Whispers Of The Devil

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In this video Sheikh Abu Usamah At-Thahabi Talks about The Whispers Of The Devil and how the devil can interfere with you in your life and how you can avoid it!

If you’re looking for information on the whispers of the devil or as we call is waswasah, then this is the video for you! By the end of this video, you’ll understand what shaytaan can do and how you can avoid it.
00:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:04All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
00:07All praise is due to Him, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:11I bear witness that there is no god but Allah.
00:14There is no partner for Him.
00:17I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.
00:22Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
00:26As for the rest, the best words are the words of Allah and the best guidance is the guidance of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
00:37And the worst of things are their innovations.
00:41And every innovation is a creation.
00:44And every creation is a misguidance.
00:47And every misguidance is in the people.
00:56There is a lot of information that I want to get through.
01:00But I'm going to take this opportunity out to thank everybody who has something to do with me.
01:05Coming here, taking advantage of this opportunity to come to another masjid that has been converted from a place that used to make a shirk, to a place where the people are making the tawheed of Allah.
01:23And every time I find myself in places like this, my chest, my spirit, it is uplifted.
01:32So we want to thank all the brothers that have something to do with this opportunity.
01:38The Sheikh Suhaib, as well as my brother Shiraz, the administration here, and everybody.
01:46Those people who are the unsung heroes, even who are behind the scenes.
01:51That people don't know what they're doing, but Allah Azawajal knows.
01:56Today's lecture has been entitled, the whispers of the enemy, or something to that effect.
02:04The whispers, the wiswas of a shaitan.
02:08And in reality, when I was speaking to the brother and he wanted to give me an idea of the topic that he wanted presented to the community, it has to do with a lot of things that are going on.
02:23One of the signs of Yawm al-Qiyamah, according to what the Nabi says, is when he told the people,
02:37As Yawm al-Qiyamah gets closer and closer and closer, the intellect, the minds of the majority of the people are going to be taken away.
02:47And what prompted that statement was, he told the people, close to Yawm al-Qiyamah there will be haraj.
02:54They said, what is haraj, Ya Rasulullah?
02:56He said, indiscriminate killing.
02:59People will be killing one another.
03:01They said, why is that strange?
03:03As a community, Muslims, we're giving dawah, they said back then, and we kill so many non-Muslims during the course of the year.
03:11Because we're spreading Islam, they oppose the dawah.
03:15Not because Islam is spread by the sword, but we're calling Allah's creation, the Companions said, Allah be pleased with them, to Islam.
03:23And those people are opposing Islam, so we have battles, like the battle of Badr, like the battle of Ur, like the battle of Bani Mustafa, and on and on and on.
03:33They said, why is that strange?
03:35He said, I'm not talking about you Muslims killing non-Muslims.
03:40He said, I'm talking about Muslims killing one another.
03:44Where you will find a man who kills his father, he kills his cousin, he kills his neighbor.
03:55So the Companions upon hearing that, they said, Ya Rasulullah, during that time, will the people have their uqool, the intellect?
04:03He said, the hadith,
04:05Most of the people will live in during that time, their intellects will be taken away.
04:15So when we talk about the wiswas of a shaytan, there are many other issues that can be touched upon.
04:20In terms of the widespread of mental health challenges.
04:26Bipolar, schizophrenia, extreme bouts of depression, anxiety, wiswas, wiswas to the degree where a person is tied up and wrapped up like a pretzel.
04:42Stand in front of the wash basin for 30 minutes, 40 minutes, an hour, not sure whether or not they will do as being accepted and so forth and so on.
04:54Wallahi, I'm not here to put anybody down like that.
04:57Even this guy Kanye West, I think many of the young people have heard of his situation.
05:03I'm not one of those people who is quick to just dismiss him.
05:08And just say, he's crazy because he has bipolar.
05:12I don't think that's the way we should deal with people like that.
05:15To just dismiss someone and say, he's crazy.
05:19Because that's not how Islam deals with that.
05:22Islam takes in consideration that this stuff is real.
05:26And there are things that we can do to make it easier, to make it better.
05:30And there are even things we can do to take it away, to make the izalah of the mushkira.
05:35So in our audience, you'll be surprised to know that in front of you, to the right of you, left of you, behind you, there are people who suffer from all kinds of issues.
05:45And from them is the wiswas.
05:48And I thank Elijah because one of my family members used to have wiswas.
05:54So I know the problem from up close and personal.
05:57How you can watch the person make wudu and no matter what you say.
06:03No matter what you say.
06:05They don't think that they read surat al-fatiha correctly.
06:09They made a ghusl.
06:10No matter what you say.
06:12They feel that the water didn't hit a part of the body.
06:15No matter what you say.
06:18Every time he sees the letter D.
06:21Like D for drive.
06:23When he looks at the D, he believes that he has divorced his wife.
06:29So you ask him the question, what about this brother and that brother and that brother who has a car and he sees the letter D.
06:35Does it automatically mean that their wives are divorced as well?
06:38He said no, just mine.
06:44Big muskira.
06:45But we're going to put wiswas as an issue on the side.
06:49We want to deal with something else today.
06:51Something that is not from the issue of the challenges of people having mental health issues.
07:03But it's something that is really dangerous and critical in Islam.
07:06And it's something that many of us sleep on it and we don't take it seriously.
07:11And it is serious as you're going to see inshallah.
07:14And personally I believe it should be mentioned at least two, three times from the minbar.
07:19People should be reminded of it.
07:21Like the prophet also mentioned salallahu alayhi wasalam.
07:25Signs of yawm al qiyamah is that people will not mention the dangers of a dajjal from the minbar.
07:31People need to hear about the dajjal constantly.
07:36They need to hear about the dajjal.
07:38But when's the last time you heard a khutbah about the dajjal?
07:41If someone gave the khutbah about the dajjal once every month, twice every month, he would have done us a great service.
07:50By not mentioning the dajjal and reminding the community, it is a disservice.
07:56This issue is like that.
07:58And that is the issue of what we have in Islam concerning what is very harmful.
08:05That is called al-ein.
08:10The evil eye.
08:12The evil eye.
08:15Most of you I don't know.
08:17I know a sheikh, Suhaib.
08:20I know his brother, Abdus Samit.
08:22I know a few people here by name, by face.
08:25Most of you I don't know.
08:27Just come in here, sit in here.
08:29People can afflict me with the evil eye.
08:32And you can be afflicted with and by the evil eye.
08:39And you're a practicing person.
08:41And you're trying to do the right thing.
08:43So it's not an issue that people should remain ignorant about.
08:48And we should be like in every issue in the middle.
08:51Not too far to the right and not too far to the left.
08:55Too far to the right is the one who says, everything is the evil eye.
08:59No, brother, you didn't crash your car, for an example, because of the evil eye.
09:05You are not a good driver and you were speeding.
09:07You weren't paying attention to what you were doing.
09:09That's why you crashed your car.
09:10Everything is not an evil eye.
09:12Your headache, the fact that your nose is bleeding.
09:15That's not everything is not the evil eye.
09:18So we don't want to be of those people.
09:19Everything is the evil eye.
09:21So how do we want to be of the people?
09:23I don't believe in the evil eye.
09:26I don't believe in the evil eye because it's not in the Quran.
09:29No, that's a lie.
09:31The evil eye is in the Quran and it's in the Sunnah.
09:35From where it is in the book of Allah Azawajal is in the surah that we all have memorized.
09:41من شر حاسد إذا حسد
09:45I seek refuge in Allah from the evil of the hasid.
09:49The one who is envious while he's being envious or while she's being envious.
09:55That ayat of the Quran according to the great Mufassirin of the Quran.
10:00عطاء قتادة
10:03We're taught by Abdullah bin Abbas.
10:04May Allah be pleased with him.
10:06They said the meaning of this ayat.
10:08I seek refuge in Allah from the evil eye of the one who is envious.
10:15Listen to this hadith of the prophet as it relates to envy.
10:19He said,
10:21استعينوا على انجاح هوائجكم بالكتمان فإن من وراء كل نعمة محسود
10:31If you want to be successful in the thing that you're trying to do.
10:35You want to get married?
10:37You want to buy a house? You want to buy a car?
10:39You want to move?
10:41You're going to have a baby?
10:43He said if you want to be successful in what you are trying to do then remain quiet.
10:48And don't talk to people about it.
10:50Because every ni'mah that Allah gave you there's someone who is envious.
10:56Every ni'mah that Allah gave you there's someone envious.
11:01If you have a nice car someone has hasid.
11:04You can't walk around and say you can't do that.
11:07But you should know if you have a brand spanking new baby.
11:12There is someone who is hasid.
11:15And it could be your relative. It could be your neighbor.
11:18It could be someone who knows you. It could be someone who doesn't even know you.
11:25So that ayat is a delilah of the evil eye.
11:30Also from what the scholars use as a delilah from the tafsir of the Quran is
11:35the ayat in surah Yusuf.
11:38I don't have time to go through the whole story about Yusuf.
11:41But when the brothers of Yusuf came to Egypt
11:45and then Yusuf had them to put the cup of the Aziz
11:50and the saddle of the youngest brother Bingamin.
11:54The brother that's the shakit of Yusuf.
11:58And they found it. They said we're going to keep him here.
12:01You go back and you have to go and get your father whatever.
12:05When they went to Ya'qub and told him the story
12:08he didn't really believe the story.
12:10But they were about to come back and he wanted to give them some advice.
12:14And the ayat that mentions that is that he said
12:17قال يا بني لا تدخلوا من باب واحد وادخلوا من أبواب متفرقة
12:26وما أغني عنكم من الله من شيء
12:31Oh my sons, when you guys go to Egypt
12:37and you're about to enter into the gate of Egypt
12:41all of you should not go into the same door.
12:44But you should go in different doors in order to enter into Egypt.
12:49And I cannot help you concerning that which Allah has decreed for you.
12:55If Allah wants something other than khayr for you, I can't help you.
13:00But I'm giving you advice.
13:02Scholars said concerning the tafsir of this ayah.
13:05This ayah is about the evil eye.
13:09So Yusuf had 11 brothers.
13:11He saw the sun and the moon and 11 stars making sajdah to him.
13:16He had 11 brothers.
13:17He made number 12 from his 11 brothers.
13:21Abdullah bin Abbas said that Yusuf's brothers were very handsome just like Yusuf.
13:28صلى الله عليه وسلم وعليه
13:31And Yusuf brothers were not only handsome
13:34but they had physical body prowess.
13:36They were strong.
13:38So the man who was here who has 11 sons.
13:42He has 12, 13 sons.
13:44That's not normal for among sons.
13:46He has 7, 8, 9, 10 sons.
13:49All of them were strong.
13:51If he walked into this door right now
13:53all 10, all 11 of his sons came in.
13:55Everybody is going to look at him and say
13:57Wow, Mashallah that man has 11 sons, 13 sons.
14:01They all come into the masjid.
14:03There's a sense where people say
14:05Wow, it's the wow factor.
14:07If you add on to that, they're all muscular.
14:10They're all looking good.
14:12So the father didn't want them to go through the same door.
14:17They get that effect and the impact from the evil eye of the people.
14:22That's the second ayat of the book of Allah.
14:25The prophet said صلى الله عليه وسلم
14:27Anyone who comes to the masjid
14:29and he reads one ayat of the Quran
14:31or he learns the meaning of it
14:33or he reads two ayats
14:35or he learns the meaning of it
14:37or he reads three ayats
14:39or he learns the meaning of it
14:41that is better for him than having a red camel.
14:45So that's the barakah of coming to the masjid.
14:48Two ayat, they prove the evil eye.
14:52And then there's the third ayat.
14:54And this one is even clearer.
14:57Allah Ta'ala mentioned many examples of the response
15:00of the non-Muslims of Quraysh
15:02when the Rasul used to read the Quran.
15:05صلى الله عليه وسلم
15:07لا تسمروا لهذا القرآن
15:09وألغوا فيه لعلكم تغلبون
15:12When he used to read the Quran
15:14the non-Muslim Quraysh would say don't listen to him.
15:17Don't listen to him when he reads that Quran.
15:19And make a lot of noise to distract the people
15:22so that you can overpower him.
15:24That was one of their responses.
15:27Some of them used to put their fingers in their ears
15:30and get up and walk away huffing and puffing.
15:33But this ayat of the evil eye
15:35shows the proof of the evil eye.
15:38Allah Ta'ala is a firm believer that
15:41the soldier that is informed
15:43is more effective than the soldier who's not informed.
15:47When the general says to the soldiers
15:49hey, hey, just go over there and take that hill.
15:51Just go. He doesn't know why.
15:52We just go marching over there.
15:53We don't know why.
15:54But if he explained to us
15:56if we take that hill
15:58then we'll be in a strategic position.
16:00We'll be more effective knowing what we're doing.
16:04So I'm mentioning this to you
16:06not for any hocus pocus
16:07make you scared.
16:09But to say as he said in the Quran
16:11وَخُلِقَ الْإِنسَانُ ضَعِيفًا
16:14Mankind has been created weak.
16:17All of us are weak.
16:20Mankind has been created weak.
16:24So why have arrogance?
16:27Your job, your money, your tribe, your personality.
16:31Why have arrogance?
16:33Submit and be humble
16:35and then take precautions
16:37to protect yourself from the evil eye.
16:39Because wallahi billahi tallahi
16:41this majlis right now of good people
16:45we could give evil eye to one another.
16:48Intentionally or unintentionally.
16:51It can happen
16:53without anybody being able to do anything about it.
16:58But we're going to inshallah
16:59mention some things that we can do
17:01to put us in a better position
17:02to push it off of us.
17:04So that's the first issue we want to make.
17:07Now the strange thing that I find
17:09especially 2022
17:11and as a father, as a person who's given dawah
17:14you fathers, you mothers
17:16we have a great responsibility
17:18concerning our children.
17:20Our children are growing up
17:21not knowing that they have to take care
17:23of the Islamic identity.
17:25The Muslim, he eats with a certain hand
17:27he drinks with a certain hand
17:28he looks a certain way.
17:30As soon as you see him
17:31you know there's a Muslim
17:33from his name
17:34from what he's doing
17:35and how he's doing it.
17:36You come for the very first time
17:38you know this man is a Muslim
17:40you never met him before.
17:42You know she's a Muslim.
17:45So the Islamic identity
17:47we have a religious responsibility
17:49to protect it, to maintain it.
17:51We have young people growing up
17:53and they don't even know
17:56if a non-Muslim dies
17:58you can't make dawah for that non-Muslim
18:01no matter who they are.
18:03You can't make sajdah for the non-Muslim
18:05no matter who they are.
18:07We don't even know
18:08basic simple things.
18:09I'm not saying that
18:10to be condescending
18:12to be one of those people who
18:13everything is negative
18:14the water is
18:16the cup is half full
18:17I'm not one of those people
18:18I'm a positive person.
18:21we have to state it as it is
18:23and let the chips fall the way they may.
18:25There's a person
18:26from our Ummah
18:28who doesn't believe in the evil eye.
18:31He says using his intellect
18:33علم الكلام in his intellect
18:36How? Why?
18:38Abu Bakr and Uthman and Ali
18:41may Allah be pleased
18:42they didn't ask those questions.
18:44When Allah عز و جل revealed
18:46ayat Ar-Rahman
18:47وعلى العرش الستوى
18:49Abu Bakr and Uthman said
18:50How? Why?
18:51They never said that.
18:53When the Prophet told them
18:54صلى الله عليه وسلم
18:56in an authentic hadith
18:57العين الحق
18:59The evil eye is true.
19:02Not a single companion said
19:03How? Why? What?
19:04They didn't say that.
19:06So he doesn't believe that
19:08an innocent baby
19:10baby didn't do anything
19:11He doesn't believe the baby
19:12could get evil eye.
19:13It's not fair.
19:14How? Why?
19:15I don't believe in the qadr.
19:18The Prophet told us
19:19صلى الله عليه وسلم
19:21that a shaitan
19:22when every child is born
19:24the shaitan comes
19:25and pokes him in his side.
19:27Except two human beings.
19:29Only two.
19:30And Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم
19:32was not one of them.
19:34I'm gonna ask very quickly
19:36Who's the first person
19:37that the shaitan
19:39doesn't poke in the side?
19:40Who's the first person, brother?
19:44Not you, not you.
19:45My man right there with the glasses.
19:49Who's the first person?
19:54Adam never came out of the womb.
19:56He never was born.
19:57Allah created with his two right hands.
20:02Who's the first person, my man?
20:04You're not sure?
20:07Yeah, he's speaking out of turn, man.
20:10It's alright.
20:11Isa was the first person.
20:12Good job.
20:13The second person?
20:16Isa is the first one?
20:18The second person, Sheikh?
20:21My man right there.
20:22Second person, who is it?
20:25Alright, pay attention.
20:26We're learning our religion.
20:27The first person is Isa.
20:29This distinguished gentleman
20:31sitting right here
20:32with the glasses and everything.
20:34The white looking brother.
20:35Not Caucasian white.
20:36But light skin, you know.
20:37Who's the second person?
20:41Come on, man.
20:42This ship is sinking like the Titanic.
20:45Like the Titanic.
20:47Who's going to save the boat?
20:48This brother right here, right here, right here.
20:53As I'm looking to choose people,
20:55people are getting smaller.
20:57I can see you.
20:58That's going to make me choose you.
21:01Last person, last person.
21:03Little man, who's the second person?
21:06The two people?
21:07Isa and his mother.
21:10Isa and his mother.
21:12Everybody else,
21:13Shaytan came to him
21:14and stuck him in his side.
21:16And then the baby screamed out.
21:18Why would Isa,
21:19why would Shaytan stick him in his side?
21:22He's innocent.
21:23He's bari.
21:24He's miskeen.
21:25It's Iblis' way of saying,
21:27I'm waging war against you.
21:30And I'm going to destroy you.
21:33And I'm going to make your life jammed up.
21:36And the end game for you,
21:37if I can help it is,
21:38the knot of Jahannam.
21:40And I'm going to let you know that from day one.
21:44That's what the Nabi said.
21:46Well, you're going to reject that too?
21:47The Rasulullah told us that.
21:49Sallallahu alaihi wasallam.
21:52So what's this thing about your intellect?
21:54Another thing is,
21:56Ibrahim, Allah Azza wa Jal,
21:59caused the fire to become cool
22:02for Ibrahim.
22:04He said to the fire,
22:06be cool for Ibrahim.
22:08Become easy.
22:10Can you imagine?
22:11The fire is burning.
22:12Ibrahim is in the middle of the fire.
22:14I don't know if he was sitting down,
22:15standing up,
22:16but he was just cooling out.
22:19And the fire,
22:20the person believes that.
22:23He believes that.
22:25But he doesn't believe in the evil eye.
22:27Although the Prophet would take his two grandsons,
22:30Sallallahu alaihi wasallam,
22:33Hassan, Hussein,
22:34and every parent should do this.
22:36And he would say to Hassan, Hussein,
22:39I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allah,
22:53for you too,
22:55from being harmed by any evil rodent
22:58that's dangerous or poisonous,
23:00and from being harmed by the evil eye.
23:03He said,
23:04Ibrahim used to do that for Ismail
23:09and for Yaqub.
23:10Ismail and Ishaq.
23:14How do you believe Ibrahim was in the fire,
23:16but you don't believe this hadith about the evil eye?
23:21How you don't believe?
23:23How you don't believe in the evil eye,
23:25you see it as being khurafat,
23:27when you believe in Al-Isra, Al-Mi'raj.
23:31What kind of religion is that?
23:33The Rasul said,
23:35Al-'In Haq.
23:37The evil eye is true.
23:39So, let me elaborate on that for you brothers,
23:42very quickly, Inshallah.
23:44Authentic hadith and incident,
23:47you have to be aware of.
23:49The Prophet, Sallallahu alaihi wasallam,
23:51was traveling with his companions,
23:53on their way to Mecca.
23:55While they were going on the road to Mecca,
23:58one of the companions,
23:59his name is Sahl ibn Hunayf.
24:02He was in some water,
24:04taking and making a ghusl in some water.
24:08And his son was there,
24:10and another companion came.
24:13And that other companion,
24:15his name is Amir ibn Rabi'ah.
24:18When he looked at the man,
24:20and he saw his skin tone and complexion,
24:25it was very white.
24:27It didn't look like it belonged to a man.
24:30It should belong to a man.
24:32And that's because the son of Rabi'ah.
24:35If you're out in the sun,
24:37you know, like the people here.
24:39We have eczema.
24:41We have people who have,
24:42you know, those bumps,
24:44from razor bumps.
24:46People who, as you get older,
24:48if you don't put lotion on,
24:50you know, your skin is going to get jammed up
24:52because of the environment.
24:53But this man's skin looked like
24:57a virgin girl who didn't come outside.
25:00That's what he said.
25:02So when Amir walked by,
25:04he said,
25:07I have never seen skin
25:10like that man's skin.
25:13And upon saying that,
25:15the man fell in the water,
25:17started drowning.
25:20The people rushed to his aid and assistance,
25:23pulled him out of the water,
25:24and he couldn't keep his head up.
25:26He lost consciousness.
25:28He was out for the count.
25:30And they didn't know what was going on.
25:33They hurried him to the Nabi,
25:35Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
25:37The son said,
25:38Ya Rasulullah,
25:39this happened to my father.
25:41His name is Abu Umama.
25:43My father,
25:44he can't keep his head up.
25:46Something has happened.
25:47Can you help him?
25:48The prophet said,
25:49What happened?
25:51What happened is a proof
25:53Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
25:55is not Hazir Nazir.
25:58He does not know the ilm al-ghayb.
26:01Anytime you see a hadith where he says,
26:04Whose camel is this?
26:06Ismail, Ya Rasulullah,
26:08this camel is complaining that
26:10you overwork it and you don't feed it.
26:12A dalil, he's not Hazir Nazir.
26:15And he doesn't know the ilm al-ghayb.
26:18If people come,
26:19he will say,
26:20Who are you people?
26:22We're from this tribe.
26:24It's a dalil.
26:25He's not Hazir Nazir.
26:27That is the religion that's not going to help us
26:30in the dunya or the akhira.
26:32That's the religion
26:33that's going to keep us backwards and confused
26:36and keep us out of Allah's divine assistance.
26:41What happened to him?
26:42He said, Ya Rasulullah,
26:44your companion, Amir ibn Rabi'ah,
26:48he came by and he said such and such,
26:51and then he just fell down
26:52and this is what happened.
26:54The companion said that the nabi
26:56looked at the companion.
26:57He looked at Amir
26:58and he looked at the companion.
27:00They said,
27:01We never saw him as angry as he was on this day.
27:04Why was he angry?
27:06Because in Islam it's not permissible
27:08for you to hurt me and for me to hurt you.
27:11You can't hurt me and I can't hurt you.
27:13And when we meet each other,
27:14we say, As-salamu alaykum.
27:16That's our way of saying,
27:17Hey, hey, I'm not going to hurt you.
27:20I will make gheeb of you.
27:21I will make namim of you.
27:22I will have soot and thun about you
27:24and on and on and on.
27:26If you marry me to your daughter,
27:27I'm going to take care of the amanah.
27:29I marry you to my sister,
27:30you take care of the amanah.
27:31I sell you something,
27:32I'm going to be honest
27:33and on and on and on.
27:34That's what it means.
27:36So anytime that was compromised,
27:38he would get upset.
27:40And you know he was a gentle man.
27:42Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
27:44Why didn't he get mad and upset like that?
27:47When the Bedouin urinated in the masjid.
27:50In the masjid in Medina.
27:52Exposed his aurah.
27:55Showed his nakedness in public
27:58and urinated.
28:00And he told the people,
28:01Leave him.
28:03Gentle, easy.
28:05The young boy came and said,
28:07Ya Rasulullah,
28:08in front of all of the community,
28:10Ya Rasulullah,
28:11give me permission to make zina.
28:14Because he was young,
28:15struggling with his desires.
28:16He wasn't trying to be a criminal.
28:18He did it in public.
28:20He knows Rasulullah understand his plight.
28:22Give me permission.
28:24And the people got upset.
28:25He said,
28:26Hey, take it easy.
28:28Come here young man.
28:30Do you want people to do that to your mother,
28:31to your sister,
28:32to your aunties?
28:33He said,
28:34Audhu billah.
28:35He said,
28:36I want you to do with their family.
28:37And then he took the boy
28:38and he made dua for the boy.
28:39And Allah took that shahwa out of the boy.
28:42Why was he gentle with those people?
28:44But with this guy,
28:45he was upset with this companion.
28:48Audhu billah.
28:51listen to what he said.
28:53And what he said to him,
28:54he's saying to you,
28:59and me and everybody else.
29:00He looked at the people and he said,
29:02Why does one of you kill your brother?
29:11Why does one of you kill your brother?
29:14And then he told him,
29:25If any of you see something within your own self,
29:30if you see something within your own money,
29:32your car, your house, your furniture,
29:34your refrigerator,
29:35if any one of you see something with your brother
29:38that he has,
29:39then make dua with barakah for him.
29:44Don't say,
29:47Good job.
29:49You're the man.
29:50You did the job.
29:51Don't say that.
29:58They had a baby.
29:59Don't say,
30:03You see the baby for the first time?
30:05The baby has beautiful hair, nice eyes.
30:07You say,
30:09He said,
30:10Don't do that.
30:14Why would any of you kill your brother?
30:18You're the reason that your brother was killed.
30:22So that goes to show that the evil eye is a murderer.
30:27It will kill.
30:29In an authentic hadith, he mentioned,
30:41Verily, the evil eye can cause a man to enter into his grave.
30:46And it can cause the camel to enter into the pot,
30:51the cooking pot.
30:52Because someone sees a strong camel or something like that,
30:55and he doesn't praise Allah with barakah.
30:59As a result of that,
31:00the animal falls down and it dies.
31:02And then the people have to eat him after that.
31:06So the evil eye will kill.
31:09Now a few things I want to share very quickly,
31:12and a lot has to be said and could be said and should be said.
31:15This is important.
31:19Two people,
31:21shaitan did not touch them.
31:24Isa bin Maryam, his mother.
31:26You know, it's something new for some of you.
31:29Concerning this hadith of the man,
31:35Listen to this.
31:36This incident goes to show that the evil eye can be given by one who is religious,
31:44or the one who is irreligious.
31:47It could be the one in the first row on the right side of the first row.
31:51It can come from the imam,
31:53from the hafiz sahib.
31:55It can come from the one who wears jilbab and niqab,
31:58got a beard,
31:59stole a shirt.
32:01Because that companion,
32:02that companion,
32:04is from the companions.
32:06The evil eye can come from someone intentionally or unintentionally.
32:12He didn't mean it.
32:14He didn't try to hurt you.
32:16That wasn't his intent.
32:19And the shaitan,
32:21from the ins and the jinn,
32:23who sit and they want to hurt us.
32:26May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala protect us from the evil.
32:28See, I mean.
32:30But it can be from someone who it was unintentional.
32:33He didn't mean that.
32:37That hadith shows the evil eye can come from your relative and from a non-relative.
32:43It can come from the person who loves you
32:46and the person who is your enemy.
32:48The evil eye can come from someone sitting in this room
32:52and it can come from someone on the other side of the world.
32:56On the other side of the world.
32:59It could be in Mirpur.
33:01It could be in Mogadishu.
33:03Right now.
33:04Brooklyn, New York.
33:06Abu Usama is going to take a picture of my little baby
33:09and I take a picture and I put that picture on social media.
33:14I put that picture on TikTok.
33:17I put that picture trying to get these views
33:20and people looking at my stuff.
33:22My wedding, my breakfast, my dinner.
33:24This and that.
33:25I take a picture of that.
33:26People who don't even know me
33:29can give me the evil eye on the other side of the world.
33:33The evil eye can be done by a jinn
33:36that you can't even see
33:38or by a human being.
33:39Pay attention to this.
33:41The Prophet told the people, salallahu alayhi wa sallam,
33:44اقتلوا ذا طفيتين والابطر.
33:49If you ever see the two snakes,
33:51الطفيتين and الابطر,
33:54kill it upon sight.
33:57What are those two snakes?
33:59There's the snake that has two lines down his back.
34:02If you see it, kill it.
34:04And the other one is the snake that has a short tail,
34:07the ابطر.
34:09He said, what's the reason why?
34:10What's the ilah?
34:11What's the hikmah?
34:12He said, because these two snakes
34:14will cause a woman to lose her baby.
34:19There are people who this hadith is authentic,
34:23but Europeans don't believe in it,
34:25so he won't believe in it.
34:26White people don't believe in it,
34:27so he don't believe in it.
34:28George Bush, Obama,
34:30they don't believe in it,
34:31so he doesn't believe in it.
34:32Well, there are people who believe in the Prophets and the Messengers.
34:36And they told us a lot of things that
34:38the normal person who is a kafir can't get his head around
34:42many things in our religion.
34:44So we're going to reject it
34:45because they can't get with the program.
34:47And that's why he is Abu Bakr as-Siddiq.
34:51Because when the kuffar came to him
34:53to try to make him scared of his religion,
34:55they tried to blow on him.
34:59يريدون يطفيه نور الله بأفواه
35:03They want to blow.
35:06Some people, when they get that blow,
35:08you can't wear hijab here.
35:10She said, OK, you can't go to Juma.
35:12OK, you can't pray.
35:13He said, OK.
35:14Many people are like that.
35:19They tried to do that to Abu Bakr.
35:20Hey, Abu Bakr,
35:21did you hear that your man, Muhammad,
35:24last night said that he went to the seven heavens
35:27and he came back
35:28and he went to Baitul Muqtis in one night?
35:30Abu Bakr said, I didn't hear that.
35:32I didn't hear him say that.
35:34But if he said that,
35:35I believe him.
35:36Because I believe something greater than that.
35:39Al-Isra wal-Mi'raj is a big miracle.
35:41It's big.
35:42But I believe something greater than that as a miracle.
35:45He said, I believe him when he says
35:47he gets revelation from the sky.
35:49The Quran is a bigger marjaza
35:51than al-Isra wal-Mi'raj.
35:54It's a bigger miracle.
35:56When the prophet heard of that muqtis,
35:58that position,
35:59he called him as-Siddiq,
36:02the one who really believes.
36:05Not wishy-washy.
36:07When the winds of adversity come,
36:09we want to throw in the towel.
36:11She accepted Islam.
36:12She's a revert.
36:13She gets married to a brother
36:14who was not a good example of a Muslim.
36:16So she apostates because of him.
36:18Or vice versa.
36:24There is a snake
36:26that can kill the baby.
36:29So he told the people, kill it.
36:31Upon sight.
36:34He says, salallahu alayhi wa sallam,
36:37as it relates to this issue of the jinn
36:39and it's important, guys.
36:41He says,
36:54Pay attention to this.
36:55Rasulullah, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, said,
36:59the partition, the hijab,
37:01the partition that exists
37:03between the eyes of the jinn
37:06that we can't see
37:09and the aura of Bani Adam
37:13is if any of you goes
37:15and you want to go to the toilet,
37:16to the bathroom,
37:17you exclude yourself
37:18when you take your clothes off,
37:20if you say, bismillah,
37:23the jinn can't see your stuff.
37:26He can't see your stuff.
37:28But as a father,
37:29Abu Usama Zahabi,
37:31I have to be on top of my children
37:33with these adhkar.
37:35I've been a Muslim since 1986.
37:37I don't know the dua of going to sleep yet.
37:41As a Muslim, since 1986,
37:44I don't know the dua
37:45to protect myself from the hain.
37:48My children,
37:49whenever they want to eat,
37:50they're so hungry,
37:51they just start going in.
37:53No, guys, you have to say, bismillah.
37:55But if you forget, say, bismillah,
37:59So the child is always saying, bismillah.
38:03Because as soon as the grub comes,
38:05he jumps in and you got to remind him.
38:08No, you have to make it your business
38:10and your job
38:11to learn these duas for protection
38:14and to pass down to your children
38:16the heritage that your parents passed to you.
38:19What heritage?
38:21You guys were born and raised on Islam
38:23and your parents gave you Muslim names like
38:26Suhail, Suhaib, Abdus Samad, Bilal, Muhammad, Ahmed,
38:31and so forth and so on.
38:32That's from the heritage that your parents...
38:34Maybe they couldn't read and write, some of them.
38:36Maybe they didn't practice Islam very well,
38:38some of them,
38:39but they gifted you Al-Islam.
38:43You have to do better than that.
38:45And part of doing better than them
38:47is spending time and making jihad.
38:50And I don't bite my tongue for anyone.
38:52I'm not hesitant to use that word jihad
38:54in this masjid.
38:55You have to make jihad against yourself,
38:58against ignorance.
39:00You don't have to memorize all the Quran.
39:02You don't have to pray qiyam al-layl all the time.
39:04If you do that, alhamdulillah.
39:06But you have to do enough to push off of yourself
39:09not knowing.
39:10Protect your kids.
39:12So, as it relates to the issue of the evil eye,
39:17evil eye can hit somebody
39:19and the individual doesn't even know who it is.
39:23It can be fiend or foe.
39:24It can be a shaytan.
39:27وَكَذَٰلِكَ جَعَلْنَا لِكُلِّ نَبِيٍّ عَدُوًّا شِيَاطِينَ الْإِنسِ وَالْجِنِّ يُوحِي بَعْضُهُمْ لَبَعْضٍ
39:37زُخْرَ فِي الْقَوْلِ غُرُورًا
39:39Allah said,
39:40For every nabi who came,
39:42every nabi.
39:43We made an enemy for that nabi,
39:45an enemy from the jinn,
39:47an enemy from the human beings.
39:49And those jinn and those human beings,
39:51they inspire one another with words
39:54in order to hurt that nabi.
39:57What do you think the situation is with you and me?
40:01What do you think that situation is
40:03going to be with you and me?
40:05Enemies from the jinn and from the human beings.
40:08So we have to learn these issues.
40:12As it relates to the issue of the evil eye,
40:15the evil eye comes from
40:21The evil eye also comes from
40:24being impressed with something.
40:26And that's normal and natural.
40:28Someone pulls up in front of this masjid
40:31with a 223 Bentley.
40:34And we look at it,
40:35we're going to say,
40:36wow, look at that.
40:37It's natural, it's normal.
40:39It's normal.
40:40And there's no evil intent connected to it.
40:45Evil eye also comes from jealousy.
40:50People were jealous.
40:52And as we mentioned,
40:54for every single nama that you have,
40:56something as simple as
40:58you got an extension to your kitchen,
41:00there are people envious.
41:01Your child graduated,
41:03there are people envious.
41:05And they can be from your cousins,
41:07your aunties, your sisters, your brothers.
41:09People were close to you,
41:11plotting and planning.
41:13May Allah protect us from the evil of the evildoers.
41:15See what I mean?
41:17So what can we do?
41:18What can we do?
41:19There are quite a few things that we can do.
41:21Like the Prophet mentioned,
41:22صلى الله عليه وسلم.
41:24And he mentioned these hadith in different ways.
41:26If any of you sees from his brother,
41:29from himself,
41:30from his brother,
41:31from his money,
41:32that which pleases him,
41:33then make dua for barakah.
41:35You know,
41:36there's an ayat in the Quran,
41:38in Surah Al-Kahf,
41:41where the two men were arguing with each other.
41:44And one of them said,
41:45وَلَوْ إِذْ دِخَلْتَ جَنَّتَكَ كُلْتَ مَاشَاءَ اللَّهِ
41:51لَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِاللَّهِ
41:54Had you only,
41:55when you entered into your Jannah,
41:57because the man was saying,
41:58I got more kids than you,
41:59I have more money than you,
42:00my house is better than yours,
42:02I'm from this side of the dam,
42:03you're from the other side of the dam,
42:05I'm from this tribe,
42:06you're from that tribe,
42:07I'm this color,
42:08you're that color.
42:10So Allah destroyed all of what he had.
42:13So the one who he was arguing with said,
42:15Had you only got into your Jannah,
42:17and you were,
42:18your garden,
42:19and you were humble,
42:20and you said,
42:21مَاشَاءَ اللَّهِ
42:23لَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِاللَّهِ
42:26This is important.
42:28The man's Jannah.
42:30If he would have said about his own garden,
42:32what he had,
42:33had he said,
42:34مَاشَاءَ اللَّهِ
42:38So when you see that Allah has blessed you with something,
42:42you got married,
42:43your child,
42:44you should say,
42:45مَاشَاءَ اللَّهِ
42:47You should say,
42:48مَاشَاءَ اللَّهِ
42:49because the ayat is showing you,
42:51it's his property.
42:53But the hadith said,
42:54if any of you see something from your brother,
42:57then you should make dua for barakah.
43:00If you see something from yourself and your money,
43:03you make dua for barakah.
43:05So for yourself,
43:06you say,
43:07بَارَكَ اللَّهِ فِيهَا
43:09بَارَكَ اللَّهِ
43:10whatever it is,
43:11and مَاشَاءَ اللَّهِ for yourself.
43:12But for your brother,
43:13if you say,
43:14مَاشَاءَ اللَّهِ عَلَيْهِ
43:16مَاشَاءَ اللَّهِ
43:17you could say that.
43:18But it's better to stick to what the Prophet said.
43:20صلى الله عليه وسلم
43:21Now listen guys,
43:22this is serious.
43:25During the weddings,
43:27when we go to these weddings,
43:29everybody is wearing their nice clothes.
43:32Everybody is smelling nice.
43:34So someone invites us to the wedding
43:36and I don't know about this city,
43:38this place,
43:39but in the wedding,
43:40there is the place where it's very expensive.
43:43It's high end.
43:45The bride and the groom,
43:46they rent it.
43:48All these nice cars,
43:49Rolls Royce,
43:5010, 15 of them.
43:52The food,
43:54sometimes the bride and the groom,
43:56young brother,
43:57young sister,
43:58they walking down,
43:59people throwing rice on them.
44:00They're saying,
44:01here comes the bride,
44:02here comes the bride.
44:03That's not our religion.
44:04Throwing rice,
44:06here comes the bride,
44:07here comes the bride.
44:08That stuff is Europe.
44:10That's not Islam.
44:11So the person goes to the wedding
44:13and he says,
44:14man, that food was good.
44:16Yo, did you see those cars?
44:19Oh man, the place was nice.
44:22And without even meaning it,
44:24you've given the people the evil eye.
44:27They're gonna get divorced.
44:29They're not gonna get along.
44:32So what was the Sunnah of the Nabi
44:36Anytime people got married
44:37and he wanted to make a dua for them,
44:40to newly married people,
44:41he would say to them,
44:43بارك الله عليكما
44:45و بارك الله فيكما
44:48و جمع الله بينكما في خير
44:51Hey, you young brother,
44:52you young sister,
44:53may Allah's barakah be on top of you,
44:57be inside of you.
44:58May Allah bring you together in good.
45:01Bring you together.
45:02Why would he make dua for barakah
45:05on a day like that?
45:07Because people are there
45:09being amazed at it.
45:11And there's some people were there,
45:13he's divorced.
45:14So he's hating on a program.
45:16She's divorced, hating on a program.
45:21So that's a dua we should learn.
45:23And as a person who's getting married,
45:25you give those cards and stuff
45:26to let people know,
45:27maybe you should put that on your card
45:29to remind people.
45:31So that people unintentionally
45:33don't come to the wedding
45:34and say, whoa, did you see her dress?
45:38Or man, did you see those shoes he had
45:40that was curling around like that?
45:42You know those shoes I'm talking about?
45:44Some of you know those shoes
45:46I'm talking about.
45:47What are those shoes called?
45:52You know the Qusay shoes.
45:54Yo, did you see them shoes?
45:55They were sharp.
45:57You have to say,
45:59Barakallah on his Qusay.
46:02So that he doesn't get the Ayn.
46:05From what we can do concerning the Ayn is,
46:09read the Mu'awwatha team.
46:12Those two surahs that I don't believe
46:15there's a single Muslim in this masjid
46:17who hasn't memorized them.
46:19Qul a'udhu bi rabbil falaq
46:21and qul a'udhu bi rabbil nas.
46:25Everybody memorized those surahs.
46:28But how many times do we read those surahs in a day?
46:31Because Rasulullah equipped us
46:34to read those surahs constantly
46:36after every prayer,
46:38at night time before going to sleep.
46:40But some of us barely use them.
46:43The evil eye is serious, brothers.
46:46The evil eye is serious.
46:48From what can be done,
46:50and we're going to stop inshallah in a few minutes,
46:52is as we mentioned to make Al-Isti'adha.
46:56Al-Isti'adha is when you generally say,
46:58A'udhu billah.
47:01when you seek protection from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
47:05U'idhu kuma bi kalimata Allah.
47:07He learns that du'a,
47:08to say it on his baby girl,
47:09say it on his children,
47:10say it on himself.
47:12Oh Allah, inni a'udhu bikam yana al-Ayn.
47:15Oh Allah, I seek refuge with you.
47:16Please protect me from the evil eye.
47:19So the different Isti'adhas that come to us
47:22from the authentic sunnah of the Prophet,
47:24like we mentioned some today,
47:26Sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sallam.
47:29Another very important one,
47:31man qara'a akhira ayatain
47:35min surat al-baqara fil laylatan kafatahu.
47:39Listen to this hadith.
47:41Anyone who reads the last two ayat
47:44from surat al-baqara,
47:46those two ayat will be enough for you.
47:50So Maghrib comes in,
47:52you read those last two ayat.
47:54Who doesn't have time for that?
47:56Whoever reads those last two ayat,
47:59aamana ar-rasoolu bimaa unzila ilayhim rabbihi wal mu'minoon.
48:04You read those last two ayats,
48:06they are enough for you.
48:11How simple and how easy.
48:13Our religion is a religion
48:15where things are made easy.
48:17Allah wants ease for you people.
48:24He doesn't want to make things difficult for you people.
48:28And I have to take time out to say this very quickly
48:31to the rough and tough brothers and sisters,
48:33the mutashaddidin,
48:35the judgmental people,
48:36the nasty people,
48:38the nasty people,
48:40the ones who look down on everybody.
48:42It's always nasty.
48:44I'm on the sunnah, you're not.
48:46Or I'm practicing, amen.
48:48Back up and miss us with that stuff.
48:51We are living in a time right now,
48:53ma min aamin illa wal ladhi ba'duhu sharrun minhu hatta talqaw rabbukum.
48:57That's what the Nabi said.
48:59Every year, every year gets worse and worse.
49:01There's no year except the one that come after is worse than the previous one.
49:05So the one who was a youngster in 2022
49:08is not like the one who was a youngster in 1975.
49:14It's not the same,
49:16what I had to deal with and what these shabab are dealing with.
49:19No, I'm not saying we're happy with everything that our shabab are doing
49:23or not doing.
49:24But it's a tough time to be a youngster right now.
49:27It's a tough time to be unmarried right now.
49:30It's a tough time to practice Islam right now
49:33in terms of the environment and so forth.
49:35So let's have a little bit more rahmah and understanding on people.
49:38Because the things that I'm saying,
49:40we should do this for the evil eye.
49:42Do that.
49:43Don't do this for the evil eye.
49:44These things many people are not doing.
49:47The one who is judgmental and looking down,
49:50he's not doing it.
49:52But he wants to come out to us and judge us like that.
49:55We say to him,
49:56No, brother, take it easy, man.
49:58Take it easy.
50:00And don't have ghurur like that.
50:02Don't be mu'ajib with yourself.
50:04Three things will destroy you.
50:06And one of them is,
50:07ijabul marbi nafsi,
50:09you being super and overly impressed with yourself.
50:11That's what we want to mention.
50:13From the du'as with the Prophet used to say,
50:16Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
50:18Bismillah alladhi la yudurru ma'asmihi shay'un fil ardi wa la fis sama'
50:24wa huwa as-sameer al-aleem.
50:27He used to say that.
50:28When he came and he sat down at any place,
50:30any time he came and he sat down.
50:32A new majlis, this masjid,
50:34he came and sat down.
50:35He used to say that du'a.
50:37Bismillah alladhi la yudurru ma'asmihi shay'un fil ardi wa la fis sama'
50:43wa huwa as-sameer al-aleem.
50:45He said, anyone who says that,
50:47nothing will bother him and nothing will harm him.
50:51Till he gets up, he leaves that place.
50:53So in concluding,
50:55brothers, sisters, you sisters, you mothers,
50:58women are really involved with how pretty,
51:00how they look, their hair and this and that.
51:02And that's all fine and dandy.
51:04But be careful.
51:06Help your husbands.
51:08Teach your children.
51:10Make du'a, make isti'adah for the kids.
51:12Remind them.
51:13Take the little babies.
51:14Make the du'a that Ibrahim made upon his sons
51:17and then Ibrahim made upon his grandchildren.
51:20And everybody, you have a responsibility.
51:22Be of the people of the dhakirin Allah wa dhakirat.
51:26Dhakirin Allah kathir wa dhakirat.
51:29Those men and women who remember Allah a lot.
51:32And remember to make du'a for people
51:35and the things that they have.
51:37In concluding, we want to remind you, brothers,
51:39in Pakistan, you know, what they're going through in Pakistan.
51:42Brothers, come up with a project here.
51:45Trying, inshallah, to build some wells in Pakistan.
51:49We just want to remind you, brothers,
51:50of the importance of getting behind that initiative
51:53with whatever Allah has blessed you with
51:55and given you to help those people.
52:00Subhanaka Allahuma wa bihamdika.
52:02Ashadu an la ilaha illa ant.
52:05Astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk.
52:07Wassalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
