to tell her to get
00:04:18herself all worked up again about Cedric dying.'
00:04:20"'I'm not saying what she did was sensible,' said Hermione, as Ginny joined them, just
00:04:26as muddy as Ron and looking equally disgruntled.
00:04:28I'm just trying to make sure you see how she was feeling at the time.
00:04:32"'You should write a book,' said Ron, told Hermione, as he cut up his potatoes.
00:04:37"'Translating mad things girls do so boys can understand them.'
00:04:42"'Yeah,' said Harry fervently, looking over at the Ravenclaw table.
00:04:45Cho had just got up, and still not looking at him, she left the great hall.
00:04:49Feeling rather depressed, he looked back at Ron and Ginny.
00:04:53How was Quidditch practice?'
00:04:54"'It was a nightmare,' said Ron in a surly voice.
00:04:57"'Oh, come on,' said Hermione, looking at Ginny.
00:04:59"'I'm sure it wasn't that.'
00:05:00"'Yes, it was,' said Ginny.
00:05:02"'It was appalling.
00:05:03Angelina was nearly in tears by the end of it.'
00:05:05Ron and Ginny went off for baths after dinner.
00:05:08Harry and Hermione returned to busy Gryffindor common room and their usual pile of homework.
00:05:13Harry had been struggling with a new star chart for astronomy for half an hour when
00:05:16Fred and George turned up.
00:05:18"'Ron and Ginny not here?' asked Fred, looking around as he pulled up a chair, and
00:05:23when Harry shook his head he said, "'Good.
00:05:25We were watching their practice.
00:05:26They're going to be slaughtered.
00:05:28They're complete rubbish without us.'
00:05:30"'Come on.
00:05:31Ginny's not bad,' said George fairly, sitting down next to Fred.
00:05:33''Actually, I don't know how she got so good, seeing how we never let her play with us.
00:05:37She's been breaking into your broom shed in the garden since the age of six, and taking
00:05:41each of your brooms out in turn when you weren't looking,' said Hermione from behind her tottering
00:05:45pile of ancient rune books.
00:05:47"'Oh,' said George, looking mildly impressed.
00:05:50''Well, that'd explain it.'
00:05:51"'Has Ron saved a goal yet?' asked Hermione, peering over the top of magical hieroglyphs
00:05:56and logograms.
00:05:57"'Well, he can do it if he doesn't think anyone's watching him,' said Fred, rolling
00:06:01his eyes.
00:06:02''So all we have to do is ask the crowd to turn their backs and talk among themselves
00:06:05every time the Quaffle goes up his end on Saturday.'
00:06:08He got up again and moved restlessly to the window, staring out across the dark grounds.
00:06:13"'You know, Quidditch was about the only thing in this place worth staying for.'
00:06:17Hermione cast him a stern look.
00:06:19"'You've got exams coming.'
00:06:20"'Told you already.
00:06:21We're not fussed about newt,' said Fred.
00:06:23"'The snack boxes are ready to roll.
00:06:25We found out how to get rid of those boils.
00:06:27Just a couple of drops of myrtlap essence sorts them.
00:06:30Lee put us onto it.'
00:06:32George yawned wildly and looked out disconsolately at the cloudy night sky.
00:06:37"'I don't know if I even want to watch this match.
00:06:40If Zachariah Smith beats us, I might have to kill myself.'
00:06:43"'Kill him more like,' said Fred firmly.
00:06:45"'That's the trouble with Quidditch,' said Hermione absent-mindedly, once again bent
00:06:49over her rune's translation.
00:06:51"'It creates all this bad feeling and tension between the houses.'
00:06:54She looked up to find her copy of Spellman's syllabary and caught Fred, George and Harry
00:06:59all staring at her with expressions of mingled disgust and incredulity on their faces.
00:07:04"'Well, it does,' she said impatiently.
00:07:05"'It's only a game, isn't it?'
00:07:07"'Hermione,' said Harry, shaking his head.
00:07:09"'You're good on feelings and stuff, but you just don't understand about Quidditch.'
00:07:13"'Maybe not,' she said darkly, returning to her translation.
00:07:16"'But at least my happiness doesn't depend on Ron's goalkeeping ability.'
00:07:21And though Harry would rather have jumped off the Astronomy Tower than admit it to her,
00:07:25by the time he had watched the game the following Saturday,
00:07:28he would have given any number of galleons not to care about Quidditch either.
00:07:31The very best thing you could say about the match was that it was short.
00:07:35The Gryffindor spectators had to endure only 22 minutes of agony.
00:07:39It was hard to say what the worst thing was.
00:07:41Harry thought it was a close-run contest between Ron's 14th failed save,
00:07:45Sloper missing the bludger but hitting Angelina in the mouth with his bat,
00:07:49and Kirk shrieking and falling backwards off his broom
00:07:52when Zachariah Smith zoomed at him carrying the Quaffle.
00:07:55The miracle was that Gryffindor only lost by 10 points.
00:07:58Ginny managed to snatch the snitch from right under Hufflepuff's seeker,
00:08:01Summerbee's nose, so that the final score was 240 versus 230.
00:08:06"'Good catch,' Harry told Ginny back in the common room,
00:08:09where the atmosphere resembled that of a particularly dismal funeral.
00:08:14"'I was lucky,' she shrugged.
00:08:15"'It wasn't a very fast snitch, and Summerbee's got a cold.
00:08:18"'He sneezed and closed his eyes at exactly the wrong moment.
00:08:20"'Anyway, once you're back on the team...
00:08:22"'Ginny, I've got a lifelong ban.'
00:08:25"'You're banned as long as Umbridge is in the school,' Ginny corrected him.
00:08:28"'There's a difference.
00:08:29"'Anyway, once you're back, I think I'll try out for Chaser.
00:08:32"'Angelina and Alicia are both leaving next year,
00:08:35"'and I prefer goal-scoring to seeking anyway.'
00:08:37Harry looked over at Ron, who was hunched in a corner,
00:08:40staring at his knees, a bottle of butterbeer clutched in his hand.
00:08:44"'Angelina still won't let him resign,' Ginny said,
00:08:46as though reading Harry's mind.
00:08:48"'She says she knows he's got it in him.'
00:08:50Harry liked Angelina for the faith she was showing in Ron,
00:08:53but at the same time thought it would really be kinder to let him leave the team.
00:08:56Ron had left the pitch to another booming chorus of Weasley as Our King,
00:09:00sung with great gusto by the Slytherins, who were now favourites to win the Quidditch Cup.
00:09:06Fred and George wandered over.
00:09:08"'Haven't even got the heart to take the mickey out of him,' said Fred,
00:09:10looking over at Ron's crumpled figure.
00:09:12"'Mind you, when he missed the fourteenth,
00:09:14"'he made wild motions with his arms, as though doing an upright doggy paddle.
00:09:19"'Well, I'll save it for parties, eh?'
00:09:21Ron dragged himself up to bed shortly after this.
00:09:24Out of respect for his feelings,
00:09:26Harry waited a while before going to the dormitory himself,
00:09:29so that Ron could pretend to be asleep if he wanted to.
00:09:31Sure enough, when Harry finally entered the room,
00:09:34Ron was snoring a little too loudly to be entirely plausible.
00:09:37Harry got into bed, thinking about the match.
00:09:40It had been immensely frustrating watching from the sidelines.
00:09:42He was quite impressed by Ginny's performance,
00:09:44but he knew if he had been playing, he could have caught the snitch sooner.
00:09:48There had been a moment when it had been fluttering near Kirk's ankle.
00:09:51If Ginny hadn't hesitated, she might have been able to scrape a win for Gryffindor.
00:09:55Umbridge had been sitting a few rows below Harry and Hermione.
00:09:59Once or twice she had turned squatly in her seat to look at him,
00:10:02her wide, wide toad's mouth stretched in what he thought had been a gloating smile.
00:10:07The memory of it made him feel hot with anger, as he lay there in the dark.
00:10:12After a few minutes, however,
00:10:13he remembered that he was supposed to be emptying his mind of all emotion before he slept,
00:10:17as Snape kept instructing him at the end of every occulomancy lesson.
00:10:21He tried for a moment or two,
00:10:22but the thought of Snape on top of memories of Umbridge
00:10:25merely increased his sense of grumbling resentment,
00:10:28and he found himself focusing instead on how much he loathed the pair of them.
00:10:32Slowly, Ron Snores died away, to be replaced by the sound of deep, slow breathing.
00:10:37It took Harry much longer to get to sleep.
00:10:39His body was tired, but it took his brain a long time to close down.
00:10:43He dreamed that Neville and Professor Sprout were waltzing around the room of requirement,
00:10:47while Professor McGonagall played the bagpipes.
00:10:50He watched them happily for a while, and then decided to go and find the other members of the DA.
00:10:55But when he left the room, he found himself facing, not the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy,
00:10:59but a torch burning in its bracket on a stone wall.
00:11:02He turned his head slowly to the left.
00:11:05There, at the far end of the windowless passage, was a plain black door.
00:11:09He walked towards it with a sense of mounting excitement.
00:11:12He had the strangest feeling that this time he was going to get lucky at last,
00:11:16and find the way to open it.
00:11:17He was feet from it, and saw with a leap of excitement
00:11:20that there was a glowing strip of faint blue light down the right-hand side.
00:11:24The door was ajar.
00:11:26He stretched out his hand to push it wide, and...
00:11:28Ron gave a loud, rasping, genuine snore, and Harry awoke abruptly,
00:11:32with his right hand stretched in front of him in the darkness,
00:11:35to open a door that was hundreds of miles away.
00:11:37He let it all fall with a feeling of mingled disappointment and guilt.
00:11:41He knew he should not have seen the door,
00:11:43but at the same time felt so consumed with curiosity about what was behind it
00:11:47that he could not help feeling annoyed with Ron.
00:11:50If only he could have saved his snore for just another minute!
00:11:53They entered the Great Hall for breakfast
00:11:55at exactly the same moment as the post owls on Monday morning.
00:11:58Hermione was not the only person eagerly awaiting her daily profit.
00:12:02Nearly everyone was eager for more news about the escaped Death Eaters,
00:12:05who, despite many reported sightings, had still not been caught.
00:12:09She gave the delivery owl a nut and unfolded the newspaper eagerly,
00:12:13while Harry helped himself to orange juice.
00:12:15As he had only received one note during the entire year,
00:12:18he was sure, when the first owl landed with a thud in front of him,
00:12:21that it had made a mistake.
00:12:23Who are you after? he asked, languidly removing his orange juice from underneath its beak
00:12:28and leaning forwards to see the recipient's name and address.
00:12:32Harry Potter, Great Wall, Hogwarts School.
00:12:35Frowning, he made to take the letter from the owl,
00:12:38but before he could do so, three, four, five more owls
00:12:41had fluttered down beside it and were jockeying for position,
00:12:44treading in the butter and knocking over the salt
00:12:46as each one attempted to give him their letter first.
00:12:49What's going on? Ron asked in amazement,
00:12:52as the whole of Gryffindor table leaned forwards to watch
00:12:55and another seven owls landed against the first ones,
00:12:58screeching, hooting and flapping their wings.
00:13:00Harry, said Hermione breathlessly,
00:13:02plunging her hands into the feathery mass
00:13:04and pulling out a screech owl bearing a long cylindrical package.
00:13:08I think I know what this means. Open this one first.
00:13:11Harry ripped off the brown packaging,
00:13:13out rolled a tightly furled copy of the March edition of the Quibbler.
00:13:17He unrolled it to see his own face
00:13:19grinning sheepishly at him from the front cover.
00:13:21In large red letters across the picture were the words
00:13:24Harry Potter speaks out at last,
00:13:27the truth about he who must not be named
00:13:29and the night I saw him return.
00:13:32It's good, isn't it? said Luna,
00:13:34who had drifted over to the Gryffindor table
00:13:36and now squeezed herself onto the bench between Fred and Ron.
00:13:40It came out yesterday. I asked dad to send you a free copy.
00:13:43I expect all these.
00:13:44She waved a hand at the assembled owls,
00:13:46still scrabbling around on the table in front of Harry.
00:13:49Are letters from readers?
00:13:50That's what I thought, said Hermione eagerly.
00:13:52Harry, do you mind if we…
00:13:54Help yourself, said Harry, feeling slightly bemused.
00:13:56Ron and Hermione both started ripping open envelopes.
00:14:00This one's from a bloke who thinks you're off your rockers,
00:14:02said Ron, glancing down his letter.
00:14:04Ah well.
00:14:05This woman recommends you try a good course of shock spells at St Mungo's,
00:14:09said Hermione, looking disappointed and crumpling up a second.
00:14:13This one looks OK though, said Harry slowly,
00:14:15scanning a long letter from a witch in Paisley.
00:14:17Hey, she says she believes me.
00:14:20This one's in two minds, said Fred,
00:14:22who had joined in the letter opening with enthusiasm.
00:14:24Says you don't come across as a mad person,
00:14:27but he really doesn't want to believe you know who's back,
00:14:29so he doesn't know what to think now.
00:14:31Blimey, what a waste of parchment.
00:14:34Here's another one.
00:14:36Another one you're convinced, Harry.
00:14:37You've convinced, said Hermione excitedly.
00:14:40Having read your side of the story,
00:14:41I'm forced to the conclusion that the Daily Prophet
00:14:44has treated you very unfairly.
00:14:46Little though I want to think that he who must not be named has returned,
00:14:49I am forced to accept that you are telling the truth.
00:14:52Oh, this is wonderful.
00:14:53Another one who thinks you're barking, said Ron,
00:14:55throwing a crumpled letter over his shoulder.
00:14:57But this one says you've got her converted,
00:15:00and she now thinks you're a real hero.
00:15:02She's put in a photograph too.
00:15:04What is going on here?
00:15:06Said a falsely sweet girlish voice.
00:15:08Harry looked up with his hands full of envelopes.
00:15:10Professor Umbridge was standing behind Fred and Luna.
00:15:13Her bulging toad's eyes scanning the mass and mess of owls and letters
00:15:18on the table in front of Harry.
00:15:20Behind her, he saw many of the students watching them avidly.
00:15:23Why have you got all these letters, Mr. Potter?
00:15:26She asked slowly.
00:15:27Is that a crime now?
00:15:28Said Fred loudly, getting male.
00:15:30Be careful, Mr. Weasley, or I shall have to put you in detention, said Umbridge.
00:15:34Well, Mr. Potter?
00:15:35Harry hesitated, but he did not see how he could keep what he had done quiet.
00:15:40It was surely only a matter of time before a copy of the quiddler
00:15:43came to Umbridge's attention.
00:15:45People have written to me because I gave an interview, said Harry,
00:15:48about what happened to me last June.
00:15:50For some reason, he glanced up at the staff table as he said this.
00:15:53Harry had the strangest feeling that Dumbledore had been watching him a second before,
00:15:57but when he looked towards the headmaster,
00:15:59he seemed to be absorbed in conversation with Professor Flitwick.
00:16:02An interview?
00:16:03Repeated Umbridge, her voice thinner and higher than ever.
00:16:07What do you mean?
00:16:08I mean a reporter asked me questions, and I answered them, said Harry.
00:16:12And he threw the copy of the quiddler to her.
00:16:14She caught it and stared down at the cover,
00:16:16her pale, doughy face turning an ugly, patchy violet.
00:16:21When did you do this?
00:16:23She asked, her voice trembling slightly.
00:16:25Last Hogsmeade weekend, said Harry.
00:16:27She looked up at him, incandescent with a rage,
00:16:30the magazine shaking in her stubby fingers.
00:16:32There will be no more Hogsmeade trips for you, Mr. Potter, she whispered.
00:16:36How you dare!
00:16:37How you could!
00:16:39She took a deep breath.
00:16:40I have tried again and again to teach you not to tell lies.
00:16:43The message, apparently, has still not sunk in.
00:16:45Fifty points from Gryffindor, and another week's worth of detentions.
00:16:49She stalked away, clutching the quiddler to her chest,
00:16:52the eyes of many students following her.
00:16:54By mid-morning, enormous signs have been put up all over the school,
00:16:58not just on house notice boards, but in the corridors and classrooms too.
00:17:02By order of the High Inquisitor of Hogwarts,
00:17:04any student found in possession of the magazine, the quiddler, will be expelled.
00:17:09The above is in accordance with Educational Decree No. 27,
00:17:13signed Dolores Jane Umbridge, High Inquisitor.
00:17:16For some reason, every time Hermione caught sight of one of these signs,
00:17:19she beamed with pleasure.
00:17:21What exactly are you so happy about?
00:17:23Harry asked her.
00:17:24Oh, Harry, don't you see?
00:17:26Hermione breathed.
00:17:27If she could have done one thing to make absolutely sure
00:17:30that every single person in this school would read your interview, it was banning it.
00:17:34And it seemed that Hermione was quite right.
00:17:36By the end of the day,
00:17:37though Harry had not seen so much as a corner of the quiddler anywhere in the school,
00:17:41the whole place seemed to be quoting the interview to each other.
00:17:44Harry heard them whispering about it as they queued up outside classes,
00:17:48discussing it over lunch and in the back of lessons,
00:17:50while Hermione even reported that every occupant of the cubicles in the girls' toilets
00:17:55had been talking about it when she nipped in there before ancient runes.
00:17:59Then they spotted me, and obviously they know I know you,
00:18:02so they bombarded me with questions, Hermione told Harry.
00:18:05Her eyes shining.
00:18:06And Harry, I think they believe you.
00:18:08I really do.
00:18:09I think you finally got them convinced.
00:18:11Meanwhile, Professor Umbridge was stalking the school,
00:18:14stopping students at random and demanding that they turn out their books and pockets.
00:18:18Harry knew she was looking for copies of the quibbler,
00:18:21but the students were several steps ahead of her.
00:18:23The pages carrying Harry's interview had been bewitched
00:18:26to resemble extracts from textbooks if anyone but themselves read it,
00:18:30or else wiped magically blank until they wanted to peruse it again.
00:18:36Soon it seemed that every single person in the school had read it.
00:18:40The teachers were of course forbidden from mentioning the interview by educational decree
00:18:44number 26, but they found ways to express their feelings about it all the same.
00:18:48Professor Sprout awarded Gryffindor 20 points when Harry passed her a watering can.
00:18:53A beaming Professor Flitwick pressed a box of squeaking sugar mice on him at the end of charms,
00:18:59said shh and hurried away.
00:19:01And Professor Trelawney broke into hysterical sobs during divination
00:19:04and announced to the startled class and a very disapproving Umbridge
00:19:07that Harry was not going to suffer an early death after all,
00:19:10but would live to a ripe old age, become minister of magic and have 12 children.
00:19:15But what made Harry happiest was Cho,
00:19:17catching up with him as he was hurrying along to transfiguration the next day.
00:19:21Before he knew what had happened, her hand was in his and she was breathing in his ear.
00:19:25I'm really, really sorry.
00:19:27The interview was so brave, it made me cry.
00:19:31He was sorry to hear she had shed even more tears over it,
00:19:34but very glad they were on speaking terms again,
00:19:37and even more pleased when she gave him a swift kiss on the cheek and hurried off again.
00:19:41And unbelievably, no sooner had he arrived outside transfiguration
00:19:45than something just as good happened.
00:19:47Seamus stepped out of the queue to face him.
00:19:49I just wanted to see, he mumbled, squinting at Harry's left knee.
00:19:54I believe you.
00:19:55And I've sent a copy of that magazine to me mam.
00:19:58If anything more was needed to complete Harry's happiness,
00:20:01it was the reaction he got from Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle.
00:20:04He saw them with their heads together later that afternoon in the library.
00:20:08They were with a weedy looking boy Hermione whispered was called Theodore Knot.
00:20:12They looked around at Harry as he browsed the shelves for the book he needed on partial
00:20:17Goyle cracked his knuckles threateningly and Malfoy whispered something undoubtedly malevolent
00:20:22to Crabbe.
00:20:23Harry knew perfectly well they were acting like this.
00:20:26He had named all their fathers as Death Eaters.
00:20:29And the best bit, whispered Hermione gleefully as they left the library,
00:20:33is they can't contradict you because they can't admit they've read the article.
00:20:36To cap it all, Luna told him over dinner that no issue of the Quibbler had ever sold out faster.
00:20:42Dad's reprinting?
00:20:44She told Harry, her eyes popping excitedly.
00:20:46He can't believe it.
00:20:47He says people seem even more interested in this than the Crumplehorn Snorkaks.
00:20:52Harry was a hero in the Gryffindor common room that night.
00:20:55Daringly Fred and George had put an enlargement charm on the front cover of the Quibbler and hung
00:21:00it onto the wall so that Harry's giant head gazed down upon the proceedings,
00:21:04occasionally saying things like,
00:21:06The Ministry are morons and eat dung Umbridge in a booming voice.
00:21:10Hermione did not find this very amusing.
00:21:12She said it interfered with her concentration and she ended up going to bed early out of
00:21:17Harry had to admit that the poster was not quite as funny after an hour or two,
00:21:21especially when the talking spell had started to wear off so that it nearly shouted disconnected
00:21:26words like dung and Umbridge at more and more frequent intervals in a progressively higher
00:21:34In fact, it started to make his headache and his scar began prickling uncomfortably again.
00:21:39To disappointed moans from the many people who were sitting around him,
00:21:42asking him to relive his interview for the umpteenth time,
00:21:46he announced that he too needed an early night.
00:21:48The dormitory was empty when he reached it.
00:21:50He rested his forehead for a moment against the cool glass of the window beside his bed.
00:21:55It felt soothing against his scar.
00:21:57Then he undressed and got into bed, wishing his headache would go away.
00:22:01He also felt slightly sick.
00:22:02He rolled over onto his side, closed his eyes and fell asleep almost at once.
00:22:06He was standing in a dark, curtained room lit by a single branch of candles.
00:22:10His hands were clenched on the back of a chair in front of him.
00:22:14They were long, fingered and white as though they had not seen sunlight for years and looked
00:22:19large, pale spiders against the dark velvet of the chair.
00:22:23Beyond the chair, in a pool of light cast upon the floor by the candles,
00:22:26knelt a man in black robes.
00:22:28I have been badly advised, it seems, said Harry in a high, cold voice that pulsed with anger.
00:22:35Master, I crave your pardon, croaked the man kneeling on the floor.
00:22:38The back of his head glimmered in the candlelight.
00:22:41He seemed to be trembling.
00:22:42I do not blame you, Rockwood, said Harry in that cold, cruel voice.
00:22:47He relinquished his grip on the chair and walked around it, closer to the man cowering on the
00:22:51floor until he stood directly over him in the darkness, looking down from a far greater height
00:22:56than usual.
00:22:57You are sure of your facts, Rockwood?
00:23:01Rockwood asked Harry.
00:23:02Yes, my lord, yes.
00:23:04I used to work in the department after all.
00:23:07Avery told me Bode would be able to remove it.
00:23:10Bode would never have taken it, Master.
00:23:12Bode would have known he could not.
00:23:13Undoubtedly that is why he fought so hard against Malfoy's imperious curse.
00:23:18Stand up, Rockwood, whispered Harry.
00:23:21The kneeling man almost fell over in his haste to obey.
00:23:24His face was pockmarked.
00:23:25The scars were thrown into relief by the candlelight.
00:23:28He remained a little stooped when standing, as though halfway through a bow, and he darted
00:23:33terrified looks up at Harry's face.
00:23:35You have done well to tell me this, said Harry.
00:23:37Very well.
00:23:38I have wasted months on fruitless schemes, it seems, but no matter.
00:23:41We begin again from now.
00:23:43You have Lord Voldemort's gratitude, Rockwood.
00:23:45My lord, yes, my lord, gasped Rockwood, his voice hoarse with relief.
00:23:50I shall need your help.
00:23:52I shall need all the information you can give me.
00:23:54Of course, my lord, of course, anything.
00:23:56Very well.
00:23:57You may go.
00:23:58Send Avery to me.
00:24:00Rockwood scurried backwards, bowing, and disappeared through a door.
00:24:04Left alone in the dark room, Harry turned towards the wall.
00:24:07A cracked, aged, spot mirror hung on the wall in the shadows.
00:24:11Harry moved towards it.
00:24:13His reflection grew larger and clearer in the darkness.
00:24:16A face, whiter than a skull, red eyes with slits for pupils.
00:24:22What? yelled a voice nearby.
00:24:24Harry flailed around madly, became entangled in the hangings, and fell out of his bed.
00:24:29For a few seconds, he did not know where he was.
00:24:31He was convinced he was about to see the white, skull-like face looming at him from the dark
00:24:36Then, very near to him, Ron's voice spoke.
00:24:39Will you stop acting like a maniac so I can get you out of here?
00:24:42Ron wrenched the hangings apart, and Harry stared up at him in the moonlight, flat on
00:24:47his back, his scar searing with pain.
00:24:49Ron looked as though he had just been getting ready for bed.
00:24:52One arm was out of his robes.
00:24:54Has someone been attacked again?
00:24:56asked Ron, pulling Harry roughly to his feet.
00:24:58Is it Dad?
00:24:59Is it that snake?
00:25:01Everyone's fine, gasped Harry, whose forehead felt as though it were on fire.
00:25:05Well, Avery isn't.
00:25:06He's in trouble.
00:25:08He gave him the wrong information.
00:25:10Voldemort's really angry.
00:25:12Harry groaned and sank, shaking onto his bed, rubbing his scar.
00:25:18But Rookwood's going to help him now.
00:25:20He's on the right track again.
00:25:21What are you talking about?
00:25:22said Ron, sounding scared.
00:25:24Do you mean, did you just see You-Know-Who?
00:25:27I was You-Know-Who, said Harry, and he stretched out his hands in the darkness, and held them
00:25:31up to his face, to check that they were no longer deathly white and long-fingered.
00:25:35He was with Rookwood.
00:25:36He's one of the Death Eaters who escaped from Azkaban.
00:25:38Remember, Rookwood's just told him Bode couldn't have done it.
00:25:41Done what?
00:25:42Remove something.
00:25:43He said Bode would have known he couldn't have done it.
00:25:46Bode was under the Imperious Curse.
00:25:48I think he said Malfoy's dad put it on him.
00:25:52Bode was bewitched to remove something, Ron said.
00:25:54But Harry, that's got to be the weapon.
00:25:57Harry finished the sentence for him.
00:25:59I know.
00:26:00The dormitory door opened.
00:26:01Dean and Seamus came in.
00:26:03Harry swung his legs back into bed.
00:26:04He did not want to look as though anything odd had just happened, seeing as Seamus had
00:26:08only just stopped thinking Harry was a nutter.
00:26:11Did you say, murmured Ron, putting his head close to Harry's on the pretense of helping
00:26:15himself to water from the jug on the bedside table, that you were You-Know-Who?
00:26:20Yes, said Harry quietly.
00:26:22Ron took an unnecessarily large gulp of water.
00:26:24Harry saw it spill over his chin onto his chest.
00:26:27Harry, he said, as Dean and Seamus clattered around noisily, pulling off their robes and
00:26:32You've got to tell...
00:26:34I haven't got to tell anyone, said Harry shortly.
00:26:36I wouldn't have seen it at all if I could do oculomancy.
00:26:39I'm supposed to have learned to shut this stuff out.
00:26:41That's what they want.
00:26:42But they...
00:26:44By they, he meant Dumbledore.
00:26:45He got back into bed and rolled over onto his side, with his back to Ron, and after
00:26:50a while he heard Ron's mattress creak as he too lay back down.
00:26:53Harry's scar began to burn.
00:26:55He bit hard on his pillow to stop himself making a noise.
00:26:58Somewhere, he knew, Avery was being punished.
00:27:01Harry and Ron waited until break next morning to tell Hermione exactly what had happened.
00:27:05They wanted to be absolutely sure they could not be overheard.
00:27:08Standing in their usual corner of the cool and breezy courtyard, Harry told her every
00:27:13detail of the dream he could remember.
00:27:15When he'd finished, she said nothing at all for a few moments, but stared, with a kind
00:27:19of painful intensity, at Fred and George, who were both headless and selling their magical
00:27:23hats from under their cloaks on the other side of the yard.
00:27:27So that's why they killed him, she said quietly.
00:27:31Withdrawing her gaze from Fred and George at last.
00:27:33When Bode tried to steal this weapon, something funny happened to him.
00:27:37I think there must be defensive spells on it, or around it, to stop people touching
00:27:41That's why he was in St Mungo's.
00:27:43His brain had gone all funny, and he couldn't walk.
00:27:46He couldn't talk.
00:27:47But remember what the healer told us.
00:27:49He was recovering, and they couldn't risk him getting better, could they?
00:27:53I mean, the shock of whatever happened when he touched that weapon probably made the Imperius
00:27:57curse lift.
00:27:58Once he'd got his voice back, he'd explain what he'd been doing, wouldn't he?
00:28:02They would have known.
00:28:03He'd been sent to steal the weapon.
00:28:05Of course, it would have been easy for Lucius Malfoy to put the curse on him.
00:28:09Never out of the ministry, is he?
00:28:11He was even hanging around that day.
00:28:13I had my hearing, said Harry, in the...
00:28:15Hang on, he said slowly.
00:28:17He was in the Department of Mysteries corridor that day.
00:28:19Your dad said he was probably trying to sneak down and find out what was happening.
00:28:23In my hearing.
00:28:24But what if...
00:28:25Sturgis, gasped Hermione, looking thunderstruck.
00:28:28Sorry, said Ron, looking bewildered.
00:28:30Sturgis Podmore, said Hermione breathlessly, arrested for trying to get through a door.
00:28:36Lucius Malfoy must have got him too.
00:28:38I bet he did it the day you saw him there.
00:28:40Harry, Sturgis had Moody's invisibility cloak, right?
00:28:44So what if he was standing guard by the door, invisible, and Malfoy heard him move,
00:28:48or guessed someone was there?
00:28:50Or just did the Imperius curse on the off chance they'd be a guard there?
00:28:53So when Sturgis next had an opportunity, probably when it was his turn on guard duty again,
00:28:58he tried to get into the department to steal the weapon for Voldemort.
00:29:02Ron, be quiet.
00:29:03But he got caught and sent to Azkaban.
00:29:06She gazed at Harry, and now Rookwoods told Voldemort how to get the weapon.
00:29:10I didn't hear all the conversation, but that's what it sounded like, said Harry.
00:29:13Rookwood used to work there.
00:29:15Maybe Voldemort would send Rookwood to do it.
00:29:18Hermione nodded, apparently still lost in thought.
00:29:21Then, quite abruptly, she said,
00:29:22But you shouldn't have seen this at all, Harry.
00:29:25What? he said, taking her back.
00:29:27You're supposed to be learning how to close your mind to this sort of thing, said Hermione.
00:29:30Suddenly stern.
00:29:31I know I am, said Harry.
00:29:33But, well, I think we should just try and forget what you saw, said Hermione firmly,
00:29:37and you ought to put a bit more effort on your oculomancy from now on.
00:29:43The week did not improve as it progressed.
00:29:45Harry received two more D's in potions.
00:29:48He was still on tenterhooks that Hagrid might get the sack,
00:29:51and he couldn't stop himself dwelling on the dream in which he had been Voldemort.
00:29:55Though he didn't bring it up with Ron and Hermione again.
00:29:58He didn't want another telling off from Hermione.
00:30:00He wished very much that he could have talked to Sirius about it,
00:30:04but that was out of the question, so he tried to push the matter to the back of his mind.
00:30:07Unfortunately, the back of his mind was no longer the secure place it had once been.
00:30:12Get up, Potter.
00:30:13A couple of weeks after his dream of Rookwood,
00:30:15Harry was to be found yet again kneeling on the floor of Snape's office,
00:30:19trying to clear his head.
00:30:21He had just been forced yet again to relive a stream of very early memories
00:30:25he had not even realised he still had,
00:30:27most of them concerning humiliations Dudley and his gang had inflicted upon him in primary school.
00:30:32That last memory, said Snape, what was it?
00:30:36I don't know, said Harry, getting weary to his feet.
00:30:39He was finding it increasingly difficult to disentangle separate memories from the rush of
00:30:43images and sound that Snape kept calling forth.
00:30:46You mean the one where my cousin tried to make me stand in the toilet?
00:30:50No, said Snape softly.
00:30:52I mean the one with a man kneeling in the middle of a darkened room.
00:30:56It's nothing, said Harry.
00:30:58Snape's dark eyes bored into Harry's,
00:31:00remembering what Snape had said about eye contact being crucial to legilimency.
00:31:05Harry blinked and looked away.
00:31:07How do that man and that room come to be inside your head,
00:31:12Potter, said Snape.
00:31:14It, said Harry, looking everywhere but at Snape.
00:31:16It was just a dream I had.
00:31:19A dream, repeated Snape.
00:31:21There was a pause, during which Harry stared fixedly at a large dead frog,
00:31:25suspended in a jar of purple liquid.
00:31:28You do know why you are here, don't you, Potter, said Snape, in a low, dangerous voice.
00:31:33You do know why I am giving up my evenings to this tedious job?
00:31:38Yes, said Harry stiffly.
00:31:39Remind me why you are here, Potter.
00:31:42So I can learn oculimency, said Harry, now glaring at a dead eel.
00:31:47Correct, Potter.
00:31:48And dim though you may be, Harry looked back at Snape, hating him,
00:31:52I would have thought that after over two months of lessons you might have made some progress.
00:31:57How many other dreams about the Dark Lord have you had?
00:32:02Just that one, lied Harry.
00:32:05Perhaps, said Snape, his dark, cold eyes narrowing slightly,
00:32:09perhaps you actually enjoy having these visions and dreams, Potter.
00:32:13Maybe they make you feel special, important.
00:32:16No, they don't, said Harry, his jaws set and his fingers clenched tightly
00:32:20around the handle of his wand.
00:32:22That is just as well, Potter, said Snape coldly, because you are neither special nor important,
00:32:27and it is not up to you to find out what the Dark Lord is saying to his death eaters.
00:32:33No, that's your job, isn't it, Harry shot at him.
00:32:36He had not meant to say it.
00:32:38It had burst out of him in temper.
00:32:39For a long moment they stared at each other.
00:32:41Harry convinced he had gone too far.
00:32:43But there was a curious, almost satisfied expression on Snape's face when he answered,
00:32:48Yes, Potter, he said, his eyes glinting.
00:32:51That is my job.
00:32:52Now, if you are ready, we will start again.
00:32:55He raised his wand.
00:32:59Leg elements!
00:33:01A hundred Dementors were swooping towards Harry across the lake in the grounds.
00:33:04He screwed up his face in concentration.
00:33:06They were coming closer.
00:33:08He could see the dark holes beneath their hoods.
00:33:10Yet he could also see Snape standing in front of him, his eyes fixed on Harry's face,
00:33:15muttering under his breath.
00:33:16And somehow Snape was growing clearer, and the Dementors were growing fainter.
00:33:21Harry raised his own wand.
00:33:24Snape staggered.
00:33:25His wand flew upwards, away from Harry, and suddenly Harry's mind was teeming with memories
00:33:30that were not his.
00:33:31A hooked-nosed man was shouting at a cowering woman, while a small dark-haired boy cried
00:33:36in a corner.
00:33:37A greasy-haired teenager sat alone in a dark bedroom, pointing his wand at the ceiling,
00:33:42shooting down flies.
00:33:43A girl was laughing as a scrawny boy tried to mount a bucking broomstick.
00:33:49Harry felt as though he'd been pushed hard in the chest.
00:33:51He staggered several steps backwards, hit some of the shelves covering Snape's walls,
00:33:55and heard something crack.
00:33:57Snape was shaking slightly, and was very white in the face.
00:34:00The back of Harry's robes was damp.
00:34:02One of the jars behind him had broken when he fell against it.
00:34:05The pickled slimy thing within was swirling in its draining potion.
00:34:10hissed Snape, and the jar healed itself at once.
00:34:13Well, Potter, that was certainly an improvement.
00:34:17Panting slightly, Snape straightened the pensieve, on which he had again stored some of his thoughts
00:34:21before starting the lesson, almost as though he was checking they were still there.
00:34:25I don't remember telling you to use a shield, Charm.
00:34:29But there is no doubt that it was effective.
00:34:32Harry did not speak.
00:34:33He felt that to say anything might be dangerous.
00:34:36He was sure he had just broken into Snape's memories,
00:34:38that he had just seen scenes from Snape's childhood.
00:34:42It was unnerving to think that the little boy who had been crying as he watched his
00:34:46parents shouting was actually standing in front of him with such loathing in his eyes.
00:34:50Let's try again, shall we?
00:34:52said Snape.
00:34:53Harry felt a thrill of dread.
00:34:55He was about to pay for what had just happened.
00:34:58He was sure of it.
00:34:59They moved back into position, with a desk between them,
00:35:02Harry feeling he was going to find it much harder to empty his mind this time.
00:35:05On the count of three, then, said Snape, raising his wand once more.
00:35:12Harry did not have time to gather himself together and attempt to clear his mind before
00:35:16Snape cried,
00:35:18He was hurtling along the corridor, towards the Department of Mysteries,
00:35:22past the blank stone walls, past the torches.
00:35:25The plain black door was growing ever larger.
00:35:27He was moving so fast, he was going to collide with it.
00:35:30He was feet from it.
00:35:31And again, he could see that clink, that little chink of faint blue light.
00:35:36The door had flown open.
00:35:37He was through it at last, inside a black-walled, black-floored, circular room,
00:35:42lit with blue-flamed candles.
00:35:44And there were more doors all around him.
00:35:46He needed to go on.
00:35:48But which door ought he to take?
00:35:50Harry opened his eyes.
00:35:52He was flat on his back again, and no memory of having got there.
00:35:55He was also panting, as though he really had run the length of the Department of Mysteries
00:35:59corridor, really had sprinted through the black door around the circular room.
00:36:04EXPLAIN YOURSELF, said Snape, who was standing over him, looking furious.
00:36:08I don't know what happened, said Harry truthfully, standing up.
00:36:12There was a lump on the back of his head, where he had hit the ground, and he felt feverish.
00:36:16I've never seen that before.
00:36:17I mean, I told you, I've dreamed about the door, but it's never opened before.
00:36:22You are not working hard enough.
00:36:24For some reason, Snape seemed even angrier than he had done two minutes before, when
00:36:28Harry had seen into the teacher's memories.
00:36:31You are lazy and sloppy, Potter.
00:36:33It is small wonder that the Dark Lord...
00:36:36Can you tell me something, sir?
00:36:37said Harry, firing up again.
00:36:39Why do you call Voldemort the Dark Lord?
00:36:41I've only ever heard Death Eaters call him that.
00:36:43Snape opened his mouth in a snarl.
00:36:46And a woman screamed from somewhere outside the room.
00:36:49Snape's head jerked upwards.
00:36:51He was gazing at the ceiling.
00:36:52What the... he muttered.
00:36:54Harry could hear a muffled commotion coming from what he thought might be the entrance
00:36:58Snape looked around at him, frowning.
00:37:00Did you see anything unusual on your way down here, Potter?
00:37:04Harry shook his head.
00:37:06Somewhere above them, the woman screamed again.
00:37:08Snape strode to the office door, his wand still held at the ready, and swept out of
00:37:13Harry hesitated for a moment, and then followed.
00:37:16The screams were indeed coming from the entrance hall.
00:37:18They grew louder as Harry ran towards the stone steps, leading up from the dungeons.
00:37:22When he reached the top, he found the entrance hall packed.
00:37:25Students had come flooding out of the great hall, where dinner was still in progress,
00:37:29to see what was going on.
00:37:30Others had crammed themselves onto the marble staircase.
00:37:33Harry pushed forwards, through a knot of tall sliverings, and saw that the onlookers had
00:37:37formed a great ring.
00:37:38Some of them looked shocked, others even frightened.
00:37:41Professor McGonagall was directly opposite Harry on the other side of the hall.
00:37:44She looked as though what she was watching made her faintly sick.
00:37:49Professor Trelawney was standing in the middle of the entrance hall, with her wand in one
00:37:53hand, and an empty sherry bottle in the other, looking utterly mad.
00:37:57Her hair was sticking up on end, her glasses were lopsided, so that one eye was magnified
00:38:02more than the other.
00:38:02Her innumerable shawls and scarves were trailing haphazardly from her shoulders, giving the
00:38:07impression that she was falling apart at the seams.
00:38:10Two large trunks lay on the floor beside her, one of them upside down.
00:38:14It looked very much as though it had been thrown down the stairs after her.
00:38:17Professor Trelawney was staring, apparently terrified, at something Harry could not see,
00:38:22but which seemed to be standing at the foot of the stairs.
00:38:25She shrieked.
00:38:26This cannot be happening!
00:38:27It cannot!
00:38:28I refuse to accept it!
00:38:30You didn't realise this was coming?
00:38:32said a high, girlish voice, sounding callously amused, and Harry, moving slightly to his
00:38:37right, saw that Trelawney's terrifying vision was nothing other than Professor Umbridge.
00:38:41Incapable, though you are of predicting even tomorrow's weather, you must surely have
00:38:45realised that your pitiful performance during my inspections, and lack of any improvement,
00:38:50would make it inevitable that you would be sacked.
00:38:53You can't!
00:38:54howled Professor Trelawney, tears streaming down her face from behind her enormous lenses.
00:38:58You can't sack me!
00:39:00I've been here sixteen years!
00:39:03Hogwarts is my home!
00:39:04It was your home, said Professor Umbridge, and Harry was revolted to see the enjoyment
00:39:09stretching her toad-like face as she watched Professor Trelawney sink, sobbing uncontrollably
00:39:15onto one of her trunks, until an hour ago when the Minister for Magic countersigned
00:39:21your order of dismissal.
00:39:22Now kindly remove yourself from this hall!
00:39:25You are embarrassing us!
00:39:26But she stood and watched, with an expression of gloating enjoyment, as Professor Trelawney
00:39:30shuddered and moaned, rocking backwards and forwards on her trunk in paroxysms of grief.
00:39:37Harry heard a muffled sob to his left and looked around.
00:39:41Lavender and Pavarti were both crying quietly, their arms around each other.
00:39:44Then he heard footsteps.
00:39:46Professor McGonagall had broken away from the spectators, marched straight up to Professor
00:39:50Trelawney, and was patting her firmly on the back while withdrawing a large handkerchief
00:39:54from within her robes.
00:39:55There, there, Sibyl.
00:39:57Calm down.
00:39:57Blow your nose on this.
00:39:59It's not as bad as you think now.
00:40:00You are not going to have to leave Hogwarts.
00:40:03Oh, really, Professor McGonagall, said Umbridge in a deadly voice.
00:40:06Taking a few steps forward.
00:40:08And your authority for that statement is?
00:40:10That would be mine, said a deep voice.
00:40:13The oaken front doors had swung open.
00:40:16Students beside them scuttled out of the way as Dumbledore appeared in the entrance.
00:40:20What he had been doing out of the grounds Harry could not imagine, but there was something
00:40:23impressive about the sight of him framed on the doorway against an oddly misty night.
00:40:28Leaving the doors wide open behind him, he strode forwards through the circle of onlookers
00:40:32towards Professor Trelawney, tear-stained and trembling.
00:40:36On her trunk, Professor McGonagall alongside her.
00:40:39Yours, Professor Dumbledore?
00:40:41Said Umbridge, with a singularly unpleasant little laugh.
00:40:44I'm afraid you do not understand the position I have here.
00:40:47She pulled a parchment scroll from within her robes.
00:40:50An order of dismissal signed by myself and the Minister for Magic.
00:40:53Under the terms of Educational Decree Number 23, the High Inquisitor of Hogwarts has the
00:40:59power to inspect, place upon probation, and sack any teacher that is to say I feel is
00:41:05not performing to the standards required by the Ministry of Magic.
00:41:07I have decided that Professor Trelawney is not up to scratch.
00:41:11I have dismissed her.
00:41:14To Harry's very great surprise, Dumbledore continued to smile.
00:41:17He looked down at Professor Trelawney, who was still sobbing and choking on her trunk,
00:41:21and said, You are quite right, of course, Professor Umbridge.
00:41:24As High Inquisitor, you have every right to dismiss my teachers.
00:41:27You do not, however, have the authority to send them away from the castle, I am afraid.
00:41:32He went on, with a courteous little bow, That the power to do that still resides with
00:41:38the Headmaster, and it is my wish that Professor Trelawney continue to live at Hogwarts.
00:41:43At this Professor Trelawney gave a wild little laugh, in which a hiccup was barely hidden.
00:41:48No, no, I'll go, Dumbledore, I shall leave Hogwarts and seek my fortune elsewhere.
00:41:54No, said Dumbledore sharply, it is my wish that you remain, Sibyl.
00:41:57He returned to Professor McGonagall.
00:41:59Might I ask you to escort Sibyl back upstairs, Professor McGonagall?
00:42:03Of course, said McGonagall.
00:42:05Up you get, Sibyl.
00:42:06Professor Sprout came hurrying forwards out of the crowd, and grabbed Professor Trelawney's
00:42:11other arm.
00:42:11Together they guided her past Umbridge and up the marble stairs.
00:42:15Professor Flitwick went scurrying after them.
00:42:17His wand held out before him.
00:42:19He squeaked, Locomotor trunks, and Professor Trelawney's luggage rose into the air and
00:42:24proceeded up the staircase after her, Professor Flitwick bringing up the rear.
00:42:28Professor Umbridge was standing stock still, staring at Dumbledore, who continued to smile
00:42:34And what, she said in a whisper that carried all around the entrance hall, are you going
00:42:38to do with her once I appoint a new divination teacher who needs her lodgings?
00:42:43Oh, that won't be a problem, said Dumbledore pleasantly.
00:42:46You see, I have already found us a new divination teacher, and he will prefer lodgings on the
00:42:51ground floor.
00:42:52You've found, said Umbridge shrilly.
00:42:55You've found!
00:42:56Might I remind you, Dumbledore, that under Educational Decree No. 22, the Ministry has
00:43:02the right to appoint a suitable candidate if, and only if, the Headmaster is unable
00:43:06to find one, said Dumbledore, and I am happy to say that on this occasion I have succeeded.
00:43:12May I introduce you?
00:43:13He turned to face the open front doors, through which night mist was now drifting.
00:43:18Harry heard hooves.
00:43:19There was a shocked murmur around the hall, and those nearest the doors hastily moved
00:43:23even further backwards.
00:43:25Some of them tripping over in their haste to clear a path for the newcomer.
00:43:28Through the mist came a face Harry had seen once before on a dark, dangerous night in
00:43:33the Forbidden Forest.
00:43:34White blonde hair and astonishingly blue eyes.
00:43:38The head and torso of a man joined to the palomino body of a horse.
00:43:42This is Ferentz, said Dumbledore happily, to the thunderstruck Umbridge.
00:43:47I think you'll find him suitable.
00:43:55I bet you she hadn't given up divination now, don't you, Hermione?
00:43:58asked Pavarti, smirking.
00:44:00It was breakfast time, two days after the sacking of Professor Trelawney, and Pavarti
00:44:04was curling her eyelashes around her wand and examining the effect in the back of the
00:44:10They were to have their first lesson with Ferentz that morning.
00:44:13Not really, said Hermione indifferently, who was reading the Daily Prophet.
00:44:17I've never really liked horses.
00:44:18She turned a page of the newspaper and scanned its columns.
00:44:21He's not a horse.
00:44:22He's a centaur, said Lavender, sounding shocked.
00:44:25A gorgeous centaur, sighed Pavarti.
00:44:28Either way, he's still got four legs, said Hermione coolly.
00:44:31Anyway, I thought you two were all upset that Trelawney had gone.
00:44:34We are, Lavender assured her.
00:44:36We went up to her office to see her.
00:44:38We took her some daffodils.
00:44:39Not the honking ones that Sprouts got.
00:44:41Nice ones.
00:44:42How is she?
00:44:42asked Harry.
00:44:43Not very good, poor thing, said Lavender sympathetically.
00:44:46She was crying and saying she'd rather leave the castle forever than stay here where Umbridge is.
00:44:51And I don't blame her.
00:44:52Umbridge was horrible to her, wasn't she?
00:44:55I've got a feeling Umbridge has only just started being horrible, said Hermione darkly.
00:44:59Impossible, said Ron, who was tucking into a large plate of eggs and bacon.
00:45:03She can't get any worse than she's been already.
00:45:06You mark my words.
00:45:07She's going to want revenge on Dumbledore for appointing a new teacher without consulting her,
00:45:10said Hermione, closing the newspaper.
00:45:13Especially another part human.
00:45:15You saw the look on her face when she saw Ferenz.
00:45:17After breakfast, Hermione departed for her Irvincy glass,
00:45:20as Harry and Ron followed Pavarti and Lavender into the entrance hall, heading for divination.
00:45:26Aren't we going up to the North Tower, asked Ron, looking puzzled,
00:45:29as Pavarti bypassed the marble staircase.
00:45:32Pavarti looked at him scornfully over her shoulder.
00:45:34How do you expect Ferenz to climb that ladder?
00:45:37We're in Classroom 11 now.
00:45:38It was on the notice board yesterday.
00:45:40Classroom 11 was on the ground floor along the corridor leading off the entrance hall
00:45:44from the opposite side to the Great Hall.
00:45:46Harry knew it was one of those classrooms that were never used regularly,
00:45:50and therefore had the slightly neglected feeling of a cupboard or storeroom.
00:45:54When he entered it right behind Ron and found himself in the middle of a forest clearing,
00:45:59he was therefore momentarily stunned.
00:46:01What the...
00:46:02The classroom floor had been springily mossy and trees were growing out of it.
00:46:06Their leafy branches fanned across the ceiling and windows
00:46:09so that the room was full of slanting shafts of soft dappled green light.
00:46:14The students who had already arrived were sitting on the earthy floor
00:46:17with their backs resting against tree trunks or boulders,
00:46:20arms wrapped around their knees or folded tightly across their chests,
00:46:24and all looking rather nervous.
00:46:26In the middle of the clearing, where there were no trees, stood Ferenz.
00:46:30Harry Potter, he said, holding out a hand when Harry entered.
00:46:33Uh, hi, said Harry, shaking hands with the centaur,
00:46:37who surveyed him unblinkingly through those astonishingly blue eyes,
00:46:40but did not smile.
00:46:42Uh, good to see you.
00:46:44And you, said the centaur, inclining his white blonde head.
00:46:47It was foretold that we would meet again.
00:46:50Harry noticed there was the shadow of a hoofed shaped bruise on Ferenz's chest.
00:46:54As he turned to join the rest of the class on the ground,
00:46:57he saw they were all looking at him in awe,
00:46:59apparently deeply impressed that he was on speaking terms with Ferenz,
00:47:02whom they seemed to find intimidating.
00:47:05When the door was closed and the last students had sat down on a tree stump
00:47:09beside the waste paper basket, Ferenz gestured around the room.
00:47:13Professor Dumbledore has kindly arranged the classroom for us, said Ferenz,
00:47:17when everyone had settled down, in imitation of my natural habitat.
00:47:21I would have preferred to teach you in the forbidden forest,
00:47:24which was until Monday my home, but that is no longer possible.
00:47:27Please, uh, sir, said Pavarti breathlessly, raising her hand,
00:47:31why not?
00:47:32We've been in there with Hagrid.
00:47:34We're not frightened.
00:47:35It is not a question of your bravery, said Ferenz,
00:47:37but of my position.
00:47:38I cannot return to the forest.
00:47:40My herd has banished me.
00:47:42Heard, said Lavender in a confused voice,
00:47:44and Harry knew she was thinking of cows.
00:47:48Comprehension dawned on her face.
00:47:50There are more of you, she said, stunned.
00:47:53Did Hagrid breed you, like the Thestrals?
00:47:55asked Dean eagerly.
00:47:57Ferenz turned his head very slowly to face Dean,
00:47:59who seemed to realize at once that he had said something very offensive.
00:48:03I didn't, I meant, sorry, he finished in a hushed voice.
00:48:07Centaurs are not the servants of playthings of humans,
00:48:10said Ferenz quietly.
00:48:12There was a pause, and then Pavarti raised her hand again.
00:48:14Please, sir, why have the other centaurs banished you?
00:48:17Because I have agreed to work for Professor Dumbledore, said Ferenz.
00:48:21They see this is a betrayal of our kind.
00:48:24Harry remembered how, nearly four years ago,
00:48:26the centaur Bane had shouted at Ferenz for allowing Harry to ride to safety on his back.
00:48:33He had called him a common mule.
00:48:35He wondered whether it had been Bane who had kicked Ferenz in the chest.
00:48:39Let us begin, said Ferenz.
00:48:41He swished his long palomino tail,
00:48:43raised his hand towards the leafy canopy overhead,
00:48:46and then lowered it slowly.
00:48:47And as he did so, the light in the room dimmed,
00:48:50so that they now seemed to be sitting in a forest clearing by twilight,
00:48:54and stars appeared on the ceiling.
00:48:56There were oohs and gasps, and Ron said audibly,
00:48:59Lie back on the floor, said Ferenz in his calm voice,
00:49:02and observe the heavens.
00:49:04Here is written, for those who can see,
00:49:06the fortune of our races.
00:49:08Harry stretched out on his back and gazed upwards at the ceiling.
00:49:12A twinkling red star winked at him from overhead.
00:49:15I know that you have learned the names of the planets and their moons in astronomy,
00:49:18said Ferenz's calm voice,
00:49:20and that you have mapped the stars' progress through the heavens.
00:49:23Centaurs have unraveled the mysteries of these movements over centuries.
00:49:26Our findings teach us that the future may be glimpsed in the sky above us.
00:49:31Professor Trelawney did astrology with us, said Pavarti excitedly,
00:49:35raising her hand in front of her,
00:49:36so that it stuck up into the air as she lay on her back.
00:49:39Mars causes accidents and burns and things like that,
00:49:42and when it makes an angle to Saturn, like now,
00:49:45she drew a right angle in the air above her.
00:49:47That means people need to be extra careful when handling hot things.
00:49:51That, said Ferenz calmly, is human nonsense.
00:49:54Pavarti's hand fell limply to her side.
00:49:56Trivial hurts, tiny human accidents, said Ferenz,
00:50:00as his hooves spudded over the mossy floor.
00:50:03Those are of no more significance than the scurryings of ants
00:50:07to the wide universe and are unaffected by planetary movements.
00:50:11Professor Trelawney, began Pavarti in a hurt and indignant voice,
00:50:15is a human, said Ferenz simply,
00:50:17and is therefore blinkered and fettered by the limitations of your kind.
00:50:22Harry turned his head very slightly to look at Pavarti.
00:50:24She looked very offended, as did several of the people surrounding her.
00:50:28Sybil Trelawney may have seen, I do not know, continued Ferenz,
00:50:32and Harry heard the swishing of his tail again as he walked up and down before them.
00:50:36But she wastes her time, in the main,
00:50:38on the self-flattering nonsense humans call fortune-telling.
00:50:42I, however, am here to explain the wisdom of centaurs, which is impersonal and impartial.
00:50:47We watch the skies for the great tides of evil or change that are sometimes marked there.
00:50:53It may take ten years to be sure of what we are seeing.
00:50:56Ferenz pointed to the red star directly above Harry.
00:51:00In the past decade, the indications have been that the wizard kind
00:51:03is living through nothing more than a brief calm between two wars.
00:51:08Mars, bringer of battle, shines brightly above us,
00:51:11suggesting that the fight must soon break out again.
00:51:14How soon, centaurs may attempt to divine,
00:51:16by the burning of certain herbs and leaves, by the observation of fume and flame.
00:51:22It was the most unusual lesson Harry had ever attended.
00:51:24They did indeed burn sage and mallow sweet there on the classroom floor,
00:51:29and Ferenz told them to look for certain shapes and symbols in the pungent fumes.
00:51:34But he seemed perfectly unconcerned that not one of them could see any of the signs he described,
00:51:39telling them that humans were hardly ever good at this,
00:51:41that it took centaurs years and years to become competent,
00:51:44and finished by telling them that it was foolish to put too much faith in such things anyway,
00:51:49because even centaurs sometimes read things wrongly.
00:51:52He was nothing like any human teacher Harry had ever had.
00:51:55His priority did not seem to be to teach them what he knew,
00:51:58but rather to impress upon them that nothing, not even centaurs knowledge, was foolproof.
00:52:04He's not very definite on anything is he? said Ron in a low voice,
00:52:07as they put out their mallow sweet fire.
00:52:10I mean, I could do with a few more details about this war we're about to have, couldn't you?
00:52:14The bell rang right outside the classroom door, and everyone jumped.
00:52:19Harry had completely forgotten they were still inside the castle,
00:52:22and quite convinced that he was really in the forest.
00:52:24The class filed out, looking slightly perplexed.
00:52:28Harry and Ron were on the point of following them, when Firenze called.
00:52:31Harry Potter, a word, please.
00:52:34Harry turned.
00:52:35The centaur advanced a little towards him.
00:52:37Ron hesitated.
00:52:38You may stay, Firenze told him, but close the door, please.
00:52:42Ron hastened to obey.
00:52:44Harry Potter, you are a friend of Hagrid's, are you not? said the centaur.
00:52:48Yes, said Harry.
00:52:49Then give him a warning from me.
00:52:51His attempt is not working.
00:52:52He would do better to abandon it.
00:52:55His attempt is not working?
00:52:56Harry repeated blankly.
00:52:58And he would be better to abandon it, said Firenze, trodding and nodding.
00:53:03I would warn Hagrid myself, but I am banished.
00:53:07It would be unwise for me to go near the forest now.
00:53:09Hagrid has troubles enough without a centaur's battle.
00:53:13But what's Hagrid attempting to do? said Harry nervously.
00:53:16Firenze looked at him impassively.
00:53:18Hagrid has recently rendered me a great service, said Firenze,
00:53:22and he has long since earned my respect for the care
00:53:26he shows all living creatures.
00:53:27I shall not betray his secret, but he must be brought to his senses.
00:53:31The attempt is not working.
00:53:33Tell him, Harry Potter, good day to you.
00:53:36The happiness Harry had felt in the aftermath of the Quibbler interview
00:53:40had long since evaporated, as a dull March blurred into an equally squally April.
00:53:46His life seemed to have become one long series of worries and problems again.
00:53:51Umbridge had continued attending all care of magical creatures lessons,
00:53:55so it had been very difficult to deliver Firenze's warning to Hagrid.
00:53:58At last, Harry had managed it by pretending he'd lost his copy of
00:54:01Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, and doubling back after class one day.
00:54:06When he passed on Firenze's message, Hagrid gazed at him for a moment
00:54:10through his puffy blackened eyes, apparently taken aback,
00:54:13and then he seemed to pull himself together.
00:54:15Nice bloke, Firenze, he said gruffly,
00:54:18but I don't know what he's talking about about this.
00:54:20The attempt's coming on fine.
00:54:22Hagrid, what are you up to, asked Harry seriously,
00:54:25because you've got to be careful.
00:54:27Umbridge has already sacked Trelawney, and if you ask me, she's on a roll.
00:54:31If you're doing anything you shouldn't be, you'll be.
00:54:33There's things more important than keeping a job, said Hagrid,
00:54:36though his hands shook slightly as he said this,
00:54:39and a basin full of Nile droppings crashed to the floor.
00:54:42Don't worry about me, Harry.
00:54:43Just get along now.
00:54:44There's a good lad.
00:54:46Harry had no choice but to leave Hagrid, mopping up the dung all over his floor,
00:54:49but he felt thoroughly dispirited as he trudged back up to the castle.
00:54:53Meanwhile, as the teachers and Hermione persisted on reminding them,
00:54:57the owls were drawing ever nearer.
00:54:59All the fifth years were suffering from stress to some degree,
00:55:01but Hannah Abbott became the first to receive a calming drought draft
00:55:06from Madame Pomfrey after she burst into tears during her bology,
00:55:10and sobbed that she was too stupid to take exams,
00:55:13and wanted to leave school now.
00:55:16If it had not been for the DA lessons,
00:55:18Harry thought he would have been extremely unhappy.
00:55:20He sometimes felt he was living for the hours he spent in the Room of Requirement,
00:55:25working hard but thoroughly enjoying himself at the same time,
00:55:28swelling with pride as he looked around at his fellow DA members
00:55:31and saw how far they had come.
00:55:33Indeed, Harry sometimes wondered how Umbridge was going to react
00:55:35when all of the members of the DA received outstanding
00:55:38in their defence against the Dark Arts owls.
00:55:41They had finally started work on Patronuses,
00:55:43which everybody had been very keen to practice,
00:55:46though, as Harry kept reminding them,
00:55:47producing a Patronus in the middle of a brightly lit classroom
00:55:51when they were not under threat was very different from producing it
00:55:54when confronted by something like a Dementor.
00:55:56Oh, don't be such a killjoy, said Cho brightly,
00:55:59watching the silvery swan-shaped Patronus soar around the Room of Requirement
00:56:04during their last lesson before Easter.
00:56:06They're so pretty.
00:56:07They're not supposed to be pretty,
00:56:09they're supposed to protect you, said Harry patiently.
00:56:12What we really need is a boggart,
00:56:14or something that's, I don't know, that's how I learned.
00:56:17I had to conjure a Patronus while the boggart was pretending to be a Dementor.
00:56:21But that would be really scary, said Lavender,
00:56:24who was shooting puffs of silver vapour out of the end of her wand,
00:56:27and I still can't do it, she added angrily.
00:56:30Neville was having trouble too.
00:56:32His face was screwed up in concentration,
00:56:34but only feeble wisps of silver smoke issued from his wand tip.
00:56:38You've got to think of something happy, Harry reminded him.
00:56:41I'm trying, said Neville miserably,
00:56:43who was trying so hard his round face was actually shining with sweat.
00:56:48Harry, I think I'm doing it, yelled Seamus,
00:56:51who had been brought along to his first DA meeting by Dean.
00:56:54Look, ah, it's gone.
00:56:56But it was definitely something, Harry.
00:56:58Harry, Harry, it was hairy.
00:57:00Hermione's Patronus, a shining silver otter, was gambling around her.
00:57:06They are sort of nice, aren't they, she said, looking at it fondly.
00:57:09The door of the room of requirement opened and closed.
00:57:13Harry looked around to see who had entered,
00:57:15but there did not seem to be anybody there.
00:57:18It was a few moments before he realised
00:57:19that the people close to the door had fallen silent.
00:57:22Next thing he knew, something was nagging at his robes, somewhere near the knee.
00:57:26He looked down and saw, to his great astonishment,
00:57:29Dobby the house elf peering up at him from beneath his usual eight woolly hat.
00:57:34Hi, Dobby, he said.
00:57:36What are you, what's wrong?
00:57:38The elf's eyes were wide with terror and he was shaking.
00:57:41The members of the DA closest to Harry had fallen silent.
00:57:44Everybody in the room was watching Dobby.
00:57:46The few Patronuses people had managed to conjure faded away into silver mist,
00:57:50leaving the room looking much darker than before.
00:57:53Harry Potter, sir, squeaked the elf, trembling from head to foot.
00:57:57Harry Potter, sir, Dobby has come to warn you,
00:58:00but the house elves have been warned not to tell.
00:58:04He ran headfirst at the wall.
00:58:06Harry, who had some experience of Dobby's habits of self-punishment,
00:58:10made to seize him.
00:58:11But Dobby merely bounced off the stone, cushioned by his eight hats.
00:58:15Hermione and a few of the other girls let out squeaks of fear and sympathy.
00:58:19What's happened, Dobby?
00:58:20Harry asked, grabbing the elf's tiny arm and holding him away from anything
00:58:24with which he might seek to hurt himself.
00:58:27Harry Potter, she, she!
00:58:30Dobby hit himself hard on the nose with his free fist.
00:58:33Harry sees that too.
00:58:34Who's she, Dobby?
00:58:36But he thought he knew.
00:58:38Surely, surely only one she could induce such fear in Dobby.
00:58:42The elf looked up at him, slightly cross-eyed and mouthed wordlessly.
00:58:47Umbridge? asked Harry, horrified.
00:58:49Dobby nodded, then tried to bang his head on Harry's knees.
00:58:52Harry held him at arm's length.
00:58:54What about her, Dobby?
00:58:56She hasn't found out about this, about us, about the D.A.
00:58:59He read the answer on the elf's stricken face, his hands held fast by Harry.
00:59:04Dobby tried to kick himself and sank to his knees.
00:59:07Is she coming?
00:59:08Harry asked quietly.
00:59:09Dobby let out a howl.
00:59:11Yes, Harry Potter, yes!
00:59:13Harry straightened up and looked around at the motionless,
00:59:16terrified people gazing at the thrashing elf.
00:59:20What are you waiting for?
00:59:22Harry bellowed.
00:59:23They all pelted towards the exit at once, forming a scrum at the door.
00:59:28Then people burst through.
00:59:29Harry could hear them sprinting along the corridors
00:59:32and hoped they had the sense not to try and make it all the way to their dormitories.
00:59:35It was only ten to nine,
00:59:37if they just took refuge in the library or the Owlery, which were both nearer.
00:59:41Harry, come on, shrieked Hermione,
00:59:43from the centre of the knot of people now fighting to get out.
00:59:46He scooped up Dobby, who was still attempting to do himself serious injury,
00:59:50and ran with the elf in his arms to join the back of the queue.
00:59:53Dobby, this is an order.
00:59:55Get back to the kitchen with the other elves,
00:59:57and if she asks you whether you warned me, lie and say no, said Harry.
01:00:01And I forbid you to hurt yourself, he added,
01:00:03dropping the elf as he made it over the threshold at last and slammed the door behind him.
01:00:08Thank you, Harry Potter, squeaked Dobby as he streaked off.
01:00:12Harry glanced left and right.
01:00:14The others were all moving as fast as he caught,
01:00:17so fast he caught only glimpses of flying heels at either end of the corridor before they vanished.
01:00:22He started to run right.
01:00:24There was a boys' bathroom up ahead.
01:00:26He could pretend he'd been in there all the time, if he could just reach it.
01:00:31Something caught him around the ankles and he fell spectacularly,
01:00:34skidding along on his front for six feet before coming to a halt.
01:00:39Someone behind him was laughing.
01:00:40He rolled over onto his back and saw Malfoy concealed in a niche
01:00:44beneath an ugly dragon-shaped vase.
01:00:47Trip jinx Potter, he said.
01:00:49Hey, Professor, Professor, I've got one.
01:00:52Umbridge came bustling around the far corner, breathless but wearing a delighted smile.
01:00:57It's him, she said jubilantly as the sight of Harry on the floor.
01:01:01Excellent, Draco, excellent.
01:01:03Oh, very good.
01:01:04Fifty points to Slytherin.
01:01:06I'll take him from here.
01:01:07Stand up, Potter.
01:01:09Harry got to his feet, glaring at the pair of them.
01:01:12He had never seen Umbridge looking so happy.
01:01:14She seized his arm in a vice-like grip and turned, beaming broadly to Malfoy.
01:01:19You hop along and see if you can round up any more of them, Draco, she said.
01:01:23Tell the others to look in the library.
01:01:25Anybody out of breath, check the bathrooms.
01:01:28Miss Parkinson can do the girls' ones.
01:01:30Off you go.
01:01:30And you, she added in her softest, most dangerous voice as Malfoy walked away.
01:01:36You can come with me to the headmaster's office, Potter.
01:01:40They were at the Stone Gargoyle within minutes.
01:01:43Harry wondered how many of the others had been caught.
01:01:46He thought of Ron.
01:01:47Mrs Weasley would kill him, and of how Hermione would feel if she was expelled before she took
01:01:52her owls.
01:01:53And it had been Seamus's very first meeting, and Neville had been getting so good.
01:01:59Wisby, said Umbridge.
01:02:00The Stone Gargoyle jumped aside.
01:02:02The wall behind split open, and they ascended the moving stone staircase.
01:02:06They reached the polished door with a griffin knocker, but Umbridge did not bother to knock.
01:02:10She strode straight inside, still holding tight to Harry.
01:02:14The office was full of people.
01:02:16Dumbledore was sitting behind his desk, his expression serene, the tips of his long fingers
01:02:21Professor McGonagall stood rigidly beside him, her face extremely tense.
01:02:25Cornelius Fudge, Minister for Magic, was rocking backwards and forwards on his toes
01:02:30beside the fire, apparently immensely pleased with the situation.
01:02:33Kingsley Shacklebolt and a tough-looking wizard with very short wiry hair, whom Harry did
01:02:38not recognise, were positioned either side of the door like guards, and the freckled,
01:02:42bespectacled form of Percy Weasley hovered excitedly beside the wall.
01:02:47A quill and a heavy scroll of parchment in his hands, apparently poised to take notes.
01:02:53The portraits of old headmasters and headmistresses were not shamming in its shamming sleep tonight.
01:02:59All of them were alert and serious, watching what was happening below them.
01:03:03As Harry entered, a few flitted into neighbouring frames and whispered urgently into their neighbour's
01:03:08Harry pulled himself free of Umbridge's grasp as the door swung shut behind them.
01:03:12Cornelius Fudge was glaring at him with a kind of vicious satisfaction on his face.
01:03:19Well, he said, well, well, well, Harry replied with the dirtiest look he could muster.
01:03:24His heart drummed madly inside him, but his brain was oddly cool and clear.
01:03:29He was heading back to Gryffindor Tower, said Umbridge.
01:03:32There was an indecent excitement in her voice, the same callous pleasure Harry had heard
01:03:38as she watched Professor Trelawney dissolving with misery in the entrance hall.
01:03:42The Malfoy boy cornered him.
01:03:44Did he?
01:03:45Did he, said Fudge appreciatively.
01:03:48I must remember to tell Lucius.
01:03:50Well, Potter, I expect you know why you are here.
01:03:53Harry fully intended to respond with a defiant yes.
01:03:56His mouth had opened, and the word was half-formed when he caught sight of Dumbledore's face.
01:04:01Dumbledore was not looking directly at Harry.
01:04:03His eyes were fixed on a point just over his shoulder.
01:04:06But as Harry stared at him, he shook his head a fraction of an inch to each side.
01:04:11Harry changed direction mid-word.
01:04:13No, I beg your pardon, said Fudge.
01:04:17No, said Harry firmly.
01:04:18You don't know why you are here.
01:04:20No, I don't, said Harry.
01:04:22Fudge looked incredulously from Harry to Professor Umbridge.
01:04:25Harry took advantage of this momentary inattention to steal another quick look at Dumbledore,
01:04:30who gave the carpet the tiniest of nods and the shadow of a wink.
01:04:34So, you have no idea, said Fudge, in a voice positively sagging with sarcasm,
01:04:39why Professor Umbridge has brought you to this office.
01:04:42You are not aware that you have broken any school rules.
01:04:45School rules, said Harry.
01:04:48Or ministry decrees, amended Fudge angrily.
01:04:52Not that I'm aware of, said Harry blandly.
01:04:54His heart was still hammering very fast.
01:04:57It was almost worth telling these lies to watch Fudge's blood pressure rising.
01:05:02But he could not see how on earth he would get away with them.
01:05:05If somebody had tipped off Umbridge about the D.A.,
01:05:07then he, the leader, might as well be packing his trunk right now.
01:05:11So, it's news to you, is it, said Fudge,
01:05:13his voice now thick with anger,
01:05:15that an illegal student organization has been discovered within this school?
01:05:19Yes, it is, said Harry, hoisting an unconvincing look of innocent surprise onto his face.
01:05:25I think, minister, said Umbridge, silkily from beside him,
01:05:28we might make better progress if I fetch our informant.
01:05:32Yes, yes, do, said Fudge, nodding,
01:05:35and he glanced maliciously at Dumbledore as Umbridge left the room.
01:05:38There's nothing like a good witness, is there, Dumbledore?
01:05:41Nothing at all, Cornelius, said Dumbledore gravely, inclining his head.
01:05:45There was a wait of several minutes in which nobody looked at each other.
01:05:50Then Harry heard the door open behind him.
01:05:52Umbridge moved past him into the room, gripping by the shoulder
01:05:55Cho's curly-haired friend Marietta, who was hiding her face in her hands.
01:06:00Don't be scared, dear, don't be frightened, said Professor Umbridge, softly,
01:06:05patting her on the back.
01:06:06It's quite all right now, you have done the right thing.
01:06:08The minister is very pleased with you.
01:06:10He'll be telling your mother what a good girl you've been.
01:06:13Marietta's mother, minister, she added, looking up at Fudge,
01:06:16is Madame Edgecombe from the Department of Magical Transportation,
01:06:20Flu Network Office.
01:06:21She's been helping us police the Hogwarts fires, you know.
01:06:25Jolly good, jolly good, said Fudge, heartily.
01:06:28Like mother, like daughter, eh?
01:06:29Well, come on now, dear, look up.
01:06:31Don't be shy.
01:06:32Let's hear what you've got to…
01:06:34Galloping gargoyles!
01:06:35As Marietta raised her head, Fudge leapt backwards in shock,
01:06:39nearly landing himself in the fire.
01:06:41He cursed and stamped on the hem of his cloak, which had started to smoke.
01:06:45Marietta gave a wail and pulled the neck of her robes right up to her eyes,
01:06:49but not before everyone had seen that her face was horribly disfigured
01:06:52by a series of close-set purple pustules that had spread across her nose
01:06:57and cheeks to form the word SNEAK.
01:07:00Never mind the spots, dear.
01:07:02Now, said Umbridge impatiently,
01:07:04just take your robes away from your mouth and tell the Minister.
01:07:07But Marietta gave another muffled wail and shook her head frantically.
01:07:13Oh, very well, you silly girl, I'll tell them, snapped Umbridge.
01:07:16She hitched her sickly smile back onto her face and said,
01:07:19Well, Minister, Miss Edgecombe here came to my office shortly after dinner
01:07:23this evening and told me she had something she wanted to tell me.
01:07:26She said that if I proceeded to a secret room on the seventh floor,
01:07:29sometimes known as the Room of Requirement,
01:07:31I would find out something to my advantage.
01:07:34I questioned her a little further,
01:07:35and she admitted that there was to be some kind of meeting there.
01:07:38Unfortunately, at that point this hex,
01:07:40she waved impatiently at Marietta's concealed face,
01:07:43came into operation, and upon catching sight of her face in my mirror,
01:07:47the girl became too distressed to tell me any more.
01:07:50Well now, said Fudge, fixing Marietta with what he evidently imagined
01:07:56was a kind and fatherly look,
01:07:59It is very brave of you, my dear, coming to tell Professor Umbridge
01:08:02you did exactly the right thing.
01:08:04Now, will you tell me what happened at this meeting?
01:08:06What was its purpose? Who was there?
01:08:09But Marietta would not speak.
01:08:10She merely shook her head again, her eyes wide and fearful.
01:08:14Haven't we got a counter-jinx for this?
01:08:16Fudge asked Umbridge impatiently, gesturing at Marietta's face.
01:08:20So she can speak freely.
01:08:22I have not yet managed to find one, Umbridge admitted grudgingly,
01:08:25and Harry felt a surge of pride in Hermione's jinxing ability,
01:08:28but it doesn't matter if she won't speak.
01:08:31I can take up the story from here.
01:08:33You will remember, Minister, that I sent you to report back in October
01:08:37that Potter had met a number of fellow students in Hogsmeade.
01:08:43And what is your evidence for that? cut in Professor McGonagall.
01:08:47I have testimony from Willie Whittisham's Minerva,
01:08:51who happened to be in the bar at the time.
01:08:53He was heavily bandaged, it is true,
01:08:55but his hearing was quite unimpaired, said Umbridge smugly.
01:08:59He heard every word Potter said and hastened straight to the school to report to me.
01:09:03Oh, so that's why he wasn't prosecuted for setting up all those regurgitating toilets,
01:09:10said Professor McGonagall, raising her eyebrows.
01:09:12What an interesting insight into our justice system.
01:09:16Blatant corruption roared the portrait of the copulent red-nosed wizard
01:09:22on the wall behind Dumbledore's desk.
01:09:23The Ministry did not cut deals with pretty criminals in my day, no, sir, they did not.
01:09:28Thank you, Fortescue, that will do, said Dumbledore softly.
01:09:33The purpose of Potter's meeting with these students, continued Professor Umbridge,
01:09:37was to persuade them to join an illegal society whose aim was to learn spells
01:09:41and curses the Ministry had decided are inappropriate for school age.
01:09:46I think you'll find you're wrong there, Dolores, said Dumbledore quietly,
01:09:51peering at her over the half-moon spectacles perched halfway down his crooked nose.
01:09:55Harry stared at him.
01:09:56He could not see how Dumbledore was going to talk him out of this one.
01:09:59If Willie Windershins had indeed heard every word he had said in the hog's head,
01:10:04there was simply no escaping it.
01:10:05Oh-ho, said Fudge, bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet again.
01:10:09Yes, do let's hear the latest cock and bull story designed to pull Potter out of trouble.
01:10:14Go on then, Dumbledore, go on.
01:10:15Willie Windershins was lying, was he?
01:10:17Or was it Potter's identical twin in the hog's head that day?
01:10:20Or is there the usual simple explanation involving a reversal of time,
01:10:26a dead man coming back to life, and a couple of invisible dementors?
01:10:32Percy Weasley let out a hearty laugh.
01:10:34Oh, very good, Minister, very good.
01:10:37Harry could have kicked him.
01:10:38Then he saw to his astonishment that Dumbledore was smiling gently too.
01:10:42Cornelius, I do not deny, and nor I am sure does Harry,
01:10:47that he was in the hog's head that day,
01:10:50nor that he was trying to recruit students to a Defence Against the Dark Arts group.
01:10:54I am merely pointing out that Dolores is quite wrong to suggest that such a group was,
01:10:59at that time, illegal.
01:11:00If you remember, the Ministry decree banning all student societies
01:11:04was not put into effect until two days after Harry's Hogsmeade meeting,
01:11:08so he was not breaking any rules at all in the hog's head.
01:11:12Percy looked as though he'd been struck in the face by something very heavy.
01:11:16Fudge remained motionless in mid-bounce, his mouth hanging open.
01:11:21Umbridge recovered first.
01:11:23That's very fine, Headmaster, she said, smiling sweetly,
01:11:26but we are now nearly six months on from the introduction of Educational Decree No. 24.
01:11:32If the first meeting was not illegal,
01:11:34all those that have happened since most certainly are.
01:11:37Well, said Dumbledore, surveying her with polite interest
01:11:40over the top of his interlocked fingers,
01:11:42they certainly would be, if they had continued after the decree came into effect.
01:11:49Do you have any evidence that any such meetings continued?
01:11:53As Dumbledore spoke, Harry heard a rustle behind him,
01:11:56and rather thought Kingsley whispered something.
01:11:58He could have sworn, too, that he felt something brush against his side,
01:12:02a gentle something, like a draught or bird's wings,
01:12:05but looking down he saw nothing there.
01:12:07Evidence, repeated Umbridge, with that horrible wide, toad-like smile,
01:12:11have you not been listening, Dumbledore? Why do you think Miss Edgecombe is here?
01:12:15Oh, can she tell us about six months' worth of meetings?
01:12:19said Dumbledore, raising his eyebrows.
01:12:21I was under the impression that she was merely reporting a meeting to-night.
01:12:25Miss Edgecombe, said Umbridge at once,
01:12:27tell us how long these meetings have been going on, dear.
01:12:30You can simply nod or shake your head.
01:12:32I'm sure that won't make your spots worse.
01:12:34Have they been happening regularly over the last six months?
01:12:38Harry felt a horrible plummeting in his stomach.
01:12:41This was it, they had hit a dead end of solid evidence
01:12:44that not even Dumbledore would be able to shift aside.
01:12:48Just nod or shake your head, dear, Umbridge said,
01:12:51coaxingly to Marietta.
01:12:52Come on now, that won't reactivate the jinx.
01:12:55Everyone in the room was gazing at the top of Marietta's face,
01:12:58only her eyes were visible between the pulled-up robes and her curly fringe.
01:13:02Perhaps it was a trick of the firelight, but her eyes looked oddly blank.
01:13:07And then, to Harry's utter amazement, Marietta shook her head.
01:13:11Umbridge looked quickly at Fudge, then back at Marietta.
01:13:15I don't think you understood the question, dear, did you?
01:13:18I'm asking whether you have been going to these meetings for the past six months.
01:13:23You have, haven't you?
01:13:24Again, Marietta shook her head.
01:13:27What do you mean by shaking your head, dear?
01:13:29said Umbridge in a testy voice.
01:13:31I would have thought that her meaning was quite clear,
01:13:35said Professor McGonagall harshly.
01:13:37There have been no secret meetings for the past six months, is that correct, Miss Edgecombe?
01:13:42Marietta nodded.
01:13:43But there was a meeting tonight, said Umbridge furiously.
01:13:47There was a meeting, Miss Edgecombe, you told me about it,
01:13:49in the Room of Requirement, and Potter was the leader.
01:13:52Was he not?
01:13:53Potter organised it.
01:13:55Potter, why are you shaking your head, girl?
01:13:58Well, usually when a person shakes their head, said McGonagall coldly, they mean no.
01:14:03So unless Miss Edgecombe is using a form of sign language as yet unknown to humans.
01:14:09Professor Umbridge seized Marietta,
01:14:11pulled her round to face her and began shaking her very hard.
01:14:14A split second later, Dumbledore was on his feet.
01:14:17His wand raised.
01:14:18Kingsley started forwards and Umbridge leapt back from Marietta,
01:14:22waving her hands in the air as though they had been burned.
01:14:25I cannot allow you to manhandle my students, Dolores, said Dumbledore,
01:14:29and for the first time he looked angry.
01:14:32You want to calm yourself, Madam Umbridge, said Kingsley, in his deep low voice.
01:14:36You don't want to get yourself into trouble now.
01:14:39No, said Umbridge breathlessly, glancing up at the towering figure of Kingsley.
01:14:43I mean, yes, you're right, Shacklebolt, I forgot myself.
01:14:47Marietta was standing exactly where Umbridge had released her.
01:14:50She seemed rather perturbed by Umbridge's sudden attack, nor relieved by her release.
01:14:57She was still clutching her robe up to her oddly blank eyes and staring straight ahead of her.
01:15:02A sudden suspicion concocted and connected to Kingsley's whisper,
01:15:06and the thing he had felt shoot past him sprang into Harry's mind.
01:15:11Dolores said fudge with the air of trying to settle something once and for all.
01:15:15The meeting tonight, the one we know definitely happened.
01:15:18Yes, said Umbridge, pulling herself together.
01:15:21Yes, well, Miss Edgecombe tipped me off,
01:15:23and I proceeded at once to the seventh floor, accompanied by certain trustworthy students,
01:15:28so as to catch those in the meeting red-handed.
01:15:31It appears that they were forewarned of my arrival, however,
01:15:34because when we reached the seventh floor, they were running in every direction.
01:15:38It does not matter, however, I have all their names here.
01:15:42Miss Parkinson ran into the Room of Requirement for me to see if they had left anything behind.
01:15:46We needed evidence, and the room provided.
01:15:49And to Harry's horror, she withdrew from her pocket the list of names that had been pinned
01:15:53upon the Room of Requirement's wall and handed it to Fudge.
01:15:57The moment I saw Potter's name on the list, I knew what we were dealing with, she said softly.
01:16:03Excellent, said Fudge, a smile spreading across his face.
01:16:06Excellent, Dolores.
01:16:07And, and, by thunder!
01:16:10He looked up at Dumbledore, who was still standing beside Marietta,
01:16:14his wand held loosely in his hand.
01:16:16See what they've named themselves, said Fudge quietly.
01:16:19Dumbledore's army!
01:16:21Dumbledore reached out and took the piece of parchment from Fudge.
01:16:24He gazed at the heading scribbled by Hermione months before,
01:16:27and for a moment seemed unable to speak.
01:16:30Then he looked up, smiling.
01:16:31Well, the game is up, he said simply.
01:16:34Would you like a written confession from me, Cornelius?
01:16:37Or will a statement before these witnesses suffice?
01:16:42Harry saw McGonagall and Kingsley look at each other.
01:16:45There were both, there were fear in both faces.
01:16:48He did not understand what was going on, and nor apparently did Fudge.
01:16:51Statements, said Fudge slowly.
01:16:52What? I didn't...
01:16:54Dumbledore's army, Cornelius, said Dumbledore,
01:16:57still smiling as he waved the list of names before Fudge's face.
01:17:01Not Potter's army.
01:17:02Dumbledore's army.
01:17:04But, but, but...
01:17:06Understanding blazed suddenly in Fudge's face.
01:17:08He took a horrified step backwards, yelped, and jumped out of the fire again.
01:17:14You, he whispered, stamping again on his smouldering cloak.
01:17:17That's right, said Dumbledore pleasantly.
01:17:19You organized this?
01:17:21I did, said Dumbledore.
01:17:23You recruited these students for, for your army?
01:17:26Tonight was supposed to be the first meeting, said Dumbledore nodding,
01:17:30merely to see whether they would be interested in joining me.
01:17:34I see now that it was a mistake to invite Miss Edgecombe, of course.
01:17:38Marietta nodded.
01:17:39Fudge looked from her to Dumbledore, his chest swelling.
01:17:43You have been plotting against me, he yelled.
01:17:46That's right, said Dumbledore cheerfully.
01:17:48No, shouted Harry.
01:17:49Kingsley flashed a look of warning at him.
01:17:51McGonagall widened her eyes threateningly.
01:17:54But it had suddenly dawned on Harry what Dumbledore was about to do,
01:17:57and he could not let it happen.
01:17:59No, Professor Dumbledore!
01:18:00Be quiet, Harry, or I'm afraid you will have to leave my office,
01:18:04said Dumbledore calmly.
01:18:06You shut up, Potter, barked Fudge,
01:18:08who was still ogling Dumbledore with a kind of horrified delight.
01:18:11Well, well, well, I came here tonight suspecting and expecting to expel Potter,
01:18:16and instead, instead you get to arrest me, said Dumbledore smiling.
01:18:21It's like losing a nut and finding a galleon, isn't it?
01:18:24Weasley, cried Fudge, now positively quivering with delight.
01:18:28Weasley, have you written it all down?
01:18:30Everything he said, his confession, have you got it?
01:18:33Yes, sir, I think so, sir, said Pete Percy eagerly,
01:18:36whose nose was splattered with ink from the speed of his note-taking.
01:18:41The bit about how he's been trying to build up an army against the Ministry,
01:18:45how he's been working to destabilise me.
01:18:47Yes, sir, I've got it, yes, said Percy, scanning his notes joyfully.
01:18:52Very well, then, said Fudge, now radiant with glee.
01:18:54Duplicate your notes, Weasley, and send a copy to the Daily Prophet at once.
01:18:58If we send at first a fast owl, we should make the morning edition.
01:19:03Percy dashed from the room, slamming the door behind him,
01:19:06and Fudge turned back to Dumbledore.
01:19:08You will now be escorted back to the Ministry,
01:19:10where you will be formally charged, then sent to Azkaban to await trial.
01:19:14Ah, said Dumbledore gently, yes, yes, I thought we might hit that little snag.
01:19:20Snag, said Fudge, his voice still vibrating with joy.
01:19:23I see no snag, Dumbledore.
01:19:25Well, said Dumbledore apologetically, I'm afraid I do.
01:19:29Oh, really?
01:19:31Well, it's just that you seem to be labouring under the delusion that I am going to—
01:19:36What is the phrase?
01:19:37Come quietly?
01:19:39I'm afraid I am not going to come quietly at all, Cornelius.
01:19:42I have absolutely no intention of being sent to Azkaban.
01:19:46I could break out, of course, but what a waste of time!
01:19:49And frankly, I can think of a whole host of things I would rather be doing.
01:19:54Umbridge's face was growing steadily redder.
01:19:56She looked as though she was being filled with boiling water.
01:19:59Fudge stared at Dumbledore with a very silly expression on his face,
01:20:03as though he had just been stunned by a sudden blow,
01:20:05and could not quite believe it had happened.
01:20:08He made a small choking noise, then looked round at Kingsley,
01:20:11and the man with short grey hair, who alone, of everyone in the room,
01:20:16had remained entirely silent so far.
01:20:18The latter gave Fudge a reassuring nod, and moved forwards a little, away from the wall.
01:20:23Harry saw his hand drift almost casually towards his pocket.
01:20:26Don't be silly, Dawlish, said Dumbledore kindly.
01:20:29I'm sure you are an excellent auror.
01:20:32I seem to remember that you achieved outstanding in all your newts,
01:20:35but if you attempt to, uh, bring me in by force, I will have to hurt you.
01:20:40The man called Dawlish blinked rather foolishly.
01:20:43He looked towards Fudge again,
01:20:44but this time seemed to be hoping for a clue as to what to do next.
01:20:48So, sneered Fudge, recovering himself,
01:20:51you intend to take on Dawlish, Shacklebolt, Dolores, and myself,
01:20:55single-handed, do you, Dumbledore?
01:20:57Merlin's beard, no, said Dumbledore, smiling.
01:21:00Not unless you are foolish enough to force me to.
01:21:03He will not be single-handed, said Professor McGonagall loudly,
01:21:08plunging her hand inside her robes.
01:21:11Oh, yes, he will, Minerva, said Dumbledore sharply.
01:21:14Hogwarts needs you.
01:21:16Enough of this rubbish, said Fudge, pulling out his own wand.
01:21:19Dawlish, Shacklebolt, take him!
01:21:22A streak of silver light flashed around the room.
01:21:24There was a bang, like a gunshot, and the floor trembled.
01:21:28A hand grabbed the scruff of Harry's neck,
01:21:30and forced him down onto the floor as a second silver flash went off.
01:21:34Several of the portraits yelled, forks screeched,
01:21:37and a cloud of dust filled the air.
01:21:39Coughing in the dust, Harry saw a dark figure
01:21:42fall to the ground with a crash in front of him.
01:21:44There was a shriek and a thud, and somebody cried,
01:21:47Then there was the sound of breaking glass,
01:21:50frantically scuffling footsteps, a groan and silence.
01:21:53Harry struggled around to see who was half strangling him,
01:21:56and saw Professor McGonagall crouch beside him.
01:22:00She had forced both him and Marietta out of harm's way.
01:22:03Dust was still floating gently down through the air onto them.
01:22:06Panting slightly, Harry saw a very tall figure moving towards them.
01:22:10Are you all right? Dumbledore asked.
01:22:12Yes, said Professor McGonagall,
01:22:14getting up and dragging Harry and Marietta with her.
01:22:17The dust was clearing.
01:22:18The wreckage of the office loomed into view.
01:22:20Dumbledore's desk had been overturned.
01:22:22All of the spindly tables had been knocked onto the floor.
01:22:26Their silver instruments in pieces,
01:22:28fudge, umbrage, Kingsley and Dawlish,
01:22:30lay motionless on the floor.
01:22:32Forks, the phoenix,
01:22:33soared in wide circles above them, singing softly.
01:22:37Unfortunately, I had to hex Kingsley too,
01:22:39or it would have looked very suspicious,
01:22:41said Dumbledore in a low voice.
01:22:43He was remarkably quick on the uptake,
01:22:45modifying Miss Edgecombe's memory like that
01:22:47while everyone was looking the other way.
01:22:49Thank him for me, won't you, Minerva?
01:22:51Now, they will all awake very soon,
01:22:54and it will be best if they do not know
01:22:57that we had time to communicate.
01:22:58You must act as though no time has passed,
01:23:01as though they were merely knocked to the ground.
01:23:03They will not remember.
01:23:05Where will you go, Dumbledore?
01:23:07whispered Professor McGonagall.
01:23:08Grimmel, please?
01:23:09Oh no, said Dumbledore with a grim smile.
01:23:12I'm not leaving to go into hiding.
01:23:14Fudge will soon wish he'd never dislodged me from Hogwarts,
01:23:17I promise you.
01:23:18Professor Dumbledore, Harry began.
01:23:20He did not know what to say first.
01:23:22How sorry he was that he had disstarted the D.A.
01:23:25in the first place and caused all this trouble,
01:23:27or how terrible he felt that Dumbledore was leaving
01:23:30to save him from expulsion.
01:23:32But Dumbledore cut him off before he could say another word.
01:23:35Listen to me, Harry, he said urgently.
01:23:37You must study Occulmancy as hard as you can.
01:23:40Do you understand me?
01:23:41Do everything Professor Snape tells you,
01:23:43and practice it particularly every night before sleeping,
01:23:47so that you can close your mind to bad dreams.
01:23:49You will understand very soon enough,
01:23:52but you must promise me.
01:23:54The man called Dawlish was stirring.
01:23:56Dumbledore seized Harry's wrist.
01:23:58Remember, close your mind.
01:24:00But as Dumbledore's fingers closed over Harry's skin,
01:24:03a pain shot through the scar on his forehead,
01:24:06and he felt again that terrible snake-like longing
01:24:09to strike Dumbledore, to bite him, to hurt him.
01:24:12You will understand, whispered Dumbledore.
01:24:16Forks circled the office and swooped low over him.
01:24:18Dumbledore released Harry, raised his hand,
01:24:21and grasped the phoenix's long golden tail.
01:24:23There was a flash of fire and the pair of them were gone.
01:24:26Where is he? yelled Fudge, pushing himself up from the floor.
01:24:30Where is he?
01:24:31I don't know, shouted Kingsley, also leaping to his feet.
01:24:35Well, he can't have disappeared or disapparated,
01:24:39cried Umbridge.
01:24:40You can't do it from inside this school.
01:24:42The stairs, cried Dawlish, and he flung himself up to the door,
01:24:45wrenched it open and disappeared,
01:24:47followed closely by Kingsley and Umbridge.
01:24:49Fudge hesitated, then got slowly to his feet,
01:24:52brushing dust from his front.
01:24:54There was a long and painful silence.
01:24:56Well, Minerva, said Fudge nastily,
01:24:59straightening his torn shirt sleeve,
01:25:01I'm afraid this is the end of your friend Dumbledore.
01:25:04You think so, do you? said Professor McGonagall scornfully.
01:25:07Fudge seemed not to hear her.
01:25:09He was looking around at the wrecked office.
01:25:11A few of the portraits hissed at him.
01:25:13One or two even made rude hand gestures.
01:25:16You'd better get those two off to bed, said Fudge,
01:25:19looking back at Professor McGonagall
01:25:21with a dismissive nod towards Harry and Marietta.
01:25:24Professor McGonagall said nothing,
01:25:26but marched Harry and Marietta to the door,
01:25:28and it swung closed behind them.
01:25:30Harry heard Phineas Nicholas's voice.
01:25:32You know, Minister, I disagree with Dumbledore on many counts,
01:25:35but you cannot deny he's got style.
