• 2 months ago
वक्फ बोर्ड पर जेपीसी की बैठक के बाद से उस पर तमाम सियासी और गैर सियासी हलकों से प्रतिक्रियाएं सामने आ रही हैं। जेपीसी के सदस्य कांग्रेस के राज्यसभा सांसद सैयद नासिर हुसैन ने बताया कि कल JPC की पहली बैठक थी जिसमें मिनिस्ट्री के अधिकारियों ने प्रेजेंटेशन दी उसके बाद स्पष्टीकरण मांगा गया। वक्फ बोर्ड बिल में 44 संशोधन थे जिसमें एक एक संशोधन को लेकर बैठक में बातचीत हुई जिसके बाद कई क्लैरिफिकेशन की मांग की गई। अगली बैठक 30 अगस्त को होनी है।

#waqfboardamendmentbill #parliamentofindia #jointparliamentarycommittee #syyednasirhussain #congress


00:00In the first BATAC, the officials of the ministry have given a presentation and it is generally asked for clarification after the presentation because there were 44 amendments in it and it has been discussed one by one.
00:16So, a lot of clarifications have been asked for it. They will give clarifications in the next meeting. After that, there will be further discussion on it.
00:23See, different organizations are giving their opinions in the public domain. There is a debate on it, seminars are being held in many places, many intellectuals are also talking about it, legal brains are discussing it in many places.
00:38This will continue all over the country, but the work of JPC is different that it should go into details, all the members should listen to it, all the members who are giving logic, who are giving logic, what is the rationale behind it, they are inquiring about it.
00:52After all this is done, the stakeholders will also be called in it, all the stakeholders will be discussed and it may be necessary to go to different places, different state capitals, then JPC will go.
01:04See, now I will not be able to tell you the details of what happened in JPC. I will tell you roughly that there was a presentation, there was a lot of discussion, we have asked for clarifications, we will try to meet the stakeholders.
