H. Potter and the order of the phoenix AUDIOBOOK part 12

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#harrypotter #audiobook #harrypotterfan
Narrator: James Dobinson


00:00:00Chapter 30 Grawp
00:00:04The story of Fred and George's flight to freedom was retold so often over the next few days
00:00:09that Harry could tell it would soon become the stuff of Hogwarts legend.
00:00:12Within a week, even those who had been eyewitnesses were half-convinced they had seen the twins
00:00:16dive-bomb Umbridge on their brooms and Pelter with dung-bombs before zooming out of the
00:00:21In the immediate aftermath of their departure, there was a great wave of talk about copying
00:00:26Harry frequently heard students saying things like, honestly, some days I just feel like
00:00:30jumping on my broom and leaving this place, or else, one more lesson like that and I might
00:00:34just do a Weasley.
00:00:36Fred and George had made sure nobody was likely to forget them too soon.
00:00:39For one thing, they had not left instructions on how to remove the swamp that now filled
00:00:43the corridor on the fifth floor of the East Wing.
00:00:46Umbridge and Filch had been observed trying different means of removing it, but without
00:00:51Eventually, the area was roped off and Filch, gnashing his teeth furiously, was given the
00:00:55task of punting students across it to their classrooms.
00:00:59Harry was certain that teachers like McGonagall or Flitwick could have removed the swamp in
00:01:03an instant, but, just as in the case of Fred and George's wildfire whiz-bangs, they seemed
00:01:07to prefer to watch Umbridge struggle.
00:01:11Then there were the two large broom-shaped holes in Umbridge's office door, through which
00:01:14Fred and George's clean sweeps had smashed to rejoin their masters.
00:01:18Filch fitted a new door and removed Harry's firebolt to the dungeons where, it was rumoured,
00:01:23Umbridge had set an armed security troll to guard it.
00:01:26However, her troubles were far from over.
00:01:28Inspired by Fred and George's example, a great number of students were now vying for the
00:01:32newly vacant positions of Troublemakers-in-Chief.
00:01:35In spite of the new door, somebody managed to slip a hairy-snouted Niffler into Umbridge's
00:01:40office, which promptly tore the place apart in its search for shiny objects, leapt on
00:01:45Umbridge when she entered, and tried to gnaw the rings off her stubby fingers.
00:01:49Tongue bombs and stink pellets were dropped so frequently in the corridors that it became
00:01:53the new fashion for students to perform bubble-head charms on themselves before leaving lessons,
00:01:58which ensured them a supply of fresh air, even though it gave them all the peculiar
00:02:02appearance of wearing upside-down goldfish bowls on their heads.
00:02:06Filch prowled the corridors with a horse-whip ready in the hands, desperate to catch miscreants,
00:02:11but the problem was that there were now so many of them he never knew which way to turn.
00:02:16The Inquisitorial Squad was attempting to help him, but odd things kept happening to
00:02:20its members.
00:02:21Warrington of the Slytherin Quidditch team reported to the hospital wing with a horrible
00:02:25skin complaint that made him look as though he had been coated in cornflakes.
00:02:28Pansy Parkinson, to Hermione's delight, missed all her lessons the following day as she had
00:02:33sprouted antlers.
00:02:35Meanwhile, it became clear just how many skiving snack boxes Fred and George had managed to
00:02:40sell before leaving Hogwarts.
00:02:42Umbridge only had to enter her classroom for the students assembled there to faint,
00:02:45vomit, develop dangerous fevers, or else spout blood from both nostrils.
00:02:50Shrieking with rage and frustration, she attempted to trace the mysterious symptoms to their
00:02:54source, but the students told her stubbornly they were suffering from umbrigitis.
00:02:59After putting four successive classes in detention and failing to discover their secret, she
00:03:03was forced to give up and allow the bleeding, swooning, sweating and vomiting students to
00:03:07leave her classes in droves.
00:03:10Not even the users of the snack boxes could compete with that master of chaos, Peeves,
00:03:15who seemed to have taken Fred's parting words deeply to heart.
00:03:18Cackling madly, he soared through the school, upending tables, bursting out of blackboards,
00:03:23toppling statues and vases.
00:03:25Twice he shut Mrs Norris inside a suit of armour, from which she was rescued, yowling
00:03:30loudly by the furious caretaker.
00:03:32Peeves smashed lanterns and snuffed out candles, juggled burning torches over the heads of
00:03:37screaming students, caused neatly stacked piles of parchment to topple into fires or
00:03:42out of windows, flooded the second floor when he pulled off the taps in the bathrooms, dropped
00:03:47a bag of tarantulas in the middle of the great hall during breakfast, and whenever he fancied
00:03:51a break, spent hours at a time floating along after Umbridge and blowing loud raspberries
00:03:56every time she spoke.
00:03:58None of the staff but Filch seemed to be stirring themselves to help her.
00:04:02Indeed, a week after Fred and George's departure, Harry witnessed Professor McGonagall walking
00:04:07right past Peeves, who was determinedly loosening a crystal chandelier, and could have sworn
00:04:15he heard her tell the poltergeist out of the corner of her mouth,
00:04:18It unscrews the other way?
00:04:20To cap matters, Montague had still not recovered from his sojourn into the toilet, he remained
00:04:25confused and disorientated, and his parents were to be observed one Tuesday morning striding
00:04:30into the front drive, looking extremely angry.
00:04:33Did we say something? said Hermione in a worried voice, pressing her cheek against
00:04:37the charm's window so that she could see Mr and Mrs Montague marching inside, about what
00:04:42happened to him, in case it helps Madam Pomfrey cure him.
00:04:45Course not, he'll recover, said Ron indifferently.
00:04:48Anyway, more trouble for Umbridge, isn't it? said Harry in a satisfied voice.
00:04:52He and Ron both tapped the teacups they were supposed to be charming with their wands.
00:04:57Harry spouted four very short legs that could not reach the desk, and wriggled pointlessly
00:05:01in mid-air.
00:05:02Ron's grew four very thin spindly legs, but hoisted the cup off the desk with great difficulty,
00:05:08trembled for a few seconds, then folded, causing the cup to crack into two.
00:05:12Reparo! said Hermione quickly, mending Ron's cup with a wave of her wand.
00:05:17That's all very well, but what if Montague's permanently injured?
00:05:20Who cares? said Ron irritably, while his teacup stood up drunkenly again, trembling violently
00:05:26at the knees.
00:05:27Montague shouldn't have tried to take all those points from Gryffindor, should he?
00:05:30If you want to worry about anyone, Hermione, worry about me.
00:05:33You, she said, catching her teacup as it scampered happily away across the desk on four sturdy
00:05:39little willow-patterned legs, and replacing it in front of her.
00:05:42Why should I be worried about you?
00:05:45When Mum's next letter finally gets through Umbridge's screening process, said Ron bitterly,
00:05:49now holding his cup up while its frail legs tried feebly to support its weight, I'm going
00:05:55to be in deep trouble.
00:05:56I wouldn't be surprised if she sat another howler.
00:05:58But it'll be my fault Fred and George left.
00:06:01You wait, said Ron darkly.
00:06:03She'll say I should have stopped them leaving.
00:06:05I should have grabbed the ends of their brooms and hung on or something.
00:06:08Yeah, it'll all be my fault.
00:06:10Well if she does say that, it'll be very unfair.
00:06:12You couldn't have done anything.
00:06:14But I'm sure she won't.
00:06:15I mean, if it's really true they've got premises in Diagon Alley, they must have been planning
00:06:19this for ages.
00:06:20Yeah, but that's another thing.
00:06:22How did they get premises, said Ron, hitting his teacup so hard with his wand that its
00:06:26legs collapsed again and it lay twitching before him?
00:06:29It's a bit dodgy, isn't it?
00:06:30They'll need loads of galleons to afford the rent on a place in Diagon Alley.
00:06:34She'll want to know what they've been up to to get their hands on that sort of gold.
00:06:38Well yes, that occurred to me too, said Hermione, allowing her teacup to jog in neat little
00:06:43circles around Harry's, whose stubby little legs were still unable to touch the desktop.
00:06:48I've been wondering whether Mundungus has persuaded them to sell stolen goods or something
00:06:54He hasn't, said Harry curtly.
00:06:56How do you know, said Ron and Hermione together?
00:06:59Because, Harry hesitated, but the moment to confess finally seemed to have come.
00:07:03There was no good to be gained in keeping silent if it meant anyone suspected that Fred
00:07:07and George were criminals.
00:07:08Because they got the gold from me.
00:07:10I gave them my Triwizard winnings last June.
00:07:14There was a shocked silence, then Hermione's teacup jogged right over the edge of the desk
00:07:18and smashed on the floor.
00:07:20Oh Harry, you didn't, she said.
00:07:22Yes, I did, said Harry mutinously, and I don't regret it either.
00:07:26I didn't need the gold, and they'll be great at running a joke shop.
00:07:29But this is excellent, said Ron, looking thrilled.
00:07:32It's all your fault, Harry.
00:07:33Mum can't blame you at all.
00:07:35Can I tell her?
00:07:36Yeah, I suppose you'd better, said Harry dully, especially if she thinks they're receiving
00:07:41stolen cauldrons or something.
00:07:43Hermione said nothing at all for the rest of the lesson, but Harry had a shrewd suspicion
00:07:47that her self-restraint was bound to crack before long.
00:07:50Sure enough, once they had left the castle for break and were standing around in the
00:07:54weak May sunshine, she fixed Harry with a beady eye and opened her mouth with a determined
00:08:01Harry interrupted her before she had even started.
00:08:03It's no good nagging me, it's done, he said firmly.
00:08:06Fred and George have got the gold.
00:08:07Spent a bit of it, too, by the sounds of it.
00:08:10And I can't get it back from them, and I don't want to, so save your breath, Hermione.
00:08:14I wasn't going to say anything about Fred and George, she said in an injured voice.
00:08:19Ron snorted disbelievingly, and Hermione threw him a very dirty look.
00:08:23No, I wasn't, she said angrily.
00:08:25As a matter of fact, I was going to ask Harry when he's going to go back to Snape and ask
00:08:28for more occulomancy lessons.
00:08:31Harry's heart sank.
00:08:33Once they had exhausted the subject of Fred and George's dramatic departure, which admittedly
00:08:37had taken many hours, Ron and Hermione had wanted to hear news of Sirius.
00:08:42As Harry had not confided in them the reason he had wanted to talk to Sirius in the first
00:08:45place, it had been hard to think of what to tell them.
00:08:48He had ended up saying, truthfully, that Sirius wanted Harry to resume occulomancy
00:08:53He had been regretting this ever since.
00:08:55Hermione would not let the subject drop, and kept reverting to it when Harry least expected
00:09:00You can't tell me you've stopped having funny dreams, Hermione said now, because Ron told
00:09:04me you were muttering in your sleep again last night.
00:09:07Harry threw Ron a furious look.
00:09:09Ron had the grace to look ashamed of himself.
00:09:11You were only muttering a bit, he mumbled apologetically.
00:09:15Something about, er, just a bit further.
00:09:17I dreamed I was watching you lot play Quidditch, Harry lied brutally.
00:09:21I was trying to get you to stretch out a bit further to grab the Quaffle.
00:09:24Ron's ears went red.
00:09:25Harry felt a kind of indicative pleasure.
00:09:27He had not, of course, dreamed anything of the sort.
00:09:30Last night he had once again made the journey along the Department of Mysteries corridor.
00:09:34He had passed through the circular room, then the room full of clicking and dancing light,
00:09:38until he found himself again inside the cavernous room full of shelves, on which were ranged
00:09:44dusty glass spheres.
00:09:46He had hurried straight towards row number 97, turned left and run along it.
00:09:51It had probably been that he had spoken aloud just a bit further, for he felt his conscious
00:09:57self struggling to wake, and before he had reached the end of the row, he had found himself
00:10:01lying in bed again, gazing up at the canopy of his four poster.
00:10:06You are trying to block your mind, aren't you? said Hermione, looking beady at Harry.
00:10:10You are keeping going with your occupancy.
00:10:13Of course I am, said Harry, trying to sound as though the question was insulting, but
00:10:16not quite meeting her eye.
00:10:18The truth was, he was so intensely curious about what was hidden in that room full of
00:10:22dusty orbs, that he was quite keen for the dreams to continue.
00:10:26The problem was, that with just under a month to go until the exams, and every free movement
00:10:30devoted to revision, his mind seemed to saturate with information.
00:10:34When he went to bed, he found it very difficult to get to sleep at all, and when he did, his
00:10:39overwrought brain presented him most nights with stupid dreams about the exams.
00:10:43He also suspected that part of his mind, the part that often spoke in Hermione's voice,
00:10:48now felt guilty on the occasions it strayed down that corridor, ending in the black door,
00:10:53and sought to wake him before he could reach the journey's end.
00:10:56You know, said Ron, whose ears were still flaming red, if Montague doesn't recover before
00:11:00Slytherin play Hufflepuff, we might be even with a chance of winning the cup.
00:11:03Yeah, I suppose so, said Harry, glad of a change of subject.
00:11:07I mean, we've won one, lost one, if Slytherin lose to Hufflepuff next Saturday.
00:11:12Yeah, that's right, said Harry, losing track of what he was agreeing to.
00:11:16Er, Cho Chang had just walked across the courtyard, determinedly not looking at him.
00:11:21The final match of the Quidditch season, Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw,
00:11:24was to take place on the last weekend of May.
00:11:27Although Slytherin had been narrowly defeated by Hufflepuff in their last match,
00:11:31Gryffindor were not daring to hope for victory, due mainly, though of course nobody said it to him,
00:11:36to Ron's abysmal goalkeeping record.
00:11:38He, however, seemed to have found a new optimism.
00:11:41I mean, I can't get any worse, can I?
00:11:43He told Harry and Hermione grimly over breakfast in the morning of the match.
00:11:46Nothing to lose now, is there?
00:11:48You know, said Hermione, as she and Harry walked down to the pitch a little later
00:11:52in the midst of a very excitable crowd,
00:11:54I think Ron might do better without Fred and George around.
00:11:57They never exactly gave him a lot of confidence.
00:12:00Luna Lovegood overtook them with what appeared to be a live eagle perched on top of her head.
00:12:05Oh gosh, I forgot, said Hermione, watching the eagle flapping its wings
00:12:09as Luna walked serenely past a group of cackling and pointing Slytherins.
00:12:13Cho will be playing, won't she?
00:12:15Harry, who had not forgotten this, merely grunted.
00:12:18They found seats in the second topmost row of the stands.
00:12:22It was a fine, clear day.
00:12:23Ron could not wish for better, and Harry found himself hoping against hope
00:12:27that Ron would not give the Slytherins cause for more rousing choruses of Weasley as our king.
00:12:33Lee Jordan, who had been very dispirited since Fred and George had left,
00:12:36was commentating as usual.
00:12:38As the team zoomed out onto the pitch,
00:12:40he named the players with something less than his usual gusto.
00:12:44Bradley, Davis, Chang, he said,
00:12:47and Harry felt his stomach perform less of a backflip,
00:12:50more a feeble lurch as Cho walked out onto the pitch,
00:12:53her shiny black hair rippling in the slight breeze.
00:12:57He was not sure what he wanted to happen anymore,
00:12:59except that he could not stand any more rows.
00:13:02Even the sight of her chatting animatedly to Roger Davis
00:13:05as they prepared to mount their brooms caused him only a slight twinge of jealousy.
00:13:09And they're off, said Lee, and Davis takes the quaffle immediately.
00:13:12Ravenclaw capped in Davis with a quaffle.
00:13:15He dodges Johnson.
00:13:16He dodges Bell.
00:13:17He dodges Spinnett as well.
00:13:19He's going straight for goal.
00:13:20He's going to shoot, and Lee swore very loudly.
00:13:23He scored.
00:13:24Harry and Hermione groaned with the rest of the Gryffindors.
00:13:27Predictably, horribly, the Slytherins on the other side of the stands began to sing.
00:13:31Weasley cannot save a thing.
00:13:33He cannot block a single ring.
00:13:36Harry, said a hoarse voice in Harry's ear, Hermione.
00:13:39Harry looked around and saw Hagrid's enormous bearded face sticking between the seats.
00:13:44Apparently he had squeezed his way all along the row behind.
00:13:47For the first and second years he had just passed had a ruffled, flattened look about them.
00:13:51For some reason, Hagrid was bent double as though anxious not to be seen,
00:13:55though he was still at least four feet taller than anybody else.
00:13:58Listen, he whispered.
00:14:00Can you come with me now?
00:14:01Well, everyone's watching the match.
00:14:04Can't it wait, Hagrid?
00:14:05Asked Harry.
00:14:06Till the match is over?
00:14:07No, said Hagrid.
00:14:08No, Harry.
00:14:09It's got to be now.
00:14:10Well, everyone's looking the other way.
00:14:12Hagrid's nose was gently dripping blood.
00:14:15His eyes were both blackened.
00:14:16Harry had not seen him this close up since his return to the school.
00:14:20He looked utterly woe be gone.
00:14:23Course, said Harry at once.
00:14:24Course will come.
00:14:26He and Hermione edged back along their row of seats, causing much grumbling among the students,
00:14:30who had to stand up for them.
00:14:32The people in Hagrid's row were not complaining,
00:14:34merely attempting to make themselves as small as possible.
00:14:37I appreciate this, you two.
00:14:38I really do, said Hagrid as they reached the stairs.
00:14:41He kept looking around nervously as they descended towards the lawn below.
00:14:45I just hope she doesn't notice us going.
00:14:47You mean Umbridge, said Harry.
00:14:48She won't.
00:14:49She's got a whole inquisitorial squad sitting with her.
00:14:52Didn't you see?
00:14:53She must be expecting trouble at the match.
00:14:55Yeah, well, a bit of trouble wouldn't hurt, said Hagrid,
00:14:58pausing to peer around the edge of the stands,
00:15:00to make sure the stretch of lawn between there and his cabin was deserted.
00:15:03Give us more time!
00:15:05What is it, Hagrid, said Hermione, looking up at him,
00:15:07with a concerned expression on her face,
00:15:09as they hurried across the grass towards the edge of the forest.
00:15:12Yeah, you'll see them all, said Hagrid, looking over his shoulder,
00:15:16as a great roar rose from the stands behind them.
00:15:18Hey, did someone just score?
00:15:20It'll be Ravenclaw, said Harry heavily.
00:15:23Good, good, said Hagrid distractedly.
00:15:25That's good!
00:15:26They had to jog to keep up with him as he strode across the lawn,
00:15:29looking around with every other step.
00:15:31When they reached the cabin,
00:15:32Hermione turned automatically left towards the front door.
00:15:35Hagrid, however, walked straight past it into the shade of the trees
00:15:38on the outermost edge of the forest,
00:15:41where he picked up a crossbow that was leaning against a tree.
00:15:44When he realised they were no longer with him, he turned.
00:15:47We're going in here, he said, jerking his shaggy head behind him.
00:15:51Into the forest, said Hermione perplexed.
00:15:54Yeah, said Hagrid.
00:15:55Come on now, quick, before we're spotted!
00:15:57Harry and Hermione looked at each other,
00:15:59then ducked into the cover of the trees behind Hagrid,
00:16:02who was already striding away from them into the green gloom,
00:16:05his crossbow over his arm.
00:16:07Harry and Hermione ran to catch up with him.
00:16:10Hagrid, why are you armed, said Harry?
00:16:12Just a precaution, said Hagrid, shrugging his massive shoulders.
00:16:16You didn't bring your crossbow the day you showed us the festrals,
00:16:20said Hermione timidly.
00:16:21No, well, we weren't going in so far then, said Hagrid.
00:16:26And anyway, that was more Ferenz,
00:16:29that was before Ferenz left the forest, wasn't it?
00:16:32Why does Ferenz leaving make a difference, asked Hermione curiously?
00:16:35Because the other centaurs are good and roiled at me, that's why,
00:16:38said Hagrid quietly, glancing around.
00:16:41They used to be, well, you couldn't call them friendly,
00:16:44but we got on all right, kept ourselves to themselves,
00:16:48but always turned up if I went a word.
00:16:50Not anymore, he sighed deeply.
00:16:52Ferenz said they're angry because he went to work for Dumbledore,
00:16:56Harry said, tripping on to a protruding root
00:16:59because he was busy watching Hagrid's profile.
00:17:01Yes, said Hagrid heavily.
00:17:03Well, angry don't cover it, really livid.
00:17:05If I hadn't stepped in, I reckon they'd have kicked Ferenz to death.
00:17:09They attacked him, said Hermione, sounding shocked.
00:17:12Yeah, said Hagrid gruffly, forcing his way through several low-hanging branches.
00:17:16You had half the herd on him.
00:17:18And you stopped it, said Harry, amazed and impressed, by yourself.
00:17:22Of course I did.
00:17:23Couldn't stand by and watch them kill him, could I?
00:17:25Said Hagrid.
00:17:26Lucky I was passing, really, and I'd have thought Ferenz might have
00:17:29remembered that before he started selling me stupid warnings,
00:17:32he added hotly and unexpectedly.
00:17:34Harry and Hermione looked at each other, startled,
00:17:37but Hagrid's scowling did not elaborate.
00:17:40Anyway, he said, breathing a little more heavily than usual,
00:17:43since then the other centaur has been livid with me,
00:17:45and the trouble is, they got a lot of influence in the forest.
00:17:48Cleverest creatures in here.
00:17:50Is that why we're here, Hagrid?
00:17:52Asked Hermione.
00:17:52The centaurs?
00:17:53Ah, no, said Hagrid, shaking his head dismissively.
00:17:56No, it's not them.
00:17:58Well, of course, they could complicate the problem, yeah,
00:18:00but you'll see what I mean in a bit.
00:18:03On this incomprehensible note, he fell silent and forged a little ahead,
00:18:07taking one stride for every three of theirs,
00:18:10so that they had great trouble keeping up with him.
00:18:12The path was becoming increasingly overgrown,
00:18:15and the trees grew so closely together
00:18:16as they walked further and further into the forest,
00:18:19that it was as dark as dusk.
00:18:21They were soon a long way past the clearing
00:18:23where Hagrid had shown them the festrals,
00:18:25but Harry felt no sense of unease
00:18:27until Hagrid stepped unexpectedly off the path
00:18:29and began wending his way in and out of the trees
00:18:31towards the dark heart of the forest.
00:18:34Hagrid, said Harry, fighting his way through thickly knotted brambles,
00:18:37over which Hagrid had stepped with ease,
00:18:39and remembering very, very vividly what had happened to him
00:18:42on the other occasion he had stepped off the forest path.
00:18:45Where are we going?
00:18:47Bit further, said Hagrid over his shoulder.
00:18:49Come on, Harry, we need to, uh, keep together now.
00:18:52It was a great struggle to keep up with Hagrid,
00:18:55what with branches and thickets of fawn,
00:18:57through which Hagrid marched as easily as if they were cobwebs,
00:18:59but which snagged Harry and Hermione's robes,
00:19:02frequently entangling them so severely
00:19:04that they had to stop for minutes at a time to free themselves.
00:19:07Harry's arms and legs were soon covered in small cuts and scratches.
00:19:10They were so deep in the forest now
00:19:12that sometimes all Harry could see of Hagrid in the gloom
00:19:15was a massive dark shape ahead of him.
00:19:17Any sound seemed threatening in the muffled silence.
00:19:21The breaking of a twig echoed loudly and the tiniest rustle of movement,
00:19:24even though it might have been made by an innocent sparrow,
00:19:27caused Harry to peer through the gloom for a culprit.
00:19:30It occurred to him that he had never managed to get this far into the forest
00:19:34without meeting some kind of creature.
00:19:36Their absence struck him as rather ominous.
00:19:40Would it be all right if we lit our wands, said Hermione quietly.
00:19:43Uh, all right, Hagrid whispered back.
00:19:45In fact, he stopped suddenly and turned around.
00:19:48Hermione walked right into him and was knocked over backwards.
00:19:51Harry caught her just before she hit the forest floor.
00:19:54Maybe we best just stop for a moment so I can fill you in, said Hagrid,
00:19:58before we go there, like.
00:20:01Good, said Hermione, as Harry set her back on her feet.
00:20:03They both murmured, Lumos, and their wand tips ignited.
00:20:07Hagrid's face swam through the gloom by the light of the two wavering beams,
00:20:11and Harry saw them again, saw again that he looked nervous and sad.
00:20:15Right, said Hagrid.
00:20:16Well, see, the thing is, he took a great breath.
00:20:19Well, there's a good chance I'm gonna get, be getting the sack any day now, he said.
00:20:24Harry and Hermione looked at each other and then back at him.
00:20:27But you've lasted this long, Hermione said tentatively.
00:20:30What makes you think Umbridge reckons it was me that put that Niffler in our office?
00:20:35And was it, said Harry, before he could stop himself?
00:20:38No, it very well wasn't, said Hagrid indignantly.
00:20:41Any of time had anything to do with magical creatures and she thinks it's got something to do with me.
00:20:47You know she's been looking for a chance to get rid of me ever since I got back.
00:20:51I don't want to go, of course, but if it wasn't for, well,
00:20:54the special circumstances I'm about to explain to you, I'd leave right now,
00:20:58before she's got the chance to do it in front of the whole school like she did with Trelawney.
00:21:04Harry and Hermione both made noises of protest,
00:21:07but Hagrid overrode them with a wave of one of his enormous hands.
00:21:11It's not the end of the world.
00:21:12I'll be able to help Dumbledore once I'm out of here.
00:21:15I can be useful to the Order and you lot will have grumbly plank.
00:21:19Yeah, yeah, you'll get through your exams, fine.
00:21:21His voice trembled and broke.
00:21:23Don't worry about me, he said hastily, as Hermione made to pat his arm.
00:21:27He pulled his enormous spotted handkerchief from the pocket of his waistcoat and mopped his eyes
00:21:31with it.
00:21:32Look, I wouldn't be telling you this at all if I didn't have to.
00:21:36See, if I go, well, I can't leave without telling someone,
00:21:40because I'll need you to help me and Ron, if he's willing.
00:21:45Of course we'll help you, said Harry at once.
00:21:47What do you want us to do?
00:21:49Hagrid gave a great sniff and patted Harry wordlessly on the shoulder
00:21:52with such force Harry was knocked sideways into a tree.
00:21:56I knew you'd say yes, said Hagrid into his handkerchief,
00:21:59but I will never forget.
00:22:01Well, come on, just a little bit further through here.
00:22:03Watch yourselves.
00:22:04No, there's nettles.
00:22:06They walked on in silence for another fifteen minutes.
00:22:08Harry had opened his mouth to ask how much further they had to go,
00:22:11when Hagrid threw out his right arm to signal that they should stop.
00:22:16Easy, he said softly.
00:22:17Very quiet now.
00:22:19They crept forwards and Harry saw that they were facing a large,
00:22:22smooth mound of earth, nearly as tall as Hagrid, that he thought,
00:22:26with a jolt of dread, was sure to be the lair of some enormous animal.
00:22:30Trees had been ripped up at the roots all around the mound,
00:22:33so that it stood on a bare patch of ground surrounded by heaps of trunks and boughs
00:22:37that formed a kind of fence or barricade,
00:22:39behind which Harry, Hermione and Hagrid now stood.
00:22:42Sleep in, breathed Hagrid.
00:22:44Sure enough, Harry could hear a distant,
00:22:47rhythmic rumbling that sounded like a pair of enormous lungs at work.
00:22:51He glanced sideways at Hermione, who was gazing at the mound,
00:22:54with her mouth slightly open.
00:22:56She looked utterly terrified.
00:22:57Hagrid, she said in a whisper, barely audible over the sound of the sleeping creature.
00:23:02Who is he?
00:23:03Harry found this an odd question.
00:23:05What is it?
00:23:06was the one he had been planning on asking.
00:23:09Hagrid, you told us, said Hermione, her wand now shaking in her hand.
00:23:12You told us none of them wanted to come.
00:23:15Harry looked from her to Hagrid and then, as realisation hit him,
00:23:19he looked back at the mound with a small gasp of horror.
00:23:22The great mound of earth, on which he, Hermione and Hagrid, could easily have stood,
00:23:26was moving slowly up and down in time of the deep, grunting breathing.
00:23:30It was not a mound at all.
00:23:31It was the curved back of what was clearly...
00:23:34Well, no, he didn't want to come, said Hagrid, sounding desperate.
00:23:38But I had to bring him, Hermione, I told her.
00:23:41But why? asked Hermione, who sounded as though she wanted to cry.
00:23:46What of Hagrid?
00:23:48I knew if I just got him back, said Hagrid,
00:23:50sounding close to tears himself, and taught him a few manners,
00:23:54I'd be able to take him outside and show everyone he's harmless.
00:23:58Harmless, said Hermione shrilly,
00:24:00and Hagrid made frantic, hushing noises with his hands
00:24:03as the enormous creature before them grunted loudly and shifted in its sleep.
00:24:07He's been hurting you all this time, hasn't he?
00:24:10That's why you've had all those injuries.
00:24:12He don't know his own strength, said Hagrid earnestly,
00:24:15and he's getting better.
00:24:16He's not fighting so much anymore.
00:24:18So this is why it took you two months to get home, said Hermione distractedly.
00:24:22Oh, Hagrid, why did you bring him back if he didn't want to come?
00:24:25Wouldn't he have been happier with his own people?
00:24:27They were all bullying him, Hermione.
00:24:29Because he's so small, said Hagrid.
00:24:31Small, said Hermione.
00:24:34I couldn't leave him, said Hagrid, tears now trickling down his bruised face into his beard.
00:24:39See, he's my brother.
00:24:41Hermione simply stared at him, her mouth open.
00:24:44Hagrid, when you say brother, said Harry slowly.
00:24:48Do you mean?
00:24:48Well, half brother, amended Hagrid.
00:24:51Turns out me mother took up with another giant when she left me dad,
00:24:54and she went and had Grop here.
00:24:57Grop, said Harry.
00:24:58Yeah, well, that's what it sounds like when he says his name, said Hagrid anxiously.
00:25:02You don't speak a lot of English.
00:25:04I've been trying to teach him.
00:25:05Anyway, she don't seem to have liked him much, or more than she liked me.
00:25:10See, with giantesses, what counts is producing good big kids,
00:25:14and he's always been a bit on the runty side for a giant.
00:25:16Only 16 foot.
00:25:18Oh, yes, tiny, said Hermione with a kind of hysterical sarcasm.
00:25:22Absolutely minuscule.
00:25:24He was being kicked around by all of them.
00:25:26I just couldn't leave him.
00:25:28Did Madame Maxime want to bring him back, asked Harry.
00:25:30She, well, she could see it was right important to me, said Hagrid,
00:25:34twisting his enormous hands.
00:25:35But, but she got a bit tired of him after a while, I must admit.
00:25:39So we split up on the journey home.
00:25:41She promised not to tell anyone, though.
00:25:43How on earth did you get him back without anyone noticing, said Harry?
00:25:47Well, that's why it took so long, see, said Hagrid.
00:25:50Could only travel by night.
00:25:52I know, and through that wild country and stuff.
00:25:55Of course, he covers the ground pretty well when he wants to,
00:25:57but he kept wanting to go back.
00:26:00Oh, Hagrid, why on earth didn't you let him, said Hermione,
00:26:03flopping down onto a ripped up tree and burying her face in her hands?
00:26:07What do you think you're going to do with a violent giant
00:26:09who doesn't even want to be here?
00:26:11Well, no, violent, that's a bit harsh, said Hagrid,
00:26:14still twisting his hands agitatedly.
00:26:16I'll admit he might have taken a couple of swings at me
00:26:19when he's been in a bad mood,
00:26:20but he's getting better, loads better, settling down well.
00:26:24What are those ropes for?
00:26:25Harry asked.
00:26:26He had just noticed ropes thick as saplings,
00:26:29stretching from around the trunks of the largest nearby trees
00:26:32towards the place where Grawp lay curled on the ground with his back to them.
00:26:36You have to keep him tied down, said Hermione faintly.
00:26:40Well, yeah, said Hagrid, looking anxious.
00:26:42See, it's like I say, he really doesn't know his own strength.
00:26:46Harry understood now why there had been such a suspicious
00:26:49lack of any other living creature in this part of the forest.
00:26:52So what is it that you want Harry and Ron and me to do?
00:26:56Hermione asked apprehensively.
00:26:58Look after him, said Hagrid croakily, after I'm gone.
00:27:01Harry and Hermione exchanged miserable looks.
00:27:04Harry, uncomfortably aware that he had already promised Hagrid
00:27:07that he would do whatever he asked.
00:27:10What does that involve exactly?
00:27:11Hermione inquired.
00:27:13Not food or anything, said Hagrid eagerly.
00:27:16He can get his own food, no problem.
00:27:17Birds and deer and stuff.
00:27:19No, it's company he needs.
00:27:20If he just knew someone was carrying on trying to help him a bit,
00:27:24teaching him stuff, you know.
00:27:26Harry said nothing, but turned to look back at the gigantic form
00:27:29lying asleep on the ground in front of them.
00:27:32Unlike Hagrid, who simply looked like an oversized human,
00:27:34Grawp looked strangely misshapen.
00:27:37What Harry had taken to be a very vast mossy boulder to the left
00:27:40in the great earthen mound, he now recognised as Grawp's head.
00:27:44It was much larger in proportion to the body than a human head
00:27:47and was almost perfectly round and covered with tightly curling,
00:27:51close growing hair, the colour of bracken.
00:27:54The rim of a single large fleshy ear was visible on top of his head,
00:27:58which seemed to sit rather like Uncle Vernon's
00:28:01directly upon the shoulders, with little or no neck in between.
00:28:04The back, under what looked like a dirty brownish smock,
00:28:08comprised of animal skins sewn roughly together, was very broad,
00:28:12and as Grawp slept, it seemed to strain a little
00:28:15as the rough seams of the skins.
00:28:18The legs were curled up under the body.
00:28:20Harry could see the soles of enormous, filthy bear feet,
00:28:23large as sledges, resting one on top of the other on the earthy forest floor.
00:28:28You want us to teach him?
00:28:29Harry said in a hollow voice.
00:28:31He now understood what Forenz's warning had meant.
00:28:33His attempt is not working.
00:28:35He would do better to abandon it.
00:28:36Of course, the other creatures who lived in the forest
00:28:39would have heard Hagrid's fruitless attempts to teach Grawp English.
00:28:42Yeah, even if you just talk to him a bit, said Hagrid hopefully,
00:28:46because I reckon if you can talk to people,
00:28:48he'll understand more that we all like him, really, all want him to stay.
00:28:53Harry looked at Hermione,
00:28:54who peered back at him from between the fingers over her face.
00:28:58Kind of makes you wish we had Norbert back, doesn't it?
00:29:01He said, and she gave him a very shaky laugh.
00:29:04Yeah, he'll do it then, said Hagrid,
00:29:06who did not seem to have caught what Harry had just said.
00:29:09We'll, said Harry, looking around and looking already bound by his promise.
00:29:14We'll, we'll try, Hagrid.
00:29:16I knew I could count on you, Harry,
00:29:18Hagrid said, beaming in a very watery way
00:29:20and dabbing at his face with his handkerchief again.
00:29:23And I don't want you to put yourself out too much, like,
00:29:25I know you've got exams.
00:29:27If you could just nip up here in your invisibility cloak,
00:29:30maybe once a week and have a chat with him.
00:29:32I'll wake him up then, introduce you.
00:29:35Well, no, said Hermione, jumping up.
00:29:37Hagrid, no, don't wake him.
00:29:38Really, we don't need...
00:29:39But Hagrid had already stepped over the great tree trunk in front of them
00:29:43and was proceeding towards Grawp.
00:29:45When he was about 10 feet away,
00:29:46he lifted a long, broken bow from the ground,
00:29:49smiled reassuringly over his shoulder at Harry and Hermione
00:29:52and then poked Grawp hard in the middle of the back with the end of the bow.
00:29:56The giant gave a roar that echoed around the silent forest.
00:30:00Birds in the treetops overhead rose twittering from their perches and soared away.
00:30:05In front of Harry and Hermione, meanwhile,
00:30:07the gigantic Grawp was rising from the ground,
00:30:10which shuddered as he placed an enormous hand upon it to push himself up to his knees.
00:30:15He turned his head to see who and what had disturbed him.
00:30:18All right, Grawpy, said Hagrid in a would-be cheery voice,
00:30:22backing away with a long bow raised, ready to poke Grawp again.
00:30:26Had a nice sleep, eh?
00:30:28Harry and Hermione retreated as far as they could
00:30:30while still keeping the giant within their sights.
00:30:33Grawp knelt between two trees he had not yet uprooted.
00:30:36They looked up into his startlingly huge face
00:30:40that resembled a grey full moon swimming in the gloom of the clearing.
00:30:43It was as though the features had been hewn onto a great stone ball.
00:30:47The nose was stubby and shapeless,
00:30:49the mouth lopsided and full of misshapen yellow teeth the size of half bricks,
00:30:53the eyes, small by giant standards, were a muddy greenish-brown,
00:30:57and just now were half gummed together with sleep.
00:31:00Grawp raised dirty knuckles, each as big as a cricket ball, to his eyes, rubbed vigorously,
00:31:06then, without warning, pushed himself to his feet,
00:31:09and surprising, with a surprising speed and agility.
00:31:12Oh my, Harry heard Hermione's squeal, terrified beside him.
00:31:16The trees, to which the other ends of the ropes around Grawp's wrists and ankles
00:31:20were attached, creaked ominously.
00:31:22He was, as Hagrid had said, at least sixteen feet tall.
00:31:26Gazing blearily around, Grawp reached out a hand the size of a beach umbrella,
00:31:30seized a bird's nest from the upper branches of a towering pine,
00:31:33and turned it upside down with a roar of apparent displeasure that there was no bird in it.
00:31:38Eggs fell like grenades towards the ground,
00:31:40and Hagrid threw his arms over his head to protect himself.
00:31:44Anyway, uh, Grawpy, shouted Hagrid, looking up apprehensively in case of further falling eggs,
00:31:50I've brought some friends to meet you.
00:31:52Remember, I told you I might, remember?
00:31:54When I said I might have to go on a little trip and leave them to look after you for a bit.
00:31:59Remember that, Grawpy?
00:32:00But Grawp merely gave another low roar.
00:32:03It was hard to say whether he was listening to Hagrid,
00:32:05or whether he even recognised the sounds Hagrid was making a speech.
00:32:08He had now seized the top of the pine tree and was pulling it towards him,
00:32:12evidently for the simple pleasure of seeing how far it would spring back when he let go.
00:32:17Now, Grawpy, don't do that, shouted Hagrid.
00:32:20That's how you ended up pulling up the others.
00:32:22And sure enough, Harry could see the earth around the tree's roots beginning to crack.
00:32:26I've got company for you, Hagrid shouted.
00:32:29Company, see?
00:32:30Look down, you big buffoon.
00:32:31I brought you some friends.
00:32:33Oh, Hagrid, don't, moaned Hermione.
00:32:36But Hagrid had already raised the bow again and gave Grawp's knee a sharp poke.
00:32:40The giant let out, let go of the top of the tree,
00:32:43which swayed alarmingly and deluged Hagrid with a rain of pine needles and looked down.
00:32:49This, said Hagrid, hastening over to where Harry and Hermione stood,
00:32:53is Harry Grawp, Harry Potter.
00:32:55He might be coming to visit you if I have to go away, understand?
00:32:59The giant had only just realised that Harry and Hermione were there.
00:33:02They watched in great trepidation as he lowered his huge boulder of a head
00:33:06so that he could peer blearily at them.
00:33:09And this is Hermione, see?
00:33:10Hurrah, Hagrid hesitated.
00:33:13Turning to Hermione, he said,
00:33:14Would you mind if he called you Hermy, Hermione?
00:33:18Only it's a difficult name for him to remember.
00:33:20No, not at all, squeaked Hermione.
00:33:22This is Hermy, Grawp, and she's going to be coming and all.
00:33:26Isn't that nice?
00:33:27Hey, two friends for you, Grawpy, no?
00:33:30Grawp's hand had shot out of nowhere towards Hermione.
00:33:33Harry seized her and pulled her backwards behind the tree
00:33:36so that Grawp's fist scraped the trunk but closed on thin air.
00:33:39Bad boy, Grawpy, they heard Hagrid yelling,
00:33:42as Hermione clung to Harry behind the tree, shaking and whimpering.
00:33:46Very bad boy, you don't grab, ouch!
00:33:49Harry poked his head out from around the trunk
00:33:51and saw Hagrid lying on his back, his hand over his nose.
00:33:55Grawp, apparently losing interest, had straightened up
00:33:57and was again engaged in pulling back the pine as far as it would go.
00:34:01Right, said Hagrid thickly,
00:34:03getting up with one hand pinching his bleeding nose
00:34:05and the other grasping his crossbow.
00:34:07Well, there you are.
00:34:08You've met him and now he'll know you when you come back.
00:34:13Yeah, well, he looked up at Grawp.
00:34:15He was now pulling back the pine with an expression of detached pleasure
00:34:18on his boulderish face.
00:34:20The roots were creaking as he ripped them away from the ground.
00:34:23Well, I reckon that's enough for one day, said Hagrid.
00:34:27Well, we'll go back now, shall we?
00:34:29Harry and Hermione nodded.
00:34:30Hagrid shouldered his crossbow again,
00:34:33still pinching his nose, led the way back into the trees.
00:34:36Nobody spoke for a while,
00:34:37not even when they heard the distant crash
00:34:39that meant Grawp had pulled over the pine tree at last.
00:34:42Hermione's face was pale and set.
00:34:44Harry could not think of a single thing to say.
00:34:46What on earth was going to happen when somebody found out
00:34:49that Hagrid had hidden Grawp in the Forbidden Forest?
00:34:52And he had promised that he, Ron and Hermione,
00:34:54would continue Hagrid's totally pointless attempts to civilise the giant.
00:34:58How could Hagrid, even with his immense capacity to delude himself,
00:35:02that fanged monsters were lovable,
00:35:04calmless, fool himself,
00:35:06that Grawp would never be fit to mix with humans?
00:35:09Would ever be fit to mix with humans?
00:35:12Hold it, said Hagrid abruptly.
00:35:14Just as Harry and Hermione were struggling
00:35:16through a patch of thick knot grass behind him,
00:35:18he pulled an arrow out of the quiver over his shoulder
00:35:21and fitted it into the crossbow.
00:35:22Harry and Hermione raised their wands.
00:35:24Now that they had stopped walking,
00:35:26they too could hear movement close by.
00:35:28Oh blimey, said Hagrid quietly.
00:35:31I thought we told you, Hagrid, said a deep male voice,
00:35:34that you are no longer welcome here.
00:35:37A man's naked torso seemed for an instant
00:35:40to be floating towards them through the dappled green half-light.
00:35:43Then they saw that his waist joined smoothly
00:35:45into a horse's chestnut body.
00:35:47This centaur had a proud, high cheekbone face
00:35:50and long black hair.
00:35:51Like Hagrid, he was armed.
00:35:53A quiver full of arrows and a longbow
00:35:55were slung over his shoulders.
00:35:57How are you, Magorian?
00:35:58said Hagrid warily.
00:36:00The trees behind the centaur rustled
00:36:02and four or five more centaurs emerged behind him.
00:36:05Harry recognised the black-bodied and bearded Bane,
00:36:08whom he had met nearly four years ago
00:36:10on the same night that he had met Firenze.
00:36:12Bane gave no sign that he had ever seen Harry before.
00:36:15So, he said, with a nasty infection in his voice,
00:36:18before turning immediately to Magorian.
00:36:22We agreed, I think, what we would do
00:36:24if this human ever showed his face in the forest again.
00:36:27This human now am I, said Hagrid testily,
00:36:30just for stopping all of you committing murder.
00:36:33You ought not to have meddled, Hagrid, said Magorian.
00:36:36Our ways are not yours, nor are our laws.
00:36:39Firenze has betrayed and dishonoured us.
00:36:42I don't know how you worked that out, said Hagrid impatiently.
00:36:45He's done nothing except help Albus Dumbledore.
00:36:48Firenze has entered into servitude for humans,
00:36:50said a grey centaur with a hard, deeply-lined face.
00:36:54Servitude, said Hagrid scathingly.
00:36:56He's doing Dumbledore a favour, that's all.
00:36:59He is peddling our knowledge and secrets among humans,
00:37:03said Magorian quietly.
00:37:04There can be no return from such disgrace.
00:37:07If you say so, said Hagrid, shrugging,
00:37:09but personally I think you're making a big mistake.
00:37:12As are you, human, said Bane,
00:37:14coming back into our forest when we warned you.
00:37:17No, you listen to me, said Hagrid angrily.
00:37:19I'll have lesser the hour of forest,
00:37:21if it's all the same to you.
00:37:23It's not up to you who comes in and goes in here.
00:37:26No more is it up to you, Hagrid, said Magorian smoothly.
00:37:29I shall let you pass today,
00:37:30because you are accompanied by your young...
00:37:33They're not his, interrupted Bane contemptuously.
00:37:36Students, Magorian, from up at the school.
00:37:38They have probably already profited
00:37:40from the traitor Forenz's teachings.
00:37:42Nevertheless, said Magorian calmly,
00:37:44the slaughter of foals is a terrible crime.
00:37:47We do not touch the innocent.
00:37:48Today, Hagrid, you pass.
00:37:50Henceforth, stay away from this place.
00:37:52You forfeited the friendship of the centaurs
00:37:55when you helped the traitor Forenz escape us.
00:37:59I won't be kept out of the forest
00:38:01by a bunch of mules like you, said Hagrid loudly.
00:38:04Hagrid, said Hermione in a high-pitched and terrified voice,
00:38:07as both Bane and the grey centaur pawed at the ground.
00:38:10Let's go. Please, let's go.
00:38:12Hagrid moved forwards, but his crossbow was still raised
00:38:14and his eyes were still fixed threateningly upon Magorian.
00:38:17We know what you are keeping in the forest, Hagrid,
00:38:20Magorian called after them,
00:38:22as the centaur slipped out of sight
00:38:23and our tolerance is waning.
00:38:25Hagrid turned and gave every appearance
00:38:27of wanting to walk straight back to Magorian.
00:38:29You'll tolerate him as long as he's here,
00:38:31and it's as much his forest as yours, he yelled.
00:38:34As Harry and Hermione both pushed
00:38:35with all their might against Hagrid's moleskin waistcoat
00:38:38in an effort to keep him moving forwards.
00:38:40Still scowling, he looked down.
00:38:42His expression changed to Miles's prize
00:38:44at the sight of them both pushing him.
00:38:46He seemed not to have felt it.
00:38:47Calm down, you two, he said,
00:38:49turning to walk on while they panted along behind him.
00:38:52Runny old mules, though, eh?
00:38:54Hagrid, said Hermione breathlessly,
00:38:56skirting the patches of nettles
00:38:57they had passed on the way there.
00:38:59If the centaurs don't want humans in the forest,
00:39:01it doesn't really look as though Harry and I
00:39:04will be able...
00:39:05Ah, you heard what they said, said Hagrid dismissively.
00:39:09They wouldn't hurt foals, I mean kids.
00:39:10Anyway, we can let ourselves be pushed around by that lot.
00:39:13We can't!
00:39:14Nice try, Harry murmured to Hermione,
00:39:17who looked crestfallen.
00:39:19At last, they rejoined the path,
00:39:21and after another 10 minutes, the trees began to thin.
00:39:24They were able to see patches of clear blue sky again,
00:39:27and in the distance,
00:39:28the definite sounds of cheering and shouting.
00:39:30Was that another goal? asked Hagrid,
00:39:32pausing in the shelter of the tree
00:39:33as the Quidditch stadium came into view.
00:39:35Would you reckon the match is over?
00:39:37I don't know, said Hermione miserably.
00:39:39Harry saw that she looked much the worse for wear.
00:39:42Her hair was full of twigs and leaves,
00:39:44her robes were ripped in several places,
00:39:46and there were numerous scratches on her face and arms.
00:39:48He knew he must look a little better.
00:39:51I reckon it's over, you know, said Hagrid,
00:39:53still squinting towards the stadium.
00:39:55Look, there's people coming out already.
00:39:57If you two hurry, you'll be able to blend in with the crowd,
00:40:00and no one will know you weren't there.
00:40:02Good idea, said Harry.
00:40:04See you later then, Hagrid.
00:40:05I don't believe him, said Hermione in a very unsteady voice,
00:40:08the moment they were out of earshot of Hagrid.
00:40:10I don't believe him.
00:40:11I really don't believe him.
00:40:13Calm down, said Harry.
00:40:15Calm down, she said feverishly.
00:40:17A giant, a giant in the forest,
00:40:19and we're supposed to give him English lessons,
00:40:21always assuming, of course,
00:40:22we can get past the herd of murderous centaurs on the way in and out.
00:40:25I don't believe him.
00:40:28We haven't got to do anything yet,
00:40:30Harry said to reassure her in a quiet voice,
00:40:32as they joined a stream of jabbering Hufflepuffs heading back towards the castle.
00:40:36He's not asking us to do anything unless he gets chucked out,
00:40:39and that might not even happen.
00:40:41Oh, come off it, Harry, said Hermione angrily,
00:40:43stopping dead in her tracks
00:40:45so that the people behind had to swerve to avoid her.
00:40:48Of course he's going to be chucked out,
00:40:50and to be perfectly honest,
00:40:51after what we've just seen, who can blame Umbridge?
00:40:54There was a pause in which Harry glared at her,
00:40:56and her eyes filled slowly with tears.
00:40:58You didn't mean that, said Harry quietly.
00:41:01No, well, all right, I didn't, she said, wiping her eyes angrily,
00:41:05but why does he have to make life so difficult for himself, for us?
00:41:09I don't know.
00:41:10Weasley is our king, Weasley is our king,
00:41:13he didn't let the Quaffle in, Weasley is our king.
00:41:17And I wish they'd stop singing that stupid song, said Hermione miserably.
00:41:21Haven't they gloated enough?
00:41:22A great tide of students was moving up the sloping lawns from the pitch.
00:41:26Oh, let's not, let's get in before we have to meet the Slytherins, said Hermione.
00:41:31Weasley can save anything, he never leaves a single ring,
00:41:34that's why Gryffindors all sing, Weasley is our king.
00:41:39Hermione, said Harry slowly, the song was growing louder,
00:41:43but it was issuing not from a crowd of green and silver clad Slytherins,
00:41:46but from a mass of red and gold moving slowly towards the castle,
00:41:50bearing a solitary figure upon its many shoulders.
00:41:52Weasley is our king, Weasley is our king,
00:41:56he didn't let the Quaffle in, Weasley is our king.
00:41:59No, said Hermione in a hushed voice.
00:42:02Yes, said Harry loudly.
00:42:04Harry, Hermione, yelled Ron,
00:42:06waving the silver Quidditch cup in the air and looking quite beside himself.
00:42:09We did it, we won.
00:42:11They beamed up at him as he passed.
00:42:13There was a scrum at the door of the castle
00:42:15and Ron's head got rather badly bumped on the lintel,
00:42:18but nobody seemed to want to put him down.
00:42:20Still singing, the crowd squeezed itself into the entrance hall and out of sight.
00:42:24Harry and Hermione watched them go, beaming,
00:42:26until the last echoing strains of Weasley is our king died away.
00:42:30Then they turned to each other, their smiles fading.
00:42:33We'll save our news till tomorrow, shall we, said Harry.
00:42:36Yes, all right, said Hermione wearily.
00:42:38I'm not in any hurry.
00:42:40They climbed the steps together,
00:42:41as the front doors both instinctively looked back at the forbidden forest.
00:42:46Harry was not sure whether or not it was his imagination,
00:42:48but he rather thought he saw a small cloud of birds
00:42:51erupting into the air above the treetops in the distance,
00:42:54almost as though the tree in which they had been nesting
00:42:57had just been pulled up by the roots.
00:43:02Chapter 31 Owls
00:43:05Ron's euphoria at helping Gryffindor scrape the Quidditch cup
00:43:08was such that he couldn't settle to anything next day.
00:43:10All he wanted to do was talk over the match,
00:43:12so Harry and Hermione found it very difficult to find an opening
00:43:15in which to mention Grawp.
00:43:17Not that either of them tried very hard,
00:43:19neither was keen to be the one to bring Ron back to reality
00:43:21in quite such a brutal fashion.
00:43:23As it was another fine warm day,
00:43:25they persuaded him to join them in revising under the beech tree
00:43:28at the edge of the lake,
00:43:29where they had less chance of being overheard than in the common room.
00:43:32Ron was not particularly keen on this idea at first.
00:43:35He was thoroughly enjoying being patted on the back by every Gryffindor
00:43:38who walked past his chair,
00:43:40not to mention the occasional outbursts of
00:43:42Weasley is our king!
00:43:43But after a while he agreed that some fresh air might do him good.
00:43:47They spread their books out in the shade of the beech tree
00:43:49and sat down while Ron talked them through his first save of the match,
00:43:52for what felt like the dozenth time.
00:43:55Well, I mean, I'd already let in that one of Davies's,
00:43:58so I wasn't feeling all that confident.
00:44:00But, I don't know, when Bradley came towards me,
00:44:02just out of nowhere, I thought,
00:44:03you can do this!
00:44:04And I had about a second to decide which way to fly, you know,
00:44:07because he looked like he was aiming for the right goal hoop.
00:44:10My right, obviously, his left,
00:44:12but I had a funny feeling that he was fainting,
00:44:15and so I took the chance and flew left.
00:44:17His right, I mean.
00:44:18And well, you saw what happened, he concluded modestly,
00:44:21sweeping his hair back quite unnecessarily,
00:44:23so that it looked interestingly windswept,
00:44:25and glancing around to see whether the people nearest to him,
00:44:27a bunch of gossiping third-year Hufflepuffs, had heard him.
00:44:31And then, when Chambers came at me about five minutes later,
00:44:34What? Ron asked, having stopped mid-sentence at the look on Harry's face.
00:44:39Why are you grinning?
00:44:40I'm not, said Harry quickly,
00:44:41and looked down at his transfiguration notes,
00:44:44attempting to straighten his face.
00:44:45The truth was that Ron had just reminded Harry forcibly
00:44:48of another Gryffindor quidditch player
00:44:50who had once sat rumbling his hair under this very tree.
00:44:54I'm just glad we won, that's all.
00:44:55Yeah, said Ron slowly, savouring the words.
00:44:58We won!
00:44:59Did you see the look on Chang's face
00:45:01when Ginny got the snitch right out from under her nose?
00:45:03I suppose she cried, did she? said Harry bitterly.
00:45:06Well, yeah, more out of a temper than anything, though.
00:45:09Ron frowned slightly.
00:45:10But you saw her chuck her broom away
00:45:12when she got back to the ground, didn't you?
00:45:14Uh, said Harry.
00:45:15Well, actually, no, Ron, said Hermione with a heavy sigh,
00:45:19putting down her book and looking at him apologetically.
00:45:21As a matter of fact, the only bit of the match
00:45:23Harry and I saw was Davis's first goal.
00:45:26Ron's carefully ruffled hair seemed to wilt with disappointment.
00:45:30You didn't watch, he said faintly,
00:45:32looking from one to the other.
00:45:33You didn't see me make any of those saves?
00:45:36Well, no, said Hermione,
00:45:38stretching out a placatory hand towards him.
00:45:41But Ron, we didn't want to leave.
00:45:43We had to.
00:45:44Yeah, said Ron, whose face was growing rather red.
00:45:46How come?
00:45:47It was Hagrid, said Harry.
00:45:49He decided to tell us why he's been covered in injuries
00:45:52ever since he got back from the Giants.
00:45:53He wanted us to go into the forest with him.
00:45:55We had no choice.
00:45:56You know how he gets.
00:45:57Anyway, the story was told in five minutes,
00:46:01by the end of which Ron's indignation had been replaced
00:46:04by a look of total incredulity.
00:46:07He brought one back and hid it in the forest?
00:46:10Yep, said Harry grimly.
00:46:12No, said Ron, as though by saying this he could make it untrue.
00:46:16No, no, he can't have.
00:46:17He has, said Hermione firmly,
00:46:19grew up about 16 feet tall,
00:46:21enjoys ripping up 20 foot pine trees,
00:46:23and knows me, she snorted, as Hermie.
00:46:27Ron gave a nervous laugh.
00:46:29And Hagrid wants us to teach him English?
00:46:32Yeah, said Harry.
00:46:33He's lost his mind, said Ron in an almost awed voice.
00:46:36Yes, said Hermione irritably,
00:46:38turning a page of intermediate transfiguration
00:46:40and glaring at a series of diagrams
00:46:42showing an owl turning into a pair of opera glasses.
00:46:44Yes, I'm starting to think he has.
00:46:46But unfortunately, he made Harry and me promise.
00:46:49Well, you're just gonna have to break your promise,
00:46:51that's all, said Ron firmly.
00:46:52I mean, come on, we've got exams.
00:46:54We're about that far, he held up his hand
00:46:56to show thumb and forefinger almost touching,
00:46:58from being chucked out as it is.
00:47:00And anyway, remember Norbert?
00:47:02Remember Aragog?
00:47:03Have we ever come off better for mixing
00:47:05with any of Hagrid's monster mates?
00:47:07I know, it's just that...
00:47:08We promised, said Hermione in a small voice.
00:47:10Ron smoothed his hair flat again, looking preoccupied.
00:47:14Well, he sighed, Hagrid hasn't been sacked yet, has he?
00:47:17He's hung on this long.
00:47:18Maybe he'll hang on until the end of term
00:47:20and we won't have to go near Grawp at all.
00:47:23The castle grounds were gleaming in the sunlight
00:47:25as though freshly painted.
00:47:27The cloudless sky smilded itself
00:47:29in the smoothly sparkling lake.
00:47:30The satin green lawns rippled occasionally
00:47:33in a gentle breeze.
00:47:34June had arrived, but to the fifth years,
00:47:36this meant only one thing,
00:47:38the owls were upon them at last.
00:47:40Their teachers were no longer setting them homework.
00:47:42Lessons were devoted to revising those topics
00:47:45the teachers thought most likely to come up in the exams.
00:47:48The purposeful feverish atmosphere drove nearly everyone,
00:47:51but the owls, from Harry's mind,
00:47:53though he did wonder occasionally during potions lessons
00:47:56whether Lupin had ever told Snape
00:47:58that he must continue giving Harry oculomancy tuition.
00:48:01If he had, then Snape had ignored Lupin
00:48:03as thoroughly as he was now ignoring Harry.
00:48:06This suited Harry very well.
00:48:07He was quite busy and tense enough
00:48:09without extra classes with Snape,
00:48:11and to his relief Hermione was much too preoccupied these days
00:48:14to badger him about oculomancy.
00:48:16She was spending a lot of time muttering to herself
00:48:19and had not laid out any elf clothes for days.
00:48:22She was not the only person acting oddly
00:48:24as the owls drew steadily nearer.
00:48:26Ernie Macmillan had developed an irritating habit
00:48:28of interrogating people about their revision practices.
00:48:31How many hours do you think you're doing a day?
00:48:34He demanded of Harry and Ron
00:48:35as they queued outside Herbology,
00:48:37a manic gleam in his eyes.
00:48:39I don't know, said Ron, a few.
00:48:41More or less than eight.
00:48:42Less, I suppose, said Ron, looking slightly alarmed.
00:48:45I'm doing eight, said Ernie, puffing out his chest.
00:48:48Eight or nine.
00:48:49I'm getting an hour in before breakfast every day.
00:48:51Eight's my average.
00:48:52I can do ten on a good weekend day.
00:48:55I did nine and a half on Monday.
00:48:57Not so good on Tuesday.
00:48:58Only seven and a quarter.
00:48:59Then on Wednesday...
00:49:01Harry was deeply thankful that Professor Sprout
00:49:04ushered them into Greenhouse Three at that point,
00:49:06forcing Ernie to abandon his recital.
00:49:08Meanwhile, Draco Malfoy had found a different way to induce panic.
00:49:12Of course, it's not what you know,
00:49:14he was heard to tell Crabbe and Goyle loudly outside Potions
00:49:17a few days before the exams were to start.
00:49:19It's who you know.
00:49:20Now, Father's been friendly with the head
00:49:22of the Wizarding Examinations Authority for years.
00:49:25Old Griselda Marchbanks.
00:49:27We've had her round for dinner and everything.
00:49:30Do you think that's true?
00:49:31Hermione whispered in alarm to Harry and Ron.
00:49:33Nothing we can do about it if it is, said Ron gloomily.
00:49:36I don't think it's true, said Neville,
00:49:37quietly from behind them,
00:49:39because Griselda Marchbanks is a friend of my Gran's
00:49:41and she's never mentioned the Malfoys.
00:49:43What's she like, Neville? asked Hermione at once.
00:49:46Is she strict?
00:49:47Bit like Gran, really, said Neville in a subdued voice.
00:49:50Knowing her won't hurt your chances, though, will it?
00:49:52Ron told him encouragingly.
00:49:54Oh, I don't think it'll make any difference,
00:49:56said Neville still more miserably.
00:49:57Gran's always telling Professor Marchbanks
00:49:59I'm not as good as my dad.
00:50:01Well, you saw what she's like at St Mungo's.
00:50:04Neville looked fixedly at the floor.
00:50:06Harry, Ron and Hermione glanced at each other,
00:50:08but didn't know what to say.
00:50:09It was the first time Neville had acknowledged
00:50:11that they had met at the Wizarding Hospital.
00:50:13Meanwhile, the flourishing black market trade in AIDS,
00:50:16to concentration, mental agility and wakefulness,
00:50:19had sprung up among the fifth and seventh years.
00:50:22Harry and Ron were much tempted by the bottle of
00:50:24Borufio's Brain Elixir,
00:50:26offered to them by Ravenclaw's six-year Eddie Carmichael,
00:50:30who swore it was solely responsible
00:50:32for the nine outstanding owls he had gained the previous summer
00:50:35and was offering a whole pint for a mere 12 galleons.
00:50:39Ron assured Harry he would reimburse him for his half
00:50:42the moment he left Hogwarts and got a job.
00:50:44But before they could close the deal,
00:50:45Hermione had confiscated the bottle from Carmichael
00:50:48and poured the contents down a toilet.
00:50:51We wanted to buy that, shouted Ron.
00:50:53Don't be stupid, she snarled.
00:50:54You might as well take Harold Dingle's Powdered Dragon Claw
00:50:57and have done with it.
00:50:58Dingle's got Powdered Dragon Claw?
00:51:00said Ron eagerly.
00:51:01Not anymore, said Hermione.
00:51:02I confiscated that too.
00:51:04None of these things actually work, you know.
00:51:06Dragon Claw does work, said Ron.
00:51:08It's supposed to be incredible.
00:51:10Really gives your brain a boost.
00:51:11You come over all cunning for a few hours.
00:51:13Hermione, let me have a pinch.
00:51:15Go on, it can't hurt.
00:51:16This stuff can, said Hermione grimly.
00:51:19I've had a look at it and it's actually dry doxy droppings.
00:51:22This information took the edge off
00:51:24Harry and Ron's desire for brain stimulants.
00:51:26They received their examination timetables and details
00:51:29of the procedure for owls during their next transfiguration lesson.
00:51:33As you can see, Professor McGonagall told the class
00:51:36as they copied down the dates and times of their exams from the blackboard.
00:51:39Your owls are spread over two successive weeks.
00:51:42You will sit the theory papers in the mornings
00:51:44and the practice in the afternoons.
00:51:46Your practical astronomy examination will, of course, take place at night.
00:51:50Now, I must warn you that the most stringent anti-cheating charms
00:51:54have been applied to your examination papers.
00:51:56Auto-answer quills are banned from the examination hall
00:51:59as are Remembralls, detachable gripping cuffs and self-correcting ink.
00:52:04Every year, I'm afraid to say, seems to harbour at least one student
00:52:07who thinks that he or she can get around
00:52:10the Wizarding Examination Authority's rules.
00:52:13I can only hope that it is nobody in Gryffindor.
00:52:16Ah, no, new headmistress, Professor McGonagall pronounced the word
00:52:21with the same look on her face that Aunt Petunia had
00:52:23whenever she was contemplating a particularly stubborn bit of dirt.
00:52:27Has asked the heads of house to tell their students
00:52:30that cheating will be punished most severely
00:52:33because, of course, your examination results
00:52:35will reflect upon the headmistress's new regime at the school.
00:52:38Professor McGonagall gave a tiny sigh.
00:52:40Harry saw the nostrils of her sharp nose flare.
00:52:43However, that is no reason not to do your very best.
00:52:46You have your own futures to think about.
00:52:49Please, Professor, said Hermione, her hand in the air,
00:52:51when will we find out our results?
00:52:53An owl will be sent to you sometime in July, said Professor McGonagall.
00:52:58Excellent, said Dean Thomas in an audible whisper,
00:53:01so we don't have to worry about it till the holidays.
00:53:03Harry imagined sitting in his bedroom in Privet Drive in six weeks' time,
00:53:07waiting for his owl results.
00:53:09Well, he thought, at least he would be sure of one bit of post that summer.
00:53:13Their first examination, Theory of Charms, was scheduled for Monday morning.
00:53:17Harry agreed to test Hermione after lunch on Sunday,
00:53:20but regretted it almost at once.
00:53:22She was very agitated, and kept snatching the book back from him to check
00:53:26that she had got the answer completely right,
00:53:28finally hitting him hard on the nose with the sharp end of Achievements in Charming.
00:53:33Why don't you just do it yourself, he said firmly,
00:53:35handing the book back to her, his eyes watering.
00:53:38Meanwhile, Ron was reading two years' worth of charms notes with his fingers in his ears,
00:53:42his lips moving soundlessly.
00:53:44Seamus Finnegan was lying flat on his back on the floor,
00:53:46reciting the definition of a substantive charm,
00:53:49while Dean checked it against the standard Book of Spells, Grade 5,
00:53:53and Pavarti and Lavender, who were practising basic locomotion charms,
00:53:56were making their pencil cases race each other around the edge of the table.
00:54:01Dinner was a subdued affair that night.
00:54:03Harry and Ron did not talk much, but ate with gusto,
00:54:05having studied and studied hard all day.
00:54:08Hermione, on the other hand, kept putting down her knife and fork,
00:54:11and diving under the table for her bag,
00:54:13from which she would seize a book to check some fact or figure.
00:54:17Ron was just telling her that she ought to eat a decent meal,
00:54:20or she would not sleep that night,
00:54:21when her fork slid from her limp fingers and landed with a loud tinkle onto her plate.
00:54:26Oh my goodness, she said faintly, staring into the entrance hall.
00:54:30Is that them? Is that the examiners?
00:54:32Harry and Ron whipped around on their bench.
00:54:34Through the doors to the great hall,
00:54:36they could see Umbridge standing with a small group of ancient-looking witches and wizards.
00:54:40Umbridge, Harry was pleased to see, looked rather nervous.
00:54:43Shall we go and have a closer look, said Ron.
00:54:45Harry and Hermione nodded,
00:54:47and they hastened towards the double doors into the entrance hall,
00:54:50slowing down as they stepped over the threshold,
00:54:52to walk sedately past the examiners.
00:54:54Harry thought Professor Marchbanks must be the tiny stooped witch,
00:54:58with her face so lined it looked as though it had been draped in cobwebs.
00:55:02Umbridge was speaking to her deferentially.
00:55:04Professor Marchbanks seemed to be a little deaf.
00:55:07She was answering Professor Umbridge very loudly,
00:55:09considering they were only a foot apart.
00:55:11Journey was fine. Journey was fine.
00:55:14We've made it plenty of times before, she said impatiently.
00:55:17Now I haven't heard from Dumbledore lately, she added,
00:55:20peering around the hall as though hopeful he might suddenly emerge from a broom cupboard.
00:55:24No idea where he is, I suppose.
00:55:26Not at all, said Umbridge, shooting a malevolent look at Harry, Ron and Hermione,
00:55:31who went out dawdling around the foot of the stairs,
00:55:33as Ron pretended to do up his shoelace.
00:55:35But I dare say the Ministry of Magic will track him down soon enough.
00:55:39I doubt it, shouted tiny Professor Marchbanks.
00:55:42Not if Dumbledore doesn't want to be found.
00:55:44I should know.
00:55:45Examined him personally in transfiguration and charms when he did his nudes.
00:55:49Did things with a wand I'd never seen before.
00:55:51Yes, uh, well, said Professor Umbridge as Harry, Ron and Hermione dragged their feet up
00:55:56the marble staircase as slowly as they dared.
00:55:58Let me show you to the staff room.
00:56:00I dare say you'd like a cup of tea after your journey.
00:56:03It was an uncomfortable sort of evening.
00:56:05Everyone was trying to do some last-minute revising,
00:56:07but nobody seemed to be getting very far.
00:56:09Harry went to bed early, but they lay awake for what felt like hours.
00:56:13He remembered his careers consultation,
00:56:15and McGonagall's furious declaration that she would
00:56:17help him become an Auror if it was the last thing she did.
00:56:20He wished he had expressed a more achievable ambition,
00:56:23now that exam time was here.
00:56:24He knew he was not the only one lying awake,
00:56:27but none of the others in the dormitory spoke,
00:56:28and finally, one by one, they fell asleep.
00:56:31None of the fifth years talked very much at breakfast next day, either.
00:56:35Pavarti was practising incantations under her breath,
00:56:38while the salt cellar with the salt cellar in front of her twitched.
00:56:41Hermione was rereading Achievements in Charming
00:56:43so fast that her eyes appeared blurred,
00:56:45and Neville kept dropping his knife and fork,
00:56:48and knocking over the marmalade.
00:56:50Once breakfast was over, the fifth and seventh years milled around
00:56:54in the entrance hall, while the other students went off to lessons.
00:56:57Then, at half past nine, they were called forwards,
00:56:59class by class, to re-enter the great hall,
00:57:02which had been rearranged exactly as Harry had seen it
00:57:04in the Pensieve when his father, Sirius and Snape,
00:57:07had been taking their hours,
00:57:08and the four house tables had been removed
00:57:11and replaced instead with many tables for one,
00:57:14all facing the staff table,
00:57:15and its staff table end of the hall,
00:57:17where Professor McGonagall stood facing them.
00:57:19When they were all seated and quiet, she said,
00:57:21You may begin,
00:57:23and turned over an enormous hourglass on the desk beside her,
00:57:26on which there were also spare quills,
00:57:28ink bottles, and rolls of parchment.
00:57:31Harry turned over his paper, his heart thumping hard,
00:57:34three rows to his right, and four seats ahead,
00:57:36Hermione was already scribbling,
00:57:38and lowered his eyes to the first question.
00:57:40A. Give the incantation,
00:57:42and B. Describe the wand movement required to make objects fly.
00:57:47Harry had a fleeting memory of club,
00:57:49of a club soaring high into the air,
00:57:51and landing loudly on the thick skull of a troll.
00:57:53Smiling slightly, he bent over the paper and began to write.
00:57:59Well, it wasn't too bad, was it?
00:58:01asked Hermione anxiously in the entrance hall two hours later,
00:58:04still clutching the exam paper.
00:58:06I'm not sure I did myself justice on cheering charms.
00:58:08I just ran out of time.
00:58:10Did you put in the counter charm for hiccups?
00:58:12I wasn't sure whether I ought to.
00:58:14It felt like too much.
00:58:15And on question twenty-three,
00:58:16Hermione, said Ron sternly,
00:58:18We've been through this before.
00:58:19We're not going through every exam afterwards.
00:58:22It's bad enough doing them once.
00:58:24The fifth years ate lunch with the rest of the school.
00:58:26The four house tables had reappeared for the lunch hour.
00:58:28Then they trooped off into the small chamber beside the great hall,
00:58:31where they were to wait until called for their practical examination.
00:58:35A small group of students were called forwards in alphabetical order.
00:58:39Those left behind muttered incantations and practiced wand movements,
00:58:42occasionally poking each other in the back or eye by mistake.
00:58:46Hermione's name was called.
00:58:47Trembling, she left the chamber with Anthony Goldstein,
00:58:50Gregory Goyle and Daphne Greengrass.
00:58:53Students who had already been tested did not return afterwards,
00:58:55so Harry and Ron had no idea how Hermione had done.
00:58:58She'll be fine.
00:58:59Remember, she got 112% on one of her charms tests, said Ron.
00:59:03Ten minutes later, Professor Flitwick called,
00:59:12Good luck, said Ron quietly.
00:59:14Harry walked into the great hall,
00:59:15clutching his wand so tightly his hand shook.
00:59:18Professor Tofty is free, Potter, squeaked Professor Flitwick,
00:59:22who was standing just inside the door.
00:59:24He pointed Harry towards what looked like the very oldest and baldest examiner
00:59:29sitting behind a small table in a far corner,
00:59:31a short distance from Professor Marchbanks,
00:59:33who was halfway through testing Draco Malfoy.
00:59:36Potter, is it? said Professor Tofty,
00:59:38consulting his notes and peering over his pince-nez at Harry as he approached.
00:59:43The famous Potter!
00:59:45Out of the corner of his eye,
00:59:46Harry distinctly saw Malfoy throw a scathing look over at him.
00:59:50The wineglass Malfoy had been levitating fell to the floor and smashed.
00:59:53Harry could not suppress a grin.
00:59:55Professor Tofty smiled back at him encouragingly.
00:59:57That's it, he said in his quavery old voice.
01:00:00No need to be nervous now.
01:00:01If I could ask you to take this egg cup and make it do some cartwheels for me.
01:00:06On the wheel, on the whole, Harry thought it went rather well.
01:00:10His levitation charm was certainly much better than Malfoy's had been,
01:00:13though he wished he had not mixed up the incantations for colour change and growth charms
01:00:17so that the rat he was supposed to be turning orange
01:00:19swelled shockingly and was the size of a badger
01:00:22before Harry could rectify his mistake.
01:00:24He was glad Hermione had not been in the hall at the time
01:00:27and neglected to mention it to her afterwards.
01:00:29He could tell Ron though.
01:00:31Ron had caused a dinner plate to mutate into a large mushroom
01:00:34and had no idea how it had happened.
01:00:36There was no time to relax that night.
01:00:38They went straight to the common room after dinner
01:00:40and submerged themselves in revision for transfiguration next day.
01:00:43Harry went to bed with his head buzzing with complex spell models and theories.
01:00:47He forgot the definition of a switching spell during his written paper next morning
01:00:52but thought this practical could have been a lot worse.
01:00:55At least he managed to vanish the whole of his iguana
01:00:57whereas poor Hannah Abbott lost her head completely at the next table
01:01:01and somehow managed to multiply her ferret into a flock of flamingos
01:01:04causing the examination to be halted for 10 minutes
01:01:07while the birds were captured and carried out of the hall.
01:01:10They had their herbology exam on Wednesday.
01:01:12Other than a small bite from a fanged geranium,
01:01:14Harry felt he had done reasonably well
01:01:16and then on Thursday, defence against the dark arts.
01:01:19Here for the first time, Harry felt sure he had passed.
01:01:22He had no problem with any of the written questions
01:01:24and took particular pleasure during the practical examination
01:01:27in performing all the counter jinxes and defensive spells right in front of Umbridge
01:01:31who was watching coolly from near the doors into the entrance hall.
01:01:35Oh, bravo!
01:01:36Cried Professor Tofty who was examining Harry again
01:01:39when Harry demonstrated a perfect boggart banishing spell.
01:01:43Very good indeed.
01:01:44Well, I think that's all Potter unless...
01:01:46He leaned forwards a little.
01:01:48I heard from my dear friend Tiberius Ogden that you can produce a Patronus.
01:01:52For a bonus point?
01:01:54Harry raised his wand, looked directly at Umbridge and imagined her being sacked.
01:01:59Expecto Patronum!
01:02:01His silver stag erupted from the end of his wand and countered the length of the hall.
01:02:05All of the examiners looked around to watch its progress
01:02:08and when it dissolved into silver mist,
01:02:10Professor Tofty clapped his veined and knotted hands enthusiastically.
01:02:14Excellent, he said.
01:02:16Very well, Potter.
01:02:17You may go.
01:02:18As Harry passed Umbridge beside the door, their eyes met.
01:02:21There was a nasty smile playing around her wide slack mouth,
01:02:24but he did not care unless he was very much mistaking
01:02:27and he was not planning on telling anybody in case he was.
01:02:30He had just achieved an outstanding owl.
01:02:33On Friday, Harry and Ron had a day off while Hermione sat her ancient runes exam
01:02:38and as they had a whole weekend in front of them,
01:02:40they permitted themselves a break from revision.
01:02:42They stretched and yawned beside the open window
01:02:45through which warm summer air was wafting as they played wizard chest.
01:02:49Harry could see Hagrid in the distance teaching a class on the edge of the forest.
01:02:53He was trying to guess what creatures they were examining.
01:02:55He thought it must be unicorns
01:02:56because the boys seemed to be standing back a little
01:02:59when the portrait hall opened and Hermione clambered in,
01:03:02looking thoroughly bad-tempered.
01:03:04How were the runes, said Ron, yawning and stretching.
01:03:07I mistranslated.
01:03:09Eowys, said Hermione furiously.
01:03:11It means partnership, not defence.
01:03:13I mixed it up with Eowys.
01:03:16Ah well, said Ron lazily.
01:03:18That's only one mistake, isn't it?
01:03:19You still get...
01:03:20Oh shut up, said Hermione angrily.
01:03:22It could be the one mistake that makes the difference between a pass and a fail.
01:03:25And what's more, someone's put another niffler in Umbridge's office.
01:03:29I don't know how they got it through the door,
01:03:31but I just walked past there and Umbridge is shrieking her head off.
01:03:34By the sound of it, it tried to take a chunk out of her leg.
01:03:37Good, said Harry and Ron together.
01:03:39It's not good, said Hermione hotly.
01:03:41She thinks it's Hagrid doing it, remember?
01:03:43And we do not want Hagrid chucked out.
01:03:45He's teaching at the moment.
01:03:46She can't blame him.
01:03:48Said Harry, gesturing out of the window.
01:03:49Oh, you're so naive sometimes, Harry.
01:03:52You really think Umbridge will wait for proof, said Hermione,
01:03:55who seemed determined to be in a towering temper,
01:03:57and she swept off towards the girl's dormitories,
01:03:59banging the door behind her.
01:04:01Such a lovely, sweet-tempered girl, said Ron very quietly,
01:04:05prodding his queen forward to beat up one of Harry's knights.
01:04:09Hermione's bad mood persisted for most of the weekend,
01:04:11though Harry and Ron found it quite easy to ignore,
01:04:14as they spent most of Saturday and Sunday revising for potions on Monday,
01:04:18the exam which Harry had been looking forward to least,
01:04:20and which he was sure would be the downfall of his ambitions to become an Auror.
01:04:24Sure enough, he found the written paper difficult,
01:04:26though he thought he might have got full marks on the question about Polyjuice potion.
01:04:30He could describe its effects accurately,
01:04:32having taken it illegally in his second year.
01:04:35The afternoon practical was not as dreadful as he had expected it to be.
01:04:38With Snape absent from the proceedings,
01:04:40he found that he was much more relaxed than he usually was while making potions.
01:04:44Neville, who was sitting very near Harry,
01:04:46also looked happier than Harry had ever seen him during a potions class,
01:04:50when Professor Marchbank said,
01:04:52Step away from your cauldrons, please, the examination is over.
01:04:55Harry corked his simple sample flask,
01:04:58feeling that he might not have achieved a good grade,
01:05:00but he had, with luck, avoided a fail.
01:05:03Only four exams left, said Pavarti Patil,
01:05:06wearily as they headed back to Gryffindor common room.
01:05:09Only, said Hermione snappishly,
01:05:10I've got a riffmancy, and it's probably the toughest subject there is.
01:05:14Nobody was foolish enough to snap back,
01:05:16so she was unable to vent her spleen on any of them,
01:05:18and was reduced to telling off some first years for giggling too loudly in the common room.
01:05:22Harry was determined to perform well in Tuesday's care of magical creatures exam,
01:05:26so as to not let Hagrid down.
01:05:28The practical examination took place in the afternoon,
01:05:31on the lawn, on the edge of the forbidden forest,
01:05:33where students were required to correctly identify the gnarl,
01:05:36hidden among a dozen hedgehogs.
01:05:38The trick was to offer them all milk in turn.
01:05:40Gnarls, highly suspicious creatures,
01:05:42whose quills had many magical properties,
01:05:45generally went berserk at what they saw as an attempt to poison them.
01:05:49Then demonstrate correct handling of a bow truckle,
01:05:52feed and clean out a fire crab without sustaining serious burns,
01:05:56and choose from a wide selection of food,
01:05:58the diet they would give a sick unicorn.
01:06:02Harry could see Hagrid watching anxiously out of his cabin window.
01:06:05When Harry's examiner, a plump little witch this time,
01:06:08smiled at him and told him he could leave,
01:06:10Harry gave Hagrid a fleeting thumbs up before heading back to the castle.
01:06:13The astronomy theory paper on Wednesday morning went well enough.
01:06:17Harry was not convinced he had got the names of all Jupiter's moons right,
01:06:20but was at least confident that none of them was inhabited by mice.
01:06:24They had to wait until evening for their practical astronomy.
01:06:26The afternoon was devoted instead to divination.
01:06:29Even by Harry's low standards in divination, the exam went very badly.
01:06:33He might as well have tried to see moving pictures on the desktops
01:06:36in the stubbornly blank crystal ball.
01:06:38He lost his head completely during tea leaf reading,
01:06:40saying it looked to him as though Professor Marchbanks
01:06:42would shortly be meeting a round, dark, soggy stranger,
01:06:45and rounded off the whole fiasco by mixing up the life and headlines on her palm,
01:06:50and informing her that she ought to have died the previous Tuesday.
01:06:55Well, we were always going to fail that one,
01:06:57said Ron gloomily as they ascended the marble staircase.
01:07:00He just made Harry feel rather better by telling him how he had told the examiner in detail
01:07:04about the ugly man with a wart on his nose in his crystal ball,
01:07:07only to look up and realise he'd been describing his examiner's reflection.
01:07:11We shouldn't have taken the stupid subject in the first place, said Harry.
01:07:14Still, at least we can give it up now.
01:07:16Yeah, said Harry.
01:07:17No more pretending we care about what happens when Jupiter and Uranus get too friendly.
01:07:22And from now on, I don't care if my tea leaves spell die, Ron, die.
01:07:26I'm just chucking them in the bin where they belong.
01:07:28Harry laughed, just as Hermione came running up behind them.
01:07:31He stopped laughing at once, in case it annoyed her.
01:07:33Well, I think I've done all right in arithmancy, she said,
01:07:37and Harry and Ron both sighed with relief.
01:07:39Just time for a quick look over our star charts before dinner, then.
01:07:43When they reached the top of the Astronomy Tower at eleven o'clock,
01:07:46they found a perfect night for stargazing, cloudless and still.
01:07:49The grounds were bathed in silvery moonlight, and there was a slight chill in the air.
01:07:53Each of them set up his or her telescope,
01:07:55and when Professor Marchbanks gave the word,
01:07:58proceeded to fill in the blank star chart they had all been given.
01:08:02Professor Marchbanks and Tofty strolled among them,
01:08:04watching as they entered the precise positions of the stars and planets they were observing.
01:08:09All was quiet except for the rustle of parchment,
01:08:11the occasional creak of a telescope as it was adjusted on its stand,
01:08:15and the scribbling of many quills.
01:08:16Half an hour passed, then an hour.
01:08:18The little squares of reflected gold light flickering on the ground below
01:08:22started to vanish as lights in the castle windows were extinguished.
01:08:26As Harry completed the constellation Orion on his chart, however,
01:08:29the front doors of the castle opened directly below the parapet where he was standing,
01:08:34so that light spilled down the steps, the stone steps a little way across the lawn.
01:08:38Harry glanced down as he made a slight adjustment to the position of his telescope,
01:08:42and saw five or six elongated windows, or shadows, moving over the brightly lit grass,
01:08:48before the doors swung shut and the lawn became a sea of darkness once more.
01:08:52Harry put his eye back to his telescope and refocused it, now examining Venus.
01:08:57He looked down at his chart to enter the planet there, but something distracted him.
01:09:01Pausing with his quill suspended over the parchment, he squinted down into the shadowy
01:09:05grounds and saw half a dozen figures walking over the lawn.
01:09:09If they'd not been moving, and the moonlight had not been gliding the tops of their heads,
01:09:14they would have been indistinguishable from the dark ground on which they walked.
01:09:18Even at this distance, Harry had a funny feeling he recognised the walk
01:09:22of the squattest of them, who seemed to be leading the group.
01:09:25He could not think why Umbridge would be taking a stroll outside after midnight,
01:09:30much less accompanied by five others.
01:09:32Then somebody coughed behind him, and he remembered that he was halfway through an exam.
01:09:37He'd quite forgotten Venus' position.
01:09:39Jamming his eye to his telescope, he found it again,
01:09:41and was once more about to enter it on his chart when, alert for any odd sound,
01:09:46he heard a distant knock which echoed through the deserted grounds,
01:09:49followed immediately by the muffled barking of a large dog.
01:09:53He looked up, his heart hammering.
01:09:55There were lights on in Hagrid's windows,
01:09:57and the people he had observed crossing the lawn were now silhouetted against them.
01:10:01The door opened, and he distinctly saw six sharply defined figures walk over the threshold.
01:10:06The door closed again, and there was silence.
01:10:09Harry felt very uneasy.
01:10:11He glanced around to see whether Ron or Hermione had noticed what he had,
01:10:14but Professor Marchbanks came walking behind him at that moment,
01:10:17and not wanting to look as though he was sneaking looks at anyone else's work,
01:10:21Harry hastily bent over his star chart and pretended to be adding notes to it,
01:10:25while really peering over the top of the parapet towards Hagrid's cabin.
01:10:29Figures were now moving across the cabin windows, temporarily blocking the light.
01:10:34He could see Professor Marchbanks' eyes on the back of his neck,
01:10:37and pressed his eye again to the telescope,
01:10:40staring up at the moon, though he had marked his position an hour ago.
01:10:44But as Professor Marchbanks moved on, he heard a roar from the distant cabin
01:10:48that echoed through the darkness right to the top of the astronomy tower.
01:10:52Several of the people around Harry ducked out from behind their telescopes,
01:10:55and peered instead in the direction of Hagrid's cabin.
01:10:58Professor Tofty gave another dry little cough.
01:11:00Try and concentrate now, boys and girls, he said softly.
01:11:05Most people returned to their telescopes.
01:11:07Harry looked to his left.
01:11:09Hermione was gazing transfixed at Hagrid's cabin.
01:11:13Twenty minutes to go, said Professor Tofty.
01:11:16Hermione jumped and returned at once to her star chart.
01:11:19Harry looked down at his own, and noticed that he had mislabeled Venus as Mars.
01:11:23He bent to correct it.
01:11:24There was a loud bang from the grounds.
01:11:27Several people cried,
01:11:28when they poked themselves in the face with the ends of their telescopes,
01:11:31as they hastened to see what was going on below.
01:11:34Hagrid's door had burst open, and by the light flooding out of the cabin,
01:11:37they saw him quite clearly, a massive figure roaring and brandishing his fists,
01:11:42surrounded by six people, all of whom, judging by the tiny threads of red light
01:11:46they were casting in his direction, seemed to be attempting to stun him.
01:11:50No, cried Hermione.
01:11:52My dear, said Professor Tofty in a scandalised voice,
01:11:55this is an examination.
01:11:58But nobody was paying the slightest attention to their star charts anymore.
01:12:02Jets of red light were still flying about beside Hagrid's cabin,
01:12:06yet somehow they seemed to be bouncing off him.
01:12:08He was still upright and still.
01:12:10As far as Harry could see, fighting.
01:12:12Cries and yells echoed across the grounds.
01:12:15A man yelled,
01:12:16Be reasonable, Hagrid!
01:12:17Hagrid roared,
01:12:18Reasonable, be damned!
01:12:20You won't take me like this, Dullish!
01:12:22Harry could see the tiny outline of Fang attempting to defend Hagrid,
01:12:26leaping repeatedly at the wizards surrounding him until a stunning spell
01:12:29caught him and he fell to the ground.
01:12:32Hagrid gave a howl of fury,
01:12:33lifted the culprit bodily from the ground and threw him.
01:12:36The man flew what looked like ten feet and did not get up again.
01:12:40Hermione gasped,
01:12:41both hands over her mouth.
01:12:42Harry looked around at Ron and saw that he too was looking scared.
01:12:45None of them had ever seen Hagrid in a real temper before.
01:12:49Look, squealed Pavarti,
01:12:50who was leaning over the parapet and pointing to the foot of the castle,
01:12:53where the front doors had opened again.
01:12:55More light was spilling out onto the dark lawn
01:12:58and a single long black shadow was now rippling across the lawn.
01:13:02Now, really, said Professor Tofty anxiously,
01:13:05only 16 minutes left, you know.
01:13:08But nobody paid him the slightest attention.
01:13:10They were watching the person,
01:13:12now sprinting towards the battle beside Hagrid's cabin.
01:13:16How dare you, the figure shouted as she ran.
01:13:18How dare you!
01:13:20It's McGonagall, whispered Hermione.
01:13:22Leave him alone, I say,
01:13:24said Professor McGonagall's voice through the darkness.
01:13:26On what grounds are you attacking him?
01:13:28He has done nothing, nothing to warrant such.
01:13:30Hermione, Pavarti and Lavender all screamed.
01:13:33The figures around the cabin had shot no fewer than four stunners
01:13:37at Professor McGonagall.
01:13:38Halfway between cabin and castle, the red beams collided with her.
01:13:42For a moment, she looked luminous and glowed an eerie red.
01:13:45Then she lifted right off her feet,
01:13:47landed hard on her back and moved no more.
01:13:50Galloping gargoyles, shouted Professor Tofty,
01:13:53who also seemed to have forgotten the exam completely.
01:13:57Not so much as a warning.
01:13:58Outrageous behaviour.
01:14:00Cowards, bellowed Hagrid.
01:14:02His voice carried clearly to the top of the tower
01:14:05and several lights flickered back on inside the castle.
01:14:07Ruddy cowards!
01:14:08Have some of that and that!
01:14:10Oh my, gasped Hermione.
01:14:12Hagrid took two massive swipes at his closest attackers.
01:14:15Judging by their immediate collapse, they had been knocked cold.
01:14:18Harry saw Hagrid double over
01:14:20and thought he had finally been overcome by a spell.
01:14:22But on the contrary.
01:14:24Next moment, Hagrid was standing against,
01:14:26again, with what appeared to be a sack on his back.
01:14:28Then Harry realised that Fang's limp body was draped around his shoulders.
01:14:34Get him!
01:14:34Get him!
01:14:35Screamed Umbridge.
01:14:36But her remaining helper seemed highly reluctant to go within reach of Hagrid's fists.
01:14:41Indeed, he was backing away so fast he tripped over
01:14:44one of his unconscious colleagues and fell over.
01:14:47Hagrid had turned and began to run with Fang still hung around his neck.
01:14:51Umbridge sent one last stunning spell after him, but it missed.
01:14:54And Hagrid, running full pelt towards the distant gates,
01:14:58disappeared into the darkness.
01:15:00There was a long minute's quivering silence
01:15:02as everybody gazed open-mouthed into the grounds.
01:15:05Then Professor Tofty's voice said feebly,
01:15:08Um, five minutes to go, everybody.
01:15:10Though he had only filled in two thirds of his chart,
01:15:13Harry was desperate for the exam to end.
01:15:15When it came at last, he, Ron and Hermione
01:15:17forced their telescopes haphazardly back into their holders
01:15:20and dashed back down the spiral staircase.
01:15:22None of the students were going to bed.
01:15:24They were all talking loudly and excitedly
01:15:26at the foot of the stairs about what they had witnessed.
01:15:28That evil woman, gasped Hermione,
01:15:31who seemed to be having difficulty talking due to rage,
01:15:34trying to sneak up on Hagrid in the dead of night.
01:15:38She clearly wanted to avoid another scene like Trelawney's,
01:15:41said Ernie Macmillan sagely, squeezing over to join them.
01:15:44Hagrid did well, didn't he, said Ron,
01:15:46who looked more alarmed than impressed.
01:15:48How come all the spells bounced off him?
01:15:51He'll be his giant blood, said Hermione shakily.
01:15:54It's very hard to stun a giant.
01:15:55They're like trolls, really, though.
01:15:57But poor Professor McGonagall, four stunners straight in the chest,
01:16:00and she's not exactly young, is she?
01:16:02Dreadful, dreadful, said Ernie, shaking his head pompously.
01:16:06Well, I'm off to bed. Night all.
01:16:08People around them were drifting away,
01:16:10still talking excitedly about what they had just seen.
01:16:13At least they didn't get to take Hagrid off to Azkaban, said Ron.
01:16:17I expect he's going to join Dumbledore, hasn't he?
01:16:20I suppose so, said Hermione, who looked tearful.
01:16:23This is awful.
01:16:24I really thought Dumbledore would be back before long,
01:16:26but now we've lost Hagrid too.
01:16:28They traipsed back to the Gryffindor common room to find it full.
01:16:31The commotion out in the grounds had woken several people,
01:16:34who had hastened to rouse their friends.
01:16:36Seamus and Dean, who had arrived ahead of Harry, Ron and Hermione,
01:16:39were now telling everyone what they had seen
01:16:41and heard from the top of the Astronomy Tower.
01:16:43But why sack Hagrid now? asked Angelina Johnson, shaking her head.
01:16:48It's not like Trelawney.
01:16:49He's been teaching much better than usual this year.
01:16:52Umbridge hates part humans, said Hermione bitterly,
01:16:55flopping down into an armchair.
01:16:57She was always going to try and get Hagrid out.
01:17:00And she thought Hagrid was putting Nifflers in her office, piped up Katie Bell.
01:17:04Oh blimey, said Lee Jordan, covering his mouth.
01:17:08It's me who's been putting the Nifflers in her office.
01:17:10Fred and George left me a couple.
01:17:12I've been levitating them in through her window.
01:17:14She'd have sacked him anyway, said Dean.
01:17:16He was too close to Dumbledore.
01:17:18That's true, said Harry, sinking into an armchair beside Hermione's.
01:17:22I just hope Professor McGonagall's all right, said Lavender tearfully.
01:17:25They carried her back up to the castle.
01:17:27We watched through the dormitory window, said Colin Creevy.
01:17:30She didn't look very well.
01:17:31Madame Pomfrey will sort her out, said Alicia Spinnett firmly.
01:17:34She's never failed yet.
01:17:36It was nearly four in the morning before the common room cleared.
01:17:39Harry felt wide awake.
01:17:40The image of Hagrid sprinting away into the dark was haunting him.
01:17:44He was so angry with Umbridge.
01:17:45He could not think of a punishment bad enough for her,
01:17:48though Ron's suggestion of having her fed to a box of starving blast-ended scroots had its merits.
01:17:53He fell asleep contemplating hideous revenges and arose from bed three hours later,
01:17:58feeling distantly, distinctly unrested.
01:18:02Their final exam, History of Magic, was not to take place until that afternoon.
01:18:06Harry would very much have liked to go back to bed after breakfast,
01:18:09but he had been counting on the morning for a spot of last-minute revision,
01:18:12so instead he sat with his head in his hands by the common room window,
01:18:16trying hard not to doze off as he read through
01:18:18some of the three-and-a-half-feet-high stack of notes that Hermione had left him.
01:18:23The Fifth Years entered the Great Hall at two o'clock
01:18:25and took their places in front of their face-down examination papers.
01:18:29Harry felt exhausted.
01:18:30He just wanted this to be over, so that he could go and sleep.
01:18:34Then tomorrow he and Ron were going to go down to the Quidditch pitch.
01:18:37He was going to have a fly on Ron's broom and savour their freedom from revision.
01:18:42"'Turn over your papers,' said Professor Marchbanks from the front of the hall,
01:18:46flicking over the giant hourglass.
01:18:48"'You may begin!'
01:18:49Harry stared fixedly at the first question.
01:18:52It was several seconds before it occurred to him that he had not taken in a word of it.
01:18:56There was a wasp buzzing distractingly against one of the high windows,
01:19:00slowly, torturously.
01:19:01He at last began to write an answer.
01:19:04He was finding it very difficult to remember names and kept confusing dates.
01:19:08He simply skipped question four.
01:19:10In your opinion, did wand legislation contribute to,
01:19:13or lead to, better control of goblin riots of the eighteenth century,
01:19:16thinking that he would go back to it if he had time at the end?
01:19:19He had a stab at question five.
01:19:21How was the Statute of Secrecy breached in 1749
01:19:25and what measures were introduced to prevent recurrence,
01:19:28but had a nagging suspicion that he had missed several important points.
01:19:31He had a feeling vampires had come into the story somewhere.
01:19:35He looked ahead for a question he could definitely answer
01:19:38and his eyes alighted upon number ten.
01:19:40Describe the circumstances that led to the formation of the
01:19:43International Confederation of Wizards
01:19:45and explain why the warlocks of Lichtenstein refused to join.
01:19:49I know this, Harry thought, though his brain felt torpid and slack.
01:19:52He could visualise a heading in Hermione's handwriting,
01:19:55the formation of the International Confederation of Wizards.
01:19:58He had read these notes only this morning.
01:20:00He began to write, looking up now and again to check the large hourglass on the desk
01:20:04beside Professor Marchbanks.
01:20:06He was sitting right behind Pavati Patil,
01:20:08whose long dark hair fell below the back of her chair.
01:20:11Once or twice he found himself staring at the tiny golden lights
01:20:15that glistened in it when she moved her head slightly
01:20:17and had to give his own head a little shake to clear it.
01:20:20The first supreme mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards
01:20:24was Pierre Bonacord,
01:20:26but his appointment was contested by the wizarding community of Lichtenstein because...
01:20:31All around Harry, Harry Quills was scratching on parchment like scurrying burrowing rats.
01:20:36The sun was very hot on the back of his head.
01:20:39What was it that Bonacord had done to offend the wizards of Lichtenstein?
01:20:43Harry had a feeling it had something to do with trolls.
01:20:46He gazed blankly at the back of Pavati's head again.
01:20:48If he could only perform the legilimency and open a window in the back of her head
01:20:52and see what it was about...
01:20:54was about...
01:20:54see if it was about trolls that caused the breach between Pierre Bonacord and Lichtenstein.
01:20:59Harry closed his eyes and buried his face in his hands
01:21:02so that the glowing red of his eyelids grew dark and cool.
01:21:05Bonacord had wanted to stop troll hunting and give the trolls rights,
01:21:09but Lichtenstein was having problems with a tribe of particularly vicious mountain trolls.
01:21:13That was it!
01:21:14He opened his eyes.
01:21:15They stung and watered at the sight of the blazing white parchment.
01:21:20Slowly he wrote two lines about the trolls,
01:21:22then read through what he had done so far.
01:21:24It did not seem very informative or detailed,
01:21:27yet he was sure Hermione's notes on the confederation had gone on for pages and pages.
01:21:31He closed his eyes again, trying to see them,
01:21:33trying to remember the confederation had met for the first time in France.
01:21:37Yes, he had written that already!
01:21:39Goblins had tried to attend and been ousted.
01:21:42He'd written that too!
01:21:43And nobody from Lichtenstein had wanted to come.
01:21:45Think, he told himself, his face in his hands,
01:21:48while all around him quills scratched out, never-ending answers,
01:21:51and the sand trickled through the hourglass at the front.
01:21:54He was walking along the cool, dark corridor to the Department of Mysteries again,
01:21:58walking with a firm and purposeful tread,
01:22:01breaking occasionally into a run, determined to reach his destination at last.
01:22:06The black door swung open for him as usual,
01:22:08and here he was in the circular room with its many doors.
01:22:12Straight across the stone floor, and through the second door,
01:22:15patches of dancing light on the walls and floor,
01:22:18and that odd, mechanical clicking.
01:22:20But no time to explore, he must hurry.
01:22:22He jogged the last few feet to the third door, which swung open just like the others.
01:22:27Once again he was in the cathedral-sized room full of shelves and glass spheres.
01:22:31His heart was beating very fast now.
01:22:33He was going to get there this time.
01:22:35When he reached number 97, he turned left and hurried along the aisle between two rows.
01:22:40But there was a shape on the floor at the very end.
01:22:43A black shape, moving on the floor like a wounded animal.
01:22:46Harry's stomach contracted with fear, with excitement.
01:22:50A voice issued from his own mouth.
01:22:52A high, cold voice, empty of any human kindness.
01:22:56Take it for me.
01:22:57Lift it down now.
01:22:58I cannot touch it, but you can.
01:23:01The black shape on the floor shifted a little.
01:23:03Harry saw a long-fingered, white hand clutching a wand rise at the end of his own arm.
01:23:09Heard the high, cold voice say,
01:23:13The man on the floor let out a scream of pain, attempting to stand but fell back, writhing.
01:23:18Harry was laughing.
01:23:20He raised his wand.
01:23:21The curse lifted and the figure groaned and became motionless.
01:23:25Lord, Voldemort is waiting.
01:23:27Very slowly, his arms trembling, the man on the ground raised his shoulders a few inches
01:23:32and lifted his head.
01:23:33His face was bloodstained and gaunt, twisting, and twisted in pain yet rigid with defiance.
01:23:39You'll have to kill me, whispered Sirius.
01:23:42Undoubtedly, I shall in the end, said the cold voice.
01:23:46But you will fetch it for me first, Black.
01:23:49You think you have felt pain thus far?
01:23:51Think again.
01:23:52We have hours ahead of us and nobody to hear you scream.
01:23:57But somebody screamed as Voldemort lowered his wand again.
01:24:00Somebody yelled and fell sideways of a hot desk onto the cold stone floor.
01:24:05Harry awoke as he hit the ground, still yelling his scar on fire as the Great Hall erupted
01:24:10all around him.
01:24:14Chapter 32 Out of the Fire
01:24:17I'm not going.
01:24:18I don't need the hospital wing.
01:24:19I don't want...
01:24:20He was gibbering as he tried to pull away from Professor Tofty, who was looking at Harry
01:24:24with much concern after helping him out into the entrance hall, with all the students all
01:24:28around them staring.
01:24:29I'm fine, Sir, Harry stammered, wiping the sweat from his face.
01:24:33Really, I just fell asleep, had a nightmare.
01:24:36Pressure of examinations, said the old wizard sympathetically, patting Harry shakily on
01:24:41the shoulder.
01:24:42It happens, young man, it happens.
01:24:44Now a cooling drink of water and perhaps you will be ready to return to the Great Hall.
01:24:48The examination is nearly over, but you may be able to round off your last answer nicely.
01:24:53Yes, said Harry wildly.
01:24:55I mean, no, I've done as much as I can, I think.
01:24:58Very well, very well, said the old wizard gently.
01:25:01I shall go and collect your examination paper, and I suggest that you go and have a nice
01:25:05lie down.
01:25:06I'll do that, said Harry, nodding vigorously.
01:25:09Thanks very much.
01:25:10The second that the old man's heels disappeared over the threshold into the Great Hall, Harry
01:25:14ran up the marble staircase, hurtled along the corridors so fast the portraits he passed
01:25:19muttered reproaches, upped more flights of stairs, and finally burst like a hurricane
01:25:23through the double doors of the hospital wing, causing Madame Pomfrey, who had been spooning
01:25:27some bright blue liquid into Montague's open mouth, to shriek in alarm.
01:25:31Potter, what do you think you're doing?
01:25:33I need to see Professor McGonagall, gasped Harry, the breath tearing from his lungs.
01:25:38Now, it's urgent.
01:25:39She's not here, Potter, said Madame Pomfrey sadly.
01:25:42She was transferred to St Mungo's this morning.
01:25:44Four stunning spells straight to the chest at her age.
01:25:47It's a wonder they didn't kill her.
01:25:49She's gone, said Harry, shocked.
01:25:51The bell rang just outside the dormitory as he heard the usual distant rumbling of students
01:25:56starting to flood out into the corridors above and below him.
01:25:59He remained quite still, looking at Madame Pomfrey.
01:26:01Terror was rising inside him.
01:26:04There was nobody left to tell.
01:26:05Dumbledore had gone.
01:26:06Hagrid had gone.
01:26:07But he had always expected Professor McGonagall to be there, harassable and inflexible perhaps,
01:26:12but always dependable, solidly present.
01:26:16I don't wonder you're shocked, Potter, said Madame Pomfrey, with a head kind of fierce
01:26:21approval in her face, as if one of them could have stunned Minerva McGonagall
01:26:25face-on by daylight.
01:26:27Cowardice, that's what it was.
01:26:28Despicable cowardice.
01:26:30If I wasn't worried, what would happen to you students without me?
01:26:33I'd resign in protest.
01:26:34Yes, said Harry blankly.
01:26:36He strode blindly from the hospital wing into the teeming corridor where he stood,
01:26:40buffeted by the crowd, panic expanding inside him like poison gas,
01:26:44so that his head swam, and he could not think what to do.
01:26:47Ron and Hermione, said a voice in his head.
01:26:49He was running again, pushing students out of the way, oblivious to their angry protests.
01:26:55He sprinted back down two floors, and was at the top of the marble staircase when he
01:26:58saw them hurrying towards him.
01:27:00Harry, said Hermione at once, looking very frightened.
01:27:03What happened?
01:27:04Are you all right?
01:27:05Are you ill?
01:27:06Where have you been?
01:27:07Demanded Ron.
01:27:08Come with me, Harry said quickly.
01:27:10Come on, I've got to tell you something.
01:27:12He led them along the first floor corridor, peering through doorways, and at last found
01:27:16an empty classroom into which he dived, closing the door behind Ron and Hermione the moment
01:27:20they were inside, and leaned against it, facing them.
01:27:23Voldemort's got Sirius.
01:27:26How do you...?
01:27:27Saw it, just now, when I fell asleep in the exam.
01:27:30But where?
01:27:31Said Hermione, whose face was white.
01:27:33I don't know, said Harry, but I know exactly where.
01:27:36There's a room in the Department of Mysteries, full of shelves, covered in these little glass
01:27:39balls, and they're at the end of row 97.
01:27:42He's trying to use Sirius to get whatever it is he wants from in there.
01:27:46He's torturing him.
01:27:47Says he'll end by killing him.
01:27:50Harry found his voice was shaking, as were his knees.
01:27:53He moved over to a desk and sat down on it, trying to master himself.
01:27:56How are we going to get there?
01:27:58He asked them.
01:27:58There was a moment's silence.
01:28:00Then Ron said,
01:28:02Get there?
01:28:03Get to the Department of Mysteries, so we can rescue Sirius, Harry said loudly.
01:28:07But Harry, said Ron weakly.
01:28:11Said Harry.
01:28:11He could not understand why they were both gaping at him, as though he was asking them
01:28:15something unreasonable.
01:28:16Harry, said Hermione in a rather frightened voice.
01:28:20How did Voldemort get into the Ministry of Magic without anybody realising he was there?
01:28:25How do I know?
01:28:26Bellowed Harry.
01:28:27The question is how we're going to get in there.
01:28:29But Harry, think about this, said Hermione, taking a step towards him.
01:28:34It's five o'clock in the afternoon.
01:28:35The Ministry of Magic must be full of workers.
01:28:38How would Voldemort and Sirius have got in without being seen?
01:28:41Harry, they're probably the two most wanted wizards in the world.
01:28:44You think they could get into a building full of Aurors undetected?
01:28:48I don't know.
01:28:48Voldemort used an invisibility cloak or something, Harry shouted.
01:28:52Anyway, the Department of Mysteries has always been completely empty whenever I've been…
01:28:56You've never been there, Harry, said Hermione quietly.
01:28:59You've dreamed about the place, that's all.
01:29:02They're not normal dreams, Harry shouted in her face, standing up and taking a step
01:29:07closer to her in turn.
01:29:08He wanted to shake her.
01:29:09How do you explain Ron's dad then?
01:29:11What was that all about?
01:29:12How come I knew what had happened to him?
01:29:14He's got a point, said Ron quietly, looking at Hermione.
01:29:17But this is just… this is just so unlikely, said Hermione desperately.
01:29:22Harry, how on earth could Voldemort have got hold of Sirius when he's been at Grimmauld
01:29:26Place all the time?
01:29:27Sirius might have cracked and just wanted some fresh air, said Ron, sounding worried.
01:29:31He's been desperate to get out of that house for ages.
01:29:34But why, Hermione persisted, why on earth would Voldemort want to use Sirius to get
01:29:39the weapon or whatever the thing is?
01:29:41I don't know.
01:29:41There could be loads of reasons, Harry yelled at her.
01:29:44Maybe Sirius is just someone Voldemort doesn't care about seeing hurt.
01:29:48You know what?
01:29:49I've just thought of something, said Ron in a hushed voice.
01:29:52Sirius's brother was a death eater, wasn't he?
01:29:54Maybe he told Sirius the secret of how to get the weapon.
01:29:57Yeah, and that's why Dumbledore's been so keen to keep Sirius locked up all this
01:30:01time, said Harry.
01:30:02Look, I'm sorry, cried Hermione, but neither of you is making sense.
01:30:06And we've got no proof for any of this.
01:30:08No proof Voldemort and Sirius are even there.
01:30:12Harry's seen them, said Ron, rounding on her.
01:30:14Okay, she said, looking frightened yet determined.
01:30:17I've just got to say this.
01:30:20This isn't a criticism, Harry, but you do, sort of.
01:30:24I mean, don't you think you've got a bit of a...
01:30:27a saving people thing, she said.
01:30:29He glared at her.
01:30:31And what's that supposed to mean?
01:30:32A saving people thing?
01:30:33Well, you...
01:30:34She looked more apprehensive than ever.
01:30:36I mean, last year, for instance, in the lake, during the tournament.
01:30:40You shouldn't have.
01:30:41You didn't have to save that little Delacour girl.
01:30:44You got a bit carried away.
01:30:46A wave of hot, prickly anger swept through Harry's body.
01:30:50How could she remind him of that blunder now?
01:30:53I mean, it was really great of you and everything, said Hermione quickly,
01:30:56looking positively petrified at the look on Harry's face.
01:30:59Everyone thought it was a wonderful thing to do.
01:31:01That's funny, said Harry in a trembling voice,
01:31:04because I definitely remember Ron saying I'd wasted time acting the hero.
01:31:08Is that what you think this is?
01:31:09You reckon I want to act the hero again?
01:31:12No, no, no, said Hermione, looking aghast.
01:31:14That's not what I mean at all.
01:31:15Well, spit out what you've got to say,
01:31:17because we're wasting time here, Harry shouted.
01:31:20I'm trying to say, Voldemort knows you, Harry.
01:31:23He took Ginny down into the Chamber of Secrets to lure you there.
01:31:26It's the kind of thing he does.
01:31:28He knows you're the sort of person who'd go to Sirius's aid.
01:31:31What if he's just trying to get you into the Department of Mis...
01:31:35Hermione, it doesn't matter if he's done it to get me there or not.
01:31:38They've taken McGonagall to St Mungo's.
01:31:40There isn't anyone from the Order left at Hogwarts who we can tell.
01:31:43And if we don't go, Sirius is dead.
01:31:46But Harry, what if your dream was... was just that?
01:31:50A dream?
01:31:51Harry let a roar of frustration out.
01:31:53Hermione actually stepped back from him, looking alarmed.
01:31:56You don't get it!
01:31:57Harry shouted at her.
01:31:58I'm not having nightmares.
01:31:59I'm not just dreaming.
01:32:01What do you think all that occupancy was for?
01:32:03Why do you think Dumbledore wanted me prevented from seeing these things?
01:32:06Because they're real!
01:32:07Hermione, Sirius is trapped.
01:32:09I've seen him.
01:32:10Voldemort's got him and no one else knows.
01:32:12And that means we're the only ones who can save him.
01:32:14And if you don't want to do it, fine, but I'm going.
01:32:17And if I remember rightly, you didn't have any problem with my saving people thing
01:32:21when it was you I was saving from the Dementors.
01:32:24Or, he rounded on Ron, when it was your sister I was saving from the Basilisk.
01:32:28I never said I had a problem, said Ron heatedly.
01:32:31But Harry, you've just said it, said Hermione fiercely.
01:32:34Dumbledore wanted you to learn to shut these things out of your mind.
01:32:37If you'd done occupancy properly, you'd never be...
01:32:39you'd never have seen this.
01:32:41If you think I'm just going to act like I haven't seen...
01:32:44Sirius told you there was nothing more important than you learning to close your mind.
01:32:48Well, I expect he'd say something different if he knew what I just...
01:32:52The classroom door opened.
01:32:53Harry, Ron and Hermione whipped around.
01:32:56Ginny walked in, looking curious, followed by Luna,
01:32:58who, as usual, looked as though she had drifted in accidentally.
01:33:02Hi, said Ginny uncertainly.
01:33:04We recognised Harry's voice.
01:33:05What are you yelling about?
01:33:07Never you mind, said Harry roughly.
01:33:09Ginny raised her eyebrows.
01:33:10There's no need to take that tone with me, she said coolly.
01:33:13I was only wondering whether I could help.
01:33:15Well, you can't, said Harry shortly.
01:33:17You're being rather rude, you know, said Luna serenely.
01:33:20Harry swore and turned away.
01:33:22The very last thing he wanted now was a conversation with Luna Lovegood.
01:33:26Wait, said Hermione suddenly.
01:33:28Wait, Harry, they can help.
01:33:30Harry and Ron looked at her.
01:33:31Listen, she said urgently.
01:33:33Harry, we need to establish whether Sirius really has left headquarters.
01:33:37I've told you.
01:33:38I saw.
01:33:39Harry, I'm begging you, please, said Hermione desperately.
01:33:42Please, let's just check that Sirius isn't at home before we go charging off to London.
01:33:48If we find out he's not there, then I swear I won't try to stop you.
01:33:51I'll come.
01:33:52I'll do whatever it takes to try and save him.
01:33:55Sirius is being tortured now, shouted Harry.
01:33:59We haven't got time to waste.
01:34:00But if this is a trick of Voldemort's, Harry, we've got to check.
01:34:03We've got to.
01:34:04How, Harry demanded.
01:34:06How are we going to check?
01:34:07We'll have to use Umbridge's fire and see if we can contact him, said Hermione,
01:34:11who looked positively terrified at the fort.
01:34:13We'll draw Umbridge away again, but we'll need lookouts,
01:34:16and that's where we can use Ginny and Luna.
01:34:18Though clearly struggling to understand what was going on, Ginny said immediately,
01:34:22Yeah, we'll do it.
01:34:23And Luna said,
01:34:24When you say Sirius, are you talking about Stubby Boardman?
01:34:28Nobody answered her.
01:34:29Okay, Harry said aggressively at Hermione.
01:34:31Okay, if you can think of a way of doing this quickly, I'm with you.
01:34:35Otherwise, I'm going to the Department of Mysteries right now.
01:34:38The Department of Mysteries, said Luna, looking mildly surprised.
01:34:41But how are you going to get there?
01:34:44Again, Harry ignored her.
01:34:45Right, said Hermione, twisting her hands together and pacing up and down between the desks.
01:34:50Right, well, one of us has to go and find Umbridge and send her off in the wrong direction,
01:34:55keep her away from her office.
01:34:56They could tell her, I don't know, that Peeves is up to something awful as usual.
01:35:00I'll do it, said Ron at once.
01:35:02I'll tell her Peeves is smashing up the Transfiguration Department or something.
01:35:06It's miles away from her office.
01:35:08Come to think of it, I could probably persuade Peeves to do it if I met him on the way.
01:35:13It was a mark of the seriousness of the situation that Hermione made no objection
01:35:17to the smashing up of the Transfiguration Department.
01:35:20Okay, she said, her brow furrowed as she continued to pace.
01:35:23Now, we need to keep students right away from her office while we force entry,
01:35:28or some Slytherin's bound to go and tip her off.
01:35:30Luna and I can stand at either end of the corridor, said Ginny promptly,
01:35:34and warn people not to go down there because someone's let off a load of garrotting gas.
01:35:39Hermione looked surprised at the readiness with which Ginny had come up with this lie.
01:35:43Ginny shrugged and said, Fred and George were planning to do it before they left.
01:35:47Okay, said Hermione.
01:35:48Well then, Harry, you and I will be under the invisibility cloak,
01:35:51and we'll sneak into the office and you can talk to Sirius.
01:35:54He's not there, Hermione.
01:35:55I mean, you can check whether Sirius is at home or not while I keep watch.
01:36:00I don't think you should be in there alone.
01:36:03Lee's already proved the windows a weak spot, sending those nifflers through it.
01:36:07Even though his anger and impatience, Harry recognised Hermione's offer to
01:36:11accompany him into Umbridge's office as a sign of solidarity and loyalty.
01:36:16Okay, thanks, he muttered.
01:36:18Right, well, even if we do all of that,
01:36:20I don't think we're going to be able to bank on more than five minutes, said Hermione,
01:36:23looking relieved that Harry seemed to have accepted the plan.
01:36:26Not with Filch and the wretched inquisitorial squad floating around.
01:36:30Five minutes will be enough, said Harry.
01:36:31Come on, let's go.
01:36:32Now, said Hermione, looking shocked.
01:36:34Of course now, said Harry angrily.
01:36:36What do you think?
01:36:37What did you think, we're going to wait until after dinner or something?
01:36:40Hermione, Sirius is being tortured right now.
01:36:43Oh, I...
01:36:45All right, she said desperately.
01:36:47You go and get the invisibility cloak and we'll meet you at the end of Umbridge's corridor, okay?
01:36:53Harry didn't answer, but flung himself out of the room and began to flight his way
01:36:58through the milling crowds outside.
01:37:00Two floors up, he met Seamus and Dean, who hailed him jovially and told him they were
01:37:05planning a dusk till dawn, end of exam celebration in the common room.
01:37:09Harry barely heard them.
01:37:10He scrambled through the portrait hall while they were still arguing about how many black
01:37:14market butterbeers they would need and was climbing back out of it, the invisibility
01:37:18cloak and Sirius's knife secure in his bag before they noticed he had left them.
01:37:22Harry, do you want to chip in with a couple of galleons?
01:37:25Harold Dingle reckons he could sell us some fire whiskey.
01:37:29But Harry was already tearing away back down the corridor and a couple of minutes later
01:37:32was jumping the last few stairs to join Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Luna, who were huddled
01:37:37together at the end of Umbridge's corridor.
01:37:39Got it, he panted.
01:37:41Ready to go.
01:37:42Ready to go then?
01:37:43All right, whispered Hermione as a gang of loud six years passed them.
01:37:48Sir Ron, you go and head Umbridge off.
01:37:50Ginny, Luna, if you can start moving people out of the corridor, Harry and I will get
01:37:55the cloak on and wait until the coast is clear.
01:37:58Ron strode away, his bright red hair visible right to the end of the passage.
01:38:02Meanwhile, Ginny's equally vivid head bobbed between the jostling students, surrounding
01:38:07them in the other direction, trailed by Luna's blonde one.
01:38:10Get over here, muttered Hermione, tugging at Harry's wrist and pulling him back into
01:38:14a recess where the ugly stone head of a medieval wizard stood muttering to itself in a column.
01:38:19Ah, are you sure you're okay, Harry?
01:38:22You're still very pale.
01:38:23I'm fine, he said shortly, tugging the invisibility cloak from out of his bag.
01:38:28In truth, his scar was aching, but not so badly that he thought Voldemort had yet dealt
01:38:32Sirius a fatal blow.
01:38:34It had hurt much worse than this when Voldemort had been punishing Avery.
01:38:38Here, he said, he threw the invisibility cloak over both of them, and they stood listening
01:38:42carefully over the Latin mumblings of the bust in front of them.
01:38:46You can't come down here, Ginny was calling to the crowd.
01:38:49No, sorry, you're going to have to go round by the swivelling staircase.
01:38:52Someone's let off garrotting gas just along here.
01:38:55They could hear people complaining.
01:38:57One short, surly voice said, I can't see no gas.
01:39:00That's because of its colourlessness.
01:39:03Colourless, said Ginny in a convincing, exasperated voice.
01:39:07But if you want to walk through it, carry on.
01:39:09Then we'll have your body as proof for the next idiot who doesn't believe us.
01:39:14Slowly, the crowd finned.
01:39:15The news about the garrotting gas seemed to have spread.
01:39:18People were not coming this way anymore.
01:39:20When at last the surrounding area was quite clear, Hermione said quietly,
01:39:24I think that's as good as we're going to get, Harry.
01:39:26Come on, let's do it.
01:39:28They moved forwards, covered by the cloak.
01:39:30Luna was standing with her back to them at the far end of the corridor,
01:39:34and as they passed, Ginny, Hermione whispered,
01:39:36Good one.
01:39:37Don't forget the signal.
01:39:38What's the signal, muttered Harry, as they approached Umbridge's door?
01:39:42A loud chorus of Weasley is our king, if they see Umbridge coming, replied Hermione,
01:39:46as Harry inserted the blade of Sirius's knife in the crack between door and wall.
01:39:51The lock clicked open and they entered the office.
01:39:54The garish kittens were basking in the late afternoon sunshine that was warming their plates,
01:39:59but otherwise the office was as still and unoccupied as last time.
01:40:03Hermione breathed a sigh of relief.
01:40:05I thought she might have added extra security after the second Niffler.
01:40:09They pulled off the cloak.
01:40:10Hermione hurried over to the window and stood out of sight,
01:40:13peering down into the grounds with her wand out.
01:40:15Harry dashed over to the fireplace, seized the pot of flue powder,
01:40:19and threw a pinch into the grate, causing emerald flames to burst into life there.
01:40:23He knelt down quickly, thrust his head into the dancing fire, and cried,
01:40:27Number 12! Grim old place!
01:40:30His head began to spin, as though he had just got off a fairground ride,
01:40:33though his knees remained firmly planted on the cold office floor.
01:40:37He kept his eyes screwed up against the whirling ash, and when the spinning stopped,
01:40:40he opened them to find himself looking out at the long, cold kitchen of Grim old place.
01:40:45There was nobody there.
01:40:47He had expected this, yet was not prepared for the molten wave of dread and panic
01:40:52that seemed to burst through his stomach at the sight of the deserted room.
01:40:56Sirius! he shouted.
01:40:57Sirius! Are you there?
01:41:00His voice echoed around the room, but there was no answer,
01:41:03except a tiny scuffling sound to the right of the fire.
01:41:06Who's there? he called, wondering whether it was just a mouse.
01:41:10Creature, the house elf, crept into view.
01:41:12He looked highly delighted about something,
01:41:14though he seemed to have recently sustained a nasty injury to both hands,
01:41:18which were heavily bandaged.
01:41:20It's the potter boy's head in the fire!
01:41:23Creature informed the empty kitchen, stealing furtive, oddly triumphant glasses at Harry.
01:41:29What has he come for, Creature wonders?
01:41:32Where's Sirius, Creature, Harry demanded.
01:41:34The house elf gave a wheezy chuckle.
01:41:37Master has gone out, Harry Potter.
01:41:39Where's he gone?
01:41:40Where's he gone, Creature?
01:41:42Creature merely cackled.
01:41:43I'm warning you, said Harry, fully aware that his scope for inflicting punishment upon Creature
01:41:48was almost non-existent in this position.
01:41:50What about Lupin, Mad-Eye, any of them?
01:41:53Are any of them there?
01:41:54Nobody here but Creature, said the elf gleefully,
01:41:58and turning away from Harry,
01:41:59he began to walk slowly towards the door at the end of the kitchen.
01:42:02Creature thinks he will have a little chat with his mistress now.
01:42:06Yes, he hasn't had a chance in a long time.
01:42:09Creature's master has been keeping him away from her.
01:42:12Where has Sirius gone?
01:42:14Harry yelled after the elf.
01:42:15Creature, has he gone to the Department of Mysteries?
01:42:19Creature stopped in his tracks.
01:42:21Harry could just make out the back of his bald head
01:42:23through the forest of chair legs before him.
01:42:26Master does not tell poor Creature where he is going,
01:42:29said the elf quietly.
01:42:31But you know, shouted Harry, don't you?
01:42:33You know where he is.
01:42:35There was a moment's silence, then the elf let out his loudest cackle yet.
01:42:40Master will not come back from the Department of Mysteries,
01:42:44he said gleefully.
01:42:45Creature and his mistress are alone again.
01:42:49And he scurried forwards and disappeared through the door to the hall.
01:42:54But before he could utter a single curse or insult,
01:42:56Harry felt a great pain at the top of his head.
01:42:59He inhaled a lot of ash and, choking,
01:43:01found himself being dragged backwards through the flames
01:43:04until, with a horrible abruptness,
01:43:06he was staring up into the wide, pallid face of Professor Umbridge,
01:43:10who had dragged him backwards out of the fire by the hair
01:43:13and was now bending his neck back as far as it would go,
01:43:15as though she were going to slit his throat.
01:43:18You think, she whispered, bending Harry's neck back even further
01:43:22so that he was looking up at the ceiling.
01:43:23That after two nifflers I was going to let one more foul,
01:43:27scavenging little creature enter my office without my knowledge?
01:43:30I had stealth-censoring spells placed all around my doorway
01:43:34after the last one got in, you foolish boy.
01:43:36Take his wand, she barked at someone he could not see,
01:43:40and he felt a hand grope inside the chest pocket of his robes
01:43:43and remove the wand.
01:43:44Hers, too.
01:43:45Harry heard a scuffle over by the door
01:43:47and knew that Hermione had also just had her wand wrested from her.
01:43:51I want to know why you were in my office, said Umbridge,
01:43:54shaking the fist, clutching his hair so that he staggered.
01:43:59I was trying to get my firebolt, Harry croaked.
01:44:03Liar, she shook his head again.
01:44:05Your firebolt is under strict guard in the dungeons,
01:44:07as you well know, Potter.
01:44:08You had your head in my fire.
01:44:10With whom have you been communicating?
01:44:13No one, said Harry, trying to pull away from her.
01:44:16He felt several hairs part company with his scalp.
01:44:20Liar, shouted Umbridge.
01:44:21She threw him from her, and he slammed into the desk.
01:44:24Now he could see Hermione,
01:44:26pinioned against the wall by Millicent Bullestrode.
01:44:29Malfoy was leaning at the windowsill,
01:44:31smirking as he threw Harry's wand into the air one-handed
01:44:34and caught it again.
01:44:35There was a commotion outside,
01:44:36and several large Slytherins entered,
01:44:38each gripping Ron, Ginny, Luna,
01:44:41and, to Harry's bewilderment, Neville,
01:44:43who was trapped in a stranglehold by Crabbe
01:44:46and looked in imminent danger of suffocation.
01:44:48All four of them had been gagged.
01:44:50Got them all, said Warrington,
01:44:52shoving Ron roughly forwards into the room.
01:44:54That one, he poked a thick finger at Neville.
01:44:57Tried to stop me taking her, he pointed at Ginny,
01:45:00who was trying to kick the shins
01:45:01of the large Slytherin girl holding her.
01:45:03So I brought him along too.
01:45:05Good, good, said Umbridge, watching Ginny's struggles.
01:45:08Well, it looks as though Hogwarts
01:45:09will shortly be a Weasley-free zone, doesn't it?
01:45:12Malfoy laughed loudly and sycophantically.
01:45:16Umbridge gave her a wide, complacent smile
01:45:19and settled herself into a chintz-covered armchair,
01:45:22blinking up at her captives like a toad in a flowerbed.
01:45:26So, Potter, she said, you stationed lookouts around my office
01:45:30and you sent this buffoon, she nodded at Ron.
01:45:32Malfoy laughed even louder,
01:45:34to tell me the poltergeist was wreaking havoc
01:45:36in the Transfiguration Department,
01:45:38when I knew perfectly well that he was busy
01:45:40smearing ink on the eyepieces of the school telescopes.
01:45:44Mr Filch, having just informed me so.
01:45:47Clearly, it was very important for you to talk to somebody.
01:45:50Was it Albus Dumbledore?
01:45:51Or the half-breed Hagrid?
01:45:53I doubt it was Minerva McGonagall.
01:45:55I hear she is still too ill to talk to anyone.
01:45:58Malfoy and a few of the other members
01:46:01of the Inquisitorial Squad laughed some more at that.
01:46:04Harry found he was so full of rage and hatred he was shaking.
01:46:07It's none of your business who I talk to, he snarled.
01:46:10Umbridge's slack face seemed to tighten.
01:46:12Very well, she said in her most dangerous and falsely sweet voice.
01:46:17Very well, Mr Potter.
01:46:18I offered you the chance to tell me freely.
01:46:20You refused.
01:46:21I have no alternative but to force you.
01:46:24Draco, fetch Professor Snape.
01:46:27Malfoy stowed Harry's wand inside his robes
01:46:29and left the room smirking, but Harry hardly noticed.
01:46:32He had just realized something.
01:46:34He could not believe he'd been so stupid as to forget it.
01:46:36He had thought that all the members of the Order,
01:46:39all those who could help him save Sirius, were gone.
01:46:42But he had been wrong.
01:46:43There was still a member of the Order of the Phoenix at Hogwarts, Snape.
01:46:48There was silence in the office except for the fidgetings
01:46:50and scufflings resulting from the Slytherin's efforts
01:46:53to keep Ron and the others under control.
01:46:55Ron's lip was bleeding onto Umbridge's carpet
01:46:58as he struggled against Warrington's half Nelson.
01:47:01Ginny was still trying to stamp on the feet of the six-year-girl
01:47:04who had both her arms, her upper arms in a tight grip.
01:47:08Neville was turning steadily more purple in the face
01:47:10while tugging at Crabbe's arms,
01:47:12and Hermione was attempting in vain to throw Millicent Bulstrode off her.
01:47:16Luna, however, stood limply by the side of her captor,
01:47:18gazing vaguely out of the window as though rather bored by the proceedings.
01:47:22Harry looked back at Umbridge, who was watching him closely.
01:47:25He kept his face deliberately smooth and blank
01:47:27as footsteps were heard in the corridor outside,
01:47:30and Draco Malfoy came back into the room, holding open the door for Snape.
01:47:34You wanted to see me, Headmistress?
01:47:37said Snape, looking around at all the pairs of struggling students,
01:47:41with an expression of complete indifference.
01:47:43Ah, Professor Snape, said Umbridge, smiling widely and standing up again.
01:47:48Yes, I would like another bottle of Veritaserum, as quick as you can, please.
01:47:53You took my last bottle, to interrogate Potter, he said,
01:47:57observing her coolly through his greasy curtains of black hair.
01:48:01Surely you did not use it all?
01:48:03I told you that three drops would be sufficient.
01:48:06Umbridge flushed.
01:48:08You can make some more, can't you? she said,
01:48:10her voice becoming more sweetly girlish, as it always did when she was furious.
01:48:15Certainly, said Snape, his lip curling.
01:48:18It takes a full moon cycle to mature, so I should have it ready for you in around a month.
01:48:24A month? squawked Umbridge, swelling toadishly.
01:48:27A month? But I need it this evening.
01:48:29Snape, I have just found Potter using my fire to communicate with a person, or persons unknown.
01:48:34Really? said Snape, showing his first faint sign of interest as he looked around at Harry.
01:48:40Well, it doesn't surprise me.
01:48:42Potter has never shown much inclination to follow school rules.
01:48:46His cold dark eyes were boring into Harry's, who met his gaze unflinchingly,
01:48:51concentrating hard on what he had seen in his dream,
01:48:54willing Snape to read it in his mind, to understand.
01:48:58I wish to interrogate him, shouted Umbridge angrily,
01:49:01and Snape looked away from Harry, back into her furiously quivering face.
01:49:05I wish you to provide me with a potion that will force him to tell me the truth.
01:49:10I have already told you, said Snape smoothly,
01:49:13that I have no further stocks of Veritaserum unless you wish to poison Potter,
01:49:18and I assure you I would have the greatest sympathy with you if you did.
01:49:22I cannot help you.
01:49:23The only trouble is that most Venoms act too fast to give the victim much time for truth-telling.
01:49:29Snape looked back at Harry, who stared at him, frantic to communicate without words.
01:49:33Voldemort's got serious in the Department of Mysteries, he thought desperately.
01:49:37Voldemort's got serious.
01:49:39You are on probation, shrieked Professor Umbridge,
01:49:42and Snape looked back at her, his eyebrows slightly raised.
01:49:45You are being deliberately unhelpful.
01:49:48I expected better.
01:49:50Lucius Malfoy always speaks most highly of you.
01:49:53Now get out of my office!
01:49:55Snape gave her an ironic bow and turned to leave.
01:49:58Harry knew his last chance of letting the Order know what was going on was walking out of the door.
01:50:03He's got Padfoot, he shouted.
01:50:05He's got Padfoot at the place where it's hidden.
01:50:08Snape had stopped with his hand on Umbridge's door handle.
01:50:11Padfoot, cried Professor Umbridge, looking eagerly from Harry to Snape.
01:50:15What is Padfoot?
01:50:17What is hidden?
01:50:18What does he mean, Snape?
01:50:20Snape looked around at Harry.
01:50:22His face was inscrutable.
01:50:23Harry could not tell whether he had understood or not,
01:50:26but he did not dare speak more plainly in front of Umbridge.
01:50:30I have no idea, said Snape coldly.
01:50:33Potter, when I want nonsense, shouted at me.
01:50:36I shall give you a babbling beverage.
01:50:39And Crabbe, loosen your hold a little.
01:50:41If Longbottom suffocates, it will mean a lot of tedious paperwork,
01:50:44and I'm afraid I shall have to mention it on your reference if ever you apply for a job.
01:50:50He closed the door behind him with a snap,
01:50:52leaving Harry in a state of worse turmoil than before.
01:50:55Snape had been his very last hope.
01:50:57He looked at Umbridge, who seemed to be feeling the same way.
01:51:00Her chest was heaving with rage and frustration.
01:51:02Very well, she said, and she pulled out her wand.
01:51:05Very well.
01:51:06I am left with no alternative.
01:51:08There is more than a matter of school discipline.
01:51:10This is an issue of ministry security.
01:51:13Yes, yes.
01:51:14She seemed to be talking herself into something.
01:51:16She was shifting her weight nervously from foot to foot,
01:51:18staring at Harry, beating her wand against her empty palm, and breathing heavily.
01:51:23As he watched her, Harry felt horribly powerless without his own wand.
01:51:27You are forcing me, Potter.
01:51:29I do not want to, said Umbridge, still moving restlessly on the spot.
01:51:32But sometimes circumstances justify the use.
01:51:35I am sure the ministry, the minister, will understand that I had no choice.
01:51:40Malfoy was watching her with a hungry expression on his face.
01:51:43The Cruciatus curse ought to loosen your tongue, said Umbridge quietly.
01:51:47No, shrieked Hermione.
01:51:49Professor Umbridge, it's illegal.
01:51:51But Umbridge took no notice.
01:51:53There was a nasty, eager, excited look on her face that Harry had never seen before.
01:51:57She raised her wand.
01:51:58The minister wouldn't want you to break the law.
01:52:02Professor Umbridge, cried Hermione.
01:52:04What Cornelius doesn't know won't hurt him, said Umbridge,
01:52:09who was now panting slightly as she pointed her wand at different parts of Harry's body in turn,
01:52:13apparently trying to decide where it would hurt most.
01:52:17He never knew I ordered Dementors to go after Potter last summer,
01:52:20but he was delighted to be given the chance to expel him all the same.
01:52:24It was you, gasped Gary.
01:52:26You, asked Harry.
01:52:27You sent the Dementors after me.
01:52:29Somebody had to act, breathed Umbridge as her wand came to rest,
01:52:33pointedly pointing directly at Harry's forehead.
01:52:36They were all bleating about silencing you somehow, discrediting you.
01:52:40But I was the one who actually did something about it.
01:52:42Only you wriggled out of that one, didn't you, Potter?
01:52:45Not today, though.
01:52:46Not now.
01:52:47And taking a deep breath, she cried.
01:52:50No, shouted Hermione in a cracked voice from behind Millicent Bulstrode.
01:52:55No, Harry, we'll have to tell her.
01:52:58No way, yelled Harry, staring at the little of Hermione he could see.
01:53:02We'll have to, Harry.
01:53:03She'll force it out of you anyway.
01:53:05What's the point?
01:53:07And Hermione began to cry weakly into the back of Millicent Bulstrode's robes.
01:53:11Millicent stopped trying to squash her against the wall
01:53:14immediately and dodged out of her way, looking disgusted.
01:53:17Well, well, well, said Umbridge, looking triumphant.
01:53:19Little Miss Question All is going to give us some answers.
01:53:23Come on then, girl.
01:53:24Come on.
01:53:25Uh, my knee.
01:53:28No, shouted Ron through his gag.
01:53:31Ginny was staring at Hermione as though she had never seen her before.
01:53:34Neville, still choking for breath, was gazing at her too.
01:53:37But Harry had just noticed something.
01:53:39Though Hermione was sobbing desperately into her hands, there was no trace of a tear.
01:53:44I'm, I'm sorry everyone, said Hermione, but I can't stand it.
01:53:49That's right.
01:53:50That's right, girl, said Umbridge, seizing Hermione by the shoulders,
01:53:53thrusting her into the abandoned chintz chair and leaning over her.
01:53:56Now then, with whom was Potter communicating just now?
01:54:01Well, gulped Hermione into her hands.
01:54:03Well, he was trying to speak to Professor Dumbledore.
01:54:07Ron froze, his eyes wide.
01:54:10Ginny stopped trying to stamp on her slivering captor's toes,
01:54:12and even Luna looked mildly surprised.
01:54:15Fortunately, the attention of Umbridge and her minions was focused too exclusively
01:54:20upon Hermione to notice these suspicious signs.
01:54:22Dumbledore, said Umbridge eagerly, you know where Dumbledore is then?
01:54:26Well, no, sobbed Hermione.
01:54:29We've tried the leaky cauldron in Diagon Alley,
01:54:31and the three broomsticks, and even the hog's head.
01:54:34Idiot, girl, Dumbledore won't be sitting in a pub when the whole ministry's looking for him,
01:54:39shouted Umbridge, disappointment etched in every sagging line of her face.
01:54:43But... but we needed to tell him something important, wailed Hermione,
01:54:47holding her hands more tightly over her face,
01:54:50not, Harry knew, out of anguish, but to disguise the continued absence of tears.
01:54:55Yes, said Umbridge, with a sudden resurgence of excitement.
01:54:58What was it you wanted to tell him?
01:55:00We wanted to tell him it's... it's ready, choked Hermione.
01:55:05What's ready? demanded Umbridge,
01:55:08and now she grabbed Hermione's shoulders again and shook her slightly.
01:55:11What's ready, girl?
01:55:13The... the weapon, said Hermione.
01:55:17Weapon, said Umbridge, and her eyes seemed to pop with excitement.
01:55:21You have been developing some method of resistance?
01:55:23A weapon you could use against the ministry?
01:55:26On Professor Dumbledore's orders, of course?
01:55:29Yes, gasped Hermione, but he had to leave before it was finished,
01:55:32and now... now we've finished it for him, and we can't... can't find him to tell him.
01:55:39What kind of weapon is it? said Umbridge harshly,
01:55:41her stubby hands still tight on Hermione's shoulders.
01:55:44We don't really understand it, said Hermione, sniffing loudly.
01:55:48We just... we just did what Professor Dumbledore told us to do.
01:55:52Umbridge straightened up, looking exultant.
01:55:55Lead me to the weapon, she said.
01:55:57I'm not showing them, said Hermione shrilly,
01:56:00looking around at the sliverings through her fingers.
01:56:03It is not for you to set conditions, said Professor Umbridge harshly.
01:56:07Fine, said Hermione, now sobbing into her hands again.
01:56:10Fine, let them see it.
01:56:12I hope they use it on you.
01:56:14In fact, I wish you'd invite loads and loads of people to come and see,
01:56:17but that would serve you right.
01:56:19Oh, I'd love it if... if the whole school knew where it was and how to use it,
01:56:24and then, if you annoy any of them, they'll be able to sort you out.
01:56:28These words had a powerful impact on Umbridge.
01:56:30She glanced swiftly and suspiciously around at her inquisitorial squad,
01:56:34her bulging eyes resting for a moment on Malfoy,
01:56:37who was too slow to disguise the look of eagerness and greed that appeared on his face.
01:56:42Umbridge contemplated Hermione for another long moment,
01:56:45and then spoke in what she clearly thought was a motherly voice.
01:56:49All right, dear, let's make it just you and me,
01:56:52and we'll take Potter too, shall we?
01:56:54Get up now.
01:56:56Professor, said Malfoy eagerly, Professor Umbridge,
01:56:59I think some of the squad should come with you to look after.
01:57:01I am a fully qualified ministry official, Malfoy.
01:57:05Do you really think I cannot manage two wandless teenagers alone?
01:57:09asked Umbridge sharply.
01:57:10In any case, it does not sound as though this weapon is something that school children should see.
01:57:15You will remain here until I return and make sure none of these,
01:57:19she gestured around at Ron, Ginny, Neville and Luna, escape.
01:57:23All right, said Malfoy, looking sulky and disappointed,
01:57:26and you two can go ahead of me and show me the way,
01:57:29said Umbridge, pointing at Harry and Hermione with her wand.
01:57:33Lead on.
