Syed Hujver Conference - 23 August 2024 - Part 2 - ARY Qtv

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Syed Hujver RA Conference

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00:30Thank you very much, Respected Dr. Zia-ul-Haq, for your valuable words and thoughts.
00:47Certainly, each and every word he said, each and every suggestion made by him, the summary of the message of Pakistan, and in the form of the message of Pakistan, which is a document of peace, you were all listening to its reflection in his speech.
01:11And certainly, this region of the subcontinent, in which the continuation of Islam is taking place, today I have reached you.
01:28So, believe me, place this matter firmly in your heart and mind.
01:35Today, when you and I call out, La ilaha illallah Muhammadur Rasulullah, when we express our faith, when we recite the Kalima-e-Shahadat,
01:57when we express and declare that we are the Ummah of the Prophet, when we worship Islam, when we illuminate our hearts with the light of the Qur'an,
02:14when we prostrate ourselves in the courtyard of the One and Only, when we glorify, sanctify and praise Him, then believe me, place this matter firmly in your heart and mind.
02:34And sometimes, ask yourself, ask yourself, that the light of the Kalima-e-Shahadat, which is shining in my heart today, for what purpose is it illuminated?
02:53For what purpose is the delight of reciting the Qur'an given? For what purpose is the delight of prostration given? It is not through anyone else. It is through Dargah-e-Ganj-Bakhsh and Data-e-Hajjara.
03:10This is the first year of the caravan of faith, the caravan of love and enjoyment. Our Prophet, the Beneficence of the World, Data-e-Ganj-Bakhsh, may Allah's Mercy be upon him, after centuries, your Iftaar, your Anwar.
03:40Respected Governor of Punjab, Malik Muhammad Ahmad Khan Sahib, please come forward.
04:10I am requesting for the Kalimah-e-Istikbaliyah.
04:16Respected Governor of Punjab, Dr. Syed Tahir Raza Bukhari Sahib, Secretary and Chief Administrator of Awaqaf.
04:24For whom I would like to say just one sentence, with the attention of the Governor.
04:29Some officers are not only proud of their Macbeth, but through Macbeth, they show the path of love for those related to that institution.
04:44They show the door of respect and faith, that every one of them feels a sense of faith.
04:54We are proud that Respected Governor of Punjab, Dr. Syed Tahir Raza Bukhari Sahib, is leading this caravan of love and enjoyment.
05:01I would like to request you to come forward and give your valuable Kalimah.
05:07In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
05:11All praise is due to Allah.
05:14And peace be upon His chosen servants.
05:17Especially upon the Master of Prophets and the Seal of Prophets.
05:22After this, I would like to request Respected Governor of Punjab, Malik Muhammad Ahmad Khan Sahib,
05:33and this great and loyal Syed-e-Hujir Conference,
05:40and this great gathering of Jumatul Mubarak,
05:44the participants and the audience,
05:51for me, this matter is certainly a matter of honor and glory,
05:58that I am welcoming this great and loyal gathering of esteemed guests.
06:09Hazrat Atta Khanj Baksh, may Allah have mercy on him,
06:13is the leader of the caravan of knowledge and wisdom and Shariah and Tariqah in the Banu Saghir.
06:22He was present in this area 1000 years ago.
06:31And the beginning of the religion of Islam took place because of him.
06:38To whom Iqbal said,
06:40He said,
06:42He said,
06:44He said,
06:46He said,
06:48He said,
06:50He said,
06:52He said,
06:54He said,
06:56He said,
06:58He said,
07:00He said,
07:02He said,
07:04He said,
07:06He said,
07:11scholars from east and west
07:13have always been committed that
07:15Islam has spread rapidly in this world,
07:17Islam has spread rapidly in this world,
07:19and the reason for this rapid spread,
07:21Islam has spread rapidly in this world,
07:24was the power of the sword.
07:28This philosophy,
07:30this theory,
07:32could not be proved anywhere in this world.
07:37In the world, the Prophet, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him,
07:43the basic reason for this religion, which is Surah Qazi and Nafus,
07:49is the existence of these Sufis.
07:54If Hazrat Data Ganj Baksh and after him,
07:59the other great group of Sufis,
08:03in which Hazrat Khawaja Muinuddin Chishti Ajmeri,
08:07Hazrat Baba Fariduddin Masood Ganj-e-Shakar,
08:10and Hazrat Khawaja Nizamuddin Auliya Rahmatullah Ali,
08:14if the names of these great personalities are not mentioned,
08:18then my question will be,
08:21that in this region, the great revolution that took place,
08:25that this India became a great empire from India,
08:30where the Muslims ruled for a thousand years,
08:34and then from that, Allah Almighty gave us this great region in the form of Pakistan,
08:41then there is no other answer to this,
08:44that this is a blessing.
08:46Hazrat Data Ganj Baksh Rahmatullah,
08:48did that great Tablighi Masai,
08:51because of which the local people converted,
08:57and someone had asked you,
09:01that the local people,
09:04to convert them,
09:08to convert them to Islam,
09:11what is the most important and effective method?
09:14So you had said,
09:16that this local community,
09:18is very rigid and strong in their beliefs,
09:22that it does not accept the effect of any other thing,
09:25any other ideology,
09:27any other thought,
09:31if they accept the effect,
09:33then they accept only the effect of love,
09:36if they accept the effect,
09:39then they accept only the effect of character,
09:43whose effect,
09:45Hazrat Data Ganj Baksh,
09:47came from your existence,
09:49and even after 1000 years,
09:52its effects and its effects are still going on.
09:56On this occasion of Eid-ul-Adha,
09:59the Sehrozah International Conference was held,
10:02in which universities from all over the world,
10:05from universities and universities,
10:08scholars came,
10:10and they focused on this matter,
10:14that today,
10:17let there be a peaceful coexistence,
10:21that formula,
10:23that way of living,
10:25that way of living,
10:27which was given to this world,
10:29from the very first step of the Sufis,
10:32that has to be done today.
10:34The Sufis,
10:36Hazrat Data Ganj Baksh,
10:38the way of living,
10:40the way of living,
10:42the way of living,
10:44which was to be done,
10:46was entirely based on love,
10:50human friendship,
10:54and brotherhood,
10:57while living in the centre of these Hindus,
11:00did not do any mischief,
11:02did not launch any blasphemy,
11:06did not go to any gathering,
11:09did not set up any black court,
11:12from where they would issue fatwas of disbelief,
11:16their existence was entirely based on love,
11:19their existence was entirely based on grace for people,
11:23and even today I see,
11:25that on their graves,
11:27people come with sorrows and sorrows,
11:30and return with things of peace,
11:32well-being and love.
11:35I welcome my guests,
11:40I welcome Dr. Zia-ul-Haq Sahib,
11:44who is a renowned scholar,
11:46and Director General,
11:48of the Institute of Islamic Research, Islamabad.
11:50I welcome Dr. Saeed Ahmed Saeed,
11:53who is the Chairman of the Institute of Islamic Studies, Punjab.
11:56I welcome,
11:59all those who will be coming to Uras Sharif in the next four days,
12:02all those who will be coming here,
12:07all those who will be coming here,
12:09will have the proof of peace in their hearts,
12:11those who will have the sign of presence,
12:13love and compassion,
12:15those who will have the proof of kissing this threshold,
12:19that this is the land of God,
12:23this is the land of peace and love,
12:26in this land,
12:28no extremism, no terrorism,
12:30and no extremism can prevail,
12:33only love and compassion will prevail,
12:38and will grow,
12:40which will be supported by this land.
12:43And Iqbal had also said,
12:45that the land of Punjab,
12:47is the land of life,
12:49the morning of the month,
12:51the evening of the month of Tabindagash,
12:53that is the land of God,
12:55that is the land of Punjab,
12:57if there is any shine in it,
13:01if there is any light,
13:03colour and radiance,
13:05then O' Gajpaksha,
13:07it is only because of the blessings of your presence,
13:09and our morning,
13:11is illuminated by your presence,
13:14and by the light of your throne,
13:19and is illuminated.
13:22I present to you,
13:25Hazrat Gajpaksha,
13:27may Allah have mercy on him,
13:29and by thanking our respected guests,
13:33those lakhs of visitors,
13:36who will come to attend this service,
13:38till the morning of Mangal,
13:40I congratulate them all,
13:42and extend my best wishes to them.
13:45On the occasion of Urdh Sharif,
13:47at this great international conference,
13:50I and the relevant working group,
13:53and their research committees,
13:56and as a special guest,
13:58respected Mufti Mohammad Ramzan Sialvi,
14:01I extend my best wishes to him as well.
14:07The last speaker of today's Syed-e-Hujwair conference,
14:12respected Dr. Syed Ahmed Saeedi,
14:16I request him to come forward,
14:19and present his speech.
14:22He is the chairman of Punjab University,
14:25respected Dr. Syed Ahmed Saeedi.
14:56Respected Dr. Tahir Uzza Bukhari,
14:59I extend my best wishes to all the guests,
15:02the listeners, the viewers,
15:04and the rest of the Sufis,
15:07who have come from all over the world.
15:10It is an important topic.
15:12I would like to present a few points,
15:15in this regard.
15:19If we look at the personality of Hazrat Dada Gajpaksha,
15:24the first principle of complete peace and harmony,
15:28is the respect for humanity.
15:31We should respect each other,
15:35we should respect each other.
15:38Hazrat Dada Gajpaksha, may Allah have mercy on him,
15:42said that the only advice and will of my Master,
15:50was that,
15:52I explain to you the matter of destiny,
15:55Allah always creates good and bad,
16:00we should not object to the actions of Allah.
16:04This is the deep reality,
16:06which a Sufi understands,
16:08and that is why he moves forward,
16:11and embraces people,
16:13and this is the thought,
16:15when someone passed away in front of the Messenger of Allah,
16:18you stood up,
16:20a companion said,
16:22Master, this was the funeral of a Jew,
16:24you said,
16:26was he not a dying human being?
16:29This is the respect for humanity,
16:31we should move forward with this,
16:33and the condition we are in,
16:35behind the closed streets of the city,
16:38I saw a person spitting blood,
16:41you used to say that there are cruel beasts,
16:45I saw a human being spitting blood.
16:48We will have to go back to the teachings of the Sufis.
16:51The second thing is,
16:53there has been a slogan of the Sufis,
16:58that they speak beautifully,
17:00Abu Bakr Kattani says that,
17:02Sufism is the name of all morals,
17:05the better the moral,
17:07the greater the Sufi.
17:09But today, in the era we are living in,
17:12the word has become a proverb,
17:16and the word has become an insult.
17:18Yesterday, I was insulted.
17:21If every one of us,
17:23tries to keep his tongue in control,
17:27and follows the teachings of the Sufis,
17:30then we can avoid extreme behaviors.
17:33In the same way,
17:35for the separation of peace and harmony,
17:37there is another thing,
17:39that is the etiquette of disagreement,
17:41that is dialogue,
17:42that is a dialogue.
17:43Hazrat Data Ganj Baksh, may Allah have mercy on him,
17:46has mentioned it in a beautiful dialogue,
17:48in Kashf-ul-Majub.
17:49I will present only one dialogue to you.
17:53And we will proceed by giving an example.
17:57may Allah have mercy on him,
17:59someone asked him,
18:00he asked a question,
18:02that it should be told a little,
18:07that what is the pleasure of Allah?
18:09This is a very important question,
18:12and the answer is also very beautiful.
18:16is a follower.
18:18And he was asked,
18:20that such a thing,
18:22you tell me,
18:24such a lawful thing,
18:26in which there is no Haram,
18:27and such a Haram,
18:28in which there is no lawful thing.
18:31He replied,
18:32Allah's Zikr is such a lawful thing,
18:34in which there is no lawful thing.
18:37And the Zikr of someone other than Allah,
18:40is such a Haram,
18:42in which there is no lawful thing.
18:44In the same way,
18:46if we read Kashf-ul-Majooq,
18:48in the context of dialogue,
18:50it is a dialogue with people,
18:52who have no faith,
18:54it is a dialogue with their followers,
18:56it is a dialogue with Allah,
18:58and it is the only solution of the world,
19:01it is a dialogue of all the problems.
19:03I have heard,
19:04it was better than the army of Kashi,
19:06you would have seen,
19:08if you had talked to me.
19:10All the problems are solved by dialogue.
19:12We will have to solve our problems,
19:14through dialogue.
19:16And the second last thing is,
19:19Dada Sahib mentioned,
19:21Hazrat Imam Zain-ul-Abideen,
19:23was asked,
19:25who is the happy one in this world and the hereafter?
19:28Imam Zain-ul-Abideen replied,
19:30the one whose happiness,
19:32should not be based on falsehood,
19:35and the one whose anger,
19:37should not be taken away from the truth.
19:39He is the happiest one.
19:41This is the reason,
19:43that when we get angry,
19:45God knows,
19:46who will throw him out,
19:47by saying he is a disbeliever.
19:49The whole city becomes Muslim.
19:51We will have to control our emotions.
19:53And the last thing,
19:55which is the style of the Sufis,
19:57Dada Sahib mentioned,
19:59a person came to Hazrat Imam Hassan,
20:01I am talking about Afudar.
20:04He came to him,
20:06and started saying bad things about him.
20:08He started saying bad things about his parents.
20:11He listened patiently.
20:12He said,
20:13you are hungry,
20:14you are thirsty,
20:15you are in need,
20:16tell me.
20:17He asked for silver in a pot.
20:19He presented it as a gift.
20:21He apologized,
20:22that he could not find out about his need.
20:24And then,
20:25he said,
20:27I bear witness that you are the Messenger of Allah.
20:30These are the morals,
20:31which we need to adopt.
20:33It is my duty,
20:35that I wash his hands.
20:37I have heard,
20:38he has thrown mud on my back.
20:40This is the way,
20:42by which we can reach the state of understanding.
20:44Wa ma alaihi wa sahb.
20:47Thank you very much.
20:49I would like to request,
20:51the Honourable,
20:52the Minister,
20:54Syed Nazfar Ali Nasir Shah Sahib,
20:57to come forward.
20:59You are the chairman,
21:00please come forward.
21:02I would like to request,
21:03the Honourable,
21:04the Minister,
21:05Syed Nazfar Ali Nasir Shah Sahib,
21:07to come forward.
21:34is a very special occasion.
21:37I am happy,
21:39that I have met you,
21:41after a year,
21:43at this time,
21:45and in these moments.
21:47Last year,
21:49I was here,
21:51for three days and three nights,
21:58in the history of Punjab,
22:00I was the first minister,
22:02who was here,
22:04as a minister.
22:06Today, especially,
22:12Provincial Assembly of Punjab,
22:15and permanent Governor of Punjab,
22:18Malik Mohammad Ahmed Khan Sahib,
22:21are among us.
22:23And it is a great pleasure,
22:26that you have come here,
22:28and taken our honour.
22:30Tata Sahib,
22:32and Tata's country,
22:34this is the part of Lahore's culture,
22:39And our elders are religious.
22:43our secretary,
22:45Dr. Syed Nair Raza Bukhari Sahib,
22:47and Mr. Siyali,
22:49should talk about this.
22:51I will give a speech,
22:55there is less time.
22:59it is time for prayer.
23:01Malik Mohammad Ahmed Khan Sahib,
23:03and our speaker,
23:05please come forward,
23:07and I will give a speech.
23:09Thank you very much.
23:36It is a great pleasure for me,
23:39that in this minaret,
23:42under this minaret,
23:45I am speaking to you.
23:49I have,
23:52since my childhood,
23:55seen a few scenes,
23:57passing through this road.
24:00I am a human being,
24:04and I believe that,
24:08where Allah,
24:10gives His hope,
24:16where for them,
24:19food is arranged,
24:23where the hunger of the poor is satiated,
24:28where there is hope and hope,
24:31Allah the Almighty,
24:33cannot give anyone,
24:35a greater reward than that.
24:40I believe that,
24:42the Prophet,
24:43peace be upon him,
24:45sent this message,
24:47for the whole world,
24:50a message of equality,
24:53a message of sincerity,
24:56a message of the honour of humanity,
25:01a message of equality,
25:04a message of peace.
25:06In this message,
25:09the status and worth,
25:13in this minaret,
25:15has been given by the Sufis,
25:18the world does not find a better example than this.
25:21I will not,
25:24keep you in the past,
25:26and give you the hope of the future,
25:28and I will not leave you,
25:30without having a special discussion.
25:32Before me,
25:34my brother Qain Raza,
25:36and with great zeal,
25:39he is serving this place,
25:43and he is addressing his community.
25:46With great zeal,
25:48with great zeal,
25:50he brought light to this character.
25:53The Professor,
25:55Syed Azwar Ali Nasir,
25:58was so proud,
26:00that he was the first minister,
26:04who stayed in this assembly,
26:06and served here,
26:08serving these people.
26:11This is a matter of fate.
26:14But I will only say one thing,
26:18in a brief prayer,
26:20so that my words do not interfere,
26:23and that is,
26:26to be careful,
26:28in today's time,
26:30when the means of communication,
26:32are so powerful,
26:34when not only words,
26:36but also pictures are used,
26:39when in the world,
26:41technology has advanced so much,
26:43that it can make human dust,
26:45and thousands of years before today,
26:48the events that took place,
26:50can be explained in detail.
26:52But in this whole era,
26:55not even 1% of people,
26:59are ready to leave their birth religion.
27:03This is a definite reality in front of you.
27:07The world is as it is,
27:10but imagine,
27:13that when these personalities,
27:16where we are standing and speaking,
27:20through their pictures,
27:23through their speeches,
27:25through their preaching,
27:27millions of people,
27:30including me and you,
27:33were entering the circle of Islam.
27:37Please remember that.
27:40How can the times be the same?
27:43In the times, there is only one thing,
27:46which is according to the Qur'an,
27:49that change is inevitable.
27:52Change is inevitable.
27:56just think,
27:58that you,
28:00leaving your religion,
28:02and walking on the path of truth,
28:05how will it affect your mind,
28:08your entire system,
28:11your life,
28:13your surroundings.
28:15It will have such an effect,
28:17that today, my country,
28:21is a fort of Islam.
28:24So, my request is,
28:27that here,
28:30the position you have chosen today,
28:34this is my future.
28:37If there is no tolerance,
28:40if there is no respect for humanity,
28:43where there will be killing and killing,
28:46where there will be the rule of terrorism,
28:49where there will be mischief,
28:52where there will be destruction,
28:54there will be humanity's humiliation.
28:57And where there will be humanity's humiliation,
29:00it cannot be the point of view of any religion.
29:05The first of all is humanity,
29:07and then there is something else.
29:09So, this Sufiya-e-Bara,
29:11this message of the Prophet,
29:14after him,
29:15to keep this religion alive,
29:17those who have played their role,
29:19this is the charter of peace in the world today.
29:23This is the way of peace between you and me.
29:27This is tolerance,
29:29this is tolerance,
29:31this is listening to each other,
29:33as the Professor was saying,
29:35that there is no question of dialogue.
29:38It is absolutely correct.
29:40Today's society,
29:42is a society formed on words.
29:45Here, on the sound of the sword,
29:48on the sound of the attack,
29:51you have seen the example of Afghanistan,
29:53you have seen the example of Iraq,
29:56you have seen the example of Libya,
29:58have you seen any powerful nation
30:00that has been harmed by the enemy?
30:02Only words,
30:04words of tolerance,
30:06words of respect,
30:08words of loyalty,
30:10words of respecting each other,
30:13you give a means of dialogue,
30:16of equality.
30:18I think,
30:20that this charter,
30:22is with us.
30:24The charter given by the Prophet,
30:26is with us.
30:28Brothers and sisters,
30:30raise the flag of the United Nations,
30:34and the mention of the present nation,
30:36the Professor just said,
30:38try to make a solid ground for it,
30:42if you can,
30:44I will give you the opportunity.
30:47This was your generation,
30:49which you had to make a foundation,
30:51and even today,
30:53I am certain,
30:55that this nation of God,
30:57which is like a drop,
30:59like a drop,
31:01God willing,
31:03the victory will be of this nation,
31:05and this victory will be a victorious one,
31:07God willing.
31:09With these words,
31:11all of you,
31:13with the certainty,
31:15that the British,
31:17the Prophet,
31:19Syed Nasir,
31:21is in this committee,
31:23he is a great man,
31:25Syed Tahir Raza Naqvi,
31:27I don't have the habit of praising him,
31:31but to not praise his work,
31:33he is my Shema.
31:35These people,
31:37day and night,
31:39serving this court,
31:41serving this institution,
31:43may God bless their work,
31:45and may God bless you all,
31:47and may God keep on protecting
31:49and serving the people,
31:51who will come here.
31:53And may God make us all,
31:55in the hereafter.
31:57Sir, thank you very much.
31:59I would like to thank
32:01the Secretary of the Upam Sahib,
32:03and I would like to thank
32:05the respected Upam Sahib,
32:07and the respected Upam Sahib,
32:09for the memorization of this conference,
32:11and for the storm of books,
32:13and for the storm of books.
32:15May God grant us
32:17all such miracles.
32:25Thank you very much.
32:27Now I would like to ask
32:29the respected Governor,
32:31and the Secretary,
32:33to arrive,
32:35and we will meet our guest,
32:37respected Suhid Asfar Ali Nasir Shah,
32:39respected Suhid Asfar Ali Nasir Shah,
32:41I would like to request the Honourable Prince of Qamr-ul-Haq, the President of Jamia, Mohammad-e-Sharif Junior, to come forward and present his article.
32:54I would like to request the Honourable Dr. Mohammad Zia-ul-Haq to come forward from Islamabad and present his valuable words and article.
33:04I would like to request the Honourable Dr. Mohammad Zia-ul-Haq to come forward.
33:08I would like to request the Honourable Dr. Mohammad Saeed Ahmed Saeedi to present his article.
33:26I would like to request the Honourable Dr. Muhammad Rafiq Naqshbandi to present his article.
33:33I would like to request the Honourable Dr. Saeed Ahmed Saeedi to present his article.
33:44I would like to request the Honourable Dr. Muhammad Rafiq Naqshbandi to present his article.
33:50I would like to request the Honourable Dr. Noor Muhammad Jalal to present his article.
34:00I would like to request the Honourable Khalid Mahmood Sindhu to present his article.
34:15I would like to request the Honourable Shahid Amit Bhirak to present his article.
34:27I would like to request the Executive Officer of the Darbar to present his article.
34:38I would like to request the Honourable Sheikh Mohammad Jameel to present his article.
34:50I would like to request the Honourable Tahir Maqsood to present his article.
35:01I would like to request the Research Officer Mr. Mushtaq Ahmed to present his article.
35:10I would like to request the Honourable Tariq Mahmood Najmi to present his article.
35:21I would like to request the Honourable Hafiz Mohammad Javed Shaukat to present his article.
35:36Finally, I would like to present my article.
35:56I would like to thank all the viewers of this conference.
36:06I would like to thank all the TV channels.
