IHSG Menguat ke Level 7.543 di Sesi I (23/08/2024)

  • last month
IHSG sesi I menguat 0,74 persen di level 7.543,76 pada perdagangan hari ini (23/8). Pergerakan market domestik berbanding terbalik dengan penutupan Bursa AS yang ditutup melemah semalam seiring investor yang menanti Pidato Jerome Powell di Jackson Hole Jumat ini. "Pergerakan IHSG yang menguat signifikan ini tidak lepas dari sentimen dalam negeri, lantaran mencermati gejolak politik Indonesia yang memanas akibat Pilkada 2024," tulis riset Panin Sekuritas, siang ini.


00:00Information about the IHSG's index on the closing of the first trading session on Friday, August 23, 2024, where the IHSG is expected to experience a strength of 0.74% or a strength of 55,085 points to the position of 7,543.7.
00:30The IHSG was opened at the position of 7,488.6, then it touched the highest level at 7,567.5 and the lowest level at 7,507.7.
00:48Meanwhile, the investors are talking about the top gainers in the closing of the first trading session.
00:56The BBRI is a top gainer with a strength of 1.98%, followed by Adaro with a strength of 3.27%, BBNI with a strength of 3.32% and ASII with a strength of 2%.
01:11Meanwhile, the top losers are CMNT with a weakness of 1.47%, DOOH with a weakness of 3.23%, GOLF with a weakness of 1.68% and BMSL with a weakness of 1.82%.
01:32From the sectoral movement, the energy sector leads the strength with an increase of 1.45%, the industry follows the strength of 1.43%, while the health sector is weakening by 0.19% and technology is also weakening.
01:49We will provide you with more interesting information after the break.
