Wolfenstein: The New Order - Chapters 5 and 6

  • last month
Having temporarily putmy Wolfenstein: The New Order playthrough on hold due to technical difficulties, it now returns!

In this episode we spend time looking for a folder containing secret documents before assaulting a Nazi research laboratory in London and stealing some of their highly advanced stealth helicopters!

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Game: Wolfenstein: The New Order. ⬅️

#wolfensteintheneworder #tno #german #london #letsplay
00:00Hello everybody, Tereno here and welcome back to my playthrough of Wolfenstein The New Order.
00:05Now I haven't done one of these episodes in quite a while, because basically I didn't
00:09have a game capture card to record footage and the Xbox One's DVR only lasts for 5 minutes,
00:15so I had to rely on Twitch live streams.
00:17Unfortunately that requires a quite good upload speed, which I didn't have at the time, which
00:22led to quite bad quality footage, but recently we have got better upload speeds, so I've
00:29started doing the live streams again and hoping to complete this playthrough and possibly
00:35start future ones.
00:37So that's just a bit of an explanation why I haven't been doing these in a while, and
00:41why the format may be a little bit different to some of my previous playthroughs, but that's
00:46enough explaining for me, let's get straight into the episode.
00:50Right, now that we've actually got through all the cutscenes, we need to get the folder.
01:01Right, so we need to talk to him.
02:05In previous playthroughs I'm pretty sure it's not there, but...
02:23Oh, now you tell us.
02:29Right, I remember there should be some secret...
02:33Ah, here it is.
02:36Some sort of secret tunnel-y place.
02:50It's a bit dark here.
02:57I'm pretty sure there is some sort of lightbulb you can change at some point.
03:05Where is he?
03:06Ah, it's through here, that's why I'm getting mixed up.
03:10Nope, no it's not through here.
03:12Ah, there it is.
03:16And up through here.
03:20Oh no, I've gone too far.
03:25Back through here.
03:28And right, up through here.
03:30Ah, there's a lightbulb.
03:34Ah, I knew I was forgetting something.
03:39Right, here we go.
03:42Got the folder, up through here.
03:45I mean, this is kind of just running around this mission.
03:49It's not really a mission, I think I've done it in like three minutes before.
03:53I mean, there you go, exit level.
03:55Took about two minutes, three minutes?
04:09It is.
05:05I've actually been wrong.
05:16Yeah, as I was saying, I've never been wrong so far.
05:19They do kind of rule the world.
05:46Oh, hello.
05:48Shouldn't we be going for Hitler as well as Death's Head?
05:54I mean, we seem to be really obsessed with this one scientist who probably isn't all that important now.
05:59I mean, they've got all this technology.
06:03It's boring.
06:22Yeah, I definitely don't...
06:28Okay, that's a bit of lunch I remember.
06:32Big Ben, well...
06:34This is the tower.
06:40The rest of this, yeah, I don't recognise it.
06:44For quite obvious reasons.
06:48Okay, goodbye.
06:54Oh, oh well.
06:55Yeah, this isn't going to end well for anyone.
07:06Move, move.
07:10I'm not sure starting the mission with you almost being killed by your own team-mate is particularly good.
07:22Alright, now we can get onto the actual...
07:37Man, I forgot about that dog.
07:43Alright, through here.
07:45Oh, there's still something I haven't got through.
07:48Dammit, where's my...
07:51Cutting tool?
07:52Quick, quick, quick.
07:57Yep, through we go.
07:59Oh, no, no, no.
08:03Right, that didn't look so bad.
08:08Alright, come on, around here.
08:12Is it up through here?
08:13Yep, here we go.
08:16Through here...
08:17Oh! Not again.
08:19Damn thing won't give up.
08:24That's what I thought of it.
08:26It's back again.
08:27Finally, it's dead.
08:29William, I'm looking at blueprints of the building. It's a long way to the top.
08:35Ah, we've got a...
08:39Man, I really did a number on this building.
08:45Map updated.
08:46Ah, full ammunition for the pistol.
08:48Always good.
08:52Well, didn't have to deal with him myself.
08:55Maybe the building will kill a bunch of them for me.
09:04Right, pick up some more...
09:10Pick up some more ammunition.
09:21Yes, yes we did.
09:22Oh, not another bloody robot.
09:27Why doesn't these robots know I'm the enemy?
09:32Could they not assume I'm maybe a civilian rescue worker at some point?
09:39Well, I am at this point anyway.
09:42Alright, yep.
09:43Oh, god, I can't...
09:45Where is it? Where is it?
09:48Ah, got it.
09:53Right, let's pick up the armour.
09:56Come on.
09:59Well, apparently there was only one bit of armour we could get.
10:06Oh dear.
10:11We've got to stop some of them before they get through there properly.
10:19Oh dear.
10:20Oh, oh.
10:23Okay, I've probably stuck around a little too long there.
10:29Get grenades, grenades.
10:32Come on.
10:33Armour, yes.
10:34Armour, guns.
10:37Anything else?
10:38Oh, we've overcharged a lot.
10:40Oh, I've still got that grenade launcher.
10:43Shouldn't use that.
10:45It's only get the 8 by start off with, I believe.
10:53Can you stop annoying me, Nazis?
10:55Come on.
11:02Where are ya?
11:05Not here.
11:11You... die.
11:17It's all inconsiderate these days.
11:19It's all inconsiderate these days.
11:22Right, is there anything I need here?
11:26Might be something back here.
11:29Yeah, a knife.
11:33Don't need to go up in there, I don't think.
11:37Let's see if I can pick up that turret and take it with us.
11:45Come on.
11:46Come with us.
11:49Jumping makes everything faster.
11:55Grab that armour.
11:59I didn't actually stop that many of them here.
12:01I thought I'd got a few of them, but...
12:04Is that a sniper rifle?
12:05Yes, it is.
12:09Gonna have to pick that up as we walk through.
12:15Come on, door.
12:20Come on.
12:26Got it through.
12:27Should make things a lot easier here.
12:33Oh no.
12:34Oh, not these bloody things.
12:35I hate them.
12:39You're destroying the Moon Model, you...
12:45Right, where are ya?
12:49Oh, armour, armour.
12:53Could be all the armour.
12:57Should have gone for all of the...
13:00Heavy machine gun.
13:01Laser gun.
13:03That's what it's actually called.
13:06And our last few bullets make it around.
13:09I'm going for that.
13:10I can't...
13:11I don't know, this seems to do a lot better against them than regular weapons.
13:20Got him.
13:28This is most definitely an impressive observatory.
13:33Space museum.
13:36I don't think we've ever got something like it in real life.
13:40Huge model of the Moon.
13:43What do I need to do in here?
13:45Yep, there we go.
13:47Oh, not these bloody things again.
13:51I'm hit.
13:56I can't actually shoot them, please.
14:00Oh, d'oh.
14:07Oh, we can shoot with this thing.
14:09I always forget about the shooting...
14:12...mode on it.
14:17Oh no, not more.
14:19This is the bit I don't like.
14:20It's just so cramped in this bit.
14:22You can't really take cover.
14:24Gonna charge this up while we've got a chance.
14:27Come on.
14:37In cover.
14:39And killing time again.
14:41Oh, no.
14:42We're down to like six bullets.
14:45Oh, wasn't meant to switch to that.
14:49Okay, that...
14:50That went bad.
14:54In my defence, I didn't know it was going to just randomly swap to a grenade launcher at the last second.
14:59Maybe I went in with the dual shotguns or something.
15:02Might have made things a bit easier.
15:08Right, X to continue.
15:09Oh, we're only back here, so...
15:12Yeah, shotguns might be a bit better.
15:15I hope.
15:20Take cover.
15:22Pick up health.
15:23Get ammo.
15:28Leave if I just knock them over, you know.
15:30Finds me a bit of breathing space.
15:35Right, do we need to charge?
15:37Yes we do.
15:40Come on.
15:41Does this thing charge any faster?
15:48I'm just going to recharge it again, because it's only going to take like a second this time.
15:52I hope.
16:04Well, they do seem to have suffered a little bit.
16:09Oh, I've got to jump over there, haven't I?
16:12Oh, Christ.
16:15Nearly landed right in the gap.
16:21That won't be good.
16:25There we go.
16:26Do I simply just pick up ammunition while hanging here?
16:32It's helpful, it's just...
16:35I don't know how well we managed that.
16:38Four safety breaks.
16:42What's to happen if they did break?
17:00I kind of feel a bit guilty here.
17:01For all we know, they're just innocent tourists or something.
17:04Oh no, then again, it is a research facility.
17:06They probably aren't particularly good people.
17:14Research lab.
17:16Let's see.
18:09Probably should have bought a pack for that.
18:17Oh, well, I think...
18:20Can I actually pick anything up?
18:25Oh, it's one of the newspaper things.
18:29I can't read through all of them, because it's taking me forever usually, but...
18:35Yeah, I can't actually pick up anything up here.
18:39I think if you've played this before, the first time you play it, I think you do get the chance to pick up a load of stuff, but...
18:46I think the second time, you don't really.
18:51Right, hold on.
18:53Can I charge this? No.
18:56I'm sure it's something to do with this ladder.
19:05Oh yeah, there's the chains.
19:14Now it can cut its way out itself.
19:19Oh, ah, did that actually hurt me?
19:23Probably should have waited for it to stop firing.
19:27Yeah, go for the big one.
19:34Is there anything in this crate? Oh, nope, wrong button.
19:38Ah, this is more like it.
19:41Anything in there? Ah, just a few...
19:44Well, a bit of ammo.
19:47Well, a bit of ammo.
19:52Right, charge it up before we leave.
20:04Screen went a bit funny there.
20:17Can we reach over there? Nope.
20:20I'm going to recharge it anyway, but I always keep it fully charged.
20:24I mean, I'll probably find another charge point anyway, but...
20:28Oh, nope, I somehow walked off there.
20:31Okay, that wasn't meant to happen.
20:34Right. Oh, we're only back here anyway.
20:37There's no point charging it this time, because it's going to be pretty much...
20:42There's no point charging it this time, because it's going to be pretty much another charge point.
20:50Yeah, screen went weird again.
20:54Oh, come on, climb.
20:58Up we go.
21:06Oh, oh, destroy that.
21:08Destroy that.
21:10Is there anyone in this elevator?
21:16Right, we're not blowing ourselves up, or falling off the edge this time.
21:25Just in case that causes a problem.
21:28What's that over there? Is that armour?
21:32Oh, and there's another thing for us to cut.
21:35I haven't noticed this one before.
21:38I don't think.
21:41Where does this go?
21:44Right, we're going to grab that armour and recharge it first.
21:48Oh, we can't...
21:50Grab it? Oh, we... No, we can't grab it.
21:54Probably to do with that other elevator we could have blown up.
21:59Knocked the safety brakes on.
22:05Right, there isn't actually anything up here. I must have been here before.
22:09Don't remember this place, but...
22:12Right, through here.
22:16Up we go.
22:25Signs, pistols.
22:26There's pistols.
22:29Always the way to go.
22:39Right, there's one more officer. He's quite a distance away.
22:47Where is he? Right, get in here.
22:49Got a map.
22:51Right, he's right in the other corner.
22:54Some ammunition.
22:57Get that armour.
22:58Not going to pick up the other health, because we don't need to overcharge.
23:06No, we didn't.
23:08Well, we didn't really have much of an army.
23:12In the previous Wolfenstein, I think we had one mission with one extra person.
23:16He got himself killed pretty quickly.
23:19Well, other than the beginning of this mission, when we had a few...
23:22We had quite a squad.
23:27Time to go and kill all of them.
23:32Oh, has it seen me?
23:36Oh, it hasn't.
23:38Oh, yeah, it has.
23:42I should have saved my blades, but...
23:44There we go.
23:47Now we get health.
23:48There we go.
23:53I was about to say, where's the other officer?
24:00Thankfully, it announced its presence anyway.
24:03Oh, no, it's not dead.
24:05It just died already.
24:07Oh, you still got...
24:12Get the armour.
24:15I was about to ask where all the other people were as well.
24:18Right, we killed three officers and then, like, two robots and there was just nothing else.
24:23The game had glitched out a bit.
24:26I forgot to spawn them or something.
24:31Is it?
24:32Yes, this is what I'm looking for.
24:35Oh, no.
24:40Oh, it didn't hurt us anyway.
24:42Do you not actually...
24:46We don't actually have to dismount this thing yet.
24:51Right, let it charge up.
24:54Destroy some of that cover.
24:58I'm sure I'm holding X.
24:59Oh, you can't actually dismount them.
25:01I thought it was a dismountable one.
25:05That'll teach me not to read it properly.
25:13Oh, yep.
25:14Oh, do you have ammo?
25:15Oh, great.
25:17Oh, that was awful.
25:19Oh, no.
25:31Where's the last one?
25:40Oh, no.
25:41Can't get around here.
25:42Come on.
25:43Up we go.
25:47Got him.
25:56I can hear one more.
26:00Okay, two more.
26:05Where are you?
26:06Here you are.
26:08They never make things easy, do they?
26:14Oh, no.
26:20Right, where's one...
26:21Oh, no.
26:23Was he just at the door open?
26:24Oh, God.
26:33Oh, no.
26:34Oh, no.
26:35Charge it.
26:36Charge it.
26:38Oh, we're at a somewhat safe distance.
26:50That didn't do much.
26:52Or as much as I hoped.
26:53Come on.
26:55I have to swap to my other guns.
26:58Oh, you've got grenades, haven't we?
27:01And I fail.
27:07Oh, that was actually kind of easy.
27:09Until it went shot in.
27:23I'll wear a battery on this thing.
27:26I really suck at climbing ladders today.
27:29I really suck at climbing ladders today.
27:40Through here.
27:43Please, there's enough charge to...
27:47Just about.
27:51Alright, please, there's a charge point.
27:55Anything in here?
27:56Just this?
28:01We could go through the elevator.
28:06But I'll just call it up and then go this way.
28:16Yeah, I probably...
28:18I didn't realise it was actually going through the elevator shaft, that ladder.
28:30There we go.
28:35Where is it?
28:39Can we run a little bit faster?
28:44Come on.
28:45Here we go.
28:48Actually, not even far.
28:49I think.
29:00How did you survive?
29:02I thought you were dead.
29:29How did we learn to fly anyway?
29:41I mean...
29:44I don't remember them having any access for aircraft since the last game, but...
29:51I suppose they could have done something in the 20 years since the first mission of this.
30:11Right, so now I'm just spotted and just hovering here.
30:29Do you know how to do an organisation?
30:42I mean...
30:45Could it just mean anchoring for something, or...?
30:52Keep looking.
30:59You have.
31:03It does.
31:18We can blow it up.
31:20Or that.
32:09Shall we go get those records then?
