Love After Lockup Season 6 Episode 7

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Love After Lockup S6 Episode 7 - Love Me Love Me Not


00:00:00She's a good mother. She's just a bitch.
00:00:02Troy's ex is Deanna.
00:00:04They have a child together.
00:00:06I feel like she still loves Troy
00:00:07and that she really wants her own family back.
00:00:10Is your mom gonna talk about your baby mother all night long?
00:00:13Where am I supposed to sleep?
00:00:15What's wrong?
00:00:16I'm gonna sleep on the couch.
00:00:19I see no information indicating that your husband
00:00:21is getting an immediate release.
00:00:23At this point, I don't know who to f***ing believe.
00:00:25They don't see anything that qualifies Key to be released.
00:00:28I will get Key home.
00:00:31Home sweet home.
00:00:31Home sweet home. We're here.
00:00:33When are the kids gonna be here?
00:00:35So I'm hoping to have you meet them soon.
00:00:36Chris hasn't met my kids yet.
00:00:38That can't happen until she's met my ex-wife.
00:00:40The plan is to have you upstairs when they're here.
00:00:43I'm really starting to feel like
00:00:45he's trying to, like, hide me or something.
00:00:48Like, I've been supporting him, so...
00:00:49Oh, he got your animals in a cage.
00:00:51I've done nothing.
00:00:51You've done nothing? Hope, I don't trust her to be faithful.
00:00:54What's up, baby?
00:00:55It's 12 o'clock.
00:00:56I'm gonna assume you're doing something
00:00:58that you wouldn't want me to know about.
00:01:00Are you excited?
00:01:01I'm nervous.
00:01:02I'm so in love with Daniel.
00:01:04He can't leave the state of Arizona for 90 days,
00:01:07so I got a four-month lease.
00:01:09I'm worried about him relapsing.
00:01:11That's what he went to prison for.
00:01:13Did he drink around him?
00:01:14Is this making it harder for him to stay sober?
00:01:16I don't have a problem with alcohol,
00:01:18so why does it matter if I drink?
00:01:22I'm not in my frame to be...
00:01:26My heart broke.
00:01:27I feel stupid.
00:01:29It's over now, man.
00:01:30I'm pregnant.
00:01:31You said you're pregnant?
00:01:33It's twins.
00:01:33I'm pregnant with twins.
00:01:34I'm 14 weeks.
00:01:35I'm coming.
00:01:36I'm telling you, don't come back.
00:01:37And I'm telling you, I'm coming.
00:01:48I always said I wanted to make twins.
00:01:52I gotta be ready, because I'm ready at night.
00:01:55They coming.
00:02:00Man, I just rode five hours away from Cape
00:02:04just to see Shontay.
00:02:07We done been through a lot, worked through a lot.
00:02:11Man, I'm finna go and get my girl back, man.
00:02:14Last time I seen Shontay was three months ago.
00:02:17We broke up, called off the engagement.
00:02:22I regret the breakup.
00:02:23I do.
00:02:24Because I was just getting out of prison
00:02:27on my high of being out.
00:02:30When Shontay told me she was pregnant,
00:02:32she said she didn't want me to have
00:02:35nothing to do with the kids.
00:02:37It kind of hurt it.
00:02:39I'm on my way to get some ingredients
00:02:41so we can have a little cookout.
00:02:43She love to cook.
00:02:44We supposed to be doing that.
00:02:46I took culinary arts while I was in prison.
00:02:49My chef name was Chef Extra.
00:02:51Throw some cheese, mozzarella cheese in it.
00:02:53All right, bingo.
00:02:55I'm ready for the cookoff.
00:02:58The plan for me and Shontay was to open up a restaurant.
00:03:01I was looking forward to doing it, though, what it all.
00:03:03You know what I mean?
00:03:04Unfortunately, I didn't even get to even cook what it all.
00:03:10I'm finna get some steak, some eggs, you know,
00:03:14ingredients to make an omelet.
00:03:16And we need cheese and a bell pepper.
00:03:19Man, you got a million cheeses.
00:03:22In the joint, we only had an option of, like,
00:03:24three different cheese to pick from.
00:03:26Jalapeno, mozzarella, and a sharp cheese.
00:03:31I think this will do.
00:03:34Is this the right eggs?
00:03:36Uh, excuse me.
00:03:39Do you know the difference between these two eggs?
00:03:42One over the other?
00:03:43I'm a teaser.
00:03:44This one?
00:03:45All right, all right, appreciate it.
00:03:47Appreciate it.
00:03:47Make sure there's no crack.
00:03:50Still adjusting to the outside world.
00:03:51I'm wondering if this is gonna stop, like,
00:03:54the hot of me being free.
00:03:58No, they good.
00:03:59Oh, no, I don't think it's gonna ever go away, though.
00:04:02I don't think it's gonna go away.
00:04:04I want to get some cash.
00:04:07How you do this?
00:04:08You don't have to, excuse me.
00:04:09Can I pay in cash with this?
00:04:11All right, this is, like, my first time.
00:04:13It's cold down here.
00:04:14Gotta bring it up.
00:04:16So, yeah.
00:04:18Oh, key it in.
00:04:19OK, OK.
00:04:20Got it.
00:04:21I've been making money by going to the casino,
00:04:24hustling, and gambling.
00:04:26This thing tripping.
00:04:28You gotta be fast with this.
00:04:29I know.
00:04:30I'm killing it.
00:04:31I'm killing it.
00:04:34Damn, food got expensive, yo.
00:04:38I've been stacking my money.
00:04:39How much money?
00:04:41I played the fifth.
00:04:42I can't tell you how much money I made.
00:04:45I appreciate it forever.
00:04:46Have a good day.
00:04:47All right, you too.
00:04:49Tonight is important because hopefully we'll be able to bond.
00:04:54I think I got the right eggs.
00:04:56I think I got all the right ingredients.
00:04:59I'm going to try everything I need to do.
00:05:02Whatever it takes to prove that I want to be there,
00:05:04be with her, be father to my kids.
00:05:09When I get to the house, I want to give her a hug,
00:05:11give her a kiss.
00:05:12She can't stay mad forever.
00:05:20I just got to, you know, move smooth.
00:05:23That's what I do.
00:05:24Who is it?
00:05:28What's up, boo?
00:05:31What's up, Joe?
00:05:33What's up with you?
00:05:34It's cold out here, you know what I mean?
00:05:48Ma, how you feeling today?
00:05:50I wish y'all stop asking me that.
00:05:52I'm fine.
00:05:53Go check on her and stop worrying about asking me.
00:05:55Am I OK?
00:05:57I'm probably feeling better than y'all.
00:06:06You still feeling a little nervous
00:06:08about going to Buffalo?
00:06:10Why, baby?
00:06:12What do you mean why?
00:06:12Why you so nervous?
00:06:14Because I'm coming to a place where nobody likes me.
00:06:21The past couple of days have been a lot
00:06:23with Karen staying with us.
00:06:25Trina sent me some new music.
00:06:28I'm liking these country boys.
00:06:29I think I'm going to move down south.
00:06:31Now we are up getting ready for Buffalo to see his daughter.
00:06:35I have to be in the same vicinity as his baby mother,
00:06:39Yana, for the first time.
00:06:41And I don't know how that will go.
00:06:43How's his relationship with his baby mother?
00:06:45She still in love with him?
00:06:46I feel like she is.
00:06:47Yeah, it feels strong.
00:06:49She feels like me and him are not going to be together anyway.
00:06:52So it's like.
00:06:53I'll come back when it's done.
00:06:55I don't know what to think.
00:06:57I just know that something bad could happen.
00:07:00And I'm just prepared for it either way.
00:07:02This morning, I talked to my baby mother briefly,
00:07:04told her when I come to Buffalo, I don't want no bulls**t.
00:07:08Babe, what else do we need?
00:07:09Do I need to pack for you so we can get ready to go?
00:07:11Troy, at this point, I'm just getting ready.
00:07:13I don't even know if I'm going.
00:07:14So you could pack whatever.
00:07:15I don't see the point in me needing to go.
00:07:17It's about seeing your daughter.
00:07:18It's not about me.
00:07:21I asked my daughter, did she want to meet you?
00:07:23And she said yes.
00:07:23That came out of her own mouth.
00:07:25OK, well, I'm not going to put your daughter
00:07:27in an awkward situation.
00:07:28You're not going to put your daughter
00:07:30in an awkward situation either because her mother
00:07:33wants to be a b**ch.
00:07:36All right, so what do you feel most comfortable with?
00:07:38You want me to stay at my mother's house
00:07:40while I go see my daughter?
00:07:41You can do whatever you want to do.
00:07:42And then we'll come there.
00:07:44I'll bring my daughter there.
00:07:46I'm good.
00:07:51Troy was on the phone with Yana this morning.
00:07:53And everything's cool with them.
00:07:58But nobody really gives a hell out how I feel.
00:08:02How are you going to say that everything is cool with me
00:08:04and her when you literally heard me tell her that?
00:08:07Yo, listen.
00:08:07I didn't hear her tell you anything.
00:08:09I didn't hear her tell you.
00:08:10I told her I'm not tolerating none of that bulls**t.
00:08:12I don't know what you're talking about to her.
00:08:14You talk to her.
00:08:15You'll say a couple of words in front of me
00:08:16and then you go in the other room
00:08:18because you like to hide.
00:08:19And you don't know the facts.
00:08:21I don't have it in the phone.
00:08:22Somebody, I don't care about your phone.
00:08:24Where's my phone at?
00:08:25My proof is right here.
00:08:26No, it's not.
00:08:27Anybody can delete anything from their phone.
00:08:28You giving me your phone is weird.
00:08:31Why you don't want to go?
00:08:33I don't trust Troy.
00:08:34Not when it come to his baby mother.
00:08:36Why do you not trust me when it come to her?
00:08:38I don't deal with this.
00:08:39Because you a***** appease her.
00:08:41You literally a***** appease everything she a***** say.
00:08:44Never a***** stand up for me.
00:08:45This don't make no sense.
00:08:47Everything was fine.
00:08:48He gonna a-
00:08:49Well, he shouldn't have answered the phone.
00:08:51But your last night you said you was going to go with him.
00:08:53Well, that was before he went a***** get on a a***** phone
00:08:56and talk to the b****.
00:08:57So now he can go by himself.
00:08:59Well, he got to talk to her to know when he gonna bring her-
00:09:02He know when he was gonna a***** bring her a*****.
00:09:05Stop, like, stop making excuses for her.
00:09:07Go a***** deal with her then.
00:09:08It's not right.
00:09:10She's not-
00:09:11I'm not going to Buffalo.
00:09:13Leave me alone.
00:09:14Pack your a***** and get the a***** out.
00:09:16I have been living on the edge of a knife financially.
00:09:27I was just in a f****** prison.
00:09:29Take care of me.
00:09:30I don't know how today's gonna go meeting your family.
00:09:33I just-
00:09:33Speak up, speak up.
00:09:34This is like your parents.
00:09:36I want to make like a good impression.
00:09:37So why did you convince Daniel not to marry me?
00:09:39Picture in there of you and somebody else.
00:09:42What the f***?
00:09:44You don't want a husband?
00:09:46I can't even understand what's happening in his mind right now.
00:09:56Ooh, what are you doing?
00:09:58I'm finna make you some scrambled eggs.
00:10:00You know how to use all this stuff?
00:10:02I've never used a stove like this.
00:10:04I've always used the one with flames, so.
00:10:06I appreciate the effort.
00:10:07Even though my food didn't get eaten last night and I put a lot of effort into it.
00:10:16I should have been putting you more in the mix of what was going on.
00:10:21That was my bad, baby.
00:10:23Yeah, I don't really want to feel like that ever again.
00:10:25There wasn't nothing going on, baby.
00:10:27Just me talking to my mama.
00:10:28I don't care if you with Jesus.
00:10:29Anyways, positive note.
00:10:33I have this really fun date for the both of us.
00:10:35I want to take you to a fabric store and pick out some fabrics for you to make some clothes with.
00:10:41Oh yeah?
00:10:41For your new sewing machine.
00:10:43That sounds dope, baby.
00:10:45My expectations for when Arthur first got out were we were just going to be in the bed 24-7.
00:10:52Not coming up for air.
00:10:54Spending endless time together that we have been missing out on.
00:10:58It's like our first date.
00:11:01Instead of spending time with his mom, he needs to be spending his time with his girlfriend.
00:11:06Oh my goodness.
00:11:07This is cool.
00:11:08I'm almost like a kid in a candy store.
00:11:11My dream job would be to be a designer.
00:11:14This is the first time I've been to a fabric store ever since I chose the profession.
00:11:17This is the first time I'm around all of this raw fabric like this.
00:11:20So it's an experience, definitely.
00:11:22I like that.
00:11:23That's called, I believe, chocolate chip camo.
00:11:26That's the name?
00:11:26I didn't even know it had a name.
00:11:28So I'll probably make something like this, like a little vest.
00:11:31Like a little white long-sleeved t-shirt under this.
00:11:34I can see it.
00:11:34I can see it.
00:11:35Have you worked with anything like this before?
00:11:37I've sewn, but I've never had no colors like this.
00:11:40Everything I was doing was white, all white.
00:11:43So everything is just brand new, really?
00:11:46In prison, they don't have just ready needles on deck.
00:11:48You got to make it.
00:11:49You just strip this stuff off of the bread tie, sharpen the needle, and that's your needle.
00:11:53Any color is better than white?
00:11:55Like, these are the colors that I'm going for right here.
00:11:57Like, tan, beiges.
00:11:58That's your vibe?
00:11:59Yeah, that's my vibe.
00:12:00I would sew my t-shirts, make them fit better.
00:12:03I would make beanies, turtlenecks in the wintertime.
00:12:06I did other people's stuff, but I never charged them.
00:12:09Everybody deserves to feel good about themselves.
00:12:14Babe, I'm going to take this.
00:12:16I'll be right back, all right?
00:12:17All right.
00:12:18Hi, Breeze.
00:12:19What's up, drag queen?
00:12:22I have not talked to you in a while.
00:12:25I've just been busy at work, on the road, like, haven't really had time to reach out.
00:12:32I haven't told my sisters about Arthur because I think they would be super suspicious and, like, super judgmental.
00:12:39I actually need to come down to Texas.
00:12:42No pressure, no pressure.
00:12:43My sisters live in Seattle, so it's, you know, I'm choosing to keep that from them until they can meet him in person
00:12:50and give him a fair chance to show them who he really is.
00:12:54What have you been up to?
00:12:56Well, just got back from my traveler's check job.
00:13:02Oh, yeah, how was that?
00:13:04I just did five.
00:13:05What's up?
00:13:0612 days straight, which is, like, nothing compared to you.
00:13:11I get it.
00:13:12Who are you talking to?
00:13:13I know I've been in my way, but I'm going to have to let you go.
00:13:19Call me, text me, send me a lien.
00:13:24What did you say?
00:13:25Who are you talking to?
00:13:26I was talking to my sister.
00:13:27Oh, why you ain't want me to?
00:13:30What do you mean?
00:13:31Like, you can't even tell me to do this.
00:13:32Yeah, because she doesn't really, like, know you.
00:13:35Y'all FaceTiming?
00:13:38Like, let your sister see me, like.
00:13:40Um, I don't think now would be, like, a good time to just do that, have that conversation.
00:13:45I mean, I'm in my element right now.
00:13:46Like, she'll be able to see me, you know.
00:13:48Yeah, but this is your moment.
00:13:50Like, I don't want to ruin it with any drama or any, like, negative energy.
00:13:53All right.
00:13:54Definitely don't want to argue in the fabric store, so.
00:13:58I'd literally be like, shush, that's, like, some little kid s***.
00:14:00You feel what I'm saying?
00:14:01I'm a grown-ass man, bro.
00:14:02You feel what I'm saying?
00:14:03Like, that don't make f***ing sense.
00:14:05So when they see me, they don't know zilch.
00:14:07They can have any opinion or impression that they want because you haven't told them the good about me.
00:14:13Like, what else is a secret?
00:14:14Do you got other dudes that are secrets?
00:14:17You can live a double life.
00:14:18That's scary.
00:14:20Are we going to get anything?
00:14:22F*** all that.
00:14:23I'm good.
00:14:24Come on.
00:14:26Oh, this is so cute.
00:14:36Oh, I love the couch.
00:14:40Oh, my gosh.
00:14:41I love the kitchen.
00:14:42I really like how it's already furnished.
00:14:45This saves me so much work.
00:14:56It's my first few days here.
00:14:58They've been a little challenging, to say the least.
00:15:02It's really hard being alone, especially in a new state that I've literally only been to, like, once.
00:15:09It's so f***ing hot.
00:15:10Like, you can't even step outside here without sweating your ass crack off.
00:15:16I miss my friends.
00:15:17I miss my family.
00:15:20It's really hard.
00:15:21Daniel will be home with me.
00:15:36Daniel gets out of prison tomorrow, and I want to kind of make him, like, a welcome home poster.
00:15:42I know it's so, like, cringy, but I think that he'll think it's cute.
00:15:47Let's see.
00:15:50Oh, this is already awful.
00:15:53Oh, no.
00:15:55That's the ugliest W I've ever seen in my life.
00:15:58Since I moved out here to Arizona, I haven't done much.
00:16:02I really just got the apartment ready for when Daniel comes home.
00:16:06I haven't really made any friends here, and I've never actually lived or been on my own ever.
00:16:14This is my first time living out of the state of Florida.
00:16:18It's a really big change, but I feel more independent,
00:16:21and I like the fact that I'm away from everything that I've known my entire life.
00:16:34Hello, baby.
00:16:38I miss you, too.
00:16:40Does it feel real to you that you're getting out tomorrow?
00:16:49I think it's going to hit me when I see you, like, walking out of the gates.
00:16:55Then I'm going to be like, oh, this is real.
00:16:57I'm scared.
00:16:59Are you nervous?
00:17:13What's the first thing you want to do when you get out?
00:17:18Yeah, no, I just can't wait to, like, have sex with you.
00:17:21We've been waiting a while, you know?
00:17:27Are you nervous about, like, talking to the PO and, like, figuring out the living situation?
00:17:38Per Daniel's parole, he has to report to a halfway house,
00:17:43but he doesn't want to go to a halfway.
00:17:45And he's really adamant about just living with me.
00:17:48I mean, like, we have all these things planned.
00:17:50Like, we want to, like, sleep in the same bed together every night.
00:17:53You know, especially when you first get out.
00:17:55Like, we want to have those, like, special moments together.
00:17:58It's going to be, I think, hard if it doesn't work out.
00:18:06Like, I wish I was picking you up alone, honestly.
00:18:09I don't think I've processed it yet that it's not just going to be us.
00:18:16Okay, but I want you to myself.
00:18:19I don't know how today's going to go meeting your family.
00:18:22I just...
00:18:24It is a big deal.
00:18:25I think I just, like, don't know what to expect because, you know, I've never met them.
00:18:30And, like, this is, like, your parents.
00:18:32I want to make, like, a good impression.
00:18:33You know what I mean?
00:18:34I'm just worried about your dad.
00:18:37Back in Florida on the video call, meeting Daniel's dad for the first time was weird.
00:18:44How are you?
00:18:45It's nice to meet you.
00:18:48That's good.
00:18:54I just don't know who says that and who thinks it's okay.
00:18:59I'll put him in his place.
00:19:01We'll see.
00:19:03Okay, I love you.
00:19:05Okay, bye.
00:19:08I'm worried that when I meet Daniel's family, they're going to really judge me.
00:19:13They're going to ask me some really hard questions and kind of grill me.
00:19:20If Daniel's mom doesn't like me, she doesn't think I'm good enough,
00:19:24I don't know if that would affect me and Daniel's relationship.
00:19:28Like, is he even going to want to be with me because they're so close?
00:19:33Somebody's trying to profit off of your hard times.
00:19:37Everybody's like, oh, he's using you.
00:19:39So, what, are you back to do that same thing?
00:19:42No, no, no, no.
00:19:44I don't want to talk.
00:19:45I am fed up at this point.
00:19:47Where the f*** is this boy at?
00:19:50Hi, this is Christine.
00:19:51I am available to come in whenever you need me to.
00:20:01Please see the review and the 14th edition of the Balancing Act
00:20:19Here we go, she's not in the office.
00:20:26I'm a little kind of concerned because I have to, you know, physically come in.
00:20:31The way that the government seems to work is, you know, lock you up first and then figure
00:20:36it out later.
00:20:39So, you know.
00:20:40What else could we do?
00:20:42I don't know.
00:20:43I mean, other than just drive over there.
00:20:46I've actually been to prison twice.
00:20:48I spent five years in federal prison for robbing six banks.
00:20:53The second time I got a parole violation for failing two drug screens.
00:20:59It's like right on this block.
00:21:00I was in six facilities total for a seven month sentence.
00:21:04They do that on purpose.
00:21:05They call it diesel therapy.
00:21:06All right, good luck.
00:21:09They don't want you to be too comfortable.
00:21:11They want you to be as unsettled as possible.
00:21:15Going to prison because I didn't report into parole would be devastating.
00:21:23Yeah, I went in there, the receptionist, whoever worked back there, had to get a hold of my
00:21:34And she gave me my PO cell number as well as her office number.
00:21:37Now, you know, they can't say I didn't physically show up to check in.
00:21:43Here's the news.
00:21:44So we're going to go grab some food.
00:21:46We're just going to chill out.
00:21:48We CYA'd ourselves a couple times over.
00:21:53Cover your eyes.
00:21:56The conditions that I have for my parole are like two pages long on top of fitting into
00:22:03my new life with Julian and like figuring out the new city I'm in, being far away from
00:22:09my loved ones.
00:22:11It's a lot of stress and prison just doesn't prepare you very well for all the decisions
00:22:15and choices that you're going to have to make once you're released.
00:22:18I mean, you did everything you could.
00:22:21I don't even know if everything's okay with the PO yet.
00:22:24I haven't talked to her yet.
00:22:25What if she doesn't let me go back to West Virginia to see my son?
00:22:29What if I'm not allowed to leave the area?
00:22:32What am I going to do then?
00:22:33We don't even have money for the lawyer yet, so, which I thought was going to be taken
00:22:38care of.
00:22:40I am currently paying for a lawyer in Ohio to take care of the custody and the child
00:22:46support issues in Ohio with her twins.
00:22:49And she also wants to get a lawyer in West Virginia to deal with the custody issues with
00:22:53her son and her mother.
00:22:55I've had to scrape together to pay for all kinds of stuff, credit card bills, like all
00:23:01kinds of ****.
00:23:04Custody family law attorneys require a initial starting retainer of $5,000.
00:23:09And then depending on the complexity of the case, that can go up.
00:23:13So I've spent like too much.
00:23:20Thank you so much.
00:23:21I appreciate it very much.
00:23:23Well, I mean, you don't have to be sarcastic about it.
00:23:26Like I have gone, you know, above and beyond to-
00:23:30I know you have.
00:23:31And I thank you all the time for that.
00:23:32You don't have to rub it in my face.
00:23:36But like I've been living on the edge of a knife financially, scrounging enough money
00:23:40for one lawyer, let alone two.
00:23:42So this only works with two incomes.
00:23:46Even a small second income is fine.
00:23:48It doesn't have to be a huge income, but it has to be something.
00:23:51You know how hard it is to get a job when you're a felon?
00:23:58It feels like a lot of pressure.
00:23:59And like, as the day goes on, you know, I'm overwhelmed more and more.
00:24:05Getting out in general is overwhelming.
00:24:08I get frustrated with Julian when it comes to talking about money because in his last
00:24:13relationship with his ex-wife, they went on these like expensive European vacations and
00:24:19kids go to private school and they live in one of the most expensive places in the country.
00:24:25They live this lavish lifestyle.
00:24:27It's very unrealistic to expect the same thing from someone who is just getting out
00:24:32of prison and is getting back on their feet financially.
00:24:36I know we only have like 15 minute calls, but I feel like we had some kind of communication
00:24:40breakdown when I was in there because now when I get out, you're telling me that we
00:24:44don't have the money for the second lawyer and now we're going to have to wait.
00:24:48And I was really hoping to have a court date set up like immediately after I got out of
00:24:54And it takes months to get one in there.
00:24:55So what am I supposed to do?
00:24:56I'm not supposed to see him for months?
00:24:58Well, I mean, I don't know.
00:25:00We're going to have to figure it out.
00:25:01When we first started talking and everything, you were telling me that you wanted to do
00:25:05all this stuff for me and, you know, take care of me.
00:25:11You don't think I will?
00:25:14I don't know what's going on with him because it's just a complete 180 from how he was when
00:25:18I was in prison.
00:25:19I wish you had more faith in me.
00:25:22It's hard to have faith in anybody whenever your whole life, everybody's let you down.
00:25:26I feel like Julian's hiding something from me and I'm going to get to the bottom of it.
00:25:32I'm not a person who's let you down.
00:25:35Not yet.
00:25:43When I get to the house, I want to give her a hug, give her a kiss.
00:25:46She can't stay mad forever.
00:25:53What's up, boo?
00:25:55What's up, Chum?
00:25:56You want me to leave?
00:25:58I don't know what I want you to do.
00:25:59Open the door.
00:26:08Can I give you a hug?
00:26:09No, we're not there.
00:26:13I got some groceries because we're supposed to be having a little cook-off.
00:26:17That's what we're supposed to be doing when we're not there.
00:26:20That's what we're supposed to be doing when I ain't got the joint.
00:26:23And we ain't do that.
00:26:24We didn't have the cook-off because of you.
00:26:26I know.
00:26:27I want to make things right.
00:26:31Oh, I don't want to cook, but you can cook.
00:26:33True thinks him showing up, I'm just going to give in to him and he can just come right back.
00:26:38All right, where the kitchen at?
00:26:39Making it hard for me, huh?
00:26:41You don't even know where the kitchen at.
00:26:43I'm definitely in a tough situation when it comes to True.
00:26:46My mind is telling me one thing, my heart is telling me the other, and I'm trying my
00:26:49best not to listen to either one of them.
00:26:52What are you cooking?
00:26:53A steak omelet.
00:26:57Because you just come in here and you want to cook.
00:26:59And I want to talk to you, too.
00:27:00I ain't going to just cook.
00:27:02I want to get back good with you.
00:27:06I want to be there for my kids.
00:27:09I want to not just throw what we had away.
00:27:14That's why I apologize for the breakup, for everything that, how we left off.
00:27:21I don't blame you for feeling however way you feel.
00:27:24I take accountability for that.
00:27:27I just want to see action.
00:27:29Like, I don't believe anything else you tell me no more.
00:27:32Me here, assuring you, I would go that extra mile.
00:27:37We're armless and all, you hear me?
00:27:39We're armless and all, you hear me?
00:27:41Yeah, but like, even, like, you know when we was, everybody was like, oh, he using you, are he here for that?
00:27:46Like, so what?
00:27:47Are you back to do that same thing?
00:27:49To use me or what?
00:27:51I ain't got to use you.
00:27:52I'm all that.
00:27:54So you was using me when you was in?
00:27:57I'm saying, I'm out.
00:27:58I don't need you.
00:27:59I don't need you to send me money.
00:28:01I got everything I want.
00:28:03Except you.
00:28:05I don't know, too.
00:28:07Because you showed me you can just leave at any given time.
00:28:09Like, you can literally wake up one day and feel totally different.
00:28:13My decisions I make with you, towards you, for you, it's going to get better.
00:28:19Well, let's just start with the decisions you make towards me.
00:28:24For me, the biggest thing right now is respect.
00:28:28Because I feel like once I'm respected, the trust will come.
00:28:31The loyalty will come.
00:28:32The honesty will come.
00:28:33You cannot have respect for somebody and don't be honest, don't be trustworthy, don't be loyal, don't love them.
00:28:40You like steak?
00:28:41That's why you bought steak, trying to be funny.
00:28:43I got you.
00:28:44That's my favorite food.
00:28:45Can I season the steak?
00:28:46Yeah, but you're making an omelet.
00:28:48You will use that steak sauce, not that one.
00:28:50Mr. Top Cook.
00:28:51You know what?
00:28:52I'm going to use it now.
00:28:54Just to show you, anything I touch is going to work.
00:28:58We didn't.
00:28:59That's a good one.
00:29:02With that being said, was you talking to anybody?
00:29:07You mean when I was, when I talked to you?
00:29:15So what's going on with that?
00:29:18I realized I didn't want them.
00:29:20I realized that you is who I want and you is who I need.
00:29:26You is who I want and you is who I need.
00:29:32The grass is always not green on the other side.
00:29:35Even like that's just annoying because I haven't talked to nobody.
00:29:39Part of keeping that honey with her is letting it all out to her.
00:29:45Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.
00:29:47During this breakup, I was just trying to see what it was like.
00:29:50Dating other women.
00:29:53You know, I'm 13 years, so I want that for her.
00:29:56I got the right to do that.
00:30:02But I think I'll bond stronger.
00:30:09I'm a better man with her in my life. I'm a better person.
00:30:12Like, it makes me better as a whole, just knowing that I got her in my life.
00:30:19This ain't no five-star ****, but you'll know. You'll know.
00:30:25You know one meal do not mean, I'm sorry, I'll fix stuff.
00:30:38This is it. This is only your best. This is it.
00:30:41This is it. This is only your best. This is it.
00:30:49Did you taste the steak? Taste the steak.
00:30:53I'm glad I can make you laugh then.
00:30:57I apologize for talking to other females while you were probably thinking about me and stressing.
00:31:05But I want to show you that you is the only one that I want, and I want nobody else.
00:31:11If you give me the opportunity.
00:31:14I do enjoy, like, spending time with you. Like, that's good, but, like, we're in a bad space.
00:31:23Just gotta take it day by day.
00:31:26And you can stay the night, but you're not sleeping in my room because I'm on the couch.
00:31:30I'm not doing this. This is your cook. You're clean. Come on.
00:31:32Clean and sleep on the couch.
00:31:34In that order.
00:31:41But, like, what's it going to be like when he gets out, though?
00:31:43I just, I don't want to stop drinking.
00:31:45Hopefully, Daniel will have the wisdom to exit out of that relationship.
00:31:50You don't want to hug me?
00:31:51I wish I could erase all that ****.
00:31:54You're not going to hug me?
00:31:55I don't know what's wrong with him right now.
00:31:59Don't need nobody for nothing.
00:32:00My parents always told me, you don't chase no man.
00:32:05Welcome back to the cheap seats.
00:32:08I am just really nervous.
00:32:12I know we've been here before.
00:32:15We have a lot riding on my husband getting released.
00:32:18I'm going to get another opinion.
00:32:22I just hope he gives me some good news.
00:32:26I got nothing left to lose.
00:32:31Hi. I'm Letitia from Hair to See. Author?
00:32:34Okay, I'll let him know you're here.
00:32:38Author is a well-known attorney in my area.
00:32:41He's very good at what he does, and I really trust his judgment.
00:32:46It's time for my husband to come home.
00:32:49Hi, Author.
00:32:51How are you?
00:32:52I'm good. How are you?
00:32:55Nice to see you again.
00:32:56Yes, unfortunately.
00:32:59Do tell.
00:33:00Well, my husband, we have been anticipating an immediate release for him
00:33:04based off of some law changes that we were told by a paralegal.
00:33:10The courts have appointed a public defender.
00:33:14Recently, the public defender has filed a motion to withdraw from my husband's case
00:33:19citing that he doesn't believe any of these laws would apply to my husband.
00:33:26A motion for expedited consideration.
00:33:31Nothing in here says the law changed.
00:33:34What it says is he would like to obtain relief
00:33:40due to the change of the U.S. Sentencing Commission policy statement.
00:33:46So, while the law didn't really change, their policy statement changed.
00:33:54The problem is your husband's only got eight months left,
00:33:57and all of this is really going to apply to men who get sentenced down the line.
00:34:05We have done a lot of things based off of, you know,
00:34:08being told that he's going to be getting home any day,
00:34:11it'll be next week, you know, and then here we are a couple months later, yes.
00:34:16Where did you find a paralegal who is saying,
00:34:20I'm not a lawyer, but I want to file something, but I want you to sign it?
00:34:25Let me guess, another inmate.
00:34:28We recently found out that he used to be an inmate.
00:34:31Yeah, so he learned how to write these things, did it for himself,
00:34:34and now he's trying to make money.
00:34:36That's probably why the public defender withdrew.
00:34:39I don't think that a paralegal who used to be an inmate
00:34:44should be out here writing briefs, giving them to guys to get their hopes up.
00:34:50I think somebody's just trying to profit off of your hard times.
00:34:57Okay, well, Ben sold me a dream.
00:35:01He's going to jail.
00:35:03Okay, well, Ben sold me a dream.
00:35:07He sold my husband a dream, and then we, in turn, sold that dream to our families.
00:35:14You can't refund me my time and my stress and anxiety.
00:35:18You can't take back the feelings that you gave us,
00:35:22the hope that you gave us.
00:35:24You can't refund for that.
00:35:26Thank you so much, Arthur.
00:35:28I really appreciate you meeting me.
00:35:30Always my pleasure.
00:35:33And now I've got to tell Keith that he's not going to come home right now.
00:35:42I know he's going to feel some type of way,
00:35:46and I hate that for him.
00:35:51He's not coming home anytime soon.
00:35:54This call is from a federal prison.
00:35:56Hey, baby.
00:35:59Why did you convince Daniel not to marry me?
00:36:01Bianca, she just has no clue.
00:36:04You don't want to hug me?
00:36:06I can't even understand what's happening in his mind right now.
00:36:10It's okay.
00:36:14Where the f*** is this boy at?
00:36:22I definitely want you to get this bookshelf put together.
00:36:25I definitely want you to get this bookshelf put together.
00:36:28Heavy-ass bookshelf.
00:36:38Come on, now.
00:36:39You're supposed to be showing me your, like, skills.
00:36:41You know, you telling me all this stuff like,
00:36:43oh, yeah, I can take care of the house.
00:36:45I can put stuff together.
00:36:47Yeah, I could probably do it while you're not standing right here.
00:36:51Am I making you nervous?
00:36:53A little bit.
00:36:57Hey, I was just looking for my sketches and my old letters.
00:37:02You know, I see, like, a picture in there.
00:37:09A picture?
00:37:11Of what?
00:37:12Of you and somebody else.
00:37:13Of somebody else?
00:37:16It's just a picture, right?
00:37:17Yeah, it's just an old picture.
00:37:19You know, it's just, like, you know.
00:37:23You want me to throw it away?
00:37:26It's all right.
00:37:29I want us to have a healthy relationship,
00:37:31and I want us to have open communication and trust.
00:37:34But the fact that she cheated on me when I was in prison,
00:37:36and the fact that she's lying to her sisters about me,
00:37:39do I trust her today?
00:37:42It's, like, not 100% trust.
00:37:44That's your pass.
00:37:47I mean, it's okay to feel, like, some type of way.
00:37:52I'm not tripping. Come on, let's put this bookshelf together.
00:37:57Since Arthur has come home from prison, he's more quiet.
00:38:00He doesn't say what he's thinking.
00:38:01He doesn't say how he feels.
00:38:04It's been very challenging just finding our communication,
00:38:09finding a way to talk, and having him open up to me.
00:38:12It's just like talking to a brick wall.
00:38:15We obviously have a lot of, like, internal things
00:38:17we don't really know all the way about each other,
00:38:20like our emotional stuff.
00:38:22We don't talk like that, you know?
00:38:25I want you to be able to, like, open up to me and communicate.
00:38:36I just want to make sure that you're saying
00:38:38everything that you really feel and not just holding back
00:38:41because you don't want to, like, hurt my feelings or something.
00:38:44I hate to admit it, but I'm kind of institutionalized.
00:38:47I think, like, I'm still in robot mode a little bit.
00:38:52You know?
00:38:54It's hard to be the type of person that I am in prison
00:38:57because they're going to try to eat you up.
00:38:59You can't let nobody know who you really is on the inside,
00:39:02like your heart.
00:39:03You're in the belly of the beast and that mother****,
00:39:05so they're going to...
00:39:06Any weaknesses is getting exploited off the rip
00:39:09as soon as they see it,
00:39:10so you can't be emotional.
00:39:11You got to be stiff.
00:39:12You got to be cold.
00:39:13It's still hard to show because you just never know.
00:39:15I was on defense for so long.
00:39:17You just never know.
00:39:18Yeah, I just want to get back to being normal, bro.
00:39:23Because they **** me up in ways, like,
00:39:25that I can't really explain.
00:39:28Is it emotional for you?
00:39:30I don't know.
00:39:32Are you, like, trying not to tap into that
00:39:34so you don't get emotional?
00:39:37I mean, that's kind of what we're talking about right now.
00:39:40I mean, I don't know, bro.
00:39:41I don't know.
00:39:42It's just...
00:39:43I don't know.
00:39:45I don't want to talk about that.
00:39:47But you can't just bury all these feelings
00:39:49and all these things.
00:39:52Why not?
00:39:53Because it's not healthy for your emotional state.
00:39:55You bury all that stuff.
00:39:56It's just going to boil up.
00:39:57It's going to come out in a way that you didn't even know.
00:40:02The scariest part of it all is that
00:40:05The scariest part about talking about this **** is
00:40:10talking about a period.
00:40:12There's so many elements of prison
00:40:14that's all, like, psychological ****.
00:40:16That we wake up in there and we see the same colors every day.
00:40:19The walls is a depressing color.
00:40:21That's psychological.
00:40:22You're wearing the same color as this next dude next to you.
00:40:25That's psychological.
00:40:26If you want to get up and leave yourself, you can't.
00:40:29And there's a lot of stuff that can break you down
00:40:31emotionally, psychologically.
00:40:33And you'll never be the same.
00:40:39Excuse me, bro.
00:40:40Excuse me.
00:40:57What the ****?
00:41:04I hate to add to your troubles, but that is insane.
00:41:08Like, don't **** my family.
00:41:10We could get a **** divorce.
00:41:12Not doing that.
00:41:13So why aren't you telling Zaria that?
00:41:16My parents always told me, you don't chase no man.
00:41:25This call is from the federal prison.
00:41:27Hey, baby.
00:41:34Hey, just leaving my attorney's office.
00:41:39Yeah, so he's brutally honest, as usual.
00:41:42He's telling us to anticipate, you know,
00:41:45you just kind of riding everything out
00:41:47for the next eight months.
00:41:49And if we hear anything sooner than that,
00:41:54then it'll just, you know, we're lucky, you know?
00:42:00You okay?
00:42:04I don't definitely like this bank on certain things
00:42:07as much as being able to face reality
00:42:09and knowing what's what, you know?
00:42:11Yeah, he's also just telling us to be weary
00:42:15of, you know, working with Ben
00:42:17just because he's not an attorney.
00:42:18He should have never gave us this false hope
00:42:20or even took on the case, you know?
00:42:24When Danny told me that he was for certain
00:42:27that I was going to be able to get released,
00:42:29it just sort of tripped me up, you know?
00:42:32And he ain't really standing on
00:42:33what he said he was going to do.
00:42:35My whole family, like, they banking on
00:42:38what they're in this backfire,
00:42:39so it made me feel a certain type of way about it.
00:42:42Everything that we've already paid him for,
00:42:44that's what it is.
00:42:46We're not going to come up with any more money
00:42:47if he does ask,
00:42:49and I don't want to hear any more promises for him.
00:43:03I don't like giving you this type of news,
00:43:05but I'm going to keep it real with you,
00:43:07you know what I'm saying?
00:43:16I love you. Bye.
00:43:22Keith doesn't seem upset, but he is.
00:43:27He don't like it
00:43:29if he feels like a mother---- played him,
00:43:32and I hate that.
00:43:34Like, don't ---- my family.
00:43:37Hey, everybody.
00:43:38Hey, what's up?
00:43:39Long day, again.
00:43:41I bet.
00:43:42I'm going to go upstairs and change.
00:43:44I'm about to come up there, too.
00:43:45All right.
00:43:47So what's going on?
00:43:48Well, um,
00:43:51so I decided to go meet with my attorney-author
00:43:55to get his judgment.
00:43:57He's like,
00:43:58your husband does not qualify for an immediate release.
00:44:01Expect Keith to write out the rest of his sentence.
00:44:05That's really heartbreaking.
00:44:06Everybody's going to be pissed off, mad, crying, like...
00:44:10I wouldn't have been telling our children
00:44:11that Daddy's coming home.
00:44:13I wouldn't have said all this ----.
00:44:14I wouldn't have told his family.
00:44:15I wouldn't have been doing none of this ----.
00:44:18We should have, well, been asked.
00:44:20I'm sad, mad, pissed off.
00:44:22Pretty much, we've been lied to and scammed.
00:44:24All this stuff that we've done
00:44:26and getting ready and preparing for him to come home,
00:44:28it's like a smack in the face.
00:44:30I don't know what I'm going to tell our family.
00:44:33I don't know what I'm going to tell the kid.
00:44:34Kira's going to be pissed.
00:44:35Kira's going to be heartbroken,
00:44:37and that right there is probably going to be my breaking point.
00:44:42So I'm just like, I just got this pink slip.
00:44:45Something from the sheriff's department.
00:44:47I might try to get him a call and see what's going on, too.
00:44:50I know you're super busy, so...
00:44:53So I hate to add to your troubles, but...
00:44:57I went and talked to the property manager,
00:45:00and the homeowners haven't been paying the mortgage.
00:45:05And they're, like, a year behind,
00:45:07a year and a half or something like that,
00:45:09and this house is being foreclosed on.
00:45:16He's saying that you will have to be, like,
00:45:18moving out in the next two months.
00:45:19That's crazy.
00:45:20And that's just, like,
00:45:21like we were just saying, everything had to happen.
00:45:23So they allowed me to sign a lease not even two months ago,
00:45:26and they haven't paid...
00:45:28No mortgage.
00:45:29That's crazy.
00:45:30They haven't been.
00:45:31So the house is being sold.
00:45:34Not only is my husband probably not coming home,
00:45:37now I got to tell my kids
00:45:39we're moving in the next couple months.
00:45:42It's just, like, I'm getting beat from every angle.
00:45:46That is insane.
00:45:55Or we could get a f----- divorce.
00:45:57I'm not doing nothing.
00:45:58Why aren't you telling Zaria that?
00:46:00He be f----- lying.
00:46:01You don't want to hug me?
00:46:02I can't even understand what's happening in his mind right now.
00:46:06Just breathe.
00:46:07It's just nothing that anybody should ever have to see.
00:46:10It's okay.
00:46:18Is anyone better than this?
00:46:20I'm on my way to meet Daniel's parents and his cousin Robert.
00:46:24I'm really nervous just because Daniel's mom,
00:46:27we've only talked on the phone and had, like, one FaceTime.
00:46:30She's really worried about, you know, me drinking.
00:46:33And I am really worried about his stepdad
00:46:36because he already asked me if I'm mentally unstable.
00:46:39So we'll see how that goes.
00:46:46Can I get a vodka crayon?
00:46:49Thank you so much.
00:47:01Oh, my God, you're so pretty!
00:47:03You look so pretty!
00:47:05How are you?
00:47:06Good to see you.
00:47:08I hope our meeting will go well.
00:47:10I see myself in her at that age,
00:47:13and that's why I'm concerned, because I was naive.
00:47:16Hi, Robert.
00:47:19You guys don't really sit?
00:47:22You guys don't want to drink?
00:47:23Do they have virgin drinks?
00:47:25I want to drink, but I can't drink because he doesn't drink, so...
00:47:28I can do my best.
00:47:29I've been sober for five months,
00:47:31and I'm hoping she'll have an open mind when she speaks with us.
00:47:35We will use the right words from our heart
00:47:38to communicate with her how we feel.
00:47:41I must apologize.
00:47:43First words I ever asked you when I said,
00:47:45are you mentally stable?
00:47:47I was attempting to acquaint you with my really odd sense of humor.
00:47:52Well, we got that out of the way.
00:47:54I thought you thought I was really mentally unstable.
00:47:57No, it's just humor.
00:47:59How are you feeling?
00:48:00I am really nervous.
00:48:01Just to meet you and just, I don't know about everything.
00:48:03I was nervous, too.
00:48:04I almost fell off my chair.
00:48:06It's just, it's nerve-wracking.
00:48:08I don't know.
00:48:09It's because of pressure, mostly.
00:48:10Yeah, exactly.
00:48:11To come off as really judgmental or anything like that, so...
00:48:14How much do you drink, normally, every day?
00:48:19I really don't drink that much.
00:48:21At all?
00:48:23I mean, I like to come home and have wine or something.
00:48:27I like to go out and...
00:48:28But what's it going to be like when he gets out, though?
00:48:30You're not going to drink in front of him, right?
00:48:32Or anything like that?
00:48:34He's like,
00:48:35oh, I don't care if we go out to dinner and you want to order wine.
00:48:37That's what he's told me.
00:48:38But he's totally not going to tell you, like,
00:48:40that he's worried about it or that it bothers him,
00:48:42but it will bother him.
00:48:43I just, I don't want to stop drinking.
00:48:47Daniel's never even asked me if I've had a problem with drinking,
00:48:50so I don't really know what's on her mind right now,
00:48:54why she thinks I have a problem with it.
00:48:57He's got alcoholism.
00:48:59He's doing great now.
00:49:00He got into rehab and everything.
00:49:01But, like, say I had a drink and I'm getting all toasted,
00:49:04it would bother him, wouldn't it?
00:49:06I would take her drink, pour it in a sink,
00:49:08and throw the rest of it in the trash.
00:49:10And if there was any in the fridge, I would dump that out, too.
00:49:13You know, and you got hit by a drunk driver, right?
00:49:15I was in the car with a drunk driver.
00:49:17I didn't see her drink anything.
00:49:19She seemed fine until she blacked out
00:49:21and, like, hit her head on the steering wheel
00:49:23and crashed into a wall, like, 80 miles an hour.
00:49:26Holy word.
00:49:28Well, Daniel used my car when he got the DUI.
00:49:30He told me, he's like,
00:49:31can I just borrow your car to go down the street?
00:49:33I didn't even know he was drunk.
00:49:34I'm like, okay, just be right back.
00:49:35Oh, no.
00:49:36I know.
00:49:37He's good at masking, like, his issues, Daniel.
00:49:39Oh, very good.
00:49:40Yeah, I'm just really worried,
00:49:41only because, like, you have a drink one time and that's it.
00:49:44Yeah, then he's, like, using drugs.
00:49:46Then he's stealing.
00:49:47It's a slippery slope.
00:49:48I mean, I know that sounds a little bit out there,
00:49:50but that's true.
00:49:51It's like, because to them, once they cross that line...
00:49:53It's all good.
00:49:54Especially in a convict's head.
00:49:55I mean, I was married to one.
00:49:56I've known many in my life.
00:49:57And in terms of addictions,
00:49:59I had to deal with my ex-husband,
00:50:01then I had to deal with him.
00:50:02I've dealt with two kids.
00:50:03I lost a child because, you know,
00:50:06and I never thought that would happen.
00:50:08I'm so sorry.
00:50:09It's okay.
00:50:10It's just really hard, you know?
00:50:12If I lose another son, it's gonna be really hard.
00:50:15I don't want anything to happen to him or you, you know?
00:50:19I feel so bad.
00:50:20I didn't mean to make you cry.
00:50:21No, no need to make me cry.
00:50:23It's hard for me to talk about my son.
00:50:25I miss him every day.
00:50:28I feel Bianca.
00:50:29I think she's a good person.
00:50:31But she just has no clue with addiction and what can go,
00:50:36and it's just one slip-up and they're gone.
00:50:41My middle child, which is really hard for me to talk about.
00:50:48He overdosed on fentanyl about two years ago.
00:50:52I'm very worried.
00:50:53If I lose another son, I might as well die.
00:50:55I mean, I don't, it's a terrible thing to go through.
00:50:59If they get together and she drinks and problems begin,
00:51:03hopefully Daniel will have the wisdom to exit out of that relationship.
00:51:09Well, I hope that doesn't happen.
00:51:11We hope that doesn't happen.
00:51:12I definitely don't want to bring it around to him.
00:51:14Important, yeah.
00:51:15And if I do drink, it'll be with, like, friends, you know?
00:51:20And I'm not gonna, like.
00:51:21Maybe not drink.
00:51:23I think it's important, I think that you're getting in a relationship
00:51:26with someone who's, like, struggled with it.
00:51:27I think it's important to definitely be accommodating to him, you know?
00:51:32I understand addiction.
00:51:33I really think I do.
00:51:35And I don't think it's a problem if I want to have a casual drink at dinner,
00:51:40a glass of wine with my meal.
00:51:42I don't think it's a problem and I don't think it'll trigger him.
00:51:45I want you guys to succeed.
00:51:47I want you to be happy.
00:51:48Yeah, I want you to succeed too, Bianca.
00:51:50I think you're cool.
00:51:51So then why did you convince Daniel not to marry me?
00:51:59I'm f****** aggravated as f***.
00:52:01I don't know where he is.
00:52:04My parents always told me, you don't chase no man.
00:52:07It's embarrassing.
00:52:16I'm not going to Buffalo.
00:52:18Leave me alone.
00:52:19Pack your s*** and get the f*** out.
00:52:28You can't put him out.
00:52:30Yes, I can.
00:52:31This is both of y'all's house.
00:52:32His name ain't on no lease.
00:52:34I could go and be with somebody else who can actually do something for me.
00:52:37Prior to dealing with drama.
00:52:39He out of jail, he can do whatever the f*** he wants.
00:52:41Girl, what is the problem?
00:52:44I just want to see my daughter and that's it.
00:52:47I haven't seen my daughter since she was seven months old and now she's seven.
00:52:52Zaria knows this is an important day for me,
00:52:54so to see my wife getting mad, going from zero to a hundred is definitely concerning.
00:52:59I'm dead serious.
00:53:00He wanted to see his daughter.
00:53:02I don't see what the problem is.
00:53:04He can see his daughter.
00:53:05Stop trying to make it seem like I'm trying to stop him from seeing his daughter.
00:53:08You don't have nothing to do with that, babe.
00:53:09What's the problem with that?
00:53:11Mom, stop.
00:53:12With me.
00:53:13Get the f*** out of my face.
00:53:14Babe, you don't have nothing.
00:53:15Get the f*** out of my face.
00:53:18I'm going to see if I can get her to calm down.
00:53:20I'm going to see if I can get her to calm down.
00:53:26Zaria, listen.
00:53:28Once this is done with, it's done.
00:53:29No, it's never going to be done.
00:53:31But y'all married.
00:53:32It don't matter.
00:53:33We could get a f***ing divorce.
00:53:35We got other stuff to do.
00:53:36We trying to get our family together.
00:53:38Y'all is not our family, only her daughter.
00:53:41Now let's not let this one f***ing day ruin everything for y'all life.
00:53:47I feel as though I keep having to compromise.
00:53:49I have to compromise on my feelings.
00:53:51I have to compromise on, you know, dealing with Karen.
00:53:54Dealing with his baby mother.
00:53:55Like, I am fed up.
00:53:57Don't let one day ruin it for y'all marriage.
00:53:59That's just, that's some f***ing bulls***.
00:54:04Where's he at?
00:54:08I don't want to talk.
00:54:11I'm going to keep walking.
00:54:25Where the f*** is this boy at?
00:54:28Zaria, he ain't downstairs.
00:54:30Let him do what he want to do.
00:54:32He grown.
00:54:33Y'all married.
00:54:34Y'all got to figure this one out.
00:54:37I'm not getting ready to trace Troy's ass around.
00:54:41Y'all going to buy me some damn gummies,
00:54:43because I'm sick of blowing my eye with y'all.
00:54:49Don't need nobody for nothing.
00:54:53Where the hell is he at?
00:55:13So what we going to do, just check the train?
00:55:15Yeah, let's just check the train station.
00:55:18My parents always told me, you don't chase no man,
00:55:21but I don't want people thinking that I'm the cause
00:55:24of him not going to go reunite with his daughter,
00:55:27because that would just play into everything
00:55:29that everybody is already thinking,
00:55:31and that's not the case.
00:55:34I can't believe this.
00:55:35Now you get to see, he really be f***ed up.
00:55:38He really is selfish.
00:55:40This a lot.
00:55:42He's embarrassing.
00:55:45All right, I'm about to go and see if he's in here.
00:55:46I'm going to sit right here.
00:55:50Yonah, you heard from Troy?
00:55:53Well, he missing, because he walked off.
00:56:16I don't want to be here.
00:56:17I've only been home for four days.
00:56:19I'm ankle monitor.
00:56:21I'm not doing nothing.
00:56:22So why aren't you telling Zaria that?
00:56:24I do tell her that.
00:56:26And what?
00:56:27And she just did all of that s*** at the f***ing house.
00:56:29I'm good.
00:56:30I don't got a clue on that s***.
00:56:31I'm not wrong in no type of way.
00:56:38Okay, bye.
00:56:40She said everything is just overwhelming.
00:56:42He trying to get to Buffalo.
00:56:43He can't just get out and do what he want to do.
00:56:45He just can't.
00:56:47Well, how does she know that?
00:56:48How Yonah know all his feelings?
00:56:50This is what I'm talking about.
00:56:51He be f***ing lying.
00:56:53And making it seem like he don't be talking to him.
00:56:56I don't know what's going on.
00:56:58I'm f***ing aggravated as f***.
00:57:00I'm just going to go back.
00:57:02So we got to just cancel the whole day?
00:57:04That's fine with me.
00:57:05He did that.
00:57:07I'm in her world.
00:57:08She's not in mine.
00:57:12I came out here to f*** you up.
00:57:14I don't have to f***ing go over here.
00:57:17Where is he?
00:57:19Honestly, I'm just going to lay down for a minute.
00:57:22Let me know if you need anything.
00:57:27That's what I'm saying.
00:57:28I'm caught off guard.
00:57:29My back was turned.
00:57:30He was gone.
00:57:32I'm ready to get the f*** up out of Syracuse.
00:57:35But I ain't going to leave until I hear something.
00:57:39There's arguing about you, I guess.
00:57:41They think I'm stupid.
00:57:42I can hear everything.
00:57:48I need to talk to her.
00:57:49Some boy been up in here.
00:57:52Him and her having an affair.
00:57:57Today you found out?
00:57:58She telling me now.
00:58:01She being messy as f***.
00:58:03Like I'm going to f*** this s*** out.
00:58:05I swear to God.
00:58:06I'm getting pissed the f*** off.
00:58:15You buried all that stuff.
00:58:16It's just going to boil up.
00:58:17It's going to come out in a way that you didn't even know.
00:58:21Excuse me, bro.
00:58:22Excuse me.
00:58:36Let's get inside.
00:58:37Let's get inside.
00:58:39Let's get inside.
00:58:40Let's get inside.
00:58:41Let's get inside.
00:58:42Let's get inside.
00:58:43Let's get inside.
00:58:45Let's get inside.
00:58:46Let's get inside.
00:58:47Let's get inside.
00:58:48Let's get inside.
00:58:49Let's get inside.
00:58:50Let's get inside.
00:58:51I never really did do nothing like this before.
00:58:54Like, my hands was moving really weird.
00:58:57And visions are like, shifting and stuff.
00:58:59Like, workers are looking like demons and stuff like that.
00:59:03Like, everybody look like demons.
00:59:05You know what I'm saying?
00:59:06Except for a few people.
00:59:09I'm so confused.
00:59:11And I'm like, man.
00:59:12And I'm like, man, what the f**k is really going on? Like, what the f**k?
00:59:17Lord, forgive me.
00:59:20So I'm thinking like, okay, well now it's time for you to go to hell for everything you did.
00:59:29What's up? You just walked out? Tell me. Talk to me.
00:59:39You don't wanna hurt me?
00:59:42I don't wanna say anything?
00:59:49I need something.
00:59:59I have no idea what's going on. At all.
01:00:03I love you, Mom.
01:00:07What's going on?
01:00:10I don't know.
01:00:13You're scaring me.
01:00:24You're not gonna hug me? You don't wanna hug me? You don't wanna hug me?
01:00:32You don't wanna hug me?
01:00:34It's honestly scaring the life out of me. Like, I don't know what's wrong with him right now.
01:00:44Look at me.
01:00:47Do you know who I am?
01:00:50Do you know who I am?
01:01:01Can't hear you.
01:01:04Can't hear you.
01:01:06What's wrong, baby?
01:01:10What's going on?
01:01:16I love you, baby.
01:01:18I love you, too.
01:01:20Are you having some kind of anxiety about being out?
01:01:26You know it's gonna be okay. You're gonna make it out here.
01:01:28You don't have nothing to worry about.
01:01:30Everything is gonna go just fine.
01:01:33And when it's not, we're gonna get you back.
01:01:40Yeah, I definitely got PTSD.
01:01:42I still be waking up thinking I'm in jail.
01:01:46In prison, I seen a person's soul leave his body, bro.
01:01:50You'll never understand what it look like to see another grown man die in front of you.
01:01:54You'll never know what it feel like for somebody reaching out for them to help.
01:01:58Reaching for your hand, please help me. They looking in your eyes.
01:02:01It kept me up for months.
01:02:03I've never seen nobody get killed in that way right there.
01:02:05Right in front of me. Right in front of the COs.
01:02:07It's just nothing that anybody should ever have to see.
01:02:11Y'all calm down a little bit. I'm gonna say it, mama.
01:02:13I'll see you later, mom.
01:02:17I love you.
01:02:21I wish I was never there.
01:02:23I wish I could erase all that ****.
01:02:26It's okay.
01:02:28It's okay.
01:02:30Just breathe.
01:02:32Take a deep breath.
01:02:36Take a deep breath.
01:02:38It's okay.
01:02:40It's okay.
01:02:42It's just me.
01:02:44It's just me.
01:02:48When Arthur first came home from prison this time around,
01:02:53I was super, super eager.
01:02:55Let's start our life together.
01:02:57Let's start our family.
01:02:59Let's go get married tomorrow.
01:03:01Who cares?
01:03:03Because I was under the impression that he was cool.
01:03:05He was fine.
01:03:07He plays it very well that nothing's bothering him.
01:03:09But after witnessing this breakdown,
01:03:11he's actually not okay inside.
01:03:17It's okay.
01:03:23What the ****?
01:03:25I love you.
01:03:51He's the world's worst liar.
01:03:53Come here.
01:03:55I don't want to tell Kimberly and her get upset.
01:03:57Do you want to have a wedding?
01:03:59I don't give a ****.
01:04:01I'm not with you.
01:04:03I guess this is the perfect time to tell you.
01:04:05I'm confused.
01:04:07He drops another bombshell on me.
01:04:09Don't miss an all-new Love After Lockup next Friday at 8,
01:04:11part of For Real Fridays on WE tv.
01:04:13Stream on All Black.
01:04:15If you or someone you know is in a new relationship with an inmate
01:04:17or dating multiple inmates,
01:04:19please email your story to
01:04:21loveafterlockupcasting at
