People don’t listen? Learn to explain [Live demonstration] ||Acharya Prashant, with IIT-Madras(2023)

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Video Information: 29.09.23, IIT-Madras (Online), Greater Noida

~ How milk is causing animal cruelty ?
~ How dairy, leather and flesh industry interlinked ?
~ How much animal products are affecting on ecology ?
~ Why we need to challenge bodily compulsion and boundaries ?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00Greetings sir, when we talk to people on behalf of plant-based society generally encounter
00:08questions like people get confused and get defensive between veganism and vegetarianism.
00:14How do we help them make the connection without being feel forced?
00:20It's simple, you can start from anywhere, you may simply say you are a vegetarian but
00:31you are not a vegan, so you take milk, right?
00:36Yes sir.
00:38So you take milk, right.
00:41What are these shoes you are wearing?
00:44Is that leather?
00:45Is that leather?
00:46Is that leather?
00:47Yes sir.
00:48No, no, no, I am not asking, I am demonstrating, so that's probably leather.
00:54Do you see the relation between the glass of milk in your hand and the leather on your
01:03It's a question, you can ask with a wry kind of smile, you need not offend somebody, it's
01:14a thing of general knowledge, we should be reasonably informed citizens.
01:20Do you see where that leather comes from?
01:27That leather comes from the same cattle that was exploited to give you milk as long as
01:34it could, and when it couldn't, then its flesh was extracted and probably exported
01:46and the leather came to you in the form of your shoes and your waist belt and what else,
01:55the wallet in your pocket and many other things.
02:00Do you see that milk is the leather?
02:05Do you see that the milk is the flesh?
02:10Do you see that the milk is not natural?
02:12Do you see that the animal is forcibly impregnated and that's worse than rape?
02:23That's worse than rape actually.
02:30The female mammal reminds you of your own species.
02:36The female mammal is being artificially impregnated several times over the course of her life
02:44so that you can have that kheer, that milk or whatever.
02:52And then the female calf is of some use, so she might probably be retained.
03:02But the male calf is of zero use, zero.
03:08What's the point in feeding it?
03:11Nobody feeds the male calf.
03:14You know where the male calf goes.
03:17And the leather from the male calf is extraordinarily soft and therefore quite expensive.
03:27It gets sold at a premium.
03:32Do you see all this?
03:33Just asking.
03:36You can continue sipping the milk.
03:39Just asking.
03:45These are questions of general knowledge.
03:50If you sit for the UPSC exams, one of these questions might actually be asked there.
03:58So it's not something personal or controversial.
04:01I'm asking you something that you should anyway be aware of as a responsible citizen.
04:09India has a great meat export economy and India has a great leather industry.
04:18So much so that some of the IITs offer B.Tech programs in leather technology.
04:25That's unheard of in most of the other universities.
04:28Where is that coming from?
04:30That's coming from that glass probably.
04:31No, no, you may continue sipping it.
04:37B.Tech leather technology.
04:42That's very closely linked to B.Tech dairy technology.
04:54And when you say you are a vegetarian, kindly tell me the tree you are getting your milk
05:06Some magical banana?
05:10You squeeze it and you get banana milk?
05:15Where are you coming from?
05:22Which island?
05:26Which planet of the solar system that you think that milk is vegetarian?
05:35Or if the fellow has some concern towards the ecological disaster we are going through,
05:46ask him, do you understand where does climate change come from?
05:51Do you understand that that glass of milk has everything to do with climate change?
06:01Do you understand where does the depletion of forest cover come from?
06:10Do you understand that the cow or the buffalo is a huge animal?
06:17And to get to that size, she requires a tremendous amount of feed.
06:24Where does that feed come from?
06:27That feed comes from clearing away of jungles.
06:30You clear the jungle so that you can cultivate grains.
06:3780% of those grains go to animals of slaughter.
06:45If human beings today are producing 100 units of produce, 75 to 80% of that is for the animals
06:59that would be slaughtered.
07:01And it's not just about the produce, it is about the fields the produce comes from.
07:07The fields come at the cost of jungles.
07:11And when jungles are lost, n number of species are just collateral damage.
07:25You do not even kill them, they just disappear because of loss of habitat.
07:31You think you are just clearing away the trees.
07:35No, you have cleared away so many species.
07:37They are gone forever, never to return.
07:39Why do you want to keep away that glass?
07:45Finish it off.
07:57But nobody tells this to you.
07:59Because the flesh industry, the milk industry, the leather industry
08:04and there are so many other things that you derive from the animal's body.
08:08All those industries are interlinked and they are huge.
08:14You could add several more O's to the sound I just made.
08:19Huge, never to stop, infinitely huge.
08:28It is money power that is preventing that knowledge from coming to you.
08:32It is money power that is preventing from your textbooks from carrying that knowledge.
08:39Otherwise in any civilized society, these facts should have been parts of textbooks, class 8 onwards.
08:49These are basic things that any child deserves to know.
08:58But governments across the world hide these facts.
09:06Are you getting it?
09:13So no offense, just facts.
09:27Namaste Acharya ji.
09:29My question is from the previous Bhagavad Gita session.
09:34Somebody asked a question on veganism.
09:37I mean it was not directly on veganism but one thing led to another and there was a certain part where you talked about veganism.
09:46So you said that as a human we tend to commit violence because of our bodily compulsion.
09:54You said it is called in Hindi Shadirik Vivashta.
09:59So I mean how and where we can draw a line to make sure that the violence that we are committing is our bodily compulsion.
10:09You don't draw a line, just keep challenging the line.
10:13You don't need to draw a line.
10:15The body is anyway always drawing the line as per its own agenda.
10:21Your job is to challenge the line.
10:24You don't need to draw the line.
10:26That task belongs to the body.
10:29The body keeps drawing a line and what do you do?
10:33You keep pushing the line, pushing the line.
10:36The body is saying, you know, you can have that glass of milk and you push.
10:43You say, alright, after two hours.
10:45After two hours the body again says, you know, why not have it and again you push.
10:50The line comes from the body.
10:53Your job is to struggle, strive.
10:56That's what you are here for.
10:58To struggle against yourself.
11:00Never to draw any line.
11:02And you have to go till the point where all the lines get obliterated.
11:07So I think it depends on the individual.
11:12It depends on where the line currently is.
11:17And at no place can you say that you don't need to push anymore.
11:24You just need to keep getting better and better.
11:30You have to keep pushing continuously irrespective of where you are.
11:37Because the body will be there till the last breath.
11:39So the body will keep throwing some line at you.
11:42Your job is to again and again challenge it.
11:47Last year, I think last year, we had a session with YV Care on Ahimsa.
11:55And there was a lady, she was an activist and she asked a question with you that,
12:02you know, they rescue animals and some of those animals are habitual of eating meat.
12:10And in order to make them survive, they have no choice but to, you know, feed them meat.
12:15So you said that it's wrong because you are saving one animal and you are killing another one
12:21just to make that particular animal live.
12:24And so that's wrong.
12:26And you also said that, and that line stuck with me, you said that, you know,
12:30but we have to apply the same rule on us.
12:33Even to survive or ourself, if something happens, suppose we are in a hospital
12:39and in order to survive, we have to maybe consume a chicken soup or something,
12:45then we have to let it go.
12:48First of all, don't get into situations where you have to
12:58pet animals that require flesh for their life.
13:04And if you do that, then happily there are vegan alternatives to all that.
13:11Cats and dogs all have packaged vegan diets available.
13:16I hope you are not domesticating wolves or cheetahs.
13:23Because, you know, that's the flavor of the season.
13:28As far as cats and dogs go, there are vegan diets available.
13:37See, ultimately you want to give them the nourishment that they need, right?
13:41That nourishment comes in the form of a chemical.
13:44What are vitamins and proteins and all these things?
13:46They are just chemicals, right?
13:48All chemicals can be factory produced.
13:51So you give that nourishment, fine.
13:53It's just a chemical, right?
13:55Be it B12, be it anything, it's a molecule.
13:59You produce that molecule in a factory and take it.
14:02You are producing so many things in a factory.
14:05You are producing everything in a factory.
14:09Now for saving lives, why can't you produce B12 in a factory or taurine in a factory?
14:16Taurine is the chemical that you require for the health of cat's neural systems.
14:24That can be produced.
14:28But it's super gross to say, you know, I now have a wolf, therefore I am feeding it rabbits.
14:40Or I have a python.
14:46Why the hell are you keeping that python? Release it.
14:49That belongs to the jungle.
14:52And the python can happily survive in the jungle.
14:56The rabbit cannot.
14:58Once the rabbit has been with you, even for, let's say, 6 or 8 months,
15:03now it cannot survive in the jungle.
15:07There is no need, in fact, even to domesticate rabbits, frankly.
15:11No need.
15:14Unless you are rescuing them from somewhere or something.
15:17In fact, all kinds of domestication should be strictly limited only to the rescued animals.
15:26And even those animals, when they can be on their own, they should be released into the wild.
15:32Because they are not made to live with you.
15:35You think you are taking care of them.
15:38For them, it might be another matter altogether.
15:41They don't want to look at your face.
15:44You are fond of them.
15:47They want to be in their own habitat.
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