Love After Lockup Season 6 Episode 5

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Love After Lockup S6 Episode 5


00:00:00Seriously, on Love After Lockup.
00:00:03What's up, what's up?
00:00:04We're going.
00:00:06I should not be competing with Arthur's mom.
00:00:07I really do think he does want to come home with me, but he don't want to disappoint her.
00:00:11I'm gonna spend time with my mama real quick.
00:00:12What if she tries to take you back with her?
00:00:16Hey, babe.
00:00:19You've been more supportive to me and more loving than my own family.
00:00:22I turned to my mother when I realized that I had a drug problem.
00:00:25She went to the court system and she now has custody of my oldest child.
00:00:30All I want is to have my kids back and us to be a family.
00:00:34My husband is getting an immediate release.
00:00:36I see no information indicating your husband is getting released before his original COPD date.
00:00:41We paid about a thousand dollars to get my husband out.
00:00:45I'm gonna pull up on this mother******.
00:00:46He gonna **** talk to me.
00:00:48Troy and I have been married for three years.
00:00:50When he does come out, there's gonna be some drama.
00:00:52Oh my God!
00:00:55Your mom's gonna be staying with us tonight.
00:00:58Staying at the house, that's just too much.
00:01:00Why didn't you come and see me while I was in prison?
00:01:02Alcohol made me take a fall.
00:01:04I'm just hoping my mother don't come to my wife's house and start no bull****.
00:01:08Welcome home.
00:01:10I hope that Troy's ready to be able to come here.
00:01:12Hang it right there. Hang it on that one.
00:01:14I love this man.
00:01:18But it's like I'm always waiting on that other shoe to drop.
00:01:20Welcome home, Tramp!
00:01:22It's been 13 years. I already had some sex.
00:01:26Wake up this morning, he just gone.
00:01:28What's up with Tisha?
00:01:30Man, I could hit her up.
00:01:31Tisha, we talked while I was locked up.
00:01:33I'm not in the mind frame to be...
00:01:37Every day I put you before me and you telling me you don't want to be engaged
00:01:40because I'm too much of a homebody and I'm boring.
00:01:43Hello, friend.
00:01:53You gonna spot me?
00:01:55You can't hold this.
00:02:01Hello, friend.
00:02:02Hey, girl.
00:02:04How are you?
00:02:09Can I have a hug? Is that okay?
00:02:11I don't want to be a stranger, you know.
00:02:13We were cool before we were anything, right?
00:02:16We was cool.
00:02:18My name's Tisha.
00:02:20My name's Tisha.
00:02:21I prefer to be called Shantay.
00:02:23Met Angie working at a hotel room.
00:02:26And she introduced me to her brother.
00:02:28We always talked, like, while he was incarcerated.
00:02:31I can do a little something.
00:02:33Let me grab these weights.
00:02:35It's my first time meeting him.
00:02:37So hopefully we can rekindle.
00:02:39He's most definitely f***able.
00:02:45But you've been doing this a while.
00:02:46I'm falling off. I feel off.
00:02:48No, you actually look good.
00:02:50You look real good.
00:02:51Tigress, stop.
00:02:53It's a compliment. Take it.
00:02:55I'm not supposed to tell you that?
00:02:57Tisha cool, man. I like Tisha.
00:03:00We talked while I was locked up.
00:03:02She was going through something with her ex.
00:03:04You know, them breaking up.
00:03:05But she's just up and disappearing on me.
00:03:08So she left once, she'll leave again.
00:03:11I'm trying to get my s*** out of here, you hear me?
00:03:13I see a lot of the dudes get out and s***
00:03:16with the same people who ain't s*** with them
00:03:18when they was locked up, you feel what I'm saying?
00:03:20So now I'm out.
00:03:21I've seen this movie a thousand times.
00:03:24Let me ask you this.
00:03:27What are you trying to get?
00:03:29You act like I didn't tell you
00:03:32that I have a situation going on.
00:03:35So it wasn't just like I can give you 100% of me
00:03:38because my energy was already somewhere else.
00:03:41Were you trying to just be friends?
00:03:42Like, what?
00:03:44I don't know what you have going on.
00:03:46You know, so I can't say to go past the friendship,
00:03:50but I hope.
00:03:51I ain't that dude though.
00:03:53I am currently in a relationship with someone
00:03:57that rolled it out with me for two and a half years.
00:04:00You know what I mean? I love her.
00:04:01But I'm still in the I can't believe it mode,
00:04:04state of mind, you know what I mean?
00:04:05Like, I'm out. I got my freedom.
00:04:07You know what I mean?
00:04:08So right now she asking for s***
00:04:10that I don't know if I can get to her.
00:04:13I be having a lot of s*** on my mind.
00:04:15Maybe that ain't where your energy and your heart is.
00:04:17Just because a person like you when you caged in
00:04:20does not mean that you're going to get the same energy
00:04:22once you're home.
00:04:23She could have thought this man is everything
00:04:25and then he comes home
00:04:26and you're not what she thought you were.
00:04:29Your personality isn't attractive to her.
00:04:31Everybody just want to rush everything,
00:04:33but I mean, if you want to figure it out,
00:04:35stick around, figure it out.
00:04:37But I'm still going to be your friend.
00:04:39And look at me.
00:04:41I come to apologize.
00:04:44Where you running from?
00:04:45You should come into me.
00:04:47I'm inside my f***ing umbrella over you when it rain.
00:04:50I just gave up on you when it poured,
00:04:52but I apologize. I'm sorry.
00:04:54Tisha have ambitions.
00:04:56She don't care that I'm in a relationship.
00:04:59She's just going after what she want.
00:05:01That's really her.
00:05:02Like, she off the chain.
00:05:03I have bad bitch energy.
00:05:05I see you got a lot of energy.
00:05:06Very fun.
00:05:07And I know you can dress.
00:05:09We can dress each other.
00:05:11She's playing.
00:05:13Tisha's touching all of them, trying to grab me.
00:05:15I'm like, hold on, get back.
00:05:17You tripping.
00:05:18Your sweat smells good.
00:05:21Stop, girl. You ain't stop.
00:05:23I got enough discipline to say no.
00:05:27I got enough discipline.
00:05:29I'll be very respectful of your situation,
00:05:31but if you need me, you can text me at 1 a.m., 2 a.m.
00:05:34I mean, you sent me a f***ing message.
00:05:38I think he like that.
00:05:40I think it's maybe a turn on to him,
00:05:42because the other one, I said the other one,
00:05:45Shantay, she's a little bored to him.
00:05:57He's just been gone all day.
00:05:59Nah, I even texted you, are you good?
00:06:01And didn't get a response.
00:06:02I'm hurt, I'm sad.
00:06:04Literally, all day.
00:06:06In my head, I'm like, you got your family,
00:06:08I know I'm taking you away from them,
00:06:10so do what y'all gonna do.
00:06:12But in my heart and hearts, in my head,
00:06:14everything in me is telling me to leave.
00:06:26I thought you were gonna wake me up.
00:06:29That will wake me up.
00:06:31Yeah, you ready to wake up?
00:06:36It's okay.
00:06:37Hey, listen, listen, listen.
00:06:39I'm gonna go see if Santa came.
00:06:41You're about to.
00:06:45Listen, hey.
00:06:47First night with the boys.
00:06:51They woke up in the middle of the night,
00:06:53so we had to get them back to bed.
00:06:56Mommy's here.
00:06:57Kyler came in there and got into bed at 6.30 this morning.
00:07:00I got you presents.
00:07:03I'm so tired.
00:07:06I got it.
00:07:07What is that?
00:07:08What you got?
00:07:10Look, watch.
00:07:11That's cool, ain't it?
00:07:13What is that?
00:07:14I got it, I got it.
00:07:16All right.
00:07:17Kaysen, look, Kaysen, look.
00:07:19It's a lot.
00:07:20I really do feel like a dad right now.
00:07:22Merry Christmas!
00:07:25It's gonna be a water party.
00:07:28Today is a million times better, literally.
00:07:32Than being in prison for Christmas.
00:07:34It's depressing.
00:07:35It sucks.
00:07:36Come here.
00:07:37Look at me.
00:07:40Tom, close his eyes.
00:07:41We're gonna take him outside.
00:07:43Yeah, come on.
00:07:45Come on, come on, come on.
00:07:46We got a surprise.
00:07:47Keep your eyes closed.
00:07:48Come on.
00:07:49This way.
00:07:50You ready?
00:07:51Eyes closed.
00:07:52They're closed.
00:07:53Put your hand down.
00:07:56I shouted the same guy.
00:07:59He now has the freedom to go to work.
00:08:02It's almost the same color as yours, babe.
00:08:04And possibly do other things I don't want him doing,
00:08:07but that'll be stuff that we have to deal with.
00:08:09Yeah, it looks good.
00:08:10I also have air tags that I put in his car, in his bag,
00:08:14just to reassure myself and make sure he's doing the right thing.
00:08:18If I find out that Joey's going places he's not supposed to be
00:08:21in that car and he's doing things he's not supposed to be doing,
00:08:24he won't be allowed to drive.
00:08:25All right, honey, I got it ready.
00:08:28Who are you texting?
00:08:29Babe, I'm just texting somebody.
00:08:30Chill out.
00:08:31It's Christmas morning.
00:08:32Put the phone down.
00:08:33Hold on.
00:08:34Oh, yeah?
00:08:35Just chill.
00:08:36Family photo.
00:08:41Who are you texting?
00:08:47The nobody really bothers me because in my last relationship,
00:08:50nobody was definitely somebody.
00:08:52I'm going to go change, babe.
00:08:54For what?
00:08:55Run out for a minute.
00:08:57Can you fly with me?
00:08:59Go get started.
00:09:00I'll be over there in just a minute.
00:09:02That's a bad guy.
00:09:06I got to run.
00:09:07I'll be back.
00:09:08Where are you going?
00:09:09I got to run tomorrow.
00:09:10Just chill.
00:09:11I'll be back.
00:09:12I love you.
00:09:13It's Christmas.
00:09:14Just chill.
00:09:15That's not going to work for me.
00:09:17I'll be right back.
00:09:18Bye, K.
00:09:19Say bye, Kyle.
00:09:20I'll be back in a minute.
00:09:23Are you serious?
00:09:24I know.
00:09:26I just gave him a call literally an hour ago,
00:09:28and he's already gone.
00:09:36I called.
00:09:37They said that they don't see anything that qualifies Keith
00:09:39to be released.
00:09:41Have you?
00:09:47How'd you sleep?
00:09:48Oh, my God.
00:09:49I slept so wonderfully.
00:09:51I had a wonderful time last night.
00:09:57It was amazing.
00:09:58It was amazing.
00:09:59Many, many times.
00:10:04How many times?
00:10:05Uh, four, I think.
00:10:07The wall was banging back there.
00:10:09We had a lot of fun.
00:10:10I love the bed.
00:10:11I love being here with you.
00:10:14Last night, making love,
00:10:17it was like the first time you see the sunrise, you know?
00:10:21It was just perfect and beautiful.
00:10:23I think I could lay, like, sideways on this bed.
00:10:26I think you could.
00:10:27I've been in a bed like this, a mat,
00:10:29for the past, you know, however long.
00:10:32The cops and stinky old lady farts and...
00:10:36Oh, my God.
00:10:38It was a long day in the car.
00:10:41It's been really overwhelming here in Parkersburg.
00:10:45It's really depressing.
00:10:46I know.
00:10:47I know.
00:10:48I know.
00:10:49I know.
00:10:50I know.
00:10:51Parkersburg, it's really depressing to me.
00:10:54I don't feel like I belong here anymore.
00:10:57I completely understand.
00:10:59We'll just be here for a day, and then we'll go home.
00:11:03I want to see my kid,
00:11:05but I don't know if I have the ability to talk to my mother.
00:11:08We have so much, like, hurt and anger between us
00:11:12that she can just keep her perfect little wife
00:11:16that I'm not a part of.
00:11:18She's happier whenever I'm locked up.
00:11:20When she finds out I'm out, she'll just be, you know,
00:11:23trying to keep me away from him.
00:11:27I don't know.
00:11:28We'll figure out a way to see him.
00:11:30As far as your mom, if you want to call her,
00:11:32I'll support you in that,
00:11:33but I totally understand if the timing's not right either.
00:11:36So he just got out yesterday.
00:11:39I've gotten to know her family, and she has a wonderful family,
00:11:42but those relationships that she's got with some of them
00:11:45are, you know, they go way beyond me knowing her.
00:11:49You know, I feel bad for her.
00:11:50I feel bad that she's getting out now and there's not, you know,
00:11:53no one's throwing a party, no one's like,
00:11:55hey, come over, let's have barbecue, let's have a dinner,
00:11:58let's have a little family cookout.
00:12:00No one's really doing that.
00:12:02You know, one hope that I have is that, you know,
00:12:05my family can be your family, you know?
00:12:08My parents, my sister, you know,
00:12:10my family and friends can be your family and friends.
00:12:13I can't wait for you to meet them.
00:12:15Have you broached the subject of me being in prison yet, or...?
00:12:21I haven't yet.
00:12:24The reason I haven't told my family about Chris's criminal past
00:12:29is I don't really see the need to tell anyone.
00:12:32I guess I'm just more of a secretive person.
00:12:35I'm more of a private person.
00:12:37It's something that they'll may find out later down the road,
00:12:40but I want my family to meet her, you know,
00:12:43make her first for who she actually is so she's not prejudged.
00:12:46We'll tell them, you know, they'll find out at some point.
00:12:49I do feel concerns that Julian's ashamed to tell his family
00:12:54that he's been dating a felon.
00:12:56I've been telling them how funny you are, how beautiful you are,
00:12:59how, you know, how amazing you are.
00:13:02So far, no one in his life really knows about me or my history,
00:13:07so the fact that I'm here with him,
00:13:10maybe he's going to, you know, start regretting bringing me here.
00:13:14Maybe he's going to not be happy
00:13:16that he wanted me to come and move in with him.
00:13:19It scares me, and I'm afraid that maybe one day I'll lose him.
00:13:24There's no rush. It's fine. We've got plenty of time to do that.
00:13:36It's about the time that they should be getting here.
00:13:39I just have to keep moving around. I'm so nervous.
00:13:47This is it, Mom.
00:13:51Having Karen in my home makes me very anxious.
00:13:55I have spent time with her in Buffalo at her home,
00:13:59and she's kicked me out before,
00:14:01so I don't know how the day is going to play out.
00:14:04I have to climb some stairs.
00:14:06Just a little bit, Mom, just a little bit.
00:14:09Troy's relationship with Karen is very up and down,
00:14:14and I'm feeling very nervous and very uneasy.
00:14:22Hey, baby.
00:14:24All right, Mom, this is it.
00:14:26Oh, this is nice.
00:14:28Hey, daughter-in-law.
00:14:30What's up?
00:14:32This is nice.
00:14:34I'm going to sit these bags down.
00:14:36Oh, girl, this is nice.
00:14:38This is my sister, Diane. This is my mother-in-law.
00:14:40Oh, you want to give me a hug, too?
00:14:42Like it, Mom?
00:14:44Yes, it smells good in here. It smells like baby powder.
00:14:46Y'all know I'm big on smells.
00:14:48Nice, big, clean.
00:14:50Y'all know I'm the inspector.
00:14:55Well, I'm happy you're home.
00:14:58I know she happy you're home.
00:15:02Because we done had our discussions up in Buffalo.
00:15:05Absolutely. Are things different in Buffalo?
00:15:08He don't need to be there, if that's what you're asking, bluntly, no.
00:15:12I still got a daughter there. I still got to see my daughter, Mom.
00:15:15I'm not saying neglect your daughter by any means, no.
00:15:19Her mother get on my nerve.
00:15:21Troy's ex is Yana.
00:15:24Yana and Troy were together when they were younger.
00:15:27They have a child together, baby Troy.
00:15:30He has not seen his daughter in seven years.
00:15:33She's a good mother. I have to give it to her.
00:15:35She just a bitch.
00:15:37I really don't know Yana.
00:15:40She kept my baby safe for me all these years.
00:15:42Yeah, yeah, I can say that.
00:15:44I can be grateful for that.
00:15:46I know that she doesn't care for me.
00:15:48I know that she doesn't like the relationship that I have with her child's father.
00:15:52But I would like to develop a cordial relationship
00:15:56where we're able to communicate effectively
00:15:59so she feels comfortable with having me around her daughter.
00:16:04The food's here. Let me go get it.
00:16:10I got food.
00:16:12Zion, you want to help me?
00:16:15So how you think it's going so far, Ma?
00:16:18You came home to something really nice.
00:16:21I don't have no problem period. It's just your baby mama.
00:16:25You guys ready to eat?
00:16:27Yeah, I'm ready to eat. I'm starving.
00:16:28I'm going to finish up what I'm saying, and what I'm saying to you is
00:16:31I wouldn't have anything to do with that bitch.
00:16:34The nerve of her.
00:16:36We're going to go and sit down.
00:16:38We'll see you guys when you're done.
00:16:40How that bitch going to have your daughter around a man?
00:16:44But you can't have my granddaughter with my son and his wife.
00:16:49She keeps talking about Yana.
00:16:51No, it makes me really uncomfortable because this isn't about her.
00:16:57Yana gives me a lot of anxiety.
00:17:00If you want to wash your hands, you can wash them in the bathroom.
00:17:02Yeah, that's where I'm going, in the bathroom.
00:17:04Secretly, I feel like she still loves Troy and that she really wants her own family back.
00:17:09How's his relationship with his baby mother?
00:17:11Is she still in love with him?
00:17:12I feel like she is.
00:17:13Yeah, it feels strong.
00:17:14She's just going to have to get over it.
00:17:16I'm his wife, and I'm not going nowhere.
00:17:21Is your mom going to talk about your baby mother all night long?
00:17:24No, baby, she's not.
00:17:27Mom, you're going to sit over there, all right?
00:17:30Well, this look good.
00:17:33This has been a long time since I've sat at a table and actually got to eat with my family.
00:17:40This feels beautiful.
00:17:41Yes, it does.
00:17:43I'm used to eating out of a f***ing damn bowl.
00:17:45Everything stuffed in one bowl.
00:17:50What's wrong?
00:17:51Nothing, man.
00:17:55My mother constantly bringing up my daughter's mother.
00:17:58It's definitely agitating my wife, and I can understand why.
00:18:02I'm ready for a shower and relax.
00:18:04We going to have the pajama party now?
00:18:07I'm just hoping that we can move forward and have a nice night.
00:18:11I love you.
00:18:12I appreciate you being here for me.
00:18:13Yeah, just don't mess up there.
00:18:17All right, lights.
00:18:19All right.
00:18:25What's up, babe?
00:18:26How you feeling?
00:18:27You all right?
00:18:28I'm all right.
00:18:30What's going on with you?
00:18:33I'm okay.
00:18:35You don't want to talk?
00:18:39I just need some space and some time, and I had a long day.
00:18:43I'm about to get ready for bed.
00:18:46So where am I supposed to sleep?
00:18:48I don't know.
00:18:49Good night.
00:18:55I'm just overwhelmed.
00:18:56I don't really want to be around Troy, and I don't want to talk to him right now.
00:18:59Dinner was just, like, not what I was expecting.
00:19:03Hearing murmurs of conversation between him and his mother about Yana and him defending her, that kind of triggered me.
00:19:10Troy, what's wrong?
00:19:13I don't know.
00:19:14Gray is probably pissed about you bringing up Yana.
00:19:17I'm going to sleep on the couch.
00:19:19I don't feel appreciated, and someone told me don't try to make red flags green, and that's exactly what I feel like I'm doing right now.
00:19:28You need to talk to your wife.
00:19:30I do it in the morning, Ma.
00:19:33There's going to be chaos if I don't be together.
00:19:35That's all I keep hearing.
00:19:37Are we going to make it?
00:19:39I keep hearing the word no.
00:19:40Hell, no.
00:19:43I don't want to be in no uncomfortable situation.
00:19:46Seriously, let me figure out what's going on.
00:19:51Yana, I swear she's going to give you some booty.
00:19:55Are we done?
00:20:02Why can't we have that time?
00:20:03Because honestly, it would seem like it would be really simple for you to just be like, yeah, I'll go home with you.
00:20:07I didn't mean for none of this to happen like this.
00:20:09What happened?
00:20:12My personal life, business, I don't even know where to start.
00:20:18I need a drink.
00:20:19We can cut now.
00:20:22Stop talking.
00:20:32What are you going to get?
00:20:34I'm going to get a pineapple sugar in a cup.
00:20:36The healthier choice.
00:20:41What's up?
00:20:44I just wanted to get some one-on-one time with you and talk to you because, you know, I haven't seen you.
00:20:50My mom came to see me when I was in prison.
00:20:52Well, when she could.
00:20:54At one point, it was twice a year.
00:20:56At another point, it was like once a year.
00:21:00My mom was just like, well, you went back for a second time, so you're kind of like on your own now.
00:21:05Thank you for meeting up with me today.
00:21:07Yesterday was kind of crazy.
00:21:09Hope didn't want me to meet up with my mom because she wanted me to go back to Vegas with her.
00:21:13But I love spending time with my mom, man.
00:21:16Feels good when I'm around her.
00:21:18When was the last time I got a chance to be one-on-one with you?
00:21:21You know what I mean?
00:21:22Even outside of prison, because prison, we're not going to count that.
00:21:25Thinking back, like, right before you got locked up, it was a lot going on.
00:21:30You was in there acting crazy, wilding out.
00:21:32We had a whole bunch of distance even back then.
00:21:35And we never got a chance to fix it because you went straight from what was going on then to jail.
00:21:40You was like 17 when you first went to jail.
00:21:43With me working so much, I feel like I lost time.
00:21:48Maybe if I was just there more, maybe you wouldn't have felt the need to be in the streets like you were.
00:21:54That's why I feel guilty.
00:21:55I lost you, and I failed you.
00:21:57Growing up, my mom worked all the time.
00:21:59Like, it would be certain nights where I won't see her for, like, a whole two days because she's just working.
00:22:03She was a nurse's assistant for years and years.
00:22:06She didn't have time to go to school.
00:22:08It was hard that she wasn't around like that.
00:22:10I miss a lot.
00:22:11I'm at work for 16 hours a day.
00:22:13So y'all basically just have to get it how you live.
00:22:15You just have to just, like, figure it out.
00:22:17Hearing my mom blame herself for my decision breaks my heart because it had nothing to do with her.
00:22:22It just hurts my feelings, honestly, every time I think about it, really.
00:22:26You was working.
00:22:27You had to work.
00:22:28You're a single momma, so I get why you was gone.
00:22:31I understand that.
00:22:32So I'm not angry about it.
00:22:33I'm not mad about it at all.
00:22:35You did great.
00:22:36You did good.
00:22:37I made all the decisions.
00:22:39I was rebelling against you.
00:22:42That was me.
00:22:48You know, the day that I got locked up, you had told me to come home and do my laundry.
00:22:55And I really was just like, I heard you, but I was like, I don't care about no laundry.
00:23:03You feel me?
00:23:04So I felt like if I'd have came home and did my laundry, I wouldn't have ever did no time.
00:23:10I wouldn't have got separated from you.
00:23:13So if I'd have just listened to you that night, I would have been all right.
00:23:19You know what I'm saying?
00:23:21Loyalty is like a virtue until it's not.
00:23:24When I caught my case this time, it was me basically trying to help somebody out who was in a messed up situation.
00:23:30He had messed up some people's money, who wasn't planning about getting that money back, and he didn't have any way to get it.
00:23:35So I was just trying to assist him in getting his money so he can pay these people so he wouldn't die.
00:23:39It didn't blow up in my face completely.
00:23:43I'm trying to remember that.
00:23:44That's the first time you ever even said that.
00:23:46Yeah, I regret that.
00:23:47I regretted it every day since I did it.
00:23:49I thought about it every day.
00:23:50Locked up.
00:23:51Every day.
00:23:52Every day.
00:23:54Every day.
00:23:59It's overwhelming, bro, because I didn't realize that was 10 years until I got out.
00:24:03See how old everybody got.
00:24:05Everything changed.
00:24:07It's so much time.
00:24:09She got so much older.
00:24:13Our little sister just went to prom.
00:24:16Her birthday's in a couple days.
00:24:18She's about to be 18.
00:24:21I tell myself every day, Eddie, you're f***ed up.
00:24:24I don't know if I can give you the time that you lost, but I still want to try to make it up.
00:24:28Like, I want to watch TV and, you know, lay across my bed and you lay your head in my lap and, you know, and just touch you and rub your head and stuff and just do the stuff that I missed doing when you were younger.
00:24:38Stuff like that should be normal between a mother and a son, like just a family period.
00:24:42And I miss out on doing all of that.
00:24:44Say I go back to Vegas and you out here and you start your life and you start doing whatever it is that you intend to do.
00:24:50Every day that you do that, it's going to be more time that I'm not going to get to get that bond with you.
00:24:57You don't have that much here.
00:24:59Like, you don't have anything holding you down or tying you down here.
00:25:02I'm here.
00:25:25Ben, I am freaking out right now.
00:25:28I don't know what's going on with my husband's release.
00:25:30I'm so stressed out.
00:25:31I can't like I can't breathe.
00:25:33His public defender filed a motion to withdraw from his case.
00:25:39So I freaked out and I called to find out more info.
00:25:43And they said they don't see anything that qualifies Keith to be released.
00:25:47And that several motions were filed currently just reads not applicable here as if this law doesn't apply to him.
00:25:54I've been doing my own research also and saw you were in federal prison.
00:25:59That part's not a big deal.
00:26:00But when we hire you, I need to know everything.
00:26:03I understand what originally.
00:26:07So I never talked to you guys about this because I didn't feel the relevancy.
00:26:12But that's where I learned to do what I do.
00:26:14I got my own self out.
00:26:16And so I know what I'm doing.
00:26:18The public defenders are overworked and underpaid.
00:26:21You're not going to get somebody that actually looks at Keith.
00:26:25It's more than just a file.
00:26:27He doesn't know Keith.
00:26:28He doesn't care to know Keith.
00:26:30And he's not going to go out his way to help Keith.
00:26:33If it's not there at the first blink of flipping through the pages, then it's over with.
00:26:40I hope 40, 50 inmates get out of prison.
00:26:42So I get the results I get because I make sure that everything is meritorious.
00:26:50This is something that was just mailed off to the court today.
00:26:57What you see there is a corrected supplemental brief that can prevail before his federal judge.
00:27:04Ben was recommended to my husband by somebody else that was incarcerated that he was helping.
00:27:10And then eventually I reached out to him as well.
00:27:13And he told me about some cases that he had gotten people released on.
00:27:19And he just seemed like he knew what he was talking about.
00:27:22So we put our trust in him.
00:27:24But right now Ben is all talk.
00:27:26If you review it carefully, this is an unmistakable error that was made when he originally got sentenced.
00:27:32What that means is his sentence was illegal.
00:27:35His sentence was illegal long ago.
00:27:37His public defender didn't catch this?
00:27:39Nobody does.
00:27:40Nobody reviews.
00:27:41I don't miss anything.
00:27:42I go through everything with a fine-handled comb.
00:27:45His sentence is illegal.
00:27:47So he qualifies for something called expungement.
00:27:51Undeniably can't be rejected by any federal judge.
00:27:55Now that the public pretender is out of the way, I'll be handling that exclusively.
00:28:01At this point, I don't know who to believe.
00:28:04I shouldn't have to deal with this type of stress, okay?
00:28:07We paid you to take care of all this, okay?
00:28:11So why am I involved?
00:28:14I am a fighter and I will do what it takes to get Keith home.
00:28:26Took me to Gummy's.
00:28:27I'll be high as hell.
00:28:28Why don't you take that before you go to church?
00:28:32How are you feeling about your mom?
00:28:33Thinking about talking to her is enough to trigger me.
00:28:50Think about it.
00:28:52Sit down, shut up.
00:28:55It's time you listen up.
00:28:58Give me the time of your life.
00:29:00True's been gone all day with his sister or wherever he at.
00:29:04He said he wanted to just work out.
00:29:06True made it seem like him and his family got this horrible relationship.
00:29:10Now that you out, you spending every waking moment with your family.
00:29:15I'm not True's first priority, so I'm packing up.
00:29:27What's up?
00:29:29Man, what was you doing all day?
00:29:31You left me here all day by myself.
00:29:33I thought we was gonna at least do something together.
00:29:35We went to the gym, me and my sister.
00:29:39Then we went to lunch.
00:29:42I see, I guess.
00:29:44It was just weird, because I thought we was gonna at least spend some time together.
00:29:48So, I gotta go back today.
00:29:52You gotta go back to independence?
00:29:55I need to see my kids, I need to see my granddaughters.
00:29:57I need to go back.
00:29:59Like, what this mean for us, like, relationship-wise?
00:30:02Good questioning, good questioning, good questioning.
00:30:05Every day, it ain't been one smooth day since you got out of jail.
00:30:09It ain't been one smooth day since you got out.
00:30:12It been a smooth day for you?
00:30:14Yeah, I've been chill.
00:30:15Yeah, because you from up here, you've been doing stuff.
00:30:17I've been sitting in an Airbnb.
00:30:19Man, you want to go out.
00:30:21I didn't want to go.
00:30:22But you don't want to go.
00:30:24Let me go change before we figure out what we gonna do, you know what I mean?
00:30:29She know, considering me being locked up for 13 years, I've basically been living under a rock.
00:30:35I heard that I don't even know about.
00:30:37And she was aware of that.
00:30:38Like, she lived her life while I was locked up.
00:30:41That I'm out now, she expect me to be this good angel to her, not experience life.
00:30:49Like, settle down or something.
00:30:51I ain't got to deal with no negativity.
00:30:58I don't want you to think that I used you because I didn't.
00:31:04After coming out of the joint and seeing how it's going, I ain't feeling it.
00:31:12I like to be outside.
00:31:14I like to do...
00:31:17You ain't trying to do...
00:31:18Okay, that's fine. I don't care.
00:31:22Hey, come here.
00:31:23No, I don't care.
00:31:26What you...
00:31:29What you storming away for?
00:31:36I don't...
00:31:37I don't care.
00:31:38So you don't think I used you?
00:31:41Here you go, $1,000.
00:31:44For all the clothes.
00:31:45I'm good.
00:31:47I swear to God, I'm good.
00:31:51Man, take the paper.
00:31:52I don't...
00:31:53I'm good.
00:31:54I don't want it.
00:31:57I had money saved up in prison.
00:32:01This money was supposed to be the money that was going to get me a car.
00:32:05Like, without a car, I'm...
00:32:08But Shantay coming first, though, regardless.
00:32:12What did you study leaving for? Look.
00:32:22I'm not ready to talk to my mother.
00:32:23Thinking about talking to her is enough to trigger me.
00:32:27It's funny how the tables have turned
00:32:30Now that you can feel the burn
00:32:33It hurts like hell, don't it
00:32:36Ooh, don't it
00:32:38I hope she's treating you real left up
00:32:42I hope she keeps her heart always torn up
00:32:47I slept comfortable last night, you know.
00:32:50I prefer to be in the bed, but...
00:32:53I'm not used to it.
00:32:55I prefer to be in the bed, but...
00:32:59It was better than being in a flat little jail mat.
00:33:17My wife and I did not talk last night.
00:33:19And when she gets in her mood when she doesn't want to talk
00:33:22I've learned over the time of me being incarcerated
00:33:25To just let her be and accept her for who she is.
00:33:28I mean, I just give her some space.
00:33:33I feel like my family, everybody wants my attention.
00:33:38Oh, Lord.
00:33:40I've only been home three days and life is...
00:33:43It's all over the place already.
00:33:47I feel stressed.
00:33:50We were supposed to go to church.
00:33:52Karen is supposed to be meeting my family.
00:33:55And now I feel like I don't even know if I want to go.
00:34:00What's up, Ma?
00:34:04Did y'all talk yet after last night?
00:34:09You know, you grown and I don't want to be like in your business.
00:34:13But don't forget you the man.
00:34:17And everybody better pipe the **** out
00:34:19and listen to what you got to say.
00:34:21The only thing I'll say, I feel kind of bad for Daria
00:34:25because I don't like the fact that, Yanni,
00:34:27you got a whole nother woman.
00:34:31Well, go on and try to talk to her, Troy.
00:34:33I'm going to try to get myself together.
00:34:35All right, Ma.
00:34:37All right, sweetheart.
00:34:44Can I come in?
00:34:48What's up? How you feeling?
00:34:52Well, I want to apologize
00:34:54because I felt like that was a little petty of me
00:34:56to make you sleep on the couch.
00:34:59But yesterday, it just didn't go the way that I expected.
00:35:05And also just hearing you all talk about, you know,
00:35:09your baby mother, Yanna.
00:35:11Like, why does your mom keep bringing up Yanna?
00:35:14Like, what's really going on?
00:35:16I mean, I really don't know what my mother's angle is.
00:35:20I'm trying to start off a new leaf with her.
00:35:23You know, I know that she's trying to be a better mother
00:35:26and maybe her and Yanna need to talk about a few things or something.
00:35:31But I'm going to continue to strive
00:35:33to continue to make this marriage work, bae.
00:35:35Like, we put a lot into this.
00:35:38Like, you took time out of your life
00:35:40to mentally be incarcerated with your husband.
00:35:42Now that we're here, like, let's not let no one come between that
00:35:45because no one went through the struggle that we went through.
00:35:48No one understands this but us.
00:35:50Yeah, absolutely.
00:35:52This is all new to me, and I'm like a new in-person wife now.
00:35:56And I'm just trying to navigate everything.
00:35:59No, your husband is here with you, baby.
00:36:02All right, bae, we got to hurry up and get ready for church.
00:36:05Okay, baby.
00:36:07Ooh, look at you. You look so nice.
00:36:10Lord, the church going to catch on fire when I walk in.
00:36:13I am nervous for both of our families to meet
00:36:16because I just don't know what Karen is going to say.
00:36:19I can't control her, and neither can Troy.
00:36:22You know what? I need a bag, Troy.
00:36:24Put my dirty clothes in it.
00:36:26All right, I'll get you a bag for your dirty clothes, Ma.
00:36:28But I'm praying that we have a great visit.
00:36:31I got a problem because I ain't got no panties.
00:36:34So you ain't got no problem.
00:36:36Lord Jesus.
00:36:38You want me to go in that church with no drawers on
00:36:40because I sure, if it wasn't the real father,
00:36:42I sure be catching hallelujah with my legs.
00:36:45Ma, listen.
00:36:47The Lord says come as you are.
00:36:49I'm not the one to judge.
00:36:51Well, then I'm going to come as I am with no panties on.
00:36:54I already heard the word panties.
00:36:57We're going to church.
00:36:59I'm going to let the holy air put some air up this...
00:37:02The minute my parents hear,
00:37:05especially my mom, hearing cursing,
00:37:08this is what she does every time that she hears me slip up.
00:37:12Oh, my ears, my ears.
00:37:14Say what I do with my coochies.
00:37:17I'm trying to keep it clean.
00:37:19All right, Ma, keep certain stuff to yourself.
00:37:21I feel like a 12-year-old in this damn dress.
00:37:23I don't wear...
00:37:25That's good, Mom. You feel young, look young.
00:37:27Took me two gummies. I be high as hell.
00:37:30She took the gummies.
00:37:33Let me see.
00:37:35You want one? Don't take two.
00:37:37I take four a day.
00:37:39We're in trouble.
00:37:41It's more so like a...
00:37:43Why would you take that before you go to church?
00:37:46Oh, my God.
00:37:52Good Lord have mercy.
00:37:54She already got me stressed out.
00:37:56It's loud, so much to deal with in there.
00:38:00I'm used to going and doing dope right now.
00:38:03I wouldn't dare do that.
00:38:05Can't do that.
00:38:07But that was too...much.
00:38:09I wasn't expecting it to be that hectic and that overwhelming.
00:38:12You know, the boys are running around everywhere.
00:38:15I love the boys, I love her,
00:38:17but it's a whole lot right there.
00:38:19Like, at least I can just get away, like, you know,
00:38:22and take a moment for myself.
00:38:24That's what I'm gonna have to do.
00:38:27I just gave them a call literally an hour ago,
00:38:30and he's already gone.
00:38:32And won't tell me where he's going, when he's coming back.
00:38:35I don't know what he's doing or who he's been talking to.
00:38:38Like, this is exactly what I was afraid of.
00:38:40But did I just trigger him to go out and make bad decisions?
00:38:43Like, I'm not trying to,
00:38:45and I didn't think anything that I did was wrong,
00:38:48but, you know, it's just...
00:38:50I don't know.
00:38:52I'm not trying to, and I didn't think anything that I did was wrong,
00:38:55but, I mean, I don't know what that looks like.
00:38:58I don't know what his triggers are yet.
00:39:01It's Christmas Day.
00:39:03Like, he's leaving me here like it's just me and the kids.
00:39:08I'm used to that, but not with him.
00:39:11That's not what I was expecting from him.
00:39:14I wish I could go see Tanner today, but I just don't have time.
00:39:18Tanner was my best friend,
00:39:20and I haven't properly grieved since, like, 2001,
00:39:23you know, when he passed away.
00:39:25That's just... I just never got over it.
00:39:28The night Tanner died, he was riding down this road right here
00:39:31going to get some Xanaxes from this guy we knew,
00:39:34and he came back down the other way, and he was racing a Mustang.
00:39:38He had his headlights off, racing him at nighttime,
00:39:41and he hit a power pole.
00:39:46And it killed him.
00:39:49I probably went down the wrong road and acted out the way I did
00:39:52because I didn't handle the grieving part
00:39:55and saw things that nobody should have to see,
00:39:58prison and at home, you know?
00:40:00Like, it's just been really, really hard.
00:40:03That's crazy.
00:40:05Two days ago, I was in prison.
00:40:07Now I'm right where I started out.
00:40:10I think the reason I got into the whole street life and stuff
00:40:14is just because when I was younger,
00:40:17selling drugs was glorified,
00:40:19carrying guns was glorified, you know,
00:40:22and I got off on the wrong track and made bad decisions.
00:40:26That's where all the crackheads go and smoke,
00:40:29and drug dealers sell dope right there.
00:40:31That's where I learned to sell crack.
00:40:33My friend Fred, he used to teach me how to sell crack.
00:40:36Like, I was young. I was, like, 15 when I started doing that.
00:40:39He would say, go up to that door, knock on it,
00:40:41whoever comes to the door, say, y'all straight.
00:40:43And then they're going to say, yeah or no, and go in.
00:40:45If they want this, give them this.
00:40:47If they want this, give them this.
00:40:49That's how he taught me how to start, right there.
00:40:51Heroin and opiates, that's all I wanted to do.
00:40:54Try to make money to get it all the time,
00:40:56because I had to have it.
00:40:58I didn't care really about relationships with girls.
00:41:00They came and went,
00:41:02but heroin was really my girl, my relationship.
00:41:08The reason I wanted to get clean and change my life
00:41:11and change my mind about how I was living
00:41:13is because, you know, Kimberly was on my mind.
00:41:15Like, she was in the back of my mind all the time, you know?
00:41:18And, I mean, I knew I wouldn't have the chance to be with her
00:41:21if I continued to do things that I wasn't supposed to do.
00:41:25But I hope I'm ready to be a family man.
00:41:28It's OK.
00:41:30Just have to calm myself down.
00:41:38Where have you been? Don't what's up with you guys.
00:41:41I'm not OK with you just, like,
00:41:43walking in here in the middle of the night.
00:41:45I'm just off top, gonna assume you're doing something
00:41:47that you wouldn't want me to know about.
00:41:53This October, Tia Mori is putting herself out there.
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00:43:00I really need a drink.
00:43:03It's been a long, stressful past few weeks.
00:43:15Hey, boo!
00:43:17I'm so happy to see you, girl.
00:43:19I got so much s*** going on.
00:43:21I don't even know where to f***ing start.
00:43:24My life's in shambles.
00:43:26I need to try.
00:43:28It's that bad? Yeah.
00:43:30I feel like my life is chaos right now.
00:43:32I don't know what to do.
00:43:34Normally, I've got an answer for everything.
00:43:36You know, it's just...
00:43:38A person can only take so much.
00:43:40And I'm at that point in my life where I'm like,
00:43:43I don't even...
00:43:45I don't want to be a big girl no more.
00:43:47I just want my husband home.
00:43:49The last time we talked, you know,
00:43:51my husband was getting an immediate release.
00:43:53And, you know, I was just, like, freaking out and all that.
00:43:58And now it's, like, so much s*** going on
00:44:01to where he might not even be getting
00:44:03an immediate release anymore.
00:44:05I'm pretty sure you talked to your kids about this.
00:44:07His kids.
00:44:09Girl, Kira cried.
00:44:11I just want my daddy to come home right now.
00:44:14He's coming home.
00:44:16The wait's over. He's gonna come home.
00:44:18Probably tomorrow.
00:44:20I want him to come home tomorrow. I do.
00:44:22My baby cried.
00:44:24He's been the only real father to her.
00:44:26And that's what makes me even more angrier,
00:44:28because I would have never told my children...
00:44:30At all. ...that Dad is coming home.
00:44:32I would have never told his family or my parents,
00:44:35his parents, any of that s***.
00:44:37It's just a lot.
00:44:39Like, it's God speaking to me,
00:44:41like, you need to slow down, you need to do this.
00:44:44You know, like, it's... that's where I'm getting to.
00:44:46It's really eerie.
00:44:48It's okay to fall. You gonna get back up.
00:44:50I'm falling hard for him.
00:44:52I've never seen Latisha like this before.
00:44:54She is all in with Keith,
00:44:56and I know that this is very traumatic for her.
00:44:59It's sad. It's heartbreaking.
00:45:01What are you thinking? What's your next step?
00:45:03I'm down to fall into the whole paralegal thing.
00:45:05I didn't want to go to attorney.
00:45:07Damn, friend. Talk about stress and anxiety.
00:45:09I'm going through it, girl.
00:45:11Going through a lot in my personal life, business.
00:45:15With everything I have been through,
00:45:17my finances did go down tremendously.
00:45:20When you have a lot of s*** going on,
00:45:22the money gets tight,
00:45:24and I've been paying all these legal bills
00:45:26and putting money on Keith's books.
00:45:28I have to go out there and make, you know,
00:45:32make the money, get the clientele,
00:45:34pay my people,
00:45:36and then take the scraps for myself.
00:45:38Bam put me in a horrible position, you know?
00:45:42I got to get myself out of the situations
00:45:45that I had put myself into.
00:45:48It's just a lot.
00:45:50Hence, for the drink.
00:45:52How is your business going these days?
00:45:54I don't want to say that.
00:45:56I need a drink.
00:46:00We can cut now.
00:46:11I feel like a failure.
00:46:13I'm really embarrassed,
00:46:15and I'm scared.
00:46:17I don't know what to do.
00:46:20I don't know what to do.
00:46:32Why can't we just have that time?
00:46:34Because, honestly, it would seem like
00:46:36it would be really simple for you
00:46:38to just be like, yeah, I'll go home with you.
00:46:44I'm going to be here with Hope, mama.
00:46:47So you would rather stay here with her
00:46:49than come and see your mom?
00:46:51Give me a second.
00:46:53That's just crazy.
00:46:55Not indefinitely, but, like, right now,
00:46:57I have to be here with her.
00:46:59No, you don't.
00:47:01Yes, I do.
00:47:03I just have some concerns about that
00:47:05because I don't want you to fall back
00:47:07into anything that's going to get you
00:47:09to the point where you're going to be back in prison.
00:47:11Like, what if you and her get into it?
00:47:13What if something that she did in the past
00:47:15before while you were in jail surfaces
00:47:17or someone surfaces?
00:47:19Like, how are we going to deal with that?
00:47:21Because I still don't trust her like that, you know?
00:47:23I'm not going to let nothing that me and Hope
00:47:25got going on jeopardize me going back to jail,
00:47:27so I'm good, mama.
00:47:29It's too late for us to try to...
00:47:31Too late to try to what?
00:47:33To pretend like I didn't leave,
00:47:35like, you know what I'm saying?
00:47:37Like, to pretend like I didn't go nowhere.
00:47:39I just want to feel the void that's been there
00:47:41the whole time you've been gone.
00:47:43I wish I could go back in time
00:47:45I wish I could go back in time
00:47:47and create those memories that we don't have,
00:47:49but at this point in time, I can't.
00:47:53It's hard being torn between the two
00:47:55because, like, you know, I want to be a man
00:47:57and stay sticking out with Hope and Dallas
00:47:59at the same time I want to be around my family,
00:48:01but it's like they want me to be who I used to be
00:48:03and I'm just not him no more.
00:48:05So as it is, I'm torn. I am torn between the two.
00:48:07All right, baby.
00:48:09I love you.
00:48:11I love you too, mama.
00:48:13Oh, my God, thank you.
00:48:15I think he has a point to prove to himself
00:48:17to be a man.
00:48:19Like, I want to give him that chance,
00:48:21but I just have some concerns about that
00:48:23because I still don't trust her.
00:48:25All right, love you.
00:48:27I definitely don't feel confident in leaving him here
00:48:29because I'm worried about my baby.
00:48:31This is like a new world for him all over again.
00:48:33Like, I'm really anxious.
00:48:35I just want to be like, no.
00:48:37So I'm just, like, hoping that he'll change his mind.
00:48:43It's gonna be trouble.
00:48:53What's up, baby?
00:48:55What are you doing? Don't what's up me, right?
00:48:57So I guess
00:48:59you just, you had a good time with your mom.
00:49:01Like, it's 12 o'clock.
00:49:03It's really
00:49:07I cooked you food
00:49:09that you wanted to eat.
00:49:11I just, I didn't mean for none of this to happen like this.
00:49:13Yeah, I'm not, I'm not okay with you
00:49:15just, like, walking in here in the middle of the night.
00:49:17Like, I'm definitely not okay
00:49:19with not knowing, like, where you're at.
00:49:23I don't think any female would be happy with their man
00:49:25just, like, not hitting him up,
00:49:27letting him know what's going on,
00:49:29and just rolling in in, like, the middle of the night.
00:49:31I'm just off top
00:49:33finna assume you're doing something
00:49:35that you don't want me to know about.
00:49:37Like, we need to start over in the morning?
00:49:41I would hate to say you're choosing your mom over me,
00:49:43but I'm fully invested.
00:49:45I need you to meet me there.
00:49:55How are you feeling about your mom
00:49:57and seeing...
00:49:59I'm not ready to talk to my mother.
00:50:01Thinking about talking to her
00:50:03is triggering me.
00:50:05You don't feel like you used me?
00:50:07Used you?
00:50:09Baby, man, she played me with my paper, man.
00:50:17What are we gonna do today?
00:50:19Bleach it.
00:50:21All right.
00:50:25Got seven months of growth on there, so...
00:50:27Seven months?
00:50:31Hair care in prison.
00:50:33When I was in feds,
00:50:35you can get this, like,
00:50:37real cheap, crappy dye.
00:50:39It's, like, $5 a box,
00:50:41and there's no way in hell
00:50:43that I'm putting that...
00:50:45on my hair.
00:50:47Some girls do their hair every day.
00:50:49I never did. I put it in a ready knot
00:50:51on top of my head.
00:50:53This looks so good.
00:50:55Are you ready?
00:50:59Beautiful. Oh, my God, it looks great.
00:51:01Ooh, there he is.
00:51:03There he is.
00:51:05Hey. Hey.
00:51:07Here's your new lady. What do you think?
00:51:09I love it. You look gorgeous.
00:51:11Looks really good. Thank you.
00:51:13I love the color.
00:51:15I'm paying for Chris to get her hair done
00:51:17as a little getting-out gift.
00:51:19So it's $1.95.
00:51:21I think there's some on there.
00:51:23It's just like, uh, you're out. You're getting your hair done.
00:51:25Cool. Thank you very much.
00:51:27If she can enjoy one thing on her first
00:51:29full day out of sitting and relaxing
00:51:31and getting her hair done, then I'm happy to give
00:51:33that to her. That's the least I could do.
00:51:35I love you.
00:51:37I love you, too.
00:51:39How are you feeling about
00:51:41your mom and
00:51:43calling her and saying...
00:51:45I'm just... I can't...
00:51:47I'm not ready to talk to my mother.
00:51:49My mother has custody
00:51:51of my oldest son.
00:51:53I love my mother very much.
00:51:55However, our relationship
00:51:57is so volatile that
00:51:59thinking about talking to her
00:52:01is enough to trigger me.
00:52:03Well, we've got the gift in the back,
00:52:05which I think he's really gonna like.
00:52:07I don't want to end up
00:52:09being so overwhelmed
00:52:11that I'm tempted to
00:52:13maybe reach out to someone and get something
00:52:15to make myself relax.
00:52:17Do you want to go up and put it at the door?
00:52:19Do you want me to do that? No, I don't want to do it.
00:52:21I'm not... Okay.
00:52:23I'm not ready to do that.
00:52:25I'm just really emotional.
00:52:27It took about eight years
00:52:29for me to
00:52:31slide into full-blown
00:52:35I got a prescription
00:52:37for pain pills
00:52:39for scoliosis of the spine,
00:52:41but I had
00:52:43a way higher amount of pills
00:52:45than the amount of pain that I had.
00:52:47I just want to see
00:52:49my baby. I want to hold him.
00:52:51Yeah, I know.
00:52:53When I was exposed
00:52:55for being a drug addict
00:52:57and dragged through two different
00:52:59family court systems
00:53:01and my children
00:53:03were taken from me,
00:53:05it pushed me over
00:53:07the edge.
00:53:11I went from having a house
00:53:13in the suburbs, minivan,
00:53:15a job, a family,
00:53:17to living in my grandmother's basement,
00:53:19unable to see my children.
00:53:23I still feel sick
00:53:25even to think about that time.
00:53:33I talk to her parents,
00:53:35and it's gotten heated sometimes because
00:53:37they still bring up the stuff from ten years ago.
00:53:39They still see her as this
00:53:41drug addict, bank robber,
00:53:43and I've tried to
00:53:45talk them about
00:53:47how great she's doing now.
00:53:49She loves her kids.
00:53:51She's done so well. She's made so much progress.
00:53:53She's a great, beautiful person.
00:53:55But they just can't see that.
00:53:57I don't know. I feel like I'm still in prison.
00:53:59I may as well be.
00:54:01I can't
00:54:03hold him in my arms.
00:54:05I can't take him
00:54:07out to eat or go do something.
00:54:09And I just
00:54:11really miss him,
00:54:13and I haven't seen him in seven months.
00:54:15Now I'm not going to get to see him again.
00:54:17And I'm right here.
00:54:19And I'm going to have to go
00:54:21hundreds of miles away.
00:54:23I'm going to have to go
00:54:25hundreds of miles away from him.
00:54:27And he's right here.
00:54:37oldest son was six
00:54:39whenever I was incarcerated,
00:54:41so I was gone from the ages of
00:54:4312 to 11.
00:54:45Sorry, babe.
00:54:47I don't even want to be in this stupid town
00:54:49if I can't
00:54:51see the only person
00:54:53I really care about
00:54:55in this town.
00:54:57The only issue
00:54:59I really have with living in Annapolis
00:55:01with Julian is that I'm farther
00:55:03away from my children.
00:55:05I'll be about five
00:55:07hours from my son.
00:55:09And my twins are all the way in Ohio.
00:55:11Imagine it.
00:55:13I just feel like I've missed so much time with him.
00:55:17And I just want to see him.
00:55:21It's ****.
00:55:23It really is. I'm so sorry you're having to
00:55:25deal with this.
00:55:31She tricked me. She played me with my paper, man.
00:55:37Is your mom ready?
00:55:39Uh, she should be ready, baby.
00:55:41Okay, babe. We gotta hurry up.
00:55:43Mom, you ready?
00:55:51She's listening to the damn music. Can't even hear me.
00:55:57Babe, do you got your ankle monitor charger?
00:55:59You know we don't want to come back.
00:56:01Yes, I got it. I got it. I got it.
00:56:03Come on. Let's hurry up.
00:56:05Today is a special day for me because
00:56:07I'm supposed to meet my wife's parents.
00:56:09We're supposed to go to church and say
00:56:11some prayers. How's everybody
00:56:13feeling? I'm feeling good. I want to know
00:56:15what the hell going on in this church.
00:56:17Ah, honey. You know, I might
00:56:19catch the Holy Ghost and be all over the place.
00:56:21What kind of church
00:56:23is it? Is it sanctified? Christian?
00:56:25We're Baptist.
00:56:27The music is lively, upbeat.
00:56:29You know, my dad actually
00:56:31sings. He used to sing in the opera.
00:56:33A black opera singer?
00:56:35Yes, he sang in the
00:56:37opera Porgy and Bess, and he was
00:56:39the crab man. A black opera
00:56:41singer? Yeah.
00:56:43Troy told me, growing up,
00:56:45he joined about three churches.
00:56:47Yeah, my godparents' church,
00:56:49my grandfather's church,
00:56:51and my grandmother's church. That's three churches.
00:56:53I remember when Troy said his
00:56:55father had him walking down the aisle,
00:56:57he thought he was going to church.
00:56:59And his father
00:57:01married that woman. But
00:57:03he was still screwing me at the time
00:57:05because I was pregnant with
00:57:07Bob. Okay, Mom.
00:57:09Wow. There was too
00:57:11much information.
00:57:13Karen coming to my church, I'm a little
00:57:15nervous. Oh, the church in the hood.
00:57:17The Lord Jesus.
00:57:19Mm-hmm. I've heard her
00:57:21saying that she's not wearing panties.
00:57:23I've heard her say that she's going to eat
00:57:25gummies. Victory Temple
00:57:27Fellowship. Which is a little
00:57:29bit crazy to be
00:57:31doing before you're about to go and meet
00:57:33somebody's parents, and you haven't been to church
00:57:35in a while. Wouldn't you want to be sober?
00:57:37I'm a little nervous, babe.
00:57:39Everything's going to be fine. Yeah.
00:57:41Come on, Karen. You ready?
00:57:43Rejoice! Rejoice!
00:57:45Rejoice! Rejoice!
00:57:47Rejoice! Please be good, Mom.
00:57:49Why y'all have to make it seem
00:57:51like I'm the a*****e? Rejoice!
00:57:53The Lord is the maker. Rejoice!
00:57:55He's got a reason.
00:57:57Rejoice! Do you have
00:57:59a reason? Rejoice!
00:58:01Come on and say. Rejoice!
00:58:03Rejoice! Rejoice!
00:58:05Rejoice! Everybody
00:58:11What's up, monkey man?
00:58:13I love my dad a lot.
00:58:15And I'm happy that he's home from prison.
00:58:17And it's nice to see
00:58:19my Grandma Karen. Grandma
00:58:21Karen is energetic,
00:58:23funny, all in the same
00:58:29Come on, come on, come on, come on.
00:58:35We surely bless the
00:58:37Lord. Amen? Amen!
00:58:39Today will be Troy's first service at the
00:58:41church, and I am ecstatic.
00:58:43My prayer has been that when Troy comes out,
00:58:45that he'll become a minister and help
00:58:47to proclaim the gospel. Come on, let's say amen
00:58:49as our bishop comes.
00:58:53He married the preacher's kid.
00:58:55You know, they call them PKs. We raised
00:58:57our children in the church, and it's been our
00:58:59prayer that as they become adults, that they would
00:59:01adhere to the teachings that we put in them.
00:59:03Those of you that have your Bible or your electronic device,
00:59:05come on, join me if you would. In Luke chapter
00:59:0715, a certain man had
00:59:09two sons. The younger
00:59:11of them said to the father, give me
00:59:13what belongs to me.
00:59:15His immaturity spoke up and said,
00:59:17yo, I'm out of here. I'm gotta go.
00:59:19My dad is known
00:59:21for his interactive sermons.
00:59:23You know, people hope to you when you got
00:59:27Get in the training unit.
00:59:29And I'm excited for Troy to see
00:59:31how my dad preaches and how
00:59:33much different it is from the
00:59:35average church service. You'll feel like
00:59:37an ATM that just keep giving and
00:59:39ain't nobody making deposits.
00:59:41I know my half.
00:59:43Even in this world,
00:59:45living a good life,
00:59:47all of them
00:59:49Bibles they come along with.
00:59:51The father, he just hugged him, kept hugging him.
00:59:53He's a little bit on the get up.
00:59:59That's so sweet.
01:00:05Oh my God.
01:00:11I feel like there's a time and place for everything.
01:00:17It gives me anxiety
01:00:19because my parents are strict.
01:00:23And we messed up.
01:00:25I don't know how they're going to react to Karen.
01:00:29Your mother is fine. She's just having a breakdown
01:00:31right now.
01:00:39What did you study
01:00:41leaving for? Look.
01:00:53Leave me alone.
01:00:57I feel like you tricked me.
01:00:59I feel like you tricked me.
01:01:01You did all this
01:01:03just to make me feel obligated
01:01:05and want to do something.
01:01:07Now that I'm out and I see that
01:01:09you ain't what I thought.
01:01:11That's the whole reason you probably
01:01:13didn't come to visit because you was like,
01:01:15you might not like me when I see you in person
01:01:17if I came up to visit.
01:01:19What do you want me to say?
01:01:21Okay. Fine.
01:01:25I gave up everything for truth. Everything.
01:01:27You got my phone?
01:01:29Why would I have your phone?
01:01:31Can you call my phone?
01:01:35I'm going back home to a new house I bought for us.
01:01:37No job. No nothing.
01:01:39I look stupid.
01:01:45I should have listened to everybody and put me first.
01:01:47And I never put me first when it came to truth.
01:01:51And then the fact that I didn't put me first
01:01:53and it still didn't work out.
01:01:55It's stupid.
01:02:01Stop talking to me.
01:02:03You don't feel like you used me?
01:02:05Used you? Yeah.
01:02:09For real.
01:02:17For what?
01:02:19My time.
01:02:21For your time?
01:02:23To build you up. To build me up?
01:02:25To give you love.
01:02:27No, I loved you. That was my problem.
01:02:29So you don't love me no more?
01:02:31Shut the door.
01:02:33Because you don't love me no more because what?
01:02:43She played me, man.
01:02:45She played me with my paper, man.
01:02:47She played me.
01:02:57What up, G-Boss? Thanks, thanks.
01:02:59What's going on?
01:03:01I broke up with Chante, man.
01:03:03She gone? She gone.
01:03:05I feel bad how things ended.
01:03:09When I seen your t-shirt, it made me question my relationship a little bit
01:03:11because, like, dang, like,
01:03:13shorty cool.
01:03:15I have bad bitch energy.
01:03:17Very fun.
01:03:19I always knew there was more women out there, but, you know,
01:03:21me and Chante, we've been working on things.
01:03:23You know, we've been engaged.
01:03:25So? Yeah.
01:03:27What's up?
01:03:29I'm trying to listen.
01:03:41I'm trying to listen, bro.
01:03:45I'm trying to listen.
01:03:51Why you tell me, bro?
01:03:57This season on Love After Lockup...
01:03:59I love you, baby.
01:04:01Will you marry me? Yeah.
01:04:03I'm engaged, like, officially.
01:04:09I hope my dad stays out of jail forever.
01:04:11We have sex pretty much every day.
01:04:13He should be ashamed of taking your money.
01:04:17Very life-altering news.
01:04:19You're not coming up here?
01:04:21I need to tell you what Joey just did.
01:04:23Like, it's really bothering me.
01:04:27I have something to tell you that I haven't told you yet.
01:04:31What's up, babe?
01:04:33He cried, like, five times.
01:04:35Something's going on.
01:04:37So what's the truth?
01:04:39Makes me never want to try it ever again.
01:04:41Stop playing with me.
01:04:43Get out my house.
01:04:45Every time on this earth you sacrifice for a decision
01:04:47and never get back.
01:04:49That's why I don't go to church.
01:04:51They want to hold you hostage.
